Spelling suggestions: "subject:"delphimethod"" "subject:"depth.method""
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大學系所自我評鑑之後設評鑑指標建構研究-以JCSEE方案評鑑標準為基礎 / A study on the Construction of Meta-evaluation Indicators of University Departmental Self-evaluation - Based on the JCSEE Program Evaluation Standards陳怡寧, Chen, Yi Ning Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本研究根據研究結果,提出相關建議,俾供教育主管機關、大學系所以及後續研究之參考。 / The purpose of the study is to construct of meta-evaluation indicators of university departmental self-evaluation - based on the JCSEE program evaluation standards, in order to provide conclusions and suggestions for the university to implement the departmental self-evaluation.
According to the research methods, first, through the analysis of literature review, it preliminarily develops the meta-evaluation indicators of university departmental self-evaluation. Second, the expert’s questionnaires modified the preliminary indicators. Third, by using the Fuzzy Delphi questionnaire about important indicators evaluated by experts are integrated. Final, normalization of fuzzy number’s total score determined the weight of each indicator, establishing the meta-evaluation indicators of university departmental self-evaluation. The main conclusions follow:
1. The meta-evaluation indicators of university departmental self-evaluation consist with five major categories, 30 standards, 60 indicators in total.
2. The method is feasible that constructing the meta-evaluation indicators of university departmental self-evaluation based on the JCSEE program evaluation standards.
3. The meta-evaluation indicators of university departmental self-evaluation consist of five major categories, the ‘propriety standards’ is the most important.
4. The meta-evaluation indicators of university departmental self-evaluation consists with 30 standards, ‘meaningful processes and products’ in utility standards, ‘contextual viability’ in feasibility standards, ‘responsive and inclusive orientation’ in propriety standards, ‘valid information’ in accuracy standards, and ‘evaluation documentation’ in evaluation accountability standards are the most important.
In conclusion, the findings and results in the hope of providing suggestions for educational administrative institutions, university departments, and future studies.
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Sistemas integrados de gestão: proposta para um procedimento de decisão multicritérios para avaliação estratégica. / Integrated managment systems: proposal for a multi-criteria strategic decision procedure.Medeiros Júnior, Alberto de 17 December 2007 (has links)
Os Sistemas Integrados de Gestão, também conhecidos como ERP (Enterprise Re-source Planning), vem tendo ampla utilização nas organizações a partir dos anos 90. Por exigir um investimento de elevado valor financeiro para a sua implantação, os responsáveis pela sua aquisição devem tomar cuidados especiais, uma vez que os seus resultados positivos ou negativos somente surgem após longo período de im-plantação, às vezes após muitos anos. Sendo um problema complexo, repleto de incertezas e riscos, os decisores tomam muito de seu tempo para analisar os diver-sos critérios e funcionalidades das ofertas de sistemas recebidas. A tese objetiva apresentar um procedimento que possibilite às empresas, em particular as de pe-queno e médio porte, um procedimento que as permita analisar quando do interesse da aquisição de um ERP, qual das ofertas disponíveis estará mais adequada às su-as necessidades de negócio, baseado em um método multicritérios de apoio à deci-são. A revisão da literatura analisa os Sistemas de Informação (SI) informatizados e os principais papéis desempenhados por eles: apoio às operações, apoio à vanta-gem competitiva e apoio à decisão. A seleção das ofertas propostas foi efetuada uti-lizando o método de Estudo de Casos múltiplos em empresas que adquiriram esses sistemas,ghy utilizando o ANP (Analytic Network Process) como instrumento de pesquisa. Para se estabelecer uma classificação dos critérios utilizados na análise foi utilizada a Técnica Delphi, a qual foi realizada junto a especialistas em Tecnologia de Informação. O resultado obtido pelo Estudo de Casos mostrou que o procedimen-to proposto é válido e pode ser utilizado por empresas de todos os portes. / The use of Integrated Management Systems, also known as ERP (Enterprise Re-source Planning), are widely accepted by organizations since beginning of the ni-neties. As its implementation means a high financial value investment, the respon-sible team for its acquisition has to take special cares, once their positive or nega-tive results will appear only after long implementation period, often after many years. As it is a complex decision problem, evolving uncertainties and risks, the decision agents spend a lot of time to analyze the several criteria and functional-ities from received offers. This thesis presents a proposal which makes possible the companies, particularly those of small or medium sizes, which allows to analyze during the ERP acquisition phase, the available offers more adapted to their business requirements, based on a multi-criteria support decision method. The literature revision analyzes the computerized Information Systems (IS) and the main roles carried out by them: operations support, competitive advantage support and decision support. In order to define the criteria set used in the multi-criteria analysis, the Delphi Method was used and it was answered by Information Technology experts. These criteria was used to classify the ERP\'s offers using the multiple cases study using ANP (Analytic Network Process) as research tool.. The results obtained by case study in four companies were used to validate several propositions.
