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Förhindrande av frostbildning i plattvärmeväxlare via variabel förvärmd uteluftSvedman, Mathias January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie har undersökt om förvärmning av luft är en bra metod för att undvika frostbildning i motströmsplattvärmeväxlare i luftbehandlingsaggregat. Frostbildning i värmeväxlare för ventilation är ett problem i kalla klimat och sänker den återvunna energimängden när potentialen för energiåtervinning är som högst. Tidigare forskning i området har utförts för att bland annat: 1) Definiera säkra förhållanden utan frostbildning i värmeväxlare med laminär luftströmning. 2) Jämföra olika frostkontrollstrategier. 3) Analysera frostbildningens egenskaper och effekt på värmeväxlare i ventilation. Att forskningen inte är entydig för vilken frostkontrollstrategi som är bäst belyser vikten av detta arbete. I en fallstudie kvantifieras empiriska värmeöverföringskoefficienter som används i en analytisk modell som förutspår energianvändningen för luftvärmning under olika driftfall för ett luftbehandlingsaggregat. Värmeöverföringskoefficienterna tas fram genom mätningar i ett luftbehandlingsaggregat lokaliserat i ett flerbostadshus. Mätobjektet har ett installerat värmebatteri före värmeväxlaren vilket värmer inkommande uteluft till konstant lufttemperatur. Tillverkaren proklamerar att det sker turbulent luftströmning i den studerade värmeväxlaren. Vid olika lufthastigheter ändras värmeöverföringskoefficienten mer vid turbulent strömning än vid laminär strömning. Att olika lufthastigheter har betydlig inverkan på värmeöverföringskoefficienten överensstämmer med resultatet från mätningarna. Effektiviteten av den aktuella styrningen av förvärmaren har granskats och brister har upptäckts. En ny optimerad styrning föreslås för frostfri drift och minimerad energianvändning. Den optimerade styrningen jämförs sedan med en vanlig avfrostningsmetod och utförs med hjälp av flödesbalansstatistik från ett aggregat med sektionsavfrostningsstyrning. Resultatet visar att förvärmning av luft för frostfri drift använder mindre energi än vid sektionsavfrostningsstyrning. Den föreslagna styrningen innebär att bypass-spjället öppnas då förvärmaren går på full effekt. Detta för att förhindra påfrostning vid extrema utetemperaturer, då förvärmaren inte ger tillräcklig effekt för att undvika påfrostning. Den föreslagna styrningen regleras utifrån daggpunkten, temperaturen på tilluften innan värmeväxlaren och temperaturen på avluften. Den framtagna värmeöverföringskoefficienten i studien tar inte i beaktning ökad koefficient under fuktiga förhållanden då daggpunkten i frånluften är över fryspunkten och det sker kondens. En framtida studie kan hitta värmeöverföringskoefficienter som förutspår yttemperaturen under kondensutfällning då daggpunkten är över 0°C vilket ger medel för att ta fram en ännu mera energieffektiv styrning. Detta kan utföras genom mätning i ett luftbehandlingsaggregat med hög temperaturverkningsgrad placerat i en fuktig miljö. / This study has analysed if preheating of air is a good method to prevent frost formation in a counter flow plate heat exchanger used in Air Handling Units. Frosting in heat exchangers used in AHU-systems is a problem in cold climates and lowers the energy recovery when its potential is the highest. Previous research has been done to 1) Define safe operating conditions without frost formation in heat exchangers with laminar flow. 2) Compare different frost control strategies. 3) Analyse frost formation properties and its effects on heat exchangers in AHU-systems. That the research is not unambiguous for which frost control method is the best highlights the importance of this work. Empirical heat transfer coefficients are quantified in this study and are used in the creation of an analytical model of a counter flow heat exchanger that predicts the energy use for heating the air at different operating modes. The heat transfer coefficients are produced by measurements in an AHU-systems located in an apartment building. The AHU has an installed air heater before the heat exchanger which heats the outdoor inlet air to constant temperature. The manufacturer of the AHU-system proclaims turbulent flow in the heat exchanger. Change of airflow has greater impact on the heat transfer coefficients during turbulent flow compared to laminar flow conditions. This is also derived from the results of the measurements. The effectiveness of the current control system is analyzed, and flaws are discovered. A new control system is therefore proposed for frost free operation and higher energy efficiency. The proposed control system is compared to a frequently used frost control system which uses bypass-dampers to redirect the inlet air to the reheater, to let the warm air stream melt formed frost on the warm air side. This comparison is accomplished by analyzing the usage of the bypass-dampers during different outdoor temperatures in a comparable AHU-system that have the mentioned frost control method. The results show that preheating of inlet air for frost free operation uses less energy than usage of the bypass-dampers to melt formed frost on the warm air side. The proposed control system needs the bypass-dampers to be used when the preheater is on full operation to prevent frost formation at extreme outdoor temperatures when the preheating may not be enough. The proposed control system is regulated by the dewpoint and the temperatures of the exhaust air stream and the supply air stream. The derived heat transfer coefficient that is used to predict the plate-temperature take no account for condensation on the warm air side during humid conditions when the dew point is above the freezing point. Future studies can derive the heat transfer coefficient during condensation which will improve the prediction of the plate-temperature. This would make the system more energy efficient during humid air conditions. This can be done by measurements in an AHU-system with high temperature efficiency placed in a humid environment.
