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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vnímání zdravotní péče v Jihočeském kraji / Perceptions of health care in South Bohemia

KRÁTKÁ, Edita January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the perceptions of health care in healthcare facilities in South Bohemia as seen by the public. The theoretical part defines health care and health; it also informs about the quality of health care and its evaluation. It deals with health services, healthcare policy and reforms in this sector. It describes the current legislation, part which is international treaties or laws. As an example of a treaty, the thesis mentions Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and the Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the application of biology and medicine, or the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms. The section about laws mentions particularly Act No. 20/1966 Coll. on Public Health Care. In protecting the rights of patients, the Code of Patients? Rights plays an important role in. An essential part of theory is also the system of healthcare facilities, health services, healthcare professionals and the rights and obligations of various actors in the provision of health care. The objective of the thesis was to map client satisfaction with health care provided in healthcare facilities of South Bohemia. The research part, preceded by a preliminary study, was conducted by means of a quantitative questionnaire survey. The basic research group consisted of persons from the general public living in South Bohemia. In the end, two out of three hypotheses were conformed. They are: (1) health care in South Bohemia was perceived positively by the clients of healthcare facilities and (2) women perceive health care in South Bohemia more critically than men. The third hypothesis, the one that was not confirmed, showed that the clients of healthcare facilities in South Bohemia have not noticed any improvement of health care during the last five years. With regard to the outcome of the third hypothesis, a question can be brought forward as to whether health care is developing in the right direction. Therefore, it would be appropriate to pay more attention to this issue. The results can be published in professional journals and they can serve as inspiration for healthcare professionals. They may also contribute to public awareness of health care and health services in South Bohemia.

Contribuições preliminares para uma análise da conduta de administradores e de controladores de S.A. em contexto de oferta hostil

Scalzilli, João Pedro January 2009 (has links)
O presente estudo versa sobre a conduta de administradores e controladores em contexto oferta hostil, tendo como principal objetivo a análise desta à luz do interesse social e dos deveres fiduciários, buscando, ao fim, comprovar que o Brasil possui um arcabouço legislativo apto a regular tais situações, bem como que a experiência norteamericana pode servir como fator de auxílio na investigação do papel desses sujeitos no referido contexto. / This paper deals with the behavior of managers and controlling shareholders in hostile tender offer context, with the main goal of analyse it in the light of the “proper role of the companies” and the fiduciary duties, aiming, finally, to prove that Brazilian law is able to rule those situations, as well that American experience could serve as a helpful instrument in the search for directors and officers “proper role” in the related situations.

Contracts with protection duties. A propos of Constitutional and Civil Law connection / Los contratos con deberes de protección: a propósito de la vinculación entre el derecho constitucional y el derecho civil

Morales Hervias, Rómulo 10 April 2018 (has links)
This essay examines protection duties arising under a contract. Its doctrinal and comparative case-law development is very broad. In Peru, national doctrine has studied it from case-law specific cases. The purpose ofthis study is to develop the analysis of autonomy of these duties towards main and secondary obligations arose under contracts in order to give legal bases not only from Civil Law but also from Constitutional Law perspective. / El presente ensayo se refiere a los deberes de protección nacidos de contratos. El desarrollo doctrinal y jurisprudencial comparado de esta categoría es amplísimo. En el Perú, la doctrina nacional la ha estudiado apartir de casos concretos jurisprudenciales. El objetivo de este estudio es desarrollar la autonomía de estos deberes frente a las obligaciones principales y secundarias nacidas de contratos, con el fin de otorgarle una fundamentación no solo desde el derecho civil, sino también desde el derecho constitucional.

