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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Um poeta não se faz com versos: tensões poéticas na obra de Torquato Neto / A poet is not done with verses: poetic tensions in the work of Torquato Neto

Calixto, Fabiano Antonio 10 August 2012 (has links)
Nesta dissertação de mestrado, procuro ler a obra de Torquato Neto através das tensões poéticas e políticas que a mesma engendra. Sua obra é construída num momento importante e ao mesmo tempo problemático da história brasileira, onde, entre outros aspectos, dá-se o processo de autonomia do campo literário (e cultural) brasileiro e, no campo político e social, vive-se uma ditadura militar. Ambas as circunstâncias compõem o turbulento painel criativo torquatiano. Do construtivismo anárquico, passando pelas dicotomias em jogo (vida/arte, política/poética, expressão/construção, matéria/material) e os deslocamentos e a instabilidade enunciativa, à resistência como forma máxima de expressão. / In this dissertation, I try to read the writings of Torquato Neto through the poetic and political tensions that it engenders. His work was built during an important yet problematic moment of Brazilian history, when occurred, among other factors, the process of autonomy of Brazilian literary (and cultural) field, and in the political and social fields people were living under a military dictatorship. Both conditions are responsible for the composition of the artists turbulent and creative panel. From the anarchic constructivism, through the dichotomies at stake (life/art, politics/poetics, expression/construction, substance/materiality), displacement and enunciative instability, to the maximum resistance as a form of expression.


CARLOS EDUARDO PINTO DE PINTO 31 March 2006 (has links)
[pt] A pesquisa aborda um conjunto de filmes sobre história produzidos entre 1968 e 1980. Através da análise dos filmes, defende-se que o cinema é capaz de plasmar representações variadas da história, não só através da diegese, mas principalmente da sintaxe cinematográfica. Busca-se compreender os motivos e intencionalidades da criação dessas obras e suas conseqüências políticas. São analisados o ufanismo das abordagens oficiais, nas quais prevalece o heroísmo e a ausência de conflitos, e as visões cinematográficas revolucionárias de diretores egressos do Cinema Novo, com uma linguagem moderna na qual a história é construída por críticas e dúvidas.. A narrativa clássica hollywoodiana, para a qual a história é puro espetáculo, permite conceber o passado como um conjunto fechado de fatos filmados tal como aconteceram. O pretérito perfeito é o seu tempo. Já a narrativa moderna possui cenas de extrema violência no plano diegético e subversões temporais, câmeras investigativas e atuação brechtiana no plano narrativo. O futuro do pretérito é o tempo dessas obras. A história não foi, ela seria. / [en] This research is about seven movie pictures based on historical facts produced during the Brazilian military dictatorship, between 1968 and 1980. Within the analysis of these films, there is the founding idea that cinema is a way to shape different representations of history, not only through the diegesis but also through the way this story is told (the cinematographic narrative). The aim is to find the director s motives and intentionalities, and their politic consequences. Both classical historic films and modern ones are approached. At the first ones, the heroism and the absence of serious conflicts are shown like in the Hollywood pictures, in which history equals spectacle. The past is analysed like a cluster of facts supposedly shown like they really happened. The simple past is the corresponding tense here. Modern approach opens way to a critical and unconclusive view of history. Extremely violent scenes and mixed temporalities, a documentary-like camera and Brechtian acting are some of the elements of these pictures. The films tell the past from a contemporary point of view. They reject the simple past tense and adopt a kind of future of the past tense: history didn t happen, it would happen.

Les intellectuels conservateurs entre le culturel et le politique : l'Académie Brésilienne des lettres pendant la dictature militaire (1964-1979) / The conservative intellectuals between culture and politics : the Brazilian Academy of Letters during the military dictatorship (1964-1979)

Cunha, Diogo 06 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les relations entre l’Académie Brésilienne des Lettres (ABL) et le régime militaire brésilien. L’objectif de cette étude est d’analyser dans quelle mesure cette institution – officiellement « apolitique » - put être une instance de légitimation pour la dictature militaire. Nous sommes revenus sur l’histoire de l’ABL depuis sa fondation, privilégiant son rôle dans le champ culturel brésilien dans les années 1960 et 1970. Elle formait à ce moment-là, avec l’Institut Historique et Géographique Brésilien (IHGB) et le Conseil Fédéral de la Culture (CFC) une « structure culturelle conservatrice », lieu de sociabilité des élites intellectuelles et politiques de droite et d’élaboration d’un discours conservateur. La prosopographie a permis de mettre en lumière un groupe d’intellectuels brésiliens tombés dans l’oubli pourtant très actif depuis le régime de Vargas jusqu’au coup d’Etat, ayant du pouvoir dans les médias et dans les réseaux qui facilitaient l’accès aux postes administratifs et politiques. Le quotidien de l’ABL va des cérémonies d’investiture, des visites que les académiciens recevaient, des hommages qu’ils rendaient, à la construction d’une mémoire des héros de la Nation et à l’exaltation de la Patrie. Les militaires se rendaient en grand nombre à chaque investiture, hommage ou commémoration de l’ABL ; réciproquement, lors des hommages et commémorations organisés par le régime, nombre d’académiciens étaient présents. Les académiciens s’engagèrent individuellement en faveur du régime, moins par une participation active dans l’appareil d’Etat que par l’élaboration et la diffusion d’un discours de légitimation fondé sur les grandes interprétations du Brésil des années trente, en particulier celles de Gilberto Freyre. Les données recueillies montrent que l’institution créée par Machado de Assis à la fin du XIXe siècle a concouru à légitimer le régime instauré en 1964. Cependant, cette légitimation ne s’est pas faite par une « collaboration » active mais plutôt par une forme de complicité. C’est le comportement de l’ensemble des membres de l’ABL, en particulier par le silence et différents degrés d’accommodation, par la proximité qu’ils avaient avec les représentants du régime, et par l’élaboration, la diffusion et la circulation d’un discours conservateur renforçant les notions de civisme et de patriotisme qui jouèrent le premier rôle dans ce processus. / This thesis examines the relationship between the Brazilian Academy of Lettres (ABL) and the Brazilian military dictatorship (1964-1979). The aim of this study is to analyse to what extant this institution – officially “apolitical” – could have been an instance of legitimation for the military dictatorship. This thesis addressed the history of the ABL since its foundation, focusing especially on its role in the Brazilian cultural field in the 1960s and 1970s. At that time, along with the Brazilian Historical and Geographical Institut (IHGB) and the Federal Council for Culture (CFC), the ABL constituted a “conservative cultural structure”. It was a place in which right-wing intellectual and political elites socialised and where a conservative discourse was constructed. The prosopography brought to light a group of Brazilian intellectuals that had fallen into oblivion. This group was very active from the Vargas regime to the military coup, with media relations and political power, which enabled a more direct access to administrative and political positions. The everyday life of the ABL intellectuals includes the inauguration ceremonies, visits that academicians received, the construction of a memory of the heroes of the nation and the exaltation of the homeland. The military attended in large number each ceremony, tribute or commemoration organised by the ABL; in turn, several academicians were also present in tributes gathering s and commemoration organised by the military regime. This sociability between academics and members of the military dictatorship contributed to legitimising the regime in place. The academics where individually committed with the regime, less for their participation in the state apparatus than for the development and dissemination of a discourse of legitimation based on the global interpretation of the Brazilian history written in the 1930s, particularly that of Gilberto Freyre. The conclusions of the analyses undertaken in this thesis demonstrate that the institution created by Machado de Assis in the late nineteenth century helped legitimise the military regime established in Brazil in 1964. However, this legitimation was not developed by an active “collaboration” but rather by a form of complicity. It was the behaviour of all the ABL members, especially their silence and their different degrees of accommodation with the dictatorship, the proximity they had with the representatives of the regime, and the construction, the dissemination and circulation of a conservative discourse reinforcing notions of “public spirit” and patriotism that have played a crucial role in this process of legitimation.

