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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L’apprentissage des concepts sanitaires par les enfants de 5 à 6 ans dans des écoles maternelles, intérêt des supports pédagogiques : Approche comparative entre la France et la Syrie / Teach the Health Concepts to preschool by the Children from 5 to 6 years, interest educational Tools : Approaches comparative between France and Syria / تعليم مجموعة من المفاهيم الصحية لأطفال ما قبل المدرسة الابتدائية م من 5 ـ 6 سنوات عن طريق الوسائل التعليمية : دراسة مقارنة بين فرنسا وسورية

Nouh, Samira 30 September 2014 (has links)
En Sciences de l'éducation, nombreuses équipes pédagogiques s'intéressent à l'éducation à la santé. Les travaux portent sur les différents acteurs de l'éducation à la santé que ce soit les acteurs de la santé publique, les enseignants ou encore les élèves. Les principaux résultats permettent de mettre en place des outils pédagogiques variés utiles en formation initiale et continue .Cette étude est orientée vers l'apprentissage des concepts sanitaires par des enfants de maternelle (5 à 6 ans) dans une approche comparative avec / sans supports pédagogiques. La population concerne sept écoles maternelles en France et sept écoles en Syrie. Un questionnaire adressé aux enseignants des écoles a permis d'étudier leurs représentations de l'utilisation de supports pédagogiques et de l'enseignement des concepts sanitaires en maternelle. L'impact des supports pédagogiques dans l'apprentissage des concepts sanitaires est examiné à travers des tests écrits réalisés par les enfants. Une nette différence entre l'enseignement français et syrien a été constatée selon le concept et les supports pédagogiques utilisés. Les enseignants français s'appuient fortement sur le matériel de classe avec une utilisation plus importante des livres et de l'oral que les enseignants syriens. Par contre les supports pédagogiques se révèlent utiles pour l'apprentissage des concepts sanitaires mais les contraintes rencontrées empêchent une bonne assimilation des concepts sanitaires par les élèves. Notons que les résultats du groupe expérimental pour les tests écrits sont meilleurs que ceux du groupe témoin et que ce résultat est corrélé à l'expérience et au niveau scientifique des enseignants. / The majority of researches in educational sciences focus on the health education. The work focuses on the various players in the health education whatsoever actors of public health, teachers or students. The main results make it possible to introduce a variety of educational tools information initial and continuing training. The health education is a key point that should be addressed early childhood, a time when children are particularly receptive and actively explore their environment This study is meant to teach a set of health concepts to preschool children (5-6 years) a comparative approach with / without teaching materials. The Population involves seven kindergartens in France and seven kindergartens in Syria. In this regard, a questionnaire sent to school teachers concerned to permit study their representations using teaching aids and teaching health concepts for preschoolers. The impact of educational tools in learning health concepts is examined through written tests by children A clear variation among teachers of both countries when it comes to the concepts and the tools in use. French schools teachers showed a clear interest in school materials; while their counterparts in Syria stressed on reading textbooks and story. As opposed to this variation, teachers in both countries stressed on the role of health concepts but they also mentioned the barrier they face that prevents them from proper use of these tools in teaching health concepts to preschool children. Note that the results of the experimental group in the written tests are better than those in the control group and this result is correlated with the experience and level of expertise of teachers. / ملخص البحثالمضمونتركز غالبية الأبحاث في علوم التربية، على التربية الصحية وعلى مختلف العاملين في هذا المجال سواء كانوا في الصحةالعامة أو في المدرسة كالمعلمين والتلاميذ. هذه النظرة تتطلب الأخذ بالحسبان مختلف الوسائل التعليمية وتوظيفها بالتعليموكذلك التأهيل المستمر للمعلمين.اتجه الاهتمام إلى مرحلة ما قبل المدرسة الابتدائية باعتبارها من أهم المراحل في تربية الطفل ففيها تتكون الكثير منمفاهيمه و أنماط سلوكه، كما تتكون باكورات الفعل ورد الفعل مع البيئة، الأمر الذي دعى إلى الاهتمام بالتربية الصحيةودورها في تزويد الأطفال بالمعلومات والإرشادات الصحية المتعلقة بصحتهم بغرض التأثير على اتجاهاتهم والعمل علىتعديل وتطوير سلوكهم الصحي، وهذا الاهتمام بدا من خلال المدرسة ودورها في التأثير بالطفل وإكسابه المفاهيم الصحيةالسليمة عن طريق تشجيعه على الاستطلاع والاكتشاف والتجريب والملاحظة وتعليمه المفاهيم الصحية باستخدام الحواسوالاهتمام بالوسائل التعليمية المناسبة لأن الطفل بهذا العمر لا يستطيع بناء مفاهيمه وتصوراته بدون هذه الوسائل.منهج البحثتوجهت دراستنا نحو تعليم مجموعة من المفاهيم الصحية لأطفال ما قبل المدرسة الابتدائية من خلال الوسائل التعليمية،حيث تم توزيع استبيان على معلمي هذه المرحله من اجل إبداء أرائهم فيما يتعلق بطرائق التعليم واستخدام الوسائل التعليميةالتي تبدو لهم مهمة من أجل تعليم المفاهيم الصحية في هذه المرحلة، بالإضافة إلى اختبارات كتابية وزعت على الأطفالفي صفين، صف يحوي مجموعه تجريبية حيت يتعلم الأطفال المفاهيم الصحية باستخدام الوسائل التعليمية وصف يحويمجموعه ضابطه يتم تعليم المفاهيم الصحية لأطفال هذه المجموعه بدون وسائل تعليمية. هذه الاختبارات هدفها قياس فاعليهالوسائل التعليمية في إكساب أطفال الرياض مجموعه من المفاهيم الصحية.نتائج البحثاختلاف واضح بين المعلمين بكلا البلدين حسب المفهوم والوسائل المستخدمة، فالمعلمون في المدارس الفرنسية أظهروااهتمام واضح بالوسائل التعليمية الصفية في حين نظرائهم في سوريا أكدوا على استخدام الكتب ورواية القصص وسماعالأناشيد لإكساب الأطفال المفاهيم الصحية، بالمقابل أكد المعلمون في كلا البلدين على الدور الواضح الذي تلعبه الوسائلالتعليمية في تعلم المفاهيم الصحية لكن العوائق التي يواجهونها تمنعهم من الاستخدام الصحيح لهذه الوسائل. نلاحظ ايضاان نتائج افراد المجموعه التجريبية في الاختبار التحصيلي كانت افضل من نتائج افراد المجموعه الضابطه وفق متغيريالخبره والمستوى العلمي للمعلمين

