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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Comparison of Incarcerated and Detained Juvenile Delinquents With and Without Special Education Diagnoses

Morris, Kimberly Anna January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of the present study was to compare the criminal histories of juveniles who are incarcerated versus detained within the juvenile justice system. Specifically, this study compared youths with and without a special education diagnosis that were either detained or incarcerated on various delinquency variables. The variables that were examined were: ethnicity, age at first offense, number of referrals in criminal record, and level of most serious offense. It was hypothesized that there would be no significant associations between the incarcerated and detained youths on each of these variables when examining the observed frequencies. Additionally, it was hypothesized that there would be no significant associations between the special education and non-special education youths. In terms of ethnicity, there was a significant association between the special education and non-special education youths for the entire sample as well as the detained sample. There was a significant association found between the non-special education incarcerated and non-special education detained youths on the observed frequencies of age of first offense and between special education and non-special education youths in the incarcerated sample. When evaluating the total number of referrals, a significant association was found between the incarcerated and detained youths, incarcerated and detained non-special education youths, incarcerated and detained special education youths, and incarcerated and detained emotionally disturbed youths. There was also a significant association found between special education and non-special education youths in the detained sample as well as the incarcerated sample on the number of referrals. The analyses of the level of most serious offense revealed significant associations between the incarcerated and detained non-special education youths, incarcerated and detained special education youths, and incarcerated and detained emotionally disturbed youths. There were no significant associations found between the learning disabled incarcerated and learning disabled detained youths on any variables. The results highlight the many areas in which incarcerated youths and detained youths, as well as special education and non-special education youths, differ within the juvenile justice system. The implications of these findings, future areas for research, and the study's limitations are discussed.

Differences in Offending Patterns between Adolescent Sex Offenders High or Low in Callous and Unemotional Traits

Lawing, Katie 06 August 2009 (has links)
Adolescents commit nearly one-fifth of the sex crimes each year. Among those offenders exists a group of adolescent sex offenders with callous and unemotional (CU) traits who seem to show a more severe pattern of sexual offending. The current study attempts to test the importance of these traits by comparing adolescent sex offenders high or low on CU traits based on victim and offense characteristics, and offending history. A sample of 150 detained adolescents with a current sexual offense conviction were assessed through self-report, clinical interview, and file review. Results indicated that after controlling for a history of antisocial behaviors, the high CU group was more likely to have a greater number of victims, use more violence with victims, and engage in more offense planning than the low CU group. The high CU group was also more likely to offend against both strangers and family.

Protection of the right of asylum-seeking children not to be unlawfully detained: a look into the laws of Botswana

Slave, Oratile 14 March 2022 (has links)
Botswana acceded to the 1951 Convention on the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol and entered a reservation on section 26 relating to the freedom of movement of refugees within its borders justified on reasons of national security. As such, Botswana adopts a restrictive detention policy which requires that asylum seekers, whether alone or accompanied by their children, be held at the Francistown Centre for Illegal Immigrants pending transfer to the Dukwi Refugee Camp if their application for refugee status is successful or deportation if unsuccessful. Botswana is therefore notorious for detaining asylum seekers including children for prolonged periods, in undesirable physical conditions, and in the process violating the asylum-seeking children's rights to among others, not to be unlawfully detained, the right to an adequate standard of living, family unity, the highest attainable standard of health, and basic education. The study therefore seeks to explore the laws safeguarding the right of asylum-seeking children not to be unlawfully detained in Botswana in an effort to assess the extent to which such laws comply with the standards set by the Convention on the Rights of the Child as the core international standard for the protection of children's rights, and other relevant international and regional instruments. In addition, the study will assess the extent to which such laws are given effect in practice. The study will also explore best international and regional practices on the protection of the right of asylum-seeking children not to be unlawfully detained with specific emphasis on the laws of Sweden and South Africa. The study concludes with recommendations based on standards set out in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and other relevant international and regional instruments, and best practices in the laws of Sweden and South Africa which Botswana may draw valuable lessons in order to effectively safeguard the right of asylum-seeking children not to be unlawfully detained.

Psykiatripersonalens arbete med patienter som har barn : Analyser av psykiatripersonalens muntliga framställningar / Psychiatric staff work with clients and their children. : Analysis of psychiatry personal narrative representations

Berglund, Jennie, Patron, Erika January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate psychiatric staff’s descriptions of working with children of the clients and furthermore to analyse recollections on how the staff supports their clients in their parenting role. We’ve taken inspiration from a hermeneutic approach and conducted interviews with four individuals in closed psychiatry. The interviews was carried out using a semistructured conversation methodology. The analysis of staff depositions in our study shows that the work with the children happens both direct and indirect. It also shows that staff feel that they must have the ability to see their clients individual needs of emotional support, but also that their working to strengthen the clients self trust. The staff has to be aware that their work indirectly have an impact on the client’s children. As psychiatric staff it’s important to support the client in their current situation. As a professional, you should also be able to see everyone’s equal value, independent of diagnosis or committed crimes.