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Estudo de alternativa de valorização de resíduos de serviços de saúde advindos de processo de desinfecção por desativação eletrotérmica (ETD) / Study of energy recovery the alternative from healthcare waste from disinfection process by electrothermal deactivation (ETD).Martini, Adriana Amaral 14 December 2016 (has links)
Introdução. Os Resíduos de Serviços de Saúde (RSS) correspondem à pequena parcela dos Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos (RSU) de uma comunidade. No entanto, sua composição e a periculosidade requerem tratamento e destinação adequados, em especial dos resíduos dos grupos A (infectantes), B (químicos), C (radioativos) e E (perfurocortantes). No município de São Paulo, os resíduos infectantes (A e E) são desinfetados por meio da tecnologia de desativação eletrotérmica, na Unidade de Tratamento de Resíduos (UTR), resultando em resíduos similares aos comuns (classe IIA). Essa unidade trata 100 toneladas/dia de resíduos infectantes e os encaminha para disposição no solo em aterro sanitário, a um custo de R$ 198.000,00/mês, incidindo além do custo em impactos ambientais do transporte e da disposição final e não atendendo aos requisitos de valorização de resíduos trazidos pela Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS). Objetivos. A pesquisa objetivou estudar as alternativas de valorização energética dos resíduos pós-tratados, com foco na composição e no teor energético desses resíduos, considerando as exigências legais e as tecnologias disponíveis. Método. Foi desenvolvido um método de coleta de amostras, integrando resíduos das 2 linhas operacionais de tratamento, e realizadas análises dos parâmetros de poder calorífico e composição gravimétrica. Os resultados foram comparados aos parâmetros correspondentes aos RSU, considerando que o tratamento confere aos resíduos póstratados esta similaridade. Resultados. A composição gravimétrica identificou a presença de materiais de alto poder energético. O valor médio do poder calorífico inferior (PCI) resultou em 5.872,5 Kcal/Kg, representando 3,5 vezes o correspondente aos RSU. Conclusão. A caracterização física realizada por meio de análise gravimétrica e de poder calorífico comprovou a similaridade dos resíduos pós-tratados com os RSU, validando sua indicação à valorização energética por meio das tecnologias de coprocessamento, incineração, plasma, pirólise e gaseificação. No caso, a valorização energética apresenta ganhos: a) diretos: economia de R$ 198.000,00/mês com transporte e disposição em aterro sanitário; e a produção de CDR que poderá ser comercializado; e b) indiretos: aumento da vida útil do aterro sanitário; minimização de possíveis impactos ambientais; a não emissão de gases de efeito estufa decorrentes do transporte; minimização de passivos ambientais; e o atendimento à hierarquia de resíduos da PNRS, fechando o ciclo de vida dos produtos dentro do conceito de economia circular. / Introduction. The Healthcare Waste (HCW) corresponds to the small share of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) of a community. However, their composition and hazardous require adequate treatment and disposal, especially the (infectious), B (chemical), C (radioactive) and E (sharp). In São Paulo, infectious wastes (A and E) are disinfected through the electrothermal deactivation technology, in the Waste Treatment Unit (WTU), resulting in a waste similar to the common ones (class IIA). This unit treats 100 tons / day of infectious waste and forwards them to landfill for disposal with a cost of R$ 198,000.00 / month, with transport and final disposal environmental impact, and not meeting the National Solid Waste Policy (NSWP) requirements for waste recovery. Objectives. The aim of this research was study the alternatives for energy recovery of post-treated waste, focusing on the composition and energy content of these wastes, considering the legal requirements and the available technologies. Methods. Was developed a method for sample collection, integrating residues from the 2 operational lines of treatment, and analyzes parameters of calorific value and gravimetric composition. The results were compared to with parameters corresponding to the MSW, considering the treatment confers the post-treated residues this similarity. Results. The gravimetric composition identified the presence of high energy materials. The mean value of the lower calorific value (LCV) resulted in 5,872.5 Kcal / kg, representing 3.5 times that the RSU. Conclusions. The physical characterization carried out means of gravimetric and calorific analysis proved the similarity of residues posttreated with MSW, validating their indication for the energy recovery through coprocessing, incineration, plasma, pyrolysis and gasification technologies. In this case, the energy valorization presents winnings: a) direct: savings R $ 198,000.00 / month with transportation and disposition in landfill; and the RDF production can be commercialized; and b) indirect: increase the useful life of landfill; minimization of possible environmental impacts; the non-emission of greenhouse gases from transport; minimization of environmental liabilities; and compliance the waste hierarchy in the PNRS, closing the products life cycle within the concept of circular economy.
