Spelling suggestions: "subject:"diaconia"" "subject:"diaconial""
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Diakonisyner i pandemins praktiker : ett teologiskt aktionsforskningsprojektLöfgren, Susanna January 2021 (has links)
I Svenska kyrkan finns många olika sätt att tänka om och beskriva församlingens diakoni. I diakoniforskning används ibland begreppet diakonisyn, ett begrepp som i uppsatsen får innefatta individens och kollektivets syn på och föreställningar om diakoni. Föreställningar som speglar olika tankar om vad diakoni är och kan eller bör vara. I studien genomförs ett teologiskt aktionsprojekt där fyra församlingspraktiker med hjälp av teologins fyra röster får reflektera över diakonal praktik under covid-19-pandemins tid i Svenska kyrkans församlingar i Linköpings stift. Reflektionen sker tillsammans med forskaren i en forskargrupp, en undersökande gemenskap. Teologins fyra röster (den praktiserade teologin, den uttalade teologin, den normativa teologin och den akademiska teologin), dvs. röster från teori och praktik i Svenska kyrkan, möts i ett samtal på jämbördiga villkor i forskargruppen. Studien ger en plattform för församlingspraktiker att medvetandegöra och begreppsliggöra församlingens diakonala praktik, och nå insikter om den för att förändra såväl den framtida praktiken som teologin. Studien bidrar med kunskap om diakonisyner som genomsyrar diakonal praktik.
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I skärningspunkten : Hur utvecklingsarbete formas i Svenska kyrkans diakoni när tradition och nya utvecklingstrender möts / In the Point of Intersection : How Organizational Development Takes Shape in the Church of Sweden Diaconia when Tradition Meets New Development TrendsLindblom, Christina January 2023 (has links)
This master’s thesis addresses how strategic development takes shape, when ideas connected to an organization’s historical heritage meet contemporary expectations of organizational development. The Church of Sweden Diaconia sets the example and in a qualitative case study this meeting has been examined. With new institutional theory as starting point the interpretation is made that the meeting between tradition and development can be understood as a meeting between a value based and a scientifically based logic. From the contradicting logics, the deacon and the social worker appear as institutional myths and as a double work identity. To maintain legitimacy, both logics need to be encompassed. I introduce the idea of a space for intentional reflection, open for negotiation between the identities.
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Lidé bez církevní příslušnosti jako pracovníci diakonických organizací - současná situace v katolické a protestantské tradici / People with no religious affiliation as workers of diaconia - Current situation in Catholic and Protestant traditionsHrdličková, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
The thesis named "People with no religious affiliation as workers of diaconia - Current situation in Catholic and Protestant traditions" deals with stances of chosen Churches and diaconal organizations towards the employment of workers who are not members of any Church or not religiously defined. At the beginning the thesis deals with a definition of basic terms and their Biblical origins, then the thesis shortly describes important milestones in history of diaconia with closer look at the implementers. The main part of the thesis presents specific attitudes of the Roman Catholic Church, Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren and their diaconial organizations to cooperating with non denominational people and their employment. This part also presents these attitudes in the light of documents of Second Vatican Council. A chapter about spirituality and religiosity of the present time brings up a topic of the current situation in the field of employment of non denominational people in chosen church organization and fields which may appear problematic. Finally, the thesis concludes with opinions of current Czech and world theologians about what employment of non denominational people in Church organization might mean and where it might lead. There are also highlighted areas of discussion, especially these...
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Casa Suzana Wesley: Uma abordagem histórica do abrigo para meninas 1994 a 2003, a partir da categoria de gêneroMarilúcia Fernandes Lima 15 August 2006 (has links)
Esta dissertação é realizada com o intuito de reconhecer e trazer à luz a história de mulheres metodistas, engajadas na ação social da Igreja, no Rio Grande do Sul, especificamente na cidade de Viamão. Esta história é retratada através do envolvimento das mulheres que participaram deste projeto nas ações propostas pela Casa Suzana Wesley, entre os anos de 1994 a 2003, e a sua inter-relação com o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. O conceito de cidadania e diaconia é trabalhado a partir das experiências das mulheres metodistas e sua relação com o compromisso social, decodificada do documento Plano para a Vida e a Missão da Igreja Metodista. A metodologia empregada neste trabalho é a hermenêutica crítica feminista, particularmente a categoria da suspeita e o instrumental analítico de gênero. / This thesis is carried out with the intention of recognizing and bringing to light the history of Methodist women involved in social action of the church in Rio Grande do Sul, specifically in the city of Viamão. This history is portrayed through the involvement of the women who participated in this project in the activities proposed by the Suzana Wesley House between the years of 1994 and 2003 and their interrelationship with the Statute of Children and Adolescents. The concept of citizenship and diaconate is dealt with through the experiences of Methodist women and their relation with social commitment, decodified from the document Plan for the Life and Mission of the Methodist Church. The methodology used in this study is feminist critical hermeneutics, particularly the category of suspect and the analytical instrument of gender.
