Spelling suggestions: "subject:"diaconia"" "subject:"diaconial""
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Educar e transformar o mundo: práticas sociais da Faculdades ESTMelaine de Paula 15 January 2014 (has links)
Este texto foi elaborado com a finalidade de apresentar, através de pesquisa de campo e de revisão bibliográfica, o impacto de dois projetos sociais específicos executados pela Faculdades EST: o Programa Jovem Aprendiz e o Programa Nacional de Segurança Pública com Cidadania (PRONASCI). Por se tratar de um estudo teológico que emprega instrumentos de pesquisa como o questionário semiestruturado, optamos por fazer uma interpretação dos dados coletados a partir de uma Teologia Diaconal. Nosso foco não se concentrou na Diaconia como ministério ordenado ou frente de serviço para a IECLB, mas, sim, como uma forma de leitura teológica que valoriza o campo social. / This work aiming to show the impact about two specific social projects were implemented by Faculdades EST: Programa Jovem Aprendiz (Apprentice Youth Program) and Programa Nacional de Segurança Pública com Cidadania (National Program about Citizenship in Public Protection). It was supported by bibliographical and collected data in fieldwork. As a theological study applying instruments like semi-structured survey we adopted the diaconal theological reading about collected data interpretation. Our kernel was not Diaconal Ordinate Ministry or as task for IECLB but it was as a theological view which regards social field.
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Antropofagapia: a public-idade cívica da prática social cristãHelio Aparecido Campos Teixeira 01 September 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Introdução - Considera o grande envolvimento da prática social cristã no Terceiro Setor, no que concerne ao contexto brasileiro, e realiza a análise dos conceitos pertinentes a uma teologia do amor de Deus. Objetivo - Conhecer a arquitetura da prática social cristã nos processos vetoriais da Seguridade Social organizada no Brasil e preconizada pela Constituição Federal de 1988, bem como seu funcionamento legislativo próprio e suas disposições jurídico-normativas no processo de enfrentamento da escassez, o qual organizado pelas comunidades de fé desde a faticidade. Metodologia - Pesquisa bibliográfico-conceitual no intuito construir referenciais próprios na compreensão do fenômeno em questão. Ao longo da pesquisa foram feitas incursões in loco em regiões específicas com objetivo de colher aproximações a respeito do trato teórico dispensado a determinadas práticas cristã sociais e como elas são processadas conceitualmente. O debate sobre achados entre pesquisadores e as trocas de conhecimentos foram fundamentais para a construção do argumento da tese. Resultados - A prática social cristã é tanto uma forma espaciotemporal de organização das comunidades de fé quanto uma forma de interpretar o papel que elas exercem sobre os contextos imediatos. A influência marcante da cultura condiciona as formas de organização, bem como define as formas de escassez contra as quais a prática social cristã é organizada e aplicada. As formas específicas que substanciam essa prática, a saber, a diaconia e a caridade, possuem seus sistemas epistêmicos característicos e não se deixam reduzir em vagas metadiscursivas, além disso, elas participam solidariamente de contextos, muitas vezes, marcados pela ausência de um aparato infraestrutural do Estado, envolvendo-as na união com outras formas de organização, o que gera sinergias salutares na consecução dos objetivos colocados. A diaconia e a caridade, na modernidade, possuem o mesmo nascedouro histórico e social, e compartilham a estrutura de ação que implica no i) trabalho voluntariado, ii) na aplicação de metodologias científicas e iii) na sensibilização da opinião pública de que certas ações precisam ser transformadas em políticas de Estado, saindo dessa forma do puro enfrentamento localizado. Quanto à divulgação de resultados obtidos socialmente, predominou por longo tempo uma lógica da inconsciência das boas obras, prejudicando assim a publicização dos resultados, algo que só veio a mudar com a Reforma do Estado na década de 1990, quando tomou lugar uma percepção gerencialista da administração pública, decorrendo daí a exigência de maior publicização da ações do Terceiro Setor, de maneira geral. Conclusões - A bibliografia respeitante ao tema e os dados das pesquisas estatísticas, que vêm sendo feitas ao longo dos últimos vinte anos, mostram que a prática social cristã exerce influência na organização do Terceiro Setor. Não só isso, contribui para a qualificação de territórios geográficos e espaços temporais como lugares de dignificação na vinculação de infraestrutura, calçamento, escola, esgoto, transporte, lazer, etc, à realização dos fundamentos básicos da cidadania. / Introduction This paper deals with the great involvement of Christian social practice in the Third Sector, as it relates to the Brazilian context, and carries out the analysis of