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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The carbon footprint caused by the oversizing of building service systems : A case study of an NHS Hospital / Klimatavtrycket som orsakas av överdimensioneringen av system för byggnadstjänster : En fallstudie av ett NHS sjukhus

Hein, Maria January 2020 (has links)
Energy usage in buildings is a main contributor to CO2 emissions and in order for the EU to reach the 2050 goal of carbon-neutrality, there is a great need to improve the energy efficiency in buildings, particularly commercial buildings that often are substantially overdesigned. Excess margins in the design process of building services result in an oversizing of these systems which has great environmental impacts, divided up as the operational and embodied carbon footprints. The heating and cooling system of an NHS Hospital in southern England was studied and modelled in order to identify whether the system was overdesigned and to quantify the oversizing’s carbon footprint, which was the aim of the study. The cooling system of the NHS Hospital was determined potentially oversized and the focus of the thesis was therefore on the cooling system. It included the chillers that provide cooling, and the associated adiabatic coolers that provide heat rejection, as well as the affiliated pumps. The carbon footprint of this system was quantified, based on the operational energy use, the current grid carbon factor, environmental performance evaluations of units, observations and assumptions, and its cooling capacity was compared to the demand of the hospital. An optimised alternative was developed through analysis of the current system and its capacity, and the demand at the site, as well as based on the learnings of the background research. The system was designed to consist of smaller chillers and a reduced pumping system, to more correctly match the cooling demand. The optimised system was also modelled, its capacity compared to the demand, and its carbon footprint quantified. A future estimation of the two systems’ carbon footprints was calculated for year 2035, based on a projected grid carbon factor. The systems’ setups and carbon footprints were then compared for the current and projected scenarios, and the results discussed, also in regard to mitigation strategies that could lead to a reduction of oversizing and lower the environmental impacts. The results indicate that the yearly carbon footprint difference for the current scenario was approximately 539 tonnes CO2 eq, which was 43% greater than the optimised system’s carbon footprint. Whereas the yearly difference for the projected scenario was estimated to approximately 562 tonnes CO2eq, which was 752% greater than the optimised system’s carbon footprint in a possible future. This demonstrates the great environmental impact caused by the oversizing of cooling systems. The current system’s embodied carbon footprint was estimated to 3.3% of the total carbon footprint for the current scenario, and 4.8% for the projected scenario. Whereas the optimised system’s embodied carbon footprint was estimated to 1.5% for the current scenario, and 8.6% for the projected scenario. This demonstrates the large share of the embodied carbon footprint of the current, oversized system, compared to the optimised system that is sized more correctly for the cooling demand. Furthermore, it shows the anticipated raised proportion of the embodied carbon footprint of a product or system’s total future carbon footprint, since it increases for both the systems with time. The elevated share of the embodied carbon footprint in the future raises the need to address this factor and make it a priority. The key to a correctly sized system that meets the demand was determined to be precise calculations of the requirements and the elimination of excess margins that lack quantifiable justification. This results in an improved environmental performance where the system operates at its optimum level. The stakeholders’ involvement and influence throughout a transparent design process with clear communication, and incentives that provide financial aid to appropriately sized systems, as well as environmental impact evaluations of products, among others, are essential factors with major influence on the outcome. These elements are considered crucial for the reduction of the excess carbon footprint caused by the oversizing of building service systems. / Byggnaders energianvändning är en markant bidragande faktor till koldioxidutsläppen, och för att EU ska kunna nå målet att vara klimatneutral år 2050 finns det ett stort behov av att förbättra energieffektiviteten i byggnader, särskilt kommersiella byggnader som ofta är väsentligt överdesignade. Överskottsmarginaler i designprocessen av byggnadstjänster resulterar i en överdimensionering, som har en enorm miljöpåverkan, vilken delas upp som det operativa och det inneslutna klimatavtrycket. Studiens syfte var att studera och modellera värme- och kylsystemet på ett sjukhus i södra England för att identifiera om systemet var överdimensionerat, och för att kvantifiera dess klimatavtryck. Sjukhusets kylsystem bedömdes vara potentiellt överdimensionerat och studiens fokus var därför på kylsystemet. Det inkluderade kylarna som ger kylning och de anknutna adiabatiska kylarna som ger värmebortförsel, samt de tillhörande pumparna. Klimatavtrycket för systemet kvantifierades, baserat på den operativa energianvändningen, den nuvarande koldioxidfaktorn för elnätet, miljöutvärderingar av enheter, observationer och antaganden, och dess kylkapacitet jämfördes med sjukhusets behov. Ett optimerat alternativ utvecklades genom analys av det nuvarande systemet och dess kapacitet, och behovet på platsen, samt baserat på lärdomarna i litteraturforskningen. Systemet var utformat för att bestå av mindre kylare och ett reducerat pumpsystem för att bättre matcha kylbehovet. Även det optimerade systemet modellerades, dess kapacitet jämfördes med behovet, och dess klimatavtryck kvantifierades. En framtida uppskattning av de två systemens klimatavtryck beräknades för år 2035, baserat på en prognostiserad koldioxidfaktor för elnätet. Systemens uppsättningar och klimatavtryck jämfördes för de nuvarande och framtida scenarierna, resultaten diskuterades sedan, även med avseende på mildringsstrategier som kan leda till en reducering av överdimensionering och minskad miljöpåverkan. Resultaten indikerar att den årliga skillnaden i klimatavtrycket för det nuvarande scenariot var cirka 539 ton koldioxidekvivalenter, vilket var 43% större än det optimerade systemets klimatavtryck. Medan den årliga skillnaden i klimatavtrycket för det framtida scenariot uppskattades till cirka 562 ton koldioxidekvivalenter, vilket var 752% större än det optimerade systemets klimatavtryck i en eventuell framtid. Detta visar på den stora miljöpåverkan som orsakas av överdimensionerade kylsystem. Det nuvarande systemets inneslutna klimatavtryck beräknades till 3.3% av det totala klimatavtrycket för det nuvarande scenariot, och 4.8% för det framtida scenariot. Medan det optimerade systemets inneslutna klimatavtryck för det nuvarande scenariot var 1.5%, och 8.6% för det framtida scenariot. Detta demonstrerar den stora andelen inneslutet klimatavtryck i det nuvarande systemet, jämfört med det optimerade systemet som är bättre anpassat för kylbehovet. Dessutom visar det som förväntat den ökade andelen inneslutet klimatavtryck för en produkts eller ett systems totala klimatavtryck i framtiden, eftersom båda systemens inneslutna klimatavtryck visade på en framtida ökning. Den framtida ökade andelen inneslutet klimatavtryck väcker behovet av att itu med denna växande faktor och göra den till en prioritering. Nyckeln till ett system med korrekt storlek, vars kapacitet möter behovet, bestämdes vara exakta beräkningar av kraven och frånvaron av överskottsmarginaler som saknar kvantifierbar motivering. Detta resulterar i en förbättrad miljöprestanda där systemet fungerar på sin optimala nivå. Berörda parters engagemang och inflytande genom en transparent designprocess med tydlig kommunikation, och incitament som ger ekonomiskt stöd till system av korrekt dimensionering, samt miljökonsekvensbedömningar av produkter, är några av de viktigaste faktorerna med stort inflytande på slutresultatet. Dessa element bedöms vara avgörande för att minska överskottet av klimatavtrycket som orsakas av en överdimensionering av byggnadstjänster.

