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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kreditní riziko měnových operací centrální banky / Credit risk of central bank foreign exchange operations

Vlazneva, Anna January 2014 (has links)
The current thesis titled "Credit risk of central bank foreign exchange operations" aims to explain the concept of credit risk and its types from theoretical perspective and to define sources of credit risk that are specific for central banks and which arise from central bank's operations. It also aims at the analysis of possible methods of credit risk limitation. The practical part of this thesis is dedicated to the study of specific sources of credit risk as well as methods of credit risk management which are presented on the examples of the central banks of Great Britain, Japan and the European central bank. Closer attention is also paid to the response of these central banks to the 2008 financial crisis and the impact that this crisis had on the extent of their exposure to credit risk.

Kvantitativní uvolňování – měnová politika při nulové nominální úrokové míře / Quantitative easing - A Policy of Interest Rates Close to Zero

Celer, Martin January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes the Quantitative easing as an unconvetional tool of the monetary policy. In the first chapter of this thesis there is theoretical analysis of the zero lower bound and also of specific phenomenon that might occur in this situation (the liquidity trap). The second chapter deals with the quantitative easing as a monetary policy with focus on the United States. It summarizes its development during three so called rounds, during which the quantitative easing has been used. This chapter also contains analysis of the entrance and exit strategy of the quantitative easing. In the third chapter, there is an econometric model estimated by ordinary least squares method with robust errors. This model is being used to verify the hypothesis whether the quantitative easing lowered long-term interest rates. The hypothesis has been rejected as the quantitative easing does not have statistically significant effect on any selected long-term bonds.

Reakce Federálního rezervního systému na současnou finanční krizi / Response of the Federal Reserve System to the current financial crisis

Zelba, Michal January 2012 (has links)
Objective of this paper is to assess efficacy and feasibility of measures undertaken by the Federal Reserve system during the financial crisis that erupted in the year 2007. Firstly, origin of central banking in USA is described, then structure and mandate of Fed. Discussion of causes of the financial crisis follows. This work sheds light on policies of Fed after the beginning of the crisis and analyzes their efficiency and suitability. The biggest focus is on quantitative easing and on its effects on long-term interest rates.

Determinants of Mergers & Acquisitions Activity : A quantitative study on public Swedish firms

Johnson, Hjalmar, Scherstén, Carl January 2022 (has links)
This study investigates the effect of monetary policy, focusing on repo rate and the expansion of QE programs, on Mergers and Acquisitions activity in publicly listed companies on the Swedish Stock Exchange. The study also investigates whether there are significant relationships between companies’ acquisition activity, their solvency or liquidity ratios. Additionally, the observed firms are categorized into industries to enable examination of differences between industries. The thesis aims at expanding the knowledge of determinant factors in explaining M&A activity on the Swedish market. To adequately determine the influencing factors on activity, 27 years of data was collected on acquiring Swedish firms from the Eikon database. In addition, data for the calculations of solvency and liquidity ratios were gathered from the same database. Data for the monetary policy variables were gathered from the Swedish Central Bank. A deductive quantitative method was used to analyze the various relationships between the studied variables. The study concluded significant correlation between monetary policy and M&A activity, company solvency and M&A activity as well as corporate liquidity and M&A activity. The correlation was negative in all cases except for quantitative easing which opens up for an interesting discussion. Observed industries gave a mixed result in terms of significant relationships but the result also indicate that pro-cyclical industries tend to be more affected by monetary policy than non-cyclicals. All of the above-mentioned relationships are further discussed from the perspective of various theories that both agree and disagree with the findings of this study. The authors believe that these results will give stakeholders a more in-depth knowledge and understanding of M&A activity and M&As in general. This study contributes knowledge to enable more sustainable business administration and management of companies.