Propagande et représentations sous l'ère rosiste [1835-1852] / Propaganda and Representations Under the Rosist Era (1835-1852)

Poncioni Consuegra Mérian, Antonio 23 February 2013 (has links)
Comment la propagande et la représentation, ces armes de la politique, viennent-elles influencer la mémoire des peuples et, donc, leur histoire ? Comment, dans le contexte spécifique de l’Argentine rosiste, le rapprochement de ce binôme a-t -il opéré pour que des espaces et des populations disparates parviennent, peu à peu, à se réunir et à se reconnaître dans des principes fédérateurs ? Ce travail se propose d’explorer les ressorts d’un pouvoir et d’un système construits autour d’un homme – despote éclairé pour d’aucuns – dans le cadre d’un vaste processus dont on constate rétrospectivement qu’il a facilité l’émergence d’un sentiment d’appartenance dont nous dirons qu’il fut d’appartenance, à défaut d’être national.A partir de Buenos Aires, sa province natale, Juan Manuel de Rosa a dicté pendant près de vingt-trois années le sort d’une population forte d’une histoire dépourvue de mémoire propre. Tel est le fait historique. Sa contribution, indéniable, à la construction tout à la fois nationale, politique et identitaire d’un pays en devenir est l'objet d'analyses radicalement opposées que, poussés par des raisons diverses et également opportunistes, des mémorialistes et des politiques ont présentées et que des historiens ont soutenu et soutiennent avec une vigueur parfois proche de la polémique. Rosas, restaurateur de la Loi et père de la nation argentine, tyran et fossoyeur de la République : c ’ est dans le tiraillement entre ces deux pôles que nous avons essayé de nous situer pour analyser, sans prendre parti , l’apport de l’homme aux fondations du grand édifice , l’Argentine moderne, parfaità la suite de Caseros par les grands penseurs romantiques et libéraux qui avaient tant combattu le « Restaurador de las Leyes » . / How do propaganda and representation, these two political weapons, influence people's memory and, thus, their history? How, in the specific context of Rosist Argentina, did the approximation of this binomial operate so that disparate spaces and populations were, little by little, brought together and could share in fine unifying principles? This work aims to explore the bases of a power and a system built around a man - for some, an enlightened despot - as part of a vast process, which in retrospect, proved critical for the emergence of a common, if not national, sense of belonging.From Buenos Aires, his home province, Juan Manuel de Rosas dictated f o r nearly twenty-three years the fate of a large population that had a history of its own but was deprived from a proper memory. This is a historical fact. Rosas’ undeniable contribution to a country’s national, political and identity build-up o f a country in motion inspired radically opposed analyses, which, moved by diverging and sometimes opportunistic reasons, memoirists and politicians have presented and historians have questioned and argued with force close sometimes to controversy. Rosas, the restorer of the Law and father of the Argentine nation, tyrant and destroyer of the Republic ; it is the tension between these two poles that we have tried to position ourselves in order to analyze, without taking sides , the contribution of this man to the foundations of a large building, modern Argentina, which was perfected, following Caseros, by the Romantic and Liberal thinkers who had fought so fiercely y the « Restaurador de las Leyes » .

