Spelling suggestions: "subject:"61effective remedy"" "subject:"c.affective remedy""
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The right to an effective remedy for Asylum-seekers before the European Court of Human RightsAbosief Elsharkawy, Mahmoud January 2024 (has links)
The right to an effective remedy is a fundamental principle of international human rights law, crucial for the protection of individuals, especially for asylum seekers who have faced human rights violations in their countries of origin. Due to the importance of this right, it was included in art. 13 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), however, this article did not provide a clear definition of what is an effective remedy. The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), as the judicial body responsible for the application of the ECHR, discussed the right to an effective remedy in many cases in which the applicants claimed that their right to an effective remedy has been violated. The Court did not provide a specific definition rather it provided requirements for a remedy to be effective which will be discussed in this thesis. As the ECHR is applied to "everyone" as provided in article 1 of the Convention, asylum seekers can claim the violations of their right to an effective remedy before the ECtHR. This can provide a significant guarantee in the protection system for asylum seekers in different ways. Art. 13 of the ECHR stipulated the national authorities are the main responsible for providing the right to an effective remedy. In case the national authorities failed in providing such remedy, hence the role of the ECtHR comes to provide such remedy which is known as the principle of subsidiarity. Also, as asylum seekers are the more vulnerable groups for forcible refoulement, it became important to discuss if the right to an effective remedy can be protect them against such refoulement. This thesis aims to investigate the right to an effective remedy as evolved by the case law of the European Court of Human Rights. It analysis the interpretation of this right by the ECtHR to explain its requirements, type, and scope of application, Also, it focuses on the principle of subsidiarity and how it can be applied in this regard. Finally, it discussed the implementation of the right to an effective remedy in conjunction with the principle of non-refoulement to explain the scope of protection that can be guaranteed for asylum seekers against forcible refoulement.
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Le droit à un recours effectif au sens de la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme / The Right to an Effective Remedy in the Meaning of the European Convention on Human RightsRusu, Gabriela-Adriana 14 January 2013 (has links)
Le droit à un recours effectif constitue une disposition clé de la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme. En vertu de l'article 13 de la Convention, toute personne ayant un "grief défendable" tiré d'une violation des droits conventionnels, doit bénéficier d'un recours effectif devant une autorité nationale. Le droit à un recours effectif vient ainsi consolider la protection des droits conventionnels au niveau interne. Par conséquent, il établit avant tout une garantie supplémentaire qui renforce l'effectivité des droits substantiels. Dans le même temps, l'article 13 contient à la fois un droit subjectif procédural dont la violation peut être constatée par la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme, ainsi qu'une obligation étatique découlant de l'obligation générale de protection des droits de l'homme. Il est ainsi l'expression du principe de subsidiarité et permet aux Etats parties de remédier eux-mêmes aux violations des droits conventionnels. Dans un souci d'efficacité, le juge européen a enrichi de plus en plus le contenu du droit à un recours effectif, qui semble se transformer en droit à un recours juridictionnel effectif. / The right to an effective remedy is one of the key-provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights. On the basis of the Article 13 of the Convention, everyone who has an “arguable claim” that one of his Convention rights has been violated, shall have an effective remedy before a national authority. The right to an effective remedy therefore enforces the protection of the Convention rights on domestic level. In this way, it principally establishes an additional guarantee that reinforces the effectiveness of the substantive rights. At the same time, the Article 13 contains an individual procedural right, the violation of which can be found by the European Court of Human Rights. Furthermore, it contains an obligation of the States giving direct expression to their general obligation to protect human rights. The Article 13 is therefore the expression of the principle of subsidiary and it allows the Contracting parties to remedy directly the violations of the Convention rights. Attentive to the effectiveness of the Convention, the European Court has gradually enhanced the content of the right to an effective remedy, resulting in what appears to be a transformation into a right to an effective judicial remedy.
