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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Territorialidades religiosas em irradiaÃÃo:um olhar geoturÃstico sobre a devoÃÃo alagoana Ãs representÃÃes de Padre CÃcero e Juazeiro do Norte/Cearà / Territorialities religious in radiation: A look on geotouristic devotion to representations alagoana Padre Cicero and North Juazeiro / CearÃ

CÃcera CecÃlia Esmeraldo Alves 13 September 2013 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / A pesquisa intitulada: Territorialidades Religiosas em IrradiaÃÃo: Um olhar geoturÃstico sobre a devoÃÃo alagoana Ãs representaÃÃes de Padre CÃcero e Juazeiro do Norte-CearÃ, objetiva demonstrar como essa irradiaÃÃo vem sendo documentada e apoiando a intercomunicaÃÃo das romarias em seus lugares de origem e destino, bem como, tambÃm, analisar as territorialidades religiosas em irradiaÃÃo, sobre a devoÃÃo alagoana Ãs representaÃÃes de Padre CÃcero e Juazeiro do Norte-CearÃ, no estado de Alagoas e suas implicaÃÃes turÃstico-religiosas e culturais, mapeando uma nova geografia da fÃ, visando constatar se hà um polo de irradiaÃÃo dessa devoÃÃo ou se o mesmo encontra-se em fase de construÃÃo. Optamos por uma pesquisa descritivo-exploratÃria de abordagem qualitativa/interpretativa para melhor demonstrar que os mecanismos da alter-identitÃrios da devoÃÃo ao Padre CÃcero nÃo estÃo circunscritos à Juazeiro e seu entorno imediato. Ao contrÃrio, repercutem como estratÃgias territoriais que atualizam o mito profÃtico do santo redentor. Discutir as territorialidades religiosas em irradiaÃÃo, nos direciona para o conhecimento da anÃlise proposta dos novos espaÃos religiosos, em expansÃo, no perÃodo contemporÃneo, apontando nova configuraÃÃo territorial das regiÃes devocionais e o emaranhado mÃstico, cultural e polÃtico que vem sendo traÃado com base na religiosidade popular que o devoto està territorializando em nome da fà e da devoÃÃo ao Padre CÃcero. / The research entitled: Religious Territorialities in Irradiation: A geotouristic look about Alagoas devotion to representations of Padre Cicero and Juazeiro do Norte, CearÃ, aims to demonstrate how this radiation has been documented and supporting intercommunication of pilgrimages in their places of origin and destination, and also examine the religious territoriality in irradiation, about Alagoas devotion to the representations of Padre Cicero and Juazeiro do Norte, CearÃ, in the state of Alagoas and its touristic-religious and cultural implications, mapping a new geography of faith in order to confirm if there is a center of irradiation of this devotion or if itâs under construction. We opted for a descriptive-exploratory research, and qualitative/ interpretative approach, able to demonstrate that the mechanisms of alter-identity of devotion to Padre Cicero are not confined to Juazeiro and its immediate surroundings. Rather, they reverberate as territorial strategies that update the prophetic myth of the holy redeemer. Discuss the religious territoriality in irradiation directs us to the knowledge of the analysis of the new expanding religious spaces in the contemporary period, pointing new territorial configuration of devotional regions and mystical, cultural and political tangle that has been drawn up based on the popular religiousness the devotee is territorializing in the name of faith and devotion to Padre Cicero.

Louvado seja! Marcas de uma religiosidade latinoamericana / Praise! Trademarks of a religiosity latinoamericana