O golpe e a ditadura de 1964 : uma análise a partir de livros didáticos do PNLD (2015-2017)

Souza, Rafael Policeno de January 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação busca discutir, o conhecimento veiculado pelos livros didáticos sobre o processo histórico que engendrou o Golpe civil-militar e a posterior consolidação da Ditadura (1964-1985), a partir dos materiais didáticos oferecidos às escolas. Abordo o caso do ensino médio, onde atuo como professor de história na rede estadual do Rio Grande do Sul. A proposta parte da análise dos livros didáticos distribuídos aos alunos de todo o Brasil através do Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Educação, a partir do seu programa PNLD – Programa Nacional do Livro Didático. Para tal empreitada foi necessário estabelecer uma reflexão crítica entre a pesquisa científica desenvolvida pela historiografia acadêmica e o conteúdo dos livros didáticos recebidos pelas escolas. Pautou-se pelo recorte de quatro tópicos amplamente abordados pela historiografia; a saber: agentes do golpe e nomenclaturas do processo histórico, agentes e beneficiados pela Ditadura, repressão e luta armada e o problema da transição. Atentou-se para as implicações políticas que a História do Tempo Presente carrega, bem como para as limitações implícitas que incidem na composição do livro didático. / This dissertation seeks to discuss the knowledge conveyed by textbooks about the historical process that engendered the Civil-Military Coup and the subsequent consolidation of the Dictatorship (1964-1985), from the didactic materials offered to the schools. I approach the case of high school, where I work as a history teacher in the state network of Rio Grande do Sul. The proposal starts from the analysis of textbooks distributed to students throughout Brazil through the National Fund for Education Development, from its program PNLD - National Program of Didactic Book. For this work it was necessary to establish a critical reflection between the scientific research developed by academic historiography and the content of textbooks received by the schools. It was guided by the clipping of four topics broadly covered by historiography; namely agents of the coup and nomenclatures of the historical process, agents and beneficiaries of the dictatorship, repression and armed struggle and the problem of transition. It was addressed to the political implications that the History of Present Time carries, as well as to the implicit limitations that affect the composition of the textbook.

Arestas da realidade : uma narrativa possível sobre o Movimento Estudantil da UFRGS (1964-1985)

