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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Digitaliserad skrivundervisning i årskurs 4-6 : En studie om fem lärares förståelse och upplevelser avdigitaliserad skrivundervisning / Digitalized writing in elementary school : Teachers’ views on digitized writing in elementary school.

Larsson, Olle, Örn, Malin January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med den här kvalitativa studien är att undersöka hur lärare förstår och uppleverden digitaliserade skrivundervisningen i årskurs 4–6. Studien lutar sig mot det sociokulturella perspektivet som visar att användandet av medierande verktyg till-sammans med stöttning behövs för att förstå och tolka den värld vi lever i. Vi har genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem lärare i årskurs 4–6 samlat in empiri omhur lärare uppfattar den digitaliserade skrivundervisningen. Resultatet visar hurförutsättningarna för elevernas skrivande ändrades när den digitaliseradeskrivundervisningen gav lärarna goda möjligheter att möta elevernas lärande på nya sätt. Lärarna beskrev att de kunde ge effektivare stöttning till eleverna och individ-anpassa stöttningen till dem. Digitaliserad skrivundervisning gjorde det även möjligt för eleverna att få inflytande över undervisningen och öva för att klara de nationellaproven. Lärarna beskrev att den digitaliserade undervisningen med elevdatorer ocksåkunde leda till distraktioner.

EFFEKTER AV EN PANDEMI : En kartläggning av barnmorskors erfarenheter på barnmorskemottagning

Blomqvist, Sara, Matilda, Lundblad January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: att kartlägga barnmorskors stödjande roll för den gravida kvinnan på barnmorskemottagning under covid-19 pandemin. Metod: kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie. Data samlades in via webbenkäter och analyserades med deskriptiv statistik.   Resultat: Sextiofyra enkäter besvarades. Under covid-19 har tillräckligt med tid och information funnits för att stödja gravida kvinnor. Kollegialt och chefsstöd var viktigt för att erbjuda gravida kvinnor stöd. Samma kvalitet hölls på vården trots att vissa barnmorskebesök var digitala. Föräldrastöd i grupp kunde inte genomföras, alternativt genomfördes digitalt. Ogynnsamma förhållanden för kvinnor har varit svårare att uppmärksamma vid digital vård. Gravida kvinnor hade endast i undantagsfall möjlighet till en stödjande person närvarande på barnmorskemottagning, vilket ökade den stödjande rollen för barnmorskorna. Gravida kvinnor upplevde oro, men uppskattade besöken på barnmorskemottagning även under covid-19 pandemin. Barnmorskorna var oroliga att inte tillgodose gravida kvinnors behov av stöd.  Slutsatser: barnmorskornas stödjande roll påverkades av covid-19 pandemin. Huruvida digital vård underlättar för gravida kvinnor rådde delade meningar om. Kvinnor i utsatta situationer uppmärksammades inte i samma utsträckning. Adekvat vård och stöd för gravida kvinnor var en utmaning att tillgodose, men ombesörjts av barnmorskorna. Trygghet hade funnits i den stödjande rollen och barnmorskorna var överlag nöjda med arbetsinsatserna under covid-19 pandemin. / Aim: to survey the supportive role of midwives for the pregnant woman in antenatal care during the covid-19 pandemic. Method: quantitative cross-sectional study. Data were collected through a web-based survey and analyzed with descriptive statistics. Result: sixtyfour questionnaires were answered. There has been a sufficient amount of time and information to support pregnant women. Collegial and managerial support were important to support women. Some midwife visits had been replaced with digital care. Parental support in groups was not implemented during covid-19, alternatively implemented digitally. Adverse conditions for women have been more difficult to observe in digital care. Pregnant women could bring one person to the midwife's clinic in exceptional cases, which led to an increased supporting role for the midwives. Pregnant women expressed worry, but still appreciated visits to the midwife clinic during the covid-19 pandemic. The midwives were worried about not meeting the needs of support for pregnant women. Conclusions: the supportive role of midwives has been affected by covid-19. There are divided opinions about whether digital care facilitates maternal care for pregnant women. The midwives states that adequate care has been provided for the pregnant women. Midwives experienced confidence in the supportive role.

Interactive Image Processing and Pattern Recognition of Digitized Flow Patterns

Kerstens, Pieter J.M. January 1986 (has links)
In this thesis report, interactive algorithms aid in the analysis of fluid flows are presented. Special functions and algorithms to average, smooth, and calculate the similarity between digitized curves were developed. The developed routines process the images in the spatial domain, thereby eliminating the need to calculate discrete Fourier and inverse Fourier transforms. The algorithms are effective, efficient, and fast. As an integral part of the algorithms, special data buffer routines for the effective data manipulation of curves, as well as cursor routines, were developed. An arbitrary set of frames consisting of curves, or an arbitrary set of curves, can be averaged or smoothed. Curves can be smoothed with a modified, variable, convolution filter. A special function makes it possible to express the similarity of two curves in a numerical value. This technique can be used to study time effects in fluid flows. Noise reduction can be obtained by averaging and smoothing a set of curves. / Thesis / Master of Science in Manufacturing Engineering (MSMANFE)

Modelos mistos para a análise da tonalidade da cor da casca de mamão (Carica papaya L.) cv. \"Sunrise Solo\", avaliada ao longo do tempo por meio de um scanner e de um colorímetro / Mixed models for analysis of hue peel color of papaya (Carica papaya L.) cv. \"Sunrise Solo\", measured along time by means of a scanner and a colorimeter

Oliveira, Thiago de Paula 29 January 2014 (has links)
O mamão (Carica papaya L.) cv. \"Sunrise Solo\" é um fruto que apresenta mudança gradual e desuniforme da cor da casca, que vai de verde para amarela. Isso faz com que a metodologia instrumental para avaliação da cor, por meio de um colorímetro, seja subjetiva, devido ao número de pontos observados, bem como às localizações deles no fruto. Como alternativa, foi proposta a utilização de imagens digitalizadas de toda região da casca do fruto, obtidas por meio de um scanner de mesa. Para avaliar a precisão desses métodos, foi conduzido um experimento com 20 repetições. Cada repetição era constituída de um fruto de mamoeiro cv. \"Sunrise Solo\", mantido sob temperatura e umidade relativa controladas. A cor da casca dos frutos foi avaliada, diariamente, utilizando um colorímetro e um scanner. Com o scanner, foram digitalizadas as duas faces do fruto e, com o colorímetro, foram observados quatro pontos equidistantes, na região equatorial do mesmo. Como a avaliação para cada fruto foi feita ao longo do tempo, os dados são classificados como longitudinais. Assim, utilizaram-se modelos lineares de efeitos mistos para estudar o comportamento da tonalidade média, pois essa técnica permite o uso de diferentes estruturas de variâncias e covariâncias para as matrizes dos efeitos aleatórios e dos erros. O processo de seleção do modelo foi realizado por meio do teste da razão de verossimilhanças e dos critérios de informação AIC e BIC, resultando no mesmo preditor linear e matrizes de variâncias e covariâncias para ambas as metodologias de quantificação da cor. O modelo final apresentou um preditor linear quadrático com efeitos aleatórios para o intercepto e para os termos linear e quadrático com matriz de variâncias e covariâncias dos efeitos aleatórios não estruturada e componentes de variância com heterocedasticidade para os erros. A utilização do scanner revelou dois grupos de maturação fisiológica distintos, que podem estar relacionados ao ponto de colheita do fruto, fato que não ficou evidente ao utilizar um colorímetro. De forma geral, o uso de um scanner possibilitou obter uma avaliação precisa da maturação do fruto, além de ser mais consistentes e eficiente do que o uso de um colorímetro para estudar a tonalidade média da casca de frutos que apresentam coloração desuniforme. / Papayas (Carica papaya L.) of \"Sunrise solo\" variety are fruits that present gradual and uneven changes in the peel color, which goes from green to yellow. As a consequence, when using a colorimeter to quantify their color, the results are subjective because of the number of observed points, as well as because of their position on the fruit. A proposed alternative was to use scanned images of the whole fruit peel to quantify color. To assess the precision of these methods, an experiment with 20 replicates was carried out. Each replicate consisted of a papaya fruit, kept under controlled temperature and relative humidity. The fruits\' peel colors were assessed, daily, using a colorimeter and a scanner. With the scanner, both sides of the fruit were scanned and, with the colorimeter, four equidistant points at the equatorial region of the fruit were observed. As the assessment was made through time for a same fruit, the data are classified as longitudinal. Therefore, linear mixed effect models were used to study the behavior of the average fruit color tonality through time, as this technique allows usage of different random effects and error covariance structures. Model selection was made using likelihood-ratio tests and the Akaike and Bayesian information criteria, which resulted in the selection of the same linear predictor and covariance matrices for both color quantification methods. The final model presented a quadractic linear predictor with random effects for the intercept, linear and quadractic terms with an unstructured variance-covariance matrix for the random effects and a variance components with heterogeneity matrix for the residuals. The use of a scanner revealed two distinct phisiological maturation groups, which may be related to the harvesting time. This was not observed when using a colorimeter. In general, using a scanner made possible to obtain more consistent observations, which makes it a more efficient methodology to study the average fruit peel color tonality.

Modelos mistos para a análise da tonalidade da cor da casca de mamão (Carica papaya L.) cv. \"Sunrise Solo\", avaliada ao longo do tempo por meio de um scanner e de um colorímetro / Mixed models for analysis of hue peel color of papaya (Carica papaya L.) cv. \"Sunrise Solo\", measured along time by means of a scanner and a colorimeter

Thiago de Paula Oliveira 29 January 2014 (has links)
O mamão (Carica papaya L.) cv. \"Sunrise Solo\" é um fruto que apresenta mudança gradual e desuniforme da cor da casca, que vai de verde para amarela. Isso faz com que a metodologia instrumental para avaliação da cor, por meio de um colorímetro, seja subjetiva, devido ao número de pontos observados, bem como às localizações deles no fruto. Como alternativa, foi proposta a utilização de imagens digitalizadas de toda região da casca do fruto, obtidas por meio de um scanner de mesa. Para avaliar a precisão desses métodos, foi conduzido um experimento com 20 repetições. Cada repetição era constituída de um fruto de mamoeiro cv. \"Sunrise Solo\", mantido sob temperatura e umidade relativa controladas. A cor da casca dos frutos foi avaliada, diariamente, utilizando um colorímetro e um scanner. Com o scanner, foram digitalizadas as duas faces do fruto e, com o colorímetro, foram observados quatro pontos equidistantes, na região equatorial do mesmo. Como a avaliação para cada fruto foi feita ao longo do tempo, os dados são classificados como longitudinais. Assim, utilizaram-se modelos lineares de efeitos mistos para estudar o comportamento da tonalidade média, pois essa técnica permite o uso de diferentes estruturas de variâncias e covariâncias para as matrizes dos efeitos aleatórios e dos erros. O processo de seleção do modelo foi realizado por meio do teste da razão de verossimilhanças e dos critérios de informação AIC e BIC, resultando no mesmo preditor linear e matrizes de variâncias e covariâncias para ambas as metodologias de quantificação da cor. O modelo final apresentou um preditor linear quadrático com efeitos aleatórios para o intercepto e para os termos linear e quadrático com matriz de variâncias e covariâncias dos efeitos aleatórios não estruturada e componentes de variância com heterocedasticidade para os erros. A utilização do scanner revelou dois grupos de maturação fisiológica distintos, que podem estar relacionados ao ponto de colheita do fruto, fato que não ficou evidente ao utilizar um colorímetro. De forma geral, o uso de um scanner possibilitou obter uma avaliação precisa da maturação do fruto, além de ser mais consistentes e eficiente do que o uso de um colorímetro para estudar a tonalidade média da casca de frutos que apresentam coloração desuniforme. / Papayas (Carica papaya L.) of \"Sunrise solo\" variety are fruits that present gradual and uneven changes in the peel color, which goes from green to yellow. As a consequence, when using a colorimeter to quantify their color, the results are subjective because of the number of observed points, as well as because of their position on the fruit. A proposed alternative was to use scanned images of the whole fruit peel to quantify color. To assess the precision of these methods, an experiment with 20 replicates was carried out. Each replicate consisted of a papaya fruit, kept under controlled temperature and relative humidity. The fruits\' peel colors were assessed, daily, using a colorimeter and a scanner. With the scanner, both sides of the fruit were scanned and, with the colorimeter, four equidistant points at the equatorial region of the fruit were observed. As the assessment was made through time for a same fruit, the data are classified as longitudinal. Therefore, linear mixed effect models were used to study the behavior of the average fruit color tonality through time, as this technique allows usage of different random effects and error covariance structures. Model selection was made using likelihood-ratio tests and the Akaike and Bayesian information criteria, which resulted in the selection of the same linear predictor and covariance matrices for both color quantification methods. The final model presented a quadractic linear predictor with random effects for the intercept, linear and quadractic terms with an unstructured variance-covariance matrix for the random effects and a variance components with heterogeneity matrix for the residuals. The use of a scanner revealed two distinct phisiological maturation groups, which may be related to the harvesting time. This was not observed when using a colorimeter. In general, using a scanner made possible to obtain more consistent observations, which makes it a more efficient methodology to study the average fruit peel color tonality.

Digitalizovaný experiment - prostředek k osvojení vybraného učiva obecné chemie / Digitized experiments - The instrument for mastering of selected curriculum of general chemistry

Bartoš, Ivan January 2010 (has links)
By analyzing electronical tools, online applications and tutorials from Czech Republic and abroad I have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to create a flexible educational instrument which includes digitized chemical experiments for general chemistry. Following the analysis of present databases, CD ROMs and VHS containing pictured experiments I found out that a lot of spectacular experiments with pyrotechnical components have not been shooted at all or not in the range of "greater" chemicals quantity. The chosen programming language, in which FMDP was written, proved to be most efficient. This choice emerged from a discussion with programmers and was motivated in particular by larger possibilities of C# than HTML have. In addition to it the modification of the FMDP content is easy. The teachers with minimum of the PC-literacy can make any changes in FMDP, alternate any of its parts and adapt them for various internal and external conditions of education. With regard to the interview having found the needs of learners I filmed and digitized especially such experiments that present the chemical reactions accompanied by the rise of a smoke, light emission, explosion and a surprising turn of colours. On the basis of the statistical evaluation of statistical data containing marks achieved by...

Segmentation et classification dans les images de documents numérisés / Segmentation and classification of digitized document images

Ouji, Asma 01 June 2012 (has links)
Les travaux de cette thèse ont été effectués dans le cadre de l'analyse et du traitement d'images de documents imprimés afin d'automatiser la création de revues de presse. Les images en sortie du scanner sont traitées sans aucune information a priori ou intervention humaine. Ainsi, pour les caractériser, nous présentons un système d'analyse de documents composites couleur qui réalise une segmentation en zones colorimétriquement homogènes et qui adapte les algorithmes d'extraction de textes aux caractéristiques locales de chaque zone. Les informations colorimétriques et textuelles fournies par ce système alimentent une méthode de segmentation physique des pages de presse numérisée. Les blocs issus de cette décomposition font l'objet d'une classification permettant, entre autres, de détecter les zones publicitaires. Dans la continuité et l'expansion des travaux de classification effectués dans la première partie, nous présentons un nouveau moteur de classification et de classement générique, rapide et facile à utiliser. Cette approche se distingue de la grande majorité des méthodes existantes qui reposent sur des connaissances a priori sur les données et dépendent de paramètres abstraits et difficiles à déterminer par l'utilisateur. De la caractérisation colorimétrique au suivi des articles en passant par la détection des publicités, l'ensemble des approches présentées ont été combinées afin de mettre au point une application permettant la classification des documents de presse numérisée par le contenu. / In this thesis, we deal with printed document images processing and analysis to automate the press reviews. The scanner output images are processed without any prior knowledge nor human intervention. Thus, to characterize them, we present a scalable analysis system for complex documents. This characterization is based on a hybrid color segmentation suited to noisy document images. The color analysis customizes text extraction algorithms to fit the local image properties. The provided color and text information is used to perform layout segmentation in press images and to compute features on the resulting blocks. These elements are classified to detect advertisements. In the second part of this thesis, we deal with a more general purpose: clusternig and classification. We present a new clustering approach, named ACPP, which is completely automated, fast and easy to use. This approach's main features are its independence of prior knowledge about the data and theoretical parameters that should be determined by the user. Color analysis, layout segmentation and the ACPP classification method are combined to create a complete processing chain for press images.