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Skada vid överprövning : Skaderekvisitet i mål om överprövning av offentliga upphandlingar / Harm in Review ProceduresArksand, Eugenia January 2023 (has links)
This thesis examines the requirement that a supplier must have been harmed or risked being harmed in the review procedures of public procurements. The requirement for harm is analysed using the Swedish legal dogmatic method in connection with EU law. The requirement for harm is part of the implementation of the Remedies Directive, which balances the interest of protecting suppliers from unlawful decisions against the interest of effective and rapid procurement and review procedures. A review is a non-financial remedy in which the purpose is to act against unlawful decisions, preferably at a stage when no actual harm has occurred. In the case of a review, harm means that the supplier's ability of being awarded the contract is impaired. The concept of harm is thus more abstract than the required harm within tort law to receive damages (skadestånd). There are two kinds of requirements for harm in the Swedish Public Procurement Act for the review procedure. The first is that a supplier according to Chapter 20. Section 4 must consider itself to have been harmed or risked being harmed to apply for a review. Thus, it is the supplier's own perception of harm that is relevant, and the requirement is of a subjective nature. However, according to a precedent from the Swedish Supreme Administrative Court in conformity with the Remedies Directive, the supplier is also required to have an interest in obtaining the particular contract that is up for review. The second requirement is in the court's review according to Chapter 20. Sections 6 or 13-13(b), depending on the type of case. It means that a supplier must show that it has been harmed or risked being harmed due to an infringement of the Swedish Public Procurement Act. The harm must have a causal link with the alleged infringement and the particular contract up for review. Thus, the supplier needs to describe in a clear and explicit manner how the infringement has resulted in harm or risk of harm and the requirement is of a more objective nature. According to another precedent from the Swedish Supreme Administrative Court, the second requirement is not fulfilled unless the supplier has done enough to limit the harm which it is subject to. For example, by asking questions regarding an infringement in the contract documents before submitting a tender. The European Court of Justice has ruled that the objectives of the Remedies Directive are not fully implemented if a supplier is allowed to apply for a review at any stage, as has long been the case in Swedish law. However, there is no limitation period or general obligation for suppliers to limit harm in the event of a review according to EU law or previous Swedish law. Thus, there is an uncertainty regarding the exact scope of the second requirement of harm. / https://urt.cc/reportage/skada-vid-overprovning/
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Les voies de recours dans le droit de la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme / Remedies in the European Convention on Human Rights lawMardon, Delphine 28 October 2013 (has links)
L’influence du droit issu de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme sur le droit interne n’est plus à démontrer. Ce texte offre aux justiciables une protection accentuée de leurs droits fondamentaux. Cette affirmation ne doit pas être limitée aux droits que la Convention EDH contient expressément ou encore à ceux que la Cour de Strasbourg a elle-même dégagés grâce à son interprétation dynamique et évolutive. Entendues comme les moyens permettant de contester un acte juridictionnel, les voies de recours ne correspondent pas, en tant que telles, à un droit protégé par le système européen des droits de l’homme. Ce n’est pas pour autant qu’elles sont ignorées de ce dernier. Au contraire, elles bénéficient de toute l’attention des juges européens. Construite à partir des décisions et arrêts rendus par les organes de contrôle européens, la thèse met en évidence les relations entretenues entre la Convention EDH et les voies de recours. Il est alors indispensable d’identifier précisément le type de relations dont il s’agit. Si ces deux mécanismes ont en point commun l’idée de contrôle, les juges européens n’interviennent qu’à l’issue de la procédure interne à laquelle participent les voies de recours. Cette organisation permet de mettre pleinement en lumière le regard que la Cour de Strasbourg porte sur les voies de recours au moment de réaliser son propre contrôle. Il faut alors observer que son appréhension des voies de recours n’est pas univoque. La Cour ne fait pas que contrôler la mise en œuvre par les voies de recours des garanties procédurales contenues dans la Convention. Ces dernières sont également un moyen utilisé par la Cour européenne afin de s’assurer du respect de l’ensemble des droits conventionnels. La découverte de ces dimensions pose la question d’une qualification globale des relations entre la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme et les voies de recours. L’utilisation des voies de recours au cœur du contrôle de conventionnalité, en qualité d’instrument ou d’objet, montre que ces relations favorisent un renforcement mutuel des voies de recours comme du système de protection des droits conventionnels. / The influence of the law stemming from the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms no longer need to be demonstrated. This text provides people with an increased protection of their fundamental rights. This assertion can not be restricted to the rights that are clearly stated in the Convention or those that are drawn by the European Court of Human Rights thanks to its dynamic and evolutional interpretation. Remedies constitute a way to contest a judicial decision. On account of this definition, they do not correspond to a right directly protected by the European human rights system. That does not mean they are ignored by this system. On the contrary, European judges give their full attention to them. This thesis built up from the European decisions and judgments underscores the relations between the European Convention and remedies. It is therefore necessary to determine what kind of relations. If those two mechanisms have the idea of control in common, the European judges intervene only when the domestic proceedings in which remedies are brought is ended. This organization allows to highlight the way the European Court looks upon remedies when it carries out its own control. The way it grasps remedies is then not univocal. The European Court does not only control the enforcement of procedural guarantees of the Convention by remedies. These guarantees also are a means used by the European Court to ascertain the respect of all Convention rights. The discovery of these two aspects asks for a global qualification of the relations between the European Convention and remedies. Remedies’ use in the heart of the review of conventionality, as an instrument or an object, shows that these relations favour a mutual strengthening of remedies as well as the Convention rights system of protection.
