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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Atividade física habitual em mulheres na pós-menopausa : associações com fatores dietéticos, composição corporal, variáveis metabólicas e hormonais e fatores de risco cardiovascular

Silva, Thaís Rasia da January 2012 (has links)
Regular physical activity and a healthful diet are important influences on health. Nevertheless, few studies have focused on the influence of habitual physical activity on diet preferences. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the relationship between habitual physical activity and dietary intake, body composition, metabolic and hormonal variables and cardiovascular risk factors in postmenopausal women with no evidence of cardiovascular disease. One hundred and five women (mean age: 55.2±4.9 years) consulting for climacteric symptoms underwent anthropometric and hormonal assessment. Usual dietary intake was assessed with a food frequency questionnaire, and habitual physical activity with a digital pedometer. Participants were classified as physically inactive (5 999 steps daily) or physically active (≥ 6 000 steps daily). A negative correlation was observed between steps/day and percent body fat (r = - 0.470; P<0.001), waist circumference (r = - 0.356; P<0.001) and body mass index (r = - 0.286; P=0.003). Compared to the inactive group, active participants had lower diastolic blood pressure (P=0.012), ultrasensitive C-reactive protein (us-CRP) (P=0.011), fasting glucose (P=0.003), fasting insulin (P=0.019) and homeostasis model assessment index (P=0.017), and higher intake of protein, total fat, cholesterol, calcium, iron, zinc, selenium, meats, eggs, and whole-fat dairy foods. After adjustment for age and time since menopause, the risk for metabolic syndrome increased with physical inactivity, high blood pressure, us-CRP, and percent body fat. In conclusion, both habitual physical activity and dietary choices may have contributed towards a more favorable cardiovascular profile and lower risk of metabolic syndrome in postmenopausal women.

Atividade física habitual em mulheres na pós-menopausa : associações com fatores dietéticos, composição corporal, variáveis metabólicas e hormonais e fatores de risco cardiovascular

Silva, Thaís Rasia da January 2012 (has links)
Regular physical activity and a healthful diet are important influences on health. Nevertheless, few studies have focused on the influence of habitual physical activity on diet preferences. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the relationship between habitual physical activity and dietary intake, body composition, metabolic and hormonal variables and cardiovascular risk factors in postmenopausal women with no evidence of cardiovascular disease. One hundred and five women (mean age: 55.2±4.9 years) consulting for climacteric symptoms underwent anthropometric and hormonal assessment. Usual dietary intake was assessed with a food frequency questionnaire, and habitual physical activity with a digital pedometer. Participants were classified as physically inactive (5 999 steps daily) or physically active (≥ 6 000 steps daily). A negative correlation was observed between steps/day and percent body fat (r = - 0.470; P<0.001), waist circumference (r = - 0.356; P<0.001) and body mass index (r = - 0.286; P=0.003). Compared to the inactive group, active participants had lower diastolic blood pressure (P=0.012), ultrasensitive C-reactive protein (us-CRP) (P=0.011), fasting glucose (P=0.003), fasting insulin (P=0.019) and homeostasis model assessment index (P=0.017), and higher intake of protein, total fat, cholesterol, calcium, iron, zinc, selenium, meats, eggs, and whole-fat dairy foods. After adjustment for age and time since menopause, the risk for metabolic syndrome increased with physical inactivity, high blood pressure, us-CRP, and percent body fat. In conclusion, both habitual physical activity and dietary choices may have contributed towards a more favorable cardiovascular profile and lower risk of metabolic syndrome in postmenopausal women.

Caracterização da população adulta e idosa do município de São Paulo segundo padrões alimentares de refeições - Estudo de base populacional ISA Capital 2008 / Characterization of adult and elderly population living in the city of São Paulo accordingly to meals dietary patterns population based study ISA Capital 2008.

Roberta de Oliveira Santos 25 September 2014 (has links)
Introdução: A Organização Mundial da Saúde sugere que as recomendações alimentares para populações devem basear-se em alimentos ao invés de nutrientes. No entanto, devem levar em consideração, que os indivíduos não consomem nutrientes ou alimentos isoladamente e sim refeições compostas por uma variedade de alimentos. Objetivo: Identificar os padrões alimentares do café da manhã, almoço e jantar da população adulta e idosa do município de São Paulo e caracterizá-los de acordo com variáveis socioeconômicas, demográficas e antropométricas. Métodos: Foram utilizados dados secundários do estudo transversal de base populacional ISA-Capital 2008 de adultos e idosos (n=1102). O consumo alimentar foi estimado pelo Multiple Source Method considerando dois recordatórios de 24 horas. A partir dos grupos de alimentos de cada refeição aplicou-se análise fatorial por componentes principais (rotação varimax) para derivar os padrões alimentares. Calcularam-se os escores fatoriais, que foram então utilizados para agrupar os indivíduos através da análise de agrupamento. Adicionou-se um grupo com os indivíduos que não realizaram a refeição para cada uma das análises. Os grupos foram caracterizados segundo sexo, faixa etária, renda familiar per capita e estado nutricional. Admitiu-se nível de significância de 0,05 e para caracterização dos grupos considerou-se uma diferença de escore padronizado em pelo menos |0,5| com relação à amostra geral. Resultados: Identificou-se prevalência de 5,6 por cento de omissão do café da manhã, 3,6 por cento do almoço e 12,8 por cento do jantar. Quanto aos que realizaram as refeições, identificaram-se três padrões do Café da Manhã: Saudável, Tradicional e Lanche; quatro padrões do Almoço: Tradicional, Salada, Suco Adoçado e Ocidental; e quatro padrões do Jantar: Café com Leite e Pão, Transição, Tradicional e Sopa e Frutas. Os grupos de indivíduos associados a idosos apresentaram aderência ao café da manhã Saudável, almoço Salada e jantar Sopas e Frutas. Aqueles associados a homens e adultos em geral omitiram o café da manhã e aderiram ao almoço Ocidental e jantar Transição. Os grupos associados a apenas homens aderiram a café da manhã e almoço Tradicional. Aqueles associados a somente adultos apresentaram aderência ao almoço Suco Adoçado. E associados a mulheres aderiram a um jantar Café com Leite e Pão. Grupos associados à baixa escolaridade aderiram a um jantar Sopa e Frutas, e os de escolaridade elevada aderiram a café da manhã Lanche e Omissão do mesmo; e padrão de almoço ocidental. Grupos associados com indivíduos de baixa renda aderiram ao almoço tradicional. Conclusão: Os resultados encontrados no presente estudo indicam que padrões alimentares identificados de acordo com a refeição discriminam bem o consumo alimentar, salientando peculiaridades que não são encontradas em análises globais. E a associação entre a aderência a esses padrões e fatores demográficos e socioeconômicos sugere a existência de públicos-alvo para o planejamento e execução de políticas públicas em alimentação e nutrição. / Introduction: The World Health Organization suggests that dietary recommendations for populations should be based on foods rather than nutrients. However, individuals do not consume foods or nutrients in isolation but meals with variety of foods. Objective: To identify dietary patterns from breakfast, lunch and dinner of the adult and elderly population in São Paulo and characterize them according to socioeconomic, demographic and anthropometric variables. Methods: Data from cross-sectional population-based ISA Capital 2008 of adults and elderly (n = 1102) was used. Dietary intake was estimated by Multiple Source Method considering two 24-hour recalls. Principal component factor analysis (varimax rotation) was used to derive dietary patterns for each meal. Factor scores were calculated and then used in the cluster analysis. Individuals that skipped the meal were added as an extra cluster. The groups were characterized by gender, age, family income and nutritional status. Significance level of 0.05 was assumed for the groups characterization it was considered a difference of standardized score of at least | 0.5 | with respect to the overall sample. Results: We found omission prevalence of 5.6 per cent for breakfast, 3.6 per cent for lunch and 12.8 per cent for dinner. Three patterns of breakfast were identified: Healthy, Traditional and Snack; four patterns to lunch: Traditional, Salad, Sweetened Juice and Western; and four patterns to dinner: Coffee with Milk and Bread, Transitional, Traditional and Soup and Fruits. The groups of individuals associated with the elderly showed adherence to Healthy breakfast, Salad lunch and Soups and Fruit dinner. The groups that were associated with adult and men skipped breakfast and adhered to the Western lunch and Transition dinner. The groups associated with only men showed adherence to Traditional breakfast and lunch. The groups associated with only adults showed adherence to Sweetened Juice lunch. The groups associated with women showed adherence with Coffee with Milk and Bread dinner. The groups associated with low education adhered to Soup and Fruits dinner, and the groups associated with high school skipped breakfast and they adhered to Snack breakfast and Western breakfast. Groups associated with low-income individuals adhered to Traditional lunch. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that dietary patterns identified by meal discriminated food consumption very well, highlighting peculiarities that a global analysis cannot show. And the adherence to meal patterns associated with socioeconomic and demographic factors suggest there is evidence of risk groups and possible public policies related to health diet.

Padrões alimentares e fatores de risco em indivíduos com doença cardiovascular / Dietary patterns and risk factors in individuals with cardiovascular disease

Torreglosa, Camila Ragne 01 December 2014 (has links)
As doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) representam a principal causa de mortalidade e de incapacidade, em ambos os gêneros, no Brasil e no mundo. O padrão de consumo alimentar está tanto positiva como negativamente associado aos principais fatores de risco para DCV, entre eles diabetes, hipertensão, obesidade e hipertrigliceridemia, todos componentes da síndrome metabólica. Este estudo tem como objetivos identificar os padrões alimentares em indivíduos com DCV, considerando a densidade de energia, a gordura saturada, a fibra, o sódio e o potássio consumidos, e investigar sua associação com fatores de risco de DCV e síndrome metabólica. Trata-se de um estudo transversal. Foram utilizados dados do estudo DICA Br. A amostra foi composta de indivíduos com DCV, com idade superior a 45 anos, de todas as regiões brasileiras. O consumo alimentar foi obtido por recordatório alimentar de 24h e os padrões alimentares obtidos pela regressão por posto reduzido (RPR). Para a RPR, utilizaram-se 28 grupos alimentares como preditores e como variáveis respostas componentes dietéticos. O teste de Mann Whitney foi utilizado para testar as diferenças entre as médias dos escores. Foram obtidos dados de 1.047 participantes; 95% apresentavam doença arterial coronariana; em sua maioria, eram idosos, da classe econômica C1 e C2 e estudaram até o ensino médio. A prevalência de síndrome metabólica foi de 58%. Foram extraídos dois padrões alimentares. O primeiro foi marcado pelo maior consumo de fibra alimentar e potássio, composto por arroz e feijão, frutas e sucos naturais com ou sem açúcar, legumes, carne bovina ou processada, verduras, raízes e tubérculos. O segundo padrão caracterizou-se pelo consumo de gordura saturada e maior densidade energética, representado por panificados salgados, gorduras, carne bovina e processada, doces caseiros, pizza, salgadinhos de pacote ou festa, sanduíche e alimento salgado pronto para consumo. Houve associação significativa entre o padrão alimentar 1 com medida da circunferência da cintura e nível de HDL adequados e com o padrão 2 e HDL adequado. A adoção do padrão alimentar 1 pode estar associada à proteção contra alguns dos componentes da síndrome metabólica. / Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of mortality and disability in both genders in Brazil and worldwide. The dietary pattern is at the same time positive and negatively associated with the main risk factors for CVD, including diabetes, hypertension, obesity and hypertriglyceridemia, all components of the metabolic syndrome. This study aims to identify dietary patterns in individuals with CVD, considering the energy density, and the amount of saturated fatty acid, fiber, sodium and potassium of the diet, and to investigate its association with CVD risk factors and metabolic syndrome. This is a cross-sectional study, data were used from \"DICA Br\" study. The sample consisted of individuals with CVD, over 45 years old, residents from all Brazilian regions. Food consumption was obtained by one 24-hours diet recall and dietary patterns by reduced rank regression (RRR). In the RRR, 28 food groups were included as predictors and dietary components was chosen as the response variable. The Mann-Whitney test was used to test the differences between the factors scores\' means. Data of 1047 participants were analyzed. 95% have coronary artery disease, most are elderly, economical class most observed are C1 and C2. Also, most of them and studied up to high school. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was 58%. Two dietary patterns were extracted: the first one is higher in dietary fiber and potassium, which is composed by rice, beans, fruits and natural juices with or without sugar, vegetables, beef or processed meat, roots and tubers. The second pattern is higher in saturated fatty acid and energy density, represented by breads, fats, and processed meat, homemade pastries, pizza, snacks or party package, sandwich and salty food ready for consumption. There was a significant association between dietary pattern 1 and low waist circumference and adequate high density cholesterol blood concentration. There was a significant association between dietary pattern 2 and adequate high density cholesterol blood concentration. We suggest that the adoption of the dietary pattern 1 may be associated with protection against some of the components of metabolic syndrome.

