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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution à la thermodynamique de l'absorption des gaz acides H2S et CO2 dans les solvants eau-alcanolamine-méthanol : mesures expérimentales et modélisation / Thermodynamic study of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide absorption in mixed solvents water-alkanolamine-methanol : experimental data and modelling

Blanchon Le Bouhelec-Tribouillois, Émilie 09 October 2006 (has links)
Ce travail s'inscrit dans le cadre du développement de nouveaux procédés de désacidification de gaz naturel à travers l'étude thermodynamique des équilibres entre les gaz acides (CO2 et H2S) et un solvant mixte. Ce solvant résulte de la combinaison d'un solvant chimique (solution aqueuse de diéthanolamine) et d'un solvant physique (méthanol). Couplant équilibres chimique et physique, la modélisation de ces systèmes nécessite l'élaboration de modèles complexes et une large gamme de données d'équilibre liquide-vapeur. La première partie de ce travail est consacrée à l'acquisition de données expérimentales de solubilité des gaz acides dans le solvant mixte. En étendant le champ d'application d'un appareillage fonctionnant en méthode synthétique, nous avons acquis des données originales de solubilité des mélanges CO2 + H2S dans des solvants eau-diéthanolamine-méthanol. Dans la seconde partie, la modélisation simultanée des équilibres chimiques et physiques est réalisée. L'approche hétérogène développée combine le modèle NRTL-Electrolyte pour représenter la phase liquide avec l'équation d'état de Peng-Robinson pour décrire le comportement de la phase vapeur. La procédure d'ajustement des paramètres est graduelle si bien que le système complet eau-diéthanolamine-méthanol-CO2-H2S est décrit de manière prédictive, les paramètres du modèle NRTL-Electrolyte ayant été déterminés sur des systèmes inférieurs. L'effet de solvatation du méthanol est aussi mis en valeur. Nous nous sommes également intéressés au calcul des chaleurs d'absorption et à l'extension de notre modèle à d'autres alcanolamines / This work is related to the development of new processes about gas sweetening with hybrid solvents coupling a chemical one (aqueous solution of diethanolamine) with a physical one (methanol). In the liquid phase, CO2 and H2S react with diethanolamine so that the VLE description of these systems is quite complex and requires experimental data. The first part of this work is dedicated to the experimental determination of acid gases + hybrid solvent solubility data. The experimental apparatus was improved to study H2S solubility and CO2 + H2S mixtures solubility in water-diethanolamine-methanol solvents. In the second part, the simultaneous representation of chemical and phase equilibria was realised. The heterogeneous approach developed here combines the Peng-Robinson equation of state for the vapour phase with the Electrolyte-NRTL model for the liquid phase. Parameters are fitted gradually so that the entire system water-diethanolamine-methanol-CO2-H2S system is extrapolated using Electrolyte-NRTL parameters determined by fitting experimental acid gas partial pressures of lower systems. Methanol effect is also described. An original calculation of heat of absorption was also developed. We extended the use of our approach to study others alkanolamines

Synthesis and reactivity of [RhI(CO)2(L)] and [RL][RhI2(CO)2] rhodium complexes where L is a nitrogen-containing ligand for the methanol carbonylation reaction / Synthèse et réactivité des complexes rodhium neutres [RhI(CO)2(L)] et anioniques [RL][RhI2(CO)2] (R=H ou Me) comportant des ligands azotés L : étude du mécanisme catalytique de la réaction de carbonylation du méthanol

Adcock, Romain 10 November 2011 (has links)
Ce travail est centré sur la synthèse de complexes du rhodium contenant un ligand azoté et leur mise en œuvre dans la réaction catalytique de carbonylation du méthanol en acide acétique. Dans une première partie, nous nous intéressons à la préparation de complexes neutres de formule générale [RhI2(CO)(L)] (L = amines, imidazoles et pyrazoles) et à quelques homologues chlorés. Ces complexes plans carrés manifestent une réactivité directement liée à l’encombrement stérique du ligand azoté L dans la réaction d’addition oxydante de l’iodomethane suivie de la cis-migration du groupement méthyle pour former l’espèce acétyle. Dans une deuxième partie, les complexes précédents ont été engagés dans des essais catalytiques de carbonylation du méthanol dans les conditions du procédé industriel. Comme il s’est avéré que les complexes neutres se transforment en espèce [RhI2(CO)2]- pour laquelle les contre-cations associés sont constitués du ligand azoté protoné ou methylé, nous avons effectué la préparation et la caractérisation des complexes [HNR3][RhI2(CO)2] ou [MeNR3][RhI2(CO)2]. Par IR, RMN et électrochimie, nous nous sommes intéressés aux phénomènes d’appariement d’ions et nous montrons qu’il s’agit dans le meilleur des cas d’interactions hydrogènes. Celles-ci influent la vitesse de la réaction oxydante de CH3I. Dans la dernière partie, nous avons complété une étude, précédemment initiée au laboratoire, sur le mécanisme, qui dans la dernière étape du cycle catalytique permet de passer de l’espèce acétyle [RhI3(COCH3)(CO)2]- à l’espèce active [RhI2(CO)2]- avec production de l’iodure d’acyle. A l’inverse du concept admis d’élimination réductrice de CH3COI suivie de son hydrolyse immédiate en CH3COOH et HI, nous montrons, avec l’appui de calculs théoriques (DFT) qu’en fait un ligand I- est substitué par un ligand acetate pour conduire à l’espèce [RhI2(OAc)(COCH3)(CO)2]-. L’élimination réductrice produit alors l’anhydride acétique qui est hydrolysé en CH3COOH régénérant [RhI2(CO)2]-. Un tel mécanisme opère en présence d’ions acetate dans les milieux faiblement hydratés visés par l’industriel. / This study focuses on the synthesis and reactivity of rhodium complexes bearing N- containing ligands or counter-cations for the [Rh]-catalyzed methanol carbonylation reaction to produce acetic acid under the industrial Celanese Acid Optimization (AO) process conditions. In a first part, full synthesis and characterization of neutral Rh(I) square planar cis- [RhX(CO)2(L)] (X = Cl or I) complexes have been described, for which L is an N-ligand belonging to the amine, imidazole or pyrazole family. For the [RhI(CO)2(L)] complexes, variable-temperature 13C{1H} NMR spectroscopy has put in evidence a fluxional behavior for the different sized L ligands involved. The rate of this fluxional process reveals to be related to both electronic and steric contributions brought by L to the Rh center. These parameters (mainly steric), supported by single-crystal X-ray analyses in the solid state, also influence significantly the kinetics of the methyl iodide oxidative addition reaction followed by rapid CO migratory insertion, the overall being the rate determining step of the [Rh]-catalyzed methanol carbonylation cycle. In absence of CO, this reaction gives rise to the corresponding neutral Rh(III) acetyl complex, which immediately dimerizes to afford [Rh(μ- I)I(COMe)(CO)(L)]2 complex, for which several X-ray crystal structures have been obtained and studied. In addition, the surprising C-H activation in the case of a tBu-pyrazole ligand giving rise to a cyclometalated Rh dimer is reported. In a second part, the reactivity of the latter neutral Rh(I) [RhI(CO)2(L)] complexes as potential precursors has been investigated by batch experiments for the methanol carbonylation reaction. Mechanistic understanding via VT-HP-NMR experiments enabled to detect mainly anionic Rh(I) [RL][RhI2(CO)2] (R = H or CH3 according to the working conditions) complexes formed by decoordination followed by quaternization of the L ligand. Despite this result, the pyrazole family ligands showed better stability under the harsh process conditions. Thus, it cannot be ruled out that equilibrium between neutral and anionic species co-exist in the reaction medium at high temperatures and that [RL]I salt dissociation occurs, restoring the L ligand into the Rh coordination sphere. At this stage we focused on the anionic Rh(I) complex and prepared a series of [XNR3][RhI2(CO)2] (X = H or CH3) species, which have been fully characterized. Infrared, NMR, conductivity experiments and DFT model calculations together put in evidence ion interactions according to the nature of the ammonium counter-cation. Protonated cations significantly impact on the kinetics of the methyl iodide oxidative addition presumably due to H-interactions with the Rh square plane. The final part deals with the mechanism of the reductive elimination reaction, the last step of the [Rh]-catalyzed methanol carbonylation cycle, which from complex [RhI3(COCH3)(CO)2]-, regenerates [RhI2(CO)2]-. In contrast to the classically admitted mechanism of reductive elimination of CH3COI followed by subsequent hydrolysis to form AcOH and HI, we demonstrate from experimental DFT calculation that substitution of an iodo ligand by an acetate ion occurs to give rise to the [RhI2(OAc)(COCH3)(CO)2]- species. Thus, reductive elimination regenerates [RhI2(CO)2]- and produces acetic anhydride, which after hydrolysis affords two molecules of acetic acid. Such a mechanism operates under process conditions at low water content with a significant amount of acetate ions.

