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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Daugialypės terpės naudojimo nuotolinėse studijose analizė / Analysis of multimedia used in distance education

Vavulo, Anatolij 11 August 2008 (has links)
Daugialypės terpės sąvoka yra plačiai paplitusi šiuolaikinėse informacinėse technologijose. Norėdami vaizdžiai ir aiškiai papasakoti apie vieną ar kitą dalyką, mes noriai naudojame multimedijos elementus. Ši sąvoka, ko gero, yra neatsiejama nuo interneto apibrėžimo. Vis dažniau ir efektyviau daugialypės terpės priemonės naudojamos tradiciniame mokyme. Iš viso aukščiau paminėto akivaizdu, kad nuotolinis mokymas tikrai neapseitų be įvairialypės terpės. Mes naudojame multimedijos elementus: pavyzdžiui kai paspaudžiame nuorodą, skaitome tekstą arba žiūrime į paveikslėlį. Multimedija – tai nuostabi priemonė perteikti įvairią informaciją besimokančiajam: būtų tai garsas ar vaizdas, atmosfera ar nuotaika. Panaudojimo ribų nėra. Tačiau iškyla klausimas - ar visada mes išnaudojame daugialypės informacijos privalumus? Ar nepiktnaudžiaujame multimedijos elementais? Ar visada daugialypė terpė atneša naudą? Į visus šiuos bei daugybę kitų klausimų bus stengiamasi atsakyti šiame darbe. Teiginiai ir hipotezės bus įrodomi ir tikrinami praktikoje. Tam bus sukurta virtuali mokymosi terpė, atitinkanti iškeltus reikalavimus. Tiriamojo darbo objektas: daugialypė terpė nuotolinėse studijose. Darbo tikslas: išanalizuoti daugialypės terpės naudojimo galimybes nuotolinėse studijose ir sukurti virtualią mokymo aplinką daugialypės terpės panaudojimo demonstravimui ir palyginimui. / The concept of multimedia is widely widespread in modern information technologies. To tell evidently and clearly about one or the other thing, we are using the elements of multimedia. It is a concept, apparently, indivisibly with a term the Internet. Multimedia is often using in traditional education. So it means, that teaching in distance cannot be using without multimedia. Even when we do not suspect, we are using elements of multimedia, for example: when we press the hyperlink, read the text or look at a picture. Multimedia is an excellent way to transfer various information to the student: the sound, an image or the mood. There is no limit for using it. But the question is: are we always using advantages of the multimedia information? Is the using of multimedia is useful? I will try to answer to these and to the other questions in my job. Statements and hypotheses will be proved and checked up in practice. The virtual learning environment system, which responds the request, will be created for this purpose. Object of research: multimedia in distance education. The purpose of work: to analyze use of multimedia in distance education and to create a virtual learning system for comparison and demonstrations of Multimedia.

Informacinių technologijų įtaka nuotolinių studijų kokybei / Influence of information technologies on the quality of distance learning

