Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bordering"" "subject:"asordering""
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Études des propriétés magnétiques d'assemblées de nanoparticules de Co, FeRh et FeAu / Study of magnetic properties on assemblies of Co, FeRh and FeAu nanoparticlesHillion, Arnaud 05 October 2012 (has links)
Les nano-aimants se situent à la limite entre le complexe moléculaire et l’état massif. D’un point de vue fondamental, les effets dus à la taille réduite du système et en particulier les effets de surface sont susceptibles de faire apparaitre de nouvelles propriétés. Ces propriétés peuvent être à l’origine de nouvelles applications dans des domaines comme le stockage d’information magnétique, la catalyse, la biotechnologie, le diagnostic médical ou l’énergie. Dans ce travail, des nanoparticules de 1,5 à 5 nm de diamètre ont été synthétisés par low energy cluster beam deposition (LECBD) puis encapsulées dans différentes matrices. Dans un premier temps, des systèmes modèles à base de nanoparticules de Cobalt fortement diluées dans différentes matrice ont été synthétisés dans l’optique de remonter le plus précisément aux propriétés intrinsèques des nano-aimants. La suite de ce travail a consisté à augmenter la concentration en nanoparticules dans ces échantillons afin de caractériser l’influence des interactions sur le comportement magnétique macroscopique des particules. Enfin, après l’élaboration d’outils permettant de déterminer précisément les propriétés de systèmes modèles, ceux-ci ont été appliqués à des systèmes bimétalliques à fort intérêts théorique et applicatif (FeRh et FeAu). Nous avons montré que, après recuit sous ultra-vide, les nanoparticules d’alliage FeRh en matrice de carbone présentent une transition de phase A1 vers B2 sans trace de pollution ni de coalescence. Cette transition a été mise en évidence structurellement par microscopie électronique à transmission haute résolution et magnétiquement par magnétométrie à SQUID et dichroïsme magnétique de rayons X. / Nanomagnets are at the limit between a molecular complex and the bulk state. From a fundamental standpoint, the effects due to the small size of the system and particularly the increasing surface to volume ratio are likely to bring about new properties. Nanoparticles have found numerous applications in areas such as magnetic information storage, catalysis, biotechnology, medical diagnostics and energy. In this work, nanoparticles of 1.5 to 5 nm in diameter were synthesized by low energy cluster beam deposition (LECBD) and encapsulated in different matrices. As a first step, model systems based on cobalt nanoparticles strongly diluted in different matrices were fabricated in order to study more precisely the intrinsic properties of the nanomagnets. The continuation of this work consisted in increasing the concentration of nanoparticles in order to characterize the influence of interactions on the macroscopic magnetic behavior of the particles. Finally, after the development of tools to accurately determine the properties of model systems, these tools have been applied to bimetallic systems of significant theoretical and applicative interest (FeRh and FeAu). In particular, this work shows that after annealing under ultrahigh vacuum, the FeRh alloy nanoparticles in a carbon matrix show a phase transition A1 to B2 with no trace of pollution or coalescence. This transition has been demonstrated structurally by high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and magnetically by SQUID magnetometry and X-ray magnetic dichroism (XMCD).