the concepts pertinent to a theology of the love of God. Goal To get to know the architecture of the Christian social practice in the vector processes of the Social Security organized in Brazil and called for in the Federal Constitution of 1988, as well as its own legislative functioning and its normative-legal dispositions in the process of confronting scarcity, which is organized by faith communities ever since facticity. Methodology Bibliographic-conceptual research with the goal of constructing our own referentials for the comprehension of the phenomenon in question. Throughout the research incursions in loco were made in specific regions with the goal of gathering approximations with respect to the theoretical treatment given to certain Christian-social practices and how they are processed conceptually. The debate about the findings among the researchers and the exchanges of knowledge were fundamental for the construction of the argument of the dissertation. Results - The Christian social practice is a spacial temporal form of organization of the faith communities as well as a way of interpreting the role they exert on the immediate contexts. The marked influence of the culture conditions the forms of organization, as well as defines the forms of scarcity against which the Christian social practice is organized and applied. The specific forms which substantiate this practice, that is, diakonia and charity, have their own characteristic epistemic systems and do not let themselves be reduced to vague metadiscourses. Besides this, they participate solidarily in contexts, many times marked by the absence of an infrastructural apparatus of the State, thus becoming involved in uniting with other forms of organization, which generates salutary synergies in carrying out the designated goals. Diakonia and charity, in modernity, have the same historic and social birthing places and share the structure of action which implies in i) volunteer work, ii) application of scientific methodologies and iii) the sensitization of public opinion to understand that certain actions need to be transformed into State policies, thus getting out of the pure localized confrontation. As to the divulgement of socially obtained results, for a long time a logic of unawareness of the good works has predominated, thus hurting the publicization of the results, something that only changed with the Reformation of the State in the decade of 1990, when a managerialist perception of public administration took its place, thereby resulting in the demand for greater publicization of the actions of the Third Sector in a general way. Conclusions The bibliography with respect to the theme and to the data of the statistic research, which have been being done throughout the last twenty years, show that the Christian social practice exerts influence on the organization of the Third Sector. Not only that, it contributes to the qualification of geographic territories and temporal spaces as places of dignification within the linkage of infrastructure, pavements, school, sewage system, transportation, leisure, etc., to the realization of the fundamental basics of citizenship.
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Musicoterapia e teologia prática: o cuidado em grupos de canto da IECLBGünter Otto Kasinger 09 March 2015 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Percebe-se que no contexto hodierno, cada vez mais as pessoas estão tendo dificuldades em lidar com a carga que o mundo pós-moderno ocidental inflige. O resultado disto são os inúmeros casos de pessoas que procuram por terapias. Esta pesquisa aborda a colaboração entre a Teologia Prática e a Musicoterapia no concernente a sua atuação para potencialização do cuidado em grupos de canto na IECLB. Para tanto se fez necessário um trabalho de pesquisa bibliográfica com a finalidade de apresentar formas de cuidado oriundas do fazer musical, das mensagens da hinologia oficial da IECLB, entre outros fatores terapêuticos atrelados ao convívio e vínculo grupal. O presente trabalho está dividido em três capítulos. O primeiro capítulo destinou-se à exposição de dois importantes conceitos para este trabalho: Musicoterapia com sua abordagem terapêutica dos elementos da música (ritmo, melodia, harmonia) fornecendo um cuidado diferenciado às pessoas em situação de fragilidade; e o cuidado a partir, principalmente da concepção do teólogo Leonardo Boff. O referido cuidado é abordado primeiramente de uma forma geral, visando suas diferentes definições, até um cuidado mais específico encontrado na diaconia e cuidado advindo de Cristo. O segundo capítulo se caracteriza por uma abordagem histórica expondo a ligação da música com a espiritualidade, especialmente com a fé judaico-cristã; na sequência é pesquisada a relação música-igreja-grupo a partir do envolvimento de Lutero, e, por conseguinte, pela chegada da teologia luterana em território brasileiro, junto com os primeiros imigrantes alemães. No último capítulo é realizado um levantamento bibliográfico acerca