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Critical analysis of victims' rights before international criminal justiceN'dri, Maurice Kouadio January 2006 (has links)
"The establishment of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in Rome in 1998 is a milestone for humanity and a watershed in the life of victims of ongoing violations or wars. The Preamble to the Rome Statute of the ICC acknowledges that 'during this century [20th century] millions of children, women and men have been victims of unimaginable atrocities that deeply shock the conscience of humanity'. This dissertation explores the development and state of victims' rights in international criminal law. ... The study consists of five chapters. Chapter one will provide the context in which the study is set. It oulines the basis and structure of the study. Chapter two endeavours to define some of the basic concepts central to the study: victim, witness, compensation, reparation, redress, restitution, etc. This chapter will give a brief overview of victims' rights in the domestic system. It will also analyse the right to an effective remedy in international law with specific focus on the UN human rights system and on regional systems. Chapter three will outline victims' rights before the ad hoc international criminal tribunals and hybrid courts. These tribunals and courts are the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), Special Court of Sierra Leone (SCSL), Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECC), and the Special Pannels for Serious Crimes in East Timor (SPSC). Chapter four is devoted [to] the ICC. It will focus on its provisions dealing with victims' rights and assess whether this mechanism makes effective allowance for victims to be heard and compensated. Chapter five will consist of a summary of the entire presentation and the conclusions drawn from the study. It will make some recommendations for the adequate protection of victims' rights." -- Introduction. / Prepared under the supervision of Dr. Raymond Koen at the Faculty of Law, University of the Western Cape / Thesis (LLM (Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa)) -- University of Pretoria, 2006. / http://www.chr.up.ac.za/academic_pro/llm1/dissertations.html / Centre for Human Rights / LLM
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Le droit disciplinaire pénitentiaire : une approche européenne. Analyse des systèmes anglais, gallois, espagnol et français à la lumière du droit européen des droits de l'homme / Prison adjudication : a European approach Comparative analysis of the English, Welsh, French and Spanish systems in light of the European law on Human RightsFalxa, Joana 07 November 2014 (has links)
La discipline, élément essentiel de la vie pénitentiaire, fut longtemps ignorée du droit. L’analyse comparée des systèmes anglo-gallois, espagnol et français en la matière permet cependant de constater la normativisation de la discipline pénitentiaire et un accroissement des garanties processuelles accordées au détenu, qui accède au statut de justiciable. Ce mouvement traduit une certaine recherche d’équité dans la procédure disciplinaire, qui est à mettre en relation avec le renforcement progressif des droits de l’homme en milieu fermé. Le droit européen des droits de l’homme, bien que timoré sous certains aspects processuels, n’est pas étranger à cette évolution et permet de dégager une idéologie pénitentiaire fixant des standards communs aux différents droits internes. L’examen des systèmes disciplinaires observés révèle néanmoins les difficultés auxquelles est confrontée l’entrée du droit dans le monde pénitentiaire. Le droit est en outre loin d’être le seul instrument de gestion employé en détention. La conjonction de ces divers facteurs incite à proposer un modèle disciplinaire global reflétant cette recherche d’équité dans le système disciplinaire pénitentiaire. / Discipline is a key part of prison life which has long been ignored by the law. The comparative analysis of the English, Welsh, Spanish and French systems on this topic highlights however the prison discipline’s normativization and the increase of all the procedural safeguards for prisoners-litigants. This process reflects the search for a greater equity in prison adjudication, which could be connected to the progressive strengthening of Human Rights’ in prison. Although the European law on Human Rights is still timorous on some procedural aspects, it is part of this evolution, and it develops a global prison ideology by setting common standards for the different national laws in Europe. Nevertheless, the review of the different disciplinary systems enlightens the difficulties faced by the emergence of the rule of law in prison. Besides, the law is far from being the only mean for prison management. These factors’ convergence encourages to propose a new global disciplinary model, reflecting the search of a higher level of equity in the prison disciplinary system.
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Aktuální problémy soudního řízení ve věcech mezinárodní ochrany / Current issues of judicial proceedings in cases of international protectionKřižáková, Markéta January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis "Current issues of judicial proceedings in cases of international protection" is the evaluation whether the amendment of Asylum Act sufficiently fulfils requirements of the procedural Directive 2013/32/EU regarding the right to effective remedy. Namely these requirements are full and ex nunc examination of both fact and points of law that composes large part of this thesis, suspensive effect and time limits. In order to reach the goal of this thesis several questions are given which one of them relates to the right to effective remedy in international, European and national law. Hence the chapter two deals with the right to effective remedy in European Convention on Human Rights, Convention against Torture and International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights same as in EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the Czech Republic. Afterwards the thesis presents the main principles of administrative judiciary such as cassation principle and principle ex tunc and specifics of judicial proceedings in cases of international protection. