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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Missbruk bland assyrier/syrianer : - En kvalitativ hermeneutisk studie om fem före detta missbrukare / Abuse among Assyrians/Syriacs : - a qualitative hermeneutical study of five former abusers

Aydin, Thomas January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka ett relativt outforskat område, nämligen missbruk bland assyrier/syrianer. Trots att folkgruppen har levt i Sverige i drygt 40 år och utgör en av landets större invandrargrupper, har det bedrivits väldigt lite forskning gällande missbruk bland populationen. Förhoppningen med studien är att den kan tillföra ytterligare kunskap som kan vara av betydelse för de som på något sätt kommer i kontakt med assyriska/syrianska missbrukare, exempelvis sociala myndigheter, behandlingsinstitutioner med flera, men även att studien kan frambringa en konstruktiv debatt, som författaren anser saknas bland den assyriska/syrianska folkgruppen, och belysa temat missbruk ytterligare.</p><p>Med hjälp av den kvalitativa metoden har fem före detta missbrukande assyrier/syrianer, med en bakgrund i ett narkotika- och/eller spelmissbruk studerats. Huvudfrågan har varit att studera hur respondenterna hamnat i ett missbruk, tiden under missbruk, samt hur man därefter tagit sig ur missbruket. Empirin insamlades via fyra enskilda intervjuer i det fysiska rummet samt en via e-mail. Resultaten har relaterats till de olika teorierna avvikande beteende, stämplingsteorin samt Goldbergs avvikarkarriärmodell.</p><p>Studiens huvudresultat är att respondenterna, i varierande grad, har upplevt en svår uppväxt. För flera har den ena föräldern gått bort i tidig ålder och i andra fall att föräldern helt enkelt varit frånvarande. Vidare har även några fått utstå fysiskt våld i olika former, hot, mobbning eller diskriminering, antingen i skolan, i hemmet eller ute i samhället. Det har visat sig att respondenterna upplevt en eller flera kriser kombinerat med sorg, vilket skapat en otrygghet i deras liv.</p><p>Vägen till att bryta sig ur missbruket har sett olika ut för individerna. Gemensamt för dem alla är att närmaste familjen fungerat som ett stöd. En av respondenterna kom att bli frälst och en annan genomgick diverse terapibehandlingar. Övriga har tagit sig ur på egen hand med stöd från familjen.</p> / <p>The purpose of this study is to investigate a relatively unknown domain, namely the one of abuse amongst Assyrians/Syriacs. Although the community has lived in Sweden for more than 40 years and yields one for the countries larger immigrant groups, there has been little research performed addressing the question of abuse within the community. Hopefully this study will provide useful knowledge to those whom in one way or another deal with abusing Assyrians/Syriacs, such as for instance rehabilitation institutes or social welfare authorities. It might also promote a constructive debate on the issue within this specific community, which the author thinks is lacking, and to further shed light on the question of abuse in general.</p><p>By the method of qualitative study, five former abusing Assyrians/Syriacs, with backgrounds in drug substance abuse and/or gambling addiction have been studied. The primary questions have been those of how the subjects got into abusing, the time during the abuse, and how the abuse was overcome. Empirical data was collected through four individual face-to-face interviews and one via e-mail, and the resulting conclusions were drawn by relating the data to the theories of deviant behavior, labeling theory and Goldbergs deviant career model.</p><p>The main result of the study is that the respondents to various degrees have suffered a difficult childhood. In the case of many of them one parent was deceased prematurely or for others the parent was largely absent. Furthermore, some had to endure physical violence in different forms, threats, bullying, or discrimination, either in school, at home or by society. It became evident that the respondents have experienced one or several crisis in combination with grief, which has created a sense of insecurity on their lives.</p><p>The path away from abuse has been different for the individuals, although they all share having had the support from the closest family. One of the respondents became a born-again Christian and another went through various therapy rehabilitation treatments. The others have managed on their own with the support from family.</p>

