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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Signe, nature, signature : parcours étymologiques dans l’œuvre de James Joyce – Dubliners, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man et Ulysses / Sign, Nature, Signature : probing into James Joyce’s Etymological Strategies in Dubliners, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Ulysses

Belluc, Sylvain 28 November 2014 (has links)
L’écriture joycienne se distingue par la conscience aiguë dont elle témoigne de l’histoire des mots. Cette tendance est le produit de l’émergence de la grammaire comparée et de la sémantique historique au XIXe siècle, disciplines qui avaient bouleversé le concept d’étymologie et légitimé, en apparence, la prise en compte du passé de la langue dans son emploi. Pourtant, quand Joyce écrit, cette approche est irrémédiablement dépassée, et ses nombreuses contradictions critiquées. Aussi les œuvres de l’écrivain, loin de constituer un reflet fidèle et stable du discours sur l’étymologie du siècle où il naquit, en mettent-elles à nu les paradoxes et les partis pris. La stratégie d’écriture de Dubliners, si elle repose sur une exploitation fréquente des données mises au jour par les comparatistes et les sémanticiens, prend ainsi le contrepied de toute démarche transcendantale et tire profit de la nature subjective et aléatoire de l’activation des potentialités étymologiques des mots par le lecteur. La volonté affichée par Stephen dans A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man de trouver une justesse supérieure dans la motivation directe puis indirecte des noms fait place, dans le roman suivant, à un rejet amer de « l’imposture des sons ». Mais Ulysses éclaire également les failles des théories linguistiques de son époque : sa mise en lumière du rôle joué par l’étymologie populaire dans le fonctionnement de la langue implique une critique du positivisme saussurien et s’inscrit dans une dénonciation plus large de toute conception pseudo-rationnelle et supra-individuelle de l’histoire. / One of the hallmarks of Joyce’s prose is the acute consciousness it reflects of the history of words. This tendency is the product of the emergence of comparative linguistics and historical semantics in the 19th century, both of which had revolutionized the concept of etymology and seemed to make the history of words relevant to their use. Yet that approach soon became irremediably outdated and its numerous contradictions had been subjected to severe criticism by the time Joyce wrote his books. Accordingly, his works, far from giving a faithful and stable image of the etymological discourse prevalent in the century of his birth, reflect its biases and contradictions. Although the writing strategy of Dubliners relies on a constant exploitation of the data unveiled by linguists, it opposes any transcendental philosophy and makes much of the subjective and random nature of the activation of words’ etymological potentialities by the reader. Stephen’s attempts at finding a superior meaning in the direct and then indirect motivation of names in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man evolves, in the next novel, into a bitter rejection of the “imposture of sounds”. Ulysses, however, also brings into relief the inconsistencies of the linguistic theories of its own time: in highlighting the role played by folk etymology in the use of language, it constitutes an implicit criticism of Saussure’s positivist claims and calls into question any pseudo-rational and supra-individual conception of history.

Les drogmans comme traducteurs de traités internationaux : aspects linguistiques, culturels, historiques et politiques : l’exemple du traité de Küçük Kaynarca de 1774 / Dragomans as translators of international treaties : linguistic, cultural, historical and political aspects : the example of the treaty of Küçük Kaynarca of 1774

Abbasbeyli, Elvin 25 September 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet d’analyser les trois versions (italienne, ottomane et russe) du traité de Küçük Kaynarca signé en 1774 entre l’Empire ottoman et l’Empire de Russie. Après avoir étudié, l’institution drogmanale, l’histoire de la diplomatie ottomane ainsi que la structure et les langues de ce traité, nous procédons à l’analyse terminologique et étymologique des termes choisis et les réunissons sous huit domaines thématiques (« État » - « Diplomatie », « Droit » - « Religion », « Armée » - « Économie », « Administration territoriale » - « Géographie »). Nous menons cette analyse en nous basant sur les procédés de traduction décrits dans cette thèse. Notre but est de montrer les difficultés rencontrées par les drogmans pendant le processus de traduction et de voir comment ils ont réussi à les surmonter. Ces difficultés sont intimement liées à la traduction et à l’adaptation des notions venues des pays occidentaux. En analysant les termes choisis, nous examinons les stratégies traductionnelles mises en place par les drogmans pour « faire passer » les concepts nouveaux pour la société ottomane. / The topic of this thesis is to analyze the three versions (Italian, Ottoman and Russian) of the Küçük Kaynarca Treaty signed in 1774 between the Ottoman Empire and the Russian Empire. After studying the institution of dragomans, the history of Ottoman diplomacy and the structure and languages of this treaty, we proceed to the terminological and etymological analysis of the chosen terms and put them into eight thematic fields: "Diplomacy", "Law" - "Religion", "Army" - "Economy", "Territorial administration" - "Geography"). We carry out this analysis on the basis of the translation processes described in this thesis. Our goal is to show the difficulties encountered by dragomans during the translation process and to see how they managed to overcome them. These difficulties are intimately linked to the translation and adaptation of notions from Western countries. In analyzing the chosen terms, we examine the translational strategies used by the dragomans to "convey" the new concepts for Ottoman society.

