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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Inclusive education and integrated working : an exploration of the transition into care for young people in Key Stage 4

Woodland, Maryanne January 2010 (has links)
Paper 1 - Integrated Working and the Personal Education Plan: An Exploration of the Transition into Care for Young People in Key Stage 4: The Social Care and Education systems have undergone major reform in recent years, papers such as the Every Child Matters (DfES, 2003) and The Children’s Plan (DCSF, 2007) have acted as political drivers for the identification of children in care as an vulnerable group within education. In addition, the need for effective integrated working has been identified as a key area of development in terms of professional practice. The Personal Education Plan has been identified as a vehicle for raising attainment and promoting integrated working, however, the process of engaging in the Personal Education Plan has remained relatively unexplored. This study reports a qualitative exploration of integrated working in the support of young people entering care in Key Stage 4. The study specifically explored transition, integrated working and the application of psychology within this process. Data was collected using focus groups and interviews to elicit the views of the professionals who engage in supporting young people entering care. Data was analysed using Thematic Analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006). The findings of the study identify the successive nature of changes experienced by the young person entering care as potentially detrimental to him/her and the supporting professionals. Findings from the study suggest that professionals supporting young people in care experience ambivalence regarding the usefulness of the PEP Personal Education Plan. The competent management of change, acknowledgement of psychosocial implications and effective group working were identified as areas of development for young people entering care and for the professionals supporting them. In addition, the study found that the knowledge and experience of Educational Psychologists’ is an under utilised but potentially valuable resource. Paper 2 - Inclusive Education and the Personal Education Plan: An Exploration of the Support for Young People Entering Care in Key Stage 4 Abstract The education system has undergone major reform in recent years, papers such as the Every Child Matters (DfES, 2003) and The Children’s Plan (DCSF, 2007) have instigated a re-evaluation of the process and context of the education system. One of the major implications of this reform has been the need to identify any groups within the population who underachieve educationally with the intention of providing additional support. The role of designated teacher and use of the Personal Education Plan has been established within school settings, however, the process of supporting young people entering care within college settings has remained relatively unexplored. This study reports a qualitative exploration of core subject teachers in the support of young people entering care in Key Stage 4. The study specifically explored professional engagement in the Personal Education Plan, classroom practice and support of young people entering care. Data was collected using focus groups to elicit the views of the professionals who teach young people entering care. Data was analysed using Thematic Analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006). The findings of the study suggest that teaching staff identify individual need in response to conflict (in the form of response to presenting behaviour within school). The nature of additional need identified within the study was predominantly psychosocial. Additional support is therefore reactive. The dichotomy between inclusive legislation and practice is explored Teachers identified the need for a proactive response to supporting young people in care as an area for development at both the individual and systemic level. Future considerations for the application of psychology and research are identified.

O posicionamento das empresas de educação na construção do Plano Nacional de Educação 2014-2024 : uma análise a partir da teoria da empresarização