Missbruk bland assyrier/syrianer : - En kvalitativ hermeneutisk studie om fem före detta missbrukare / Abuse among Assyrians/Syriacs : - a qualitative hermeneutical study of five former abusers

Aydin, Thomas January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka ett relativt outforskat område, nämligen missbruk bland assyrier/syrianer. Trots att folkgruppen har levt i Sverige i drygt 40 år och utgör en av landets större invandrargrupper, har det bedrivits väldigt lite forskning gällande missbruk bland populationen. Förhoppningen med studien är att den kan tillföra ytterligare kunskap som kan vara av betydelse för de som på något sätt kommer i kontakt med assyriska/syrianska missbrukare, exempelvis sociala myndigheter, behandlingsinstitutioner med flera, men även att studien kan frambringa en konstruktiv debatt, som författaren anser saknas bland den assyriska/syrianska folkgruppen, och belysa temat missbruk ytterligare. Med hjälp av den kvalitativa metoden har fem före detta missbrukande assyrier/syrianer, med en bakgrund i ett narkotika- och/eller spelmissbruk studerats. Huvudfrågan har varit att studera hur respondenterna hamnat i ett missbruk, tiden under missbruk, samt hur man därefter tagit sig ur missbruket. Empirin insamlades via fyra enskilda intervjuer i det fysiska rummet samt en via e-mail. Resultaten har relaterats till de olika teorierna avvikande beteende, stämplingsteorin samt Goldbergs avvikarkarriärmodell. Studiens huvudresultat är att respondenterna, i varierande grad, har upplevt en svår uppväxt. För flera har den ena föräldern gått bort i tidig ålder och i andra fall att föräldern helt enkelt varit frånvarande. Vidare har även några fått utstå fysiskt våld i olika former, hot, mobbning eller diskriminering, antingen i skolan, i hemmet eller ute i samhället. Det har visat sig att respondenterna upplevt en eller flera kriser kombinerat med sorg, vilket skapat en otrygghet i deras liv. Vägen till att bryta sig ur missbruket har sett olika ut för individerna. Gemensamt för dem alla är att närmaste familjen fungerat som ett stöd. En av respondenterna kom att bli frälst och en annan genomgick diverse terapibehandlingar. Övriga har tagit sig ur på egen hand med stöd från familjen. / The purpose of this study is to investigate a relatively unknown domain, namely the one of abuse amongst Assyrians/Syriacs. Although the community has lived in Sweden for more than 40 years and yields one for the countries larger immigrant groups, there has been little research performed addressing the question of abuse within the community. Hopefully this study will provide useful knowledge to those whom in one way or another deal with abusing Assyrians/Syriacs, such as for instance rehabilitation institutes or social welfare authorities. It might also promote a constructive debate on the issue within this specific community, which the author thinks is lacking, and to further shed light on the question of abuse in general. By the method of qualitative study, five former abusing Assyrians/Syriacs, with backgrounds in drug substance abuse and/or gambling addiction have been studied. The primary questions have been those of how the subjects got into abusing, the time during the abuse, and how the abuse was overcome. Empirical data was collected through four individual face-to-face interviews and one via e-mail, and the resulting conclusions were drawn by relating the data to the theories of deviant behavior, labeling theory and Goldbergs deviant career model. The main result of the study is that the respondents to various degrees have suffered a difficult childhood. In the case of many of them one parent was deceased prematurely or for others the parent was largely absent. Furthermore, some had to endure physical violence in different forms, threats, bullying, or discrimination, either in school, at home or by society. It became evident that the respondents have experienced one or several crisis in combination with grief, which has created a sense of insecurity on their lives. The path away from abuse has been different for the individuals, although they all share having had the support from the closest family. One of the respondents became a born-again Christian and another went through various therapy rehabilitation treatments. The others have managed on their own with the support from family.