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Evaluierung des Einsparpotentials durch Energierückgewinnung aus dem hybraulischen Kreislauf eines Hafenmobilkrans / Estimation of the Energy Saving Potential through Energy Recovery in the Hydraulic System of a Mobile Harbour CraneTempelhahn, Conny 19 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Im Zuge strenger werdender Emissionsrichtlinien und steigender Kraftstoffpreise spielt die Energieeffizienz mobiler Arbeitsmaschinen eine zunehmend wichtigere Rolle. Die Firma Gottwald Port Technology GmbH hat in diesem Zusammenhang einen hybriden Antriebsstrang für einen Hafenmobilkran (HMK) in Zusammenarbeit mit der Technischen Universität Dresden erforscht und umgesetzt. Bei diesem Hybridsystem wird die kinetische und potentielle Energie aus dem elektrischen Hub- und Drehwerk des Krans, welche zuvor im Bremswiderstand in Wärme umgewandelt wurde, durch einen elektrischen Energiespeicher zurückgewonnen. Im Gegensatz dazu ist das hydraulisch betriebene Wippwerk noch nicht rückspeisefähig. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Identifikation einer technischen Lösung zur Energierückgewinnung aus der hydraulischen Anlage eines HMK und die Bewertung des erreichbaren Kraftstoffeinsparpotentials.
Zunächst wird das bestehende hydraulische System untersucht, um die Anforderungen an das rückspeisefähige Konzept zu ermitteln. Dazu werden Modelle der Kinematik und Kinetik des Wippwerks abgeleitet. Anhand einer Entscheidungsanalyse wird ein hydraulisches Konzept aus einem Katalog verfügbarer Alternativen ausgewählt. Im Anschluss daran wird ein energieflussbasiertes Modell des Konzepts in Matlab/Simulink erstellt und in das bestehende Simulationsmodell integriert. Die Simulationsergebnisse zeigen ein großes Einsparpotential an Dieselkraftstoff durch den Einsatz des rückspeisefähigen Hydrauliksystems. / Due to stricter emission restrictions and rising fuel costs energy efficiency of mobile work machines is getting more important. In cooperation with Dresden University of Technology, Gottwald Port Technology GmbH has developed a mobile harbour crane with a hybrid drive train. This system can recuperate the kinetic and potential energy from the electrical slewing and hoisting gear, which was formerly dissipated to heat. This paper deals with the identification of a technical solution to recuperate energy form the hydraulic luffing gear to determine the potential reduction of fuel consumption.
At first, the actual hydraulic system is analyzed to estimate the requirements of the new recuperation system. For that purpose, models of the kinematics and kinetics of the luffing gear are created. With the help of weighted criteria, a hydraulic concept is chosen of several alternatives. Afterwards, an energy flow based model in Simulink/Matlab is created and integrated in the existing simulation model of the crane. The simulation results confirm a considerable reduction of diesel fuel due to the application of hydraulic recuperation system.
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Srovnání ekonomických a ekologických aspektů zpracování odpadů ve vybraných obcích různých velikostí / Comparison of economic and environmental aspects of waste management in selected municipalities of different sizesHAVLOVÁ, Marie January 2016 (has links)
The industrial development of our society pushes waste management into becoming an important part of both the economy as well as the environmental protection. It is essential to reduce the amount of waste which is being deposited in landfills without any further use. In the next 10 years it is necessary to completely eliminate waste disposal of the reusable waste and especially of the mixed municipal waste. This thesis focuses on the waste management of various types of municipalities. It aims to provide optimization of waste management, in the connection with economical and technical possibilities of various types of municipalities. This thesis is divided into two parts. The theoretical part describes the issue of waste management in the course of history. It shows the various methods of waste disposal and describes the economic and environmental aspects and impacts in general. It briefly summarizes the development of waste management legislation. The second part of this thesis is focused on the analysis of waste management in selected municipalities. Twelve towns in three groups of different sizes were chosen. A survey of waste disposal and the influence of the size of the town and its technical options on the waste management was conducted. The results showed that municipalities have substantial reserves in reducing the amount of waste going to landfill and also in the practical use of waste sorting. In the conclusion of this thesis suggestions to optimization of waste disposal are being presented.
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Étude et mise en œuvre de couplage thermoélectrique en vue de l'intensification d'échange de chaleur par morphing électroactif / Study and implementation of thermoelectric coupling in order to the heat exchange intensification by electroactive morphingAmokrane, Mounir 03 July 2013 (has links)
Le développement et l’utilisation de nouveaux matériaux, tel que le carbure de silicium (SiC) et le nitrure de gallium (GaN), a permis un accroissement sensible des densités d’énergie traitées par les nouveaux composants de l’électronique de puissance, assortie d’une augmentation de leur compacité. Parallèlement à ces progrès technologiques, la généralisation de l’électricité en tant que vecteur d’énergie primaire au sein de systèmes de plus en plus répartis, incluant des moyens de traitement de l’information au plus près de la fonction réalisée, ouvre la voie à une nouvelle génération de systèmes mécatroniques hautement intégrés. Or, l’émergence de ces nouvelles fonctions soulève une question critique liée au mode de refroidissement de ces éléments. Cette question est intimement couplée aux aspects énergétiques et à leur impact environnemental, imposant une amélioration significative des rendements énergétiques mesurés à l’échelle de la fonction complète. C’est dans ce contexte que l’étude présentée traite tout d’abord de systèmes de récupération de la chaleur résiduelle dissipée au sein de systèmes électroniques de puissance en vue d’alimenter de manière autonome des capteurs, où autres systèmes fonctionnels, via l’énergie « ambiante » ainsi récupérée. Parmi les consommateurs plus particulièrement ciblés, des fonctions innovantes d’intensification par voie électromécanique des échanges de chaleurs au sein d’échangeurs thermique sont étudiées et mises en œuvre. A terme, l’idée serait ainsi d’alimenter les systèmes d’actionnement assurant l’optimisation des échanges de chaleur au sein du système de refroidissement d’une carte électronique au moyen même de la chaleur qu’elle dissipe, récupérée sous forme d’énergie électrique. A cette fin, les différents procédés de conversion de la chaleur en électricité sont examinés, modélisés et mis en œuvre dans la suite de ce travail. Deux types de conversion d’énergie complémentaires sont tour à tour considérés : La conversion par effet thermoélectrique, utilisant l’effet Seebeck qui a lieu en présence d’un gradient de température et l’effet pyroélectrique qui apparait en présence de variation temporelle de la température. Ces deux phénomènes sont analysés et décrits à l’aide de modélisations physiques et comportementales, incluant une approche expérimentale ayant nécessité la mise en place de bancs d’essai spécifiques. L’électricité récupérée par conversion pyroélectrique est par la suite mise en forme grâce à des systèmes de redressement à faible tension de seuil spécialement développés. La faisabilité de systèmes d’alimentation autonomes de capteurs déportés, où de systèmes d’émission (ponctuelle) de mesure, est alors concrètement démontrée en se basant sur les résultats obtenus. Ouvrant la voie à un concept de refroidissement actif des puces électroniques, tirant directement parti de la chaleur dissipée pour son alimentation grâce aux deux procédés préalablement étudiés, la problématique de l’intensification des transferts de chaleur au sein de boucles de refroidissement mécaniquement activées est abordée dans la dernière partie du mémoire. Cette activation est réalisée à l’aide d’un système d’actionnement multicellulaire réparti à base d’actionneurs piézoélectriques. Développée en étroite collaboration avec des équipes de thermodynamiciens, l’idée est de réaliser un pompage de fluide ainsi qu’une modification des échanges de chaleur au sein d’un système de transfert de chaleur en activant les parois de l’échangeur de chaleur par déformation. Le système d’actionnement préconisé est tout d’abord étudié et simulé par un calcul par éléments finis. Un prototype est construit et caractérisé sous conditions réelles dans un deuxième temps. [...] / The development and use of new materials, such as silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) has a significant increase in energy densities handled by the new components of power electronics, accompanied by an increase in compactness. Parallel to these technological advances, the widespread use of electricity as a primary energy carrier within systems increasingly distributed, including means for processing information closer to the function carried out, paving the way a new generation of highly integrated mechatronic systems. However, the emergence of these new features raises a critical question related to cooling mode thereof. This question is closely coupled to the energy aspects and their environmental impact, imposing a significant improvement in measured across the full energy function returns. It is in this context that the present study deals firstly recovery systems waste heat dissipated in power electronic systems for autonomous power sensors, where other functional systems via energy "room" and recovered. Particularly among targeted consumers, innovative features intensification electromechanically exchanges heat in heat exchangers are studied and implemented. Eventually, the idea would be to supply the operating systems for the optimization of heat exchange in the cooling system of an electronic card in the same way that heat dissipates, recovered in the form of electrical energy. To this end, various methods of conversion of heat into electricity are considered, modeled and implemented in the course of this work. Two complementary types of energy conversion are considered in turn : The thermoelectric conversion effect by using the Seebeck effect which takes place in the presence of a temperature gradient and the pyroelectric effect that appears in the presence of temporal variation of the temperature. These two phenomena are analyzed and described using physical and behavioral models, including an experimental approach requiring the establishment of specific test benches. The electricity recovered by pyroelectric conversion is then formatted with recovery systems, low voltage specially developed threshold. The feasibility of remote sensors autonomous supply, where emission (point) measuring systems, is then demonstrated concretely based on the results systems. Paving the way to a concept of active cooling computer chips, drawing directly from the heat dissipated for food through two methods previously studied the problem of intensification of heat transfer in cooling loops mechanically activated is discussed in the latter part of the memory. This activation is carried out using a distributed drive system multicellular based piezoelectric actuators. Developed in close collaboration with teams of thermodynamics, the idea is to provide a fluid pump and a change of heat transfer in a heat transfer system by activating the walls of the heat exchanger deformation. The operating system is called first studied and simulated by a finite element calculation. A prototype is built and characterized under actual conditions in a second time. The multicellular actuating system composed of a plurality of actuators and a supply system configurable multipath is then integrated into an exchange of heat testbed specifically developed. This experience is a fundamental first step in the development of electroactive systems, potentially autonomous, allowing the intensification of heat exchange in cooling loops for high-performance power electronics.