Badia, Octavio de Castilhos January 2017 (has links)
A análise do setor da educação nas últimas duas décadas permite visualizar a expansão do número de entidades privadas de cunho mercantil atuando especialmente no âmbito da educação superior. Paralelamente a isto, é possível perceber as transformações no posicionamento assumido pelo Estado diante desta situação e como isto tem se refletido sobre a legislação referente à educação. Neste sentido, o avanço do pensamento neoliberal, conforme descrevem Dardot e Laval (2016), conduz a uma nova prática de governo que subverte os fundamentos da democracia e o reconhecimento de direitos sociais atrelados à condição de cidadão, embora este movimento não se dê alheio à resistência de diferentes fontes. Com base nestes indicativos e nos trabalhos realizados por outros autores (CORBUCCI, 2004; CARVALHO, 2006; LEHER, 2014; CHAVES, 2010), percebe-se que há o aprofundamento de um processo de empresarização ocorrendo sobre a Educação. Nesta dissertação analiso o posicionamento de grupos empresariais privados no processo de formulação do Plano Nacional de Educação (PNE), vigente no período de 2014-2024, a partir da perspectiva da teoria da empresarização, conforme descrita principalmente por Solé (2008) e Abraham (2006). Para eles, a empresa se apresenta como a organização por excelência em nossa sociedade, uma vez que ela materializa as demais relações responsáveis por moldar nossos modos de pensar e agir. Os traços típicos da empresa, quer sejam a ―invenção e autonomização da realidade econômica‖, o ―mito fundador da escassez‖, a ―racionalidade moderna‖, a ―propriedade privada‖ e a ―inovação e mito do progresso‖, foram adotados como referência para poder evidenciar a expansão do modelo empresarial sobre o setor. A metodologia utilizada foi a análise de conteúdo, para a qual utilizei documentos formulados pelas entidades empresariais, reportagens e as notas taquigráficas das reuniões e audiências públicas da Câmara dos Deputados e do Senado Federal como principais fontes de dados. Os resultados observados apontam para a presença dos traços nos posicionamentos defendidos pelos grupos estudados, bem como sobre o texto final do PNE 2014-2024 o qual incorporou muitas das opiniões empresariais de forma direta e flexibilizou certas determinações em favor dos interesses destas. Foi possível perceber uma defesa clara da eficiência intrínseca das IES privadas em detrimento de ações Estatais em educação e um direcionamento no sentido de que a avaliação da qualidade da educação se dê primordialmente a partir de critérios de resultados e produtividade, quantitativamente medidos. As demandas do mercado e de desenvolvimento econômico são também tidas como instituições legitimadoras das ações em educação, conotando a presença dos traços supracitados. / The analysis of the educational sector in the last two decades allows one to visualize the expansion on the number of private mercantile entities acting specially upon higher education. Paralel to this, it‘s possible to notice the transformations on the positioning adopted by the State regarding this situation and how it‘s been reflected over the legislation regarding education. In this way, the advance of neoliberal ideas, as described by Dardot and Laval (2016), leads to a new practice of government which subverts the fundamentals of democracy and the acknowledgment of social rights attached to the condition of citizenship, even though this movements do not go on without facing resistence from various sources. Based on these indicatives and the work done by other authors (CORBUCCI, 2004; CARVALHO, 2006; LEHER, 2014; CHAVES, 2010), it is perceived that there is a deepening of a process of enterprisation occuring on Education. In this dissertation I analyze the agency of private business groups in the process of formulating the National Education Plan (PNE), in force in the period 2014-2024, from the perspective of enterprisation theory, as described mainly by Solé (2008) and Abraham (2006). To the authors, the enterprise is the organization per excellence in out society once it materializes other social relations responsible for molding our ways of thinking and acting. The typical traits of the enterprise, which are ―the invention and autonomization of the economical sphere‖, the ―founding myth of scarcity‖, ―modern rationality‖, ―private property‖ and ―inovation and the myth of progress‖, were adopted as reference in order to be able to show the expansion of the entrepeneurial model over the educational sector. The method of analysis chosen is the analysis of content, which was applied to documents produced by the groups under study, media reports and the shorthand notes of the meetings and public hearings held by the Chamber of Deputies and the Federal Senate. Results point to the presence of the enterprisation traits on the positions defended by the private groups studied, as well as on the final text of the PNE 2014-2024 which at some points directly incorporated their understandings and, in others, made certain determinations more flexible in order to meet their interests. It was possible to perceive a clear defense of the intrinsic efficiency of the private Educational Institutions in detriment of Governmental actions in education as well as an attempt of redirectioning the sense of quality evaluation of higher education in order to observe mainly results and productivity criteria, quantitatively measured. The demands of the market and of economic development are considered as legitimating institutions to the actions promoted in education, connoting the presence of the aforementioned traits of enterprisation.

An actor-network theory reading of change for looked after children

Parker, Elisabeth January 2016 (has links)
The education of looked-after children (LAC) in the care of the Local Authority (LA) is supported by government initiatives to reduce the attainment gap that exists between LAC and their peers. Long-term outcomes for LAC pupils are poor (Sebba et al. 2015). The Virtual School (VS) has a statutory role in the education of LAC (DfE, 2014a) and aims to encourage stringent monitoring and intervention for LAC pupils, for example via a personalised education plan (PEP) outlining attainment, strategies intended to accelerate progress, and resources needed for doing so. The PEP process involves termly meetings between pupil, Social Worker and school's designated teacher. The current study uses Actor-Network Theory (ANT) (Latour, 1999) as a lens through which to conceptualise change for LAC pupils during the PEP process. Data was collected from three PEP meetings and accompanying documentation in one LA setting, using ethnomethodology, in order to explore the human and non-human actors in the PEP network which are active in creating change for LAC. The analysis made visible the strong role of the PEP document in providing structure for the meeting, along with the instrumental role of the designated teacher and their knowledge of the pupil embodied in non-human entities such as resources, timetabling and grades. The Social Worker influence on the network was less visible. ANT is explored as a material semiotic tool for analysis through a conceptual review of current literature within educational research, with a focus on the construction of research questions. The review demonstrates that ANT can attempt to answer questions about 'how' things came to be and 'who' and 'what' they are composed of. The current research also incorporates an appraisal of evidence-based practice, and a consideration of the implications and dissemination of the findings of the study at LA level and beyond.

