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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modulação e organização do forrageamento em Acromyrmex subterraneus molestans santschi 1925

Ribeiro, Laila Fieto 07 February 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-04-01T15:08:50Z No. of bitstreams: 1 lailafietoribeiro.pdf: 1809985 bytes, checksum: f669b43970d61d36711723967ea2a6d0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-06-02T14:19:14Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 lailafietoribeiro.pdf: 1809985 bytes, checksum: f669b43970d61d36711723967ea2a6d0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T14:19:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 lailafietoribeiro.pdf: 1809985 bytes, checksum: f669b43970d61d36711723967ea2a6d0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-07 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / As formigas cortadeiras possuem a particularidade do cultivo de um fungo, com o qual mantêm uma relação simbionte. Seu forrageamento abrange estratégias selecionadas para obtenção dos nutrientes necessários ao crescimento do fungo, desenvolvimento da prole e consequentemente, da colônia. Para buscar e retornar com o recurso ao ninho, operárias percorrem trilhas físicas com diferentes características e apresentam sofisticada e marcante divisão de trabalho. Desta forma, o sucesso da colônia está intimamente relacionado à eficiência da casta responsável pelo forrageamento. Por conseguinte, espera-se que as forrageiras apresentem um sistema organizado e eficiente performance na coleta e transporte de material vegetal. Sendo assim, foi investigado se há ajuste da carga transportada por operárias de Acromyrmex subterraneus molestans frente a alterações físicas impostas na trilha física, bem como se há manutenção da performance. Em outro experimento, manipulações demográficas foram realizadas com o intuito de analisar se forrageiras exibem flexibilidade ou resiliência comportamental na execução da sua tarefa. Operárias demonstraram ser hábeis em ajustar a carga transportada frente a dificuldades impostas durante o deslocamento nas trilhas, ao mesmo tempo que mantiveram o balanço entre a carga e velocidade de locomoção, sendo estas variáveis negativamente correlacionadas. Ainda, a carga foi modulada em função do tempo decorrido após o recrutamento. Houve uma alteração na alocação de indivíduos das diferentes classes de tamanho em trilhas com diferentes características, o que pode ser entendido como efeito compensatório da redução da carga e da velocidade. No segundo experimento, os resultados sugerem a presença de um grupo de indivíduos responsável pelo forrageamento, representado pelas operárias elite. Na ausência destas formigas, outro grupo de operárias engajaram-se no forrageamento (operárias substitutas), indicando a ocorrência de flexibilidade comportamental nesta tarefa. Além disso, verificou-se a ocorrência de resiliência comportamental, onde as operárias elite reassumiram a tarefa de forrageamento e, as substitutas, deixaram de coletar folhas. Desta forma, colônias responderam a um estímulo externo de manipulação demográfica, ocorrendo uma resposta comportamental para a manutenção da eficiência no transporte de recurso para a colônia. / Leaf-cutting ants are characterized by the cultivation of a fungus garden with which maintain a symbiotic relationship. Their foraging encloses selected strategies to obtain the nutritional requirements for fungus growth, brood development and consequently the colony. To search and return with the food resource to the nest, workers walk along trails with different physical characteristics and exhibit striking and sophisticated division of labor. Thus, the colony success is closely related to the efficiency of the caste responsible for foraging. Therefore, it is expected that foragers present an organized system and efficient performance in the collection and transport of leaf material. We investigated whether there is burden adjustment by workers of Acromyrmex subterraneus molestans due to physical changes imposed on the trails and if the performance is maintained. In other experiment, demographic manipulations were performed in order to analyze whether foragers exhibit behavioral flexibility or resilience in the execution of their task. Foragers were able to adjust their burden in function of difficulties imposed during their displacement along the trails and also the balance between burden and walking speed, which were negatively correlated variables. Further, the burden varied according to time elapsed after recruitment. There was also a change in the allocation of individuals of different size classes on trails with different characteristics, which can be understood as a compensatory effect of the load and speed decrease. In the second experiment, results suggest the presence of a group of individuals responsible for foraging, represented by the elite workers. In the absence of these ants, another group of workers have engaged in foraging (replacement workers), indicating the occurrence of behavioral flexibility for this task. Furthermore, there was the occurrence of behavioral resilience where the elite workers resumed the task of foraging and the replacement ones ceased to collect leaves. Thus, colonies responded to an external stimulus of demographic manipulation, occurring a behavioral response to the maintenance of an efficient resource transportation to the colony.