João Rangel Marcelo 31 October 2016 (has links)
Em uma história forjada por lutas pela libertação e contra a dominação de estrangeiros e colonizadores, a cultura latino-americana é repleta de um sentimento religioso que pode ser expresso nas mais diversas formas de relação do homem com o sagrado. Independente das raízes religiosas - catolicismo, judaísmo, protestantismo, candomblé, santeria ou qualquer outra denominação - é evidente em toda a América Latina uma religiosidade que transcende as barreiras de idioma e espaço geográfico. Nosso continente se une culturalmente por meio de um sentimento religioso expresso nas mais variadas manifestações originárias do catolicismo e imposta por portugueses e espanhóis, mas que encontrou em toda a América Latina um ambiente favorável e acolhedor, no qual se desenvolveu significativamente. Ao longo de todos esses séculos, a consolidação dessas devoções, principalmente a devoção mariana solidificou-se, tornando as barreiras geográficas, históricas ou de comunicação, conseqüente de idiomas diferentes, insuficientes para impedir a integração cultural baseada na fé e na religiosidade popular. Segundo Kossoy (2002), desde seu surgimento e ao longo de sua trajetória, até nossos dias, a fotografia tem sido aceita e utilizada como prova definitiva, testemunho da verdade do fato ou dos fatos. Com base na afirmação do autor, esse trabalho será conduzido pensando a fotografia como forma de registro documental e contribuição para o processo de comunicação e memória, pois, muito mais que nos textos sagrados ou nas análises acadêmicas, é nas imagens das celebrações devocionais, nas caminhadas dos peregrinos ou nos olhares carregados de fé e aflição que se revela a verdadeira devoção do povo latino-americano. O fio condutor dessa pesquisa baseia-se na abordagem de fragmentos das realidades presentes nos templos e demais locais sagrados, estabelecendo uma narrativa visual, tendo na fotografia a forma de comunicação e o registro documental, objetivando a interpretação da realidade, a partir do ponto de vista do autor, respeitando, contudo o momento histórico e as particularidades das manifestações religiosas. / In a history forged by struggles for liberation and against the domination of foreigners and settlers, the Latin American culture is full of a religious sentiment that can be expressed in various forms of mans relationship with the sacred. Regardless of the religious roots - Catholicism, Judaism, Protestantism, Candomble, Santeria or any other denomination - is evident throughout Latin America a religiosity that transcends language barriers and geographical space. Our continent is united culturally by a religious sentiment expressed in various manifestations originating from Catholicism and imposed by Portuguese and Spanish, but found throughout Latin America a supportive and welcoming environment in which developed significantly. Throughout all these centuries, the consolidation of these devotions, especially Marian devotion solidified, making the geographical, historical or communication barriers, resulting in different languages, insufficient to prevent cultural integration based on faith and popular religiosity. According Kossoy (2002), since its inception and throughout its history, to this day, photography has been accepted and used as definitive proof, witness to the truth the fact or facts. Based on the authors statement, this work will be conducted considering photography as a form of documentary record and contribution to the communication and memory process, therefore, much more than in the sacred texts or in academic analysis, it is the images of devotional celebrations in walks of pilgrims or the looks laden with faith and distress that reveals the true devotion of the Latin American people. The thread of this research is based on the approach of the present realities fragments in temples and other holy sites, establishing a visual narrative, and the picture the way of communication and the documentary record, in order to interpret reality from the point of views of the author, subject, however the historical moment and the peculiarities of religious manifestations.

A ação do Santuário Nacional de Nossa Senhora Aparecida e o fomento do turismo religioso / The activities of National Sanctuary of Nossa Senhora Aparecida and the Religious Tourism fomenting.

Moreno, Julio Cesar 16 December 2009 (has links)
A pesquisa realizada teve por objetivo a análise das ações desenvolvidas pelo Santuário Nacional de Nossa Senhora Aparecida, e suas contribuições para o aumento do fluxo de visitantes e o desenvolvimento do Turismo Religioso. Seu desenvolvimento foi viabilizado por pesquisas realizadas em fontes bibliográficas e eletrônicas dos temas vinculados ao objeto. Pesquisas as fontes primárias nos arquivos do Centro de Documentação e Memória do Santuário Nacional. Visitas técnicas ao atrativo para observação direta. Entrevistas com o Reitor, principal responsável, do Santuário e com os gestores das áreas de marketing e serviços. O resultado alcançado foi a composição de um amplo quadro das ações do Santuário Nacional. Constatou-se que tais ações contribuem para manutenção da atratividade, ampliam a estrutura de receptivo, promovem uma adequação do produto a demanda e conseqüentemente contribuem para o desenvolvimento do Turismo religioso. / This thesis had as an objective the analysis of activities and actions developed by National Sanctuary of Nossa Senhora Aparecida, and its contributions to the increase the flow of visitors and the Religious Tourism development. Its development was viable trough research conducted in bibliographical and electronic sources of the themes linked to the object. Researches to the primary sources in the archives of the Documentation and Memory Center of the National Sanctuary. Technical visits to the attraction for direct observation. Interviews with the Dean, main responsible, of the Sanctuary and with managers of the marketing and service departments. The achieved result was the composition of a wide action board of the National Sanctuary. It has been established that such actions contribute for maintaining the attractiveness, widening the receptive structure, promoting the fitting of the product and its demand and consequently contributing for the development of Religious Tourism.