Krutikovienė, Neringa 02 August 2012 (has links)
Lietuvoje informacinių technologijų nuotolinėms studijoms teikiamą naudą tyrinėjo daug mokslininkų, tačiau apie pačias jų panaudojimo nuotolinėse studijose sutinkamas problemas, užsimenama nepakankamai. Siekiant išsamesnių duomenų šia tema, darbe iškelta tyrimo problema – kaip informacinės technologijos įtakoja nuotolinių studijų kokybę. Taip pat iškeliama hipotezė – informacinių technologijų plėtojimas skatina švietimo įstaigų teikiamų nuotolinių studijų kokybės gerinimą. Darbo tikslas – atlikti informacinių technologijų įtakos nuotolinių studijų kokybei tyrimą, atskleisti ir pagrįsti informacinių technologijų plėtros svarbą. Darbo tikslui pasiekti, įgyvendinti šie uždaviniai: 1) pagrįstos informacinių technologijų, nuotolinių studijų, studijų kokybės sampratos; 2) panaudojant statistinius duomenis, aptarta ir išanalizuota informacinių technologijų įtaka švietimui; 3) apibrėžta informacinių technologijų teikiama nauda nuotolinių studijų kokybei, atskleistos jų integravimo į švietimo procesą problemos; 4) panaudojant anketinę apklausą, atlikta informacinių technologijų įtakos nuotolinių studijų kokybės gerinimui analizė. Uždaviniams atlikti, pasirinkti metodai: 1) Dokumentų, statistinių duomenų pagal temą analizė (Lietuvos informacinės visuomenės plėtros strategija 2011- 2013 m, valstybės pažangos strategijos „Lietuva 2030“ projektas, Lietuvos ir užsienio mokslinių tyrimų statistika, Lietuvos statistikos departamento ir Pasaulio banko duomenys); 2) Edukologijos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Although the benefits of information technologies for distance learning have been researched by many Lithuanian scholars, but the problems that are encountered when using these technologies in the distance learningare mentioned insufficiently.In order to get comprehensive details on this topic, the following research problemof this thesis was raised: how doinformation technologies affect the quality of the distance learning. Moreover, the followinghypothesis arouse: development of information technologies encourages improvement of the quality of distance learning offered by educational institutions. The aim of the thesis: to carry out a study on the effect information technologies make on the quality of distance learning, to reveal and justify the importance of information technologies development. In order to achieve the aim of the thesis, the following tasks were implemented: 1) the concepts of information technology, distance learning andeducation quality were justified, 2) the impact of information technology on education was discussed and analyzed using statistical data, 3) the benefits of information technologieson distance learning quality were defined, andthe problems of their integration into the educational process were revealed, 4) an analysis onthe impact information technologies haveon the quality of distance learning was implemented using a questionnaire survey. Methodschosen for the implementation of the tasks: 1) Analysis of documents and statistical databy... [to full text]

Nuotolinio mokymosi paramos sistema kompiuterinio raštingumo kvalifikacijai palaikyti / He distance learning support system to support the computer literacy qualification

Veiverys, Žygimantas 26 August 2013 (has links)
Fast development of information technologies, growth in competition regarding working places and changes in working conditions and measures are the main features of current information society. More detail, nowadays staff in every company and institution must not even ensure high level of their qualification but improve their professional skills all the time in order to maintain a working position. In the final thesis needs and qualification support options of refresher courses participants are analyzed and presented as well as measures and benefits of sharing experience and knowledge are evaluated. Moreover, Distance Learning Support System model based on inter-cooperation is introduced as a basis of creation and testing the Distance Learning Support System of computer literacy issues. As a result of qualitative assessment, Distance Learning Support System based on inter-cooperation was identified as a good support for students after their refresher courses and also some problematic and improvable cases were discussed. / Fast development of information technologies, growth in competition regarding working places and changes in working conditions and measures are the main features of current information society. More detail, nowadays staff in every company and institution must not even ensure high level of their qualification but improve their professional skills all the time in order to maintain a working position. In the final thesis needs and qualification support options of refresher courses participants are analyzed and presented as well as measures and benefits of sharing experience and knowledge are evaluated. Moreover, Distance Learning Support System model based on inter-cooperation is introduced as a basis of creation and testing the Distance Learning Support System of computer literacy issues. As a result of qualitative assessment, Distance Learning Support System based on inter-cooperation was identified as a good support for students after their refresher courses and also some problematic and improvable cases were discussed.

Nuotolinių studijų panaudojimas mokant mokinius hipertekstų ir multimedijos / Using distance studies in teaching pupils hypertexts and multimedia

Petrauskas, Regimantas 28 May 2005 (has links)
Nformation and communication technologies which are used at schools in distance learning courses are analyzed and evaluated in this work. Also attention is paid for the distance learning creating process. On the base of information and communication technologies the distance learning course “hypertext and multimedia” is created for XI- XII formers from Lithuanian Republic secondary schools. For those who chose the expanded module of information technologies course is prepared the plan for supporting learners and tutorials for users. During this distance learning process pupils are taught to design and create Web sites with multimedia elements. The course is created in virtual learning environment WebCT. Also the graphic models created with TestTool are used.