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Estudo de alternativa de valorização de resíduos de serviços de saúde advindos de processo de desinfecção por desativação eletrotérmica (ETD) / Study of energy recovery the alternative from healthcare waste from disinfection process by electrothermal deactivation (ETD).Adriana Amaral Martini 14 December 2016 (has links)
Introdução. Os Resíduos de Serviços de Saúde (RSS) correspondem à pequena parcela dos Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos (RSU) de uma comunidade. No entanto, sua composição e a periculosidade requerem tratamento e destinação adequados, em especial dos resíduos dos grupos A (infectantes), B (químicos), C (radioativos) e E (perfurocortantes). No município de São Paulo, os resíduos infectantes (A e E) são desinfetados por meio da tecnologia de desativação eletrotérmica, na Unidade de Tratamento de Resíduos (UTR), resultando em resíduos similares aos comuns (classe IIA). Essa unidade trata 100 toneladas/dia de resíduos infectantes e os encaminha para disposição no solo em aterro sanitário, a um custo de R$ 198.000,00/mês, incidindo além do custo em impactos ambientais do transporte e da disposição final e não atendendo aos requisitos de valorização de resíduos trazidos pela Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS). Objetivos. A pesquisa objetivou estudar as alternativas de valorização energética dos resíduos pós-tratados, com foco na composição e no teor energético desses resíduos, considerando as exigências legais e as tecnologias disponíveis. Método. Foi desenvolvido um método de coleta de amostras, integrando resíduos das 2 linhas operacionais de tratamento, e realizadas análises dos parâmetros de poder calorífico e composição gravimétrica. Os resultados foram comparados aos parâmetros correspondentes aos RSU, considerando que o tratamento confere aos resíduos póstratados esta similaridade. Resultados. A composição gravimétrica identificou a presença de materiais de alto poder energético. O valor médio do poder calorífico inferior (PCI) resultou em 5.872,5 Kcal/Kg, representando 3,5 vezes o correspondente aos RSU. Conclusão. A caracterização física realizada por meio de análise gravimétrica e de poder calorífico comprovou a similaridade dos resíduos pós-tratados com os RSU, validando sua indicação à valorização energética por meio das tecnologias de coprocessamento, incineração, plasma, pirólise e gaseificação. No caso, a valorização energética apresenta ganhos: a) diretos: economia de R$ 198.000,00/mês com transporte e disposição em aterro sanitário; e a produção de CDR que poderá ser comercializado; e b) indiretos: aumento da vida útil do aterro sanitário; minimização de possíveis impactos ambientais; a não emissão de gases de efeito estufa decorrentes do transporte; minimização de passivos ambientais; e o atendimento à hierarquia de resíduos da PNRS, fechando o ciclo de vida dos produtos dentro do conceito de economia circular. / Introduction. The Healthcare Waste (HCW) corresponds to the small share of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) of a community. However, their composition and hazardous require adequate treatment and disposal, especially the (infectious), B (chemical), C (radioactive) and E (sharp). In São Paulo, infectious wastes (A and E) are disinfected through the electrothermal deactivation technology, in the Waste Treatment Unit (WTU), resulting in a waste similar to the common ones (class IIA). This unit treats 100 tons / day of infectious waste and forwards them to landfill for disposal with a cost of R$ 198,000.00 / month, with transport and final disposal environmental impact, and not meeting the National Solid Waste Policy (NSWP) requirements for waste recovery. Objectives. The aim of this research was study the alternatives for energy recovery of post-treated waste, focusing on the composition and energy content of these wastes, considering the legal requirements and the available technologies. Methods. Was developed a method for sample collection, integrating residues from the 2 operational lines of treatment, and analyzes parameters of calorific value and gravimetric composition. The results were compared to with parameters corresponding to the MSW, considering the treatment confers the post-treated residues this similarity. Results. The gravimetric composition identified the presence of high energy materials. The mean value of the lower calorific value (LCV) resulted in 5,872.5 Kcal / kg, representing 3.5 times that the RSU. Conclusions. The physical characterization carried out means of gravimetric and calorific analysis proved the similarity of residues posttreated with MSW, validating their indication for the energy recovery through coprocessing, incineration, plasma, pyrolysis and gasification technologies. In this case, the energy valorization presents winnings: a) direct: savings R $ 198,000.00 / month with transportation and disposition in landfill; and the RDF production can be commercialized; and b) indirect: increase the useful life of landfill; minimization of possible environmental impacts; the non-emission of greenhouse gases from transport; minimization of environmental liabilities; and compliance the waste hierarchy in the PNRS, closing the products life cycle within the concept of circular economy.