Äger eller suger? : En studie av elevers upplevelser av delaktighet vid användandet av digitala läromedel

Fahlesson, Susanne, Bergelin, Agneta January 2019 (has links)
Abstrakt   Detta examensarbete handlar om att genomföra en kvalitativ fallstudie och med hjälp av metoderna bildanalys och gruppintervjuer öka kunskapen om elevers upplevelser av delaktighet vid användandet av digitala läromedel. I studien ingick 18 elever i årskurs 4 i en skola i norra Sverige samt deras tre undervisande lärare.   Syfte: Studiens övergripande syfte att öka kunskapen om elevers upplevelser av delaktighet vid användandet av digitala läromedel delades upp i tre frågeställningar: Hur uppfattar eleverna att det digitala läromedlet påverkar deras delaktighet? Hur beskriver eleverna användandet av digitala läromedel i skolan? Hur beskriver de undervisande lärarna elevernas delaktighet vid användandet av digitala läromedel?   Metoder: Studien genomfördes utifrån de tre frågeställningarna. De metoder som ingick i studien var bildskapande, där eleverna skapade egenproducerade bilder och korta texter. I samband med elevernas bildskapande genomfördes också kompletterande samtal med eleverna. Gruppintervjuer vid två tillfällen med de undervisande lärarna ingick också som metod i studien. Utifrån delaktighetsmodellen gjordes bildanalys av elevernas egenproducerade bilder och korta texter.   Resultat: Eleverna uttrycker i sina egenproducerade bilder att det är roligt och att det underlättar då de skriver på datorn. Flera elever beskriver att de tycker det är lättare med digitalt läromedel för de behöver bara ta fram en sak. Det som upplevs som jobbigt är när internetuppkopplingen inte fungerar som den ska. Några elever beskriver att det ibland kan vara svårt att hitta i det digitala läromedlet och det var ”krångligt” från början men det fungerar bättre nu. De undervisande lärarna bekräftar att navigationen i det digitala läromedlet var svår initialt. Speciellt svårt var det eftersom flera nya moment infördes. Lärarna uttrycker att det är osäkert om det beror på just det digitala läromedel de valt eller om det är att det är ett nytt sätt att arbeta på. Generellt så uttrycker de flesta av eleverna att använda digitala läromedel och att arbeta med dator är roligare än vanliga böcker. Lärarna beskriver det digitala läromedlet som lustfyllt och att det digitala läromedlet ”fångar” de elever som tycker skolan är svår De allra flesta eleverna uttrycker en arbetsglädje då de beskriver sin användning av digitala läromedel. De undervisande lärarna menar att det digitala läromedlets stora fördel är den snabba feedback som både elever och lärarna får med hjälp av den i det digitala läromedlet inbyggda statistik över gjorda uppgifter. Eleven beskriver känslan av att själv kunna bestämma och påverka vad hen skriver på datorn. Den ger hen en möjlighet att vara delaktighet och hen kan själv påverka sin arbetssituation. Det digitala läromedlet främjar enligt lärarna delaktigheten på så sätt att det inte längre framgår vilken svårighetsgrad eleverna har på sina uppgifter.   Slutsats: Metoden bildanalys var ett bra val, trots att eleverna endast vid ett lektionstillfälle skapade de egenproducerade bilderna så erhölls väldigt mycket information, dock var det svårt att formulera frågorna till eleverna, så att de verkligen kunde beskriva sina upplevelser av delaktighet i bilden, vilket bör ses som metodens svaghet. Vid de kompletterande elevsamtalen beskrev de sina upplevelser av delaktighet. Beträffande gruppintervjuerna så hävdar vi att de undervisande lärarna styrkte det eleverna uttryckt. Resultaten vi fått fram genom vår kvalitativa fallstudie kan vara svåra att överföra och generalisera till andra elevgrupper eftersom de sociala situationerna och lärmiljöerna kan se annorlunda ut för dessa elevgrupper. Resultaten i studien är användbara i den meningen att de kan ligga till grund för skolutveckling gällande delaktighet, digitalisering och digitala läromedel. Ett hinder för att skolor skall kunna säkerställa likvärdigheten och möjlighet att nå de mål som regeringens nationella digitaliseringsstrategi föreskriver är att det är så stor skillnad i hur skolor eller kommuner har ekonomiska medel för att genomföra digitaliseringen av skolan på ett tillfredställande sätt. I slutändan är det lärarnas arbetssätt och användandet av det digitala läromedlet, som kan möjliggöra en tillgänglig lärmiljö där eleverna är inkluderade och delaktiga, inte läromedlet i sig. / Abstract   This thesis is a qualitative case study that aims to increase the knowledge about students’ perceptions of participation when using digital educational tools. The methods used in this case study are image analysis and group interviews. The participants in this study came from a school in the north of Sweden. There where 18 students from grade 4 and 3 of their teachers participating.   