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Evaluating the impacts of partnership: an electronic panel study of partnering and the potential for adaptive managementWaschak, Michael R. 21 August 2009 (has links)
There has been an increase in the use of partnerships as a policy prescription for improving education since the mid 1980's. This trend builds on nearly a century of reform movements in education. In order to improve education policy, this study focuses on the question of whether math and science education partnerships as typically constituted provide the necessary conditions for the adaptive management (sustainable and adaptable action) of local education problems by the participants. This qualitative study uses data derived from the views of 32 experts on math and science partnerships collected during an internet-based application of the Delphi methodology designed to develop testable elements of a logic model of partnerships in math and science education. The results of this study suggest that the implementation and content requirements built into grant programs that include partners as a condition in aid most often result in a narrow programmatic focus among the participants. Organizations choose to participate in disjointed serial interventions that support organizational needs or goals based on the availability of funding and partners for particular programmatic activities. They choose partners from among those who are interested in similar or complementary activities. The primary focus of STEM education partnerships is therefore on implementing and sometimes evaluating the funded programmatic activities and not on building a broader learning community. Activities or education problems that are not funded tend to be excluded from the activities and dialog of the policy-induced partnership. By limiting the scope of the collaboration we are limiting the potential for adaptive management and the value of these partnerships.
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財經頻道可信度之研究 / The Study of Financial Channel Credibility何墨儀, Ho, Erin Mo-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要在瞭解財經頻道的可信度。可信度是社會的資產;國內財經頻道成立至今12年,有其特殊的發展需要和歷程;本論文之研究期間,正值主管當局對財經頻道進行換照審議工作,財經頻道可信度的瞭解因此更為需要。本研究以文獻探討及財經頻道之前驅研究建立財經頻道可信度之架構,並以修正式德菲法對專家學者小組進行兩回合問卷調查,及四位學者專家的深度訪談,試圖建構國內財經頻道可信度面向及量表。 / 本研究將財經頻道可信度可分為可信賴性、專業性、正確性、多元性及社會責任等5個面向共38項題項,其中可信賴性有9項題項、專業性有9項題項、正確性有8項題項、多元性有4項題項、社會責任則有8項題項。 / 研究顯示,社會責任面向中的「從業人員不涉及股市內線交易」與「經營者以大眾利益為考量」等兩個題項是財經頻道可信度最重要的量表題項,相較於過去國內對一般新聞媒體可信度研究的結果對社會責任面向的不確定性,本研究認為社會責任面向為財經頻道可信度的面向之一;在可信賴性面向中,「平衡報導、多方並陳」因應財經頻道特質所納入的題項,也成為此面向中最重要的題項。可信賴性與社會責任兩個面向較偏向一般性的媒體可信度面向,專業性、正確性及多元性等三個面向則偏向財經頻道特有的可信度面向。研究發現,財經頻道的可信度與一般電視可信度的量表題項的確略有不同,理論界與實務界應將兩者區分開來,不應一視同仁。以此研究反觀國內八家財經頻道,大部份頻道的現況與本研究結果相去甚遠,值得欲永續經營的財經頻道經營者及從業人員深思。 / 研究建議,財經頻道應以中立的態度多方並陳、平衡報導,提升從業人員對自我的道德要求及專業訓練,加強議題的選擇、處理、追蹤的能力,並在組織內控上善盡把關之責,不但需要多元的內容呈現,也希望提供訊息來源並經過驗證,最後,對社會責任的認知及製作品質精良的節目是財經頻道未來應持續發展的方向。本研究結果期望能對財經頻道業者在經營及操作上提供參考,並提供閱聽眾在選擇收視財經頻道時做為評鑑之參考指標。 / This study aims to build evaluation criteria of financial news channel credibility. In comparison of news channels, there are comprehensive approaches to evaluate their credibility, but those approaches may not fit precisely with the feature of the financial news channel. Based on literature review and pilot study, a framework of credibility specific to financial news channels is built within this study. The scale of credibility evaluation is conducted by two rounds of questionnaires and in-depth interviews with professionals through Delphi method. / Through a total of 38 questions, this study categorizes financial channel credibility into five dimensions of trustworthiness, professionalism, accuracy, diversity, and social responsibility. It consists of 9 questions regarding trustworthiness, 