Portraits de dévots, pratiques religieuses et expérience spirituelle dans la peinture des anciens Pays-Bas (1400-1550)

Falque, Ingrid 18 December 2009 (has links)
Présent dès les premiers siècles du Moyen Âge et ce, jusqu'au XVIIe siècle au moins, le portrait de dévot (ou portrait dévotionnel) connaît à la fin du Moyen Âge un succès sans précédent et ce, particulièrement dans la peinture des anciens Pays-Bas. Alors qu'il était jusque-là essentiellement réservé aux princes et aux souverains, il connaît désormais une diffusion large. Nobles, bourgeois et membres du clergé désirent laisser une trace de leur piété et de leur passage sur terre. Par leur présence dans limage, ils expriment leur dévotion, demandent la protection d'un saint et s'efforcent d'assurer leur salut dans l'au-delà. Ainsi s'expliquent la multiplication et la diversification des peintures religieuses comportant un ou plusieurs portraits de personnes agenouillées les mains jointes. D'un point de vue culturel, l'intérêt de cette production picturale réside dans le fait que la représentation des dévots, qui lisaient et appliquaient les préceptes de la littérature dévotionnelle et mystique, peut être perçue comme une « mise en image » des pratiques religieuses et de lexpérience spirituelle telle quelles étaient vécues à l'époque. Composée de deux parties, la thèse envisage de manière systématique et exhaustive les modes de représentation du portrait dévotionnel dans la peinture religieuse des anciens Pays- Bas entre 1400 et 1550 et leurs significations dans le contexte religieux de l'époque. Ce corpus duvres forme un ensemble vaste et hétérogène, auquel il serait vain de vouloir appliquer une clé interprétative unique. Cest pourquoi, dans un premier temps, nous avons ouvert le champ de nos investigations de la manière la plus large possible, afin doffrir une vue densemble complète des modalités dintégration des portraits dans la composition religieuse. Ensuite, le second temps de notre travail a requis une mise au point serrée sur une problématique précise. Il sest alors agi détudier les dimensions spirituelles de ces tableaux. Préalablement à ces démarches analytiques et interprétatives, un catalogue des peintures religieuses comportant des portraits de dévots a été établi. Il comprend 663 entrées. Les peintures religieuses comportant des portraits dévotionnels sont des images particulières, mêlant éléments sacrés et profanes. De ce fait, elles appellent une étude rendant justice à leur double nature.Nous avons ainsi développé une méthode danalyse de ces images qui tient compte de leurs aspects tant iconographiques que formels. Le corpus des oeuvres a ainsi été classé selon une typologie qui prend en compte la localisation des portraits dans la structure matérielle de loeuvre (sur lavers ou le revers des volets, sur le même panneau que la scène religieuse ou dans des diptyques), le type de scène religieuse devant laquelle les portraits apparaissent (scène narrative ou scène hiératique) et la présence ou non de saints patrons qui présentent les dévots. Basée sur cette typologie, la première partie de la thèse consiste en un panorama complet des différentes modalités dintégration des portraits dans la composition religieuse. Elle se compose de cinq chapitres. Létude typologique du corpus a non seulement permis de mettre en évidence la variété des formules dintégration des dévots dans la composition, mais aussi la répartition déséquilibrée des oeuvres au sein des catégories danalyse. Dans la seconde partie de la thèse (composée de trois chapitres), notre approche du portrait dévotionnel a consisté à déterminer comment les tableaux pouvaient être utilisés comme support et comme « mises en image » du processus spirituel des personnes représentées en prière. Pour ce faire, nous avons mis à profit les acquis des étapes préalables de mon travail et nous les avons enrichis en confrontant les images avec la littérature dévotionnelle et mystique contemporaine. Comme la thèse le montre, les implications spirituelles du portrait dévotionnel sont vastes : le tableau se présente comme un intermédiaire entre le dévot et les saints à qui il adresse ses prières. De la sorte, limage matérialise, annonce voire idéalise la rencontre entre le fidèle et le Christ, entre le monde visible de lici-bas et le monde invisible de lau-delà. Non seulement elle rend présents aux yeux du spectateur léternel et linvisible, mais elle permet également au dévot dentrer physiquement dans limage, de manière à montrer picturalement la perfection spirituelle quil atteint.