The Environmental Impact of Digital Marketplaces within the Circular Economy: A Framework

BERDEN, SARAH R., GEBENDORFER, JOHANNES T. January 2020 (has links)
Digital marketplaces gained increased importance in the circular economy. Although their economic benefits are a popular subject in present literature, research is scarce on their environmental impact. Since economic motivations often collide with environmental motivations on digital marketplaces within the circular economy, rebound effects can occur. Therefore, it is crucial for companies to continuously evaluate the environmental value of their service. Consequently, this thesis aims at creating a framework to identify the environmental impact of digital marketplaces within the circular economy. Two important questions had to be answered in this research: How environmental impact assessment and user behavior can be combined to identify factors that influence the environmental impact of such digital marketplaces and how these factors can be incorporated into a framework. Based on a review of relevant literature on circular economy, environmental impact assessment and user behavior, a single case study was conducted on the digital marketplace of the urban logistics startup Tiptapp. Qualitative data was gathered by interviewing users. Respondents were divided into two groups depending on their role on the platform: ‘helpers’ (supply) and ‘advertisers’ (demand). The results indicated that mainly three factors influence the environmental impact: user behavior, user flow and direct interactions, and external factors. By designing the framework to outline the influencing factors and their relationship, an initial foundation has been built for digital marketplaces and their providers to evaluate the environmental impact of their services and to actively counteract concealed rebound effects. Future research is needed to facilitate generalizability of the proposed framework as well as data integration and accurate impact calculations. / Digitala marknadsplatser har ökat i betydelse för den cirkulär ekonomin. Även om deras ekonomiska fördelar är ett populärt ämne i nuvarande litteratur är forskning om deras miljöpåverkan knapp. Eftersom ekonomiska motiv ofta kolliderar med miljömässiga motiv på digitala marknadsplatser inom den cirkulära ekonomin kan rebound-effekter uppstå. Därför är det avgörande för företag att kontinuerligt utvärdera miljövärdet av deras tjänster. Följaktligen syftar den här studien till att skapa ett ramverk för att identifiera miljöpåverkan av digitala marknadsplatser inom cirkulär ekonomi. Två viktiga frågor måste besvaras i denna forskning: Hur miljökonsekvensbedömning och användarbeteende kan kombineras för att identifiera faktorer som påverkar miljöpåverkan av sådana digitala marknadsplatser och hur dessa faktorer kan integreras i ett ramverk. Baserat på relevant litteratur om cirkulär ekonomi, miljökonsekvensbedömning och användarbeteende har en fallstudie genomförts på den digitala marknadsplatsen Tiptapp, som är ett urbant logistik-startup. Kvalitativa data samlades in genom att intervjua användare. De svarande delades in i två grupper beroende på deras roll på plattformen: "helpers" (utbud) och "advertisers" (efterfrågan). Resultaten indikerade att främst tre faktorer har påverkan på miljön: användarbeteende, användarflöde och direkta interaktioner samt externa effekter. Genom att utforma ett ramverk för att beskriva de påverkande faktorerna och deras förhållande har en första grund byggts. Detta för att digitala marknadsplatser och deras leverantörer ska kunna utvärdera miljöpåverkan av deras tjänster och aktivt motverka dolda rebound-effekter. Framtida forskning behövs för att underlätta generaliserbarhet av det föreslagna ramverket samt dataintegration och exakta konsekvensberäkningar.

Klimatanpassning, lokalisering och miljömål i miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar för villaområden : En jämförelse mellan storstads- och landsbygdskommuner / Climate adaption, localization and environmental goals inenvironmental impact assessment for residential areas: : A comparison between urban and rural municipalities

Abu Elkhair, Sabrin January 2024 (has links)
The increasing focus on sustainability necessitates careful planning of future construction projects, with human health and biodiversity being key factors to protect. Planning projects with significant environmental impacts must conduct an environmental impact assessment, which involves identifying potential environmental effects and propose sustainable measures. The aim of the study was to examine how urban and rural municipalities described and assessed sustainability in environmental impact assessments for residential areas. Using thematic analysis, categories such as climate, localization, and environmental goals were established and divided into representative themes. Chi2-tests were used to test statistical significance between the municipal groups. The results revealed significant differences in two climate-related themes and one localization theme. Municipalities primarily utilized various types of stormwater management to adapt projects to climate changes and incorporate green infrastructure. The differences between municipal groups are likely influenced by factors like population density, resources, and surrounding environment. While national environmental goals were included in all environmental impact assessments, did not all proposed plans take them into account Future studies could include a larger sample to enhance reliability and consider underlying factors that may affect municipal conditions.

A review on the effectiveness of the Environmental Impact Assessment report of the proposed Mullikulam windfarm-Sri Lanka: Evaluating the site selection, mitigatory measures and stakeholder participation.

Ameerul Hamza, Shazna January 2024 (has links)
Environmental Impact Assessment stands as a crucial tool in the realm of sustainable development, serving to evaluate the potential environmental implications of proposed projects. While Environmental Impact Assessment processes are widely adopted across nations, their efficacy continually evolves in response to contemporary challenges. This study delves into the effectiveness of EIA procedures, focusing on the Environmental Impact Assessment report of the Mullikulam on-shore wind farm project in Sri Lanka. Initially, the research scrutinizes the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of EIA through desk review and content analysis. Subsequently, it employs a comprehensive checklist to evaluate the effectiveness of the Environmental Impact Assessment report of the said wind farm project, analyzing its adherence to key effectiveness criteria. This evaluation extends to comparative analysis, encompassing two additional Environmental Impact Assessment reports concerning on-shore wind farms in other countries. While the study's objective is to critically evaluate the effectiveness of the Environmental Impact Assessment report of the Mullikulam wind farm project, findings indicate notable deficiencies, particularly concerning site selection, mitigation strategies, and stakeholder engagement. By highlighting these shortcomings, the research underscores the imperative for improvements in EIA practices to enhance effectiveness. The study contributes valuable insights for policymakers, practitioners, and stakeholders involved in EIA processes, advocating for enhancements to ensure stronger environmental assessments in future projects.

A Screening Life Cycle Analysis Of One-Way And Reusable Crate Designs – Estimating Environmental Impacts Via LCA Software

Corona, Nicolas R 01 June 2024 (has links) (PDF)
A comparison analysis conducted via COMPASS life cycle analysis software has indicated that a one-way crate design, rather than a reusable crate design, is in fact the more environmentally friendly packaging system. These results can be interpreted differently, however, as the manufacturer of said crate designs must confirm what impact indicators they would like to reference as environmental goalposts. The conducted analysis provides insight into what the environmental impacts of each packaging system look like as packaging at all three system levels has been identified as a means of reducing environmental impacts globally. As such, the manufacturer of said crate designs would like to establish a baseline understanding of what the environmental impact of their products look like. Version 3.5 of COMPASS LCA software was utilized, which references ecoinvent 3.9.1 LCA databases as well as U.S. Life Cycle Inventory (USLCI) LCA methodologies. These findings are significant as they affirm that all packaging system inputs and product life-cycle phases must be carefully considered as they impact every impact indicator score differently.

The hidden costs of the low-emission transition : A Critical Analysis of Lithium Extraction, Green Discourses, and Sweden’s New Giga Battery Factory / Lågemissionsomställningens dolda kostnader : En kritisk analys av litiumutvinning, gröna diskurser och Sveriges nya giga-batterifabrik

Fyrén, Amanda, Nordenswan, Sofia January 2024 (has links)
To reduce anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, many European countries are focusing on a low-emission transition by electrifying the transport sector, with special emphasis on electric vehicles (EV). However, this transition requires a large amount of lithium and other critical metals. While the current low-emission transition is portrayed as decreasing climate impact, the transition and its need for metals create new forms of socio-environmental impact. An increasing number of studies are critically examining the effects of the low-emission transition, both nationally and internationally. However, most studies are focused on the Global South with fewer focusing on the effects within and impacts caused by Europe and Scandinavia. Hence, the purpose of this study was to explore the narratives surrounding the low-emission transition, with a primary focus on Sweden and a partial focus on the EU. Additionally, the study aimed to trace the origin of the lithium used in Sweden’s lithium-ion battery production to examine the socio-ecological impacts of its extraction. Using critical discourse analysis, a methodology acknowledging language as a social construct and capable of revealing power dynamics within society, the study found that green imaginaries and techno-centric perspectives are common when discussing the low-emission transition. While specific volumes and origins of imported lithium to Sweden were difficult to obtain, a broader literature review of lithium extraction and its supply chain could infer that the current lithium extraction needed for the Swedish EV battery production, most likely, comes with a broad socio-environmental impact, extending from ecosystem degradation, water scarcity, pollution, and possibly discrimination against indigenous rights. To conclude, the Swedish low-emission transition is despite its green portrayal connected to a hidden but potentially large socio-environmental impact.