Investigating British and American English : Dictionary research and corpus investigation

Golmann, Malcolm January 2009 (has links)
<p>The aim of this Magister Degree Project has been to investigate if can corpora be used to investigate patterns of lexical distribution and/or borrowing from one variety to another. Another aim has been to investigate how well classification of lexical items as either “British” or “American” supported by evidence from corpora of English.</p><p>In order to accomplish these aims sets of lexical items have been examined in two ways: first through dictionary research and “dictionary dating”, and second through the use of such English corpora as the British National Corpus (BNC), the United Kingdom Web Archiving Consortium (ukWaC), and the TIME Corpus of American English. The results of this research suggest that the simplistic labelling of certain items as “American” versus “British” is sometimes misleading, and that corpus investigations on their own, though useful, may not be entirely sufficient in this context.</p>

Expositiones sequentiarum : Medieval Sequence Commentaries and Prologues. Editions with Introductions

Kihlman, Erika January 2006 (has links)
The sequence commentary emerged as a new branch of medieval commentary literature in the twelfth century. The sequence itself, sung in the Roman Mass, was a hugely influential genre—several thousands of sequence texts are known today—but the fact that the Middle Ages also produced commentaries on this liturgical poetry has been hitherto practically unknown and very few commentary texts have been edited. The present work is the first attempt at a broader presentation of the sequence commentary genre. It makes available in modern editions seven previously unedited expositions on the sequence Ad celebres rex for the feast of St Michael. Introductions to each edition discuss the motifs interpreted, the commentary technique used and the sources drawn upon. Manuscript interrelations and textual problems are also treated here. Editions of four prologues introducing collections of commentaries are also included. These texts, though not specifically tied to the commentaries on Ad celebres rex, are presented here since they provide useful evidence of the interpretative frameworks chosen by the commentators. The complex textual transmissions of these texts have required three different editorial methods, which are discussed in a separate chapter. A general introduction surveys the sequence commentary material found to date. From these textual witnesses—nearly a hundred manuscripts listed in an appendix—we may conclude that the genre flourished mainly in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Most manuscripts present large collections of commentaries on sequences for the whole liturgical year, generally preceded by a prologue and sometimes accompanied by a corresponding group of hymn commentaries.

