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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Os processos socioeducativos na constru??o da educa??o do campo entre os agricultores camponeses de Vila Pav?o ? ES / Educational Processes in the Construction of Education Among Peasant Farmersin Vila Pav?o - ES

Silva, Marizete Andrade da 08 October 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2017-01-04T10:59:43Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2015 - Marizete Andrade da Silva.pdf: 4930541 bytes, checksum: 8d8d5a36f6e2d56cb3e37822becaef5d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-04T10:59:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2015 - Marizete Andrade da Silva.pdf: 4930541 bytes, checksum: 8d8d5a36f6e2d56cb3e37822becaef5d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-10-08 / This study lectures about the Education Construction of the field in the county of Vila Pav?o - ES and has the goal to indentify the political, economic and social influence that the Municipal Agroecological Education Center "Agostinho Batista Veloso" provides to the peasant farmers comunities, emphasizing the social knowledge and the specific demands by public politics. Of qualitative features, the study used the methodology of the oral history, observing the need to employ, reflect practices and representetions, to comprehend the experiences that were build in a specific historic moment, contributing to reveal, between contless questions, a cultural construction and the identity of a group. The research operated with the following instruments and techniques to gather information: semi-structured recorded interviews, bibliography analisys and documentary and experienced observations in the investigated school. Teachers, students, members of the comunites that covers the school and county leaders participated in the research. The results of the reseach study show that many practices that weredeveloped by the institution, such as the appreciation of the social knowledge with what it advocates the Movement for a Countryside Education, but it is needed to include it in the curriculum. As the agroecological practices rescue and the development of the political formation. Yet under adverse conditions the project of Field ducation in the county of Vila Pav?o has very rich experiences that need to connect to the other peasant farmer?s fight to build a educational proposal that converge the real needs of these people. / Este estudo disserta sobre a constru??o da Educa??o do Campo no munic?pio de Vila Pav?o ? ES e tem como objetivo identificar a influ?ncia pol?tica, econ?mica e social que o Centro Municipal de Educa??o Agroecol?gica ?Agostinho Batista Veloso? proporciona para as comunidades de agricultores camponeses, enfatizando os saberes sociais e as demandas espec?ficas por pol?ticas p?blicas. De car?ter qualitativo, o estudo utilizou - se da metodologia da hist?ria oral, observando a necessidade de empregar, refletir pr?ticas e representa??es, compreender experi?ncias que foram constitu?das em um momento hist?rico espec?fico,contribuindo para revelar, entre in?meras quest?es, a constru??o cultural e a identidade de um grupo. A pesquisa operou com os seguintes instrumentos e t?cnicas de coleta de dados: entrevistas semiestruturadas gravadas, an?lise bibliogr?fica e documental e observa??es vivenciadas na escola investigada. Participaram da pesquisa educandos e educandas, educadores e educadoras, integrantes das comunidades que a escola abrange e lideran?as municipais. Os resultados do estudo evidenciam que muitas pr?ticas desenvolvidas pela institui??o, como a valoriza??o dos saberes sociais, dialogam com o que preconiza o Movimento por uma Educa??o do Campo, mas ? preciso integr?-las ao curr?culo, assim como o resgate das pr?ticas agroecol?gicas e o fomento ? forma??o pol?t ica. Ainda sob condi??es adversas, o projeto de Educa??o do Campo no munic?pio de Vila Pav?o possui experi?ncias muito ricas que precisam associar-se as outras lutas dos camponeses a fim de se construir uma proposta educativa que ir? convergir para as necessidades reais desses sujeitos.

A educa??o do campo e sua influ?ncia nas escolas rurais do munic?pio de Porto Grande no Estado do Amap? / Field education and its influence in the rural schools of the municipality of Porto Grande in the State of Amap? in Brazil