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A prática da Santa Ceia na Igreja Evangélica Luterana do Brasil (IELB) na tensão entre a "teologia oficial" e a "teologia popular" : comparação, interpretação e conseqüências à luz das origens do culto cristãoPaulo Gerhard Pietzsch 08 April 2008 (has links)
A presente pesquisa faz um levantamento das principais concep-ções sobre a Santa Ceia na "teologia oficial" e na "teologia popular" no âmbito da Igreja Evangélica Luterana do Brasil (IELB) e depois de comparar e interpretar os dados levantados tira as conseqüências para a prática litúrgica à luz das origens do culto cristão. No capítulo um faz-se uma explanação sobre a Santa Ceia na "teologia oficial" da IELB, definindo-a como um sacramento, identificando seus benefícios, enumerando suas conseqüências, falando do preparo para a participação e de quem participa dela. No capítulo dois faz-se a explanação do resultado de uma pesquisa social para identificar os principais elementos da "teologia popular" concernente à Santa Ceia no âmbito da IELB. Neste capítulo destacam-se os principais enunciados da "teologia popular": os participantes da Ceia são os que se preparam para participar, os que andam no caminho certo, os que são batizados e confirmados, que são da igreja ou crêem no que a igreja ensina. Faz-se referência a um grupo de entrevistados que não impõe qualquer condição, mas que diz que todos podem participar. Entre os benefícios da participação da Santa Ceia, na "teologia popular" destacam-se: traz perdão dos pecados, recebe-se o corpo e o sangue de Cristo, traz salvação, traz alívio e paz ao coração, fortalece e renova a fé. As conseqüências da participação da Santa Ceia, segundo a "teologia popular", são as que seguem: ajuda na mudança de atitudes, oportuniza a comunhão com Deus e com os irmãos, torna o local da celebração um lugar de bem-estar . Outros aspectos relevantes da pesquisa foram destacados na "teologia popular": é importante consagrar os elementos, lembra-se dos hinos e da liturgia, lembra-se da instrução e da primeira comunhão, lembra-se de pessoas queridas. No capítulo três se faz uma justaposição, comparação e interpretação dos enunciados da "teologia oficial" e da "teologia popular". Neste capítulo colocam-se lado a lado os enunciados da "teologia oficial" e da "teologia popular", buscando identificar semelhanças e diferenças entre ambas e procurando identificar possíveis causas para essas semelhanças e diferenças. No último capítulo, fazendo-se um retorno ao passado, apresentam-se as conseqüências das descobertas da pesquisa para a prática da Santa Ceia à luz das origens do culto cristão. Neste capítulo, ao se tratar da Eucaristia nas origens do culto cristão, fala-se das influências judaicas, apreciam-se aspectos relevantes da última Ceia de Cristo, discorre-se a respeito do "partir do pão" na era apostólica e, por fim, do testemunho da Igreja Antiga acerca da Eucaristia. A partir desses referenciais das origens do culto cristão, procura-se listar possíveis conseqüências para a prática da Santa Ceia no âmbito da IELB. / This research makes a survey about the main conceptions relating to the Holy Supper from the point of view of the "official theology" and from the perspective of "popular theology" in the context of The Igreja Evangélica Luterana do Brasil (IELB). After comparing and interpreting the results, conclusions are made for the liturgical practice in the light of the origins of the Christian worship. In the first chapter there is an explanation about the Holy Supper in the "official theology" of IELB defining it as a sacrament, identifying its benefits, establishing its consequences, discussing the preparation for participation of those involved in it. In chapter two, there is the explanation of the results of a social survey in order to identify the main elements of the "popular theology" concerning Holy Supper in the congregations of IELB. In this chapter the focus is on the main enunciations of the "popular theology": the participants of the Holy Supper are those who prepare themselves for Communion, those who walk in the right path, those who are baptized and confirmed, and those who belong to the church or believe in the churchs teaching. There is reference to a group that was interviewed that does not put any condition and says that any person can participate. Among the benefits of those who participate in the Holy Supper, in the "popular theology", the following can be emphasized: it brings forgiveness of sins, the body and blood of Christ are received, it brings salvation, it brings relieve and peace to the heart, it strengthens and renews the faith. The consequences of the participation in the Holy Supper, according to the "popular theology", are the following: help in the change of behavior, it bestows communion with God and with fellow brothers and sisters, it turns the place of celebration into a pleasant place. Other aspects: it is important to consecrate the elements, the person remembers the hymns and liturgy, the Confirmation instruction and the first Communion, and remembers beloved people. In chapter three, there is a juxtaposition, comparison, and interpretation of the data taken from the "official theology" and of the "popular theology". In this chapter this research parallels the enunciations of the "official theology" and of the "popular theology" where it identifies the similarities and the differences between them trying to identify possible causes for these similarities and differences. In the last chapter, there is a return to the past. This chapter presents the results of the research for the practice of the Holy Supper in the light of the origins of Christian worship. This chapter, when analysing the Eucharist in the origins of the Christian worship, deals with the Jewish influences, important aspects of Christs Last Supper are valued; it discusses the "breaking of the bread" in the Apostolic era and, finally, the chapter discusses the witness of the Ancient Church about the Eucharist. Beginning with these references of the origins of the Christian worship, this research lists possible consequences for the practice of the Holy Supper at IELBs sphere of action.
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A diaconia da visitação a pessoas doentes em comunidade eclesial urbanaSilvia Prade Knop 26 July 2010 (has links)
O propósito dessa dissertação é investigar a necessidade e a importância da
visitação diaconal a pessoas doentes em contexto urbano. Além disso, tem o objetivo
de pesquisar a importância da criação de equipes de visitadores/as no intuito de
atender às necessidades e aos anseios dos membros em lares, hospitais e clínicas, e
nas comunidades . O primeiro capítulo mostra a Pesquisa Social com sua análise e
respectivos resultados. O segundo capítulo apresenta a compreensão da terminologia
e a conceituação de diaconia e visitação, a partir de pesquisa bíblico-teológica, com
base em textos dos evangelistas: Marcos 10.35-45, Mateus 25.42-44, João 13.1-15, e
Lucas 22.24-30. Além disso inclui a pesquisa sobre diaconia comunitária, diaconia e a
visitação comunitária e o serviço da visitação na comunidade. O terceiro capítulo
apresenta indicativos para a prática da visitação a pessoas doentes em comunidades
urbanas. A pesquisa conclui com a constatação de que as pessoas doentes numa
comunidade eclesial urbana pre cisam ser visitadas. A visitaç ão promove a
reconciliação, a cura e o fortalecimento da fé no sofrimento. / The purpose of this dissertati on is to investigate the neces sity and the
importance of diaconal visitation to ill people in an urban context. Besides that, it has the
objective of researching the creation of teams of visitors in order to assist the members
needs and expectations at their homes, hospitals, medical clinics and communities. The
first chapter displays the Social Research, its analysis and its respective results. The
second chapter presents the comprehension of diakonia terminology and the concept of
diakonia and visitation from a biblical and theologica l research based on some
evangelists texts such as: Marcos 10.35-45, Mateus 25.42-44, João 13.1-15, and Lucas
22.24-30. It also brings out a resea rch concerning community diakonia, diakonia and
visitation, and visitation as a service in the community. The third chapter presents some
suggestions for the practice of visitation to ill people in an urban community. The research
concludes that ill people in an urban ecclesiastic community need to be visited. Visitation
provides reconciliation, cure and the faith strength on suffering.
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Pastorační práce v zařízeních Diakonie ČCE - pobytových službách pro seniory / Pastoral care at the facilities of The Diaconia of the Evangelical Church of Czech BrethrenKazmířová, Jitka January 2017 (has links)
This work deals with pastoral care at the facilities of The Diaconia of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren (DECCB) with a focus on residential facilities for the elderly. It brings a closer look into the organization DECCB, its history and organizational culture, it summarizes the current knowledge of elderly age. Attention is paid to communication with seniors as well as to residence facilities for the elderly and to spiritual needs in elderly age. The practical part of the thesis presents the results of qualitative research carried out among pastoral workers who work in the residential homes for elderly people. The research deals with the offer of pastoral care in homes, specific questions within individual pastoral care of the elderly, and also personal requirements of the pastoral worker.
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Socialt arbete och diakoni i Svenska kyrkan : En diskursanalys av församlingsinstruktioner / Social Work and Diaconia in the Church of Swden : A Discourse Analysis of Congregations' Instructional Documents.Wijaya Wiking, Nurdiana January 2015 (has links)
Social work is a wide term but often presented as the form of activities done by public welfare organisations. This study aims to present an analys of social work done by the Church of Sweden congregations. The study uses a discourseanalys perspectiv to study local congregations’ instructional documents that describe their diaconia. The result shows that social work in diaconia is characterized by different hegemonies and conflicts of understanding and practices. The study shows how church of Sweden formulation can be influenced by history and political and ideological issues as well as economical issues for the church. The author means that we need more studies of how social work is understood by other welfare actors in Sweden in order to develop a deeper understanding of social work.