9 questions on professionalism, 8 questions related to accuracy, 4 questions on diversity, and 8 questions on social responsibility. / In the social responsibility part, two issues of “no insider trading conducted by personnel in the business” and “managers make considerations based on public benefits” are the most important on the scale for financial channel credibility. To compare with the uncertainties on news media credibility in past domestic studies of social responsibility, this study reveals that social responsibility is one of most important dimensions of financial channel credibility. In the trustworthiness dimension, “balanced reporting and description of multiple sources” is incorporated in response to the features of financial channels, and is the most important issue in this aspect. In comparison with other media credibility studies, “trustworthiness” and “social responsibility” belong to general media credibility dimensions, while the three dimensions of professionalism, accuracy, and diversity are more unique to financial channel credibility. This study discovers that the credibility of financial channels indeed shows differences from issues on the credibility scales of general television; the two should be separated in theory and in practice. / The report suggests that financial channels should keep a neutral attitude to describe diverse sources and make balanced reports; elevate the ethical requirements and professional training for personnel in the business; strengthen the ability in selecting, treating, and tracking issues, and have adequate control in organizational change. Not only content diversity is necessary, but also the information source should be given and confirmed. Finally, perception of social responsibility and production of quality programming is a direction financial channels should develop in the future. It is expected the results of this study can provide a framework for financial channel business in operation and management, and also an evaluative indicator for members in public who choose to watch financial channels.
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醫院品質報告卡指標之篩選及以結構方程模式分析住院病人對其創新特性之知覺、態度與使用意願 / Selection of Indicators of Hospital Report Cards and using Structural Equation Modeling to Analyze Inpatient’s Perception toward the Innovation, Attitudes, and willingness to use Hospital Report Cards陳楚杰, Chu-Chieh Chen January 1993 (has links)
目標:本研究旨在由民眾觀點篩選醫院醫療與服務品質報告卡的指標項目,及採用創新擴散理論(innovation diffusion theory),以結構方程模式(structural equation model)探討住院病人對醫院醫療與服務品質報告卡創新特性的知覺、態度及使用意願。
方法:本研究首先以推動社會福利、關心民眾健康權益及病人團體的30位專家為研究對象,進行二回合的德菲法(Delphi method )問卷調查篩選醫院醫療與服務品質報告卡的指標項目。其次以台北縣市不同層級及權屬別的八家醫院內、外科共500位住院病人為研究對象進行面訪問卷調查,探討住院病人創新接受度、對醫院醫療與服務品質報告卡創新特性的認知、態度及使用意願,並以結構方程模式進行研究假說與架構的驗證。
結論:住院病人認為醫院醫療與服務品質報告卡對選擇醫院是有價值的,因此,建議行政院衛生署可考慮主導,整合醫院評鑑、全民健康保險申報及病人滿意度調查的資料,分區分醫院等級,評比其在高適用性且高重視度的九項指標項目之表現,以星號及百分比的形式呈現,再以小手冊及網際網路查詢的方式對外公佈,並加強對民眾的宣導教育,讓民眾可以將品質資訊運用在就醫選擇決策上,使民眾成為明智的醫療服務消費者及醫療與服務品質的共同監督者,以提升醫療體系的運作效能。 / There exists information asymmetry between providers and consumers in healthcare market due to the highly specialized knowledge in this market. Consumers were asked to bear more responsibility on their own health and to participate in the formulation of healthcare strategies and the inventions of new technology as the uprising in the movement of consumer right protection. These would result in the reduction in costs related to the medical services and information collection. Therefore, western countries have aggressively established the medical information system and developed hospital report cards in order to protect consumers’ right, to improve quality of medical services, and to increase the efficiency of healthcare market by providing service information to consumers.