DIAS, Manoel Raimundo Barreira 05 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-10-25T16:32:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Manoel Raimundo Barreira Dias.pdf: 2873745 bytes, checksum: 669472171d999f3e0aaa09e90aa36bc7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-25T16:32:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Manoel Raimundo Barreira Dias.pdf: 2873745 bytes, checksum: 669472171d999f3e0aaa09e90aa36bc7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-05 / Field education in the State of Amap? is not yet definitely established as requires the laws that determine the Organization of teaching in schools located in rural areas, different from what already happens in part of the Brazilian States, where the Organization of social movements, lead to the debate, the idea of building an educational process for Compassion societies according to the experience and reality of each location. The present work has as main objective the analysis of the path of the development of education in rural school?s field of the municipality of Porto Grande of the State of Amap? in Brazil from the promulgation of Resolution CNE/CEB, Prod. 1 of 3 April 2002, followed by the laws that came later, dealing with the operational guidelines for the basic education in the schools of the country. The theoretical axis proposes preliminary conceptual-theoretical reflections on the Education field in the Brazilian public policy scenario geared towards the development of education to the people of the country. The methodology starts by bibliographic studies in order to discuss the subject, demonstrating that the study of education Field has a historical trajectory and relevant, you need to be more carefully studied. We analyze the political, economic and social aspects from the Constitution of the municipality, the development and historical evolution. In the process of economic development made references to the settlements of the region, its difficulties incorporating problems that should be solved by the competent federal and State agencies. To understand education in the municipality have reviewed the Organization of municipal education from the documents dealing with the political actions for the educational development in the said municipality. To interact the theory with the practice we use as tools of data collection questionnaires applied to managers, teachers and representatives of the settlements and trade unions of rural producers. The analyses of the data were formulated on the basis of theoretical considerations in order to reflect and discuss the Education of the field, from the acquired rights guaranteed by law, showing conceptual aspects that is gaining more and more spaces and discussions on compassion communities and partner organizations in the region. / A educa??o do campo no Estado do Amap? ainda n?o est? definitivamente implantada como preceitua as leis que determinam a organiza??o do ensino nas escolas localizadas nas zonas rurais, diferente do que j? acontece em parte dos estados brasileiros, onde a organiza??o dos movimentos sociais, levam para o debate, a ideia de construir um processo educativo para as sociedades campesinas de acordo com a viv?ncia e a realidade de cada local. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo central a an?lise da trajet?ria do desenvolvimento da Educa??o do Campo nas escolas rurais do munic?pio de Porto Grande do Estado do Amap? a partir da promulga??o da Resolu??o CNE/CEB, n?. 1, de 3 de abril de 2002, seguida pelas leis que vieram posteriormente, que tratam das Diretrizes Operacionais para a Educa??o B?sica nas Escolas do Campo. O eixo te?rico prop?e reflex?es te?rico-conceituais preliminares sobre Educa??o do Campo no cen?rio das pol?ticas p?blicas brasileiras voltadas para o desenvolvimento da educa??o aos povos do campo. A metodologia inicia-se por estudos bibliogr?ficos a fim de problematizar a tem?tica, demonstrando que o estudo da Educa??o do Campo possui uma trajet?ria hist?rica e relevante, que precisa ser mais estudada. Analisamos os aspectos pol?ticos, econ?micos e sociais a partir da constitui??o do munic?pio, o desenvolvimento e a evolu??o hist?rica. No processo de desenvolvimento econ?mico fizemos refer?ncias aos assentamentos da regi?o, suas dificuldades que incorporam problemas que deveriam ser solucionados pelos ?rg?os competentes estaduais e federativos. Para compreender a educa??o no munic?pio analisamos a organiza??o da educa??o municipal a partir dos documentos que tratam das a??es pol?ticas para o desenvolvimento educacional no referido munic?pio. Para interagir a teoria com a pr?tica utilizamos como instrumentos de coleta de dados question?rios aplicados aos gestores, professores e representantes dos assentamentos e sindicatos dos produtores rurais. As an?lises dos dados foram formuladas com base em considera??es te?ricas com o objetivo de refletir e debater a Educa??o do Campo, a partir dos direitos adquiridos garantidos em lei, mostrando aspectos conceituais que vem ganhando cada vez mais espa?os e discuss?es nas organiza??es sociais e comunidades campesinas da regi?o.

An?lise do livro did?tico para educa??o do campo da cole??o girassol: letramento e alfabetiza??o

