Spelling suggestions: "subject:"digitized"" "subject:"adigitized""
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Vliv metody dotransformace zpřesněného rastru na přesnost katastrální mapy digitalizované / Influence of Up-Transformation Method of Improved Raster on Accuracy Digitalized Cadastral MapSlowioczek, Lukáš January 2012 (has links)
Transformation of improved rastr is performed for digitalization of fathom cadastral maps, without analyzing in detail the risk arising from the number of identical items for the selected Up-transformation. The diplom’s thesis aims to analyze a influence of up-transformation used method to precision of improved rastr. Transformation of improved rastr was performed for chosen number of determination by Jungova, TPS and Block up-transformation. Agreement of improved raster and digital cadastral map was tested by the system of Kokeš. This test was conducted using checking points in the urban cadastral area.
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Tvorba zpřesněného rastru sáhové katastrální mapy v katastrálním území Těchanov / Creation more accurate raster of the cadastral map in the cadastral district TěchanovVálková, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is dedicated to creation more accurated raster of the cadastral map in the cadastral district Těchanov. In the introductory part theoretical findings from the area of more accurate transformation are summarized and several terms related to raster problemacy are explained. The following chapter deals with the used software. Another part deals with description of the practical part, i.e. making out transformational key accurating transformation. The final chapters are dedicated to verifying the result of transformation by an independent control using the comparison of lenghts directly measured in terrain, measured on the original map of land cadastral or cadastral map and lenghts discovered from raster scan images before and after accurating transformation.
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Digital självadministrerande kognitiv mätning : En korrelationsstudie mellan psykisk ohälsa och kognitiv funktion undersökt med Mindmores digitala testbatteriJansson, Charlotte January 2022 (has links)
Digital självadministrerande mätning av kognitiv förmåga gör det möjligt att snabbt och smidigt upptäcka kognitiv nedsättning associerad med psykisk ohälsa. Studien ämnade att undersöka samband mellan självskattning av depression, ångest och stress med prestation på Mindmores digitala självadministrerande testbatteri. Med ett bekvämlighetsurval rekryterades totalt 10 (6 kvinnor, 1 annat) deltagare som studerade vid Umeå universitet. Deltagarnas medelålder var 29 år (SD 8 år) och hade en eftergymnasial utbildning med ett medelvärde på 5.7 år (SD 4 år). Självskattningsformulär som bedömer depression, stress och ångest fylldes i för hand och Mindmores självadministrerande testbatteri utfördes på en surfplatta. Vid datainsamlingen satt deltagarna enskilt i ett eget rum. Vid korrelationer med Spearmans Rho framkom det signifikanta resultat mellan självskattning av depression och RAVLT som bedömer minne och verbal inlärning. Hög skattning av depression resulterade i nedsatt kognitiv prestation vid RAVLT, vilket var i linje med tidigare litteratur. Det framkom inga signifikanta samband mellan stress, ångest och det kognitiva testbatteriet. / Digital cognitive screening is a fast and effective way to measure cognitive impairments related to mental health problems. The aim of the study was to explore correlation between self-assessment of depression, stress and anxiety and the performance on Mindmore self-administrative digitized cognitive screening battery. The participants were recruited by convenience sampling. A total of 10 (6 females, 1 other) students at Umeå university participated in the study. Their mean age was 29 years (SD 8 years) and had a post-secondary education with a mean of 5.7 years (SD 4 years). The self-assessment forms were done by hand and Mindmore self-administrative digitized screening battery was done on a tablet. The correlations were done with Spearman's Rho. Significant results were found between ratings of depression and the RAVLT that evaluates verbal learning and memory. The correlation was negative for all the parts of the RAVLT. Higher ratings of depression resulted in lower performance of RAVLT, which was in line with previous studies. No significant correlations were found between anxiety and stress and the cognitive screening battery.