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A Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus, seu discurso religioso e seus projetos sociais: um estudo de avaliação à luz do conceito de diaconiaMelchisedec Borré 25 August 2014 (has links)
A religiosidade é uma dimensão constitutiva da realidade humana e pode manifestar-se na forma de ações concretas. Nessa perspectiva, discute-se neste trabalho os principais aspectos do fenômeno religioso e sua relação com o poder, fé, a ética. Verifica-se as principais características do neopentecostalismo, sua origem, sua história, fatores de crescimento e os principais aspectos teológicos no cenário brasileiro. Especificamente, estuda-se o discurso religioso da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus a partir de seus projetos sociais e analise-se o mesmo à luz do conceito de diaconia. Como metodologia adota-se a pesquisa bibliográfica e descritiva, com utilização da investigação qualitativa por possibilitar, a partir de diferentes concepções e análises teóricas, obter as informações necessárias relacionadas ao tema. Em foco está a prática social da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus, efetivada em sete projetos desenvolvidos em diferentes contextos e destinados a uma população diversificada e de diferentes faixas etárias. Tendo como base a Teologia da Prosperidade, é possível identificar nestes trabalhos aspectos da diaconia cristã que se caracteriza por promover a justiça e o bem-estar social? / This research sought to identify the effective relationship between the theory and practice of the neo-Pentecostal discourse regarding the diaconal work, specifically by the IURD. The following presents the general context of religion, its characteristics, types and main elements, highlighting the religious phenomenon and the issue of sacred in modern society. It describes the neo-Pentecostalism from its origin, its history, growth factors, the main theological aspects in Brazilian scenario and the Prosperity Theology; it analyses how it is developed the relation between faith and capitalism from IURD, it describes in religiousness perspective the diaconal work, its goals, dimensions and purposes, and identifies from bibliographic research, how the diakonia is really established in IURD social practice, highlighting its relationship with social, politics and cultural issues from Brazilian society. The bibliographic research is descriptive, bounded to the work of religious actions from IURD, and it was developed with the application of quantitative method, because it enables to obtain information related to the theme. Based on the results, we can conclude that the diaconal practice, in IURD perspective, presents certain conceptual ambiguity that, even having a significant amount of actions developed by different social projects, it doesnt effectively highlight a diaconal work, considered real and objective and that applies to the impoverished sectors of the society where there is insertion of the institution.
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A DIACONIA DE MARTA E DE FEBE: Um estudo de Lc 10, 38-42 e Rm 16, 1-2 / The diakonia of Marta and Febe: an study of Lc 10,38-42 and Rm 16,1-2.Paulo, Maria Oliveira 26 February 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-02-26 / The objectives of this study was the investigation of texts from the New
Testament that concern the women s diakonia. We intend to investigate
Lc 10,38-42 and Rm16,1-2, emphasizing Marta and Febe at the deacon
minister. The reason was to recover the history of women s deacon in
the socio-politics context of the first century, around the year 30 B.C.,
as Marta at the Jesus movement. The dissertation was subdivided in
four chapters. We discuss Febe and the deacon minister around the
years 56-57, date of the letter to the Jewish- Christian in Rome. We
believe that these women played the same deacon activities in diverse
time at the original Christianity. Febe did not follow, served Jesus and
has not been healed by Him, because Jesus acted around the year 30
B.C. However, Febe was a deacon at the Paulinas Communities. We
hope that the subject under study may bring new perspectives for future
researches. / Nesta pesquisa temos como objetivo investigar textos do Novo
Testamento que abordam a diaconia de mulheres. Pretendemos
investigar Lc 10,38-42 e Rm 16,1-2 destacando Mar ta e Febe no
ministério diaconal. O intuito é resgatar a história da diaconia de
mulheres no contexto sóciopolítico do século primeiro, por volta do ano
30 d.C.; como é o caso de Marta no movimento de Jesus. Dividimos a
dissertação em quatro capítulos. Abarcamos Febe e o ministério
diaconal, por volta dos anos 56-57, data da carta à comunidade
judaico-cristã em Roma. Acreditamos que essas mulheres exerceram a
mesma atividade diaconal em épocas diversas nos cristianismos
originários. Febe não seguiu, nem serviu a Jesus e nem mesmo foi
curada por Ele, pois Jesus atuou por volta do ano 30 d.C.; enquanto
Febe foi diácona das comunidades paulinas. Esperamos que o assunto
pesquisado possa abrir novas perspectivas para futuras investigações.
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