Sousa, Paulina Barbosa de 28 September 2015 (has links)
?rea de concentra??o: Pol?ticas p?blicas e educacionais. / N?o consta Ficha Catalogr?fica da obra na vers?o digital. / Data de aprova??o retirada da vers?o impressa do trabalho. / Submitted by Jos? Henrique Henrique (jose.neves@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-04-05T14:50:05Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) paulina_barbosa_sousa.pdf: 3521551 bytes, checksum: e7149f63aeb29065c5864b3dfdcc60a6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-04-09T19:04:45Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) paulina_barbosa_sousa.pdf: 3521551 bytes, checksum: e7149f63aeb29065c5864b3dfdcc60a6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-09T19:04:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) paulina_barbosa_sousa.pdf: 3521551 bytes, checksum: e7149f63aeb29065c5864b3dfdcc60a6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / O Programa Nacional do Livro Did?tico (PNLD) ? uma pol?tica p?blica, que tem como principal objetivo subsidiar o trabalho pedag?gico do professor, por meio da distribui??o de livros did?ticos que atendam toda a educa??o b?sica (ensino fundamental e m?dio). O foco da investiga??o aqui proposta est? no livro did?tico (LD) do 1? ano da Cole??o Girassol: saberes e fazeres do campo, denominado Letramento e Alfabetiza??o. Essa disserta??o visa investigar como o LD de Letramento e Alfabetiza??o faz parte das intera??es no processo de alfabetiza??o e letramento do sujeito campesino. Para tanto, como categoria da an?lise escolho a An?lise de Conte?do na proposta de Laurence Bardin (2011), e esta se refere ? an?lise de conte?do como um conjunto de instrumentos metodol?gicos sutis que est?o em constante aperfei?oamento. Dentro desta categoria de an?lise utilizo tamb?m duas outras categorias: Alfabetiza??o e Letramento. A presente disserta??o ? dividida em tr?s cap?tulos. No primeiro cap?tulo utilizo de algumas ferramentas te?ricas: LD como produto cultural e comercial, ideologia e LD, conceituo Alfabetiza??o e Letramento na perspectiva de Soares (1990, 2003, 2004), Mortatti (2004), P?rez (2008), Ferreiro & Teberosky (1986). No segundo cap?tulo proponho discuss?es acerca do PNLD, PNLD Campo, fun??es do LD na perspectiva de Choppin (2004), apresento o Guia Nacional do Livro Did?tico para a Educa??o do Campo. O terceiro e ?ltimo cap?tulo proponho as discuss?es sobre como a Alfabetiza??o e Letramento s?o propostos no LD da Cole??o Girassol. Para tanto, analiso as atividades propostas e as orienta??es destinadas ao professor. / Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2015. / The Programa Nacional do Livro Did?tico (PNLD) is a governmental policy that aims to subsidize the pedagogical work of the teacher through distribution of didactic books that answer all basic education (primary and secondary education). The focus of the research proposed here is in the didactic book of the 1st year of Cole??o Girassol: sabers e fazeres do campo, called Letramento e Alfabetiza??o. This dissertation aims to investigate how the didactic book Letramento e Alfabetiza??o is part of the interactions in the literacy process and literacy of the individual country man. For this purpose, as an analytical category, I choose the Content Analysis on Laurence Bardin proposal where it relates to content analysis as a set of subtle methodological tools that are in constantly improving. Within this analysis category I also use two other categories: Alphabetization and Literacy. This dissertation is divided into three chapters. In the first chapter I use some theoretical tools: didactic book as a cultural and commercial product, ideology and didactic book, I conceptualize Alphabetization and Literacy in Soares perspective (1990, 2003, 2004), Mortatti (2004), Perez (2008), Blacksmith & Teberosky (1986). In the second chapter, I propose discussions about PNLD, PNLD Campo, didactic book functions from the perspective of Choppin (2004), I present the Guia Nacional do Livro Did?tico for the Educa??o do Campo. The third and final chapter I propose a discussion about how the Alfabetiza??o and Letramento are proposed in the didactic book of Cole??o Girassol. Therefore, I analyze the proposed activities and the guidelines for the teacher.

O nascimento de uma pol?tica p?blica: das articula??es ? formula??o do PRONERA

Ferreira, William Gomes 04 August 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-03-03T20:19:33Z No. of bitstreams: 1 WilliamGomesFerreira_DISSERT.pdf: 915126 bytes, checksum: d0e7cffb7a7d22b8d66f10fab6784ad5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-03-08T00:20:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 WilliamGomesFerreira_DISSERT.pdf: 915126 bytes, checksum: d0e7cffb7a7d22b8d66f10fab6784ad5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-08T00:20:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 WilliamGomesFerreira_DISSERT.pdf: 915126 bytes, checksum: d0e7cffb7a7d22b8d66f10fab6784ad5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-04 / Este trabalho tem como objetivo reconstituir o processo de formula??o do PRONERAPrograma Nacional de Educa??o na Reforma Agr?ria, uma pol?tica p?blica que teve suas primeiras ideias geradas no seio dos movimentos sociais e posteriormente, com as dilig?ncias do ent?o governo, conseguiu-se viabilizar sua cria??o. O Programa foi formulado, portanto, em regime de intera??o entre o Estado, movimentos sociais e institui??es p?blicas e organiza??es sem fins lucrativos. O objetivo desta pesquisa ? compreender o que motivou a escolha desta proposta como estrat?gia de combate aos problemas educacionais no campo e como os atores, as entidades envolvidas nesta empreitada e o contexto pol?tico-social influenciaram a sua formula??o e entrada na agenda governamental como pol?tica p?blica. Assim, reconstru?mos a trajet?ria hist?rica e pol?tica da educa??o do/no campo e procuramos compreender o contexto de cria??o do PRONERA, os fatores que influenciaram a sua cria??o e a a??o dos atores envolvidos no processo. Partimos do princ?pio de que, com a Constitui??o de 1988, come?ou-se a criar as condi??es legais para a participa??o ativa da sociedade civil organizada no processo pol?tico e, consequentemente, na elabora??o de pol?ticas p?blicas. Conclu?mos, assim, que o PRONERA foi resultado do cruzamento dos tr?s fluxos (problemas, solu??es e pol?tica) preconizados pelo modelo de Kingdon. Portanto, este arsenal anal?tico foi ?til para explicar a entrada do PRONERA na agenda governamental, pois ajudou-nos a compreender como as chances dessa demanda social aumentaram com a a??o de uma comunidade pol?tica, permitindo a sua entrada na agenda governamental e, em seguida, virar uma pol?tica p?blica. / This work aims at reconstructing the formulation process of PRONERA (National Program of Education in Agrarian Reform). A public policy that had its first ideas conceived within social movements and afterwards, made possible by diligences of then government. Therefore, the Program was rendered in a partnership among State, social movement, public institutions, and non-governmental organizations. As a goal, we intend to grasp both what motivated the choice for this proposal as a strategy to face educational problems in rural areas and how the actors, entities involved in this enterprise and the social-political context have influenced its formulation and entry in the governmental agenda as Public Policy. Thus, we reconstruct the history and education policy of and in rural areas. Besides, we seek to understand the context of PRONERA's conception, the factors that have influenced its creation and the actors' performances in the process. It is assumed that under the 1988 Constitution, civil society was provided with legal conditions for the active participation in political process and, consequently, in the public policy-making. We conclude, then, that PRONERA was the result of the crossing of three different flows (problems, solutions and policies) advocated by the Kingdon model. As a result, this analytical repertoire was useful to explain PRONERA?s entry in the government agenda, helping to understand how the chances of this social demand increased with an action from the politic community. It allowed its way in the government agenda as well as its becoming a public policy.

. O IFRR/Campus Novo Para?so: da educa??o agr?cola para a educa??o do campo, uma proposta em constru??o. / The IFRR/campus New Paradise: agricultural education for rural education, a proposal currently under construction.

Farias, Adeline Ara?jo Carneiro 15 December 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2017-05-30T14:08:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2010 - Adeline Araujo Carneiro.pdf: 2361946 bytes, checksum: 82a038730616f41b1679e169c422ad78 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-30T14:08:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2010 - Adeline Araujo Carneiro.pdf: 2361946 bytes, checksum: 82a038730616f41b1679e169c422ad78 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-15 / This work is the result of a study conducted by the students registered at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology Roraima-IFRR/campus New Paradise in the course Farming Technician integrated high school. In this research, we aim to understand the process of implementing the proposal of rural education in that the Federal Institute, from the identification of the meanings they attach to the rural youth work and school, and their interrelationships with the meaning they attach to the future as well as we compare their future prospects, with regard to work, the proposed training who are studying. We present a historical overview of the trajectory of IFRR as an institution dedicated to offering professional education, the parallel story of his own state of Roraima, providing understanding of the subject. As background, we raise a discussion on the importance of the pedagogical approach of the school which serves the rural youth to be targeted by the conceptions of Rural Education, trying to construct meaningful knowledge and enhance the lives of people and knowledge of the field avoiding the implementation of education for rural, urban-based views, regarding the redefinition of agricultural education in accordance with current national discussions on the professional education offered to the peoples of the field. As a result, we analyzed data collected from the students surveyed, and from these listed recommendations to the management team and teaching campus in the study, aiming to minimize the barriers that hinder a better use of professional training opportunities, for rural youth. / Este trabalho ? o resultado de uma pesquisa realizada junto aos discentes matriculados no Instituto Federal de Educa??o, Ci?ncia e Tecnologia de Roraima-IFRR/Campus Novo Para?so, no curso T?cnico em Agropecu?ria integrado ao Ensino M?dio. Nesta pesquisa, visamos conhecer o processo de implanta??o da proposta da educa??o do campo no referido Instituto Federal, a partir da identifica??o dos significados que os jovens rurais atribuem ao trabalho e a escola, e suas inter-rela??es com o significado que conferem ao futuro, bem como, comparamos suas perspectivas de futuro, no que se refere ao trabalho, ? proposta de forma??o profissional que se encontram cursando. Para tanto, apresentamos uma abordagem hist?rica da trajet?ria do IFRR enquanto institui??o voltada a oferta da educa??o profissional, paralela a hist?ria do pr?prio estado de Roraima, proporcionando a compreens?o do tema abordado. Como pano de fundo, levantamos uma discuss?o sobre a import?ncia da abordagem pedag?gica da escola que atende aos jovens rurais ser direcionada pelas concep??es da Educa??o do Campo, buscando assim, a constru??o de conhecimentos significativos e que valorizem a vida e os saberes dos povos do campo, evitando a execu??o da educa??o para o campo, baseada em vis?es urbanas, com vistas ? ressignifica??o do ensino agr?cola, em conformidade com as atuais discuss?es nacionais sobre a educa??o profissional oferecida para os povos do campo. Como resultados, analisamos os dados coletados junto aos discentes pesquisados, e a partir destes, elencamos recomenda??es ? equipe de gest?o e docente do Campus em estudo, visando contribuir para a minimiza??o dos entraves que dificultam um melhor aproveitamento da oportunidade de forma??o profissional, pelos jovens rurais.