”Det var min början till knarket kriminaliteten och festerna’’ : En tematisk analys av hur kapital och habitus manifesteras i ungdomars berättelser om problematiska uppväxtförhållanden / “It was my beginning to drugs criminality and parties” : A thematic analysis of how capital and habitus manifests in adolescents’ stories about dysfunctional conditions in child- and early adulthood

Fredriksson, Greta, Karlsson, Anneli January 2022 (has links)
Ungdomar som har ett avvikande beteende har uppmärksammats alltmer på senare tid. Det finns ett stort omfång av forskning att tillgå som har identifierat olika riskfaktorer under uppväxten som påverkar att ungdomar utvecklas ogynnsam. Denna studie grundar sig i Bourdieus teori om socialt-, kulturellt -, ekonomiskt-, och symboliskt kapital och habitus. Studien har som syfte att undersöka ungdomars berättelser om problematiska uppväxtförhållanden och hur kapital formar ungdomars habitusoch påverkar deras livsstilsval. Resultatet bygger på en tematisk analys av 56 berättelser skrivna av ungdomar och har identifierat tre teman. Det första temat Problematiska uppväxtförhållanden behandlar hemförhållanden och vänners betydelse. Det andra temat En annan syn på världen består av attityder och normer som ungdomarna tar till sig i olika sammanhang. Slutligen är det tredje temat Vi gör allt för pengar och behandlar socioekonomisk utsatthet i hemmet samt införskaffandet av materiella tillgångar. Resultatet indikerar att kapital hos ungdomar har påverkan på deras utformande av habitus och att ungdomarnas habitus följer med och reproduceras oavsett vilket socialt sammanhang de befinner sig i. Familj och vänner har i studiens påvisats vara av särskild betydelse för huruvida ungdomarna utvecklar ett avvikande beteende. Genom att förstå ungdomars berättelser utifrån kapital och habitus bidrar denna studie med ett alternativt sätt att förhålla sig till riskfaktorer under uppväxten. Till följd av att tillämpa Bourdieus teori identifierade studien även att det fortfarande finns strukturerade ojämlikheter i samhället som reproduceras genom ungdomars handlingar. / In the last few years, a lot of attention has been paid to adolescents with deviant behaviour. Various risk factors during child- and early adulthood is one of the most widely studied constructs for identifying reasons of what might affect adolescents to develop a deviant behaviour. The foundation of this thesis is based on Bourdieu's theory of capitaland habitus and the purpose is to examine adolescents’ stories about dysfunctional conditions in child- and early adulthood to understand how capital creates habitus. In addition, this thesis aims to explore if adolescents’ habitus influences their lifestyle opportunities. The data obtained was conducted by 56 stories written by adolescents and the result is based on a thematic analysis and has identified three themes. The first theme, Dysfunctional conditions in child- and early adulthood, dealswith family situation and the importance of friends. The second theme, A different perspective of the world, consists of attitudes and norms adolescents embraces in different social contexts. Finally, the third theme, We do everything for money, deals with socioeconomic vulnerability in the home as well as the acquisition of material assets. This thesis indicates that the capital of adolescents influences their development of habitus and enlighten the fact that it seems like habitus follows and reproduces regardless of the social context in which the adolescents find themselves. Apart from this result, it was further noted that family and friends has shown to be of considerable importance for whether adolescents develop deviant behaviour or not. These findings suggest an alternative way of relating to risk factors during adolescence by applying Bourdieu’s theory of capitaland habitus.  Aside from this, the result also demonstrates that there are still structured inequalities in society which reproduces through the actions of adolescents.