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Integração energética da etapa de extração de óleo de soja, utilizando a análise Pinch / Energetic integration of extraction step of soybean oil, using Pinch analysisFernandes Junior, Carlos Coutinho 13 October 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-10-13 / In the process of soy oil the consumption of energy is extremely high, which is always important to create new alternatives to energetic consumption reduction. This paper is carried on a case study of energetic integration in a soy oil factory operating with an average production of 15.000 tons/month. At first, the rate of flow, the input and output temperatures and the calorific capacity of all currents in the extraction phase were evaluated. After this assessment, based on the thermal potential change, four currents were selected, two denominated hot currents and two denominated cold currents. The first hot current (Q1) consists of a crude oil current from the post-separation phase of the solvent hexane with the input temperature of 110 ºC and output temperature of 80ºC. The second hot current (Q2) consists of a water current coming out of a boiler with an input temperature of 90 ºC and goes to the effluent treatment station having to be cooled to 55 ºC. These two currents have a thermal potential change of 262,8 kW/h. The third current denominated cold current F1, consists of a water current that comes from the decanter with a input temperature of 40 ºC and enters in the heater to reach an output temperature of 90 ºC, where the residual hexane is evaporated. The fourth current, denominated cold current F2, is a mixture of 70% of oil and 30% of hexane with an input temperature of 60 ºC and output temperature of 90 ºC. These two currents have a thermal necessity of 330 kW, for their heating. The synthesis methodology adopted for the heat exchangers network synthesis, due to the easiness in application and interaction with the user, was the Pinch Analysis. In the synthesis procedure, the Problem Table was developed and the Pinch Point was identified and the goals for the consumption of utilities were obtained for the maximum energy recovery. The problem was divided into two regions, below and above the Pinch Point. After the synthesis and optimization, the total cost for the network was calculated and all thermal exchange occurs above the Pinch Point . The proposed network consists of two heat exchangers and two boilers, so that a exchanger performs the thermal change between the Q1 (crude oil) and Q2 (miscela) currents. The second exchanger performs the change between Q2 (the water in the boiler exit) and F1 (water in the decanter exit) currents. The additional heating for the cold currents to reach final temperatures is provided by the boilers that are already being used in the factory. The economy generated by the reduction in the consumption of utilities was of R$ 91,000.00/year, meaning a reduction of steam consumption of 79,6% and a reduction of 5,3% in the global consumption of the plant steam. The investment needed for the two proposed heat exchangers in the network, is R$ 16.540,00. Evaluating the year total cost, that includes the annual capital cost of the exchangers, an annual reduction of R$ 114.445,00 for R$ 25.800,00 is verified corresponding to 77.5% reduction in the annual total cost after the network synthesis. The return rate for the investment proposed is only 3 months. Therefore, Pinch Analysis is confirmed to be efficient in the energetic integration of processes reaching meaningful economy results in thermal energy, contributing for the industrial processes that are more and more competitive. / No processo de fabricação de óleo de soja, o consumo de energia é extremamente alto, sendo sempre um tema de foco para criar alternativas de redução do consumo energético. Neste trabalho, realizou-se um estudo de caso de integração energética na etapa da extração de uma fábrica de óleo de soja operando com produção média de 15.000 toneladas/mês. Inicialmente avaliou-se as vazões, as temperaturas de entrada e saída e as capacidades caloríficas de todas as correntes da etapa de extração. Após esta avaliação, baseando-se no potencial de troca térmica, foram selecionadas quatro correntes, sendo duas delas denominadas de correntes quentes e outras duas denominadas de correntes frias. A primeira corrente quente (Q1), consiste em uma corrente de óleo bruto oriunda da etapa pós-separação do solvente hexano, com temperatura de entrada de 110 ºC e temperatura de saída de 80ºC. A segunda corrente quente (Q2), consiste em uma corrente de água que sai de um aquecedor com temperatura de entrada de 90ºC e vai para a estação de tratamento de efluentes, necessitando ser resfriada até 55 ºC. Essas duas correntes quentes têm um potencial de troca térmica de 262,8 kW/h. A terceira corrente, denominada de corrente fria F1, consiste em uma corrente de água que sai do decantador a 40 ºC, e entra no aquecedor para atingir a temperatura de saída de 90 ºC, onde hexano residual é evaporado. A quarta corrente, denominada de corrente fria F2, consiste em uma mistura de 70% óleo e 30% hexano com temperaturas de entrada de 60 ºC e de saída de 90 ºC. Essas duas correntes (F1 e F2) tem uma necessidade térmica para seu aquecimento de 330 kW. A metodologia de síntese adotada para a síntese da rede de trocadores de calor, devido à facilidade de aplicação e interação com o usuário, foi a Análise Pinch. No procedimento de síntese, inicialmente é construída a tabela do problema