Building a Greener Future: Reconstructing the Discourse on Sustainability in the German Construction Sector : How do stakeholders within the German construction sector translate sustainability in their daily practices and to what extent do these practices align with the principles of the Gaia hypothesis?

Meesenburg, David January 2024 (has links)
Sustainability is viewed as a solution to climate change and social unrest, yet the systems we use to understand and implement it often contribute to the very problems they aim to solve. This thesis investigates how stakeholders in the German construction sector integrate sustainability into their daily practices. Using James Lovelock’s concept of Earth as a self- regulating system, the study explores stakeholders’ perceptions of sustainability. Based on qualitative interviews, the research identifies three main themes: certification systems, economic pressures, and the intrinsic connection of stakeholders to Gaia. Findings suggest that while certification systems guide sustainable practices, they are often used due to other motivations than for genuine environmental efforts. Economic pressures further hinder the adoption of sustainable practices, as stakeholders prioritize short-term gains over long-term ecological benefits. However, a strong connection to Gaia and could inspire deeper engagement with sustainability. The thesis concludes that adopting the interconnectedness emphasized by the Gaia hypothesis could lead to more effective and authentic sustainability practices in the construction sector.

Trade Liberalization and the Environment: A Study of NAFTA's Impact in El Paso, Texas and Juarez, Mexico

Hollinger, Keith H. 31 July 2007 (has links)
This thesis seeks to promote a clearer understanding of relationships between trade liberalization and environmental quality in a free trade zone along an international border, between countries unevenly matched in development and infrastructure. Specifically, it examines whether theories of environmental degradation provide appropriate models for explaining the impact of NAFTA on the environment in the Paso del Norte. The relationship between trade liberalization and environmental quality is examined through an analysis of environmental indicators in the decade preceding and following NAFTA. Finally, the role of environmental governance is addressed, especially the intricacies involved in multi-jurisdictional governance of the environment. The research indicates that trade liberalization is not necessarily environmentally harmful. The data suggest that NAFTA had little to no direct negative impact on the region's environmental condition, but they also do not provide evidence that NAFTA improved the environment. One factor that could have helped to limit its effects may be local, interstate, and international initiatives that improved the health of the ecosystem along the border before NAFTA was even conceived. Another factor is the environmental governance in place before and after NAFTA. Thus, it may be beneficial for trade liberalization agreements to address environmental concerns as integral parts of the negotiations, and to set requirements for meeting infrastructure demands, as the agreements are implemented. Furthermore, it is important that international environmental institutions established to monitor environmental cooperation be more closely associated with the trade cooperation organizations and be given the authority needed to complete their directives more effectively. / Master of Arts

Методический подход к оценке эффективности деятельности предприятий черной металлургии в условиях экологических рисков : магистерская диссертация / A methodical approach to assessing the efficiency of ferrous metallurgy enterprises in conditions of environmental risks