Youth experience of deviant behaviour as portrayed in some television programmes: A Case Study of the Youth of Madonsi Village, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Chauke, Thulani Andrew 18 May 2018 (has links)
MA (Youth in Development) / Institute for Gender and Youth Studies / The purpose of this study was to explore how the portrayal of deviant behaviour in selected television programmes influences the youth to adopt similar behaviour in their lives. In the past, television programmes for young people were meant to nourish the soul and enable the voice of the youth to be heard. However, hip-hop, gangsta rap, R&B videos and some soap operas represent deviant behaviour in a fashionable manner. That the identity of young people is constructed by the portrayal of deviant behaviour in some television programme becomes a source of national concern. Television plays a major role in the lives of young people. Since the dawn of democracy in the 1990s, South Africa has witnessed rapid expansion in the use of television in households. Economic pressures oblige parents to go out to work, which makes it impossible for them to monitor their children’s viewing. Children are left alone and vulnerable to television programmes that promote deviant behaviour. Of course, not all television programme promote deviant behaviour: for instance, there are educational programmes, but the problem is that these are televised in the morning while young people of this study’s target population are at school. Cultivation theory, media theory and social learning theory were used in this study as a theoretical frame to explain the influence that some television programmes featuring deviant behaviour has on the behaviour of young people. The study was located at Madonsi Village, in the Colins Chabane municipality, South Africa. The study employed a qualitative research methodology, involving purposive sampling of a targeted population. The data collection tool used in the study was the semi-structured interview with focus groups. The data collected was analysed through the use of discourse and thematic analysis. The study sample consisted of twelve participants, six female and six male. Ethical considerations such as informed consent, confidentiality, anonymity and voluntary participation were taken into account to protect the participants. The study’s finding revealed that the portrayed of deviant behaviour in some television programmes result in the following forms of deviant behaviour among young people: premarital sex, the perception of women as sex objects, the use of profane language, the abuse of drugs and alcohol, involvement in gangster activities and sexual confusion. The study recommends that the municipality should build a community library in the area which will be programmed to restrict access to YouTube, pornography, etc., / NRF

Criminal behviour among youth at Muledane Village identification of prevalence, causes and effects

Semise, Khathutshelo Edith 20 January 2015 (has links)
MA ( Psychology) / Dpartment of Psychology

Kriminella och normbrytande beteenden bland unga: Fältarbetares förebyggande arbete och utmaningar : - En kvalitativ studie

Haddad, Martin January 2023 (has links)
The objective of this research is to enhance comprehension of the strategies employed by field workers to prevent criminal and deviant behaviour among young people in marginalised areas. The data collected from the interviews were examined using thematic analysis and theoretical frameworks such as social capital and social bond theory. The study found that field workers prioritise building strong relationships, trust and creating a sense of purpose for youth. They achieve this by being open and inclusive, showing interest, and socialising with the youth. The activities organised by the field operations were crucial in fostering a sense of purpose in the youth’s daily lives, by catering to their interests and helping them progress.Two key tools that field workers use in their preventive work were identified in this study; field specific competence and a sense for your surroundings.The study also revealed that field workers face challenges such as uncertainty due to lack of clear guidelines, difficulties in managing some youth, and obstacles like limited resources and issues with collaborating with other organisations.