Bostadsrättspriser i Sverige : En paneldatastudie över bestämmandefaktorer för bostadsrättspriser utveckling i Sverige 2000-2020 / Tenant-owned real estate prices in Sweden : A panel data study on the determining factors for tenant-owned real estate prices in Sweden 2000-2020

Brolin, Magnus, Westh, Alva January 2021 (has links)
Background: The last decades there has been a significant increase in tenant-owned real estate prices in Sweden, which has increased the risk exposure to price fluctuations in the society. Most studies have examined how the determining factors have affected the price development. Few studies have on the contrary examined how regulatory measures and quantitative easing have affected real estate prices and whether there is a conflict of objectives between market operations. Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to analyze which macroeconomic factors affect the average price per square meter for Sweden’s real estate market between 2000-2020. We will analyze whether the central bank of Sweden’s new monetary policy quantitative easing has affected the price per square meter for Sweden’s real estate market. We also investigating whether there is a conflict of objectives between quantitative easing and implemented regulatory measures on real estate prices. Completion: An econometric panel data study has been constructed to be able to analyze the impact of explanatory variables over time. The choice if explanatory variables has been made o the basis of theoretical conjunction based on several theories and previous research. The model has been adjusted for risks that may arise from a combination between panel data and time series analysis.  Conclusions: The result indicate that debt to equity ratio, disposable income, loan to value ratio, amortization, construction, quantitative easing and the policy rate have affected the average price per square meter for Sweden’s real estate market between 2000-2020. The regulatory measures have a negative effect on real estate prices, apart from the variable capital requirement which is non-significant in the model. Quantitative easing based the result presents a positive effect on real estate prices. Therefore, we argue that there occurs a conflict of objectives between the mentioned effects, expansionary monetary policy and regulatory measures. Keywords: Real estate prices, Expansionary monetary policy, Regulatory measures, Quantitative easing, Debt to equity ratio. / Bakgrund: De senaste decennierna har det skett en betydande ökning av bostadspriserna i Sverige, vilket ökat riskexponeringen för prisfluktuationer i samhället. Flertalet studier har undersökt hur bestämmandefaktorer har påverkat prisutvecklingen. Få studier har däremot undersökt hur regulatoriska åtgärder och kvantitativa lättnader påverkat bostadspriset samt om det föreligger en målkonflikt mellan marknadsoperationerna. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera vilka makroekonomiska faktorer som påverkat det genomsnittliga kvadratmeterpriset för bostadsrätter på Sveriges bostadsmarknad mellan åren 2000–2020. Vi har analyserat om Riksbankens nya penningpolitiska styrmedel kvantitativa lättnader har påverkat kvadratmeterpriset för bostadsrätter. Vi har även undersökt om det föreligger en målkonflikt mellan kvantitativa lättnader och implementerade regulatoriska åtgärder på bostadspriset.   Metod: En ekonometrisk panel data studie har konstruerats för att kunna analysera flertalet förklaringsvariablers påverkan på beroendevariabeln över tid. Valet av förklaringsvariabler har gjorts utifrån teoretiskt samband baserat på flertalet teorier och tidigare forskning. Modellen har justerats för risker som kan uppstå vid kombination av paneldata och tidsserieanalys.  Slutsats: Resultatet indikerar att skuldsättning, disponibel inkomst, bolånetak, amortering, nybyggnation, kvantitativa lättnader och reporäntan påverkat det genomsnittliga kvadratmeterpriset på bostadsrätter i Sverige mellan åren 2000–2020. De regulatoriska åtgärderna har en negativ effekt på bostadspriset, bortsett från variabeln kapitalkrav som är i modellen icke-signifikant. Kvantitativa lättnader utifrån resultatet påvisar en positiv effekt på bostadspriser. Vi kan därför konstatera att det råder en målkonflikt mellan ovan nämnda effekter, expansiv penningpolitik och regulatoriska åtgärder.