Nuotolinio mokymosi metodų taikymo matematikos dalykui mokyti galimybių tyrimas / The research of possibilities of distance learning methods application in teaching of mathematics subject

Butkutė, Lina 18 August 2014 (has links)
Šiandieninėje bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje labai svarbu ugdyti sąmoningą, naujoms technologijoms atvirą, žinias su praktika gebantį sieti žmogų. Tam neabejotinai prireiks matematinių žinių ir įgūdžių. Matematika – svarbus gamtos mokslų ir technologijų įrankis. Visi mokiniai, nepriklausomai nuo jų gabumų, polinkių ar mokymosi ypatumų turėtų pajusti matematikos praktinę naudą. Mokydamasis matematikos kiekvienas mokinys turi patirti sėkmę, o pačios matematikos ugdymo turinys, jo perteikimo būdai ir tam naudojami metodai turi padėti mokiniui susikoncentruoti į mokymosi sėkmę. Taigi vienas iš svarbiausių mokytojo uždavinių yra surasti tokius mokymo metodus ir priemones, kurie būtų įdomūs, tikslingi įvairių gebėjimų bei poreikių mokiniams ir leistų visiems pasiekti gerų mokymosi rezultatų. Vienas iš tokių būdų galėtų būti nuotolinis mokymasis. Nuotolinis mokymasis – tai nuo laiko ir erdvės apribojimo, mokytoją ir mokinį, išlaisvinanti mokymosi forma. Pasitelkiant kompiuterį ir interneto ryšį, įvairių poreikių, bei skirtingų gabumų mokiniai nevaržomi vietos ir laiko gali mokytis savarankiškai – pakartoti, pagilinti, pritaikyti ar pasitikrinti savo žinias ne tik per pamokas, bet ir po pamokų. Vis dėlto, nuotolinis mokymasis daugiau įprastas suaugusiųjų mokymesi. Daugeliu atvejų mokymuisi naudojami informacijos perdavimą užtikrinantys mokymosi metodai. O matematikos dalykui įsisavinti reikia ne tik teorinių žinių, bet ir praktinių įgūdžių. Šiame darbe tiriamos nuotolinio mokymosi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In today's secondary school it is very essential to develop a conscious, open to new technologies person, who will be capable to link knowledge and practices. This will undoubtedly require mathematical knowledge and skills. Mathematics - an important science and technology tool. All students, regardless of their abilities, aptitudes and learning features should feel mathematics practical benefits. Learning mathematics each student has to experience success in mathematics education and the content of the rendering techniques and the methods should help the student to concentrate on learning success. So one of the most important tasks of the teacher is to find such teaching methods and tools that are interesting, targeted to different abilities and needs of students and to enable them to attain academic success. One such way could be distance learning. Distance learning - this is the unlocking form that helps to separate the teacher and the pupil from time and space limitation. With the help of a computer and an Internet connection, students with different needs and different abilities can learn self without the restrictions to place and time - repeat, deepen, adapt, or test their knowledge not only in the classroom but also after school. However, remote learning is more common in adult learning. In most cases, the transfer of learning is used to ensure learning methods. In order to master the things of math it is essential to have not only theoretical but also practical... [to full text]

Distance education technologies : a classification and evaluation / Charl Nel

Nel, Charl January 2001 (has links)
We are at a point in the history of higher education in South Africa when radical changes are occurring in instructional delivery system models. Of increasing significance is a mixed mode of traditional and distance delivery (i.e. Telematic Learning Systems at the PU for CHE). In this changing environment, language lecturers, the persons responsible for developing language modules within various Telematic programmes, remain a key element in the teaching and learning process. However, these lecturers are suddenly expected to make appropriate decisions in terms of distance education technology classification, evaluation, and consequent selection without the necessary knowledge and/or capacity to make effective technological decisions. The purpose of this article is to assist "Lone Ranger" language lecturers, in making pedagogically sound decisions when classifying, evaluating and selecting distance education technologies by: (a) considering technology selection as part of the instructional design process, (b) referring to some reasons for using technology for language learning, (c) focusing on criteria for classifying and evaluating distance education technologies, and by (d) reviewing selected studies in order to indicate the application possibilities of technologies for language teaching and learning. / Thesis (M.A. (English))--Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2002