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Simulating Optimal Part Yield from No. 3A Common LumberShepley, Brian Patrick 03 January 2003 (has links)
The percentage of low-grade material composing the annual hardwood lumber production in the U.S. is on the rise. As a result, finding markets for low-grade and low-value lumber has been identified as a top priority by researchers and industry associations. Computer simulation has been used by the manufacturing industry for several decades as a decision support tool. Simulation programs are commonly used and relied on by researchers and the industry alike to conduct research on various aspects of the rough mill from processing to recovery efficiency. This research used the ROMI-RIP and ROMI-CROSS simulation programs to determine specific conditions that led to optimal part yield when processing No. 3A Common, 4/4-thickness, kiln-dried, red oak lumber in rip-first and crosscut-first operations. Results of the simulations indicated that cutting bills with narrow part widths and short part lengths are conducive to obtaining optimal part yield while processing No. 3A Common lumber. Furthermore, it was found that as the percent of No. 3A Common lumber in a grade mix increases, part yields and sawing efficiencies decrease. The results also indicated that higher part yields will be obtained when processing short-length No. 3A Common lumber between 6 and 8 feet in length. / Master of Science
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Solar Feature Catalogues in EGSOZharkova, Valentina V., Aboudarham, J., Zharkov, Sergei I., Ipson, Stanley S., Benkhalil, Ali K., Fuller, N. January 2005 (has links)
No / The Solar Feature Catalogues (SFCs) are created from digitized solar images using automated pattern recognition techniques developed in the European Grid of Solar Observation (EGSO) project. The techniques were applied for detection of sunspots, active regions and filaments in the automatically standardized full-disk solar images in Caii K1, Caii K3 and H¿ taken at the Meudon Observatory and white-light images and magnetograms from SOHO/MDI. The results of automated recognition are verified with the manual synoptic maps and available statistical data from other observatories that revealed high detection accuracy. A structured database of the Solar Feature Catalogues is built on the MySQL server for every feature from their recognized parameters and cross-referenced to the original observations. The SFCs are published on the Bradford University web site http://www.cyber.brad.ac.uk/egso/SFC/ with the pre-designed web pages for a search by time, size and location. The SFCs with 9 year coverage (1996¿2004) provide any possible information that can be extracted from full disk digital solar images. Thus information can be used for deeper investigation of the feature origin and association with other features for their automated classification and solar activity forecast.
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L’intervention des médias informatisés dans le continuum de la médiation patrimoniale. D’une écriture des pratiques de visite à une pratique des écritures de médiation / The Intervention of Digitized Media in the Heritage Interpretation. Continuum From Visit Practices Writing to Interpretation Writing PracticesGerman, Ronan 07 December 2017 (has links)
Face à la discontinuité et à l’hétérogénéité essentielles – et non accidentelles – de la communication muséale, le spectre des postures adoptées par les acteurs de la médiatisation investis dans ces processus est très large. La présente thèse cherche à examiner la manière dont ces acteurs (autant ceux qui évoluent au sein des musées qu’autour de ces derniers) s’engagent dans un jeu d’anticipations croisées où chacun cherche à s’assurer des prises sur le continuum de la médiation patrimoniale pour poursuivre ses projets respectifs. Conduite dans le cadre d’un financement CIFRE au sein de l’agence prestataire de musées Mazedia, cette thèse se focalise, dans cette situation d’incertitude plus ou moins radicale, sur le recours aux médias informatisés et, plus précisément, aux architextes ; ces outils d’écriture qui conditionnent l’écriture (et, de fait, la lecture) des autres. Dans une démarche à la croisée entre sémiologie des médias et des médiations et économie politique de la communication, deux architextes font l’objet d’une analyse détaillée : DMA Friends (conçu par le musée d’art de Dallas) et Wezit (conçu par l’agence Mazedia). Le premier a été choisi pour la façon dont il illustre un processus d’architextualisation de l’évaluation muséale (appréhendée comme une écriture des pratiques) ; le second, un processus d’architextualisation des pratiques d’écriture de médiation de type « transmédiatique ». Dans une perspective exploratoire est examinée l’articulation possible entre ces deux processus et la manière dont celle-ci est susceptible de reconfigurer la manière dont la médiation patrimoniale peut opérer lorsqu’elle repose sur l’intervention des médias informatisés. / When dealing with the discontinuity and heterogeneity of museum communication (which is essential and not at all accidental), the broad spectrum of the positions adopted by the actors of mediatization who are involved in the processes is substantial. This thesis examines the manner in which these actors (i.e. those working in museums and those collaborating with them) anticipate complex interactions and seek to guarantee their place on the continuum of heritage interpretation in order to pursue their respective projects. This thesis was possible thanks to a CIFRE grant and was undertaken within a service provider for museums called Mazedia. In this context of relatively significant institutional instability, its aim is to focus on the reliance on digitized media and, more precisely, on architexts, that is, writing tools which condition the writing (and, as a result, the reading) of others. In a process which is situated at an intersection between media and mediation semiology and political economy of communication, two architexts are analyzed in detail, DMA Friends (conceived by the Dallas museum of Art) and Wezit (conceived by Mazedia) respectively. The first was chosen on account of the way it illustrates a process of architextualisation of museum evaluation (apprehended as practices scripturalization). The second deals with a process of the architextualization of practices of transmedia interpretation writing. It is in an exploratory perspective that this thesis examines the possible articulation between these two processes and the manner in which the latter is susceptible to reconfigure the way heritage mediation can operate when it relies on the use of digitized media.