Evaluating the Relationships of Diet Quality with ADHD and Emotional Dysregulation Symptom Severities in a Pediatric Population

Robinette, Lisa M. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Padrões alimentares praticados por adolescentes: influência de fatores socioeconômicos e relação com o estado nutricional / Dietary patterns practiced by adolescents: influence of socioeconomic factors and relation with nutritional status

Borges, Camila Aparecida 15 February 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A caracterização dos padrões alimentares dos adolescentes permite analisar os efeitos da dieta como um todo sobre a saúde. Objetivos: Identificar na literatura científica as múltiplas soluções adotadas nas técnicas multivariadas para obtenção de padrões alimentares; Analisar a relação entre os principais padrões alimentares praticados por adolescentes brasileiros com o excesso de peso e obesidade e Analisar a influência de fatores socioeconômicos sobre os principais padrões alimentares praticados por um grupo multiétnico de adolescentes. Métodos: Esta tese foi composta de três artigos. O primeiro corresponde a uma revisão da literatura sobre padrões alimentares estimados por diferentes técnicas multivariadas. Para os demais artigos duas bases de dados foram utilizadas: a Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares (POF) de 2008 09 e o estudo Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence (HELENA) conduzido em 2006-07. A análise fatorial exploratória foi utilizada para obtenção dos padrões alimentares. O segundo artigo utilizou modelo de regressão logística para verificar a associação entre os escores dos padrões alimentares e o excesso de peso e obesidade ajustado para variáveis socioeconômicas. O terceiro artigo utilizou o modelo de regressão linear para avaliar a associação entre indicadores de renda e escolaridade e os escores dos padrões alimentares. Resultados: Na revisão da literatura foi verificado grande heterogeneidade na escolha dos critérios adotados durante as múltiplas etapas das técnicas multivariadas. No segundo manuscrito, foi verificado que quanto maior a adesão ao Padrão Lanches e ao Padrão Snacks maior a chance de estar com excesso de peso e obesidade. No terceiro manuscrito, 10 padrões alimentares foram identificados entre adolescentes de áreas urbanas no Brasil e Europa. Entre os adolescentes brasileiros, maiores níveis socioeconômicos e educacionais da pessoa de referência do domicílio foram associados positivamente com o padrão composto por queijo, cereais matinais, frutas e sucos de fruta, leite e derivados. Entre os adolescentes europeus, maiores níveis socioeconômicos e maior educação das mães foram positivamente associados ao padrão composto por bebidas lácteas, cereais matinais; leite e derivados, manteiga e margarina, além disso, maiores níveis socioeconômicos também foram negativamente associados com o padrão composto por óleos vegetais, nozes, sementes, pão, carnes, leguminosas, hortaliças e tubérculos, ovos e os maiores níveis de de educação materna foram associados negativamente com o padrão composto por pão; carne; bebidas açúcaradas e salgadinhos. Conclusão: Os achados mostraram a elevada prática de padrões alimentares baseados em alimentos com altas concentrações de gorduras e açúcares os quais estão sendo responsáveis pelo aumento no excesso de peso e obesidade entre os adolescentes brasileiros. No geral, os adolescentes que possuíram maior renda ou bens materiais e maior nível de escolaridade do adulto responsável praticaram padrões alimentares