onde identificou-se o ponto de estrangulamento energético, ou ponto Pinch, obtendo-se assim as metas de consumo de utilidades para a máxima recuperação de energia. Após esta etapa, o problema foi dividido em duas regiões: abaixo e acima do Pinch, sendo realizada a síntese da rede. No caso estudado, toda a troca térmica ocorre na região acima do Pinch. Assim, após a síntese e otimização da rede, calculou-se o custo total anual. A rede proposta consiste em 2 trocadores de calor e dois aquecedores, sendo que um trocador realiza troca térmica entre a corrente Q1 (óleo bruto) e a corrente F2 (a miscela), e o segundo trocador realiza troca entre a corrente Q2 (água na saída do aquecedor) e a corrente F1 (água na saída do decantador). O aquecimento complementar para as correntes frias atingirem suas temperaturas finais, é provido pelos aquecedores já existentes na linha. A economia gerada pela redução de consumo de utilidades foi de R$ 91.000,00/ano, o que representa uma economia de consumo de vapor de 79,6%, acarretando uma redução de 5,3% do consumo global de vapor da planta. O investimento necessário para os dois trocadores de calor propostos na rede é de R$ 16.540,00, e avaliando-se o custo total anual, verifica-se uma redução de R$ 114.445,00 para R$ 25.800,00, correspondendo a uma redução de 77,5% no custo total anual, após a síntese da rede. A taxa de retorno para o investimento proposto é de apenas 3 meses. Desta forma, confirma-se a eficiência da Análise Pinch na integração energética de processos, atingindo resultados significativos de economia de energia térmica,contribuindo para processos industriais cada vez mais competitivos.
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Dynamique régénérative du véhicule : Transfert de puissance optimal par la maîtrise des comportements du véhicule de distribution / Regenerative vehicle dynamics : Energy optimal transfer by controlling the delivery vehicle behaviorsVu, Ngoc Tuan 13 November 2014 (has links)
Dans ce travail nous nous sommes penchés sur le transfert de puissance optimal par la maîtrise des comportements du véhicule de distribution à deux essieux. Nous avons étudié, plus particulièrement, l’énergie consommée par un véhicule hybride dans une zone urbaine ou péri-urbaine. Ce contexte nous a conduits à étudier l’utilisation d’une dynamique régénérative prenant en compte la dynamique transversale du véhicule sur une diversité d’architectures associée à une méthode de contrôle d’un système sur-actionné. Pour faire cela, nous avons développé : (i) un banc d’essais virtuel modulaire pour faire des études en termes énergétique d’un véhicule hybride de distribution, (ii) une architecture de contrôle optimal en vue de déterminer les commandes des actionneurs d’un système sur-actionné, (iii) et une dynamique régénérative afin de gérer l’énergie en prenant en compte la dynamique transversale qui est souvent présente lors de l’usage du véhicule en milieu urbain. Les modules du banc d’essais virtuel construits dans ce travail permettent de faire des études de l’énergie consommée pour toutes les architectures du véhicule envisagées sans changer les modèles de chaque module. Ce banc est composé d’un modèle complet du comportement de la dynamique du véhicule, d’un modèle du système de direction, d’un modèle des systèmes de traction et de freinage et d’un modèle des composants électriques. Tous les modèles de ce banc ont été validés par des expériences. Ceux-ci nous assurent la capacité de valider et justifier les lois de commande ainsi que d’évaluer les termes de l’énergie consommée. Un module de l’architecture de contrôle optimal a également été construit dans ce travail. Il nous a servi à déterminer la commande optimale des actionneurs par l’utilisation de l’allocation de contrôle et pour simuler les comportements de toutes les architectures du véhicule en utilisant les contraintes liées à celles-ci. Les analyses des résultats obtenus montrent que l’architecture de contrôle optimal proposée est suffisante pour déterminer les commandes des actionneurs ainsi que pour garantir la stabilité du véhicule malgré qu’aucun critère de ce genre ne soit intégré dans le problème d’optimisation. Les gains possibles par rapport à l’architecture conventionnelle, qui ont été déterminés, assurent que l’approche proposée permet effectivement de réduire l’énergie consommée par le véhicule. Les études paramétriques de la dynamique régénérative du véhicule démontrent que les systèmes sur-actionnés permettent de récupérer de l’énergie dans les cas où les actionneurs ont un très bon rendement. Dans ce cas, le principe de la dynamique régénérative est une voie d’amélioration pour les véhicules de distribution (charge importante et conditions d’utilisation en milieu urbain). / In this work, we have studied the energy optimal transfer by controlling the delivery vehicle behaviors. We studied, in particular, the energy consumed by a hybrid vehicle in the urban area. This context led us to investigate the use of a regenerative dynamics by taking into account the vehicle lateral dynamics on a variety of architectures associated with a method for controlling an over-actuated system. To do this, we have developed: (i) a modular virtual test bench to study the energy terms of delivery hybrid vehicle, (ii) an optimal control to determine the actuator inputs of over-actuated system, (iii) and regenerative dynamics to manage energy by taking into account the vehicle lateral dynamics. The virtual test bench constructed in this work allow for studies of