Eriçó de mar: estudi antropològic, geolingüístic i etimològic

Corcoll i Llobet, Antoni 27 June 2012 (has links)
Els objectius bàsics d’aquest treball monogràfic sobre l’eriçó de mar és donar a conèixer els termes genèrics i aquells que fan referència a una o unes espècies en concret d’aquest animal marí, la seva distribució geogràfica, la seva vitalitat i la motivació semàntica o l’etimologia de tots aquests significants. Així mateix, faig esment de possibles castellanismes i d’algunes peculiaritats fonètiques que afecten diversos significants de l’eriçó de mar. No obstant això, per a l’assoliment d’aquests objectius, he hagut d’obrir les finestres a altres disciplines. Així, tot just vaig iniciar aquesta tasca investigadora, vaig adonar-me de l’estreta relació que hi ha entre la ictionímia i la ictiologia i que, en conseqüència, era necessari adquirir unes certes nocions d’aquesta parcel.la de la biologia si volia conèixer més a fons aquests animals marins, que pertanyen a la família dels equinoïdeus: aspecte extern, grandària, coloració, hàbitat, etc. D’aquesta manera em va ser possible, entre altres coses, de diferenciar les distintes espècies que viuen a les nostres costes. El contacte directe amb la gent de mar i, en altres ocasions, la lectura d’alguns llibres i articles m’han fet conèixer alguns aspectes que tenen una relació més o menys directa amb aquest animal marí, com ara els diferents instruments que els pescadors fan o feien servir per a capturar-lo i aquells amb què la garota és utilitzada com a esquer, i també la distinció que els pescadors en fan entre la femella i el mascle, la femella que, segons ells, és bona per a menjar i el mascle que no ho és, perquè no té res. Aquesta diferenciació va molt lligada, com és obvi, al seu consum. Tota aquesta informació també ha quedat recollida en aquest treball, ja que pot ser força interessant tant pel seu valor dialectal com antropològic. Pel que fa a la recollida de dades, he utilitzat diversos procediments. Els més productius han estat una enquesta, amb l’ajut de fotografies i un qüestionari, la consulta de diversos atles lingüístics (LMP, ALM, ALDC...), diccionaris (DCVB, DECat...) i altres obres d’un àmbit més local. En definitiva, les dades aconseguides provenen d’un total de 119 poblacions, quantitat que, des del meu punt de vista, es pot considerar una xarxa prou important, si es té en compte que totes estan situades al litoral o a zones relativament pròximes. D’aquestes 119 localitats: 7 pertanyen a la Catalunya del Nord, 42 al Principat, 38 al País Valencià, 31 a les Illes Balears i la de l’Alguer. Quant als resultats, des d’una vessant geolingüística, el nombre total de significants que he aplegat per a designar d’una manera genèrica l’‘eriçó de mar’ és 31 i els lexemes o formes bàsiques són 13: garota, garoina, eriçó, eriç, castanya de mar, capellà, paparinell, olleta, así (asín), casserola, cassoleta, bogamarí i bogo. Dels significants que he recollit en aquest treball, també n’hi ha, al voltant d’una cinquantena, que no estaven documentats fins ara. En la segona part d’aquest treball, tracto de les motivacions (metàfores, metonímies, etc.) i de l’etimologia dels diversos significants de l’eriçó de mar. Així, esmento totes les hipòtesis que fins ara s’han formulat i, en alguns casos, la meva proposta. També faig al.lusió a la història de cadascun d’aquests mots i als primers testimoniatges documentals. Pel que fa a l’estudi històric i etimològic d’algunes paraules que probablement són molt antigues en català, com ara garota i bogamarí, cal dir que he tingut força dificultats a fonamentar-ne l’origen, especialment perquè no apareixen en documents medievals, cosa fins a cert punt lògica si tenim present la nocomercialització fins fa ben poc d’aquest animal marí. / The main aims of this monographic about the sea urchin is to describe both the general names and those more specific of one or some species that this sea animal has been given, as well as its geographic distribution, its vitality and the semantic or etymological justification behind those names. Possible Spanish-influenced names are also mentioned, together with some phonetic characteristics that influence the different significants of sea urchin. To reach these aims, it has been necessary to open up to different disciplines. As the process of research began, it was clear to me that I needed to learn more about the biology of these animals to be able to, for instance, see the difference between the different species that inhabit our seas. I also needed to establish direct contact with sea people and read about the type of instruments that were or are still used to capture the sea urchin, how male and female are distinguished, and so on. Regarding data collection, several instruments have been used: a survey (with the help of a collection of photographs and a questionnaire), the use of linguistic atlas, dictionaries and other written sources of a more local nature. The data has been collected in 119 different towns, which is quite an important sample as they are all located on the seaside or nearby and cover all the Catalan-speaking area. As for results, and from a geolinguistic perspective, the total amount of significants that have been collected to refer to the sea urchin in a general way are 31 and the basic lexemes are 13: garota, garoina, eriçó, eriç, castanya de mar, capellà, paparinell, olleta, así (asín), casserola, cassoleta, bogamarí and bogo. It is important to note that approximately 50 of the significants had not been documented before. The second part of this monographic is devoted to the etimology behind the significants of sea urchin and their motivation (metaphor, metonymy, etc.). There is also a historical and etimological study, which in some cases has proven quite difficult as some of the significants are very old Catalan words, such as garota and bogamarí.

Compliments and caveats : an 'implicated' view of Zulu personal naming as a retaliatory function in the Emaqwabeni and Kwaluthuli areas of Kwazulu-Natal.

Gumede, Mzuyabonga Amon. January 2000 (has links)
Abstract not available. / Thesis (M.Ed.) - University of Natal, Durban, 2000.