um pouco mais saudáveis. No entanto, no Brasil a maior escolaridade da pessoa de referência do domicílio por si só não está diretamente associada a melhores práticas alimentares entre os adolescentes, o contrário do que acontece na Europa. Sendo assim, o maior acesso à renda e a maior escolaridade dos responsáveis desempenham um papel importante na adoção de padrões alimentares mais saudáveis entre os adolescentes. / Introduction: The characterization of the dietary patterns practiced by adolescents allows analyzing the effects of diet as a whole on health outcomes. Objectives: To identify in the scientific literature the multiple solutions adopted in the multivariate techniques to obtain dietary patterns; To analyze the relationship between major dietary patterns practiced by Brazilian adolescents with overweight and obesity and To analyze the influence of socioeconomic factors on major dietary patterns practiced by a multiethnic group of adolescents. Methods: This thesis was composed of three manuscripts. The first manuscript was a literature review about dietary patterns estimated by different multivariate techniques. For the others manuscripts two databases were used: The Brazilian Household Budget Survey (HBS) conducted in 2008 09 and The Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence (HELENA) conducted in 2006-07. Exploratory factor analysis was used to obtain dietary patterns. The second manuscript used logistic regression model to assess the association between the dietary patterns scores and overweight adjusted for socioeconomic variables. The third manuscript used linear regression to assess the association between socioeconomic indicators and dietary patterns scores. Results: A literature review showed a great diversity in the choice of criteria used during the multiple steps of multivariate techniques. The second manuscript showed that higher adherence to Sandwiches Pattern and Snacks Pattern the higher chance of being overweight among Brazilian adolescents. In the third article, 10 dietary patterns were identified among adolescents in urban areas. Among Brazilian adolescents, higher socioeconomic and educational levels of the household reference person were associated with the pattern 4 (composed of cheese, breakfast cereals, fruits and fruit juices, dairy products). Among European adolescents, higher socioeconomic levels and increased education of mothers were positively associated with pattern 2 (composed of dairy drinks, cereals, dairy products, butter and margarine), moreover, higher socioeconomic levels were also negatively associated with the pattern 6 (composed of vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, bread, meat, legumes, starchy roots, eggs) and the highest levels of maternal education were negatively associated with the pattern 5 (consisting of bread, meat, sugary drinks and snacks). Conclusion: The findings showed the high practice of dietary patterns based on foods with high concentrations of fats and sugars, which were responsible for the increase in overweight and obesity among Brazilian adolescents. In general, the study showed that adolescents who had higher socioeconomic status practiced healthier dietary patterns. However, in Brazil the highest education of the household reference person is not directly associated with better dietary practices among adolescents, in contrast with what happens in Europe. Thus, greater access to income and more education of mothers and caregivers have an important role in the adoption of healthier dietary patterns among adolescents.