Aim: The overarching aim of the study was to increase knowledge about students’ perception of participation when using digital educational tools. The perception of participation was evaluated from three angles: How do the students perceive that the digital educational material affects their participation? How are the students describing the use of digital educational tools in school? How are the teachers describing the use of digital educational tools in school?   Method: The methods used in this study where: Student´s images and group interviews. There were also additional conversations with the students in conjunction of the creation of the images and texts. Group interviews were conducted at two points in time with the teachers, one before the analysis of the student´s pictures and one after. Image analysis by using participation model was done on the students own images and texts.   Results: In the images the students expressed that it was fun and easier to write on the computer. Many of the students also described that is was easier with digital educational tools as they only need to bring one thing (the computer). The challenges they described where when the Wi-Fi connection was not working and some of them mentioned that it was hard to navigate the digital tool in the beginning, but that it was easier after a while. The teachers confirm that the navigation was challenging when the tools was first initiated, especially as multiple new elements were introduced at the same time. However, the teachers were unsure if that was due to the digital educational tools or due to that it was a new way of working. The majority of the students expressed that it is more fun to work with digital educational tools and computers, compared to regular books. The teacher described the digital educational tools as joyful learning and that it is engaging for those students that normally find the school challenging.  Most of the students also expressed a satisfaction and joy when describing their use of digital educational tools. The teacher described that a major benefit of using digital tools, is the quick feedback with statistics of performed learning exercises that the tools provide to both the student and the teacher. The students reported that they got a sense of autonomy when they can have an impact and themselves decide what they write on the computer. That gives them the opportunity to participate and be able to affect their own learning situation. From a teacher’s point of view, the digital tools stimulate the participation, where the students’ different degree of difficulty on their tasks are not reviled to their classmates.   Conclusion: It was a good choice of method to perform the image analysis because even though the students only created the images at one point in time, the information that the images provided was comprehensive. However, the verbal conversions that was performed in conjunction with the creation of the images were challenging, as it was hard to formulate the questions so that the students fully could describe their perception of participation in their image. This should be considered as the weakness of this method.   During the verbal conversations in conjunction with the creation of the images, the students described their experiences of participation. The group interviews with the teachers that followed, confirmed the students’ descriptions. The results from this qualitative case study may be challenging to transfer and standardise for other student groups as the social situations and learning environments could be different. The results of the study could be useful moving forward as it may be indicative for future educational developments regarding participation, digitalisation and digital educational material. The big difference in the funding for the digital implementation between schools and municipalities is one of the obstacles to ensure equality and the ability to reach the goals that the government have set out for digital strategy in schools. In the end, it is the teachers’ ways of working and their use of the digital educational material that is going to enable an accessible learning environment where the students are included and participating, not the educational tool itself.