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Magnetic and structural properties of size-selected FeCo nanoparticle assemblies / Propriétés magnétiques et structurales d’assemblées de nanoparticules de FeCo triées en tailleKhadra, Ghassan 25 September 2015 (has links)
Dans ce travail, nous nous sommes intéressés aux propriétés magnétiques intrinsèques (moments et anisotropie magnétiques) de nanoparticules bimétalliques fer-cobalt. Pour cela, des agrégats FeCo dans la gamme de taille 2-6 nm ont été préparés en utilisant la technique MS-LECBD (Mass Selected Low Energy Cluster Beam Deposition) et enrobés en matrice in − situ afin de les séparer, d'éviter leur coalescence pendant les recuits et de les protéger à leur sortie à l'air. Dans un premier temps, les propriétés structurales (dispersion de taille, morphologie, composition, structure cristallographique) ont été étudiées en vue de corréler directement les modifications des caractéristiques magnétiques des nanoparticules, à leur structure et à l'ordre chimique obtenu après traitement thermique haute température. D'autre part, pour mettre en évidence les effets d'alliages à cette échelle, des références d'agrégats purs de fer et de cobalt ont été fabriquées et étudiées en utilisant les mêmes techniques. Par microscopie électronique en transmission à haute résolution, diffraction anomale et absorption de rayons X (high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), anomalous x-ray diffraction (AXD) and extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS), nous avons mis en évidence un changement structural depuis une phase A2 chimiquement désordonnée vers une phase B2 type CsCl chimiquement ordonnée. Cette transition a été validée par nos résultats obtenus par magnétomètrie SQUID et dichroïsme magnétique circulaire (x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD)) / Over the past few decades, use of nanostructures has become widely popular in the different field of science. Nanoparticles, in particular, are situated between the molecular level and bulk matter size. This size range gave rise to a wide variety physical phenomena that are still not quite understood. Magnetic nanoparticles are at their hype due to their applications in medical field, as a catalyst in a wide number of chemical reactions, in addition to their use for information storage devices and spintronics. In this work, we are interested in studying the intrinsic magnetic properties (magnetic moments and anisotropy) of FeCo nanoparticles. Thus, in order to completely understand their properties, mass-selected FeCo nanoparticles were prepared using the MS-LECBD (Mass Selected Low Energy Cluster Beam Deposition) technique in the sizes range of 2-6 nm and in − situ embedded in a matrix in order to separate them, to avoid coalescence during the annealing and to protect during transfer in air. From a first time, the structural properties (size, morphology, composition, crystallographic structure) of these nanopar- ticles were investigated in order to directly correlate the modification of the magnetic properties to the structure and chemical ordering of the nanoparticles after high temperature treatment. In addition to the bimetallic FeCo nanoparticles, reference Fe and Co systems were also fabricated and studied using the same techniques. The structural properties were investigated using high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), anomalous x-ray diffraction (AXD) and extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) where a phase transition from a disordered A2 phase to a chemically ordered CsCl B2 phase was observed and further validated from the magnetic findings using SQUID magnetometry and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD)
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Chaînes de Markov Incomplètement spécifiées : analyse par comparaison stochastique et application à l'évaluation de performance des réseaux / Markov chains Incompletely Specified : Stochastic comparison analysis and application to networks performance evaluationAit Salaht, Farah 03 October 2014 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions les problèmes d'incertitudes dans les modèles probabilistes et tentons de déterminer leur impact sur l'analyse de performances et le dimensionnement des systèmes. Nous considérons deux aspects du problème d'imprécision. Le premier, consiste à étudier des chaînes en temps discret dont les probabilités ou taux de transition ne sont pas parfaitement connus. Nous construisons de nouveaux algorithmes de calcul de bornes par éléments sur les vecteurs de distribution stationnaires de chaînes partiellement spécifiées. Ces algorithmes permettent de déterminer des bornes par élément à chaque étape de calcul. Le second aspect étudié concerne le problème de mesures de traces de trafic réelles dans les réseaux. Souvent très volumineuses, la modélisation des traces de trafic est généralement impossible à effectuer de façon suffisamment précise et l'adéquation avec une loi de probabilité connue n'est pas assez réaliste. Utilisant une description par histogramme du trafic, nous proposons d'appliquer une nouvelle méthode d’évaluation de performance des réseaux. Fondée sur la comparaison stochastique pour construire des bornes optimales de supports réduits des histogrammes de trafics et sur la notion de monotonie stochastique des éléments de réseau, cette méthode permet de définir, de manière très pertinente, des garanties sur les mesures de performance. Nous obtenons en effet des bornes stochastiques supérieures et inférieures sur la longueur du tampon, les pertes, etc. L'intérêt et l'impact de notre méthode sont présentés sur diverses applications : éléments de réseau, AQM, réseaux de files d'attente, file avec processus d'arrivée non-stationnaire, etc / This thesis is devoted to the uncertainty in probabilistic models, how it impacts their analysis and how to apply these methods to performance analysis and network dimensioning. We