Aggressiwiteit : 'n fundamenteel-andragogiese perspektief op selfbeeldvorming

Fourie, Hendrina Magdalena, 1948- 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Teen die agtergrond van toenemende gewelddadige gedrag binne die konteks van verskillende bevolkingsgroepe en gemeenskappe, is reeds ·heelwat navorsing ten opsigte van die aard en oorsake van aggressiewe gedrag onderneem. Aggressiwiteit as vorm van afwykende gedrag is nog nooit deur die onderskeie gemeenskappe in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika aanvaar nie. Die oorsake van aggressiwiteit word deur verskillende navorsers vanuit wydverspreide ooghoeke benader. Hoewel fisiologiese oorsake van aggressiewe gedrag nie deur die skrywer ontken word nie, word in hierdie studie die volwasse mens as verantwoordelike en verantwoordbare wese se motivering vir aggressiewe gedrag van naderby beskou. 'n Weldeurdagte literatuurstudie oor aggressiwiteit sowel as die basiese hunkeringe van die mens in die kontemporer-moderne wereld, het aan die lig gebring dat mense verskillend optree al sou hulle aan dieselfde samelewingseise blootgestel word. Ervaringsreste, veral ten opsigte van pedagogiese verhoudings, blyk 'n groat rol in die vorming van die selfbeeld sowel as belewing en hantering van krisissituasies te speel. Die mens staan nooit alleen in die wereld nie, maar is voortdurend in 'n verhouding betrokke. Die noodwendigheid van verhoudings raak horn as sosiale wese, en is ten nouste gekoppel aan belewing en beagting van die self. Defhalwe word die ervaring van verhoudings uit veral die kinderdae, of te wel pedagogiese verhoudings, as van deurslaggewende belang by die vorming van die selfbeeld beskou. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie is geverifieer by wyse van 'n idiografiese ondersoek. Gevangenes wat aggressiewe misdade gepleeg het, is op vrywillige basis by die navorsing betrek. Na aanleiding van genoemde bevindings is dit nodig geag om 'n gestandaardiseerde vraelys vir die meting van elkeen se selfbeeldstand in te skakel. Aanbevelings is geformuleer nadat insig uit navorsingsresultate ten aansien van die interafhanklikheid van pedagogiese verhoudings, selfbeeldvorming en aggressiwiteit, verkry is. Hierdie aanbevelings is veral gerig op steungewende, terapeutiese begeleiding van die aggressiewe oortreder sodat hy vaardighede kan aanleer waar~olgens hy lewenskrisisse kan begryp en hanteer. / Extensive research has already been undertaken in respect of the nature of aggression against the background of increasingly violent behaviour within different population groups and communities. Aggression as a form of deviant behaviour has never been accepted by the various communities in the Republic of South Africa. Researchers have investigated the causes of aggression from a wide range of perspectives. Although the author does not deny the existence of physiological causes of aggressive behaviour, this research focuses on the motivation for aggressive behaviour in the adult as responsible and accountable being. A thorough study of the literature concerning aggression as well as, the basic yearnings of man in the contemporary modern world, revealed a diversity in human behaviour even when people were confronted with the identical demands of society. Past experience, especially in connection with pedagogic relations, appears to have an important impact on not only the formation of the self-image but also how people experience and cope with crisis situations. Man is never in the world in isolation but is continuously involved in relationships. This essentiality of relationships affects him as a social being and is intimately a,ssociated with the experiencing and evaluation of the self. Experiences with relationships, especially in childhood, that is pedagogic relationships, are therefore, of cardinal importance in self-image formation. The findings of this research were verified by means of ideographic studies. Prisoners who had perpetrated violent crimes were included in this research on a voluntary basis. In accordance with the findings it was considered necessary to incorporate a standardized questionnaire to measure the state of the self-image of each prisoner. Recommendations were formulated after obtaining insight arising from research findings which focussed on the interdependence of pedagogic relationships, self-image formation and aggression. These recommendations are mainly directed at the supportive therapeutic guidance of the aggressive transgressor in order that he may acquire skills to understand and cope with the crises of life. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Filosofie van die Opvoeding)