Dependência da temperatura e do pH da solução e de outros parâmetros na eletro-oxidação de moléculas orgânicas pequenas / The dependence of temperature, the bulk solution pH and other parameters in the electro-oxidation of small organic molecules

Hartl, Fabian Wolfgang 28 February 2019 (has links)
A eletro-oxidação de ácido fórmico vem sendo discutida por muito tempo na literatura, em particular, a natureza do intermediário ativo no caminho direto tem sido debatida. Recentemente alguns grupos relataram novos aspectos deste processo por meio da análise da oxidação de ácido fórmico e sua dependência com o pH da solução. A maioria dos estudos, no entanto, foi realizado sob condições convencionais, ou seja, próximas ao estado de equilíbrio termodinâmico. Alternativamente, o sistema pode ser estudado longe do equilíbrio pelo controle da corrente, nessas condições a oxidação de moléculas orgânicas pequenas sobre platina pode apresentar a formação de padrões e mostrar comportamentos oscilatórios. Pelas condições drasticamente diferentes se poderia alcançar um melhor entendimento do rede complexo de reação, qual fica escondido em experimentos convencionais. Dessa maneira, a dependência do pH de oxidação de ácido fórmico foi revisitada em voltametria cíclica e estendida a uma ampla região de temperatura e condições oscilatórias. Algumas observações adicionais podem ser obtidas: a) a dependência do pH, como relatada anteriormente, pode ser reproduzida, reforçando a proposição do formiato mais provável como espécie ativa, em lugar do ácido fórmico; b) em meio ácido um terceiro caminho ao lado dos caminhos direito e indireto poderia ser ativo; c) padrões oscilatórios foram encontrados em meio alcalino e evidenciaram o carácter bloqueante de espécies oxigenadas como responsável pela formação de padrões; d) geralmente, todos os processos envolvidos diretamente ou indiretamente, podem ser muito propensos a variações pequenas no pH e temperatura da solução, que a atividade deles pode mudar significativamente e o sistema apresentar resultados diferentes sob condições similares. Adicionalmente, os estudos foram estendidos à oxidação de metanol, qual permitido um visto diferenciado na adsorção de espécies carbonáceas e oxigenadas, as quais principalmente poderiam ter caráter inibitório. Apesar disso, como os resultadas mostraram sob algumas condições, uma interação efetiva de ambas espécies via o mecanismo de Langmuir-Hinshelwood pode ocorrer, que o caminho direito da oxidação pode mostrar uma atividade mais alta e as padrões oscilatórios desaparecem. Observou-se ainda que o ácido fórmico produzido como subproduto parcialmente oxidado poderia ter um papel importante na reação da eletro-oxidação de metanol. Ao fim foi encontrado que não apenas ajustamentos como ligar platina com ouro pode melhorar o desempenho do catalisador pelos efeitos eletrônicos e ligantes, mas também modificações no conteúdo da solução, como a oxidação simultânea do ácido fórmico e metanol poderiam permitir um aumento no desempenho. Em ambos os casos a formação de CO pode ser oprimida, que o processo mais ativo, notadamente a oxidação direta do ácido fórmico é mais pronunciada. / The electro-oxidation of formic acid remained under discussion for a long time in literature, where especially the active intermediate in the direct oxidation pathway was discussed controversially. Recently some groups reported new insight by the analysis of the formic acid oxidation in dependence on the bulk solution pH. Yet, the majority of the studies are carried out under conventional conditions, which are close to the thermodynamic equilibrium. On the other hand the system can be driven far from equilibrium by controlling the current, conditions where the oxidation of small organic molecules over platinum may undergo pattern formation and show oscillatory behaviour. Due to the drastically different conditions one may get a better understanding of the complex reaction network, which remains hidden in conventional experiments. Thus, the pH dependence of formic acid oxidation was revisited under steady state voltammetry and extended to a wide temperature range and oscillating conditions. Here insight could be given in various points: a) the pH dependence, as reported earlier, could be reproduced and strongly suggests formate rather than formic acid as most active species; b) in acidic media a third pathway beside direct and indirect ones may be active; c) newly found oscillation patterns in alkaline media revealed the site blocking character of adsorbed water species as possible origin for pattern formation; and d) generally, all surface processes, which are directly or indirectly involved, can be very susceptible to small variations in the bulk solution pH and temperature, that their activity can change significantly and the system emerge different results under similar conditions. Further effort was done to extend the study to methanol oxidation, which allowed a differentiated view on the adsorption of carbonaceous and oxygenated species, which may have mostly inhibiting character. Yet, as the results showed under some conditions, an effective interaction of both species via Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechansim can be realized, that the direct oxidation pathway can undergo higher activity and oscillation patterns may cease. It could also be found, that the produced formic acid as partially oxidized by-product may have a crucial role in the reaction network of the electro-oxidation of methanol. At last it could be found, that not just adjustments like alloying of platinum with gold can enhance the catalyst performance by electronic and ligand effects, but also modifications in the solution content, such as simultaneous oxidation of formic acid and methanol allow an increasing performance. In both ways the formation of CO can be suppressed, that the most active process, namely the direct oxidation of formic acid is more pronounced.