A web como instrumento de comunicação e extensão universitária: um estudo de usuários do Espaço do Produtor / The web as instrument for university`s communication and extension: an user study of the website Espaço do Produtor

Mota, João Batista 29 June 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:33:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 2483134 bytes, checksum: aee321ed5b188d1755dcb833a73aa151 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-06-29 / This dissertation discusses the main concepts of university extension, distance learning and the Internet to show the feasibility of the web as an instrument of university extension, from the experience of the website Espaço do Produtor‟ (Farmer‟s space), created by the Coordination of Open and Distance Learning (Cead) from the Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), Brazil. The site intends to target on familiar rural producers and small-scale farmers and their families, promoting dissemination of the knowledge generated at UFV. Through a user study, the research used a methodological triangulation of data sources: statistics‟ access (Google Analytics), qualitative analysis of e-mails sent to the website and electronic survey (questionnaire). Thus, it was possible to diagnose and analyze the usages and demands for information from users who visit the site Espaço do Produtor‟ in order to contribute to the discussion and development of university extension activities at UFV. The study found that users have a great lack of extension courses - most have never attended one of these activities. Second, they revealed a wide acceptance of the website‟s available content, especially the extension courses and the online articles sections; which are most used to guide the openness of a home-based business or future developments in the area of agriculture, but also mainly to improve the quality life. There has been also found that the users are aware of the potential of the website as an instrument for university extension, demanding for replies about questions and demands related to it. In addition, most users believe in the efficiency of techniques used in distance learning courses online. The work also suggests some measures to improve the Espaço do Produtor‟ and other websites that may be created in the future aimed at university extension. / A presente dissertação discute os principais conceitos da extensão universitária, da educação a distância e da internet para mostrar a viabilidade da web como instrumento de extensão universitária, a partir da experiência do website Espaço do Produtor, criado pela Coordenadoria de Educação Aberta e a distância (Cead) da Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV). O site pretende atender a agricultores familiares e produtores rurais de pequena produção, bem como seus familiares, socializando o conhecimento gerado na UFV. Por meio de um estudo de usuário, a pesquisa utilizou uma triangulação metodológica ou multimétodo para a obtenção de dados: estatísticas de acesso (Google Analytics), análise qualitativa dos e-mails enviados ao site e o survey (questionário) eletrônico. Dessa forma, foi possível diagnosticar e analisar os usos e as demandas de informação dos usuários do site Espaço do Produtor, visando contribuir para a discussão e desenvolvimento das atividades de extensão universitária na UFV. O trabalho comprovou que os usuários têm uma grande carência de cursos de extensão - a maioria nunca participou de uma dessas atividades. Por outro lado, eles revelaram uma grande aceitação pelo conteúdo disponibilizado, especialmente pelos cursos de extensão de curta duração on-line e pelos artigos, que os utilizam para abertura de negócios caseiros ou futuros empreendimentos na área da agropecuária, mas principalmente para a melhoria de qualidade de vida. Constatou também que o público usuário tem consciência do site como potencial instrumento de extensão universitária, solicitando solução de diversas demandas e dúvidas nessa área. Além disso, a maioria dos usuários acredita na eficiência das técnicas de educação a distância utilizadas nos cursos on-line. A dissertação ainda sugere algumas medidas para aprimorar o Espaço do Produtor e outros sites que venham a ser criados na área da extensão universitária.