Taiwan initiated the National Health Insurance since 1995 with the facility contract rate reaching over 90%. This provides consumers great access to healthcare institutions. However, few service data have been provided to consumers as a reference for the choice of providers to date. In addition, previous studies showed that consumers were interested in obtaining available service information and these information have a great influence on consumers’ decision of providers.
The purposes of this study were to select indicators of hospital report cards from public’s perspective and to adopt the innovation diffusion theory and structural equation modeling to explore inpatients’ perception characteristics of innovation, attitudes toward, and willingness to use hospital report card.
Materials and Methods:
Firstly, we selected 30 subjects who were experts in social welfare or consumer right to participate in two rounds of Delphi investigation to select appropriate indicators of hospital report card. Secondly, we purposely ask for the permission from eight hospitals representing different accreditation levels and ownerships to allow us to select 500 medical and surgical inpatients to conduct a face-to-face interview regarding their innovativeness, perception characteristics of innovation, attitudes toward, and willingness to use hospital report cards. Finally, we used structural equation modeling (SEM) to test research hypotheses by way of.
We found that (1) from publics’ perspective the most applicable and important indicators include nosocomial infection rate, postoperative infection rate, inpatient’s satisfaction toward physician’s explanation, and outpatient’s satisfaction toward physician’s service attitudes; (2) only 17.2% of surveyed sample heard the term “hospital report card” before; (3) a total of 80.2% of inpatients considered hospital report cards to be very valuable or valuable for the selection of providers; (4) inpatients understood more in service indicators than clinic indicators; (5) the order of inpatients’ preference in presentation of hospital report cards was to use stars, percentages, and bar charts; (6) those who had higher education and higher monthly incomes, and were younger were more likely to understand the information provided by hospital report cards after adjusting for other factors; (7) among inpatients’ characteristics of innovation toward hospital report card, ”compatibility” and “result demonstrability” had significant positive influence on ”inpatients’ attitude toward hospital report card”; (8)”perceived usefulness”, “inpatients’ attitude toward hospital report card”, and “inpatients’ innovativeness” had significant positive influence on ”inpatients’ willingness to use hospital report card”;(9)”compatibility” had significant positive influence on “inpatients’ attitude toward hospital report card”;(10)“inpatients’ attitude toward hospital report card” had significant positive influence on ”inpatients’ willingness to use hospital report card”;(11)finally it is worth emphasize that this study had a new finding that ”perceived usefulness”, “perceived ease to use ”, “compatibility”, “result demonstrability ”,and “inpatients’ innovativeness” had significant positive correlation between each other.