Identificação da correlação entre as características das imagens de documentos e os impactos na fidelidade visual em função da taxa de compressão. / Identification of correlation between the characteristics of document images and its impact in visual fidelity in function of compression rate.

Tsujiguchi, Vitor Hitoshi 11 October 2011 (has links)
Imagens de documentos são documentos digitalizados com conteúdo textual. Estes documentos são compostos de caracteres e diagramação, apresentando características comuns entre si, como a presença de bordas e limites no formato de cada caractere. A relação entre as características das imagens de documentos e os impactos do processo de compressão com respeito à fidelidade visual são analisadas nesse trabalho. Métricas objetivas são empregadas na análise das características das imagens de documentos, como a medida da atividade da imagem (IAM) no domínio espacial dos pixels, e a verificação da medida de atividade espectral (SAM) no domínio espectral. Os desempenhos das técnicas de compressão de imagens baseada na transformada discreta de cosseno (DCT) e na transformada discreta de Wavelet (DWT) são avaliados sobre as imagens de documentos ao aplicar diferentes níveis de compressão sobre as mesmas, para cada técnica. Os experimentos são realizados sobre imagens digitais de documentos impressos e manuscritos de livros e periódicos, explorando texto escritos entre os séculos 16 ao século 19. Este material foi coletado na biblioteca Brasiliana Digital (www.brasiliana.usp.br), no Brasil. Resultados experimentais apontam que as medidas de atividade nos domínios espacial e espectral influenciam diretamente a fidelidade visual das imagens comprimidas para ambas as técnicas baseadas em DCT e DWT. Para uma taxa de compressão fixa de uma imagem comprimida em ambas técnicas, a presença de valores superiores de IAM e níveis menores de SAM na imagem de referência resultam em menor fidelidade visual, após a compressão. / Document images are digitized documents with textual content. These documents are composed of characters and their layout, with common characteristics among them, such as the presence of borders and boundaries in the shape of each character. The relationship between the characteristics of document images and the impact of the compression process with respect to visual fidelity are analyzed herein. Objective metrics are employed to analyze the characteristics of document images, such as the Image Activity Measure (IAM) in the spatial domain, and assessment of Spectral Activity Measure (SAM) in the spectral domain. The performance of image compression techniques based on Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) are evaluated from document images by applying different compression levels for each technique to these images. The experiments are performed on digital images of printed documents and manuscripts of books and magazines, exploring texts written from the 16th to the 19th century. This material was collected in the Brasiliana Digital Library in Brazil. Experimental results show that the activity measures in spatial and spectral domains directly influence the visual fidelity of compressed images for both the techniques based on DCT and DWT. For a fixed compression ratio for both techniques on a compressed image, higher values of IAM and low levels of SAM in the reference image result in less visual fidelity after compression.

Identificação da correlação entre as características das imagens de documentos e os impactos na fidelidade visual em função da taxa de compressão. / Identification of correlation between the characteristics of document images and its impact in visual fidelity in function of compression rate.