Personalising Learning: Exploring the principles and processes of the IEP for young, gifted readers

Mazza-Davies, Laurie Lynn January 2008 (has links)
This small-scale qualitative, action research study sought to establish the efficacy of using the Individualised Education Programme (IEP) as an assistive tool towards the differentiation of reading programmes for young, gifted and talented readers. Despite a growing awareness about the importance of curriculum differentiation for all students, research indicates how little some classroom teachers do to meet the needs of gifted readers. The literature reviewed reveals how the prolonged mismatching of instructional reading programmes to the academic and emotional maturity of the gifted reader may well result in underachievement, and a diminished opportunity to learn how to react to challenge. In November 2006, the New Zealand Ministry of Education launched its personalising learning initiative, which promotes the active participation of students in their education by creating their own learning pathways. Students are encouraged to articulate their learning needs and preferences, and set goals in collaboration with their parents and family/whanau and teachers. With its underlying principles based on collaboration and communication, together with its seemingly flexible structure, this study utilised the IEP as a personalising learning framework for young gifted and talented readers, and as a differentiation tool for their teachers. Over a five month period, the researcher worked alongside three Year Two/Three teachers from an urban, decile five primary school as they each identified one gifted reader from their classes, and together with the student and the student's parents, set about planning and implementing an IEP, using strategies and approaches suggested by the literature as the most apposite for gifted readers. Data was gathered through in-class observations, participants' journals, focus group meetings, IEP meetings, and semi-structured interviews. This study reveals the use of the IEP holds great promise as a differentiation tool towards the personalisation of learning programmes for young, gifted readers. Each student attended his or her own IEP meetings, indicated their learning preferences and needs, helped to set his or her own learning goals, and assessed their own achievement using the IEP goal indicators. Significantly, for the teachers involved in this project, the IEPs proved not only useful as qualitatively differentiated planning frameworks for the students in the study, but many of the goals and strategies used proved pertinent for all children, in particular, for the 'top' reading groups. In this regard, IEPs proved to be 'work-smarter' tools for the teachers involved, serving as planning blueprints for the most able readers in their classes, thereby creating inclusive rather than exclusive conditions for the gifted readers. Furthermore, the insights gained by the teachers involved into the needs of their gifted readers ultimately challenged their personal teaching philosophies, and resulted in changes to their teaching practices for their gifted students.