We concluded that inpatients considered hospital report cards to be valuable for the selection of hospitals. Therefore, it is recommended that hospital report cards be initiated by the Department of Health by integrating the information from hospital accreditation, medical claims data from the National Health Insurance, and survey of patient satisfactions. The rankings of hospital shown on report cards can be presented in stars or percentages, and these pieces of information can be released through booklet or Internet. In addition, consumers should be educated to use hospital information in order to monitor hospital performance and improve the efficiency of healthcare delivery system. / 目 錄
誌謝……………………………………………………………… Ⅰ
摘要……………………………………………………………… Ⅲ
Abstract………………………………………………………… Ⅴ
目錄……………………………………………………………… Ⅶ
表目錄……………………………………………………………… Ⅹ
圖目錄……………………………………………………………… Ⅻ
第一章 前言……………………………………………………… 1
第一節 研究背景與動機………………………………… 1
第二節 研究目的與研究問題…………………………… 5
第三節 研究的重要性與預期貢獻……………………… 6
第二章 文獻探討………………………………………………… 8
第一節 醫院品質報告卡的沿革……………………………… 8
第二節 醫院品質報告卡的指標項目………………………… 15
第三節 醫院品質報告卡的影響與推行障礙………………… 27
第四節 醫療品質指標系統及品質報告卡的發展步驟……… 32
第五節 創新擴散理論………………………………………… 37
第六節 結構方程模式………………………………………… 43
第七節 國內外相關實證研究之結果………………………… 48
第八節 綜合討論……………………………………………… 76
第三章 以德菲法篩選醫院醫療與服務品質報告卡之指標項目. 79
壹、研究方法……………………………………………………… 79
第一節 研究設計與流程………………………………………… 79
第二節 研究對象………………………………………………… 79
第三節 研究工具………………………………………………… 81
第四節 資料處理與分析………………………………………… 95
貳、研究結果……………………………………………………… 95
第一節 問卷回收情形…………………………………………… 95
第二節 描述性統計分析………………………………………… 96
第三節 第一回合與第二回合問卷調查結果差異分析…………105
第一節 重要研究結果討論………………………………………106
第二節 研究限制…………………………………………………108
第四章 住院病人對醫院醫療與服務品質報告卡的認知、態度
與使用意願……………………………………………… 110
第一節 研究架構、目的與假說…………………………………110
第二節 研究對象…………………………………………………118
第三節 研究變項之操作型定義…………………………………121
第四節 研究工具…………………………………………………124
第五節 資料處理與分析…………………………………………126
第一節 問卷信度及效度的檢定…………………………………129
第二節 樣本基本特質與研究變項的統計分析…………………130
第三節 研究假說與架構的驗證…………………………………170
第一節 重要研究結果討論………………………………………178
第二節 研究限制…………………………………………………187
第五章 結論與建議………………………………………………188
第一節 結論………………………………………………………188
第二節 建議………………………………………………………191
附錄三、醫院品質報告卡指標項目適用性及重要性評分問卷 212
(第二回合) ………………………………………………224
表2-1品質報告卡的種類及指標項目…………………………… 20
表2-2台灣有關醫療品質指標的實證研究……………………… 50
表2-3台灣用來評估醫院醫療品質的指標彙總表……………… 56
表2-4有關民眾(病人)選擇醫院(醫師)考量因素的實證研究… 58
關研究 ……………………………………………………… 66
表3-5適用性前十名指標項目及其平均值 ………………………103
表3-6重視度前十名指標項目及其平均值 ………………………104
表3-7適用性與重視度交叉分析矩陣表 …………………………104
表3-8高適用性且高重視度指標項目 ……………………………105
表3-9Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test 檢定結果………………… 109
表4-1研究對象分配表—依層級別、權屬別及性別分 …………120
表4-2預試問卷各成份信度結果 …………………………………125
表4-3有效樣本分佈情形—依醫院別 ……………………………131
表4-4樣本個人基本特質與就醫選擇資訊搜尋及需求狀況 ……133
表4-5對醫院醫療與服務品質報告卡的認知 ……………………137
程度…… ……………………………………………………139
表4-7醫院醫療與服務品質報告卡創新特性之描述性分析 ……140
分析………………………………………………………… 144
表4-9創新接受度量表之描述性分析 ……………………………145
素的雙變項分析 …………………………………………163
歸分析…… ………………………………………………169
表4-23整體模式之多元相關平方(SMC) …………………………171
圖4-1研究架構 ……………………………………………………111
圖4-2本研究之結構方程模式關係路徑圖 ………………………177
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桃園縣國民中學適性輔導評估指標之研究 / A Study on the Evaluation Indicators for Adaptive Counseling in Taoyuan County Junior High Schools.林光偉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在建構國民中學適性輔導評估指標,當前在十二年國民基本教育的推動之中,落實學校的適性輔導工作是重點任務。首先藉由文獻探討適性輔導相關論述為基礎,初擬指標架構,運用專家問卷以及模糊德菲術(fuzzy Delphi method),並以桃園縣政府教育局行政人員、桃園縣國民中學校長、教務主任、輔導主任、輔導與諮商中心專業人員及教師為研究對象,透過問卷蒐集政策利害關係人之意見,共發出10 份專家問卷及16 份正式問卷。根據正式問卷填答結果,計算各層面、項目及指標之三角模糊數(triangular fuzzy number),再將其反模糊化(defuzzification),求得各層面、項目及指標之效用總值,自訂門檻值為0.6,篩選出3層面、17項目及37個指標,並以歸一化之方式確立各層面、項目及指標權重。各層面之權重由高至低依序為課程規劃與教學活動(33.9%)、組織與行政運作(33.6%)以及生涯檔案建置與應用(32.5%)。最後根據此指標架構對教育行政機關、學校及未來研究提出建議。 / The study aims to construct a junior high school adaptive counseling evaluation indicators. The implementation of adaptive counseling in the school becomes the foremost important task when promoted by the current 12-Year Basic Education. The study first applies a literature review to discuss the adaptive counseling related discourses as the foundation, drafting the indicator framework, and using expert questionnaire and fuzzy Delphi method to conduct the questionnaire survey on the administrative personnel of Department of Education, Taoyuan County, junior high school principles, directors of teaching affairs, counseling directors, counseling and experts at the consultation center, thereby to collect the opinions of policy stakeholders through