Trabalho, mulheres negras e zonas francas no Haiti : o "empresariado humanitário" neocolonial em movimento / Free zones, "black women" and labour in the contemporary Haiti : the neo-colonial"humanitarian entrepreneurship" in movement

Desrosiers, Michaëlle, 1980- 05 May 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Ricardo Luiz Coltro Antunes / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T17:41:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Desrosiers_Michaelle_D.pdf: 6022319 bytes, checksum: efa4c2be78a2a71667bbc64331b336b5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Através deste trabalho, procuramos analizar o significado ideo-politico e economico do "empresariado humanitario" em movimento no plano de "desenvolvimento-reconstrução", atualizado em 2004 e em 2010 apos o terremoto, para as mulheres "negras" operárias na zona franca CODEVI na contemporaneidade. Essa busca nos conduz à analisar as condições historicas de produção da dependencia neocolonial haitiana e de pauperização das mulheres "negras", ou seja, de sua transformação em forca de trabalho subremunerada para as necessidades da reprodução do capital. Assim, analisamos a função social real das zonas francas industriais de exportação (ZFE) vista por muitos como obra "humanitária" para um país em constante estado de emergencia como o Haiti. Destarte, defendemos as seguintes hipoteses: as ZFE, pelas suas caracteristicas fundamentais, incluindo as ZEI (Zonas Economicas Integradas)-extraterritorialidade, liberdade total de produção e de repatriamento dos lucros-, desempenham na contemporaneidade a função de neoplantações, constituindo-se como obstaculos à soberania popular, alimentar e territorial do Haiti e, portanto, ao fim da sua dependencia neocolonial ou "subdesenvolvimento". O carater "humanitário" da obra capitalista realizada na zona franca CODEVI traduz-se no real em um processo hierarquico de exploração segundo o sexo, a "etnia", a nacionalidade e, potencialmente destruidor da saúde fisica e sexual das/dos operárias/os. O trabalho de pesquisa é realizado primariamente em base de relatos dos próprios e das proprias trabalhadoras bem como de representantes da CODEVI e dos orgãos oficiais haitianos de apoio ao desenvolvimento das zonas francas / Abstract: Through this work, we seek to analyze the ideo- political and economic meaning of the "humanitarian entrepreneurship" in motion in Haiti`s "development-reconstruction" plan, updated in 2004 and in 2010 after the earthquake, for "black" women workers in free zone CODEVI in contemporary times. This search leads us to analyze the historical conditions of production of the Haitian neocolonial dependence and pauperization of "black" women, i.e. its transformation into underpaid labour force for the needs of the reproduction of capital. Thus, we analyze the social function of export processing zones (EPZ) seen by many as "humanitarian" work for a country in a constant state of emergency as Haiti. Thus, we support the following hypothesis: the EPZ, for its fundamental characteristics, including the ZEI (Integrated Economic Zones)-extraterritoriality, total freedom of repatriation of profits and production-play in contemporary times the function of neo-plantation, constituting themselves as obstacles to popular, political and territorial sovereignty of Haiti and, therefore, to the end of its colonial dependence or "underdevelopment". The "humanitarian" character of the work carried out in the capitalist free zone CODEVI translates at real in a hierarchical process of exploitation according to the sex, " ethnicity", nationality and potentially destructive for physical and sexual health of the workers. The research work is carried out primarily on the basis of reports of the workers themselves as well as representatives of the CODEVI and the Haitian officers in support of the development of free zones / Doutorado / Sociologia / Doutora em Sociologia

The Glass Ceiling’s Missing Pieces: Female Migrant Domestic Workers Navigating Neoliberal Globalization in Latin America

Cantu, Roselyn 01 January 2018 (has links)
This thesis explores globalization’s effects on female migrant domestic workers in Latin America by examining the socioeconomic and political status of Paraguayan and Peruvian domestic workers in Argentina. Through this research, I answer several key questions. First, how does globalization shape neoliberal markets that enforce the exploitative structures of domestic labor? Second, how is gender inequality present in governmental and social discrimination? Third, do the costs of transnational care labor outweigh the benefits? The former two questions are answered by the rising demand for care labor and resulting global care chains that fuel greater cross-border migration and statelessness of female migrants. Additionally, cultural and familial pressures magnify the sexual division of labor and maintain domestic labor’s low social status. Using a gender analysis, I address the last question by concluding that gender inequalities through governmental and social discrimination, plus emotional-familial burdens, outweigh domestic labor’s short-sighted financial prospects and autonomy provided by globalization.

