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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modern Analysis of Passing Plays in the National Football League

Thrush, Corey 15 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Optimalizace výrobního procesu za využití metod štíhlé výroby v Tyco Electronics Czech s.r.o. / Process optimalization and lean implementation in the manufacturing company Tyco Electronics Czech Ltd

Rudolf, Jiří January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the optimization of a specific process in the environment of the manufacturing company that supplies the components in the automotive and other industries. The theoretical part explains the principles and techniques of optimization of production processes and describes the placement of workplaces. The practical part of thesis analyzes the current state of the production process, identifies potential for improvements and proposes a new layout of workplaces. The project is then evaluated from both technical and economical viewpoint.

Algebra för matematiskt begåvade elever i årskurs 5 : En intervjustudie / Algebra for mathematically gifted students in 5th grade : An interview study

Johansson, Christoffer, Magnusson, Marcus January 2023 (has links)
Enligt Skollagen har alla elever rätt till den ledning och stimulans de behöver för att utifrån sina egna förutsättningar utvecklas så långt som möjligt. Av denna anledning vill vi genom denna studie undersöka hur algebraiska uppgifter och undervisning inom algebra kan anpassas för att matematiskt begåvade elever ska ges den utmaning och stimulans de behöver för att utvecklas så långt som möjligt. Detta har undersökts genom att genomföra en lektionsserie, bestående av tre lektionstillfällen. Efter att lektionsserien avslutats genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer i fokusgrupper med de deltagande eleverna, för att undersöka vad som krävs för att algebraiska uppgifter och undervisning inom algebra ska upplevas som utmanande och stimulerande av matematiskt begåvade elever i årskurs 5. Den teori som använts för att analysera resultaten är positioneringsteorin. De viktigaste resultaten som framkommit är att dessa elever ska erbjudas att arbeta med utmanande uppgifter och att detta med fördel görs genom att låta dem arbeta med dessa i par/grupper, med andra elever på en liknande kunskapsnivå. / According to the School Act, all students have the right to the guidance and stimulation they need to develop to the best of their abilities based on their individual conditions. For this reason, we want to investigate through this study how algebraic tasks and teaching within algebra can be adapted to provide mathematically gifted students with the challenge and stimulation they need to develop to the fullest extent possible. This has been examined by conducting a series of lessons consisting of three class sessions. After the lesson series concluded, semi-structured interviews were conducted in focus groups with the participating pupils to explore what is required for algebraic tasks and algebraic teaching to be perceived as challenging and stimulating by fifth-grade students. The theory used to analyze the results is positioning theory. The most important findings that have emerged are that these pupils should be offered the opportunity to work with challenging tasks, preferably by allowing them to work with these tasks in pairs/groups with other students at a similar level of knowledge.

Métabolisme du DHA lors du vieillissement

Vandal, Milène January 2008 (has links)
L'acide docosahexaénoïque (DHA) est un acide gras polyinsaturé oméga-3 (AGPI [oméga]3) concentré dans le poisson. Il est l'AGPI [oméga]3 présent en plus grande quantité dans le cerveau. Une étude épidémiologique a démontré que la consommation de deux portions de poisson par semaine peut ralentir le rythme du déclin cognitif qui survient avec le vieillissement. Étude SUPPLÉMENT. Objectif : Évaluer le changement plasmatique en AGPI [oméga]3 chez des sujets jeunes et âgés lors d'une supplémentation en acide eicosapentaénoïque (EPA)/DHA. Résultats : Chez les sujets jeunes et âgés, le DHA (73 « 47% et 117 « 68 %) et l'EPA (133 « 67% et 97 « 52%) plasmatiques ont augmenté significativement (p < 0,05) avec la supplémentation. Le pourcentage de DHA était supérieur chez les sujets âgés par rapport aux sujets jeunes avec la supplémentation. Conclusion : Les différences observées entre les sujets jeunes et âgés suggèrent qu'il existe un changement dans le métabolisme du DHA avec le vieillissement. Étude TRACEUR. Objectif : Évaluer l'incorporation du DHA marqué au carbone 13 (indice supérieur 13]C-DHA) dans les lipides totaux plasmatiques et sa [bêta]-oxydation chez des participants jeunes et âgés en bonne santé. Résultats : Initialement, la concentration de DHA dans les lipides totaux plasmatiques était similaire entre les groupes. Le [indice supérieur 13]C-DHA avait tendance (p = 0,055) à s'incorporer davantage chez les participants âgés (0,80 « 0,35 nmol/ml) comparativement aux jeunes (0,35 « 0,12 nmol/ml) quatre heures après la prise du traceur. Conclusions : Ces résultats suggèrent que l'incorporation du DHA dans les lipides plasmatiques et sa [bêta]-oxydation dans les heures suivant son ingestion sont influencés par l'âge. La faible [bêta]-oxydation du DHA sur un mois montre qu'il est davantage conservé pour des rôles structuraux plutôt qu'à des fins énergétiques. Conclusion générale :L'âge est associé à une augmentation de l'incorporation du DHA dans les lipides plasmatiques qui se reflète par la plus grande augmentation du DHA dans le plasma lors d'une supplémentation chez des personnes âgées. À cause de sa plus grande incorporation, davantage de DHA est disponible pour la [bêta]-oxydation, ce qui explique la plus grande quantité de DHA [bêta]-oxydé chez les personnes âgées. Cependant la [bêta]-oxydation du DHA est trop faible pour entrer en contradiction avec les résultats obtenus lors de la supplémentation.--Résumé abrégé par UMI.