Les associations de victimes de la dictature : politiques de droits de l’homme et devoir de mémoire en Argentine (1976-2007) / The associations of victims from the dictatorship : human rights policies and duty of memory in Argentina (1976-2007)

Tahir, Nadia 07 December 2011 (has links)
Familiares de desaparecidos y detenidos por razones políticas, les Mères de la Place de Mai Ligne Fondatrice, l’Association Mères de la Place de Mai, les Grands-mères de la Place de Mai, l’Association des ex-détenus-disparus (AEDD), H.I.J.O.S et Herman@s sont sept associations de victimes de la dernière dictature en Argentine. Nés pendant et après la dictature (1976-1983), ce sont tous des collectifs de proches de détenus-disparus, à l’exception de l’AEDD qui est une association d’anciens-détenus disparus. L’objectif de ce travail est d’analyser l’évolution des discours de ces associations depuis leur naissance jusqu’en 2007 à la fin du mandat du président Néstor Kirchner. Il s’agit tout d’abord de comprendre dans quelle mesure ces discours sont conditionnés par les politiques étatiques de gestion du passé dictatorial par les gouvernements argentins qui se sont succédés depuis la fin de la dictature. Par ailleurs, cette analyse permet de revenir sur les dynamiques qui s’établissent entre les associations de victimes et surtout de comprendre dans quelle mesure elles constituent un ensemble. Enfin, en nous intéressant aux termes « victime », « devoir de mémoire » et « défense des droits de l’homme » dans ces discours officiels et dans ceux des associations, nous verrons comment ils sont très liés en Argentine. / Familiares de desaparecidos y detenidos por razones políticas, the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo Línea Fundadora, the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo Association, the Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo, the Association of former detained-disappeared (AEDD), H.I.J.O.S and Herman@s are seven associations of victims from the last dictatorship in Argentina. These groups of families of detained-disappeared were born during and after the dictatorship (1976-1983), except for the AEDD, a group of past-detained and disappeared people. The purpose of our study is to analyze the evolution of these associations’ discourse since they were born until 2007, President Néstor Kirchner's end of term. It first raises the question of how these discourses were influenced by the state policies established after the dictatorship regarding the dictatorial past. Besides, this analysis has allowed us to go back over the dynamics created among these associations, and especially to understand how they can be seen as a whole. The study of the word and expressions « victim », « duty of memory » and « human rights » will eventually enable to understand the importance of their links within Argentina.

Isolerad från omvärlden? : Effekter av isolering på häktet sett utifrån de yrkesverksammas perspektiv. / Effects of isolation at prison from the perspective of professionals.

Sylwan, Elin, Ehrling, Anna January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka de yrkesverksammas erfarenheter kring effekternaav isolering av de intagna på häkten, samt förstår hur de yrkesverksamma arbetarmed isoleringsbrytande åtgärder på svenska restriktionshäkten.Studien genomfördes utifrån en kvalitativ ansats, där halvstrukturerade intervjuergjordes på sex yrkesverksamma med varierande arbetslivserfarenhet. Resultatetvisade att de yrkesverksamma uppfattar att isoleringen påverkar de intagnapsykiskt likväl som fysiskt. Häktena i Sverige är ofta fullbelagda och i och meddetta uppkommer lokalbrist. Till följd av lokalbrist och även brist på personalpåverkas arbetet med de isoleringsbrytande åtgärderna. Studiens slutsats visar påatt många olika faktorer spelar in för att arbetet med att minska isolering på häktetska fungera. Den höga beläggningen som råder leder till en ond cirkel i och medatt fullbeläggning leder till lokalbrist så påverkar det i sin tur arbetet med deisoleringsbrytande åtgärderna. / The purpose of this study has been to examine professionals experience of whatisolation does to the detained in prison and their experience of how prison workswith isolation-breaking measures. The study was made out of a qualitativeapproach, where six semi-structured interviews were conducted with professionalsthat had varying years of work experience. Results show that professionals can seethat isolation effects the detained both physically and mentally. The prisons arefull and detention time is long. Therefore, the isolation-breaking measures arenegatively affected by shortage of premises and also shortage of staff. Conclusionsshow that many different factors matter when working with reducing isolation.The high occupancy that prevails leads to a vicious circle of affecting the workwith isolation breaking measures.