Modes de reproduction et diversité génétique chez les fourmis du genre Cataglyphis / Reproductive strategies and genetic diversity in Cataglyphis desert ants

Eyer, Pierre-André 21 November 2014 (has links)
Les insectes sociaux représentent le paradigme de la vie coopérative dans le règne animal. Ceci repose sur l’existence d’une division des activités reproductrices entre des individus reproducteurs (les reines et les mâles) et une majorité d’ouvrières sacrifiant leurs propres potentialités reproductives pour assurer l’essentiel des tâches logistiques nécessaires à l’essor des sociétés. Chez les Hyménoptères sociaux, l’analyse comparative des stratégies de reproduction révèle que la structure monogyne (une reine par société) et monandre (un seul accouplement par reine) est l’état ancestral des sociétés. Cette structure favorise une corrélation génétique élevée entre les ouvrières et le couvain qu’elles élèvent et, par conséquent, leur succès reproductif global (inclusive fitness). Cependant, un nombre croissant d’études génétiques montre que la structure des sociétés peut fortement s’éloigner de ce pattern. Ceci est particulièrement manifeste chez les fourmis, lesquelles présentent un très large polymorphisme social se traduisant par une grande variabilité du nombre de femelles reproductrices au sein des sociétés. Les formicidés sont également remarquables par la diversité de leurs modes de reproduction. Cette diversité concerne la fréquence des accouplements (monandrie/polyandrie) ou encore l’exploitation conditionnelle des modes de reproductions sexuée et asexuée. Chez quelques espèces, les futures reines sont en effet produites par parthénogenèse (elles sont des quasi-clones de leur mère), alors que les ouvrières sont issues d'une reproduction sexuée classique. Cette stratégie exceptionnelle permet aux reines d'accroître le taux de transmission de copies de leurs gènes dans la descendance, tout en conservant les bénéfices d'une diversité génétique dans la force ouvrière. Cette grande diversité de structures sociales et de modes de reproduction suggère l’action de nombreuses pressions sélectives. Les travaux réalisés dans le cadre de cette thèse de doctorat visent à déterminer les facteurs responsables du large polymorphisme social et des nombreux modes de reproduction observés chez les fourmis désertiques du genre Cataglyphis. Ils sont articulés autour de deux axes principaux. <p>Les analyses phylogénétiques montrent que la polyandrie est ancestrale au sein du genre Cataglyphis. Le premier axe de ce travail a pour but d’étudier les causes évolutives justifiant le maintien d’un tel système de reproduction au sein de ce genre. Ce travail porte sur les avantages d’une diversité génétique accrue parmi les ouvrières. Une telle diversité génétique permettrait notamment d'accroître le polymorphisme de taille des ouvrières et l'efficacité de la division du travail [Chapitre 1], ou la résistance aux pathogènes de la force ouvrière [Chapitre 2]. [1] Ce premier travail a été réalisé sur Cataglyphis cursor, une espèce strictement monogyne et polyandre. Les résultats de cette étude révèlent une très grande fidélité des ouvrières à la tâche. Ils montrent l’existence d’une association significative entre la tâche réalisée par une ouvrière et sa lignée paternelle, ainsi qu’entre la taille des ouvrières et la tâche effectuée. [2] Le second travail de cette thèse a été réalisé chez C. mauritanica. Nos résultats montrent que la résistance aux pathogènes diffère entre ouvrières issues de différentes lignées paternelles lorsque ces dernières sont isolées. Curieusement, cette différence s’estompe lorsque les lignées paternelles sont regroupées au sein des sociétés polyandres. Dès lors, la polyandrie permettrait d’homogénéiser l’immunité des sociétés. Nos données montrent cependant que la résistance des ouvrières à Metarhizium anisopliae n’est pas corrélée à la diversité génétique de la colonie ou au nombre d’accouplements des reines.<p>Le second axe de ce travail porte sur les stratégies de reproduction remarquables observées chez les espèces de Cataglyphis appartenant au groupe altisquamis :C. velox, C. mauritanica, C. humeya et C. hispanica. Ces espèces partagent une stratégie unique dans le règne animal, appelée hybridogénèse sociale. L’hybridogénèse classique est un système reproductif dans lequel les parents issus de lignées génétiques distinctes s’hybrident. Alors que les génomes maternels et paternels sont exprimés dans la lignée somatique des descendants, le génome paternel est systématiquement écarté de la lignée germinale. En conséquence, seul le génome maternel est transmis aux générations futures. Dans le schéma d’hybridogénèse sociale reporté dans ces travaux, les reines s’accouplent systématiquement avec un mâle originaire d’une lignée génétique distincte. Elles utilisent la reproduction sexuée pour la production d’une caste ouvrière stérile intégralement hybride (analogue à la lignée somatique) et la reproduction asexuée par parthénogénèse pour la production des castes reproductrices mâles et femelles (analogues à la lignée germinale). Dans ce système, bien que les génomes paternels et maternels soient exprimés dans la caste ouvrière, seul le génome maternel est transmis aux descendants reproducteurs [Chapitre 3]. Le groupe altisquamis est représenté par plusieurs espèces au sein desquelles deux lignées génétiques s’hybrident systématiquement pour la production de la caste ouvrière. Le dernier chapitre de cette thèse [4] est une analyse phylogéographique des espèces de ce groupe dans la péninsule ibérique. Les résultats confirment l’existence d’une seule paire de lignées génétiques au sein de