Vanadiumdotierte Metalloxide und -oxofluoride als Katalysatoren in selektiven Oxidationsreaktionen

Scheurell, Kerstin 17 January 2006 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden unter Anwendung unterschiedlicher Präparationstechniken vanadiumdotierte Metalloxide bzw. –oxofluoride synthetisiert, umfassend charakterisiert und in katalytischen, selektiven Oxidationsreaktionen (ODH von Propan und Methanoloxidation) getestet. Die Festkörper- und oberflächenchemischen Eigenschaften wurden generell mittels CHN-Analyse, ICP-OES, XRD, Raman-, FTIR-, MAS-NMR- und ESR-Spektroskopie, Py-PAS, TPD und Tieftemperatur-Stickstoffadsorption untersucht. Ergänzend kamen an ausgewählten Proben der temperaturprogrammierte Sauerstoffisotopenaustausch und Adsorptionsuntersuchungen von Methanol zum Einsatz. Als katalytische Testreaktionen dienten die oxidative Dehydrierung von Propan und die selektive Methanoloxidation. Unabhängig von der angewendeten Synthesemethode zeigte sich, dass die Festkörpereigenschaften sowohl durch den Vanadiumgehalt, als auch wesentlich durch die Art des Wirtsgitters beeinflusst werden. Es konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass eine hohe Sauerstoffaustauschaktivität und das Vorhandensein Brønsted-saurer Zentren auf den Katalysatoroberflächen die Aktivierung der Edukte in den hier untersuchten katalytischen Reaktionen begünstigen. In Bezug auf die Selektivität zu den Zielprodukten Propen bzw. Formaldehyd sind diese Eigenschaften allerdings nachteilig, da an derartigen Zentren immer die Produkte der Totaloxidation (CO und CO2) gebildet werden. Besonders bemerkenswert ist das Verhalten der vanadiumdotierten Aluminiumoxofluoride. Diese Phasen wurden mit einer neuen Methode synthetisiert und enthalten fast ausschließlich Lewis-saure Zentren. Die Matrix wird zudem maßgeblich durch die Fluoridionen bestimmt, sodass die Sauerstoffmobilität und –austauschaktivität sehr gering sind. Dadurch reagieren sie, trotz einer relativ hohen katalytischen Aktivität, außerordentlich selektiv in den hier untersuchten selektiven Oxidationsreaktionen. / In this thesis, vanadium containing metal oxides and oxyfluorides were prepared, thoroughly characterised and tested as catalysts in selective oxidation reactions. Bulk and surface properties of all samples were studied by means of CHN-analysis, ICP-OES, XRD, Raman-, FTIR-, MAS-NMR- und ESR-spectroscopy, Py-PAS, TPD and BET-adsorption. Moreover, the oxygen isotope exchange behaviour and the methanol adsorption properties of selected samples were analysed in order to correlate the surface properties with the catalytic behaviour of the materials. Irrespective of the preparation technique applied, the properties of the solids strongly depend on the host lattice as well as on the vanadium content. It has been clearly revealed that a high oxygen exchange activity and the presence of Brønsted acid sites on the catalyst surface promote the activation of the educts in selective oxidation reactions. The enhanced activity, however, is generally accompanied by a low selectivity towards the desired products propylene and formaldehyde, respectively. The low selectivity is caused by the high concentration of catalytically active sites leading to the formation of carbon oxides as total oxidation products of propane and methanol. A very promising catalytic behaviour was observed with vanadium-doped aluminium oxyfluorides. The oxyfluorides were prepared by a new method and contain almost exclusively Lewis-acid sites. The matrix is mainly determined by the fluoride anions resulting in a reduced oxygen mobility and exchange activity. Hence, the vanadium-doped aluminium oxyfluorides exhibit a relatively high catalytic activity accompanied by an excellent selectivity in the oxidation reaction of propane and methanol.

Preparação, caracterização e avaliação de carbono funcionalizado para aplicações em células a combustível tipo PEM / Preparation, characterization and evaluation of electrocatalysts supported on functionalized carbon black for polymer exchange membrane fuel cell applications

Carmo, Marcelo do 31 January 2008 (has links)
A tecnologia de células a combustível associada à crescente exigência de baixo impacto ambiental tornou-se bastante promissora no cenário mundial de energia. As células a combustível são, em princípio, dispositivos que convertem energia química diretamente em energia elétrica e térmica, possuindo, entretanto, uma operação contínua, graças à alimentação constante de um combustível. Particularmente, o negro de fumo Vulcan XC72 é usualmente empregado como suporte dos eletrocatalisadores, e alguns fatores como uma superfície acessível e área superficial suficientemente grande para uma máxima dispersão dos cristalitos dos eletrocatalisadores, além de tamanho dos poros, distribuição dos poros adequada e a presença de grupos funcionais na superfície do negro de fumo são considerados fundamentais para o desenvolvimento de materiais inovadores. Entretanto, o material denominado Vulcan XC72 ainda revela condições insuficientes para este fim. Este estudo consiste na preparação e caracterização físico-química de carbono funcionalizado por peróxido de hidrogênio e com cadeias poliméricas do tipo poliestireno sulfonado condutoras de prótons, visando sua posterior utilização como suporte de eletrocatalisadores para células a combustível tipo PEMFC e DMFC. Após a funcionalização do carbono, obteve-se uma melhora da dispersibilidade do negro de fumo em solução aquosa, efeito este benéfico para a preparação dos eletrocatalisadores. Observou-se também que os grupos funcionais e as cadeias poliméricas funcionaram como estabilizadores do crescimento dos cristalitos produzindo catalisadores mais homogêneos e com menor diâmetro médio dos cristalitos; e especialmente, no caso da funcionalização com cadeias poliméricas, obteve-se uma diminuição da queda ôhmica do sistema, referente à melhoria da transferência protônica. / The fuel cell technology associated with the growing exigency of low environmental impact energy became prosperous in the world energy scenery. The fuel cell is basically a device that converts directly the chemical energy of a fuel into electrical and thermal energy with a continuous operation by the constant feed of a fuel. Especially, the carbon black Vulcan XC72 is usually employed as an electrocatalyst support, and some factors as an accessible and high surface area in order to get maximum particles dispersion, pore size, adequate pore distribution and the presence of functional groups in the carbon black surface are considered fundamental characteristics for an innovative materials development. However, the Vulcan XC72 still reveals insufficient conditions for these purposes. This study consists in the preparation and in the physical chemical characterization of functionalized carbon black by hydrogen peroxide and by polymeric chains with proton conduction properties, and its posterior utilization as electrocatalyst support for PEMFC and DMFC application. After the carbon functionalization, an improvement in the carbon black dispersibility in water media was observed, a beneficial effect for electrocatalyst preparation. It was also observed, that the functional groups and the polymeric chains worked as stabilizers in the particle growing, producing much more homogeneous electrocatalysts, exhibiting smaller average particle size. Especially, in the case of polymeric chains functionalization, a decrease in the ohmic drop was observed for this system, attributed to an improvement in the proton transference.