Évaluation d'un nouveau complément à l'intervention en physiothérapie pour le torticolis postural chez les nourrissons

Goes de Castro, Priscilla 04 1900 (has links)
Le torticolis postural est une affection courante dans le milieu pédiatrique en particulier depuis que les parents ont adopté les lignes directrices de la campagne « Back to Sleep ». Habituellement, un programme d’exercices à domicile est présenté aux parents afin de promouvoir une récupération optimale toutefois, peu d’outils existent pour les accompagner dans la réalisation de ces exercices. L'objectif de cette étude était d'évaluer l'impact de l'addition du nouveau livret d’intervention pour le torticolis (LIT) sur la résolution du torticolis (restitution de l’amplitude passive du cou), le stress parental et la satisfaction à l’égard du traitement reçu et sur l'observance des parents au traitement à domicile. Cinquante-huit nourrissons référés en physiothérapie pour un torticolis postural ont été recrutés et randomisés au cours de leur première visite à l’un ou l’autre de ces 2 groupes: Physiothérapie + LIT (n = 29) ou Physiothérapie + traitement standard (n = 29). Des évaluateurs ont évalué à l’aveugle les patients 1 et 3 mois après leur visite initiale, 30 minutes avant leur consultation en physiothérapie. L’amplitude articulaire passive du cou en rotation était mesurée à l’aide d’un goniomètre arthrodial. Le niveau de stress parental a été évalué en utilisant l’Indice de Stress Parental (ISP). Les parents ont reçu l’ISP à la fin de la visite initiale et ont été invités à le compléter à la maison et le retourner à la visite suivante en physiothérapie ou à la visite de 1 mois. La satisfaction des parents à l’égard du traitement reçu a été évaluée en utilisant la Mesure du Processus de Soins (MPOC-56) à 3 mois. L'observance au traitement a été estimée en demandant aux parents de rapporter la durée quotidienne de positionnement des nourrissons sur le ventre pendant la semaine dernière à l’évaluation. L’analyse de nos données consista à d’abord décrire les performances des 2 groupes à l’aide de statistiques descriptives. Ensuite, des tests de t ont permis de comparer le changement à la rotation passive cervicale, entre la visite de 1 mois et la visite initiale ainsi qu’entre la visite de 3 mois et la visite initiale. Des tests de t ont aussi été calculés pour comparer les scores de chaque sous-échelle du ISP (stress parental) et du MPOC-56 (satisfaction des soins) entre les groupes. Le test du chi carré a été réalisé pour comparer l'adhérence entre les deux groupes à 1 et 3-mois. Les résultats ont montré une tendance à un plus grand changement de la rotation passive du cou à 1-mois dans le groupe LIT (Intervalle de Confiance à 95% = 95% IC= 1,97-8,77 ; p = 0, 17) mais pas à 3 mois. Les parents du groupe LIT ont obtenu des scores de stress plus faibles après avoir reçu l'outil d'intervention (95%IC= 49,20-57,94 ; p = 0, 01) et ont déclaré être plus satisfaits que les parents du groupe témoin pour le traitement reçu (95%IC= 6,7-6,8 ; p=0,03) e o partenariat avec les thérapeutes (95%IC= 6,3-6,9 ; p<0,001). Enfin, l'observance au traitement a été plus élevée dans le groupe LIT que dans le groupe contrôle en particulier à 3-mois (p = 0.01). Le nouveau livret d'intervention pour le torticolis accompagné d'un traitement de physiothérapie a tendance à contribuer à une restitution plus rapide de l’amplitude passive du cou en rotation, peut aider à diminuer le niveau de stress parental, contribuer à une plus grande satisfaction à l’égard du traitement et améliorer l’observance au traitement à domicile. / Postural Torticollis is a common condition in pediatric practices especially since parents have adopted “Back to Sleep” campaign’s guidelines. Parents are often instructed to carry out a home program of exercises; however there are few educational tools with comprehensive information about postural torticollis exercises. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of the addition of the new Torticollis Intervention Booklet (TIB) on torticollis resolution (attainment of full passive neck range of motion), parental stress level, parental satisfaction and adherence to treatment received. Fifty-eight infants referred to physiotherapy for a postural torticollis were recruited and randomized during their initial visit to two groups: Physiotherapy + TIB (n=29) or Physiotherapy + Standard Care (n=29). Blinded evaluators assessed the patients at 1 and 3 months after their initial visit, thirty minutes before their physiotherapy consultation. Passive neck rotation range of motion (ROM) was measured by an arthrodial goniometer. Parental stress level was evaluated using the Parenting Stress Index- Short Form (PSI-SF). Parents received the PSI-SF at the end of the baseline visit and were requested to complete it at home and return it at their subsequent physical therapy appointment or at the second scheduled study assessment time. Parental satisfaction was evaluated using the Measure of Processes of Care (MPOC-56) at 3-months. Adherence to treatment was evaluated as the length of time per day parents reported having their children in the prone awake position in the week before follow-up visits. Analysis consisted of descriptive analyses for each group; t-tests to compare passive neck rotation ROM change scores between the baseline and 1-month visits and baseline and 3-month visits; and to compare subscale scores for PSI-SF (parental stress) and MPOC-56 (satisfaction with care) between the two groups. The Chi-square test was performed to compare adherence between the two groups at 1 and 3-months. The results showed a tendency to greater passive neck rotation (ROM) change at 1-month in the TIB group (95% Confidence Interval = 95%CI = 1.97- 8.77; p=0.17) but not at 3-months. Parents in the the TIB group showed lower global stress scores after receiving the intervention tool (95%CI= 49.20- 57.94; p = 0.01) and reported greater satisfaction than controls in the “coordinated and comprehensive care” (95%CI= 6.7-6.8; p=0.03) and « enabling and partnership » subscales (95%CI= 6.3-6.9; p<0.001). Finally, adherence was higher in the TIB group than controls especially at 3-months (p=0.01). The new Torticollis Intervention Booklet accompanied by physical therapy treatment has a tendency to lead to an earlier restitution of passive neck rotation ROM, may help decrease stress levels, increase satisfaction with treatment, and improve adherence.

Experiential Education in Groundwater Hydrology Bridging the Technical-Policy-Populace Gap Final Report.

Maxwell, R M Tompson, A F B Richardson, J H El-Naser, H Rihani, J. F F Subah, A. El Sha'r, W A Al-Hadidi, Khair Al-Awamleh, M Al-Foqaha, M Abu-Eid, O Hayyaneh, R A January 2003 (has links)
Thesis; Thesis information not provided; 17 Jul 2003. / Published through the Information Bridge: DOE Scientific and Technical Information. "UCRL-LR-154423" Maxwell, R M; Tompson, A F B; Richardson, J H; El-Naser, H; Rihani, J. F F; Subah, A.; El Sha'r, W A; Al-Hadidi, Khair; Al-Awamleh, M; Al-Foqaha, M; Abu-Eid, O; Hayyaneh, R A. 07/17/2003. Report is also available in paper and microfiche from NTIS.