Research of Relevance between Satisfaction of Compensation and Benefits, Training, and Work Devotion and Work Performance with Target Group of Sales Force in Securities Industry ¡Vevidence from a sample securities company

LIU, PO-CHIH 27 January 2008 (has links)
Thesis Statement Dated on June 27th, 2001 "(Financial Holding Company Act) has completed the legislative procedures. New-style financial holdings companies have initiated a new era of competition and cooperation. Under this circumstance, for the sake of survival, apart from innovating new financial products, security companies take proactive approaches in the direction of full-scope financial planning. These new financial products include stock trading in Taiwan, futures, stock options, other derivative instruments like bonds, consignments, insurance deputy, and duplicated-brokerage offshore trading. To respond to the above changes, in parallel, sales force in security companies is forced to change their roles from single-product market maker to the full-scope financial advisor. To promote and sell various financial products simultaneously, the sales force is required to quickly learn the relevant knowledge of various newly invented products, related rules and regulations, and risk management. This paper adopts the attempt to understand the impact on the sales force under the circumstances of cross selling of various products. It discusses the relationship of satisfaction of employee compensation, benefits and training, to employees¡¦ work devotion. It further examines the differentiation and interconnection of various factors above. In terms of research approach, I took employees in local securities company as samples. By extracting information from 272 valid questionnaires out of a total of 280, various analyses are conducted with SPSS software, including creditability, Pearson, ANOVA and regressive analysis, to ultimately test the assumption of this research. The results of the paper is summarized as below 1. Significant positive relationship between awareness of compensation/benefit satisfaction and work devotion of cross selling sales force 2. Significant positive relationship between sales training and work devotion of cross selling sales force 3. Significant positive relationship between work devotion and work performance of cross selling sales force 4. Significant positive relationship between awareness of compensation and benefit satisfaction and performance in cross selling sales force 5. Significant positive relationship between training and work performance of cross selling sales force 6. Academic background plays an important role of differentiation in training for cross selling sales force Key words: cross selling, work devotion, training, compensation and benefits satisfaction, work performance

Proximity to the divine : personal devotion at the Holy Graves in Strasbourg

Bryant, Aleyna Michelle 13 June 2012 (has links)
In this thesis I examine the Holy Grave monument located in the St. Catherine chapel of Strasbourg cathedral, erected by Bishop Berthold von Bucheck sometime between 1346 and 1348. This sculptural sarcophagus currently exists in fragmented form in the Musée de l'Oeuvre Notre-Dame; only the four relief panels of the sleeping guardians, the gisant of Christ, and some fragments of the baldachin remain of the original monument. Scholars have been able to ascertain the placement and probable appearance of the Holy Grave based on traces of three lancet bays, wall paint, and bolt holes discovered along the west wall of the chapel during twentieth-century excavations. The numerous copies that the St. Catherine Holy Grave inspired throughout Strasbourg and the surrounding area attests to the significance of the monument within the larger Holy Grave tradition. The Strasbourg Holy Grave functioned liturgically as a prop used by the clergy to reenact the drama of the resurrection during Holy Week. I argue, however, that the monument's permanence, relative accessibility, and pathos-inspiring imagery suggest its use on a more frequent basis. Through its isolation of scenes from the biblical narrative and its visualization of complex mystical metaphors, the Holy Grave at Strasbourg cathedral--and thus also the numerous copies it inspired--reveals its use as an object for personal devotion, much like the group of Rhenish Andachtsbilder that also flourished at this time. The changing beliefs concerning Christ's Passion, the nature of the Eucharist, and the understanding of death and the afterlife are reflected in the style, iconography, and didactic message of the Holy Grave monument. The influence that the mendicant orders and Rhenish mystics had on the spiritual instruction of the laity in Strasbourg points to the understanding of this monument as a tool to aid the faithful in achieving union with God. The popularity of Holy Graves in and around Strasbourg ultimately illustrates the medieval desire for proximity to the divine. As the emphasis on Christ's suffering and death grew throughout the devotional practices of the fourteenth century, art forms like the Holy Grave monument at Strasbourg cathedral increasingly focused on engendering pathos in the medieval devout. The Strasbourg Holy Grave's liturgical, devotional, and anagogical functions coalesce to create a monument that's fundamental purpose consisted of aiding the faithful in their journey toward salvation. / text

Liaudiškojo pamaldumo formos ir jų ugdymo perspektyvos Vilniaus romų katalikų bendruomenėje / Forms of folksy devotion and educational perspective in Vilnius catholic gipsy community

