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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Debatten om avskaffandet av revisionsplikten : Går den att förstå? / The debate on the abolition of the audit obligation : Can it be understood?

Roos, Lisa, Pettersson, Veronika January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Revisionsplikten var länge obligatorisk för alla aktiebolag i Sverige men avskaffades år 2010 för små aktiebolag som ett led i att förenkla för företagare. Avskaffandet skapade en debatt mellan olika aktörer. Debatten har till stor del handlat om den ekonomiska brottsligheten har ökat efter avskaffandet av revisionsplikten och om nyttan av revisionen, om den är värd vad den kostar. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att bidra med en förståelse för debatten om avskaffandet av revisionsplikten för små aktiebolag i Sverige. Varför och hur har de olika aktörerna valt att agera för att nå ut med sina budskap samt vilka aktörerna vill påverka med budskapet. Studiens bidrag är att fånga de skillnader och likheter som finns i debatten i nuläget och hur debatten har utvecklats mellan åren 2008-2023. Metod: Studien har en kvalitativ ansats och genomfördes med hjälp av metoder som dokumentanalys och av semistrukturerade intervjuer. De mest relevanta dokumenten valdes ut för att de ligger till grund för en stor del av debatten. Det kompletterades med en sammansatt intervjuguide som anpassades för att uppnå studiens syfte. Slutsats: Politik är en grund till varför debatten ser ut som den gör eftersom politikerna har makten att fatta beslut och förändra. Budskapen som aktörerna förmedlar i debatten har olika syften, som visar på skillnader och likheter mellan aktörerna. Debatten har två olika sidor där den ena sidan argumenterar för ett återinförande av revisionsplikten och därmed minska den ekonomiska brottsligheten. Den andra sidan fokuserar på att höja gränsvärdena för revisionsplikt för aktiebolag så att fler företag ska kunna välja bort revision. / Background: The audit duty was for a long time mandatory for all limited companies in Sweden, but was abolished in 2010 for small limited companies as part of simplification for entrepreneurs. The abolition created a debate between different actors. The debate has largely been about whether economic crime has increased after the abolition of the audit duty and about the benefit of the audit, whether it is worth the cost. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to contribute to an understanding of the debate about the abolition of the audit duty for small limited companies in Sweden. Why and how have the various actors chosen to act in order to reach out with their messages and who the actors want to influence with the message. The study's contribution is to capture the differences and similarities that exist in the current debate and how the debate has developed between the years 2008-2023. Method: The study has a qualitative approach and was carried out using methods such as document analysis and semi-structured interviews. The most relevant documents were selected because they form the basis of a large part of the debate. It was supplemented with a composite interview guide that was adapted to achieve the purpose of the study. Conclusions: The politics is a foundation for why the debate looks the way it does because the politicians have the power to make decisions and change. The messages that the actors convey in the debate have different purposes, which show differences and similarities between the actors. The debate has two different sides, with one side arguing for a reintroduction of the audit duty and thereby reducing financial crime. The other side focuses on raising the threshold for audit obligation for limited companies so that more companies can opt out of audit.

經濟犯罪被害人財產權保障之救濟--從憲法觀點論刑事附帶民事訴訟之修改方向 / The remedies for the victims protection of the economic criminal property right—the legislative revision opinions upon adhesionprocess in our criminal procedure code from the constitutional viewpoint

黃士元, Huang, Shih Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
我國經濟犯罪之範圍,係由司法機關(司法院)與行政機關(法務部) 分別以作業性之行政規則頒訂,仍以侵害個人財產法益之金融犯罪為 規範對象。 就經濟犯罪所得,由於其性質屬於準不當得利之衡平措施,自應予以 追繳或抵償(再發還被害人或充公收歸國有)以修復正義,該行為只要 與法規範對立矛盾(即具有不法構成要件該當之違法性)即足,無庸探 究行為人之罪責要件。我國將犯罪所得規定為從刑,須待行為人(即 被告)受有罪科刑判決方能併宣告沒收,緩不濟急。 建議將犯罪所得追繳後發還被害人之個別法律,移置於刑法總則一體 適用,定性為強制處分,並將沒收、追繳、追徵或抵償自從刑之規定 刪除,另於刑事訴訟法宣示判決之條文增加發還被害人或得請求損害 賠償之人,且得由法院依職權或依檢察官之聲請權單獨宣告。 我國附帶民事訴訟受請求之被告,不限於刑事訴訟進行中之被告,尚包括「其他依民法應負賠償責任之人」,刑事庭法官遇有此種情形,因對渠等並無確定刑罰權有無及範圍之權限,在刑事訴訟程序的操作上格格不入,有仿襲德國刑事訴訟法第403條規定,被請求人應以刑事被告為限。 由於附帶民事訴訟規範之目的在避免雙重工作負擔及二次裁判,惟依 現行刑事訴訟法之規定,法官除刑事判決外,另需製作一份民事訴訟 判決,如此顯違反前揭附帶民事訴訟規範之目的;故正本清源之道, 乃無庸另製作一份附帶民事訴訟之判決,就犯罪不法利得,逕於刑事 判決主文中諭知發還被害人或給付若干金額予被害人。 被害人與加害人間共同參與之修復式司法近年來在世界各國實務及 學說均肯定其實踐層面之重要性,為具體落實憲法訴訟權應保障犯罪 被害人公平且有效的權利救濟途徑及程序主體性之地位,本文建議在 審理刑事案件之前階段即擴大強制調解及和解制度之運用,由被告及 被害人共同參與決定採取何種途徑最有利於促成實質修復正義之結 果,俾利被害人程序主體性之建立及擴大紛爭解決一次性之要求。 / Economic crime in Taiwan is defined by the administrative regulations of the Judicial Yuan and the Ministry of Justice, respectively. Such regulations are aimed at financial crimes that damage personal property. Because the proceeds of economic crimes are “quasi-kondiktionelle Ausgleichsmaßnahme”, the courts should seize the profits, and then use them to either compensate victims or confiscate them in the name of serving justice. So long as this offense is contradictory to criminal law (i.e. constituting the penal code and finding no specific legal cause for that offense), the courts need not review the problem of offender's guilt. As ill-gotten gains are stipulated as “Nebenstrafe” in the Taiwan penal code, the courts cannot confiscate those gains unless there is a simultaneous conviction, which seems too slow. The following suggestions are presented. The individual laws regulating “Verfall” and compensation to the victims should be reorganized in the penal code and characterized as “maßnahme”. The legal effect of these laws as “Nebenstrafe” should be deleted. The articles relating to the compensation of criminal proceeds to the victims should be increased as well. In addition, the courts should be allowed to announce verdicts either alone by its authority or according to the prosecutor’s request. In Taiwan, defendants accused during the adhesion process are not limited to being defendants in the process of criminal litigation, but also include other persons who should bear damages in accordance with civil law. When criminal court judges face this situation, since it is not certain whether there is a right to impose criminal punishment, or what the scope of punishment should be, there are inconsistencies in the operations of the criminal litigation procedure. There have been attempts to imitate Germany’s Criminal Litigation Law Clause 403, in which the accused should be limited to criminal defendants. The purpose of the rules on the adhesion process is to prevent a double workload and multiple judgments. However, according to existing requirements for criminal litigation, in addition to criminal judgments, judges must also make civil litigation judgments. This violates the aforementioned purpose of adhesion process rules. Thus, the way to rectify this situation is to create another adhesion process judgment based on the proceeds of crime, in order to assign restitution or to pay a certain amount to the victim, inside the main text of the criminal judgment. Restorative justice, in which the victim and offender jointly participate, has recently been affirmed in its importance, both in theory and in practice, all over the world. In order to concretely realize the principle that constitutional litigation rights should protect crime victims, as well as provide fair and effective remedial paths and procedural subjectivity, this study suggested that in the stage prior to judging criminal cases, there should be expanded use of enforced arbitration and mediation systems, in which the defendant and the victim jointly participate, in order to determine the best course for promoting restorative justice, to satisfy the demand for victim procedural subjectivity, and to expand the one-time character of dispute resolutions.

Den psykosociala arbetsmiljön inom revisionsbranschen : En kvalitativ studie om den psykosociala arbetsmiljöns roll i revisorsassistenters incitament att lämna branschen / The psychosocial work environment in the audit industry