consider two aspects of the uncertainty. The first consists to study a partially specified Markov chains. The missing of some transitions in the exact system because of its complexity can be solved by constructing bounding systems where worst-case transitions are defined to obtain an upper or a lower bound on the performance measures. We propose to develop new algorithms which give element-wise bounds of the steady-state distribution for the partially specified Markov chain. These algorithms are faster than the existing ones and allow us to compute element-wise bounds at each iteration.The second aspect studied concerns the problem of the measurements of real traffic trace in networks. Exact analysis of queueing networks under real traffic becomes quickly intractable due to the state explosion. Assuming the stationarity of flows, we propose to apply the stochastic comparison method to derive performance measure bounds under histogram-based traffics. We apply an algorithm based on dynamic programming to derive optimal bounding traffic histograms on reduced state spaces. Using the stochastic bound histograms and the monotonicity of the networking elements, we show how we can obtain, in a very efficient manner, guarantees on performance measures. We indeed obtain stochastic upper and lower bounds on buffer occupancy, losses, etc. The interest and the impact of our method are shown on various applications: elements of networks, AQM, queueing networks and queue with non-stationary arrival process
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Analýza fungování Vinařského fondu / The analysis of the functioning of The Wine-grower’s Fund of the Czech RepublicOsičková, Věroslava January 2013 (has links)
Following the examples of foreign countries, there are institutions founded in the Czech Republic engaging with viticulture and winemaking. The Wine-grower's Fund is the most important and is the only institution winemakers are obliges to pay contributions from every litre of wine launching the market and from every hectare of vineyard. Furthermore, the Wine-grower's Fund is the only wine-growing institution financed from 50% from the state budget. The aim of this thesis is to ascertain the status of VF and commitments of which it generates, such as procurement contracts and to analyse if the projects financed by the Wine-grower's Fund are transparent. The thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter pays attention to the wine-growing history and the origin of each institution in the Czech Republic. The second chapter discusses the Wine-grower's Fund and is focused on the income and expenses of the Wine-grower's Fund. Lastly, the third chapter analyses selected projects financed by the Wine-grower's Fund.
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Caractérisation structurale et magnétique de nanoparticules de CoPt : mise en évidence de la transition de phase A1 vers L10 / Structural and magnetic characterization of CoPt nanoparticles : direct observation of the phase transition between the A1 phase and the L10 oneBlanc, Nils 09 December 2009 (has links)
Les nanoalliages à base de matériaux ferromagnétiques sont intéressants car ils peuvent être à la base d’une technologie de stockage haute densité innovante. En particulier, l’alliage CoPt présente une phase ordonnée fortement anisotrope. Dans ce travail, des nanoparticules de 1,5 à 5 nm de diamètre ont été synthétisées dans un bâti ultra-vide par "Mass Selected Low Energy Cluster Beam Deposition " puis déposées avec une faible énergie et enrobées dans une matrice de carbone amorphe.Après une caractérisation des couches d’agrégats en matrice de carbone par microscopie électronique en transmission (MET), la structure des nanoparticules est étudiée par MET en mode haute-résolution et comparée `a des simulations d’images. Cette approche originale permet de mettre en évidence la mise en ordre des nanoparticules et de quantifier le paramètre d’ordre d’une particule unique. La diffraction des rayons X en incidence rasante (GIXRD) permet, grâce `a des modélisations d’arriver `a la même conclusion :après un recuit sous ultra-vide de 2 h à 650°C, les nanoparticules d’alliage CoPt en matrice de carbone présentent une transition de phase A1 vers L10 sans trace de pollution ni de coalescence.Une étude magnétique des mêmes échantillons par magnétométrie à SQUID et dichroïsme magnétique des rayons X (XMCD) permet de confirmer que les nanoparticules, après un tel traitement thermique,subissent un changement de propriétés magnétiques allant dans le sens d’une mise en ordre chimique même pour des très petites tailles (de diamètre 1,8 nm). / CoPt nanoalloy are interesting: because of the huge anisotropy of the bulk phase it representsa good candidate for high-density magnetic storage applications. In this work CoPt nanoparticles are synthesizedunder ultra high vacuum conditions using “Mass Selected Low Energy Cluster Beam Deposition”in the size range of 1.5 to 5 nm in diameter and co-deposited in an amorphous carbon matrix.After a characterization of the nanoparticle layers in the carbon matrix using conventional transmissionelectron microscopy (TEM) the nanoparticle structure is studied using high resolution TEM togetherwith image simulation. This novel technique brings to light the phase transition of the alloy between thechemically disordered phase A1 and the ordered one L10. In the same time, the long-range chemicalorder parameter can be measured for an individual nanoparticle. The grazing incidence X ray diffractionspectra together with spectra modelisations provide the same conclusion after an annealing of 2 h at650°C the nanoparticles undergo a phase transition without any pollution or coalescence.A magnetic characterization using SQUID magnetometry and X ray magnetic circular dichro¨ısm(XMCD) confirms that after annealing the nanoparticles even for small sizes (1.8 nm) display a changein their magnetic properties corroborating the structural measurements.