Bogdanovič, Rada 23 December 2009 (has links)
Savo darbe man rūpėjo paneigti tam tikrus susiformavusius stereotipus, įrodyti, jog romai yra ir senos, garbingos kultūros skleidėjai. Darbo objektai: 1) romų katalikų liaudiškas pamaldumas; 2) ugdymo modeliavimo perspektyvos. Darbo tikslas: atskleisti Vilniaus katalikų romų bendruomenės liaudiškojo pamaldumo esminius bruožus, juos išanalizuoti, aprašyti. Darbo uždaviniai: 1) išnagrinėti Vilniaus romų bendruomenės istorinius faktus; 2) ištirti romų katalikų liaudiškojo pamaldumo tradicijas; 3) atskleisti istorinių įvykių momentus, gretinant juos su liaudiškojo pamaldumo tradicijomis; 4) išsiaiškinti šių dienų romų pamaldumo apraiškas; 5) ištirti romų katalikų apeiginius papročius; 6) išnagrinėti liaudiškojo pamaldumo katalikų romų bendruomenėje ugdymo perspektyvas. Klausimas ir hipotezė: Pagrindinė šio darbo hipotezė buvo pabandyti atskleisti romų katalikų liaudiškojo pamaldumo ugdymo perspektyvas (pagrindžiant hipotezę romų katalikų pamaldumo praktika). Išnagrinėjus Vilniaus romų bendruomenės istorinius faktus aiškėja, kad romai dėl išlikimo nuolat keldavosi iš vienos vietos į kitą. Įtakos turėjo ir tas faktas, kad daugumai gyventojų įgrįsdavo elgetaujantys ir plėšikaujantys čigonai. Todėl, ne vienos šalies valdžia, gindama savo piliečius, paskelbdavo romus už įstatymo ribų.Ištyrus romų katalikų liaudiškojo pamaldumo tradicijas, galima teigti, jog jų religinė praktika yra savita, tikėjimas didžiąja dalimi yra pagrįstas įtikėjimais ir papročiais. Nemaža dalis jų religijos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Work title: Forms of folksy devotion and educational perspective in Vilnius catholic gipsy community. Work job: 1) folksy devotion of catholic gipsies; 2) educational methods. Main aim of this work was to disclose and analyse the essential points and attributes of Catholic gipsy community folksy devotion forms. I was trying to disclaim the stereotypes of gypsy’s ill – mannered image in Lithuania. Regarding this I have analysed gipsies of Vilnius town historical facts and actualities, investigated the traditions of gipsy folksy devotion. Also I have canvassed the main causal of stereotypes about gipsies coming. I have put out feelers of gipsies devotional manifestations. In context of main beliefs I have described the feasts celebration in gipsies’ families in Vilnius. Christmas, Easter, The Gates of Dawn, Crying Rock piety are very chiefs for the gipsies’ community. Also the analysis of the devotional forms helped me to establish the main cause’s connections between the persuasion and religion role for the gipsies’ mentality. In now days the pressure on the gipsies is going stronger. So it was important to me us a member of the gipsies’ community to unmask another well – grounded opinion. Regarding this it was done the research. I have decided to check out how deeply this problem is growing between Vilnius gipsies‘ community members. The main aim of research was to uncover main forms of educational perspectives for gipsies‘. The results were showy and impressive. Accomplished... [to full text]

Studien zu den mittelalterlichen Kind-Jesu-Visionen.

Rode, Rosemarie, January 1957 (has links)
Inaug.-Diss.--Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main. / Includes bibliographical references.

A model for the mission of the missionaries of the Sacred Heart in the light of the spirituality of the heart

Mangkey, Johanis. January 1986 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Catholic Theological Union, 1986. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 188-193).

“Gente de promessa, de reza e de romaria ”: experiências devocionais na ruralidade do Recôncavo Sul da Bahia (1940-1980)

Jesus, Elivaldo Souza de January 2006 (has links)
Submitted by Suelen Reis (suziy.ellen@gmail.com) on 2013-04-17T18:44:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Elivaldo Jesusseg.pdf: 1789606 bytes, checksum: 9365bc86551991e0657222c13628eb2f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Meirelles(rodrigomei@ufba.br) on 2013-05-24T11:40:47Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Elivaldo Jesusseg.pdf: 1789606 bytes, checksum: 9365bc86551991e0657222c13628eb2f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-05-24T11:40:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Elivaldo Jesusseg.pdf: 1789606 bytes, checksum: 9365bc86551991e0657222c13628eb2f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Este trabalho é uma análise das experiências devocionais de trabalhadores rurais do Recôncavo Sul da Bahia, entre os anos de 1940 e 1980. Tomando como foco as ladainhas rezadas no espaço doméstico e as romarias ao Santuário de Nossa Senhora dos Milagres de Brotas, evidencia como homens, mulheres e crianças construíram e reconstruíram suas identidades e suas sociabilidades, labutando na multiplicidade de tarefas próprias da roça e rezando aos seus santos de devoção. Além disso, busca apreender os diversos condicionamentos que essas experiências sofreram no curso do tempo e em que medida uma constitui extensão da outra. É o retrato de um grupo social que encontrou no catolicismo popular, inventado e reiventado a partir do entrecruzamento de elementos culturais ligados às práticas de negros, mestiços, índios e brancos, palco para expressão de seus valores, seus costumes e tradições, suas lutas. / Salvador

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