chaque espèce. Ces résultats révèlent également une contradiction entre les marqueurs nucléaires et mitochondriaux traduisant la complexité du système reproductif. Ces travaux soulignent l’ambiguïté des relations phylogéniques entre espèces d’un tel système et discutent de son implication dans la spéciation des espèces hybridogénétiques. <p><p><p>Social insects represent the most extreme form of cooperative life in the animal kingdom. This is based on the existence of a division of reproductive activities between the reproductive individuals (queens and males) and a majority of workers performing all logistical tasks at the expense of their own reproduction. In social Hymenoptera, comparative analysis of reproductive strategies reveals that colonies headed by a single mated queen (monogyny/monoandry) is the ancestral structure of colonies. This structure provides a high genetic correlation between the workers and the brood they raise and, therefore, their overall reproductive success (inclusive fitness). However, an increasing number of genetic studies reveal that the reproductive structure of colonies can strongly differ from this pattern. This is particularly obvious in ants, which have a very large social polymorphism resulting in a large variability in the number of reproductive females within colonies. The Formicidae are also remarkable for the diversity of their modes of reproduction. This diversity relates to mating frequency (monoandry/polyandry) or conditional use of sexual and asexual reproduction. In some species, new queens are produced by parthenogenesis (they are almost clones of their mothers), while the workers arise from a classical sexual reproduction. By using alternative modes of reproduction for queen and worker castes, queens can increase the transmission rate of their genes to their reproductive female offspring while maintaining genetic diversity in the worker population. This high diversity of social structures and modes of reproduction suggests the occurrence of many selective forces. This thesis aimed at determining environmental and genetic factors responsible for the large social polymorphism and the high diversity of reproductive modes display by Cataglyphis desert ants. This thesis is divided into two main parts. <p>Phylogenetic analyses show that polyandry is ancestral across the genus Cataglyphis. The first part of this thesis examines the genetic hypothesis to account for the evolution and maintenance of multiple mating by queen in this genus. This work focuses on the benefits of increased genetic diversity among workers. Such genetic diversity may increase the size polymorphism of the worker force and improve efficiency of the division of labor [Chapter 1] or increase pathogen resistance of the colony [Chapter 2]. In Chapter 1, the genetic hypothesis to enhance efficiency of division of labor was tested on Cataglyphis cursor, a strictly monogynous and polyandrous species. The results reveal a great fidelity in task performance by workers. They reveal a significant association between patriline and task preference: workers belonging to different patrilines differ in their propensity to perform a given task. We also found that worker size is closely associated with task specialization. The second work of this thesis [Chapter 2] was performed in C. mauritanica. Our results show that resistance to pathogens differs between workers from different patrilines when patrilines are raised separately. Surprisingly, this difference disappears when the patrilines are grouped within polyandrous colonies. Therefore, polyandry would standardize the overall resistance of colonies. Consistent with this result, our data show a positive association between the number of matings by the queens and colony resistance to Metarhizium anisopliae. <p>The second part of this thesis expounds the unorthodox reproductive strategies observed in species belonging to the group Cataglyphis altisquamis: C. velox, C. mauritanica, C. hispanica and C. humeya. These species share a unique strategy in the animal kingdom, called social hybridogenesis. Hybridogenesis is a sexual reproductive system, whereby parents from different genetic origin hybridize. Both the maternal and paternal genomes are expressed in somatic tissues, but the paternal genome is systematically excluded from the germ line, which is therefore purely maternal. Consequently, only the maternal genome spread across generations. Here, we report a unique case of hybridogenesis at a social level. Queens mate exclusively with males originating from a different genetic lineage than their own to produce hybrid workers, while they use parthenogenesis to produce the male and female reproductive castes. In consequences, all sterile workers (somatic line) are sexually produced hybridogens, whereas sexual forms (germ line) are clonally produced. Thus, only maternal genes are perpetuated across generations [Chapter 3]. The group C. altisquamis is represented by several hybridogenetic species in which two highly divergent genetic lineages co-occur, despite their constant hybridization. The last chapter of this thesis [Chapter 4] is a phylogeographic analysis of C. altisquamis species in the Iberian Peninsula. Our results confirm the existence of a single pair of genetic lineages within each species. Our results also reveal strong incongruences between nuclear and mitochondrial markers that reflect the reproductive system complexities. These studies reveal phylogenetic ambiguities among these hybridogenetic species and discuss the involvement of such unconventional system in speciation process.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