Síntese e caracterização de eletrocatalisadores Pt/C, PtAu/C e PtAuBi/C pelo método da redução via feixe de elétrons para oxidação direta de metanol e etanol / Synthesis and caracterizational electrocatalysts Pt/C, PtAu/C and PtAuBi/C reduction by method of electron beam to direct oxidation of methanol and ethanol.

Cardoso, Elisangela Silvana 27 August 2012 (has links)
As células a combustível do tipo PEM (Próton Exchange Membrane) alimentadas diretamente por hidrogênio são consideradas as mais promissoras para a geração de energia elétrica, entretanto o uso de hidrogênio como combustível nestas células apresenta ainda alguns inconvenientes operacionais e de infra-estrutura, o que dificulta o seu uso. Assim, nos últimos anos, uma célula a combustível que utiliza um álcool diretamente como combustível (DAFC - Direct Alcohol Fuel Cell) tem despertado bastante interesse, particularmente aquelas que são alimentadas pelos combustíveis metanol ou etanol, pois apresentam várias vantagens, como por exemplo, a não necessidade de estocar hidrogênio ou gerá-lo através da reforma de hidrocarbonetos.Porém, células que utilizam diretamente metanol como combustível, apresentam correntes relativamente baixas e a oxidação completa do etanol é dificultado pela quebra da ligação CC e também há a formação de intermediários fortemente adsorvidos no eletrocatalisador de platina, como o monóxido de carbono (COads), resultando em baixos potenciais operacionais na célula.Para minimizar o efeito causado pelos venenos catalíticos faz-se necessária a adição de outros metais na composição do eletrodo de Pt. Tais metais devem atuar na reação fornecendo sítios para a adsorção de espécies que contenham oxigênio (OH ou H2O), em potenciais inferiores ao potencial de adsorção de OH na Pt.Este trabalho apresenta estudos da reação de eletro-oxidação destes álcoois, nos meios ácido e alcalino, sobre os eletrocatalisadores Pt/C, PtAu/C e PtAuBi/C, utilizando o método da redução via feixe de elétrons. Os eletrocatalisadores PtAuBi/C foram preparados com diferentes composições atômicas a fim de se avaliar o efeito da adição de bismuto. Os experimentos foram caracterizados por voltametria cíclica e cronoamperometria, utilizando a técnica do eletrodo de camada fina porosa, obtendo informações em relação às atividades dos catalisadores, perfis eletroquímicos e suas estabilidades em relação ao tempo de operação. Os eletrodepósitos foram examinados usando análise de energia dispersiva de raios-X (EDX) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) a fim de determinar a composição de fases, o tamanho e a distribuição das nanopartículas metálicas no suporte. Os resultados eletroquímicos mostraram para oxidação eletroquímica de metanol, no meio alcalino, que o catalisador de PtAu/C apresentou melhor atividade eletrocatalítica e, no meio ácido, o catalisador Pt/C foi mais efetivo com relação às demais formulações preparadas e os eletrocatalisadores PtAuBi/C apresentaram-se pouco efetivos. No caso da oxidação do etanol, os dados eletroquímicos mostraram que, no meio ácido os catalisadores PtAu e Pt/C possuem comportamentos similares e os catalisadores PtAuBi/C demonstram baixa atividade. No meio alcalino, o sistema PtAuBi/C obteve melhor desempenho em relação aos demais catalisadores, obtendo maiores valores de correntes à baixos potenciais. / Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell powered directly by hydrogen are considered the most promising for the generation of electricity, however the use of hydrogen as fuel in these cells also presents some drawbacks and operational infrastructure, which hinders its use. Thus, in recent years, a fuel cell which uses an alcohol directly as a fuel (DAFC - Direct Alcohol Fuel Cell) has attracted considerable interest, particularly those that are powered by fuels methanol or ethanol, they present several advantages, such as not need to store hydrogen or generate it through reform of hydrocarbons. However, cells that use methanol directly as fuel, have relatively low current and complete oxidation of ethanol is hampered by the cleavage of C-C and there is also the formation of intermediate strongly adsorbed on the platinum electrocatalyst, such as carbon monoxide (COads), resulting in low operational potential in cell. To reduce the effect caused by the \"poisons\" catalyst is needed the addition of other metals in the composition of Pt electrode. Such, metals should act on the reaction providing sites for adsorption of species containing oxygen (OH or H2O) in potential below for adsorption of OH in Pt.In this work studies the reaction of electro-oxidation of this alcohols in acid medium and alkaline on the electrocatalysts Pt / C, PtAu / C and PtAuBi / C, using the method of reduction electron beam. The electrocatalysts PtAuBi / C were prepared with different compositions to evaluate the effect of addition of bismuth. The materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and cyclic voltammetry (CV). The electro-oxidation of methanol and ethanol were studied by cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry at room temperature. The results showed for electrochemical oxidation of methanol in alkaline medium, the catalyst PtAu / C showed better electrocatalytic activity and, in the acidic medium, the catalyst Pt / C was more effective in relation to other formulations prepared and electrocatalysts PtAuBi / C were ineffective. In ethanol oxidation, the results showed that, in acidic medium, catalysts PtAu and Pt / C have similar behaviors and catalysts PtAuBi / C show low activity. In alkaline medium, the system PtAuBi / C performed better than the other catalysts, obtaining higher values of current at low potentials.

Eletroforese capilar com derivatização eletroquímica de compostos neutros: novas aplicações, otimização e miniaturização do sistema em fluxo EC-CE-C4D / Capillary Electrophoresis with Electrochemical Derivatization of Neutral Compounds: New Application, Optimization and Miniaturization of the Flow System EC-CE-C4D