Johansson, Filip, Dahl, Jonatan, Snibb, Alfred January 2022 (has links)
De ledande revisionsbyråerna på den svenska marknaden präglas av en hög säsongsbaserad arbetsbelastning samt en hög personalomsättning. Mängden revisorer har minskat markant under de tre senaste decennierna samtidigt som den yngre generationens värderingar har förändrats. Studien syftar till att undersöka den rådande psykosociala arbetsmiljön inom branschen och hur den uppfattas av aktiva revisorsassistenter. Vidare undersöks om miljön haft en inverkan på de individer som valt att lämna branschen. Den tidigare forskningen kring revisionsbranschen är relativt omfattande. Det saknas dock studier på hur de som befinner sig längst ned inom den hierarkiska stegen uppfattar och upplever den arbetsmiljö som de omfattas av. Den empiriska datainsamlingen utfördes genom tio intervjuer. Hälften av studiens deltagare arbetar aktivt som revisorsassistent, och den andra hälften har tidigare arbetat som revisorsassistent men lämnat yrket helt. För att bygga en användbar modell att analysera det empiriska resultatet har studien utgått från de teoretiska begrepp Eklöf (2017) använder sig av för att definiera den psykosociala arbetsmiljön. Det framkom att de ledande byråerna visar tydliga brister i arbetets psykiska krav samt att det finns en problematik gällande arbetsrelaterade normer och en bristande organisatorisk rättvisa. Det synliggjordes samtidigt att assistenter upplever resurser i form av stimulans och egenkontroll, ett socialt stöd, ett bra teamarbete, en anställningstrygghet och att arbetsplatsen inte präglas av konflikter eller mobbning. Beroende på hur egenskaperna värderas kan en individs incitament till att lämna yrket påverkas positivt eller negativt. Slutsatsen blev därför att de ledande revisionsbyråerna präglas av en bristande psykosocial arbetsmiljö, vilket enligt studien haft en påverkan på incitamenten att lämna yrket. Studien påvisar dessutom att den upplevda psykosociala arbetsmiljön bygger på subjektiva värderingar och att upplevelsen på så sätt varierar mellan assistenterna. / The leading auditing firms in Sweden are characterized by a high seasonal workload and high staff turnover. The number of auditors has decreased over the past three decades, while the values of the younger generation have changed. The study is written in Swedish and aims to examine the prevailing psychosocial work environment in the industry and how it is perceived by currently active audit assistants. Moreover, the impact on the individuals who have chosen to leave the industry will be examined. Previous research on the auditing industry is relatively extensive. However, there is a lack of studies regarding how the individuals situated at the bottom of the hierarchy perceive and experience the work environment they are covered by. The empirical data collection was performed through ten interviews. Half of the study participants work actively as audit assistants, and the other half have previously worked as audit accountants but left the profession completely. To build a useful model to analyze the empirical result, the study has been based on the theoretical concepts that Eklöf (2017) uses to define the psychosocial work environment. It emerged that the leading agencies show clear shortcomings in the work's psychological demands and that there are problems with work-related norms and a lack of organizational justice. At the same time, it was made clear that assistants experience resources in the form of stimulation and self-control, social support, good teamwork, job security and that the workplace is not characterized by conflicts or bullying. Depending on how the qualities are valued, an individual's incentive to leave the profession can be affected positively or negatively. The conclusion was therefore that the leading auditing firms are characterized by a lack of psychosocial work environment, which according to the study had an impact on the incentives to leave the profession. In addition, the study also shows that the perceived psychosocial work environment is based on subjective values and that the experience thus varies between the assistants.

Motiewe vir die pleging van bedrog; kriminologiese studie aan die hand van die misdaadgebeurtenismodel

Lambrechts, Gideon Albertus Jacobus 30 April 2005 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Fraud is a worldwide phenomenon that is on the increase and a reason for serious concern. It is a priority crime in South Africa with serious implications both financial and socially. Fraud costs this country R150 milliard, almost three times the cost of the controversial weapon transaction. This was the goals of the researcher to determine what motivates the offender to commit fraud and how can fraud be explained in this study. A qualitative approach was followed due to the qualitative nature of the concept motivation. This resulted in a two-phase approach namely a documentary study, which was followed by interviews with experts in the field of fraud. Ten pre-sentence court reports of fraudsters were studied where after the outcome was discussed with these experts. The criminal event model served as framework for this study. Strain was incorporated as an additional component in the explanation of fraud. / Criminology / M. A. (Criminology)

Motiewe vir die pleging van bedrog; kriminologiese studie aan die hand van die misdaadgebeurtenismodel

Lambrechts, Gideon Albertus Jacobus 30 April 2005 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Fraud is a worldwide phenomenon that is on the increase and a reason for serious concern. It is a priority crime in South Africa with serious implications both financial and socially. Fraud costs this country R150 milliard, almost three times the cost of the controversial weapon transaction. This was the goals of the researcher to determine what motivates the offender to commit fraud and how can fraud be explained in this study. A qualitative approach was followed due to the qualitative nature of the concept motivation. This resulted in a two-phase approach namely a documentary study, which was followed by interviews with experts in the field of fraud. Ten pre-sentence court reports of fraudsters were studied where after the outcome was discussed with these experts. The criminal event model served as framework for this study. Strain was incorporated as an additional component in the explanation of fraud. / Criminology and Security Science / M. A. (Criminology)

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