Uso de hipermídia adaptativa no desenvolvimento de cursos virtuais de computação gráfica / Hypermedia adptative in development of computer graphic virtual courses

Wallace Vianna da Silva 03 September 2009 (has links)
O Ensino à distância (EaD) procura utilizar propostas pedagógicas para desenvolver sistemas inclusivos de ensino e aprendizagem. Estas propostas tem colaborado no sucesso que a EaD tem alcançado no meio empresarial corporativo. Neste meio, a demanda por cursos de formação técnica tem sido tão alta, que as empresas envolvidas no design instrucional de EaD criaram a noção de cursos à distância expressos, ou seja, cursos cuja a concepção e elaboração devem atender as tradicionais necessidades de rapidez do mercado de trabalho. Esta dissertação procura soluções para um tipo de ensino à distância ainda pouco explorado. O cenário que procuramos equacionar é o do ensino de ferramentas (softwares) para desenho vetorial, onde a metodologia de ensino é parte do processo de ensino corporativo. No processo atual de ensino de ferramentas de computação gráfica, o aluno submete ao professor, normalmente pela internet, o seu trabalho para que uma avaliação seja feita. Nesta dissertação sugerimos que este processo seja modificado de duas formas. Primeiro, no design instrucional para esta situação, trabalhamos constantemente a questão de avaliação não só na sua forma tradicional (atribuição de graus e valores) mas também como aperfeiçoamento do processo de ensino. A hipermídia adaptativa entra nesta proposta como facilitador da relação alunoprofessor-conhecimento, permitindo individualização de um ensino voltado para as massas. Em segundo lugar, propomos que a avaliação das tarefas sejam automatizada. O aluno oferece as partes (objetos) da solução que são avaliadas individualmente através de algoritmos computacionais. Isto permite uma menor participação do professor, o que é compatível com a proposta de cursos expressos. Para que isto seja possível a tarefa proposta pelo professor é dividida em objetos componentes, sendo o aluno estimulado a criar cada objeto segundo o modelo padrão oferecido. A comparaçào de cada objeto criado pelo aluno com o padrão a ser alcançado pode ser feita por diversos algoritmos computacionais existentes ou criados especificamente pelo autor do curso. Neste trabalho apresentamos exemplos desta abordagem e um protótipo que demonstra a viabilidade da proposta. / Distance learning aims to use eduacational approaches in order to develop comprehensive courses. These approaches are some of the reasons distance learning has been widely accepted by large corporations. The nowadays matket has a steady and constant demand for technical courses and skilled employees. This demand has been so high among corporations that they have coined the term Distance Learning Express Couses for courses developed in very short time, for short term necessities. This dissertation aims to offer possibilities for a less employed type of distance learning couse. The situation we intend to deal is the teaching of graphics computing tools. In the current status of such type of distance learning course, the student submits, normally by Internet, his or her pieces of work so an evaluation of his or her performance may be made. In this dissertation we propose to change this process in two ways. First we intend to use evaluation as a pivotal part of the educational process. Evaluation is no longer used only at the end of the tasks but during the teaching procedure as student feedback. Thats the reason we also employ Adaptive Hypermedia. It makes possible a more personalized teaching and student oriented guidance. Secondly, we also suggest that tasks evaluation may become automatic. The student offers the parts (objects) of the overall solution and these parts are evaluated individually by computing algorithms. This allows less teacher participation and less type spend on evaluation. In order to do so, the teacher has to divide the task in small components (objects) and to ask the student to deal with these components as models to be achieved. The comparison of the object created by the student with the model object maybe performed by several available computing algorithms or specifically designed algorithms by the author of the course. In this work we introduce an example of this approch and a prototype which shows the feasability of our proposition.