Santos, Mauro Sergio Ferreira 12 December 2016 (has links)
A combinação de célula eletroquímica (EC) com a entrada do equipamento de eletroforese capilar (CE), apesar de recente, tem permitido realizar determinação de ânions radicais; pré-concentração eletroquímica de metais pesados, seguida de redissolução, separação e detecção; bem como monitorar produtos carregados formados por oxidação eletrocatalítica de espécies neutras, como álcoois primários e glicerol. Empregando o sistema EC-CE-C4D desenvolvido pelo grupo, a determinação simultânea de cátions, ânions (no contra fluxo) e espécies neutras (detectadas após derivatização eletroquímica) foi demonstrada pela primeira vez, tendo o antisséptico bucal (Listerine® Tartar Control) como amostra real. Embora constante e reprodutível, a conversão dos álcoois primários nos respectivos carboxilatos apresentou rendimento relativamente baixo, ~16%, nas condições anteriormente adotadas, 1,6 V vs. Ag/AgClKCl 3M empregando eletrodo de platina em meio ácido (HNO3 5 mmol L-1 / HCl 1 mmol L-1). Dessa maneira, avaliou-se a oxidação de álcoois primários de cadeia normal (C2 − C5) sobre diferentes materiais de eletrodo (ouro e platina) em diferentes meios (ácido, neutro e alcalino). Os carboxilatos gerados foram monitorados injetando uma alíquota da amostra derivatizada no capilar (50 µm d.i., 45 cm de comprimento e 20 cm efetivo) aplicando 5 kPa durante 5 s, e durante as separações, 30 kV foi aplicado entre as extremidades do capilar preenchido com Tris 30 mmol L-1 / HCl 10 mmol L-1 usado como BGE. Os resultados obtidos com o sistema EC-CE-C4D apontaram maior conversão dos álcoois nos respectivos ácidos carboxílicos em meio ácido, tanto em ouro quanto em platina. Adicionalmente, em eletrodo de ouro a formação dos carboxilatos apresentou certa seletividade não observada sobre platina, favorecendo a conversão dos álcoois de cadeia menor. Noutra vertente, buscando atender as necessidades atuais por metodologias que possibilitem monitorar a eletrooxidação do glicerol em reatores eletroquímicos, desenvolveu-se um método que permitiu determinar simultaneamente o glicerol e alguns de seus possíveis produtos de oxidação neutros, como gliceraldeído e dihidroxiacetona, explorando a formação de complexo carregado com borato (presente no BGE composto por H3BO3 60 mmol L-1 / LiOH 30 mmol L-1), além dos produtos ionizáveis (ácidos carboxílicos) que são comumente analisados por CE. O equipamento de CE utilizado, munido de dois detectores C4D, também permitiu avaliar a interação de alguns ácidos carboxílicos com os modificadores de EOF, Polybrene® e CTAB, empregando MES 30 mmol L-1 / His 30 mmol L-1 como BGE. Seguindo a atual tendência à miniaturização de sistemas analíticos, avaliou-se a possibilidade de construir um sistema EC-CE-C4D miniaturizado. Para isso, um novo método para fabricação de microdispositivos em vidro, baseado em ablação a laser de CO2 assistida por parafina, como alternativa aos dispendiosos métodos de corrosão por via úmida foi desenvolvido. Os dispositivos obtidos por esse método apresentaram canais de perfil semicircular, e as dimensões puderam ser controladas variando a potência e/ou a velocidade de ablação do laser. Contudo, pelos desafios ainda encontrados para se construir um sistema EC-CE-C4D completo em substrato de vidro por ablação a laser de CO2, optou-se por iniciar a miniaturização do sistema EC-CE-C4D com um sistema híbrido em que se aproveita as características mais bem definidas e favoráveis dos tubos capilares de sílica fundida usados em CE convencional. Esse sistema permitiu a determinação quantitativa de metanol na presença de alta concentração de etanol, possibilitando, numa primeira aplicação, realizar o monitoramento da quantidade de metanol e etanol nas frações iniciais coletada durante o processo de destilação fracionada na produção de uísque de milho (moonshine) feito em laboratório. Visto a maior seletividade para conversão dos álcoois de cadeia menor obtidas em eletrodo de ouro e meio ácido, esse foi escolhido para a presente aplicação. As condições que apresentaram melhores resultados no sistema híbrido EC-CE-C4D abrangeram diluição de 100 vezes da amostra em HNO3 2 mmol L-1, eletrooxidação a 1,4 V vs. Ag durante 60 s, injeção eletrocinética no capilar mediante aplicação de 3 kV durante 4 s, e a separação dos carboxilatos realizada aplicando 3 kV entre as extremidades do capilar (50 µm d.i., 15 cm de comprimento com 12 cm efetivo), preenchido com CHES 10 mmol L-1 / NaOH 5 mmol L-1, usado como BGE. A análise das primeiras frações destiladas da \"labmade moonshine\" apresentou um aumento na concentração de etanol (variando de ~80 % a ~100 %) e simultâneo decréscimo da concentração de metanol (variando de 4 % a ~0,1 %). Em suma, avançou-se tanto no leque de aplicações da derivatização eletroquímica hifenizada com a eletroforese capilar como na miniaturização da instrumentação analítica para EC-CE-C4D, favorecendo a disseminação dessa poderosa combinação de três técnicas eletroquímicas. / The direct couple of electrochemical cell (EC) with the inlet of the capillary electrophoresis (CE) equipment, recently demonstrated, has allowed the determination of radical anions; to perform electrochemical preconcentration of traces of heavy metals, followed by stripping, injection, separation and detection; and the generation of charged species by electrochemical oxidation of neutral molecules, e.g. primary alcohols and glycerol. Employing the EC-CE-C4D system developed by our group, the simultaneous determination of cations, anions (in the counter EOF mode) and neutral species (after electrochemical derivatization) was demonstrated for the first time and a mouthwash (Listerine® Tartar Control) was used as a real sample. Although constant and reproducible, the conversion of primary alcohols into carboxylates had a low yield (~16%), under the adopted conditions, 1.6 V vs. Ag/AgClKCl 3M using platinum electrode in acid medium (5 mmol L-1 HNO3 / 1 mmol L-1 HCl). Thus, the yield of carboxylates was studied for the oxidation of alcohols (C2 − C5) on two electrode materials (gold and platinum) in different media (acid, neutral and alkaline). After the electrooxidation step an aliquot of the derivatized sample was automatically injected into the capillary (50 µm i.d., 45 cm in length and 20 cm up to detector) by applying 5 kPa during 5 s. The separation was carried out applying 30 kV between the capillary ends previously filled with 30 mmol L-1 Tris / 10 mmol L-1 HCl BGE. Cyclic voltammograms show higher current density for alcohols oxidation in alkaline medium than in acid one both on gold and platinum electrodes. On the other hand the yields of carboxylic acids were higher in acidic medium. Besides that, only on gold electrode some selectivity for the carboxylate formation was observed favoring the conversion of the short chain alcohols. In order to meet the current needs for methodologies that allow the monitoring of the electrooxidation of glycerol in electrochemical reactors, a method was also developed that allowed the determination of glycerol and some of its possible neutral oxidation products, such as glyceraldehyde and dihydroxyacetone, by exploring the formation of borate complexes (provided in the BGE composed of 60 mmol L-1 H3BO3 / 30 mmol L-1 LiOH), together with ionizable ones like carboxylic acids. The employed CE equipment with two C4D detectors allowed the evaluation of the interaction between some carboxylic acids and the EOF modifiers, Polybrene® and CTAB, using 30 mmol L-1 MES / 30 mmol L-1 His as BGE. Aligned with a current trend of analytical instrumentation, the miniaturized EC-CE-C4D system was attempted. For that, a new method for manufacturing microdevices in glass, based on paraffin-assisted CO2 laser ablation, was developed as an alternative to costly wet-etching methods. The devices obtained by this method presented channels of semicircular profile and the dimensions could be controlled by varying the laser power and/or ablation velocity. Due to remaining challenges in the construction of a complete laser ablated EC-CE-C4D system on glass, a miniaturized system based on a hybrid approach is presented in the thesis, by taking advantage of the more defined and favorable characteristics of the well known fused silica capillary tubes used in CE. This system allowed the quantitative determination of methanol in the presence of high ethanol concentration by taking advantage of the higher yield of short-chain carboxylic acid formation on gold in acidic medium. The first application was the monitoring of the amount of methanol and ethanol in the initial fractions collected during the fractional distillation process in the production of corn whiskey (moonshine) made in the laboratory. The conditions that showed the best results with the hybrid EC-CE-C4D system included a 100-fold dilution of the sample in 2 mmol L-1 HNO3, electrooxidation at 1.4 V vs. Ag for 60 s, electrokinetic injection into the capillary by applying 3 kV for 4 s and separation of the carboxylates carried out under 3 kV between the ends of the capillary (50 µm i.d., 15 cm in length and 12 cm up to detector) previously filled with 10 mmol L-1 CHES / 5 mmol L-1 NaOH, used as BGE. Analysis of the first distilled fractions of labmade moonshine showed an increase in ethanol concentration (ranging from ~ 80% to ~ 100%) and a simultaneous decrease in methanol concentration (ranging from 4% to ~ 0.1%). In short, both the range of applications of electrochemical derivatization hyphenated with capillary electrophoresis as well the miniaturization of analytical instrumentation for EC-CE-C4D were improved, favoring the dissemination of this powerful combination of three electrochemical techniques.