the energy consumed for all architectures without changing of each module. This bench is composed the models of vehicle dynamics, steering, traction, braking, and electrical components systems. All models of this bench have been validated by experiments. It provides us the ability to validate and justify the control inputs of actuators and to evaluate the energy consumed terms. The optimal control module by using the allocation controller was also built in this work. It allows us to determine the optimal inputs of the actuators and to simulate the behaviors of all vehicle architectures under the constraints related with different architectures. The results show that the allocation controller is sufficient to determine the actuator inputs and to ensure the vehicle stability without the integration of additional criteria in the optimization problem. The energy gains in comparison with conventional architecture, which have been determined, ensure that the proposed approach effectively reduce the energy consumed by the vehicle. The parametric studies show that the regenerative dynamics can be used to recover energy in the case where the actuators have a very good performance and fast dynamics. In this case, the principle of regenerative dynamics is being improved for delivery vehicles (heavy load and in urban areas).
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Analys och utveckling av drivsystemoberoende energiåtervinningGilani, Ramin January 2011 (has links)
Limitations in energy recovery technology require extended research for development of existing and alternative solutions. This thesis project has treated valuing pneumatic drivetrain independent energy recovery system as a potential solution. The prototype built during this project uses a piston compressor to transform kinetic energy into compressed air. The compressed air was then stored in two air tanks and transformed into kinetic energy with an air motor on demand. The prototype was built on a rig using a high power electrical engine to simulate energy input from the wheels during braking. The air motor was then used to rotate a Volvo S40 engine simulating energy output to the wheels. To further illustrate how the technology can be implemented in vehicles and to emphasize the variety of pneumatic energy recovery solutions a 3D CAD model was designed and other components was reflected. Such as using a screw compressor instead of piston and also using the compressor as a motor reducing the number of components optimizing the system. The system storing the kinetic energy does not mean that the vehicle can manage without an ordinary brake system. The regenerative braking effect rapidly reduces at lower speeds; therefore friction brake is still required in order to bring the vehicle to a complete halt.Analyses of strength of strained components acknowledge that limited energy recovery is possible without redimensioning the driveshaft´s. The limitation is regulated by the original dimension for engine load, with subject to the CV joint. Optimum positioning of the compressor due to the limited space in a modern vehicle is behind the gearbox in conjunction with the gearbox outgoing pinion for short energy transportation.Electrical energy recovery system is the solution with the highest potential on the market today but electrical vehicles covers just a fraction of the vehicle industry doe to technical and infrastructural limitations. Drivetrain independent pneumatic, hydraulic or mechanical energy recovery systems lay the foundation of a common ground for all vehicles and other waste energy machinery to use one energy recovery technology. The market research indicates that this type of technology is up-to-the-minute. / <p>Validerat; 20110106 (anonymous)</p>
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Efektivní návrh a provoz recyklační linky jako prvek komplexního odpadového řetězce / Effective proposal and operation of recycling line as an element in waste managementDufka, Martin January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the current situation of waste management of material usable municipal waste with focus on various fractions of plastics. The theoretical part summarises the legislation of waste treatment, also contains an analysis of the current situation of waste management in the Czech Republic and comparison the situation in the European Union. In the next part of thesis are described basic fractions of plastics and their properties. There are mentioned the current problems with plastics processing and the risks of leakage to the environment. Furthermore, a complex chain of plastic waste reprocessing is described, since the inception of plastics waste to the manufacture of products made from recycled plastics. The most attention is paid to the discription of recycling plant, where the output material from sorting lines is reprocessed into a secondary material in the form of flakes or granules. Also this part is focused on the technology of recycling line and the individual devices are described. In the practical part of the thesis is created techno-economic model of recycling line with the aim of its use for balance calculations of recycling and also economic evaluation. As a part of the model was made a market research of secondary raw materials with a focus on price development. Subsequetly, sensitivity analyzes of selected parameters are applied to the model and the impact of scenarios on the economic results are evaluated.
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