Castro, Gabriela Mathias de January 2018 (has links)
A investigação visa analisar o modo como alguns estudantes da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) representaram os dilemas sócio-políticos que assolaram a Universidade e o país nos anos em que o Brasil foi governado por uma aliança militar (1964-1985). Utiliza-se os pressupostos teóricos da História Cultural, além das reflexões da História da Educação para analisar as trajetórias de vida de sujeitos que participaram de um processo histórico, o qual, ainda hoje se faz presente nas memórias e discursos dos indivíduos que o viveram. O trabalho enfoca nas gerações de estudantes que participaram do Movimento Estudantil (ME) da UFRGS. Iniciasse analisando os relatos de memória dos jovens que lutavam na clandestinidade contra o estado autoritário em seus anos de chumbo. Estes personagens precisavam se adaptar ao cerco repressivo que vinha se fechando para os grupos de oposição. Muitos foram presos e torturados, além de se verem obrigados a fugir do país para sobreviver. Por fim, o texto se concentra nos anos da dita transição pactuada, anunciada pelo general Ernesto Geisel como sendo um período da abertura “lenta, gradual e segura”, do regime ditatorial rumo ao governo democrático. Tendo em vista o objetivo anunciado, o corpus documental foi formado por depoimentos orais elaborados junto aos personagens que atuaram nesta Universidade. Cumpre destacar que, durante o processo de abertura política, ocorrido entre as décadas de 1970 e 1980, verificou-se uma transformação no modo como o ME se organizava. Para aqueles que ingressaram neste movimento nessa época, a crítica às práticas da geração anterior, que havia optado por um combate à ditadura através da luta armada, fez com que emergissem novas estratégias de contestação. A vista disso, os discentes investiram nos movimentos de massa e na defesa do retorno às liberdades democráticas, na qual fosse garantido o direito a voto em todas as instâncias de governo. Procurava-se transformar a sociedade brasileira através do voto eleitoral, apostando nos partidos de esquerda que deixaram de ser ilegais e em novas siglas, como o PT. Ademais, essa geração incluiu outras pautas de discussão, diferentemente daquelas apresentadas pelo ME dos anos de 1960. Em suma, estes sujeitos buscaram politizar o cotidiano, abordando questões como o feminismo, a ecologia e o consumo de drogas. Sendo assim, o ME se mostra um movimento que soube se transformar através do tempo e dos processos históricos, desempenhando um adversário à altura na arena política da ditadura civil-militar brasileira. / The research aims to analyze how some students of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) represented the socio-political dilemmas that devastated the University and the country in the years when Brazil was governed by a military alliance (1964-1985). It used the theoretical presuppositions of Cultural History, as well as the reflections of the History of Education to analyze the life trajectories of the subjects who participated in a historical process, which is still present today in the memories and discourses of the individuals who lived it. The work focuses on the generations of students who participated in the Student Movement (SM) of UFRGS. The work begin analyzing the memory stories of the young who fought clandestinely against the authoritarian state in their lead years. These characters needed to adapt their acts against the repressive siege that was closing to their opposition groups. Many were arrested and tortured, and forced to flee the country to survive. Finally, the text focuses on the years of the political transition, announced by General Ernesto Geisel as a period of the "slow, gradual and safe" opening of the dictatorial regime towards democratic government. In the view of the announced objective, the documentary corpus was formed by oral statements elaborated with the characters who acted in this University. It should be noted that during the process of political openness, which occurred between the 1970s and 1980s, there was a transformation in the way the SM was organized. For those who entered this movement at this time, criticism of the practices of the previous generation, which had opted for a struggle against the dictatorship through armed struggle, led to the emergence of new strategies of contestation. In view of this, the students invested in mass movements and in the defense of the return to democratic freedoms, in which the right to vote was guaranteed in all instances of government. It was tried to transform the brazilian society through the electoral vote, betting on left parties that stopped being illegal and in new acronyms, like the PT. In addition, this generation included other discussion guidelines, unlike those presented by the SM of the 1960s. In short, these subjects sought to politicize everyday life, addressing issues such as feminism, ecology and drug liberation. Thus, the SM shows itself to be a movement that has been able to transform itself through time and a historical process, playing an adversary in the political arena of the brazilian civil-military dictatorship.

O progresso pela viola: análise político ideológica da obra musical de Tonico e Tinoco durante a ditadura militar

Pacheco Junior, Celso 18 December 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:34:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CELSO PACHECO JUNIOR.pdf: 594461 bytes, checksum: be1aa3980879a1fc016130e47a9bfc66 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-12-18 / The present work aims to make both a political and ideological analysis of Brazilian society during Military Dictatorship and has the musical work of Tonico and Tinoco as its source. As I listened to the songs from the Dupla Coração do Brasil , I realized that some of them saw the theme progress differently from that seen by other country songs. They presented it as a non-structuring element of country society, whereas Tonico and Tinoco s songs consider progress to be positive for national development. Having that as evidence, we start from the hypothesis that the songs had elements from the ideology of the Military Government, which was established in Brazil as of the civil-military strike of 1964. Also, the songs contributed to consolidate the military ideology and make it known, based on progress, integration of the nation, and country security discourse. The work is theoretically supported on Cultural History, which makes it possible to use music as a historical source. The work also comprises discussion on the origins of the concept progress. Furthermore, it shows the manheimeana s view on ideology. Then, it presents the ideology of the military government and the utopy of the left party, having the engaged artistic Left movements and their relations to cultural industry and its means of communication, specifically the radio, as scenery. Next, this work points out Tonico and Tinoco s life and work. Finally, it brings analyses of songs of the mentioned duo as its final considerations. / Este trabalho faz uma análise política e ideológica da sociedade brasileira durante a ditadura militar, tendo como fonte a obra musical de Tonico e Tinoco. Ao ouvir as canções da Dupla Coração do Brasil percebia que algumas tratavam do tema progresso de forma diferente de outras canções sertanejas, que o apresentava como elemento desestruturante da sociedade caipira, enquanto, que as canções de Tonico e Tinoco apresentavam o progresso como algo positivo para o desenvolvimento nacional. Constatando isso, parte-se da hipótese que as canções continham elementos da ideologia do governo militar que se instalou no Brasil a partir do golpe civil-militar de 1964. E que as canções ajudaram na divulgação e consolidação de ideologia militar pautada no discurso do progresso, da integração da nação e da segurança do país. O trabalho apoiou-se teoricamente na História Cultural que possibilitou utilizar a música como fonte histórica. O trabalho contempla também uma discussão sobre as origens do conceito progresso. Além disto, apresenta a visão mannheimeana de ideologia. A partir daí apresenta a ideologia do governo militar e a utopia da esquerda, tendo como pano de fundo, os movimentos de artistas de esquerda engajados e suas relações com a indústria cultural, seus veículos de comunicação em especial, o rádio. Por fim, o trabalho traz Tonico e Tinoco em suas vidas e obra. E termina, com as análises das canções da dupla, apresentando as considerações finais.