A phenomenological investigation of a female leader's perceptions and experience of discrimination in the work place

Mabovula, Nonceba January 2003 (has links)
Women are now making their mark in virtually every economic sector including traditionally male strongholds of engineering, heavy transport, construction and manufacturing. Probably the most spectacular progress by women has been in the public sector. Many women now have voting rights, follow careers which demand that they work outside of the home, enjoy professional status equal to their male compatriots, occupy top leadership positions in their societies and, furthermore, fulfil their traditional roles of wife and mother. The present study is an attempt to explore a female eader’s perceptions and experience of discrimination in her place of work. The problem has been that although there have been significant changes in women’s increased representation in recent years, it is believed that women who succeed in obtaining top management posts still have to deal with unfair barriers. These need to be more carefully explored and understood. In this study I focus on one female leader’s perceptions and experiences of leadership in an institution of higher learning. The advantages and disadvantages of such a small case study are discussed later. A phenomenological approach was used for obtaining information pertaining to the phenomenon “female leadership”, because phenomenology does offer ways of understanding not offered by other research methodologies. It enables the researcher to enter the lived world of the researched, and understand events and perceptions from a fresh point of view. A semi-structured interview was used to allow the respondent freedom to elaborate on responses in whatever manner she wished. The results obtained indicate that women are in a life-world in which, apart from the general experiences shared with their male counterparts, they are also exposed to many other forms of discrimination. Some of these are subtle, and result from years of socialisation into perceived gender role expectations. I hope that what I have discovered may help to contribute to the small but growing body of literature that seeks to understand women leaders’ experiences, and perhaps in time play a role in enhancing their relative position in education and society at large.

Gênero e meio ambiente: dupla jornada de injustiça ambiental em uma cooperativa de mulheres catadoras de materiais recicláveis / Gender and Environment: the double burden of environmental injustice in a cooperative of women of recyclable materials in São Paulo