Collusion for Commission by Omission: The case of Mayors and Regional Presidents / Colusión por Comisión por Omisión: El caso de los Alcaldes y los Presidentes regionales

Guimaray Mori, Erick, Rodríguez Vásquez, Julio 12 April 2018 (has links)
The business organization of municipal governments allows these entities to be more efficient when performs its role, management and implementation of goods, resources and services for a given community. However, in recent months we have seen various authorities of the district and regional municipalities make use of the business structure of public agencies they belong to commit crimes against the proper functioning of public administration. / La organización empresarial de los gobiernos municipales permite que estas entidades puedan ser más eficientes al momento de cumplir con su rol prestacional de gestión y ejecución de los bienes, recursos y servicios en favor de determinada comunidad. Sin embargo, en los últimos meses hemos visto como distintas autoridades de los municipios distritales y regionales se valen de la estructura empresarial de los aparatos públicos a los que pertenecen para cometer hechos delictivos en contra del buen funcionamiento de la administración pública.

Human Trafficking Victims versus Irregular Migrants. Challenges and Guidelines for the Attention and Protection of Foreigners Victims of Human Trafficking in Peru / Víctimas de trata de personas versus migrantes en situación irregular. Retos y lineamientos para la atención y protección de las víctimas de trata de personas extranjeras en el Perú

Blanco, Cristina, Marinelli, Chiara 10 April 2018 (has links)
The text aims to identify aspects that should be considered in preparing the State’s institutions to effectively combat human trafficking of a transnational nature. It addresses four main issues. First, it notices the specific problems of foreign human trafficking victims, which could be confused or overlapped with other categories, such as migrant smuggling and illegal migrant status. Subsequently, it develops three fundamental arguments that give primacy to their status as victims of human trafficking and their specialized attention from a human rights perspective. Thirdly, it provides guidelines on the elements that should constitute this approach from the specific rights of foreign victims of human trafficking. Finally, the Peruvian legal and institutional framework is analyzed, as well as its possibilities and challenges for adequate attention to foreign victims of trafficking. / El texto apunta a determinar los aspectos que deben ser considerados para perfeccionar el funcionamiento del aparato estatal con el fin de luchar efectivamente contra la trata de personas de carácter transnacional y para orientarlo por los principios propios de un enfoque de derechos humanos con respecto a la víctima de trata de personas. Aborda cuatro puntos centrales. Primero, advierte la problemática particular de las víctimas de trata extranjeras, al ser proclive su confusión o superposición con otras categorías, como la de tráfico de migrantes y migrante en condición irregular. Posteriormente, se desarrollan tres argumentos fundamentales que otorgan primacía a su condición de víctima de trata y a su atención especializada desde un enfoque de derechos humanos. Como tercer punto, se brindan directrices sobre los elementos que deben componer este enfoque, a partir de los derechos específicos de víctimas de trata extranjeras. Por último, se analiza el marco normativo e institucional peruano, y sus posibilidades y retos para lograr una atención adecuada a las víctimas de trata extranjera.

Contribuições preliminares para uma análise da conduta de administradores e de controladores de S.A. em contexto de oferta hostil

Scalzilli, João Pedro January 2009 (has links)
O presente estudo versa sobre a conduta de administradores e controladores em contexto oferta hostil, tendo como principal objetivo a análise desta à luz do interesse social e dos deveres fiduciários, buscando, ao fim, comprovar que o Brasil possui um arcabouço legislativo apto a regular tais situações, bem como que a experiência norteamericana pode servir como fator de auxílio na investigação do papel desses sujeitos no referido contexto. / This paper deals with the behavior of managers and controlling shareholders in hostile tender offer context, with the main goal of analyse it in the light of the “proper role of the companies” and the fiduciary duties, aiming, finally, to prove that Brazilian law is able to rule those situations, as well that American experience could serve as a helpful instrument in the search for directors and officers “proper role” in the related situations.