Pereira, Geziel Alves 26 June 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T11:21:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GEZIEL ALVES PEREIRA.pdf: 1414777 bytes, checksum: 717172a983d076529a65ba7d130e74fb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-06-26 / This dissertation with the title of the student movement in Goiás in times of dictatorship (1964-1979), was developed in order to rebuild and make reflections on the subject; which has been researched and analyzed, from documents, the archives of the Pontifical Catholic University (PUC-GO), Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), periodicals, newspapers, magazines and bibliographies on the subject. Also used depositions (interviews) with ex-militants. The research demonstrated that the vehement student participation, in the period of dictatorship in the context in which they were used, mediated political control, applied by the military of the time; reveals a crisis during the period studied, which led students to the street to express their rights, on behalf of the University and freedom of expression. Students sought strategies for their actions, using rallies, cultural resources, production of plays, songs in protests against the political forces of the time, making the Brazilian company that Brazil is of Brazilians, and not; from the military. The University student movement Ganesan brings approaches that allow the participation of University students in the political process of Goiás, consolidation of democratic institutions in Brazil. / Esta dissertação de Mestrado, com o Título de Movimento Estudantil em Goiás em Tempos de Ditadura (1964 1979), foi desenvolvida com objetivo de reconstruir e fazer reflexões acerca do tema; o qual foi pesquisado e analisado, a partir de documentos, arquivos da Pontifícia Universidade Católica (PUC-GO), Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), periódicos, jornais, revistas da época e bibliografias sobre o assunto. Utilizou-se, também, depoimentos (entrevistas) com ex-militantes. A pesquisa demonstrou que a participação veemente dos estudantes no período de Ditadura, no contexto em que foram utilizados, mediadas de controle político, aplicadas pelos militares da época, revela uma crise no período estudado, o que levou os estudantes à rua para contestarem seus direitos, em defesa da Universidade e liberdade de expressão. Os estudantes buscaram estratégias para suas ações, utilizando passeatas, recursos culturais, produção de peças teatrais, músicas em protesto contra as forças políticas da época, conscientizando a sociedade brasileira de que o Brasil é dos brasileiros, e não, dos militares. O Movimento Estudantil Universitário Goiano traz abordagens que permitem relembrar a participação dos estudantes universitários goianos no processo político de consolidação das Instituições Democráticas no Brasil.

TELEDRAMATURGIA DE MINISSÉRIE: A Relação entre História e Ficção em Anos Rebeldes.