Návrh a realizace kompetenčního přístupu při práci s dětmi mladšího školního věku v organizaci Junák - český skaut, z. s. / Design and Realisation of the Competency Approach for Children of Younger School Age in the Junák - Czech Scouting Organisation

Čížková, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to create and implement a competency-based approach in the organization Junák - Czech Scouting for children of younger school age. Further, it analyses the possibilities and limits of such an approach. The theoretical part deals with the development of key competencies through scout education. Special attention is paid to the transformation of the educational programme in the children's organization Junák - Czech Scout at the beginning of the 21st century. Furthermore, the terms of competence and key competence are discussed. The practical part was carried out as action research in the 3rd Scout Unit Holubov. Using a questionnaire survey, the research first focuses on the reflection of Scout Paths, which represent the current scout tool for applying the competency-based approach. The next part of the research concentrates on creating a new competency-based model that verifies and reflects in practice. In the final part, the possibilities and limits of this new model are analyzed and suggestions for further implementations are proposed. Key Words key competencies, competency model, Scouting, Junák, Stezka, educational methods, New programme (educational scout programme), educational tools, personal development, competency-based approach.

An Intervention Study on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in the ESL Classroom: English teacher perspectives on the Effectiveness of ChatGPT for Personalized Language LearningEn

Mohammad Ali, Abrar January 2023 (has links)
The recent release of AI tools for public use allows for the development of novel teaching approaches for goals that often present challenges in the classroom, such as the need for personalized learning materials. The current study enlists a four-week ChatGPT-based personalized learning intervention in tandem with a teacher questionnaire and interviews in two upper-secondary schools in Southern Sweden to investigate English teacher perceptions of the benefits and challenges of using AI for personalized language learning. In addition, the intervention investigates the potential effectiveness of personalized learning assignments using ChatGPT on the development of students’ grammar abilities in a specific, local classroom context to both address a local need at the school in question and to serve as a proof of concept for more broad-based, future research on the use of these tools for this purpose. The questionnaire revealed that teachers initially had some concerns regarding the accuracy, reliability, and practical implementation of such tools. However, the intervention was found to significantly reduce grammar errors in student writing, and in follow-up interviews, teachers reported feeling more receptive to such approaches after interacting with the tools and seeing the beneficial results. These findings demonstrate that teachers may be hesitant to implement AI tools, which underscores the importance of training and first-hand use for promoting their successful adoption into pedagogical practices. In addition, the findings suggest that AI-based tools for personalized language learning may also be successful in a broader educational context. Finally, certain limitations, such as the small sample size, are acknowledged which emphasizes that further research is necessary to acquire a more comprehensive understanding of personalized learning using AI-based tools like ChatGPT.

Perceptions of Pre-service Teachers of Using Video Games as Teaching Tools

Bensiger, Joy 27 September 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Enhancing Inclusivity in Swedish ESL Classrooms : Integrating Generative AI for Personalized Learning / Inkludering i engelska som andraspråk-klassrummet : Generativ AI för individualiserat lärande

Mohammad Ali, Abrar January 2024 (has links)
Focusing on personalized grammar tasks, this study dives into the integration of Generative Artificial Intelligence into English as a Second Language education. By utilizing a mixed methods approach, incorporating both qualitative and quantitative analyses the study explores how personalized learning can be improved by employing ChatGPT. Results from the study indicate that GAI-driven personalization significantly enhances student engagement and motivation. This offers a promising path for tailoring education to individual learner needs toward a more inclusive classroom. A central outcome of this study is the proposal of a new theoretical framework the Personalization-Motivation Integration Framework (PMIF). This framework clarifies the synergistic effects of integrating content and topic personalization to significantly boost student motivation and reach a more inclusive learning environment. This adds to the growing research about AI's potential in education as it indicates that these technologies can significantly enhance teaching and offer a more tailored and inclusive learning environment.

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