Food Quality Effects on Zooplankton Growth and Energy Transfer in Pelagic Freshwater Food Webs / Effekter av födokvalitet på djurplanktons tillväxt och på energiöverföringen i födovävar i sjöar

Persson, Jonas January 2007 (has links)
Poor food quality can have large negative effects on zooplankton growth and this can also affect food web interactions. The main aims of this thesis were to study the importance of different food quality aspects in Daphnia, to identify potentially important differences among zooplankton taxa, and to put food quality research into a natural context by identifying the importance of food quality and quantity in lakes of different nutrient content. In the first experiment, the RNA:DNA ratio was positively related to the somatic growth rate of Daphnia, supporting a connection between P content, RNA content, and growth rate. The second experiment showed that EPA was important for Daphnia somatic growth, and 0.9 µg EPA mg C-1 was identified as the threshold below which negative effects on Daphnia growth occurred. A field survey identified patterns in the PUFA content of zooplankton that could be explained by taxonomy and trophic position. Cladocera enriched EPA and ARA relative to seston, and Copepoda primarily enriched DHA. In a whole-lake experiment, gentle fertilization of an oligotrophicated reservoir increased the seston P content and the biomass of high quality phytoplankton (Cryptophyceae, high EPA content). This was followed by increases in zooplankton and fish biomasses. An empirical model based on data from a literature survey predicted that food quantity is most important for zooplankton growth in oligotrophic lakes, and that food quality factors are more important in eutrophic lakes. Thus, zooplankton growth, and energy transfer efficiency in the food web, is predicted to be highest in mesotrophic lakes. The results predict that the strength and nature of food quantity and quality limitation of Daphnia growth varies with lake trophic state, and that some combination of food quantity and/or quality limitation should be expected in nearly all lakes.

An analysis of the Sugar Industry and its global competitiveness : The case of Fiji

Jenshagen, Hanna, Andersson, Sandra January 2010 (has links)
<p>The Sugar Industry in Fiji is facing a lot of problems. Since the Government of Fiji has not fulfilled their commitments to the European Union (EU), the EU has backed away from supporting the industry. The milling efficiency has been constantly declining since the mid 1980’s and farm productivities have not kept pace with the changing international market for sugar. To be able to obtain the economies of scale, the sugar production in Fiji has to increase with 75 % from the current level of production. A lot of towns in Fiji would be nothing without the Sugar Industry, and thousands of people are dependent on the industry for their sustenance. Due to this fact, it is certain that the loss of confidence in the industry, or any likely collapse, would imply disaster for Fiji as a whole. It will lead to serious implications on the economic, social and political stability of Fiji.</p><p>The overall aim of this thesis is to study the effects of the EU measures especially on the Sugar Industry in Fiji, to be able to understand to which extent the industry depends on the support from the EU. The aim is also to analyse and discuss different competition strategies on how Fiji can compete and be a part of the global market of sugar.</p><p>This research was made from a qualitative approach in order to gain a deeper understanding about the problem. Abduction made it possible to work parallel with different parts of the thesis. A combination of primary and secondary data gathering has been used, with the secondary data as a basis for building the empirical part of the thesis. The primary data was collected through in-depth interviews with people at different positions within the Sugar Industry in Fiji.</p><p>Fiji is dependent on the Sugar Industry and since there is no other obvious donor for Fiji today, and it is crucial that the industry gets support, the conclusion is that Fiji also is dependent on the support from the EU. Even though Fiji has the possibility to increase their competitiveness on the regional as well as on the international market, there is no need for Fiji to strive after the world market at the moment.</p>

Determination of Size Fractions and Concentrations of Airborne Particulate Matter Generated From Construction and Demolition Waste Processing Facilities

Young, Jason M. 01 January 2007 (has links)
Construction and Demolition (C&D) processing and recycling facilities accept waste materials that are generated during construction and demolition activities. The processing facility sorts, processes, and transfers the material to another operation. A consequence of these processes is the generation of particulate matter.This study involved quantifying and qualifying airborne particulates at three C&D processing facilities. Active stationary particulate sampling devices were employed to quantify the particle sizes of interest. Results were compared to United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Ambient Air Quality Standards(NAAQS) and United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)standards.The results from this study are not valid for determination of compliance with NAAQS or OSHA standards. However, the data indicate that C&D processing facilities may exceed current NAAQS at certain locations, but do not exceed OSHA standards. These results can be used by the industry as an engineering tool to reduce airborne particulate levels during normal operations of C&D facilities.