Nunes, Mirella Lopes 31 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by admin tede (tede@pucgoias.edu.br) on 2016-09-21T11:54:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MIRELLA LOPES NUNES.pdf: 2752700 bytes, checksum: b93ef3c03167aac20b0996985759b943 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-21T11:54:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MIRELLA LOPES NUNES.pdf: 2752700 bytes, checksum: b93ef3c03167aac20b0996985759b943 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-31 / This study aims to analyze the miniseries Anos Rebeldes which was broadcast by Globo Television Network in 1992. The work written by Gilberto Braga and starring Malu Mader, Cláudia Abreu and Cássio Gabus Mendes, dates back to the trajectory of a group of friends from the High School Pedro II and the transformations in which they passed in the 1960s and 1970s with the establishment of the military dictatorship in Brazil. From images built on the possibility of real and used in a fictional narrative, this research proposes to address the relationship between history and fiction, in other words, unveil how television, one of the leading cultural industry product, incorporates and reveals in a television genre a product with great historical approach. Based on this assumption and in see how Globo television network goes back a historical miniseries, we seek to understand certain processes that describe subjects and characters through the media, enabling the construction of imaginative discourses that reformulate the social memory on the covered period. On that basis and with the supported methodology of Marc Ferro's theory of the analysis of a historical film, this research falls within the scope of Cultural History proposing a reflection on the inclusion of historical elements in fictional narratives and its effects on the period of the environment in it was produced. / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a minissérie Anos Rebeldes que foi transmitida pela Rede Globo de Televisão no ano de 1992. A obra escrita por Gilberto Braga e estrelada por Malu Mader, Cláudia Abreu e Cássio Gabus Mendes, remonta a trajetória de um grupo de amigos do Colégio Pedro II e as transformações nas quais eles passaram nos anos 1960 e 1970 com a implantação da Ditadura Militar no Brasil. A partir de imagens construídas sobre a possibilidade do real e utilizadas em uma narrativa ficcional, essa pesquisa propõe abordar a relação entre história e ficção, ou seja, desvendar como a televisão, um dos principais produtos da indústria cultural, incorpora e revela em um gênero televisivo um produto com grande abordagem histórica. Partindo desse pressuposto e a fim de verificar como a Rede Globo de televisão remonta uma minissérie histórica, buscamos compreender certos processos que descrevem sujeitos e personagens por intermédio da mídia, possibilitando pela construção de discursos imaginativos a reformulação da memória social sobre o período abordado. Com base nesses elementos e uma metodologia amparada na teoria de Marc Ferro sobre a análise de um filme histórico, essa pesquisa se enquadra no âmbito da História Cultural propondo uma reflexão sobre a inserção de elementos históricos em narrativas ficcionais e seus reflexos na conjuntura do período em que foi produzida.

Narrativas sobre o futebol feminino na imprensa paulista: entre a proibição e a regulamentação (1965-1983) / Narratives about women\'s football in São Paulos press: between prohibition and regulation (1965-1983)

Silva, Giovana Capucim e 09 April 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa trata dos discursos da imprensa paulista acerca do futebol praticado por mulheres durante o período da ditadura civil-militar em que este era proibido no Brasil (1965-1983). Faz-se esta análise em cinco periódicos O Estado de S. Paulo, Folha de S. Paulo, Placar, A Gazeta Esportiva e A Gazeta Esportiva Ilustrada para apontar de que maneiras o futebol feminino era retratado ou silenciado - na imprensa, assim como identificar as diversas práticas de futebóis e pontuar os fatores que motivaram os marcos que separam os capítulos desta dissertação: a proibição (1965), a revogação (1979) e a regulamentação do esporte (1983). / This research analyzes the discourses of São Paulos press about the football played by women when it was banned during the civil-military dictatorship in Brazil (1965-1983). This examination is done in three journals and two magazines - O Estado de S. Paulo, Folha de S. Paulo, Placar, A Gazeta Esportiva and A Gazeta Esportiva Ilustrada - pointing to the ways in which women\'s football was seemed - or silenced - in this press, and identify the various practices of footballs and scoring the factors that motivated the landmarks that separate the chapters of this dissertation: the prohibition (1965), the repeal (1979) and the establishment of the rules for this sport (1983).

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