questionnaires. A total of 10 expert questionnaires and 16 official questionnaires were issued. The results of official questionnaire then underwent calculation of triangular fuzzy numbers for the different levels, items and indicators, followed by defuzzification to yield the total valid values of the different levels, items and indicators. The self-developed threshold value is 0.6 with 3 levels, 17 items and 37 indicators selected, which is applied with normalization to validate the different levels, items and indicator weights. The weights of different levels are sorted in descending order, namely course plan and teaching activity (33.9%), organization and administrative operation (33.6%) and the career file establishment and application (32.5%). Finally, the study proposes suggestions for educational administrative agencies, schools and future researchers based on this indicator framework.
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Motivações para transição de carreira na área de tecnologia da informação: uma abordagem DelphiAssis, Mariela C. S. Fontenelle Sily de 15 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Mariela C. S. Fontenelle Sily de Assis (mariela.assis@globo.com) on 2017-02-02T18:50:19Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-12-15 / Considering the great demand of organizations for information technology (IT) personnel properly trained to meet the needs of the business, it is relevant for companies to be able to hire, retain and motivate their teams for the proper performance of their roles. Companies, in general, have faced difficulty in this regard, since there is a shortage of IT professionals with adequate profile and qualification. It has also been observed an issue namely ‘turnaway’, situation in which IT professionals make career transition to another functional area. Then, the main target of this work is to identify, through a Delphi study, the main motivations that lead IT professionals to migrate to other areas. Besides, this research also sought to obtain a rank by relevance of the antecedents of the career transition to other functional areas, and to compare the results with that presented in previous studies on this subject. Thus, the Delphi group was formed by 35 IT experts, with relevant experience in the field. The results accrued from this research unveil that the need for professional growth, the need to acquire further experiences and skills to remain attractive to employers, the area of activity in IT, prior and conscious development for career transition and exhaustion with work in the IT area are factors that have relevant impact on turnaway intent. On the other hand, low identification with the IT profession, age and gender are factors that have a low impact on turnaway intention. / Dada a grande demanda das empresas por profissionais de tecnologia da informação (TI) devidamente capacitados para que a área atenda às necessidades do negócio, torna-se relevante que as empresas consigam compor, reter e motivar suas equipes para o adequado desempenho de suas funções. As empresas, de modo geral, têm enfrentado dificuldades nesse sentido, uma vez que há uma falta de profissionais com perfil e qualificação adequada. Aliado a isso, tem sido observado o fenômeno denominado turnaway, situação em que o profissional faz transição de carreira para outra área funcional. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é, por meio de uma abordagem Delphi, identificar as principais motivações que levam profissionais de TI a mudar de área. Buscou-se também obter uma classificação, por relevância, dos antecedentes à transição de carreira para fora da TI, e cotejar o resultado encontrado com o apresentado em estudos anteriores sobre o tema em questão. Assim, participaram do painel Delphi 35 profissionais de TI, com expressiva experiência na área. Como resultado, o estudo mostrou que a busca de crescimento profissional, o desejo por colecionar novas experiências e habilidades para se manterem atrativos para os empregadores, a área de atuação na TI, a capacitação prévia e consciente para essa transição e a exaustão com o trabalho são fatores que têm considerável impacto na intenção de turnaway. Por outro lado, a baixa identificação com a carreira de TI, a crise de meia-idade e o gênero são fatores que têm baixo impacto sobre a transição de carreira da TI para outras áreas.