Sustainability amid Monetary Policy : Quantitative Easing and Tightening

Etelkozi, Colman January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine whether the implementation of quantitative easing (QE) and quantitative tightening (QT) in the United States has detracted from the integrity of the country’s macroeconomic environment. In other words, does QE impact macroeconomic stability? Then, evaluate implications and externalities of stability as they relate to sustainability efforts. QE and QT are relatively new phenomena, understanding their effects and implications for the greater economy is a worthwhile endeavor, not least because QE is a current practice of so many central banks internationally. This study has two parallel investigations; first, a time series analysis conducted with a VAR model investigating the relationship of QE/QT usage by the Federal Reserve (Fed) on the macroeconomic stability of the United States. The data used in this study includes 242 monthly observations spanning January 2003 - February 2023. The second, is an OLS regression analysis evaluating whether macroeconomic stability is potentially correlated with sustainability efforts. For this study, 23 annual observations spanning 1995 – 2017 were used. Due in part to the general unavailability of genuine progress indicator (GPI) data. Based on the analysis conducted using a VAR model at lag t-4, QE has a positive relationship with Producer Price Index (PPI) and Federal Funds Rate (FFR). This is in accord with previous empirical literature on the subject. However, the second path of discovery failed to yield significant results with regard to the link between macroeconomic stability and sustainability efforts. Mention of this study’s limitations as well as avenues for future research can be found in the conclusion of this study.

Nekonvenční měnové politiky v teorii a empirii / Unconventional monetary policy in theory and empirical evidence

LEXA, David January 2014 (has links)
The Diploma thesis deals with unconventional monetary policies,that important central banks used in order to cope with global financial and economic crisis in recent years. Goals of the paper is to introduce the most significant unconventional monetary policies, analyze their effectivity in selected countries (Japan, USA, Great Britain, eurozone and Czech republic), and statistically test impact of these nonstandard approaches on international trade.

後QE時代的國際金融市場 / The International Financial Market Post-QE Era

李丹青, Lee, Tan Ching Unknown Date (has links)
美日歐等先進國家在傳統貨幣政策提振經濟的效果逐漸失靈後,開始大膽啓用量化寛鬆(Quantitative Easing, QE)等非傳統貨幣政策(unconventional monetary policy)。本研究以此為背景,透過大量數據蒐集、整理與分析,比較國際金融市場在量化寛鬆貨幣政策前後的變化。 2007年美國次貸風暴引發全球金融危機後,FED於2008年開始實施密集、快速的QE政策,全面利用央行資產負債表與獨特而絕對在貨幣價格及數量的無限權力。本研究試圖從債券市場、股票市場、外匯市場、信貸與投資市場、各部門負債與去槓桿化程度與全球通貨膨脹現況等不同面向切入,嘗試以較長時間的統計資料比較並說明QE的有效性與侷限性。 在美日歐相繼實行規模程度不一的QE政策後,研究發現美國市場的各個層面已有顯著的改進,特別是在就業市場部分,其中失業率已逼近自然失業率的充分就業狀況,代表美國將逼近升息的時間點,並且不是只有單次調高基準利率(Fed Fund Rate,FFR),而是一個升息循環的開始,預期FFR將在未來數年內逐漸調高到正常經濟的水平。 與此同時,開發中國家則在資金外流回到美元體系的大環境下,呈現匯率貶值、股市表現不佳與主權債利差變大的金融現象,反應出國際金融市場風險正移轉至新興市場;尤其令人不安的是新興市場持續累積相對龐大的負債,以及國際商品大跌,嚴重衝擊以出口這些商品為主的新興經濟體與生產製造商。在各國央行貨幣政策趨於分岐,特別是美國啟動升息周期將成為美元持續走強的驅動力,龐大國際資金的流動亦會顯著帶來市場風險的移轉。 本研究蒐集各種不同領域的報告及資料,進行分析,主要結果整理如下: 一、量化寬鬆政策(Quantitative Easing)將在一開始造成實施國的貨幣明顯貶值。 二、量化寬鬆政策將造成實施國的股票市場持續走揚。 三、量化寬鬆政策將造成實施國的主權債券殖利率明顯下跌,特別是短天期的部分(short-end)。若實施國進一步採行負利率政策,短天期主權債券收益率亦會由正轉負。 四、量化寬鬆政策帶動全球通貨膨脹脫離偏低水準的效果不明顯,無論已開發或開發中國家都仍深陷通貨緊縮的壓力。 五、在美日歐相繼實施量化寬鬆政策後,全球各商品(市場)的波動趨於一致,呈現越來越高的關聯性。 六、全球金融市場流動性有逐漸降低的趨勢(受到各國管理金融業法規趨嚴影響),對照市場波動性時大時小,流動性風險影響國際資金的資產配置與流動成為一個重要議題。