do relato de cuidado prestado por pessoas vinculadas a grupos de música, desde membros até coordenadores; são apresentadas mensagens de cuidado contidas nos temas e hinos do hinário oficial da IECLB (Hinos do Povo de Deus); também são apresentados fatores terapêuticos atrelados ao estar em grupo; e, para finalizar, são expostas algumas formas de cuidado oriundas da aplicação de possíveis objetivos terapêuticos em Musicoterapia. / One can perceive in the context of daily life, that people are having ever greater difficulties in dealing with the load inflicted upon them by the post-modern Western world. The result of this is the innumerable cases of people seeking therapies. This research deals with the collaboration between Practical Theology and Music Therapy relating to its action in potentializing care giving in singing groups in the IECLB [Evangelical Church of Lutheran Confession in Brazil]. To accomplish this bibliographical research work was necessary in order to present ways of care giving stemming from musical action, from messages from the official hymnology of the IECLB, among other therapeutic factors connected to group communal interaction and ties. This paper is divided into three chapters. The first chapter was designated to the exposition of two important concepts for this work: Music Therapy with its therapeutic approach of musical elements (rhythm, melody, harmony) providing a differentiated care giving for people in situations of frailty; and care giving based mainly on theologian Leonardo Boff‟s conception. The care giving referred to is first approached in a general way, focusing on its different definitions, going to a more specific care giving found in diakonia and care giving coming from Christ. The second chapter is characterized by an historical approach presenting the connection of music to spirituality, especially within the Jewish-Christian faith; in sequence the relation of music-church-group is researched based on Luther‟s involvement, and, finally, the arrival of Lutheran theology on Brazilian territory, together with the first German immigrants. In the last chapter a bibliographic survey is carried out about the reports of care giving given by people tied to music groups, from members to coordinators; care giving messages appearing in the themes and hymns of the official hymnal of the IECLB (Hinos do Povo de Deus [Hymns of the People of God]) are presented; therapeutic factors tied to being in a group are also presented; and, finalizing, some forms of care giving coming from applying possible therapeutic goals of Music Therapy are presented.
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A diaconia como serviço-mediação e a vida em seu autocuidado: a pessoa dependente de substâncias psicoativas e seu acolhimento em comunidades terapêuticasRolf Roberto Krüger 11 August 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Destaca-se a necessária tarefa da diaconia de produzir um movimento de mediação entre o polo da presença de Cristo na comunidade de seus servos e o polo da sua presença no sofrimento do mundo. O verdadeiro culto ao Deus encarnado é provado nas ações concretas de amor. Ações que constituem a ética pessoal e comunitária daqueles e daquelas que afirmam ser discípulos e discípulas do Kyrios-Diácono, através da hospitalidade que acolhe na comunhão e pela visitação que acode e caminha com a pessoa sofredora. São ações que protegem e promovem a vida e corroboram para que esta seja tão digna quanto possível. Assim, a diaconia se mantém em estreita relação com os demais serviços da comunidade de fé e evita que estes se tornem alienados da vida real, encarnando-os. Trata-se do olhar diaconia vida: responde a pergunta pelo fazer da diaconia pela vida. É a ética vivenciada. Através da fenomenologia da Vida de Michel Henry (1922-2002), tem-se um olhar complementar: a Vida que se apresenta na vida pela textura do sofrimento e do prazer. É o olhar que parte da perspectiva da Vida com suas implicações para a diaconia: Vida diaconia. A diaconia não se limita apenas a ações para a vida. É-o também ação da Vida na vida. Cuida no e ensina a viver o sofrimento. Dos sofrimentos, a investigação direciona o olhar para a problemática da dependência de substâncias psicoativas. Apresenta o desenvolvimento conceitual da dependência, importante para vencer os preconceitos. Aponta as principais características da pessoa dependente e do processo motivacional, para subsidiar uma proposta terapêutica. Analisa a proposta das Comunidades Terapêuticas, instituições de acolhimento terapêutico, com seus diferentes modelos. Os aportes da diaconia e da fenomenologia da Vida enriquecem a oferta destas instituições e apontam para a continuidade que se dá no acolhimento diaconal nas comunidades de fé. O quadro desta investigação diaconia fenomenologia da vida dependência Comunidades Terapêuticas recebe um colorido especial, através da leitura de relatos vivos de pessoas reais que vivenciaram de diferentes formas esta textura da Vida. A diaconia vivenciada pela