Avaliação de metodologia de coleta e analíse de solventes/misturas de solventes no ar em ambiente de trabalho: metanol em mistura MEG (Metanol 33% Etanol 60% e Gasolina 7%) / Evaluation of methodology of sampling and analysis of solvents in the air in the workplace. Methanol in a MEG mixture (Methanol 33%, Ethanol 60%, and Gasoline 7%

Cardoso, Luiza Maria Nunes 08 June 1995 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal propor procedimentos de avaliação de metodologia de coleta e análise de solventes no ar em ambiente de trabalho. Utilizou-se o metanol em mistura MEG (Metanol 33%, Etanol 60% e Gasolina 7%) como exemplo. Na época, a mistura MEG estava sendo indicada para substituir o etanol combustível, devido a sua falta no mercado. Foi montada uma atmosfera controlada dinâmica por injeção, para gerar concentrações conhecidas de vapor metanol em mistura MEG. Essa atmosfera permaneceu estável ao redor de 7,5 horas. O limite de detecção método analítico do CG-DIC, utilizado para o acompanhamento das concentrações geradas, foi de 18mg/m3 para um volume amostrado de 2mL coletado por uma válvula de coleta. Estando a atmosfera controlada apta para os testes de validação, foram realizados estudos de volume de \"breakthrough\" para coleta de metanol em tubos de sílica gel, com a finalidade de se conhecer o volume a ser amostrado em campo. Esses estudos foram realizados levando em conta as possíveis interferências de etanol, gasolina e elevada umidade relativatotal . O tempo de coleta de amostra para a mistura com umidade relativa recomendado para uma vazão de 200mL/min foi de 15 minutos. O método analítico utilizado, para a determinação de metanol coletado em tubos de sílica gel e analisado por CG-DIC. foi uma adaptação de métodos encontrados na literatura do NIOSH, para as condições da mistura. Após encontrar a melhor seletividade para o menor tempo de retenção do metanol em mistura MEG, foi determinado o limite de detecção de 9,7x 10-3µg. A precisão do método analítico encontrada foi de 2,1% e a exatidão esteve entre 89% e 97%. Estabelecida a metodologia analítica, as melhores condições de atmosfera controlada e o volume de coleta de amostra, foram realizados estudos que integram a coleta e análise ou seja, precisão e exatidão de coleta e análise e estabilidade de armazenamento. Para estudos de precisão e exatidão de coleta e análise, foram geradas concentrações de metanol em mistura MEG, com umidade ao redor de 0,5, 1 e 2 vezes o limite de tolerância brasileiro(156ppm); dessorção em água e análise por CGDIC. O coeficiente de variação total calculado para o método de coleta e análise de metanol em mistura MEG foi de 7,3% (precisão) e wazzu exatidão esteve entre 90% e 101%. As concentrações de metanol foram estáveis, em tubos adsorventes armazenados em geladeira, durante o período de estudo de 14 dias. Porém, foi constatada uma migração de metanol através da camada analítica para a camada controle de forma gradativa com o passar do tempo. As soluções, a partir da dessorção dos tubos armazenadas em geladeira, foram estáveis durante o período de estudo de 45 dias. Além desses experimentos foram também realizados estudos de capacidade de adsorção da sílica gel para metanol levando em conta os interferentes, e verificado se eram capazes de dessorver totalmente o metanol, após um certo período de coleta. Constatou-se que após 30 minutos de coleta, os interferentes (etanol, umidade e gasolina) entravam em equilíbrio com o adsorvente e o metanol. / The main objective of this work is to propose procedures for the evaluation of the methodology of the sampling and analysis of solvents in the air in the workplace. Methanol in a MEG mixture (Methanol 33%, Ethanol 60%, and Gasoline 7%) was used as an example. At that time the MEG mixture was being proposed to substitute ethanol fuel due to its shortages on the Brazilian market. An atmosphere, dynamically controlled by injection, was produced to generate the known concentrations of methanol vapour in MEG mixtures. This atmosphere remained stable for about 450 minutes. The detection Iimit, using the GC-FID analytical method to monitor the concentrations produced, was 18mg/m3 for a sample volume of 2mL sampled from a sampling valve. The controlled atmosphere being suitable for the validation tests, studies of the breakthrough volume for the sampling of methanol in silica gel tubes were carried out, with the aim of discovering the total volume to be sampled in the field. These studies were carried out taking into account the possible interference of ethanol, gasoline and the high relative humidity. The sampling time for the mixture with the recommended relative humidity with a flow rate of 200mL/min was fifteen minutes. The analytical method used for the determination of methanol sampled in silica gel tubes and analyzed by GC-FID, was based on the methods found in the NIOSH and OSHA literature, adapted to the mixture conditions. After finding the best selectivity for the lowest retention time for the methanol in the MEG mixture, the detection Iimit of 9.7 x 10-3µg was determined. The precision of the analytical method was 2.1% and the accuracy was between 89% and 97%. Having established the analytical methodology. the best conditions for the controlled atmosphere and the sampling volume, studies were carried out which integrated the sampling and the analysis, that is, the precision and the accuracy of the sampling and the analysis and the storage stability. To study the precision and the accuracy of the sampling and analysis, concentrations 1 or 2 times that of the Brazilian tolerance Iimit of methanol (156 ppm) in MEG mixture, with humidity around 0.5, were generated, using dessorption in water and analysis by GC-FID. The total coefficient of variation calculated for the method of sampling and analysis of methanol in MEG mixture was 7.3% (precision) and the accuracy was between 90% and 101% . The concentrations of methanol were stable, in adsorption tubes stored in the refrigerator, throughout the study period of fifteen days. However, a gradual migration of methanol through the analytical layer to the control layer with the passage of time was noted. The solutions from the dessorption of the tubes, stored in the refrigerator, were stable throughout the study period of 45 days. Besides these experiments, studies of the adsorption capacity of silica gel for methanol, taking into account the interferents, were also carried out, and it was verified whether these were capable of the total dessorption of the methanol, after a certain sampling period. It was noted that after thirty minutes of sampling, the interferents came into equilibrium with the adsorbent and the methanol.