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Ordenamiento ambiental en áreas protegidas de montaña: una propuesta a partir del estudio de los impactos del pastoreo en el Parque Nacional Huascarán / Ordenamiento ambiental en áreas protegidas de montaña: una propuesta a partir del estudio de los impactos del pastoreo en el Parque Nacional HuascaránChiarella Viale, Jerónimo 10 April 2018 (has links)
Environmental ordering is a process that promotes adequate land use through regulation, planning and management of the elements of a specific environment. Nevertheless, the process of environmental ordering has been assumed as static, considering only physical aspects in the analysis of environmental problems. The concept has not regarded the joint of values, attitudes, and motivations that govern the relationship between society and nature.In mountain protected areas, the attempts to take on environmental orderinghave been even more difficult because of their high physical, social, and cultural variability; as much as the ways the relationship between their inhabitants and nature has been understood. In the face of this, the present text poses that, in the process of environmental ordering of these areas, the attention should be placed on specific socio-cultural and natural environmental features, which represent the structures that guide and address the activities of the groups that use the natural resources of the area. This will allow understanding and explaining their practices and how they lead to environmental changes. This understanding, in turn, will facilitare the phases of regulation, planning, and management of the mountain protected areas. Under this premise, I have analysed the grazing impacts in Huascarán National Park, by studying the factors that guide this activity. This case attempts to be an example of analysis of other activities in mountain protected areas when processes of environmental ordering are undertaken in such zones.In order to accomplish this, I chose three cases within the park and I present their physical, social, and cultural characteristics related to grazing. These characteristics helped me to find out the structures that might be guiding the development of grazing, and how they influence the way grazing causes different impacts on the landscape of the park. Simultaneously, the existence of environmental changes in the area was confirmed through the review of aerial photos, and the construction of topographic profiles. Afterwards, I analysed if these changes were linked to grazing or not. At the end, I pose sorne considerations to undertake environmental ordering in mountain protected areas through an alternative view emerged from the three study cases in the park. / El ordenamiento ambiental es un proceso que promueve el uso adecuado del suelo a través de la regulación, la planificación y el manejo de elementos relaciona dos con un ambiente específico. Sin embargo, este proceso ha sido asumido muchas veces como estático, considerando solo aspectos físicos en el análisis de problemas ambientales. El concepto no ha tomado en cuenta el conjunto de valores, actitudes y motivaciones que gobiernan la relación entre la sociedad y la naturaleza.En las áreas protegidas de montaña, los intentos por llevar a cabo procesos de ordenamiento ambiental han sido aun más difíciles, debido a su alta variabilidad física, social y cultural, y a las formas en que se han entendido las relaciones entre sus habitantes y la naturaleza. Teniendo esto en cuenta, el presente documento propone que los análisis en los procesos de ordenamiento ambiental en las áreas protegidas de montaña se centren en el estudio de las características físicas y socio-culturales de dichos am bientes, pues estas últimas construyen las estructuras que guían y dirigen las acti vidades de los grupos que utilizan los recursos naturales de dichas zonas. Esto permitirá, a su vez, entender y explicar sus prácticas y cómo estas generan cambios en el medio ambiente, lo cual facilitaría la regulación, planificación y gestión de las áreas protegidas de montaña.Bajo esta premisa, se ha tomado como ejemplo el caso del pastoreo en el ParqueNacional Huascarán para determinar las formas en que creemos deberían de ser analizadas las actividades que van a ser reguladas, planificadas y manejadas duran te el proceso de ordenamiento ambiental. Este caso intenta servir como ejemplo de análisis de otras actividades en áreas naturales protegidas de montaña, en el marco de procesos de ordenamiento ambiental en dichas zonas.Para llevar a cabo este estudio se escogieron tres casos en el interior del parque, en los que se analizaron las características físicas, sociales y culturales que podían·estar guiando o estructurando el desarrollo de la actividad, para luego de ellointentar vincularlas con la ocurrencia de impactos sobre el paisaje. Paralelamente, se trató de confirmar la existencia de cambios ambientales en el área a través de la revisión de fotos aéreas y de la construcción de perfiles topográficos para determinar si estos indicadores de impacto se hallaban efectivamente vinculados con el pastoreo. Finalmente, a partir del análisis de estos casos, se plantean algunas consideracionespara el proceso de ordenamiento ambiental en áreas protegidas de montaña.