Hjälpsam och sammarbetsvillig : Elevers delaktighet i åtgärdsprogram

Herting, Anna January 2008 (has links)
<p>The Swedish school law says that students who need special education should have all the support they need to reach the qualification that is set up. The arrangements have to be written down in an Individual education plan (IEP). Before the IEP is set up there has to be an investigation about what kind of support and measures the student needs to reach the qualification that is set up. The aim of this study is to examine student’s participation in school and in the progress with their own IEP.</p><p>I have accomplished a qualitative study by interviewing eight students during the letter part in the nine-year school. Each student has an IEP. My study has been accomplished in a first person perspective where I have rendered the student’s own stories as I understood them. The result shows that the student’s participation varies between active and passive participation independent of whether the participation is social or task-orientated. The main reason for the students to come to school is to join their friends. The result also shows that the students describe that they are participating in school and in the progress with their IEP even if their participation often is described as a passive involvement. Connecting to earlier researches shows that participation is more often recognised when the respondents are adults in school than if the respondents are students.</p><p>My conclusion of this study is that students have to participate earlier and more often in the junior school. That will lead to more engagement and motivation and the students will take more responsibility for learning in school. In that way they will get more knowledge according to our curriculum which is necessary for the examination in the ninth year.</p> / <p>I skolans styrdokument står att elever i behov av särskilt stöd ska få det stöd som krävs för att de ska ha möjlighet att nå målen. Detta stöd ska dokumenteras i ett åtgärdsprogram där mål och åtgärder ska beskrivas. Innan själva åtgärdsprogrammet upprättas ska det göras en kartläggning av vilket behov av stöd som krävs för att eleven ska ges möjlighet att nå målen. I denna studie vill jag undersöka hur några elever i grundskolans senare år upplever skolan och då med särskilt fokus på hur de ser på sin delaktighet i skolan och i arbetet med sitt åtgärdsprogram..</p><p>Jag har genomfört en kvalitativ studie genom att intervjua åtta elever i grundskolans senare år med upprättade åtgärdsprogram. Studien har genomförts ur ett elevperspektiv där jag har återgett elevernas beskrivningar så som jag har uppfattat dem. Resultatet visar att elevernas delaktighet varierar mellan aktiv och passiv delaktighet oberoende av om delaktigheten är social eller uppgiftsorienterad. Aktiv delaktighet kräver motivation och engagemang. Med passiv delaktighet avser jag ett deltagande utan engagemang eller motivation. Resultatet visar också att eleverna i första hand kommer till skolan för att träffa och umgås med kamrater. När det gäller delaktighet i skolan och i arbetet med sitt åtgärdsprogram visar studien att eleverna anser att de varit delaktiga även om delaktighet ofta beskrivs som ett passivt deltagande. Vid jämförelser med tidigare forskning framkommer att elevers delaktighet beskrivs större i de studier som genomförts med skolpersonal som informanter än i de studier som genomförts med elever som informanter.</p><p>Min slutsats av denna studie blir att elever behöver göras delaktiga oftare och tidigare i skolåren för att eleverna ska känna motivation och engagemang för sitt lärande. Därmed får eleverna den kunskap som är nödvändig för att efter nionde skolåret nå de mål som beskrivs i läroplan och kursplaner.</p>

Hjälpsam och sammarbetsvillig : Elevers delaktighet i åtgärdsprogram

Herting, Anna January 2008 (has links)
The Swedish school law says that students who need special education should have all the support they need to reach the qualification that is set up. The arrangements have to be written down in an Individual education plan (IEP). Before the IEP is set up there has to be an investigation about what kind of support and measures the student needs to reach the qualification that is set up. The aim of this study is to examine student’s participation in school and in the progress with their own IEP. I have accomplished a qualitative study by interviewing eight students during the letter part in the nine-year school. Each student has an IEP. My study has been accomplished in a first person perspective where I have rendered the student’s own stories as I understood them. The result shows that the student’s participation varies between active and passive participation independent of whether the participation is social or task-orientated. The main reason for the students to come to school is to join their friends. The result also shows that the students describe that they are participating in school and in the progress with their IEP even if their participation often is described as a passive involvement. Connecting to earlier researches shows that participation is more often recognised when the respondents are adults in school than if the respondents are students. My conclusion of this study is that students have to participate earlier and more often in the junior school. That will lead to more engagement and motivation and the students will take more responsibility for learning in school. In that way they will get more knowledge according to our curriculum which is necessary for the examination in the ninth year. / I skolans styrdokument står att elever i behov av särskilt stöd ska få det stöd som krävs för att de ska ha möjlighet att nå målen. Detta stöd ska dokumenteras i ett åtgärdsprogram där mål och åtgärder ska beskrivas. Innan själva åtgärdsprogrammet upprättas ska det göras en kartläggning av vilket behov av stöd som krävs för att eleven ska ges möjlighet att nå målen. I denna studie vill jag undersöka hur några elever i grundskolans senare år upplever skolan och då med särskilt fokus på hur de ser på sin delaktighet i skolan och i arbetet med sitt åtgärdsprogram.. Jag har genomfört en kvalitativ studie genom att intervjua åtta elever i grundskolans senare år med upprättade åtgärdsprogram. Studien har genomförts ur ett elevperspektiv där jag har återgett elevernas beskrivningar så som jag har uppfattat dem. Resultatet visar att elevernas delaktighet varierar mellan aktiv och passiv delaktighet oberoende av om delaktigheten är social eller uppgiftsorienterad. Aktiv delaktighet kräver motivation och engagemang. Med passiv delaktighet avser jag ett deltagande utan engagemang eller motivation. Resultatet visar också att eleverna i första hand kommer till skolan för att träffa och umgås med kamrater. När det gäller delaktighet i skolan och i arbetet med sitt åtgärdsprogram visar studien att eleverna anser att de varit delaktiga även om delaktighet ofta beskrivs som ett passivt deltagande. Vid jämförelser med tidigare forskning framkommer att elevers delaktighet beskrivs större i de studier som genomförts med skolpersonal som informanter än i de studier som genomförts med elever som informanter. Min slutsats av denna studie blir att elever behöver göras delaktiga oftare och tidigare i skolåren för att eleverna ska känna motivation och engagemang för sitt lärande. Därmed får eleverna den kunskap som är nödvändig för att efter nionde skolåret nå de mål som beskrivs i läroplan och kursplaner.