Eletroforese capilar com derivatização eletroquímica de compostos neutros: novas aplicações, otimização e miniaturização do sistema em fluxo EC-CE-C4D / Capillary Electrophoresis with Electrochemical Derivatization of Neutral Compounds: New Application, Optimization and Miniaturization of the Flow System EC-CE-C4D

Mauro Sergio Ferreira Santos 12 December 2016 (has links)
A combinação de célula eletroquímica (EC) com a entrada do equipamento de eletroforese capilar (CE), apesar de recente, tem permitido realizar determinação de ânions radicais; pré-concentração eletroquímica de metais pesados, seguida de redissolução, separação e detecção; bem como monitorar produtos carregados formados por oxidação eletrocatalítica de espécies neutras, como álcoois primários e glicerol. Empregando o sistema EC-CE-C4D desenvolvido pelo grupo, a determinação simultânea de cátions, ânions (no contra fluxo) e espécies neutras (detectadas após derivatização eletroquímica) foi demonstrada pela primeira vez, tendo o antisséptico bucal (Listerine® Tartar Control) como amostra real. Embora constante e reprodutível, a conversão dos álcoois primários nos respectivos carboxilatos apresentou rendimento relativamente baixo, ~16%, nas condições anteriormente adotadas, 1,6 V vs. Ag/AgClKCl 3M empregando eletrodo de platina em meio ácido (HNO3 5 mmol L-1 / HCl 1 mmol L-1). Dessa maneira, avaliou-se a oxidação de álcoois primários de cadeia normal (C2 − C5) sobre diferentes materiais de eletrodo (ouro e platina) em diferentes meios (ácido, neutro e alcalino). Os carboxilatos gerados foram monitorados injetando uma alíquota da amostra derivatizada no capilar (50 µm d.i., 45 cm de comprimento e 20 cm efetivo) aplicando 5 kPa durante 5 s, e durante as separações, 30 kV foi aplicado entre as extremidades do capilar preenchido com Tris 30 mmol L-1 / HCl 10 mmol L-1 usado como BGE. Os resultados obtidos com o sistema EC-CE-C4D apontaram maior conversão dos álcoois nos respectivos ácidos carboxílicos em meio ácido, tanto em ouro quanto em platina. Adicionalmente, em eletrodo de ouro a formação dos carboxilatos apresentou certa seletividade não observada sobre platina, favorecendo a conversão dos álcoois de cadeia menor. Noutra vertente, buscando atender as necessidades atuais por metodologias que possibilitem monitorar a eletrooxidação do glicerol em reatores eletroquímicos, desenvolveu-se um método que permitiu determinar simultaneamente o glicerol e alguns de seus possíveis produtos de oxidação neutros, como gliceraldeído e dihidroxiacetona, explorando a formação de complexo carregado com borato (presente no BGE composto por H3BO3 60 mmol L-1 / LiOH 30 mmol L-1), além dos produtos ionizáveis (ácidos carboxílicos) que são comumente analisados por CE. O equipamento de CE utilizado, munido de dois detectores C4D, também permitiu avaliar a interação de alguns ácidos carboxílicos com os modificadores de EOF, Polybrene® e CTAB, empregando MES 30 mmol L-1 / His 30 mmol L-1 como BGE. Seguindo a atual tendência à miniaturização de sistemas analíticos, avaliou-se a possibilidade de construir um sistema EC-CE-C4D miniaturizado. Para isso, um novo método para fabricação de microdispositivos em vidro, baseado em ablação a laser de CO2 assistida por parafina, como alternativa aos dispendiosos métodos de corrosão por via úmida foi desenvolvido. Os dispositivos obtidos por esse método apresentaram canais de perfil semicircular, e as dimensões puderam ser controladas variando a potência e/ou a velocidade de ablação do laser. Contudo, pelos desafios ainda encontrados para se construir um sistema EC-CE-C4D completo em substrato de vidro por ablação a laser de CO2, optou-se por iniciar a miniaturização do sistema EC-CE-C4D com um sistema híbrido em que se aproveita as características mais bem definidas e favoráveis dos tubos capilares de sílica fundida usados em CE convencional. Esse sistema permitiu a determinação quantitativa de metanol na presença de alta concentração de etanol, possibilitando, numa primeira aplicação, realizar o monitoramento da quantidade de metanol e etanol nas frações iniciais coletada durante o processo de destilação fracionada na produção de uísque de milho (moonshine) feito em laboratório. Visto a maior seletividade para conversão dos álcoois de cadeia menor obtidas em eletrodo de ouro e meio ácido, esse foi escolhido para a presente aplicação. As condições que apresentaram melhores resultados no sistema híbrido EC-CE-C4D abrangeram diluição de 100 vezes da amostra em HNO3 2 mmol L-1, eletrooxidação a 1,4 V vs. Ag durante 60 s, injeção eletrocinética no capilar mediante aplicação de 3 kV durante 4 s, e a separação dos carboxilatos realizada aplicando 3 kV entre as extremidades do capilar (50 µm d.i., 15 cm de comprimento com 12 cm efetivo), preenchido com CHES 10 mmol L-1 / NaOH 5 mmol L-1, usado como BGE. A análise das primeiras frações destiladas da \"labmade moonshine\" apresentou um aumento na concentração de etanol (variando de ~80 % a ~100 %) e simultâneo decréscimo da concentração de metanol (variando de 4 % a ~0,1 %). Em suma, avançou-se tanto no leque de aplicações da derivatização eletroquímica hifenizada com a eletroforese capilar como na miniaturização da instrumentação analítica para EC-CE-C4D, favorecendo a disseminação dessa poderosa combinação de três técnicas eletroquímicas. / The direct couple of electrochemical cell (EC) with the inlet of the capillary electrophoresis (CE) equipment, recently demonstrated, has allowed the determination of radical anions; to perform electrochemical preconcentration of traces of heavy metals, followed by stripping, injection, separation and detection; and the generation of charged species by electrochemical oxidation of neutral molecules, e.g. primary alcohols and glycerol. Employing the EC-CE-C4D system developed by our group, the simultaneous determination of cations, anions (in the counter EOF mode) and neutral species (after electrochemical derivatization) was demonstrated for the first time and a mouthwash (Listerine® Tartar Control) was used as a real sample. Although constant and reproducible, the conversion of primary alcohols into carboxylates had a low yield (~16%), under the adopted conditions, 1.6 V vs. Ag/AgClKCl 3M using platinum electrode in acid medium (5 mmol L-1 HNO3 / 1 mmol L-1 HCl). Thus, the yield of carboxylates was studied for the oxidation of alcohols (C2 − C5) on two electrode materials (gold and platinum) in different media (acid, neutral and alkaline). After the electrooxidation step an aliquot of the derivatized sample was automatically injected into the capillary (50 µm i.d., 45 cm in length and 20 cm up to detector) by applying 5 kPa during 5 s. The separation was carried out applying 30 kV between the capillary ends previously filled with 30 mmol L-1 Tris / 10 mmol L-1 HCl BGE. Cyclic voltammograms show higher current density for alcohols oxidation in alkaline medium than in acid one both on gold and platinum electrodes. On the other hand the yields of carboxylic acids were higher in acidic medium. Besides that, only on gold electrode some selectivity for the carboxylate formation was observed favoring the conversion of the short chain alcohols. In order to meet the current needs for methodologies that allow the monitoring of the electrooxidation of glycerol in electrochemical reactors, a method was also developed that allowed the determination of glycerol and some of its possible neutral oxidation products, such as glyceraldehyde and dihydroxyacetone, by exploring the formation of borate complexes (provided in the BGE composed of 60 mmol L-1 H3BO3 / 30 mmol L-1 LiOH), together with ionizable ones like carboxylic acids. The employed CE equipment with two C4D detectors allowed the evaluation of the interaction between some carboxylic acids and the EOF modifiers, Polybrene® and CTAB, using 30 mmol L-1 MES / 30 mmol L-1 His as BGE. Aligned with a current trend of analytical instrumentation, the miniaturized EC-CE-C4D system was attempted. For that, a new method for manufacturing microdevices in glass, based on paraffin-assisted CO2 laser ablation, was developed as an alternative to costly wet-etching methods. The devices obtained by this method presented channels of semicircular profile and the dimensions could be controlled by varying the laser power and/or ablation velocity. Due to remaining challenges in the construction of a complete laser ablated EC-CE-C4D system on glass, a miniaturized system based on a hybrid approach is presented in the thesis, by taking advantage of the more defined and favorable characteristics of the well known fused silica capillary tubes used in CE. This system allowed the quantitative determination of methanol in the presence of high ethanol concentration by taking advantage of the higher yield of short-chain carboxylic acid formation on gold in acidic medium. The first application was the monitoring of the amount of methanol and ethanol in the initial fractions collected during the fractional distillation process in the production of corn whiskey (moonshine) made in the laboratory. The conditions that showed the best results with the hybrid EC-CE-C4D system included a 100-fold dilution of the sample in 2 mmol L-1 HNO3, electrooxidation at 1.4 V vs. Ag for 60 s, electrokinetic injection into the capillary by applying 3 kV for 4 s and separation of the carboxylates carried out under 3 kV between the ends of the capillary (50 µm i.d., 15 cm in length and 12 cm up to detector) previously filled with 10 mmol L-1 CHES / 5 mmol L-1 NaOH, used as BGE. Analysis of the first distilled fractions of labmade moonshine showed an increase in ethanol concentration (ranging from ~ 80% to ~ 100%) and a simultaneous decrease in methanol concentration (ranging from 4% to ~ 0.1%). In short, both the range of applications of electrochemical derivatization hyphenated with capillary electrophoresis as well the miniaturization of analytical instrumentation for EC-CE-C4D were improved, favoring the dissemination of this powerful combination of three electrochemical techniques.