A educa??o do campo e o direito ? educa??o das crian?as e adolescentes no munic?pio de Nova Igua?u

GOMES, Renato dos Santos 31 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-07-11T19:38:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2015 - Renato dos Santos Gomes.pdf: 4092434 bytes, checksum: 55e757120f56d5d9d14d2fe2f6f66ae1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-11T19:38:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2015 - Renato dos Santos Gomes.pdf: 4092434 bytes, checksum: 55e757120f56d5d9d14d2fe2f6f66ae1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-31 / This has as main objective to identify whether the curricula, methodologies and school research organization are appropriate to the reality of rural education in two schools in the city of Nova Igua?u. Furthermore, it sought to draw a profile of managers, communities and the schools surveyed to verify the applicability of targeted educational policies for pupils entered this school model. Regarding the performance of the managers, the analysis also addressed the Statute of Children and Adolescents, checking through interviews, their employment in the educational routine. In addition, we attemped to, within the curriculum of the schools of the field, their real commitment, regarding the Statute of Children and Adolescents in Article 53, by teachers, administrators and school community. The training and the level of knowledge of teachers on the ECA, as well compliance in schools also will be investigated. / A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo geral identificar se os conte?dos curriculares, metodologias e a organiza??o escolar s?o apropriados ? realidade da educa??o do campo de duas escolas p?blicas do munic?pio de Nova Igua?u. Al?m disso, buscou-se tra?ar um perfil das comunidades e das escolas pesquisadas para verificar a aplicabilidade das pol?ticas educacionais voltadas para alunos inseridos nesse modelo de escola. Em rela??o ? atua??o dos gestores, a an?lise tamb?m abordou o Estatuto da Crian?a e do Adolescente, verificando, por meio de entrevistas, sua empregabilidade no cotidiano educacional. Al?m disso, buscou-se, no seio da matriz curricular das escolas do campo, o seu real compromisso, no que tange o Estatuto da Crian?a e do Adolescente em seu artigo 53, por parte dos professores, gestores e comunidade escolar. A forma??o e o grau de conhecimento dos professores sobre o ECA, assim como seu cumprimento nas escolas investigadas tamb?m ser?o objetos de estudo dessa pesquisa.

Cultura sert?nica e curr?culo: di?logo fundante para a Educa??o no/do Campo numa escola p?blica municipal de Tucano/BA

Silva, Maria Jos? Firmino da 07 May 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Ricardo Cedraz Duque Moliterno (ricardo.moliterno@uefs.br) on 2015-11-12T22:30:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTA??OFIRMINO2013.pdf: 2139168 bytes, checksum: 0ff570e0897b465cd9851bc9a5642129 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-11-12T22:30:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTA??OFIRMINO2013.pdf: 2139168 bytes, checksum: 0ff570e0897b465cd9851bc9a5642129 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-05-07 / This case study aimed to answer the following research question: how are the relations between the curriculum proposed by the Crist?v?o Colombo School and the sociocultural contexts of their students from the perspective of Rural Education? So, considering these relations as dense, complex, opaque and adversarial, we chose a qualitative approach, referenced in Ethno Critical research that enabled us to understand the ways of the people to make sense and submit their everyday issues, from the social place which they speak . In this perspective of the social place, in the data analysis we were inspired in some assumptions of Discourse Analysis (ORLANDI, 2003, 2006, 2012). Our locus of research, so, was a Municipal Public school of Tucano / Ba and the collaborator subjects were seven teachers, the educational coordinator and the head mistress of the institution and nineteen students. To form the corpus of this work, we conducted interviews, focus groups, document analysis, observations and photographs that enabled us, in open-ended considerations, to understand that the relationship between the curriculum proposed by the Crist?v?o Colombo School and the sociocultural contexts of their students are configured, mainly, through pedagogical projects as well as the dialogue between the knowledge contained in textbooks and the reference contexts of the students, but almost always spontaneously, without registration and without intentionality. / Este estudo de caso objetivou responder ? seguinte quest?o de pesquisa: como se configuram as rela??es entre o curr?culo proposto pela Escola Municipal Crist?v?o Colombo e os contextos socioculturais dos seus estudantes na perspectiva da Educa??o do Campo? Assim, considerando essas rela??es como densas, complexas, opacas e contradit?rias, optamos por uma abordagem qualitativa, referenciada na Etnopesquisa Cr?tica que nos possibilitou compreender as maneiras de os sujeitos darem sentido e encaminharem suas quest?es cotidianas, a partir do lugar social do qual falam. Nessa perspectiva do lugar social, na an?lise dos dados nos inspiramos em alguns pressupostos da An?lise do Discurso (ORLANDI, 2003; 2006; 2012). Nosso locus de pesquisa, portanto, foi uma escola da Rede P?blica Municipal de Ensino de Tucano/Ba e os sujeitos colaboradores foram sete professores, a gestora e a coordenadora pedag?gica da institui??o e dezenove estudantes. Para constituir o corpus deste trabalho, foram realizadas entrevistas, grupos focais, an?lise de documentos, observa??es e fotografias que nos possibilitaram, nas considera??es de final aberto, compreender que as rela??es entre o curr?culo proposto pela Escola Municipal Crist?v?o Colombo e os contextos socioculturais dos seus estudantes se configuram, principalmente, atrav?s de projetos pedag?gicos como tamb?m do di?logo entre os conhecimentos que figuram nos livros did?ticos e os contextos de refer?ncia dos estudantes, mas quase sempre de forma espont?nea, sem registro e sem intencionalidade.