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Exploração de sequências de otimização do compilador baseada em técnicas hibridas de mineração de dados complexos / Exploration of optimization sequences of the compiler based on hybrid techniques of complex data miningLuiz Gustavo Almeida Martins 25 September 2015 (has links)
Devido ao grande número de otimizações fornecidas pelos compiladores modernos e à ampla possibilidade de ordenação dessas transformações, uma eficiente Exploração do Espaço de Projeto (DSE) se faz necessária para procurar a melhor sequência de otimização de uma determinada função ou fragmento de código. Como esta exploração é uma tarefa complexa e dispendiosa, apresentamos uma nova abordagem de DSE capaz de reduzir esse tempo de exploração e selecionar sequências de otimização que melhoraram o desempenho dos códigos transformados. Nossa abordagem utiliza um conjunto de funções de referência, para as quais uma representação simbólica do código (DNA) e a melhor sequência de otimização são conhecidas. O DSE de novas funções é baseado em uma abordagem de agrupamento aplicado sobre o código DNA que identifica similaridades entre funções. O agrupamento utiliza três técnicas para a mineração de dados: distância de compressão normalizada, algoritmo de reconstrução de árvores filogenéticas (Neighbor Joining) e identificação de grupos por ambiguidade. As otimizações das funções de referência identificadas como similares formam o espaço que é explorado para encontrar a melhor sequência para a nova função. O DSE pode utilizar o conjunto reduzido de otimizações de duas formas: como o espaço de projeto ou como a configuração inicial do algoritmo. Em ambos os casos, a adoção de uma pré-seleção baseada no agrupamento permite o uso de algoritmos de busca simples e rápidos. Os resultados experimentais revelam que a nova abordagem resulta numa redução significativa no tempo total de exploração, ao mesmo tempo que alcança um desempenho próximo ao obtido através de uma busca mais extensa e dispendiosa baseada em algoritmos genéticos. / Due to the large number of optimizations provided in modern compilers and to compiler optimization specific opportunities, a Design Space Exploration (DSE) is necessary to search for the best sequence of compiler optimizations for a given code fragment (e.g., function). As this exploration is a complex and time consuming task, we present new DSE strategies to reduce the exploration time and still select optimization sequences able to improve the performance of each function. The DSE is based on a clustering approach which groups functions with similarities and then explore the reduced search space provided by the optimizations previously suggested for the functions in each group. The identification of similarities between functions uses a data mining method which is applied to a symbolic representation of the source code. The DSE strategies uses the reduced optimizations set identified by clustering in two ways: as the design space or as the initial configuration of the algorithm. In both ways, the adoption of a pre-selection based on clustering allows the use of simple and fast DSE algorithms. Several experiments for evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed approach address the exploration of compiler optimization sequences. Besides, we investigate the impact of each technique or component employed in the selection process. Experimental results reveal that the use of our new clustering-based DSE approach achieved a significant reduction on the total exploration time of the search space at the same time that obtained performance speedups close to a traditional genetic algorithmbased approach.