Vitor Hitoshi Tsujiguchi 11 October 2011 (has links)
Imagens de documentos são documentos digitalizados com conteúdo textual. Estes documentos são compostos de caracteres e diagramação, apresentando características comuns entre si, como a presença de bordas e limites no formato de cada caractere. A relação entre as características das imagens de documentos e os impactos do processo de compressão com respeito à fidelidade visual são analisadas nesse trabalho. Métricas objetivas são empregadas na análise das características das imagens de documentos, como a medida da atividade da imagem (IAM) no domínio espacial dos pixels, e a verificação da medida de atividade espectral (SAM) no domínio espectral. Os desempenhos das técnicas de compressão de imagens baseada na transformada discreta de cosseno (DCT) e na transformada discreta de Wavelet (DWT) são avaliados sobre as imagens de documentos ao aplicar diferentes níveis de compressão sobre as mesmas, para cada técnica. Os experimentos são realizados sobre imagens digitais de documentos impressos e manuscritos de livros e periódicos, explorando texto escritos entre os séculos 16 ao século 19. Este material foi coletado na biblioteca Brasiliana Digital (www.brasiliana.usp.br), no Brasil. Resultados experimentais apontam que as medidas de atividade nos domínios espacial e espectral influenciam diretamente a fidelidade visual das imagens comprimidas para ambas as técnicas baseadas em DCT e DWT. Para uma taxa de compressão fixa de uma imagem comprimida em ambas técnicas, a presença de valores superiores de IAM e níveis menores de SAM na imagem de referência resultam em menor fidelidade visual, após a compressão. / Document images are digitized documents with textual content. These documents are composed of characters and their layout, with common characteristics among them, such as the presence of borders and boundaries in the shape of each character. The relationship between the characteristics of document images and the impact of the compression process with respect to visual fidelity are analyzed herein. Objective metrics are employed to analyze the characteristics of document images, such as the Image Activity Measure (IAM) in the spatial domain, and assessment of Spectral Activity Measure (SAM) in the spectral domain. The performance of image compression techniques based on Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) are evaluated from document images by applying different compression levels for each technique to these images. The experiments are performed on digital images of printed documents and manuscripts of books and magazines, exploring texts written from the 16th to the 19th century. This material was collected in the Brasiliana Digital Library in Brazil. Experimental results show that the activity measures in spatial and spectral domains directly influence the visual fidelity of compressed images for both the techniques based on DCT and DWT. For a fixed compression ratio for both techniques on a compressed image, higher values of IAM and low levels of SAM in the reference image result in less visual fidelity after compression.

Influencers och recensioner från ett trovärdighets-perspektiv / Influencers and reviews from a trustworthiness-perspective

Gården Hurtig, Johannes, Hurtig, Mathias January 2018 (has links)
Marknadsföring idag ser inte ut som den har gjort tidigare, digitaliseringen har medfört en stor förändring och många nya möjligheter för företag och privatpersoner att marknadsföra sig. Word-of-mouth har gått från att vara mellan två eller flera personer i en konversation där exempelvis en produkt eller tjänst diskuterats. Detta har också förändrats och flera olika typer av online word-of-mouth (eWOM) har tillkommit, denna studie kommer behandla två typer av eWOM som finns, mer exakt influencers och recensioner online. Undersökningen kommer gå in på det förtroende som konsumenter har för just influencers och recensioner online och även undersöka om detta förändras om konsumenten står inför ett hög- eller lågengagemangsköp. Forskningsfrågor ställs även för att få reda på vilka faktorer som spelar in för att förtroendet för influencers och recensioner skall påverkas och om förtroendet förändras om konsumenten ställs inför ett köp av en produkt istället för en tjänst. Undersökningen sker genom en kvalitativ metod där intervjuer hålls med sex respondenter och frågor anknutna till syftet och forskningsfrågorna ställs till dem. Resultatet från dessa intervjuer visar att förtroendet för influencers inte är lika starkt som det förtroende konsumenterna har för recensioner online, däremot förklarar respondenterna att det finns faktorer som kan både öka och minska förtroendet både för recensioner och influencers. Det kan exempelvis vara så att en influencer mer många följare kan kännas mer trovärdig och att en okänd hemsida med recensioner kan tappa trovärdighet. Respondenterna har varit överens om att influencers fungerar bättre som inspiration till produkter och tjänster, däremot är det recensioner som får dem att ta beslutet när det gäller ett köp. / Marketing today doesn’t look like it has done before, the digitization has resulted in a big change and lots of new opportunities for companies and individuals to advertise. Word-of-mouth has changed from something being said about a product or service in a conversation between two or more people to also be available online. There are a lot of different types of online word-of-mouth (eWOM), and we’re going to target influencers and online reviews. The study will look into the trust for influencers and online reviews perceived by the consumers and also examine how or if the amount of trust will alter depending on if the consumer approaches a high- or low involvement purchase. The study will be of a qualitative method where interviews will be held with six respondents. The questions will be cohere to the purpose of the study and the research questions. The result from this study shows that the consumer trust for influencers isn’t as significant as the trust for online reviews, despite that several of the consumers points out that there is factors that can change the amount of trust for both influencers and online reviews. For example an influencer with a lot of followers can appear to be more trustworthy than one with less, and a not that well known website with online reviews can appear less trustworthy. The respondents have agreed that influencers work better as inspiration for products and services, although they all thought that reviews are the deciding factor to making a purchase.

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