África Banta na região diamantina: uma proposta de análise etimológica / Bantu Africa in the diamond-mining region: a proposal for etymological study

Everton Machado Simões 10 March 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho constitui uma pesquisa sobre o léxico de origem africana presente em falares da região diamantina de Minas Gerais. Estão aqui reunidos os léxicos de diferentes pesquisas sobre a região, além dos resultados recentes de nossa investigação, realizada em quatro comunidades remanescentes de quilombo: Ausente e Baú, no distrito de Milho Verde, Serro; Espinho, no município de Gouveia; e, Quartel do Indaiá, no distrito de São João da Chapada, Diamantina. O objetivo principal deste estudo é apresentar uma investigação etimológica dos itens lexicais coletados, procurando fazer um estudo histórico e linguístico da realidade observada. A partir de orientações para o trabalho etimológico de Viaro (2011), procuramos consultar as fontes de registro mais antigas de línguas africanas que pudessem estar relacionadas ao léxico da região. Esses registros são constituídos, principalmente, de dicionários de línguas africanas e alguns estudos históricos e linguísticos sobre as comunidades mineiras investigadas. O estudo realizado permite afirmar que o sistema de escravidão na região diamantina, o tráfico mais recente partindo do porto de Benguela e a proximidade lexical das línguas do grupo banto preservaram por um período uma língua africana de características bantas. Não se pode identificar com certeza qual seria essa língua, apesar da presença de um grande número de itens lexicais do umbundo. É mais prudente propor que se trate de um caso de convergência de um falar veicular do grupo R com as línguas do grupo H, presentes na região. / This is a study of lexical items from African speeches (falares africanos) in the diamond-mining region of Minas Gerais, Brazil. We collected the lexical items from different researches in the area, complementing them with results from our investigative research in four maroon-descendent communities: Ausente and Baú, district of Milho Verde, Serro; Espinho, Gouveia; and, Quartel do Indaiá, district of São João da Chapada, Diamantina. Our main objective is to present an etymological investigation of the items collected, based on a historical and linguistic study. Based on Viaro (2011), we consulted the oldest registers of African languages that could be related to the lexical items found in the region. These registers are constituted mostly by African languages dictionaries, besides some historical and linguistic studies of the African-Brazilian communities from Minas Gerais. Our study indicates that the slavery system of the diamond region, the late traffic departing from Benguela seaport and the lexical proximity of Bantu languages, favored the preservation during a certain period of time of an African language of Bantu characteristics. It is not possible to identify precisely which language it was, but we could identify a great lexical contribution from umbundo (R10). It is reasonable to propose that there was a case of linguistic convergence of a vehicular language from the R group with languages from the H group, both present in the region.

Amen in Old Testament liturgical texts : a study of its meaning and later development as a plea for ecumenical understanding

Flor, Elmer Nicodemo 11 1900 (has links)
Amen is the Hebrew word best known and most widely used in world religions even today. Its importance as a meaningful expression throughout biblical texts is given thorough study as well as its transmission throughout religious history. It has been transliterated and integrated into the prayers and liturgy of about every Christian church. In this thesis amen is traced down to its usage in Old Testament texts selected according to their liturgical setting. After examining the three sets of texts, progressive development stages have been produced. The first text of Deuteronomy 27 was basically a ceremony of civil nature for a Covenant commitment. All tribes of Israel were present and the amen response was stipulated to confirm their allegiance to Yahweh and to acknowledge the curses threatened. The second stage in the development of amen in Old Testament worship is an expected, not stipulated response to answer a doxology or a prayer. At this stage amen was pronounced by the worshipping congregation in cultic situations in general, particularly in the Psalms. A third and more developed liturgical response can be found in the spontaneous double amen spoken by the returnees from exile gathered for the reading of the Law session at Nehemiah's time. Amen had become a thriving force and a joyful outburst - not demanded, not simply expected, but spontaneous in the believers' response to Yahweh's guidance and love. The New Testament and Christians of all times inherited and adopted the same Hebrew word and sound of amen as confirmation and praise. A proposal is made in this study to set amen as a causal connection with the One who loved mankind first. The proposed derivation of amen from the Hiphil Imperative remits its origin to a causative plea, and persuades people to believe in what they have just heard or said, namely, that Jesus Christ is God's amen for the salvation of all mankind. Christians of all times and places should join in the praise of God through the same faith in His Amen. Thus amen becomes a binding concept for ecumenical understanding. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / D. Th. (Old Testament)

Investigating British and American English : Dictionary research and corpus investigation

Golmann, Malcolm January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this Magister Degree Project has been to investigate if can corpora be used to investigate patterns of lexical distribution and/or borrowing from one variety to another. Another aim has been to investigate how well classification of lexical items as either “British” or “American” supported by evidence from corpora of English. In order to accomplish these aims sets of lexical items have been examined in two ways: first through dictionary research and “dictionary dating”, and second through the use of such English corpora as the British National Corpus (BNC), the United Kingdom Web Archiving Consortium (ukWaC), and the TIME Corpus of American English. The results of this research suggest that the simplistic labelling of certain items as “American” versus “British” is sometimes misleading, and that corpus investigations on their own, though useful, may not be entirely sufficient in this context.