fruição da Vida, torna-se terapêutica. / The necessary task of diakonia to produce a mediation movement between the center of the presence of Christ in the community of his servants and the center of his presence in the suffering of the world is highlighted. The true worship of the incarnated God is proved in concrete actions of love - actions which constitute the personal and community ethics of those who affirm that they are disciples of the Kyrios-Deacon, through the hospitality which welcomes into communion and through visitation which succors and walks with the suffering person. These are actions which protect and promote life and corroborate so that this life might be as dignified as possible. Thus, diakonia maintains a strict relation with other services of the faith community and avoids that these become alienated from the real life by incarnating them. It is about the diakonia-life perspective: it answers the question about diakonia for life. It is lived ethics. Through Michel Henrys phenomenology (1922-2002), one has a complementary perspective: The Life which presents itself in life through the weaving of suffering and pleasure. It is a look that stems from the perspective of Life with its implications for diakonia: Life-diakonia. Diakonia is not limited only to actions for life. It is also the action of the Life in life. It gives care and teaches to live in suffering. From the sufferings, the investigation directs its look to the problem of psychoactive substance dependence. It presents the conceptual development of dependence, which is important to overcome pre-judgments. It points out the main characteristics of a dependent person and of the motivational process, to substantiate a therapeutic proposal. It analyzes the proposal of the Therapeutic Communities, institutions of therapeutic welcoming in with their different models. The contributions of diakonia and of the phenomenology of Life enrich the offer of these institutions and point to the continuity which is propitiated by the diaconal welcoming in the faith communities. The framework of this investigation diakonia-phenomenology of life dependence Therapeutic Communities acquires a special coloring through the reading of live reports of real people who have experienced in different ways this weaving of Life. The diakonia experienced because of the fruition of Life becomes therapeutic.
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O voluntariado e a fé cristã juvenil : observação sobre avanços e retrocessos a partir de casos pesquisados no Colégio Frederico Jorge Logemann em HorizontinaRSSara Regina Hoppen 01 January 2008 (has links)
O texto apresenta uma pesquisa qualitativa bibliográfica e de campo, que contém
conteúdos relacionados com o tema Voluntariado na Escola, com dados bibliográficos,
coletados em obras publicadas no Brasil, e, referências encontradas via Internet, além de
indicadores empíricos concluídos a partir de entrevistas realizadas com ex-alunos de Nível
Médio, que freqüentaram o Colégio Frederico Jorge Logemann, atualmente Centro
Tecnológico Frederico Jorge Logemann, localizado em Horizontina - RS. A pergunta
fundante foi: Como a escola, com ações planejadas, pode fomentar a inserção em trabalhos
voluntários? O tema é pesquisado como uma experiência das práticas cotidianas na área do
Voluntariado Juvenil, postulando que Escola e Igreja são formas de aprender este
voluntariado. Os dados obtidos pela pesquisa de campo podem contribuir para um
levantamento acerca da eficiência em propor para alunos e alunas de Nível Médio o seu
engajamento em ações de benemerência ou ajuda mútua a pessoas empobrecidas, excluídas da
sociedade, especialmente no Brasil. A autora postula que a Igreja tem muito a contribuir a
partir do Evangelho de Jesus Cristo, que por fé e testemunho impulsiona pessoas a tornaremse
voluntárias. / The text presents a bibliographical qualitative research, that contains contents related with the theme "School Volunteer", with bibliographical data collected in works published in Brazil and references found through Internet, besides empiric indicators ended starting from interviews accomplished with former-students in 2001, of The Second School, that frequented the Colégio Frederico Jorge Logemann now Centro Tecnológico Frederico Jorge Logemann, located in Horizontina - RS. The principal original question was: "How the school, with planned actions, can it foment the insert in voluntary works? " The theme is researched as an experience of the daily practices in the area of Young Voluntary, postulating that School and Church are forms of learning this society aspect. The answers obtained by the field research can contribute to a rising concerning the efficiency in proposing for students and students of The Second School, and engagement the students to help to impoverished people, excluded of the society, especially in Brazil. The author postulates that the Church has a lot to contribute starting from Jesus Christ's Gospel, for faith and testimony impels people to turn volunteers.