Frihetsberövades erfarenheter av isolering samt personalens betydelse : En litteraturstudie / Detained people´s  experiences of isolation and the importance of facility members : A literature study

Eriksson, Emma, Hagström, Evelina January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this essay was to compile science concerning social isolation based on the experiences from people who had been detained, in what ways the social isolation affected an individual and to what extent the facility members mattered concerning the work with clients in social isolation. The method used was a literature study in the form of a scoping review based on seven studies and the theory used was Honneth's theory of recognition. The collected data was processed through a qualitative content analysis which resulted in the four themes social strain, consequences of isolation, dehumanization and treatment. The conclusion based on the essay's purpose was that client's experiences of isolation were negative, with self-harm, neglect and loss of identity. It also stated that the facility memberscould play an important role in terms of understanding concerning the effects the isolation had on an individual. The social aspect remained as a fundamental need even when an individual was detained. / Syfte med uppsatsen var att sammanställa forskning kring social isolering utifrån frihetsberövade individers erfarenheter, på vilket sätt den sociala isoleringen påverkade en individ samt vilken betydelse personalen kunde ha i arbetet med klienter som blev socialt isolerade. Metoden som användes var en litteraturstudie i form av en översiktsstudie utifrån sju studier och teorin som tillämpades var Honneths teori om erkännande. Empirin genomgick en kvalitativ innehållsanalys som resulterade i fyra teman vilka var social påfrestning, isoleringens konsekvenser, avhumanisering samt bemötande. Slutsatsen från studiens syfte var att klienterna upplevde isoleringen som något negativt i form av självskadebeteende, försummelse samt identitetsförlust. Dessutom framkom det att personalen kunde spela en betydande roll i form av förståelse gällande isoleringens påverkan för en individ. Den sociala faktorn kvarstod som ett grundläggande behov även när en individ blev frihetsberövad.

Prisoners' rights: the role of national human rights institutions in Africa

Kaguongo, Waruguru January 2003 (has links)
"This dissertation seeks to investigate: (a) whether national human rights institutions are best suited to oversee the improvement of prison conditions; (b) why national institutions are in a better position than others working in this field to monitor the respect of prisoners' rights; and (c) some of the ways in which national institutions can achieve this objective. This will entail an examination of the nature of prisoners' rights and prison conditions and, thereafter, the general character and elements that define national human rights commissions in terms of organization and establishment. These elements will be considered with a view to finding out whether they offer any advantages that can positively influence the conditions of prisons and prisoners and if so, how. It is recognized that national institutions are not the only ones involved in seeking to improve prison conditions. It will be argued however, that even with the existence of the other bodies, there still exists the need for national institutions to be expressly mandated to inspect and monitor the adherence to standards on prisoners' rights. The argument will again be based on the examination of the unique characteristics that these institutions possess as distinguished from other bodies, and the potential these characteristics have to ameliorate the conditions in which prisoners find themselves. ... Chapter one introduces the study and the questions that have prompted the study. Chapter two looks at the nature of pisons, how they began to be and what purposes they serve. This chapter also examines the conditions of prisons in Africa. The scope of chapter three is prisoners' rights, what they are, their justification and the legal regime that regulates their observance. Chapter four focuses on the implementation aspect by looking into what national human rights instiutions are. The final chapter will examine how national institutions have utilized or might utilize their characteristics in favor of the protection of the human rights of prisoners. Conclusions and recommendations will then follow." -- Chapter 1. / Prepared under the supervision of Dr. Jean Allain at the Political Science Department, American University in Cairo, Egypt / Thesis (LLM (Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa)) -- University of Pretoria, 2003. / http://www.chr.up.ac.za/academic_pro/llm1/dissertations.html / Centre for Human Rights / LLM

Att bedriva arbetsterapi när patienten är frihetsberövad : Arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av arbetet inom rättspsykiatri / Conducting occupational therapy when the patient is deprived of liberty : Occupational therapists' experience of working in forensic psychiatry