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The creative use of music to support learning disabled learners in an inclusive classroom : a continuous professional learning programme in distance educationGous-Kemp, Catharina Susanna 01 1900 (has links)
In the past decade, education has undergone fundamental changes, such as the simultaneous implementation of Outcomes-based Education and Inclusive Education. A study of different sources has led me to realise that many teachers lack the skills needed to cope with a diversity of learners in their classrooms, which results directly and indirectly in a drop in teacher morale, which in turn causes emotional problems like stress and a lack of motivation. This has a spill-over effect on the learners in their classes, who have no role model for their emotional development and often have weak results. I argued that proof exists that music can alleviate stress, while creative skills can help teachers to better cope with their emotions and develop more effective problem-solving skills, which will help them to attain emotional stability and better academic results in the inclusive classroom. The purpose of the study was to determine how to design an effective continuous learning programme for distance education. The purpose of the programme is to train teachers to use music creatively to support learners experiencing learning difficulties. The information obtained by means of a literature study was used to develop the first draft of the programme, Music for All.
After the first draft of the programme had been developed, the skills of experts in the fields of creativity, music and materials development in open and distance learning were utilised to evaluate the programme. This was done by applying the principles of the Delphi Method to ensure a sound theoretical and practical base for the course. A summary of the aspects that should be considered when developing such a programme (as identified during the literature study and through the evaluation by experts) was put forward and it was concluded that the knowledge and experience of the experts greatly enhanced the practical value of the programme. / Educational Studies / D.Ed. (Inclusive Education)
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Sistemas integrados de gestão: proposta para um procedimento de decisão multicritérios para avaliação estratégica. / Integrated managment systems: proposal for a multi-criteria strategic decision procedure.Alberto de Medeiros Júnior 17 December 2007 (has links)
Os Sistemas Integrados de Gestão, também conhecidos como ERP (Enterprise Re-source Planning), vem tendo ampla utilização nas organizações a partir dos anos 90. Por exigir um investimento de elevado valor financeiro para a sua implantação, os responsáveis pela sua aquisição devem tomar cuidados especiais, uma vez que os seus resultados positivos ou negativos somente surgem após longo período de im-plantação, às vezes após muitos anos. Sendo um problema complexo, repleto de incertezas e riscos, os decisores tomam muito de seu tempo para analisar os diver-sos critérios e funcionalidades das ofertas de sistemas recebidas. A tese objetiva apresentar um procedimento que possibilite às empresas, em particular as de pe-queno e médio porte, um procedimento que as permita analisar quando do interesse da aquisição de um ERP, qual das ofertas disponíveis estará mais adequada às su-as necessidades de negócio, baseado em um método multicritérios de apoio à deci-são. A revisão da literatura analisa os Sistemas de Informação (SI) informatizados e os principais papéis desempenhados por eles: apoio às operações, apoio à vanta-gem competitiva e apoio à decisão. A seleção das ofertas propostas foi efetuada uti-lizando o método de Estudo de Casos múltiplos em empresas que adquiriram esses sistemas,ghy utilizando o ANP (Analytic Network Process) como instrumento de pesquisa. Para se estabelecer uma classificação dos critérios utilizados na análise foi utilizada a Técnica Delphi, a qual foi realizada junto a especialistas em Tecnologia de Informação. O resultado obtido pelo Estudo de Casos mostrou que o procedimen-to proposto é válido e pode ser utilizado por empresas de todos os portes. / The use of Integrated Management Systems, also known as ERP (Enterprise Re-source Planning), are widely accepted by organizations since beginning of the ni-neties. As its implementation means a high financial value investment, the respon-sible team for its acquisition has to take special