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Den kyrkliga diakonins roll inom ramen för två välfärdssystem : En jämförande fallstudie av två diakoniinstitutioner i Sverige och Tyskland / The Role of Church Diaconal Work within Two Welfare Systems : A Comparative Case Study of Two Diaconal Institutions in Sweden and GermanyLeis, Annette January 2004 (has links)
By conducting a case study of two diaconal institutions, Samariterhemmet in Uppsala/Sweden and the Evangelisches Diakoniewerk Schwäbisch Hall e.V. in Germany, the thesis compares the roles of church diaconal work within the Swedish and the German welfare system. These two systems are characterised by the different roles given to independent welfare organisations. The overarching research question is if and in which way the two diaconal institutions are effected by current changes within the field of welfare and how these changes challenge them to redefine their roles. The material analysed contains written documents, interviews with selected representatives and the results of participant observation in both institutions. As changes in the roles of independent welfare organisations were expected the results are unexpected. The two diaconal institutions show considerable persistence. Neither the orientation of their fields of work nor their own definitions of their roles within the welfare system have changed during the 1990s. In addition, the study reveals that both institutions regard themselves as a critical voice within the welfare system although their welfare engagement differs considerably. The German institution is a huge welfare provider while the Swedish institution conducts targeted initiatives. The analysis of four decisions within hospital work reveals that security of planning and freedom of action motivate the institutions to undertake responsibility for social services. The study points especially to the fields of education and research helping the institutions to maintain and to develop the diaconal profile. Altogether the results underline the need for more research on the meso-level of the third sector. This would contribute to a more nuanced discussion on the future role of independent welfare organisations within the Swedish and the German welfare system.
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Profil synodů CČE po r. 1990 / Profile of Synods of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren after the year 1990Opočenský, Matěj January 2012 (has links)
This thesis looks at the general character of the synod of the Evangelical church of Czech Brethern (ČCE), based on archival documents since 1990. (The) first chapter describes how the Synod functions within the church and briefly mentions the issue of coping with communism, especially how some pastors got involved politically. I also touch on the events of the Velvet Revolution. The next chapter focuses on an analysis of the Synod's work based on classifying the synod's resolutions into different catogories. The results are given in three diagrams. The goal of this analysis is to show which types of resolutions dominate and which types are more unusual. The third more extensive chapter deals with the most important topics being resolved in the synod. It describes the origin of …, its progress and consequences for the church. To show the character of the ČCE Synod, I highlight its internal discussions regarding church law, the practical and theological discussions on …(church education, ordination and baptism…). Then I discuss the ČCE Social Welfare organisation, a free standing topic, as well as subjects that have revealed the Synod's views. This third group address the church's outside concerns. The synod talked about these topic both inside and outside the church as well as with the ecumenical...
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Das missionarische Mandat der Gemeinwesendiakonie - Eine interdisziplinäre Studie zum christlichen Profil gemeinwesendiakonischer Arbeit / The missionary mandate of diaconal community work - an interdisciplinary study on this ministry's Christian profileScharnowski, Jelena 11 1900 (has links)
Summary in German and English / Die Arbeit untersucht aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive, wie das christliche Profil der
(Gemeinwesen-) Diakonie dargestellt wird, welche Herausforderungen sich daraus
ergeben und in welchem Bezug Mission dazu steht. Hierzu dienen die geschichtlichen
Entwicklungen von Diakonie und Mission innerhalb Deutschlands und die Ausführung
des ganzheitlichen Missionsverständnisses nach David J. Bosch als Grundlage. Die
Arbeit zeigt, dass in der Verbindung von Theologie, Diakonie und der Sozialen Arbeit
wesentliche Grundannahmen und -spannungen gegeben sind, die Parallelen zur
Missionstheologie aufzeigen, welche aber nicht als ‚Mission’ benannt oder anerkannt
werden.Das Ergebnis dieser Forschungsarbeit lautet, dass die missionarisch ganzheitlich
verstandene Gemeinwesendiakonie einen Ausweg aus der mangelnden Praxisrelevanz
theologischer Leitbilder darstellt und somit einen Beitrag zur Stärkung des christlichen
Profils diakonischer Einrichtungen liefern kann. / Using an interdisciplinary perspective, this piece of work examines how the Christian
profile of diaconal community work is portrayed, the challenges that emerge and how
missionary work relates to the debate. The historical developments of social work and
missionary work in Germany, as well as David J. Bosch’s holistic understanding of
mission serve as a foundation for the analysis.
The study will show that the relationship between theology, diaconal community work
and social work reveals major assumptions and tensions which show parallel elements
to a theology of mission but are not named or acknowledged as such. The conclusion of
this study will state that diaconal community work, understood as holistic mission, can
offer a solution to the decreasing relevance of theological mission statements and
therefore contribute to strengthening the Christian profile of diaconal institutions. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)
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Mission in der Nachbarschaft : eine empirisch-theologische Studie in Berlin, märkisches Viertel / Mission in the neighbourhood : an empirical-theological study in Berlin, märkisches ViertelGibhardt, Matthias 12 1900 (has links)
German text / Die Forschungsarbeit evaluiert den Projektstatus des sozial-missionarischen Familienzent-rums FACE in Berlin, Märkisches Viertel. Dafür wurde in der Dissertation zunächst der theo-logische und sozialwissenschaftliche Rahmen, in dem die Forschung geschieht, umrissen. Dabei nehmen das Konzept der Gemeinwesendiakonie, sowie die Korrelation zwischen Dia-konie und Mission einen besonderen Raum ein.