Educa??o do campo no ?mbito do programa escola ativa: rela??es/implica??es na forma??o continuada de professores(as) no munic?pio de Feira de Santana

Mascarenhas, Milena de Lima 19 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Verena Pereira (verenagoncalves@uefs.br) on 2018-11-12T23:04:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o Milena_Vers?o Definitiva.pdf: 1177973 bytes, checksum: 2911bf260b42b975f83173a32120452e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-12T23:04:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o Milena_Vers?o Definitiva.pdf: 1177973 bytes, checksum: 2911bf260b42b975f83173a32120452e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-07-19 / This research thematizes the Active School Program and was guided by the following question: What are the implications of the Active School Program in the organization and operation of the rural schools and its repercussion in the continuous training of teachers in the municipality of Feira de Santana? In dialogue with this question, the general objective was to analyze the implications of the Program in the organization and functioning of the rural schools and its repercussion in the training of teachers in the municipality. Two central categories were constituted as references of analyzes: education of the field and formation of teachers, especially the continuous formation. Field Education was assumed as a resistance movement to the relations of domination that emanate from the ruralist vision and, therefore, it emphasizes a conception of education that apprehends the relation between the social space and the directives that aim at the emancipation of the working class. From the conception of teacher training, we agree with N?voa (1992) when he states that the territory of formation is inhabited by individual and collective actors, in a human and social construction, in which the different stakeholders have autonomy in the conduct of their own projects. In this sense, we sought to explore their continuing education dimension, based on the idea of Rodrigues and Esteves (1993) when they point out that training is not exhausted in initial training and must be pursued throughout the career in a coherent and integrated way , responding to the felt training needs. The methodology adopted was of a qualitative nature, assumed by the understanding that this type of approach allows the analysis of the object investigated in its complexity and multiplicity of forms of manifestation, including the exploration of the interfaces between the objective and subjective dimensions that give them conformity in the tension between the prescribed and the effected in contexts and relations of dispute. The instruments selected to assist in data collection were documental research and semi-structured interviews. Through the data collected and the analysis developed, it was concluded that the obstacles to the implementation of a Public Education Policy in the Field are great, considering that the movements that make up this construction are sometimes discontinuous movements, marked by tensions and disputes between political forces. Regarding the Field Education policy in the municipality of Feira de Santana, there are no effective actions for its implementation. Regarding teacher training, it was observed that there was no training policy for teachers in the field in Feira de Santana, and that the actions carried out did not characterize the design of an own understanding of training by the network. The implementation of the Escola Activa Program in the municipality was inserted as part of the attempt of differentiated attention to the field, focusing on the multisite classes, but subordinated to the external orientations of the sectors that constituted themselves as managers of the Program. However, this in itself did not characterize the existence of a Field Education policy in the municipality / Esta pesquisa tematiza o Programa Escola Ativa e foi orientada pela seguinte quest?o: Quais as implica??es do Programa Escola Ativa na organiza??o e funcionamento das escolas do campo e sua repercuss?o na forma??o continuada de professores no munic?pio de Feira de Santana? Em di?logo com esta quest?o, o objetivo geral foi analisar as implica??es do Programa na organiza??o e funcionamento das escolas do campo e sua repercuss?o na forma??o de professores no munic?pio. Constitu?ram-se como refer?ncias de an?lises duas categorias centrais: educa??o do campo e forma??o de professores, notadamente a forma??o continuada.A Educa??o do Campo foi assumida como um movimento de resist?ncia ?s rela??es de domina??o que emanam da vis?o ruralista e, portanto, p?e em relevo uma concep??o de educa??o que apreenda a rela??o entre o espa?o social e os direcionamentos que visam a emancipa??o da classe trabalhadora.Da concep??o de forma??o de professores coadunamos da mesma ideia de N?voa (1992) quando afirma que o territ?rio da forma??o ? habitado por atores individuais e coletivos, numa constru??o humana e social, na qual os diferentes envolvidos possuem autonomia na condu??o dos seus projetos pr?prios. Neste sentido, procurou-se explorar a sua dimens?o de forma??o continuada,a partir da ideia de, Rodrigues e Esteves (1993) quando apontam que a forma??o n?o se esgota na forma??o inicial, devendo prosseguir ao longo da carreira, de forma coerente e integrada, respondendo ?s necessidades de forma??o sentidas. A metodologia adotada foi de natureza qualitativa, assumida em raz?o do entendimento de que este tipo de abordagem possibilita a an?lise do objeto investigado na sua complexidade e multiplicidade de formas de manifesta??o, incluindo a explora??o das interfaces entre as dimens?es objetivas e subjetivas que lhes d?o conformidade na tens?o entre o prescrito e o efetivado em contextos e rela??es de disputa.Os instrumentos selecionados para auxiliar na coleta dos dados foram a pesquisa documental e a entrevista semiestrurada. Por meio dos dados coletados e das an?lises desenvolvidas concluiu-se que grandes s?o os entraves para efetiva??o de uma pol?tica p?blica de Educa??o do Campo, considerando que os movimentos que comp?e essa constru??o s?o, por vezes, movimentos descont?nuos, marcados por tens?es e disputas entre for?as pol?ticas. No que concerne ? pol?tica de Educa??o do Campo no munic?pio de Feira de Santana, n?o existem a??es efetivas para sua implementa??o. Quanto a forma??o de professores, observou-se a inexist?ncia de uma pol?tica de forma??o de professores do campo em Feira de Santana e que as a??es realizadas n?o caracterizaram o delineamento de uma compreens?o pr?pria de forma??o pela rede. A implementa??o do Programa Escola Ativano munic?pio se inseriu como parte da tentativa de aten??o diferenciada para o campo, com foco nas classes multisseriadas, mas subordinadas ?s orienta??es externas dos setores que se constitu?ram como gestores do Programa.Todavia, isto por si s? n?o caracterizoua exist?ncia de uma pol?tica de Educa??o do Campo no munic?pio