Aggressiwiteit : 'n fundamenteel-andragogiese perspektief op selfbeeldvorming

Fourie, Hendrina Magdalena, 1948- 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Teen die agtergrond van toenemende gewelddadige gedrag binne die konteks van verskillende bevolkingsgroepe en gemeenskappe, is reeds ·heelwat navorsing ten opsigte van die aard en oorsake van aggressiewe gedrag onderneem. Aggressiwiteit as vorm van afwykende gedrag is nog nooit deur die onderskeie gemeenskappe in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika aanvaar nie. Die oorsake van aggressiwiteit word deur verskillende navorsers vanuit wydverspreide ooghoeke benader. Hoewel fisiologiese oorsake van aggressiewe gedrag nie deur die skrywer ontken word nie, word in hierdie studie die volwasse mens as verantwoordelike en verantwoordbare wese se motivering vir aggressiewe gedrag van naderby beskou. 'n Weldeurdagte literatuurstudie oor aggressiwiteit sowel as die basiese hunkeringe van die mens in die kontemporer-moderne wereld, het aan die lig gebring dat mense verskillend optree al sou hulle aan dieselfde samelewingseise blootgestel word. Ervaringsreste, veral ten opsigte van pedagogiese verhoudings, blyk 'n groat rol in die vorming van die selfbeeld sowel as belewing en hantering van krisissituasies te speel. Die mens staan nooit alleen in die wereld nie, maar is voortdurend in 'n verhouding betrokke. Die noodwendigheid van verhoudings raak horn as sosiale wese, en is ten nouste gekoppel aan belewing en beagting van die self. Defhalwe word die ervaring van verhoudings uit veral die kinderdae, of te wel pedagogiese verhoudings, as van deurslaggewende belang by die vorming van die selfbeeld beskou. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie is geverifieer by wyse van 'n idiografiese ondersoek. Gevangenes wat aggressiewe misdade gepleeg het, is op vrywillige basis by die navorsing betrek. Na aanleiding van genoemde bevindings is dit nodig geag om 'n gestandaardiseerde vraelys vir die meting van elkeen se selfbeeldstand in te skakel. Aanbevelings is geformuleer nadat insig uit navorsingsresultate ten aansien van die interafhanklikheid van pedagogiese verhoudings, selfbeeldvorming en aggressiwiteit, verkry is. Hierdie aanbevelings is veral gerig op steungewende, terapeutiese begeleiding van die aggressiewe oortreder sodat hy vaardighede kan aanleer waar~olgens hy lewenskrisisse kan begryp en hanteer. / Extensive research has already been undertaken in respect of the nature of aggression against the background of increasingly violent behaviour within different population groups and communities. Aggression as a form of deviant behaviour has never been accepted by the various communities in the Republic of South Africa. Researchers have investigated the causes of aggression from a wide range of perspectives. Although the author does not deny the existence of physiological causes of aggressive behaviour, this research focuses on the motivation for aggressive behaviour in the adult as responsible and accountable being. A thorough study of the literature concerning aggression as well as, the basic yearnings of man in the contemporary modern world, revealed a diversity in human behaviour even when people were confronted with the identical demands of society. Past experience, especially in connection with pedagogic relations, appears to have an important impact on not only the formation of the self-image but also how people experience and cope with crisis situations. Man is never in the world in isolation but is continuously involved in relationships. This essentiality of relationships affects him as a social being and is intimately a,ssociated with the experiencing and evaluation of the self. Experiences with relationships, especially in childhood, that is pedagogic relationships, are therefore, of cardinal importance in self-image formation. The findings of this research were verified by means of ideographic studies. Prisoners who had perpetrated violent crimes were included in this research on a voluntary basis. In accordance with the findings it was considered necessary to incorporate a standardized questionnaire to measure the state of the self-image of each prisoner. Recommendations were formulated after obtaining insight arising from research findings which focussed on the interdependence of pedagogic relationships, self-image formation and aggression. These recommendations are mainly directed at the supportive therapeutic guidance of the aggressive transgressor in order that he may acquire skills to understand and cope with the crises of life. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Filosofie van die Opvoeding)

Les caractéristiques de la déviance des adolescentes judiciarisées à Dakar (Sénégal) en comparaison aux adolescentes judiciarisées de Montréal (Canada)