Sustainable Agri-food Production and Consumption

James D. Chapa (5930576) 11 June 2019 (has links)
Agri-food production is necessary to sustain the growing global population, but it adversely impacts the environment in various ways, including climate change, eutrophication, acidification, land and water uses, and loss of biodiversity, etc. These environmental impacts can also negatively affect human health, which could in theory outweigh the health benefits of nutritious food. While better agricultural practices need to be developed and applied to minimize the environmental burdens associated with the production chains, consumers are expected to implement more sustainable lifestyles and eat more environment-friendly foods. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is an analytical tool to evaluate the sustainability of a product by examining all the resources used and emissions generated during its life cycle. The first part of this work focused on the upstream production. An LCA of organic blueberry production was conducted to evaluate the trade-off between seasonal and local options and answer the question of whether imported fresh or domestic frozen blueberries are more sustainable. Fresh blueberries from Chile showed superior environmental performance within 2-week storage, due to lower electricity use associated with refrigeration and higher farming yield. Furthermore, length of storage and transportation distance were also found important; if farming yields are comparable, consumption of locally produced, fresh blueberries will be a better choice because of less energy use and shorter transportation distance. The second part of this work targeted at the downstream consumption and aimed to reduce the U.S. environmental footprint through changing adult eating habits. Supplemental functional units were applied in the LCA to incorporate the functions of food to provide nutrition and satiety. With controlled caloric intake, vegetarian diets were found overall more sustainable. However, large possible variations in the environmental impacts of the compared diets were observed due to wide range of nutritional quality of selected foods. Animal products, including meat and dairy especially, and discretionary foods were identified as hotspots in the American diet, that is, reducing the consumption of these foods or deliberately choosing more sustainable alternatives within the same food categories, like chicken and low-fat milk, can significantly improve the sustainability of current American dietary patterns. <br>