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De la conception à la commande d'une nouvelle interface haptique 4 axes hybride pneumatique électrique pour la simulation d'accouchement : Le BirthSIM / From design to control of a new 4 degrees of freedom hybrid pneumatic electric haptic interface to simulate chlidbirth delivery : BirthSIMHerzig, Nicolas 24 June 2016 (has links)
Les simulateurs d'accouchement sont des outils dédiés à la formation du personnel médical en gynécologie obstétrique. Le BirthSIM développé au laboratoire Ampère constitue une interface haptique de simulateur d'accouchement permettant de reproduire divers scénarios d'accouchement et de former les jeunes sages-femmes et obstétriciens aux différents gestes techniques nécessaires dans le cadre de leurs professions. Dans ce manuscrit, les récentes améliorations apportées au prototype du BirthSIM seront présentées. Parmi ces améliorations, deux sont particulièrement remarquables. La première concerne l'augmentation du nombre de degrés de liberté pilotés de l'interface. Ainsi, les travaux ayant permis le passage d'une interface ne comptant qu'un seul degré de liberté à quatre seront détaillés. Le BirthSIM est le seul simulateur d'accouchement qui intègre à la fois des actionneurs électriques et pneumatiques. La seconde évolution concerne le développement de lois de commande permettant d'améliorer le rendu haptique de l'interface. Les lois de commande retenues permettent d'asservir en position le BirthSIM, mais également de régler la raideur de l'interface. Ce réglage de raideur en coordonnées cartésiennes a pour objectif de reproduire le comportement de la tête fœtale en contact avec les tissus mous du bassin au cours d'une contraction. La loi de commande présentée dans ces travaux de thèse est une loi de commande non-linéaire synthétisée par backstepping. En effet, cette méthode permet de prendre en compte les phénomènes non-linéaires agissant sur le comportement des actionneurs pneumatiques. Cette commande, assurant le suivi d'une consigne de position et une modification de la raideur en temps réel à partir d'une stratégie de réglage de gain, a été testée à la fois en simulation et sur le prototype du BirthSIM. Les performances de cette commande sont également comparées à celles de lois de commande plus classiquement utilisées en robotique. / The childbirth simulators are developed for practitioner training in gynecology and obstetrics. The BirthSIM is a haptic interface which simulates various childbirth scenarios to teach obstetricians and midwives the technical delivery gestures. In this work, the latest improvements on the BirthSIM prototype will be presented. Two improvements are especially detailed. The first one consists in adding actuated degrees of freedom to the haptic interface. Thus, the works which have led to a new four degrees of freedom robot are presented. The BirthSIM is the only childbirth simulator which is actuated by electrical and pneumatic actuators. The aim of the second improvement is to synthesize control laws which improve the haptic rendering. The studied control laws allow the haptic interface to be controlled in position and its stiffness to be tuned in real time. This cartesian stiffness tuning is suitable to reproduce the behavior of the fetal head surrounded by the maternal pelvic muscles. The control law presented in this document have been obtained by the non-linear backstepping synthesis. Indeed, the non-linear phenomenons occurring in pneumatic cylinders can be taken into account by this method. The controller obtained in this work allows the BirthSIM end-effector to track a reference position but also allows the robot stiffness to be tuned in real time. The stiffness control is based on a gain tuning strategy. Finally, the performances have been evaluated in simulation and experimental tests. Those performances have also been compared to the other conventional compliant controllers of the robotic field.
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Využití nástrojů projektového managementu při řízení IT projektů / The Use of Project Management Methods at IT Projects Management.Plhal, David January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with a problematics of project management. The major point is to create a project that is aiming on expanding field of aktivity in selected company with the use of theoretical knowledge of project management. This knowledge is desribed in first chapter of the diploma thesis. The second chapter contains basic informations about company and the analysis of company surroundings. The last part of the thesis solves proposals and desribes benefits created by these solutions in monitored company.
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Modelování rizik výrobních procesů / Risk modelling for production processesFtáčnik, Peter January 2016 (has links)
The processes and procedures covered the main core of the professional operations in the manufacturing plant. The enterprise should focus on the efficient running of the main processes and risks associated with these procedures. My thesis deals with the risk analysis of selected manufacturing processes particular company from qualitative and quantitative point of view. First, the results are presented from qualitative risk analysis, especially in scope of failures of the machines or in the sequences of production. Second part focus on the problems of optimization sequence batches that the total time required for pre-setting of machines between doses should be minimal. The thesis also takes random waiting period into the consideration and applies wait-and-see approach of stochaistic programming applied in task traveling salesman. Calculations are processed by the GAMS. The results from the GAMS are refered in MS Excel, they are further discussed and interpreted by using descriptive statistics.
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