Isabella de Carvalho Vallin 13 October 2016 (has links)
Buscou-se nesta pesquisa entender as relações entre gênero e meio ambiente no cotidiano das mulheres catadoras de materiais recicláveis de uma cooperativa do município de São Paulo. Para tanto, procurou-se compreender essa relação a partir dos espaços de moradia e trabalho das catadoras. Como fundamentação teórica foi adotada a Divisão Sexual do Trabalho e a Justiça Ambiental. O método utilizado foi o Estudo de Caso Estendido e a técnica de coleta de dados primários a Entrevista Narrativa. Foram entrevistadas dezesseis mulheres catadoras cooperadas. Para a interpretação dos resultados seguiu-se os postulados da Análise de Narrativa. Este estudo mostra evidências da situação de injustiça ambiental nos espaços de moradia e trabalho das catadoras entrevistadas. Além disso, demonstra que a dupla jornada de trabalho dessas mulheres leva a uma injustiça ambiental por gênero na catação. Também foi observada a relação entre a maternidade e o ingresso e permanência das catadoras na atividade. A análise da dupla jornada de trabalho das mulheres permitiu identificar três trajetórias distintas entre as catadoras entrevistadas: catadoras estruturais, catadoras conjunturais ocasionais e catadoras conjunturais por conveniência. A partir das diferenças e similaridades observadas entre os três grupos de mulheres catadoras percebeu-se que fatores como a trajetória familiar, vulnerabilidade social e segregação espacial urbana foram os principais motivos que as levaram à catação. Verificou-se, ainda, que as mulheres estão mais expostas aos riscos ambientais justamente pela dupla jornada de trabalho. Dessa maneira, considerou-se que a presença dos fatores de injustiça ambiental na dupla jornada de trabalho caracteriza o que foi denominado neste estudo de dupla jornada de injustiça ambiental. A jornada reprodutiva associada aos riscos ambientais ligados à habitação e a jornada produtiva referente aos riscos ocupacionais e à precariedade no trabalho. / This thesis aimed understand the relationship between gender and environment among women waste pickers of a cooperative of recyclable materials in São Paulo. To understand this relationship, the concept of Environmental Justice was chosen as framework, showing the disproportional dynamic of environmental conflicts that affect the most marginalized and vulnerable people, marked with social inequality due to class, race and gender. In addition, studies discussing the Sexual Division of Labor were also used, considering that women are particularly disadvantaged because of their double burden, when the reproductive work is free and invisible and the productive work is devalued. The Extended Case Method was used as methodology and the women cooperative was observed for three years. The data collection was made using the narrative interview technique and sixteen women waste pickers were interviewed. The data analysis used narrative analysis postulates. The results showed that the women waste pickers who are spatially segregated and residents of Jardim das Flores slum are exposed to multiple risks: geomorphological risks of slipping and washouts; proximity of high-voltage power lines and; low infrastructure conditions linked to sanitation and garbage collection. Due their reproductive shift, the women spend more time in home and consequently in the slum, rising their vulnerability of those risks. Further, the wish to conciliate the double burden was also responsible for their work as waste pickers, with a female perpetuation in the scavenging activity. Then, the women are more exposed to occupational risks and the burden of environmental inequality in recycling chain. In conclusion, women waste pickers are exposed to a double burden of environmental injustice: one related to habitational risks and one to precariousness of labor and occupational hazards. Thus, there is a interweaving of social inequalities historically imposed by patriarchal logic to keep the foundations of the current economic system, and the black women, householder and poor are who bear the environmental damage to maintain that system.

Parents' division of childcare responsibilities: Predictors of fathers' childcare involvement and egalitarian attitudes

Latta, Amy Elizabeth 01 January 2004 (has links)
The current study was designed to examine whether adult childrens' reports of egalitarian parenting by their parents would influence the likelihood for egalitarian parenting behavior and gender role attitudes of the adult child. In general, results support the notion of intergenerational transmission of egalitarian parenting behavior. Individuals whose fathers were more involved in parenting reported greater father involvement in parenting their own children.

Kvinnliga tjänstemäns upplevelser av en mansdominerad byggarbetsplats / Female officials experiences of a male dominated construction site