Padrões alimentares praticados por adolescentes: influência de fatores socioeconômicos e relação com o estado nutricional / Dietary patterns practiced by adolescents: influence of socioeconomic factors and relation with nutritional status

Camila Aparecida Borges 15 February 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A caracterização dos padrões alimentares dos adolescentes permite analisar os efeitos da dieta como um todo sobre a saúde. Objetivos: Identificar na literatura científica as múltiplas soluções adotadas nas técnicas multivariadas para obtenção de padrões alimentares; Analisar a relação entre os principais padrões alimentares praticados por adolescentes brasileiros com o excesso de peso e obesidade e Analisar a influência de fatores socioeconômicos sobre os principais padrões alimentares praticados por um grupo multiétnico de adolescentes. Métodos: Esta tese foi composta de três artigos. O primeiro corresponde a uma revisão da literatura sobre padrões alimentares estimados por diferentes técnicas multivariadas. Para os demais artigos duas bases de dados foram utilizadas: a Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares (POF) de 2008 09 e o estudo Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence (HELENA) conduzido em 2006-07. A análise fatorial exploratória foi utilizada para obtenção dos padrões alimentares. O segundo artigo utilizou modelo de regressão logística para verificar a associação entre os escores dos padrões alimentares e o excesso de peso e obesidade ajustado para variáveis socioeconômicas. O terceiro artigo utilizou o modelo de regressão linear para avaliar a associação entre indicadores de renda e escolaridade e os escores dos padrões alimentares. Resultados: Na revisão da literatura foi verificado grande heterogeneidade na escolha dos critérios adotados durante as múltiplas etapas das técnicas multivariadas. No segundo manuscrito, foi verificado que quanto maior a adesão ao Padrão Lanches e ao Padrão Snacks maior a chance de estar com excesso de peso e obesidade. No terceiro manuscrito, 10 padrões alimentares foram identificados entre adolescentes de áreas urbanas no Brasil e Europa. Entre os adolescentes brasileiros, maiores níveis socioeconômicos e educacionais da pessoa de referência do domicílio foram associados positivamente com o padrão composto por queijo, cereais matinais, frutas e sucos de fruta, leite e derivados. Entre os adolescentes europeus, maiores níveis socioeconômicos e maior educação das mães foram positivamente associados ao padrão composto por bebidas lácteas, cereais matinais; leite e derivados, manteiga e margarina, além disso, maiores níveis socioeconômicos também foram negativamente associados com o padrão composto por óleos vegetais, nozes, sementes, pão, carnes, leguminosas, hortaliças e tubérculos, ovos e os maiores níveis de de educação materna foram associados negativamente com o padrão composto por pão; carne; bebidas açúcaradas e salgadinhos. Conclusão: Os achados mostraram a elevada prática de padrões alimentares baseados em alimentos com altas concentrações de gorduras e açúcares os quais estão sendo responsáveis pelo aumento no excesso de peso e obesidade entre os adolescentes brasileiros. No geral, os adolescentes que possuíram maior renda ou bens materiais e maior nível de escolaridade do adulto responsável praticaram padrões alimentares um pouco mais saudáveis. No entanto, no Brasil a maior escolaridade da pessoa de referência do domicílio por si só não está diretamente associada a melhores práticas alimentares entre os adolescentes, o contrário do que acontece na Europa. Sendo assim, o maior acesso à renda e a maior escolaridade dos responsáveis desempenham um papel importante na adoção de padrões alimentares mais saudáveis entre os adolescentes. / Introduction: The characterization of the dietary patterns practiced by adolescents allows analyzing the effects of diet as a whole on health outcomes. Objectives: To identify in the scientific literature the multiple solutions adopted in the multivariate techniques to obtain dietary patterns; To analyze the relationship between major dietary patterns practiced by Brazilian adolescents with overweight and obesity and To analyze the influence of socioeconomic factors on major dietary patterns practiced by a multiethnic group of adolescents. Methods: This thesis was composed of three manuscripts. The first manuscript was a literature review about dietary patterns estimated by different multivariate techniques. For the others manuscripts two databases were used: The Brazilian Household Budget Survey (HBS) conducted in 2008 09 and The Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence (HELENA) conducted in 2006-07. Exploratory factor analysis was used to obtain dietary patterns. The second manuscript used logistic regression model to assess the association between the dietary patterns scores and overweight adjusted for socioeconomic variables. The third manuscript used linear regression to assess the association between socioeconomic indicators and dietary patterns scores. Results: A literature review showed a great diversity in the choice of criteria used during the multiple steps of multivariate techniques. The second manuscript showed that higher adherence to Sandwiches Pattern and Snacks Pattern the higher chance of being overweight among Brazilian adolescents. In the third article, 10 dietary patterns were identified among adolescents in urban areas. Among Brazilian adolescents, higher socioeconomic and educational levels of the household reference person were associated with the pattern 4 (composed of cheese, breakfast cereals, fruits and fruit juices, dairy products). Among European adolescents, higher socioeconomic levels and increased education of mothers were positively associated with pattern 2 (composed of dairy drinks, cereals, dairy products, butter and margarine), moreover, higher socioeconomic levels were also negatively associated with the pattern 6 (composed of vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, bread, meat, legumes, starchy roots, eggs) and the highest levels of maternal education were negatively associated with the pattern 5 (consisting of bread, meat, sugary drinks and snacks). Conclusion: The findings showed the high practice of dietary patterns based on foods with high concentrations of fats and sugars, which were responsible for the increase in overweight and obesity among Brazilian adolescents. In general, the study showed that adolescents who had higher socioeconomic status practiced healthier dietary patterns. However, in Brazil the highest education of the household reference person is not directly associated with better dietary practices among adolescents, in contrast with what happens in Europe. Thus, greater access to income and more education of mothers and caregivers have an important role in the adoption of healthier dietary patterns among adolescents.