As trocas interindividuais em fóruns e lista de discussão : um estudo de caso no âmbito do curso de pedagogia em EAD

Fernandes, Ana Angélica Pereira January 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação investiga o processo evolutivo das trocas interindividuais a partir da perspectiva da descentração com fundamentação na concepção epistemológica piagetiana. Esta fundamentação destaca a possibilidade do sujeito desprender-se do seu ponto de vista e levar em consideração outros aspectos para finalmente coordená-los. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa – estudo de caso realizada no Curso de Graduação Licenciatura em Pedagogia, na modalidade a distância (PEAD) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. O curso destina-se à formação em pedagogia de professores leigos de Escolas Públicas do Rio Grande do Sul. Para tanto, a coleta de dados foi realizada a partir da seleção de registros de participação dos alunos em formação no fórum virtual e lista de discussão e possibilitou a construção dos níveis que indicam o processo do egocentrismo à descentração em situações de trocas interindividuais. Os resultados apontam que as interações influenciam no processo de aprendizagem dos alunos em formação, sendo possível observar que as trocas também contribuem para estimular o processo de descentração, propiciando assim condições de coordenar pontos de vista diferentes. Os resultados também indicam que os alunos em formação demonstram dificuldades em trabalhar em comum, pois as participações apresentam alto índice de registros com características egocêntricas, não demonstrando assim que os participantes estabelecem relação com o ponto de vista dos colegas, condição necessária para que a descentração ocorra. A partir dos resultados, podemos concluir que a descentração é um processo evoluído e que cada nova oportunidade de troca permite que ocorra a evolução das trocas interindividuais. Isto nos mostra a fecundidade da teoria piagetiana como suporte para análise de processos interativos em contextos na modalidade a distância. / This thesis investigates how the exchanges occur between the individuals in the forum and discussion list and how you can view the process of egocentrism to taking off the Center from him through the levels provided for in the design analysisbased epistemological piagetiana. This is a qualitative research - a case study conducted in the course of graduate degree in pedagogy, in the programmer of distance learning (PEAD) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. The course is addressed to the formation of teachers of public schools of Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. For this, the data collection was carried out from the selection of records of participation of students in formation in virtual forum and discussion list and possible see the levels that indicate the process of egocentrism to taking off the Center from him in situations of trade between individuals. The results indicate the importance of interactions to the learning process of students in formation and it was possible to see that exchanges stimulate the process of taking off the Center from him thereby providing conditions to coordinate different points of view. The results also indicate that students in formation demonstrate difficulties to working together, this is evidenced by the high rate of participation egocentric, therefore in most of the shares don’t show establish relation with the point oh view of the classmates, condition that’s necessarie to the pocess of taking the center of him occur. From the results we can conclude that the process of taking the Center of him is an evolving process and that each new opportunity to exchange allows that the evolution of the exchanges between the individuals. This shows us the fecundity of the theory piagetiana as support for analysis of interactive processes in contexts in the distance mode.

Uma análise sobre os alunos do curso de Especialização em Saúde da Família da UNA-SUS

Granville, Magda Lorenz January 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado apresenta o perfil dos alunos ingressos em 2014 no curso de Especialização em Saúde da Família, financiado pelo Programa de Valorização do Profissional da Atenção Básica do Ministério da Saúde, na modalidade à distância. Essa turma é caracterizada de acordo com gênero, área ou especialidade, Estado de origem dos alunos, entre outras informações. Parte dos resultados apresentados neste trabalho indica que predominaram alunos do sexo feminino, médicos e originários do Estado do Pará. Essa análise objetiva contribuir com a identificação das principais características desses alunos, ampliando a literatura sobre o tema e contribuindo para estudos futuros, ao mesmo tempo que os resultados aqui apresentados podem indicar eventuais oportunidades de aprimoramento de políticas públicas. / This dissertation presents a study on the students of a 2014 class of the specialization course on Family Health, which is funded by the program “Valorização do Profissional da Atenção Básica” of the Ministry of Health, Brazil, through a distance learning approach. The 2014 class has been profiled taking into account, among other information, the students’ gender, area of expertise, and State of the federation where they come from. Part of the results shows that women, doctors, and people from the State of Pará account for most of the students. The analysis carried out in this research has the goal of identifying the main characteristics of students, thus extending the literature and contributing for future work, at the same time that results may occasionally lead to opportunities of improving public policies.

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