Die Projektentwicklung basiert auf Idee des gesellschaftsrelevanten Gemeindebaus (Zyklus gesellschaftsrelevanter Gemeindearbeit; ZGG), dessen Anwendung in einem nächsten Schritt dokumentiert und daraufhin anhand des empirisch-theologischen Praxiszyklus (ETP) analy-siert wird. Das Ziel der qualitativen Untersuchung ist es herauszufinden, ob FACE eine ge-sellschaftliche Relevanz hat. Wie haben Nachbarn des FACE, das Familienzentrum persön-lich wahrgenommen und hat der Kontakt mit FACE zu Veränderungen in ihrem Leben ge-führt?
Die abschließende missiologische Interpretation der Forschungsarbeit erfolgt mit Hilfe des Entwurfs der „trialogischen Interaktion des missionalen Gesprächs“ zwischen Evangelium, Kirche und Kultur. / This research study evaluates the project status of the family centre for social and missionary work FACE in Berlin, Märkisches Viertel. The dissertation starts out with an outline of the theological and social-scientific framework which determines the research work. Within this framework, the concept of community diaconia as well as the correlation between diaconia and mission are dominant. The project is based on the idea of socially-relevant church devel-opment (Zyklus gesellschaftsrelevanter Gemeindearbeit; ZGG), which in a following step is documented in its application and then analysed using the empirical-theological practice cy-cle. It is the objective of this qualitative study to determine whether FACE has social rele-vance. How did neighbours perceive FACE? Did contact with FACE lead to changes in their lives? The concluding missiological interpretation of the research study is conducted follow-ing the structure of the „trialogical interaction of missional conversation“ between the gospel, church and culture. / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)
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Mission in der Nachbarschaft : eine empirisch-theologische Studie in Berlin, märkisches Viertel / Mission in the neighbourhood : an empirical-theological study in Berlin, märkisches ViertelGibhardt, Matthias 12 1900 (has links)
German text / Die Forschungsarbeit evaluiert den Projektstatus des sozial-missionarischen Familienzent-rums FACE in Berlin, Märkisches Viertel. Dafür wurde in der Dissertation zunächst der theo-logische und sozialwissenschaftliche Rahmen, in dem die Forschung geschieht, umrissen. Dabei nehmen das Konzept der Gemeinwesendiakonie, sowie die Korrelation zwischen Dia-konie und Mission einen besonderen Raum ein.
Die Projektentwicklung basiert auf Idee des gesellschaftsrelevanten Gemeindebaus (Zyklus gesellschaftsrelevanter Gemeindearbeit; ZGG), dessen Anwendung in einem nächsten Schritt dokumentiert und daraufhin anhand des empirisch-theologischen Praxiszyklus (ETP) analy-siert wird. Das Ziel der qualitativen Untersuchung ist es herauszufinden, ob FACE eine ge-sellschaftliche Relevanz hat. Wie haben Nachbarn des FACE, das Familienzentrum persön-lich wahrgenommen und hat der Kontakt mit FACE zu Veränderungen in ihrem Leben ge-führt?
Die abschließende missiologische Interpretation der Forschungsarbeit erfolgt mit Hilfe des Entwurfs der „trialogischen Interaktion des missionalen Gesprächs“ zwischen Evangelium, Kirche und Kultur. / This research study evaluates the project status of the family centre for social and missionary work FACE in Berlin, Märkisches Viertel. The dissertation starts out with an outline of the theological and social-scientific framework which determines the research work. Within this framework, the concept of community diaconia as well as the correlation between diaconia and mission are dominant. The project is based on the idea of socially-relevant church devel-opment (Zyklus gesellschaftsrelevanter Gemeindearbeit; ZGG), which in a following step is documented in its application and then analysed using the empirical-theological practice cy-cle. It is the objective of this qualitative study to determine whether FACE has social rele-vance. How did neighbours perceive FACE? Did contact with FACE lead to changes in their lives? The concluding missiological interpretation of the research study is conducted follow-ing the structure of the „trialogical interaction of missional conversation“ between the gospel, church and culture. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)
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