Estudo da assembléia de macroinvertebrados em riachos da Mata Atlântica, utilizando a técnica isotópica de \'delta\'13C e \'delta\'15N / Study of the assemblage of macroinvertebrates in streams of Mata Atlântica, using the isotope technique of \'delta\'13C e \'delta\'15N

Tassoni Filho, Mauricio 06 August 2010 (has links)
Diversos estudos apontam uma forte influência do ambiente terrestre sobre os corpos dágua nele inseridos. No caso de riachos de cabeceira esta relação não se resume a variáveis químicas e físicas, mas também está ligada diretamente ao que chamamos de metabolismo do riacho, regulando o aporte direto de nutrientes em forma de folhiço e material particulado e a produtividade interna, através de incidência de luz. Estes são fatores que estão intrinsecamente ligados a manutenção deste metabolismo e por conseqüência da biodiversidade que existe nestes riachos. Este estudo, através da técnica isotópica do \'dela\'13C e \'delta\'15N e índices ecológicos (riqueza, abundância, diversidade, EPT e EPTC) comparou riachos de Mata Atlântica inseridos em ambientes com diferentes características. Primeiramente com relação à altitude, foram comparados riachos inseridos em matriz de Floresta Ombrófila Densa de Terras Baixas (5 a 50 m), sopé da Serra do Mar e de Floresta Ombrófila Densa Montana (500 a 1.200 m), topo da serra. E em um segundo momento, riachos em diferentes usos do solo, inseridos em matriz de floresta, eucalipto e pastagem. Foram encontradas diferenças não só relacionadas aos índices ecológicos, mas principalmente com relação as variáveis isotópicas, que apontaram mudanças nos padrões alimentares. Os riachos de terras baixas apresentaram um alto consumo de perifiton que foi substituído pelo consumo de material particulado nos riachos de altitude. O consumo de folhiço foi importante em ambas as altitudes e se manteve estável temporalmente. No caso de uso do solo, os riachos inseridos em plantações de eucalipto, seguiram um padrão muito próximo aos riachos florestados. Os padrões encontrados nos riachos de pastagem diferiram de ambas as fisionomias florestais apresentando um baixo consumo de folhiço e influência de plantas C4 na dieta de alguns invertebrados, além de uma grande variação interna explicada pela composição do folhiço e material particulado encontrados nestes riachos. / Several studies show a strong influence of terrestrial environment on streams contained therein. On headwater streams that influence is not just related to chemical and physical variables, but also is directly linked to what the stream metabolism, regulating the direct input of nutrients in the form of litter and particulate matter and internal productivity through light incidence. Factors that are inextricably linked to maintenance of these metabolism and consequently to the biodiversity that exists in these streams. This study, using the isotopic technique of \'delta\'13C and \'delta\'15N and ecological indexes (richness, abundance, diversity, EPT and EPTC) compared Atlantic Forest streams inserted in environments with different characteristics. We compared streams inserted in Tropical Rain Forest of lowlands (50-50 m), foothills of the Serra do Mar and Mountain Tropical Rain Forest (500-1200 m) upland. Also compared streams in different land uses, inserted into a matrix of forest, grassland and eucalyptus. Differences found on isotopic variables showed changes in dietary patterns. The lowland streams showed a high consumption of periphyton that was replaced by the consumption of particulate matter in the upland streams. Consumption of leaf litter was important in both altitudes and remained stable on both seasons. For land use comparison, streams inserted in eucalyptus plantations, followed a pattern similar to forested streams. The patterns found in pasture streams differed from both forest formations, showing a low consumption of leaf litter and influence of C4 plants in the diet of some invertebrates, as well as a large internal variation explained by the composition of litter and particulate matter collected in these streams.

A Cross-national Comparison Study of Metabolic Syndrome among Canadian and Korean Older Adults

Song, Geum Ju 23 May 2014 (has links)
Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a clustering of traditional cardiovascular risk factors including central obesity, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, and hypertension. The prevalence of MetS increases risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes and increases with age. Purpose: To compare prevalence and correlates of MetS (and components) in Canadian and Korean older adults. Methods: This study consisted of secondary data analysis, using data from the Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) (cycle 1) and the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (cycle 4). The study sample included adults aged 60 to 79 years and who provided fasting blood samples. To compare prevalence of MetS between countries, the same diagnostic criteria (Harmonizing definition) were used. Similar measures of potential explanatory variables for MetS, such as physical activity, dietary patterns, comorbidity, gender, household income adequacy, education, marital status, alcohol consumption, smoking, psychological distress, and duration of sleep were also used where possible. Univariate and multiple logistic regression models were used to examine the cross-sectional relationship between these study variables and MetS. Principal component and cluster analyses were conducted to derive dietary patterns. Results: Included were 550 (weighted N=4,886,039) and 3,040 (weighted N=4,267,182) Canadians and Koreans aged 60 to 79 years, respectively. The prevalence of MetS was 42.0% and 52.2% in the Canadian and Korean sample, respectively (p<.0001). The prevalence of MetS in Korean women was 60.5% and explained the overall increased prevalence in the Korean sample. Results of the descriptive analysis, as well as the univariate and multiple logistic regression analyses indicated that the prevalence and pattern or joint distribution of explanatory variables differed across the two populations. In the Canadian sample, the final multivariate model comprised household income, marital status, alcohol consumption and psychological distress, with evidence of an interaction between adequacy of household income and marital status. In the Korean sample, the final multivariate model comprised comorbidity, gender, education, marital status, physical activity, and dietary pattern, with evidence of an interaction between comorbidity and marital status and between gender and education. Conclusions: Findings of this study provided insight into possible underlying mechanisms that might lead to between-country differences in prevalence of MetS and to inconsistent measures of association between MetS and an individual factor like physical activity or dietary intake across studies.

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