Nilsson, Robert, Nyqvist, Nils January 2020 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka huruvida det mansdominerade byggarbetet och den machokultur som i vissa fall finns på arbetsplatsen påverkat kvinnliga tjänstemän i deras val av arbete, samt om de upplever att de märker av och påverkas av rådande normer och strukturer i arbetet. Metod: Examensarbetets datainsamling har genomförts på ett kvalitativt sätt i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju kvinnliga tjänstemän från fyra olika byggföretag i Jönköpings län. Utöver det gjordes en litteraturstudie som lade en grund för undersökningen. Resultat: De intervjuade kvinnorna har i det tidiga stadiet av karriären reflekterat olika mycket på machokulturen och den manliga jargongen som skulle kunna tänkas uppenbara sig på deras framtida arbetsplatser. Vidare visar undersökningen att respondenterna i senare skeden upplevt machokulturen i liten eller större skala. Alla såg det dock inte som något särskilt anmärkningsvärt eller negativt, medan vissa vittnade om situationer som direkt går att anknyta till machokultur. Slutligen visade undersökningen att vissa intervjurespondenter upplevt skillnader gällande förutsättningar till att både utföra sitt arbete och att göra karriär. Konsekvenser: De flesta kvinnorna är ensamma på byggarbetsplatserna och har i viss mån upplevt machokulturen. Alla intervjurespondenter är eniga om att vi går åt rätt håll gällande såväl förutsättningar som bemötande. Vissa berättar dock om situationer med såväl arbetskollegor och företagsledningen som på något sätt fått dem att känna sig illa eller orättvist behandlade.  Rekommendationen är att företagen bör marknadsföra byggbranschen och då framförallt produktionsplatsen mot kvinnor. Fler studiebesök från skolans håll, då kan entreprenadföretagen visa upp byggarbetsplatsen och de yrkesroller som finns där. Byggföretagen bör också försöka få in fler kvinnor i ledande positioner som i sin tur kan bli förebilder för andra kvinnor. Förutsättningarna bör också bli jämnare när det kommer till bland annat arbetskläder och omklädningsrum. Byggföretagen bör slutligen se över om det går att förändra tjänsterna till att bli mer flexibla med arbetstiderna. Begränsningar: Då studien endast undersöker ett litet antal kvinnor på ett geografiskt begränsat område, bedöms arbetet inte ge några generaliserbara slutsatser för byggbranschen som helhet. Resultaten ger en bild av några kvinnors tankar och upplevelser av att arbeta i en mansdominerad miljö. Att komplettera studien med exempelvis enkäter till ett större urval kvinnor hade förmodligen ökat möjligheten till att dra mer generaliserbara slutsatser. / Purpose: The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to investigate if, and how, the male dominated construction work and the macho culture that may exist at the workplace have affected the female officers choices of occupation, and if they are affected by prevailing norms and structures at work. Method: The data collection for this bachelor thesis was conducted in a qualitative form of semi-structured interviews with seven female officials from four different construction companies in Jönköping County. In addition, a literature study was conducted that formed the basis for the study. Findings: In the early stages of their career, the interviewed women reflected to a varied extent on the macho culture and the male jargon that might be evident in their future workplaces. The survey also shows that respondents in later stages experienced the macho culture on a small or larger scale. However, everyone did not see it as particularly remarkable or negative, while some testified to situations directly linked to macho culture. Finally, the survey showed that some interview respondents experienced differences in the conditions for both performing their work and making a career. Implications: Most women are alone at the construction sites and have to some extent experienced the macho culture. All interview respondents agree that we are going in the right direction on both conditions and response. Some, however, talk about situations with both work colleagues and company management that somehow made them feel ill or unfairly treated. The recommendation is that companies should market the construction industry and especially the construction site towards women. More study visits from the school, then the construction companies can show the construction site and the different occupational roles that are there. The construction companies should also try to get more women into leading positions, which in turn can become role models for other women. The conditions should also be more even when it comes to, for example, work clothes and changing rooms. Finally, the construction companies should review whether it is possible to change the services to become more flexible with the working hours. Limitations: As the study only examines a small number of women in a geographically limited area, the work is not expected to give any generalizable conclusions for the construction industry. The results give a glimpse of some women's thoughts and experiences of working in a male-dominated environment. Supplementing the study with, for example, questionnaires to a larger sample of women would probably have increased the possibility of giving more generalizable conclusions.