A forma??o de educadores do campo no PROA??O II: limites e possibilidades do programa de forma??o de professores em exerc?cio

Meireles, Andr?a Maria Brand?o 26 March 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Natalie Mendes (nataliermendes@gmail.com) on 2015-07-24T00:01:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 A FORMA??O DE EDUCADORES DO CAMPO NO PROA??O II.pdf: 1650812 bytes, checksum: c908ba66a7cb5796fc2f17fd7e4d0ea3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-24T00:01:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 A FORMA??O DE EDUCADORES DO CAMPO NO PROA??O II.pdf: 1650812 bytes, checksum: c908ba66a7cb5796fc2f17fd7e4d0ea3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-26 / This thesis evaluates the limits and possibilities of pedagogy courses offered in teacher training in exercise program, PROA??O II. We sought to investigate the paradigm of Education in Countryside of pedagogy course offered by PROA??O II, answering the question: What theoretical and practical elements in PROA??O effectively promote a paradigm shift in the field of education? A Content Analysis, combined with historical and dialectical materialism was taken as a methodological principle. Corpus were selected as the Educational Project, the Program of Education in Countryside discipline, in addition to semi-structured interviews applied to peasant - teachers in the municipality of Ilheus, the course coordinators in UESC and municipal coordinators of Education in Countryside. The category of contradiction between chance-reality pointed to countriside education as a social phenomenon, the perception of their actual states and its possibilities. The data analysis allowed us to infer that the socio- political character of this educational approach is the materialization of a popular education and rupture of the structure of capitalist society, however, within the possibilities of implementation of its proposed action, there are constraints that shield its strength of action . Thus, the challenge posed for policymakers is to realize, in the capitalist model elements to overcome and subsequent implementation of a socialist pedagogy, either in specific courses for educators in the field or pedagogy courses responsible for in-service training teachers working in primary education the working class, the countryside and the city. / Essa disserta??o avalia os limites e possibilidades do curso de pedagogia ofertado no programa de forma??o de professores em exerc?cio, no PROA??O II. Buscou-se investigar o paradigma de educa??o do campo do curso de Pedagogia ofertado pelo PROA??O Sede II, respondendo ? quest?o: Quais elementos te?rico-pr?ticos no PROA??O efetivamente favorecem uma mudan?a paradigm?tica da educa??o do campo? A An?lise de Conte?do, combinada ao materialismo hist?rico-dial?tico foi tomada como princ?pio metodol?gico. Como corpus foram selecionados o Projeto Pedag?gico; o Programa da disciplina Educa??o do Campo; al?m de entrevistas semiestruturadas aplicadas a camponeses-professores do munic?pio de Ilh?us, a coordenadores do curso na UESC e a coordenadores municipais da Educa??o do Campo. A categoria da contradi??o entre possibilidade-realidade apontou para a educa??o do campo como fen?meno social, na percep??o de seus estados reais e de suas possibilidades. A an?lise dos dados coletados permitiu inferir que o car?ter s?cio-pol?tico desta proposta educativa ? a materializa??o de uma educa??o popular e ruptura da estrutura da sociedade capitalista, por?m, dentro das possibilidades de concretiza??o de sua proposta de a??o, h? condicionantes que subtraem sua for?a de atua??o. Destarte, o desafio posto para os gestores de pol?ticas p?blicas ? perceber, no modelo capitalista, elementos para sua supera??o e posterior implementa??o de uma pedagogia socialista, seja nos cursos espec?ficos de forma??o de educadores do campo ou em cursos de pedagogia respons?veis pela forma??o em exerc?cio de professores que atuam na educa??o b?sica da classe popular, do campo e da cidade.