量化寬鬆對信用風險的影響-以歐豬五國為例 / The impact of quantitative easing on credit risk in the Eurozone-take PIIGS for example

林顥峰, Lin, Hao Feng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以事件研究法的方式,研究歐洲央行宣布量化寬鬆(Quantitative Easing, QE)對歐豬五國信用風險的影響,本研究以各國主權信用違約交換的超額報酬顯著性衡量量化寬鬆政策對信用風險的影響。 研究結果為多數的QE政策宣告對歐豬五國信用風險的影響在事件期中有正向有負向,且時常交錯分布,未有一固定的模式,故無法得到一個明確的結論。 / This paper examines the impact of the ECB’s (European Central Bank) quantitative easing program on the credit risk of PIIGS. In this case, we used each underlying countries’ excess return of their sovereign CDSs to identify if their credit risks are decreased significantly. Our finding was that most QE announcements by the ECB had multiple impacts on the credit risk of PIIGS. They had both positive and negative impacts. Also, the patterns were not the same, so we do not have a clear conclusion on whether the QE policies are good or bad for the credit risk of PIIGS.

Assouplissement quantitatif : que tirer de l'experience japonaise ? / Quantitative easing : what can we learn from the japanese experience ?

Moussa, Zakaria 06 December 2010 (has links)
La crise financière actuelle, en raison de sa similarité avec celle du Japon des années 1990, a poussé les autorités monétaires des plus grandes banques centrales à adopter l’assouplissement quantitatif. Seul le Japon, ayant connu une expérience d’assouplissement quantitatif récente mais depuis suffisamment d’années pour être étudiée, peut fournir des éléments de solution à cette crise.Cette thèse applique les techniques économétriques les plus appropriées et récentesà l’analyse de l’assouplissement quantitatif, appliqué par la Banque du Japon entre 2001 et 2006. En trois chapitres sont traitées les questions de savoir s’il était efficace ; sous quelles conditions ? Par quels canaux ?L’efficacité de cette stratégie de politique monétaire à stimuler l’activité et à stopperla spirale déflationniste a été montrée. Cette expérience met en avant le rôle important que la politique monétaire peut jouer pour sortir de la crise, même quand le taux directeur atteint zéro. Le canal des anticipations comme le canal de rééquilibrage des portefeuilles ont tous deux joué un rôle important dans la transmission de ces effets. Les principaux enseignements que l’on peut tirer de l’expérience japonaise sont, d’abord de remédier radicalement et immédiatement aux fragilités du secteur financier, deuxièmement, de mener une politique monétaire particulièrement agressive. Enfin, d’attendre le temps nécessaire pour que les fruits de cette politique viennent. L’expérience japonaise suggère que la Fed et la banque d’Angleterre doivent reporter leur sortie de cette stratégie, sortie qui doit être menée dansle cadre d’un programme et selon des objectifs numériques clairs. / The current financial crisis has now led most major central banks to rely on quantitative easing. The unique Japanese experience of quantitative easing is the only experience which enables us to judge this therapy’s effectiveness and the timing of the exit strategy. Is quantitative easing effective ? Under which conditions ? Through which canal ?This thesis, consisting of three essays, applies appropriate and recent econometrictechniques to examine the quantitative easing in Japan between 2001 and 2006. We show, for the first time, that quantitative easing was able not only to prevent further recession and deflation but also to provide considerable stimulation to both output and prices. Moreover, both expectation and portfolio-rebalancing channels play a crucial role in transmitting monetary policy effects. This experience shows that the monetary policy is still potent even when short-term interest rates reach a zero lower bound. The Japanese experience suggests that efforts to clean up the bank’s balance sheets significantly improved the effectiveness of quantitative easing. However, this effect, although considerable, was short-lived ; it became insignificant after one year. The short duration of this effect confirms the wisdom of the Fed’s decision to maintain quantitative easing longer, so that being short-lived, the positive effects could be exploited. In the light of the Japanese experience, we argue that, in addition to their fast reaction and the huge amount of CABs employed, which may have helped relieve short-term liquidity pressures in the financial system, the Fed was better off postponing its exit from quantitative easing.

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