Söderlund, Jessica January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Rättspsykiatrisk verksamhet är styrd av säkerhetsrestriktioner vilket innebär att det arbetsterapeutiska arbetet begränsas i vilka åtgärder och interventioner som kan tillämpas. Syfte: Studien beskriver arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av sitt arbete inom rättspsykiatrin och hur det påverkas av att patienten är frihetsberövad. Metod: En kvalitativ studie om arbetsterapeuters erfarenhet av arbete inom rättspsykiatri på olika kliniker i Sverige. Fem arbetsterapeuter verksamma inom rättspsykiatri på olika kliniker i Sverige intervjuades. Resultat: Data analyserades utifrån innehållsanalys och resulterade i följande kategorier: Säkerheten begränsar interventionsmöjligheter, Destruktiva dagar (att förstå deras vardag), Arbetsterapeutens förlängda arm, Motivation och hopplöshet. Den säkerhetskontrollerade miljön påverkade arbetsterapeuternas arbete i hur bedömningar och interventioner genomförs. Utmanande att träna patienternas aktivitetsförmågor för ett liv i samhället samtidigt som den sitter frihetsberövad. Patienterna har ofta en komplex problematik från en destruktiv miljö och en stor del av arbetet handlar om att motivera patienten från att känna hopplöshet. Vidare visar resultatet på att stor vikt läggs på att motivera patienten i en miljö som är tillrättalagd och som inte ger utrymme till att vara självständig.  Slutsats: Den säkerhetskontrollerade miljö som rättspsykiatri innebär samt den komplexa problematik patienterna som befinner sig inom rättspsykiatri har kan upplevas utmanande för arbetsterapeuter. I synnerhet när det handlar om att möjliggöra för patienten att lära sig leva ett nytt liv än vad patienten hade innan tiden på rättspsykiatri. Utmaningen består i att patienten inte kan ges möjlighet till digitala hjälpmedel och att träna sina förmågor i det samhälle som patienten ska slussas ut till efter vårdtiden. Arbetsterapeuterna värdesätter samarbetet med skötarna på avdelningen eftersom de arbetar nära patienten i deras vardagliga aktiviteter. Utmaningen att träna patienten till självständighet i en säkerhetskontrollerad miljö som medför att ansvar och uppgifter tas ifrån patienten är något det bör forskas vidare på. / Background: Forensic psychiatric activities are governed by safety restrictions, which means that occupational therapy work is limited in which measures and interventions can be applied. Purpose: The study describes occupational therapists' experiences of their work in forensic psychiatry and how it is affected by the patient being deprived of liberty. Method: An qualitative study of occupational therapists' experience of working in forensic psychiatry at various clinics in Sweden. Five occupational therapists working in forensic psychiatry at various clinics in Sweden were interviewed.  Result: The data was analyzed based on content analysis and resulted in the following categories: Security limits the possibilities of intervention, Destructive days (to understand their everyday life), Extended arm of the occupational therapist, Motivation and hopelessness. Da safety-controlled environment influenced the work of occupational therapists in how assessments and interventions are carried out. Challenging to train patients' activity skills for a life in society while being detained. Patients often have complex problems from a destructive environment and a large part of the work is about motivating the patient from feeling hopeless.  Furthermore, the results show that great emphasis is placed on motivating the patient in an environment that is corrected and that does not give room to be independent. Conclusion: The safety-controlled environment that forensic psychiatry entails and the complex problems faced by patients who are in forensic psychiatry can be perceived as challenging for occupational therapists. Especially when it comes to enabling the patient to learn to live a new life than the patient had before the time in forensic psychiatry. The challenge is that the patient cannot be given the opportunity for digital aids and to train their abilities in the society to which the patient should be channeled after the hospital stay. The occupational therapists value the cooperation with the nurses in the ward because they work closely with the patient in their everyday activities. The challenge of training the patient to independence in a safety-controlled environment that entails taking responsibility and tasks away from the patient is something that should be further researched.

L'interdiction de fumer en établissement de détention canadien : le vécu des hommes incarcérés.

Ayotte, Joëlle 07 1900 (has links)
La présente étude a comme objectif de comprendre comment les détenus se sont adaptés à l’interdiction complète de fumer dans les établissements carcéraux canadiens. À partir d’entrevues qualitatives menées auprès de dix-sept hommes incarcérés dans divers établissements de détention canadiens, nous avons analysé le vécu des reclus soumis à cette nouvelle réglementation. Il ressort de nos analyses que le tabac permet aux détenus d’amoindrir les souffrances liées à l’emprisonnement, d’où l’adaptation individuelle et collective quant au contournement de la politique antitabac. De plus, la réglementation sur le tabac a des répercussions considérables sur le caractère total des institutions carcérales. La perte d’un droit qui avait été acquis depuis plusieurs décennies a créé une augmentation des mesures de contrôle, des privations et des tensions au sein du milieu carcéral. / The present study aims to understand how inmates have adjusted to a total ban on smoking in Canadian prisons. From qualitative interviews conducted with seventeen men detained in various detention facilities in Canada, we analyzed the experiences of inmates subject to the new regulations. It appears from our analyzes that tobacco allows inmates to lessen the suffering associated with imprisonment, which leads the individual and collective adaptation to circumvent the smoking policy. In addition, the tobacco regulation has a significant impact on the total character of penal institutions. The loss of a right that was acquired over several decades has created an increase in control measures, deprivation and tensions within the prison.

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