Educator knowledge and skills essential for accommodating students with learning disabilities in reading

Altobelli, Joan Marie 13 September 2013 (has links)
Teachers and administrators implement and supervise the implementation of the individualized education program (IEP) for children with disabilities. An understanding of teacher and administrator knowledge and skills associated with implementation of instructional accommodations and interventions commonly identified in the IEP, may provide insight to averting negative student effects related to failure to provide a free and appropriate public education. This study investigated the self-reported knowledge and skills that educators possess related to IEP accommodations and their self-reported comfort level and ability to implement and supervise instruction prescribed for students with disabilities in reading. To examine what is proposed (i.e., the IEP) and what is actually done throughout the implementation of the IEP and subsequent supervision of instruction, the conceptual framework of espoused theory and theory of action (Argyris & Schön, 1974) and bureaucratic theory (Puch, Hickeron, Hirings, & Turner, 1968) was applied. Phase 1 analyzed the accommodations prescribed on the IEPs of students with learning disabilities in reading. The results were used to develop questionnaires with stimulus items designed to elicit self-reported knowledge and identify potential areas of need for professional development. In Phase 2 of the study, responses are reported from 6 unique surveys that were sent to elementary and middle school administrators and general and special education teachers who teach or supervise the instruction of students with learning disabilities in reading. Information and results extracted from survey responses of 222 participants from a large, urban school district in Texas shed light on the ways instructional strategies and accommodations are documented on IEPs for students with disabilities. Standardization due to IEP development software that forced committees to make decisions about accommodations, from limited number of options in a dropdown menu became evident during the review of the data and the district's IEP development process. A discrepancy between the reported level of educator knowledge about specific accommodations, and needed professional development was found. Implications for pre-service teacher and administrator preparation programs and future research are informed by participants' self-reported need for deeper understanding of basic special education practices, obligations, and responsibilities. A call for administrator leadership for organizational change that would facilitate continuous improvement in service delivery to students with disabilities is made. Improved and targeted preservice and inservice professional development relevant to the supervision and implementation of IEP interventions and accommodations is recommended. / text

Framgångsrika åtgärdsprogram : En systematisk litteraturstudie som kartlägger faktorer som kan öka måluppfyllelsen i åtgärdsprogramsprocessen i matematik. / Successful Education Plans : A Systematic Literature Study That Surveys Factors That Can Increase the Effectiveness of Education Plans in Mathematics

Andersson, Oskar January 2014 (has links)
Dokumentationsformen åtgärdsprogram får utstå en hel del kritik både från tidigare forskning och från media vad gäller innehåll och utformning. Åtgärdsprogram ska skrivas när det misstänks att en elev inte når aktuella kunskapskrav. Då blir det därför viktigt i ett ämne som matematik som har en relativt hög andel underkända elever att åtgärdsprogramsprocessen fungerar väl. Denna systematiska litteraturstudies syfte är att kartlägga/identifiera eventuella faktorer som kan öka måluppfyllelsen i åtgärdsprogramprocessen i ämnet matematik. Det resultat och slutsatser denna studie kommer fram till är att det är ett antal olika faktorer som måste samspela för att åtgärdsprogramsprocessen i matematik skall falla väl ut. Faktorer som denna studie kommer fram till som kan påverka är exempelvis elevers och föräldrars delaktighet samt rektors engagemang och vilja att delta i arbetet. / Both from previous research and from the media the documentation form of education plan receives a lot of criticism in terms of both content and design. An education plan must be written if a student is suspected not to achieve current knowledge requirements. It will therefore be important in a subject like mathematics which has a relatively high percentage of students who fails to achieve the knowledge requirements. Therefore it is important that the process with the education plan fulfils its purpose. This systematic literature study aims to identify factors that may increase the effectiveness of education plan process in mathematics. The results and conclusions of this study put forward several different factors that must interact in order to make the educational plan process in mathematics successful. Factors that this study concludes that might have an affect are for example, pupils' and parents' participation and the headmasters’ commitment and volition to participate.

Plano Municipal de Educa??o: processo de constru??o e implementa??o no munic?pio de Espinosa (MG)

Pires, Fernando de Carvalho 31 October 2017 (has links)
Data de aprova??o retirada da vers?o impressa do trabalho. / Orientador consta como membro da banca na Folha de Aprova??o, conforme vers?o impressa do trabalho. / Submitted by Jos? Henrique Henrique (jose.neves@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-03-13T20:37:17Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) fernando_carvalho_pires.pdf: 1650705 bytes, checksum: f480e24f4535555c1fb39b5b315683e5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-03-29T12:25:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) fernando_carvalho_pires.pdf: 1650705 bytes, checksum: f480e24f4535555c1fb39b5b315683e5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-29T12:25:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) fernando_carvalho_pires.pdf: 1650705 bytes, checksum: f480e24f4535555c1fb39b5b315683e5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017 / A presente disserta??o visa a investigar o processo de constru??o e implementa??o do Plano Municipal de Educa??o ? PME da cidade de Espinosa (MG). O objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi analisar o processo de constru??o e implementa??o do Plano Municipal de Educa??o desse Munic?pio, al?m de discutir os fundamentos legais que endossam a formula??o de um PME, identificar as etapas de sua elabora??o, apontar as estrat?gias de constru??o do Plano, e observar como a participa??o popular foi garantida na formula??o do Plano Municipal de Educa??o da cidade em quest?o. Essa pesquisa cont?m as seguintes classifica??es: quanto ? abordagem, a pesquisa ? qualitativa, uma vez que sua inten??o ? investigar um processo social de relev?ncia, ao mesmo tempo em que busca entender o comportamento dos sujeitos atuantes nesse mesmo processo; quanto aos objetivos, trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, pois tenta mapear o processo hist?rico de constru??o de um ordenamento jur?dico-social, delineado por um grupo social espec?fico; e quanto aos procedimentos, a pesquisa ? documental, pois avalia e examina documentos e pe?as oficiais que ensejaram a cria??o do Plano Municipal de Educa??o de Espinosa/MG. Os instrumentos empregados para levantar informa??es foram a An?lise Documental e o Question?rio. Atrav?s da An?lise Documental, fez-se o exame das Atas da Reuni?o da C?mara de Vereadores que aprovou a Lei do PME de Espinosa/MG, dos textos de leis Federais, Estaduais e Municipais relacionados ao tema e de documentos produzidos pela Secretaria Municipal de Educa??o. As informa??es utilizadas nessa pesquisa constam da Constitui??o Federal de 1988, da Lei Federal n? 13.005, de 25 de junho de 2014, dos Documentos Orientadores emanados do Minist?rio da Educa??o inerentes ? formula??o dos Planos, dos sites oficiais desse Minist?rio, da Lei Municipal n? 1.568 ? Plano Municipal de Educa??o ?, da Lei Org?nica do Munic?pio de Espinosa e dos Atos Administrativos expedidos por este munic?pio. Por meio do Question?rio, obtivemos informa??es suplementares aos documentos citados, uma vez que a documenta??o de que se tinha ? disposi??o n?o garantiu o alcance dos objetivos aqui determinados. O Marco Te?rico foi constru?do a partir das publica??es de diversos estudiosos alinhados ?s tem?ticas do Planejamento Estrat?gico, Pol?ticas P?blicas, Sistema, Plano e Gest?o Municipal de Ensino, al?m de Democracia e Participa??o. No cap?tulo 2 h? a discuss?o do conceito de democracia e suas subdivis?es, demonstrando sua relev?ncia para a compreens?o do processo de participa??o social. Tal cap?tulo foi constru?do com base nos estudos de Bobbio (2015), Dallari (2010), Ferreira Filho (2010) e Nogueira (2005). No cap?tulo 3, ? discutido o conceito de planejamento governamental como uma modalidade de pol?tica p?blica, por se tratar de um conjunto de a??es articuladas e organizadas pelo poder p?blico com vistas ao atendimento da coletividade. Utilizou-se os trabalhos de Bruel (2010), Parente (2010), Ferreira (2015) e Bordignon (2013) para respaldar a discuss?o. Ao fim da disserta??o, nas considera??es finais, chegou-se a importantes conclus?es. Uma delas, em rela??o ?s etapas de elabora??o do Plano ? luz dos te?ricos, verifica-se que houve, na fase de constru??o, a observ?ncia quase que un?nime aos princ?pios defendidos por estudiosos do campo educacional. Enfatiza-se, por?m, um ponto que n?o foi observado pelo Munic?pio: a capacita??o e prepara??o dos membros da Comiss?o para lidar com a fun??o relevante de participar dos debates deste documento inestim?vel para a educa??o municipal. Sobre a participa??o da sociedade civil, o