Modern nyrokoko : Från gammalt till nytt

Nässeldal, Annika January 2019 (has links)
Uppsatsens mål är beskriva och dokumentera hur jag har utvecklat mina kunskaper inom områdena, resårsnörning, djuphäftning samt plymåsömnad. Uppsatsen är även avsedd att vara till hjälp för framtida tapetserare. Efter litteraturstudier och genomgångar med lärare har dessa momentavklarats och dokumenterats. Tapetsering är ett yrke som inte går att lära sig genom att enbart läsa litteratur. Man behöver praktisk träning för att kunna utföra momenten och förstå teknikerna. Det är slutsatsen jag har kunnat ta av detta arbete.

Implementação das áreas de proteção ambiental federais no Brasil: o enfoque da gestão / implementation of federal environmental protection areas in Brazil: the focus of management

Moraes, Marilia Britto Rodrigues de 14 December 2011 (has links)
A Área de Proteção Ambiental APA é, talvez, a mais complexa de todas as unidades de conservação, pois apresenta grandes desafios para que se consiga atingir seu ambicioso e complexo objetivo legal: o de compatibilizar a conservação da natureza com o uso sustentável de parcela dos seus recursos naturais. A partir de experiências práticas e estudos acadêmicos reunidos nesta pesquisa, busca-se demonstrar os pontos positivos e problemáticos para a implementação dessas unidades. Autores atuantes em várias disciplinas são tematizados ajudando-nos a encontrar caminhos para superar as dificuldades e promover aquilo que se mostra como a perspectiva futura para o mundo, que é uma alternativa de projeto de desenvolvimento. As instituições responsáveis pela gestão de territórios complexos têm significativo déficit a ser vencido, enquanto que as competências governamentais instituídas abrem espaço para a participação da sociedade. Trata-se de um outro nível de governança, mais complexa, e que exige criação de procedimentos e motivação para uma participação legítima e representativa. Neste trabalho são levantadas as experiências das APAs federais, através da análise da categoria, do levantamento de cada APA em seu contexto, e da dinâmica relativa a cada uma com base em busca na Web. A partir dessas informações, são feitas relações que, cotejadas com outras opiniões teóricas consideradas, apontam para possíveis encaminhamentos a serem buscados para as diferentes situações de gestão. Da análise de situação das APAs conclui-se que cabe construir a governança para operacionalizar uma política pública a ser co-protagonizada com a sociedade civil, que envolve um compromisso entre esta, os poderes constituídos e um projeto futuro, feito em conjunto, reconhecido como legítimo e coletivo. Implementar uma APA significa executar esse projeto, ou seja, levá-la da abstração sob a forma de mera definição legal que é para uma realidade concreta. Para isso, há que se compreender o lugar que, em sua corelação com o território usado, permite a construção da cidadania. Requer-se um sistema de gestão de caráter permanente, participativo, abrangente e inclusivo, atendendo à diversidade de paisagens e sua gente. / The Environmental Protection Area EPA is perhaps the most complex type of Protected Areas in Brazil, since its legal objective - to combine the conservation of nature and the sustainable use of natural resources involves great challenges. This paper focuses on positive and problematic issues for implementing the category, based on selected experiences and academic studies about related themes. The diversity of themes involved leads to some selected authors to overcome obstacles against what may be seen as a new perspective for a world development project. In this country, the institutions responsible for managing complex territories have a significant deficit to exceed, while the participation of society has an open space to be filled. Therefore it is a matter of building up a more complex level of governance, which requires the creation of new procedures and the necessary motivation for a legitimate representative participation, under a stewardship approach. In addition to many aspects of the EPA category itself, this work analyzes each one of the federal Environmental Protection Areas regarding their broader context and dynamics as they are perceived on Web search sites. Based on this information, some relations for each EPA are designed considering theoretical inputs in order to set in motion adequate management systems for such different situations. As a conclusion, implementing a public policy with society as a joint-protagonist means to build the governance, which involves a commitment between society and the constituted powers for a future, legitimate and collective common project. In other words, implementing an EPA means to carry out this project, turning it from the abstraction of an official definition into reality. To accomplish this, the environment that nurtures citizenship must be fully understood through permanent participation and an all-encompassing management system that take into account the diversity of the scenery and people involved.

Evaluation of TaqMan Real-Time PCR for the Detection of Viable <em>Cryptosporidium parvum</em> Oocysts in Environmental Water Samples

Cameron, Melissa A 14 February 2007 (has links)
Cryptosporidium parvum is of growing public health concern due to its ability to survive typical water treatment processes. In order to protect the public from infection, the Environmental Protection Agency developed Method 1623 for the detection of Cryptosporidium oocysts in environmental water samples. Execution of this method is time consuming, and the results do not provide an accurate estimation of viability. Therefore, current research is focused on creating a real-time PCR method for the accurate detection of viable Cryptosporidium parvum in environmental water samples. This thesis presents the development of a real-time PCR method, and the results obtained in its use on field samples. The assay was standardized using multiple dilution series in addition to positive and negative controls. Environmental water samples were tested using this method and Method 1623 for comparison. The results were compared statistically to determine the degree of correlation between methods. The data show that the real-time PCR method correlates well to Method 1623. In addition, the assay was determined to be more cost effective and less labor intensive than Method 1623. Although these early findings are promising, additional research and development are needed before the proposed assay can be used in industry.

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