Towards new catalytic systems for the formation of methyl methacrylate from methyl propanoate

Coetzee, Jacorien January 2011 (has links)
The two stage Lucite Alpha Process for the industrial manufacturing of methyl methacrylate (MMA) represents one of the most efficient technologies currently available for the large scale production of this important chemical commodity. The second stage of this process, which involves the condensation of methyl propanoate (MeP) with formaldehyde over a heterogeneous fixed bed catalyst, however, still shows great scope for improvement. Herein the development of a novel homogeneous catalytic system that would promote the condensation of either propanoic acid or MeP with formaldehyde is explored. Since C–C bond forming reactions which proceed via C–H activation pathways typically display high atom efficiency, our efforts were particularly focussed on employing a functionalisation strategy that is mediated by C–H activation. In the case of propanoic acid, the possibility of achieving regioselective α-methylenation by linking the substrate to phosphorus was evaluated. Thus, a series of acyloxyphosphines and acylphosphites derived from either propionic acid or phenylacetic acid was prepared and, where stability allowed, fully characterised. Some of the resultant simple mixed anhydrides posed problems relating to their stability, and the stabilisation of such ligand systems by using electronic and / or steric effects was therefore explored. In addition, the coordination chemistry and in solution behaviour of Rh(I) and Ru(II) complexes containing these ligands was examined. Similar to the free ligands, complexes derived from these mixed anhydrides rearranged in solution via a number of decomposition pathways, with the specific pathway dependent on the nature of the auxiliary ligands. For most of these complexes, however, ligand decarbonylation was the route of preference for decomposition. Despite the instability of these complexes, a selection of Rh(I) mixed anhydride complexes were assessed for their potential as C-H activation catalysts in reactions aimed at the α-methylenation of saturated carboxylic acids. Furthermore, the stabilisation of Rh(I) mixed anhydride complexes with chelating auxilary ligands, such as bisphosphines or N-substituted diphosphinoamines, was explored. In particular, a series of new Rh(I) mixed anhydride complexes containing dppe, dppb and dppbz as secondary ligands were prepared and the effects of these secondary ligands on the in solution stability of these complexes assessed. As MeP represents the final product in the first stage of the Alpha process and not propanoic acid, the utilisation of PNP iridium pincer complexes in the regioselective sp³ C–H activation of MeP and related esters was also examined. The factors that govern the regioselectivity of such reactions were of great interest to us and, in particular, the effects of water on the reactivity and regioselectivity of these reactions were explored. For MeP, preferential C–H activation of the methoxy group was found to proceed under anhydrous conditions and the catalytic functionalisation of this site with ethene using this activation approach was considered. Formaldehyde, employed in the second stage of the Alpha process, is a difficult substance to manufacture and handle, especially on a large scale. A preliminary study on the in situ production of anhydrous formaldehyde via the catalytic dehydrogenation of methanol was therefore performed. During this study, catalytic systems based on carbonate salts and / or transition metal complexes were considered. In the hope of reducing the number of steps required in the production of MMA, a new one-pot cascade reaction for the indirect α-methylenation of MeP with methanol was developed. Although the production of MMA using this system only proceeded with low efficiency, the obtained results serve as an important proof of concept for future developments in this area. Finally, the capacity of a series of simple bases to catalyse the condensation of MeP with formaldehyde was assessed as part of a fundamental study directed towards determining the factors that govern the efficiency of this reaction. In addition, the extent to which each base effects the deprotonation in the α-position of MeP was determined with the aid of deuterium labelling experiments. Similarly, using sodium propanoate as model base a rough estimate of the kinetics of deprotonation could be made based on the degree of deuterium incorporation over time. These studies suggested that the low efficiency of this condensation reaction is not caused by ineffective deprotonation but rather by the weak nucleophilicity of the generated carbanion. For this reason, attempts to increase the electrophilicity of formaldehyde through Mannich-type condensations reactions involving secondary amine and carboxylic acid additives were made.

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