Question?rio demonstrou que houve uma t?mida participa??o popular na formula??o do Plano, demonstrando um trabalho quase limitado aos pr?prios membros da Comiss?o. N?o se conseguiu, contudo, responder ?s quest?es inerentes ? implementa??o e monitoramento das metas do PME. Espera-se que, a partir deste trabalho, outros estudos possam ser realizados a fim de se investigar os pontos n?o respondidos ? ou at? mesmo que novas ideias sejam reveladas a partir daqui. / Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2017. / The present master?s thesis aims at investigating the process construction and implementation of the Municipal Education Plan ? PME of the city of Espinosa (MG). The general objective was to analyze the process of construction and implementation of the Municipal Education Plan of that city, besides discussing the legal foundations that support the formulation of a PME, identifying the stages of its elaboration, pointing out the strategies applied for the PME construction, and observing how the people participation was granted in the formulation of the Municipal Education Plan of the city.This research relies on the follow classification: regarding the approach, the research is qualitative, since its aim is investigate a relevant social process, at the same time it seeks to understand the behavior of the subjects that act upon this process; regarding its objectives, it is a descriptive research, for it maps the historical process of construction of a juridical-social planning, delineated by a specific social group; and regarding the procedures, the research is documental, for it evaluates and exams documents and official pieces that gave rise to the creation of the Municipal Education Plan of Espinosa. The tools applied for data gathering were Document Analysis and Questionnaire. Through Document Analysis, we have examined the Reports of the Meetings of Chamber of Councilors that has approved the Law of PME of Espinosa, of the text of the Federal, State and Municipal laws related to the theme and to the documents produced by the Municipal Education Secretary. The information used in this research consists of the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988, the Federal Law n? 13.005, in June, 25, 2014, of the Guiding Document emanated by the Education Ministry related to the Plan formulation, of the official sites of that Ministry, of the Municipal Law n. 1.568 ? Municipal Education Plan -, of the Organic Law of the city of Espinosa and the Administrative Acts expedited by this city. By means of the Questionnaire, we have gathered supplementary information about the afore mentioned documents, since the documentation to what we had access did not granted to reach the objectives determined here. The theoretical foundation was constructed upon the publication of several studies aligned the themes of Strategic Planning, Public Policies, System, Municipal Plan and Management, besides Democracy and Participation. In the second chapter we found the discussion of the concept of democracy and its subdivisions, demonstrating its relevancy for the understanding of the process of social participation. That chapter was constructed based upon the studies of Bobbio (2015), Dallari (2010), Ferreira Filho (2010) and Nogueira (2005). In the third chapter, we discuss the concept of government planning as a modality of public policy, for it is a set of articulated and organized actions by the public power aiming to serve the collectivity. We have used the works of Bruel (2010), Parente (2010), Ferreira (2015) and Bordignon (2013) to support the discussion. At the end of the master?s thesis, at the final consideration, we came to important conclusions. One of them, in relation the stages of the elaboration of the plan from the theorists? point of view, we found that there was, at the construction stage, the observation almost unanimous to the principles held by the scholars of educational field. We emphasize, though, one point that was not observed by the city: the training and preparation of the members of the Commission for dealing with the relevant function of participating of the debates of that invaluable document for municipal education. About the participation of civil society, the questionnaire proved that there was a timid people participation on the plan formulation, showing a work almost limited to the members of the commission themselves. We could not, though, to answer the question inherent to the implementation and monitoring of the goals of PME. We hope that, from the present work, other studies can be carried on in order to investigate the points that were not answered, or even that new ideas be revealed from here.