Байметова, М. Г., Baymetova, M. G. January 2024 (has links)
Проведенное исследование посвящено концептуальным основам оценки эффективности деятельности предприятия в условиях воздействия металлургического производства на окружающую среду. В работе раскрывается содержание методики оценки эффективности деятельности предприятия черной металлургии в условиях экологизации производства. Методический подход предполагает последовательную реализацию нескольких этапов и основан на сбалансированной системе частных показателей, приводимых к интегральному. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы при принятии управленческого решения о перспективности инвестиционных вложений в деятельность металлургического предприятия, а также при развитии методических основ в экологии металлургии. / The conducted research is devoted to the conceptual framework for assessing the efficiency of an enterprise in terms of the impact of metallurgical production on the environment. The work reveals the content of the methodology for assessing the efficiency of a ferrous metallurgy enterprise in conditions of greening production. The methodological approach involves the sequential implementation of several stages and is based on a balanced system of partial indicators reduced to an integral one. The results of the study can be used when making management decisions about the prospects of investment in the activities of a metallurgical enterprise, as well as in the development of methodological foundations in the ecology of metallurgy.

Diseño de la trocha carrozable en la localidad de Chahuarpata, Paquihuas–Huaranguillo, distrito de Pisuquia, región Amazonas, año 2021

Saucedo Diaz, Yhojanna Margori January 2023 (has links)
La presente tesis tiene como objetivo elaborar el estudio definitivo de la carretera para la localidad de Chahuarpata, Paquihuas– Huaranguillo, distrito de Pisuquia, Región Amazonas. Actualmente, estos anexos no cuentan con este medio, para así poder tener un desarrollo económico, social y económico. Tiene un enfoque de investigación cuantitativo, de tipo descriptivo, con un diseño no experimental, además de una orientación aplicada. Se realizó estudios básicos de ingeniería como es estudio de tráfico, levantamiento topográfico de los trazos planteados, optando por la ruta que genera mayor beneficio social y un mínimo impacto ambiental, también estudios de mecánica de suelos, estudio hidrológico, estudio de señalización, estudio de canteras, fuentes de agua y estudio de impacto ambiental. Obteniendo como resultados una longitud de 16.708 km, según la demanda es trochas carrozables carretera de bajo volumen de tránsito; con un IMDA < 200 veh/día, es un terreno de tipo 3 accidentado, asimismo presentan CBR entre 17.3, 16.1, 14.1, 24.5, 22, 17.2 y son suelos SC arenosos-arcillosos y GC grava grada con arcilla, alcantarillas de 36”, cunetas de 0.75x0.25x0.5, asimismo una superficie de rodadura a nivel de afirmado con espesor de 20 cm mediante el método NAASRA. Mediante la elaboración del presente proyecto se obtendrá una mejor viabilidad y un mayor beneficio económico, social, cultural y ambiental para satisfacer las necesidades de la población que tenga una influencia directa e indirecta. Finalmente llegando a concluir de que el proyecto es viable y ambientalmente sostenible. / The objective of this thesis is to prepare the definitive study of the road for the town of Chahuarpata, Paquihuas-Huaranguillo, district of Pisuquia, Amazonas Region. Currently, these annexes do not have this means, in order to have economic, social and economic development. It has a quantitative, descriptive research approach, with a non-experimental design, in addition to an applied orientation. Basic engineering studies were carried out, such as a traffic study, a topographical survey of the proposed lines, opting for the route that generates the greatest social benefit and a minimum environmental impact, as well as soil mechanics studies, a hydrological study, a signaling study, a study of quarries, water sources and environmental impact study. Obtaining as a result a length of 16,708 km, according to the demand, it is a highway with low volume of traffic; with an IMDA < 200 veh/day, it is a rugged type 3 terrain, they also present CBR between 17.3, 16.1, 14.1, 24.5, 22, 17.2 and are SC sandy-clayey soils and GC gravel harrow with clay, 36” culverts , gutters of 0.75x0.25x0.5, as well as a rolling surface at the level of the pavement with a thickness of 20 cm using the NAASRA method. Through the elaboration of this project, a better viability and a greater economic, social, cultural and environmental benefit will be obtained to satisfy the needs of the population that has a direct and indirect influence. Finally reaching the conclusion that the project is viable and environmentally sustainable.

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