De la polysyndète anglophone à l'hypotaxe francophone : problèmes de traduction / From English “polysyndeton” to hypotactic structures in French : translational problems

Zemmour, Joachim 08 December 2012 (has links)
L’enjeu de la thèse est de résoudre et d’expliquer les problèmes liés au passage des structures textuelles anglaises polysyndétiques ou « parataxiques » à des structures plus majoritairement hypotaxiques dans les traductions françaises correspondantes. Pour ce faire, nous avons commencé par comparer des corpus de traductions multiples (même texte anglophone traduit à de multiples reprises, par des traducteurs différents) afin de dégager des « tendances générales » potentiellement systématisables. Partant de ces observations, et après avoir redéfini la notion de « polysyndète » dans une perspective tant étymologique / historique que littéraire, stylistique et linguistique, nous avons souhaité mettre nos diverses hypothèses à l’épreuve d’un nouveau corpus de textes sélectionnés en vertu de leur caractère ostensiblement polysyndétique, et vérifier en cela que le nœud du problème est bel et bien l’emploi fonctionnel divergent de la coordination entre les deux langues, dû à un rattachement à deux réalités énonciatives complexes et idiomatiques qui, tout en donnant l’illusion de se correspondre, ne sont pas équivalentes dans un nombre non négligeable de cas. La polysyndète, fréquemment décrite comme une figure de style, doit être plutôt considérée en anglais comme une figure de syntaxe, héritée d’une longue tradition allant de l’Ancien Testament aux premiers textes chrétiens, jusqu’aux pièces de William Shakespeare et aux romans d’Ernest Hemingway. Néanmoins, en moyenne, le français utilise jusqu’à deux fois moins la coordination que l’anglais, où la polysyndète semble représenter 4% des mots totaux dans les textes de nos corpus. En effet, le français « lie » les éléments de ses phrases par d’autres moyens, lesquels sont représentés en majorité par : l’effacement simple de tout coordonnant (combiné ou pas à l’usage de ponctèmes), les périphrases coordinatives, et la subordination (verbale ou adverbiale). Nous avons ainsi mis au jour une série de tendances générales de traduction, dans le cadre d’une théorie explicative ; puis la dernière partie de la thèse a consisté à les « valider » de manière expérimentale, par le biais d’une expérience de nature pionnière. Ce qui nous a conduit à tenter de dresser quelques règles pratiques pour la traduction automatique de la polysyndète. / The aim of this doctoral dissertation was to solve and explain a set of problems related to the translation of ‘polysyndetic’ structures within texts originally written in English into more frequently ‘hypotactic’ structures in French. To do so, I started by comparing multiple text corpora composed of original English texts, and followed by their French translations (produced by several translators), so as to point out a few ‘general tendencies’ which I expected to be potentially systematizable. Starting from these empirical data, and after redefining the notion of ‘polysyndeton’ from an etymological / historical as well as literary, stylistic and linguistic point of view, I then endeavoured to check the validity of my different hypotheses using a series of texts that had been selected for their plainly polysyndetic character. This was to verify that the crux of the problem lay, indeed, in a certain form of enunciative divergence between the two languages in their use of coordination – this very divergence being the reflection of two different psycho-linguistic realities which, although giving the illusion of being symmetrical, fail to be perfect equivalents in a large number of cases. Polysyndeton – a figure that is often described as a ‘figure of speech’, coming all the way down from an age-old tradition starting with The Old Testament, then passed on through the first Christian texts and followed by William Shakespeare’s plays, and eventually by Ernest Hemingway’s novels – should rather be described as a ‘figure of syntax’ in English. Nevertheless, the French language – contrary to the English language in which coordination stands for 4% of total words in a text – uses coordinated structures amounting to only 1. 5 to 2% of its global lexical items. Indeed, the French language “ties up” sentence elements by other means than mere coordination, especially the following: simple neutralisation of the coordinating device (whether or not coupled with the use of a punctuation sign), coordinative periphrases, and subordination (whether verbal or adverbial). I have thus worked towards highlighting a series of general translational tendencies, as part of an explanatory theory of polysyndeton. In the last part of my dissertation, I attempted to validate these rules by way of an original experimental test – which led me to put forward a short list of practical rules for automatized translation.

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