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Flood Impact Analysis using GIS : A case study for Lake Roxen and Lake Glan - SwedenVaghani, Vimalkumar January 2005 (has links)
<p>Floods are common natural disaster occurring in most parts of the world. This results in damage to human life and deterioration of environment. There have been immense uses of technology to mitigate measures of flood disaster i.e. structurally and non-structurally. Undoubtedly, structural measures are very expensive and time consuming which involves physical work like construction of dams, reservoirs, bridges, channel improvement, river diversion and other embankments to keep floods away from people. Whereas non-structural measures is concerned with planning like flood forecasting and warning, flood plain zoning, relief and rehabilitation for reducing the risk of flood damage to keep people away from floods. Thus, non-structural measures involve analysis, planning providing spatial information on maps with high accuracy in less time. Non-structural measures can help decision maker to plan an effective emergency response towards flood disaster. A one of the good way to plan non-structural measures is to analyze impact of flood in the flood prone areas. The thesis tries to analyze impact of flood on environment along the demarcated flood prone areas of Lake Roxen and Lake Glan in Östergötland County, Sweden. The thesis also proposes how to use current flood information during flood emergency utilizing geographical information system. This provides spatial information for area in the flood zone for assessment regarding flood vulnerability.</p><p>Using map overlay analysis in GIS software (ArcGIS); flood prone areas and topographic data along Lake Roxen and Lake Glan were digitized from PDF maps. Thus, the thesis work is an effort to analyze impact of flood when areas along Lake Roxen and Lake Glan are flooded. ESRI® GIS software Arc Map 9 and Arc View 3.3 is used for data preparation, integrating, analyzing, and spatial data with attribute table information. Finally, to show GIS can be an effective tool for development of flood emergency system as a part of disaster preparedness by the decision makers.</p>
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Assistenzsysteme in der intelligenten, digitalisierten Fabrik: Erstellung einer Marktübersicht mit anschließender EvaluationGerhardt, Tom 30 May 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Das weite Feld der Digitalisierung findet in Deutschland unter dem Begriff "Industrie 4.0" erste Anwendungen in der Arbeitswelt. Die vorliegende Bachelorarbeit untersucht industrielle Assistenzsysteme. Diese können in ganz unterschiedler Art und Weise dem Mitarbeiter zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Unterstützung bei der Verrichtung von Arbeitsaufgaben ist das Ziel. Dabei können die Systeme als tragbare Kleinstcomputer am Körper eingesetzt werden, oder als umfassendes Verarbeitungssystem von Produktionsdaten im Unternehmen implementiert werden. Betrachtet werden zwei prägnante Beispiele aus diesem Bereich der Assistenz für den Mitarbeiter im produzierenden Unternehmen. Eine ständig wachsende Menge von Assistenzsystemen am Markt lässt sich bislang nur anhand von Werbung und Produktvorstellungen charakterisieren. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die beiden Beispielsysteme nach Gesichtspunkten der Arbeitswissenschaft zu untersuchen. Tauglichkeit für das Tagesgeschäft, ergonomische und mitarbeiterfreundliche Bedienung werden betrachtet. In den theoretischen Grundlagen wird ein allgemeines Verständnis der Begriffe aus dem Bereich der Digitalisierung aufgebaut. Weiterhin wird ein Überblick über die verwendeten Beispielsysteme ausgehend von deren Produktvorstellungen gegeben. Diese Systeme werden mit qualitativen Forschungsmethoden durch einen Experten der Branche evaluiert. Kernaussagen aus verschiedenen Bereichen, wie beispielsweise Ergonomie und Einsetzbarkeit werden abgeleitet. / The broad field of digitalisation finds its first applications in the German working environment under the term "Industry 4.0". This bachelor thesis examines industrial assistance systems that can be made available to employees in many different ways, with the goal to support the performance of work tasks. The systems can be used as portable microcomputers on the body or implemented as a comprehensive processing system for company production data. The thesis examines two concise examples from this area of employee assistance in manufacturing companies. To date, a constantly growing number of assistance systems on the market can only be characterised by advertising and product concepts. The aim of this thesis is to analyize the two example systems from an ergonomics point of view as well as suitability for day-to-day business and employee-friendly operations. In the theoretical basics, a general understanding of terms from the field of digitalisation is developed. Furthermore, an overview of the example systems utilized is provided based on their product presentations. These systems are evaluated by an industry expert using qualitative research method to determine core statements from various areas, such as ergonomics and usability.
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Flood Impact Analysis using GIS : A case study for Lake Roxen and Lake Glan - SwedenVaghani, Vimalkumar January 2005 (has links)
Floods are common natural disaster occurring in most parts of the world. This results in damage to human life and deterioration of environment. There have been immense uses of technology to mitigate measures of flood disaster i.e. structurally and non-structurally. Undoubtedly, structural measures are very expensive and time consuming which involves physical work like construction of dams, reservoirs, bridges, channel improvement, river diversion and other embankments to keep floods away from people. Whereas non-structural measures is concerned with planning like flood forecasting and warning, flood plain zoning, relief and rehabilitation for reducing the risk of flood damage to keep people away from floods. Thus, non-structural measures involve analysis, planning providing spatial information on maps with high accuracy in less time. Non-structural measures can help decision maker to plan an effective emergency response towards flood disaster. A one of the good way to plan non-structural measures is to analyze impact of flood in the flood prone areas. The thesis tries to analyze impact of flood on environment along the demarcated flood prone areas of Lake Roxen and Lake Glan in Östergötland County, Sweden. The thesis also proposes how to use current flood information during flood emergency utilizing geographical information system. This provides spatial information for area in the flood zone for assessment regarding flood vulnerability. Using map overlay analysis in GIS software (ArcGIS); flood prone areas and topographic data along Lake Roxen and Lake Glan were digitized from PDF maps. Thus, the thesis work is an effort to analyze impact of flood when areas along Lake Roxen and Lake Glan are flooded. ESRI® GIS software Arc Map 9 and Arc View 3.3 is used for data preparation, integrating, analyzing, and spatial data with attribute table information. Finally, to show GIS can be an effective tool for development of flood emergency system as a part of disaster preparedness by the decision makers.
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”Instagramvänligt vet väl alla vad det är?” : en kvalitativ studie om unga kvinnors förändrade uppväxtvillkor genom sociala medier ur ett folkhälsoperspektiv.Nilsson, Louise, Eriksson, Evelina January 2018 (has links)
Studien byggde på associationen mellan att de som främst använde sociala medier, målgruppen unga kvinnor i åldrarna 16 till 25 år, även var den samhällsgrupp som dominerade i psykisk ohälsa. Forskning kring varför målgruppen lider av psykisk ohälsa mer än andra samhällsgrupper är bristande. Det är samtidigt känt att ungas uppväxtmiljö spelar en betydande roll för deras psykiska hälsa. Sociala medier inkluderas inte som en sådan miljö, trots att unga kvinnor idag spenderar minst 3 timmar där dagligen. Detta motiverade studiens syfte, att undersöka unga kvinnors upplevelser kring sociala medier som uppväxtmiljö i relation till sin identitet och hälsa. Kvalitativ metod möjliggjorde insamling av material genom semistrukturerade intervjuer i fokusgrupper. Studiens resultat fann att unga kvinnor upplever sociala medier som en miljö lika verklighetstrogen som andra fysiskt anknutna uppväxtmiljöer. Studiens resultat redogör även för upplevelser av psykisk ohälsa i samband med sociala medier, men att en hög självkänsla fungerar som en skyddande faktor. Konklusionen redogör för om det finns bestämningsfaktorer för hälsa på sociala medier, bör dessa kunna betraktas som påverkbara förutsatt att de upptäcks och dokumenteras. Därför föreslås framtida hälsoarbete med fokus på säker navigering för unga på sociala medier. Konklusionen påvisar vikten av att folkhälsovetenskapens forskning fortgår i linje med den rådande samhällsutvecklingen som i studien förstås som digitaliserad, detta för att inte missa värdefull kunskap kring vad som leder eller avbryter kurs mot psykisk ohälsa. / The study’s background was based on the association between those who mainly used social media, young women between the ages of 16 and 25, were also the group that dominated in mental illness. Current research on why young women suffers from mental illness more than others is inadequate. Although, it is well-known that environments that young people integrates with growing up plays a significant role in youths mental health. Despite that young women spend at least 3 hours there daily, social media is not included as such environment. This motivated the study's purpose, to investigate young women's experiences about social media as an emerging environment in relation to their identity and health. Qualitative methodology enabled the collection of material through semistructured interviews in focus groups. The study found that young women perceive social media as an environment as realistic as any other environments they interact with growing up. The results of the study also describe the experiences of mental illness associated with social media, but that a high self-esteem serves as a protective factor. The conclusion explains whether there are determinants of health on social media, these should be considered as impactable provided they are discovered and documented. Therefore, future health work is proposed focusing on safe navigation for young people on social media. The conclusion demonstrates the importance of public health science research continuing in line with current social development, which in the study is understood to be digitized, in order not to lose valuable knowledge about what leads or interrupts courses against mental illness.
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