O posicionamento das empresas de educação na construção do Plano Nacional de Educação 2014-2024 : uma análise a partir da teoria da empresarização

Badia, Octavio de Castilhos January 2017 (has links)
A análise do setor da educação nas últimas duas décadas permite visualizar a expansão do número de entidades privadas de cunho mercantil atuando especialmente no âmbito da educação superior. Paralelamente a isto, é possível perceber as transformações no posicionamento assumido pelo Estado diante desta situação e como isto tem se refletido sobre a legislação referente à educação. Neste sentido, o avanço do pensamento neoliberal, conforme descrevem Dardot e Laval (2016), conduz a uma nova prática de governo que subverte os fundamentos da democracia e o reconhecimento de direitos sociais atrelados à condição de cidadão, embora este movimento não se dê alheio à resistência de diferentes fontes. Com base nestes indicativos e nos trabalhos realizados por outros autores (CORBUCCI, 2004; CARVALHO, 2006; LEHER, 2014; CHAVES, 2010), percebe-se que há o aprofundamento de um processo de empresarização ocorrendo sobre a Educação. Nesta dissertação analiso o posicionamento de grupos empresariais privados no processo de formulação do Plano Nacional de Educação (PNE), vigente no período de 2014-2024, a partir da perspectiva da teoria da empresarização, conforme descrita principalmente por Solé (2008) e Abraham (2006). Para eles, a empresa se apresenta como a organização por excelência em nossa sociedade, uma vez que ela materializa as demais relações responsáveis por moldar nossos modos de pensar e agir. Os traços típicos da empresa, quer sejam a ―invenção e autonomização da realidade econômica‖, o ―mito fundador da escassez‖, a ―racionalidade moderna‖, a ―propriedade privada‖ e a ―inovação e mito do progresso‖, foram adotados como referência para poder evidenciar a expansão do modelo empresarial sobre o setor. A metodologia utilizada foi a análise de conteúdo, para a qual utilizei documentos formulados pelas entidades empresariais, reportagens e as notas taquigráficas das reuniões e audiências públicas da Câmara dos Deputados e do Senado Federal como principais fontes de dados. Os resultados observados apontam para a presença dos traços nos posicionamentos defendidos pelos grupos estudados, bem como sobre o texto final do PNE 2014-2024 o qual incorporou muitas das opiniões empresariais de forma direta e flexibilizou certas determinações em favor dos interesses destas. Foi possível perceber uma defesa clara da eficiência intrínseca das IES privadas em detrimento de ações Estatais em educação e um direcionamento no sentido de que a avaliação da qualidade da educação se dê primordialmente a partir de critérios de resultados e produtividade, quantitativamente medidos. As demandas do mercado e de desenvolvimento econômico são também tidas como instituições legitimadoras das ações em educação, conotando a presença dos traços supracitados. / The analysis of the educational sector in the last two decades allows one to visualize the expansion on the number of private mercantile entities acting specially upon higher education. Paralel to this, it‘s possible to notice the transformations on the positioning adopted by the State regarding this situation and how it‘s been reflected over the legislation regarding education. In this way, the advance of neoliberal ideas, as described by Dardot and Laval (2016), leads to a new practice of government which subverts the fundamentals of democracy and the acknowledgment of social rights attached to the condition of citizenship, even though this movements do not go on without facing resistence from various sources. Based on these indicatives and the work done by other authors (CORBUCCI, 2004; CARVALHO, 2006; LEHER, 2014; CHAVES, 2010), it is perceived that there is a deepening of a process of enterprisation occuring on Education. In this dissertation I analyze the agency of private business groups in the process of formulating the National Education Plan (PNE), in force in the period 2014-2024, from the perspective of enterprisation theory, as described mainly by Solé (2008) and Abraham (2006). To the authors, the enterprise is the organization per excellence in out society once it materializes other social relations responsible for molding our ways of thinking and acting. The typical traits of the enterprise, which are ―the invention and autonomization of the economical sphere‖, the ―founding myth of scarcity‖, ―modern rationality‖, ―private property‖ and ―inovation and the myth of progress‖, were adopted as reference in order to be able to show the expansion of the entrepeneurial model over the educational sector. The method of analysis chosen is the analysis of content, which was applied to documents produced by the groups under study, media reports and the shorthand notes of the meetings and public hearings held by the Chamber of Deputies and the Federal Senate. Results point to the presence of the enterprisation traits on the positions defended by the private groups studied, as well as on the final text of the PNE 2014-2024 which at some points directly incorporated their understandings and, in others, made certain determinations more flexible in order to meet their interests. It was possible to perceive a clear defense of the intrinsic efficiency of the private Educational Institutions in detriment of Governmental actions in education as well as an attempt of redirectioning the sense of quality evaluation of higher education in order to observe mainly results and productivity criteria, quantitatively measured. The demands of the market and of economic development are considered as legitimating institutions to the actions promoted in education, connoting the presence of the aforementioned traits of enterprisation.

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