Gassama, Yakhara 09 1900 (has links)
Malgré les problèmes que pose la délinquance juvénile au Sénégal, les réponses des décideurs semblent inefficaces, surtout pour les filles déviantes. Ainsi, l’objectif de notre étude est de déterminer les caractéristiques familiales, scolaires et des amis des adolescentes judiciarisées à Dakar en les comparant à celles de Montréal. Les enquêtes se sont déroulées à Dakar sur trente adolescentes interrogées avec un instrument adapté du MASPAQ. Les similitudes entre les échantillons concernent l’âge moyen et le statut judiciaire quasi-identiques, le milieu socio-économique défavorisé et la structure familiale en majorité monoparentale matricentrique. Les autres résultats concernent surtout les liens sociaux plus forts chez les dakaroises alors que l’activité marginale est plus importante chez les montréalaises. Les liens sociaux des dakaroises constitueraient une protection contre la déviance. Le contexte culturel également, en favorisant un contrôle social, pousserait à développer plus de contraintes internes, autre protection contre la déviance. Des perspectives sont envisagées notamment utiliser l’instrument avec des garçons. / Despite problems caused by juvenile delinquency in Senegal, authorities'answers seem not to be very efficient, in particular with delinquent girls. This study aims to describe the family, the school and the peers of adjudicated adolescent females in Dakar and compare these features with those of adjudicated adolescent females in Montreal. The study occurs in Dakar with thirty adolescent girls interviewed with a questionnaire adapted from the MASPAQ. The similarities between the two samples are the girls' average age, their judiciary status, their socio-economic status which is disadvantaged and their family's structure which is for most of them a single-mother one. The other results describe the social bonds which are stronger for the Senegalese sample whereas the deviant behaviour is more important for the Montreal's girls. The social bonds may serve as a protection against deviance. The cultural context, as it facilitates social control, may also develop more internal constraints, which constitute another protection against deviant conduct. One possible perspective is to replicate the study using the same questionnaire among samples of male offenders.

Les caractéristiques de la déviance des adolescentes judiciarisées à Dakar (Sénégal) en comparaison aux adolescentes judiciarisées de Montréal (Canada)

Gassama, Yakhara 09 1900 (has links)
Malgré les problèmes que pose la délinquance juvénile au Sénégal, les réponses des décideurs semblent inefficaces, surtout pour les filles déviantes. Ainsi, l’objectif de notre étude est de déterminer les caractéristiques familiales, scolaires et des amis des adolescentes judiciarisées à Dakar en les comparant à celles de Montréal. Les enquêtes se sont déroulées à Dakar sur trente adolescentes interrogées avec un instrument adapté du MASPAQ. Les similitudes entre les échantillons concernent l’âge moyen et le statut judiciaire quasi-identiques, le milieu socio-économique défavorisé et la structure familiale en majorité monoparentale matricentrique. Les autres résultats concernent surtout les liens sociaux plus forts chez les dakaroises alors que l’activité marginale est plus importante chez les montréalaises. Les liens sociaux des dakaroises constitueraient une protection contre la déviance. Le contexte culturel également, en favorisant un contrôle social, pousserait à développer plus de contraintes internes, autre protection contre la déviance. Des perspectives sont envisagées notamment utiliser l’instrument avec des garçons. / Despite problems caused by juvenile delinquency in Senegal, authorities'answers seem not to be very efficient, in particular with delinquent girls. This study aims to describe the family, the school and the peers of adjudicated adolescent females in Dakar and compare these features with those of adjudicated adolescent females in Montreal. The study occurs in Dakar with thirty adolescent girls interviewed with a questionnaire adapted from the MASPAQ. The similarities between the two samples are the girls' average age, their judiciary status, their socio-economic status which is disadvantaged and their family's structure which is for most of them a single-mother one. The other results describe the social bonds which are stronger for the Senegalese sample whereas the deviant behaviour is more important for the Montreal's girls. The social bonds may serve as a protection against deviance. The cultural context, as it facilitates social control, may also develop more internal constraints, which constitute another protection against deviant conduct. One possible perspective is to replicate the study using the same questionnaire among samples of male offenders.

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