Centro familiar de forma??o por altern?ncia: superando a imagem do ?Fabiano? para o desenvolvimento local / Family Training Alternating: Overcoming image "Fabiano" for local development

Pereira, Maiza Gabrielle Ribeiro 12 November 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2017-01-16T11:04:51Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2015 - Maiza Gabrielle Ribeiro Pereira.pdf: 1027889 bytes, checksum: b3b63a440a6fc35f9a0001062c6b903a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-16T11:04:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2015 - Maiza Gabrielle Ribeiro Pereira.pdf: 1027889 bytes, checksum: b3b63a440a6fc35f9a0001062c6b903a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-11-12 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The reflection made in the research base of this dissertation deals with the issue of formation of subjects of rural areas through educational experiences that build the Rural Education. Precisely, this focuses on the Pedagogy of Alternation by CEFFA, training of young people and adults do Campo, it usually serves a pedagogical approach that emphasizes the link between education and work, preparing the subject to life. This reflection dialogues with local / rural development settings, pointing successful points of the Pedagogy of Alternation, public policy. also shows the socio-historical perspective, as a method of criticism of collective social imagination, which combines the countryside and those who live in it, as something underdeveloped and "late", which for better characterization, then we use the image of "Fabiano" book character "Vidas Secas" of Graciliano Ramos. To better understand the problem, the research is divided into two parts. The first raises a discussion of the relationship of the subjects that are established in the field of literary production in Brazil prior to the period of expansion and technification of agriculture to the present day, weaving social history under the influence of "racial theories" in the composition of class division, which subjugated and subdues the farmer as a class unprepared to live in a new society provided with a new social standard and reformulated in new technology bases. The second stage of the research, portrays the new experiences of promotion of Rural Education, highlighting the CEFFA as part of the field enhancement process in support of local / rural development. Thus describes and contextualizes these experiences and their educational practices of sociocultural relations originating from public investment policies, new ruralities and local / rural development of the North Capixaba. / A reflex?o feita na pesquisa, base desta disserta??o, trata sobre a problem?tica da forma??o de sujeitos do meio rural por meio de experi?ncias pedag?gicas que constroem a Educa??o do Campo. Precisamente, esta focaliza a Pedagogia da Altern?ncia pelo CEFFA, na forma??o de jovens e adultos do Campo, pois geralmente atende a uma proposta pedag?gica que prioriza a articula??o entre a escolariza??o e o trabalho, preparando o sujeito para a vida. Essa reflex?o dialoga com defini??es de desenvolvimento local/rural, apontando pontos exitosos da Pedagogia da Altern?ncia, pol?ticas p?blicas. Aponta ainda a perspectiva s?cio-hist?rica, como m?todo da cr?tica ao imagin?rio social coletivo, que associa o campo e quem nele vive, como algo subdesenvolvido e ?atrasado?, que para melhor caracteriza??o, ent?o, utiliza-se a imagem do ?Fabiano?, personagem do livro ?Vidas Secas? de Graciliano Ramos. Para melhor compreens?o da problem?tica, a pesquisa se divide em dois momentos. O primeiro levanta uma discuss?o das rela??es dos sujeitos que est?o estabelecidas no campo da produ??o liter?ria do Brasil, anterior ao per?odo de expans?o e tecnifica??o da agricultura at? os dias de hoje, tecendo a hist?ria social sob a influ?ncia das ?teorias raciais? na composi??o da divis?o de classes, que subjugou e subjuga o homem do campo como sendo uma classe despreparada, para viver em uma nova sociedade provida de um novo padr?o social e reformulada em bases de novas tecnologias. O segundo momento da pesquisa, retrata as novas experi?ncias de promo??o da Educa??o do Campo, evidenciando o CEFFA como parte do processo de valoriza??o do campo em prol do desenvolvimento local/rural. Dessa maneira descreve e contextualiza essas experi?ncias e suas pr?ticas educativas das rela?oes socioculturais origin?rias das pol?ticas p?blicas de investimentos, em novas ruralidades e desenvolvimento local/rural do norte Capixaba

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