cares, once their positive or nega-tive results will appear only after long implementation period, often after many years. As it is a complex decision problem, evolving uncertainties and risks, the decision agents spend a lot of time to analyze the several criteria and functional-ities from received offers. This thesis presents a proposal which makes possible the companies, particularly those of small or medium sizes, which allows to analyze during the ERP acquisition phase, the available offers more adapted to their business requirements, based on a multi-criteria support decision method. The literature revision analyzes the computerized Information Systems (IS) and the main roles carried out by them: operations support, competitive advantage support and decision support. In order to define the criteria set used in the multi-criteria analysis, the Delphi Method was used and it was answered by Information Technology experts. These criteria was used to classify the ERP\'s offers using the multiple cases study using ANP (Analytic Network Process) as research tool.. The results obtained by case study in four companies were used to validate several propositions.
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Uma análise comparativa entre valores organizacionais esposados e compartilhados.Costa, Ligia Neubern Demarchi 13 August 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-08-13 / This work aimed to analyze declared organizational values and how shared they were in a chosen company named SIGMA. Delphi method was applied to identify employees preferences towards declared organizational values, so that a hierarchy was created. This group of values, organized as a hierarchy was compared with the organizational shared values obtained towards the use of another research tool. The results of this same instrument indicated four factors that could represent all eleven SIGMA s values. Those factors were also analyzed and compared with the Inventory of Profiles of Organizational Values (IPVO) results. Was concluded that researches could use the comparison between both hierarchies to define which group of values is really meaningful for the organization. As a suggestion, further studies should use a larger group for inventory responses so results could really represent the full group of employees. For company uses, this research could help values analyses in a daily basis with Delphi method application. / Este estudo dispôs-se a realizar uma análise comparativa entre os valores organizacionais declarados e o compartilhamento desses valores em uma empresa escolhida (SIGMA). Foi utilizado o Método Delphi para identificar a preferência dos funcionários dessa empresa em relação aos valores organizacionais declarados e com isso criou-se uma hierarquia de valores declarados preferenciais. Essa hierarquia foi comparada à hierarquia de valores declarados compartilhados, obtida por meio da aplicação de instrumento especifico, e percebeu-se a semelhança entras ambas as hierarquias. Com a aplicação do mesmo instrumento, identificou-se que os onze valores declarados de SIGMA poderiam ser agrupados em quatro fatores denominados pela autora de Competência, Coletividade, Atuação Cidadã e Confiança. O compartilhamento desses fatores também foi avaliado e comparado com os resultados obtidos com a aplicação do IPVO, esta análise sugeriu que o Inventário de Perfil de Valores Organizacionais não teria identificado alguns dos valores compartilhados de SIGMA, caso fosse aplicado individualmente. Concluiu-se que comparação das hierarquias obtidas por meio da identificação dos valores declarados preferenciais e dos valores declarados compartilhados possibilita aos pesquisadores, e também às empresas, definir qual o conjunto de valores organizacionais realmente é significativo. Sugere-se, no entanto, que uma quantidade maior de empregados ou amostra probabilística sejam utilizados para que os resultados sejam representativos e indiquem a preferência da população de funcionários como um todo. Do ponto de vista pragmático, esta pesquisa pode auxiliar os gestores de empresas a identificar quais os valores são realmente relevantes para seus funcionários e como os mesmos compreendem a empresa da qual fazem parte. Alterações em relação à declaração de valores da empresa também podem ser resultados desta aplicação, com o intuito de deixá-la cada vez mais próxima à realidade de quem a vivencia e também dos objetivos dos que a dirigem.
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