O condomínio edilício e o condômino com reiterado comportamento antissocial / The condominium building and the condominium member with repeated antisocial behavior

Bruno Mangini de Paula Machado 26 April 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação aborda a temática do condomínio edilício, examinando questões importantes e elementares deste especial instituto jurídico, e do condômino com reiterado comportamento antissocial. Para tanto, exige-se uma robusta análise do direito de propriedade e da função social, como seu elemento transformador, na medida em que esta, ao lado da peculiar estrutura jurídica do condomínio edilício, que conjuga áreas de propriedade exclusiva com áreas de propriedade comum, somada ao próprio ordenamento jurídico pátrio, impõe ao titular de unidade autônoma o cumprimento de deveres de observância obrigatória, não só para com os demais condôminos, mas principalmente em favor de toda coletividade. Tais deveres, uma vez descumpridos, ensejam a aplicação de medidas jurídicas sancionatórias gradativas em face do infrator, a iniciar por penas pecuniárias, até final expulsão da seara condominial, que poderá ocorrer na medida em que sejam reiteradas as atividades nocivas por ele desempenhadas, gerando incompatibilidade de convivência com os demais condôminos, e na hipótese de as multas aplicadas mostrarem-se inócuas como meio de interrompê-las. A expulsão do condômino antissocial do condomínio edilício pode afigurar-se, a princípio, uma radical sanção, contudo extremamente necessária como último recurso não só para a manutenção do equilíbrio psíquico, econômico e social na copropriedade, mas para assegurar a função social que o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro impõe ao direito proprietário, no qual também está inserida a propriedade em unidade autônoma condominial. / This dissertation addresses the theme of condominium building, examining important issues and this legal institute special elementary, and condominium member with repeated antisocial behavior. Therefore, it requires a robust analysis of property rights and social function, as its transforming element, insofar as the social function, along with the peculiar legal structure of the condominium building, which combines exclusive proprietary areas with common property areas, in addition to its own legal system, imposes on the holder of the autonomous unit compliance with mandatory observance duties, not only with the other joint owners, but mostly in favor of the whole collectivity. Once breached such duties, it inspires the application of piecemeal legal sanctions measures in face of the offender, that starts from monetary penalties until the final expulsion of the harvest condominium, which may occur as the harmful activities are repeated by him performed, generating coexistence incompatibility with the other condominium members, and assuming that the fines shows up innocuous as a way to stop them. The expulsion of antisocial condominium member from the condominium building can seem, at first, a radical penalty, but extremely necessary as a last resort not only to maintain psychic equilibrium, social and economical in co-ownership, but to ensure the social function that the Brazilian legal system imposes on the proprietary right, which is also inserted into the stand-alone unit condominium property

A comutatividade do contrato de seguro / The certainty of the insurance contract

Luis Augusto Roux Azevedo 26 May 2010 (has links)
Os institutos jurídicos têm estreita relação com sua base econômica. Nos contratos de seguro essa afirmação é de fundamental importância, sendo o contrato a face jurídica de uma complexa operação econômica. O desenvolvimento do instituto levou ao reconhecimento da essencialidade da empresarialidade do seguro. Há acentuada controvérsia na doutrina acerca da natureza comutativa ou aleatória do contrato de seguro. O ponto central desta dissertação é no sentido de que o Código Civil de 2002 adotou a garantia como a prestação principal do segurador, o que importa no reconhecimento de sua natureza comutativa. O mesmo Código reconheceu a empresarialidade como elemento essencial do contrato. A comutatividade permite o exame das obrigações e deveres a cargo das partes num contexto de equilíbrio. O trabalho finalmente propõe que a interpretação e aplicação do contrato de seguro observem o caráter comutativo e a base técnica do negócio. / Legal institutions have a close relationship with their economic fundaments. In the insurance contract, this statement is of great importance as it is the legal face of a complex economic operation. The development of the institution has led to the acknowledgment of the entrepreneurial side of the insurance as an essential attribute of the contract. There is a strong dispute on the nature of the contract, if it is an aleatory contract or a certain contract. The main point of this essay is in the sense that the Civil Code of 2002 has adopted the guarantee as the main obligation of the insurer, which represents the acknowledgement of its nature of a certain contract. This nature of the contract permits the examination of the obligations and duties of the parties in a context of equilibrium. The essay finally proposes that the interpretation and construction of the insurance contract observe both the character of a certain contract and its technical fundaments.