Krav och resurser ur ett genusperspektiv : en studie och sociala strukturer och mellanchefers arbetsvillkor

Lindgren, Lisa January 2021 (has links)
I en granskning av kvinnorsoch mäns arbetsvillkor framgår att för höga krav och begränsade resurser bidrar till sämre psykisk och fysisk hälsa. Kunskapsläget rörande specifikt kvinnor och män, inom specifika branscher ärdockrelativt oklart. Detrelaterar till att enskilda studierinte studerar sambandet mellan krav och resurser och hälsan separat för kvinnor och män.Syftet med denna studie var attundersöka sociala strukturer och arbetsvillkor för kvinnliga respektive manliga mellanchefer.För att undersöka skillnader i kvinnors och mäns arbetsvillkor genomfördes sjukvalitativa intervjuermed mellanchefer inomkommunal sektor. Skillnaderna förståsgenom undersökning av de sociala strukturer som går att utläsa i arbetsdelningen mellan kvinnor och mänsamt vilka skillnader på krav och resurser som upplevs av kvinnor respektive män. Vidare undersöks hur skillnaderna påverkar arbetsplatshälsan.Det empiriska resultatet visar att sociala strukturer, såsom genusordningenoch socialt konstruerade könsroller påverkar uppfattningen om kvinnligt och manligt beteende.Framställningen av kvinnan ger uttryck för de mönster av dagliga aktivitetersom styr vårt sociala arrangemang.Därmed påverkas uppfattningarna av krav och resurser, de kvantitativa kraven är de mest framträdande och då framförallt hos de kvinnliga respondenterna. De har fler underställda och förväntas varamer känslomässigt involverade. Det i sin tur påverkar den arbetsplatsrelaterade hälsan, tre av fyra kvinnliga respondenter har varit sjukskrivna på grund av stress under sin tid som mellanchef. Genomgående uppmärksammas olikafokus hos de manliga och kvinnliga respondenterna,kvinnornas fokus ligger på mjuka värden i större utsträckning.I jämförelse mellan de kvinnliga och manliga respondenterna går det att utläsa att kraven är större på kvinnorna, kontrollen en aning mindre och det sociala stödet inte lika omfattande. / In anexamination ofwomen’s and men’s work conditions it appears thattoo high demands and limited resources contribute to poorer mentaland physical health. However, the state of knowledge concerning specifically women and med in specificindustries is relatively unclear. It can relateto the fact that individual studies do not study the relationship between requirements and resources and health separately for women and men.The aim of this study was toexamine social structures and working conditions for women and men, respectively.Toinvestigate differences in women’s and men’s working conditions, seven qualitative interviews were conducted with middle managers in the municipal sector. The differences are understood through av examination of the socialstructures that can be made visible in the division of labor between women and menand howwomen and menexperiencedifferences in demandsand resources. Furthermore,it is investigated how the differences affect workplace health.The empirical resultsshow that social structures, such as the gender order and socially constructed gender roles, influence the perception of female and male behavior. The representation of women expresses the patterns of daily activities that govern our social arrangement.Thus, perceptions are affected by requirements and resources, the quantitative requirements are the most prominent, especially among the female respondents.They have more subordinates and are expected to be more emotionally involved.This in turn affects workplace-related health, three out of four female respondents have been on sick leave due to stress during their time as middle manager.Throughout, different focus is paid to by the male and female respondents, the women's focus is on soft values to a greater extent.In a comparison between the female and male respondents, thedemands are greater on women, the control is slightly less, and the social support is not as extensive.

Dilema "mateřské" protichůdné strategie a vnímání mateřství u současných českých matek / The Dilemma of Maternity Leave: Competing Strategies and Perceptions of Motherhood Among Contemporary Czech Mothers

Hager, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
This work provides an ethnography of maternity leave in the Czech Republic, analyzing the experiences, attitudes and reflections on motherhood among 14 Czech mothers living in Prague. Maternity leave in the Czech Republic distinguishes itself from that in many other western countries by virtue of its long-term nature - typically 3 to 4 years per child. Ultimately, this model for long-term home care, institutionally structured and culturally naturalized, has an essential impact on the position of woman in the family and in the society at large. Today, Czech mothers find themselves the default caretakers in the home but lacking the extended family support and networks accessed in the past, particularly acute in the context of culturally negative attitudes toward hired help and nurseries in the Czech Republic. Czech mothers also find themselves pinned between two ideologies - one stressing the importance of maternal care for the well-being of the child and another establishing the low status of staying home to raise a child in the context of the need for self-realization in a career. This ethnography teases out the sometimes reinforcing but often conflicting notions of what it is to be a mother through analyzing the biographical narratives of three identified groups of Czech women: mothers who have...

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