Proteção de acionistas e credores nas operações de incorporação envolvendo sociedades anônimas / Protection of shareholders and creditors in mergers involving corporations

Carla Mosna Tomazella Nicolau 24 March 2011 (has links)
Este estudo busca aprofundar a análise dos mecanismos de proteção disponíveis no direito pátrio para a proteção dos interesses de acionistas não controladores e credores, inclusive aqueles titulares de debêntures, bônus de subscrição e partes beneficiárias, das sociedades envolvidas em uma operação de incorporação. Para tanto, são abordados os dispositivos legais, as interpretações jurisprudenciais e as posições doutrinárias no direito pátrio e no direito comparado. A primeira parte do trabalho apresenta o instituto da incorporação envolvendo sociedades anônimas e a sua importância no contexto econômico brasileiro. A segunda parte do trabalho expõe um panorama sobre os mecanismos utilizados para a proteção dos interesses dos acionistas não controladores, com relação a eventuais abusos por parte da administração ou da acionista controladora, nas operações de incorporação envolvendo sociedades anônimas. A terceira parte do trabalho aborda os mecanismos utilizados para a tutela dos credores nas operações de incorporação de sociedades anônimas, com relação aos arbítrios da administração e dos acionistas da companhia. / This paper aims to deepen the analysis of the mechanisms provided by Brazilian Law to protect non-controlling shareholders and creditors, including those who are holders of bonds, warrants and share certificates, of companies involved in a merger transaction. For this purpose, this work examines the legal provisions, case law understandings and doctrinal positions in Brazilian Law and Comparative Law. The first part of this paper presents the merger institute involving corporations and its importance in the current Brazilian economy. The second part of this paper provides an overview of the mechanisms used to protect the interests of non-controlling shareholders, with respect to possible abuses by the management or the controlling shareholder in mergers. The third part of this paper deals with the mechanisms used to protect creditors in the mergers of corporations against the whims of the companys management and shareholders.

Limites à vinculação de administradores a acordo de acionistas / Limits to bind managers to shareholders agreement.

Thiago José da Silva 29 April 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa os limites e a conveniência da vinculação de administradores a acordo de acionistas. Com a promulgação da lei nº 10.303, de 31 de outubro de 2001, foram incluídos os §§ 8º e 9º, ao art. 118 da lei nº 6.404, de 15 de dezembro de 1976 (LSA), que indisputavelmente passaram a vincular os administradores de companhias aos termos dos acordos de acionistas arquivados em suas sedes. Desde então, inexiste consenso doutrinário e jurisprudencial acerca dos limites de tal vinculação. A dissertação analisa, pois, as principais posições doutrinárias que variam desde a vinculação genérica, até a vinculação relativa. A primeira é capaz de abranger todos os atos da administração; a segunda, por sua vez, limita a possibilidade de vinculação da administração apenas com relação aos atos que não sejam de sua competência privativa previstos em lei ou pelo estatuto e, ainda, preserva o poder (dever) finalístico do administrador, previsto no art. 154 da LSA, de buscar e privilegiar o interesse da companhia. A dissertação tece, ainda, diversos comentários e posicionamentos sobre a conveniência de se vincular administradores. / This dissertation analyses the limits and the convenience of binding administrators to the shareholders\' agreement. With the promulgation of law nº 10,303, of October 31, 2001, §§ 8º and 9º were included to the article 118 of law nº 6,404, of December 15, 1976 (LSA), which indisputably began to bind companies administrators to the terms of the shareholder agreements filed in their headquarters. Since then, there is no consensus in the doctrine or the precedents about the limits of such binding situation. The dissertation analyses, thus, the main doctrinal positions ranging from the generic binding form until the relative one. The first is able to cover all acts of the administration; the second, on it turn, limits the possibility of binding the administration only with respect to acts that are not part of its competence provided for by law or by companies by-laws, and also preserves the finalistic power (duty) of the administrator provided for in article 154 of the LSA, of pursuing and giving priority to the companies interest. The dissertation also weaves several commentaries and positions on the desirability to bind administrators.

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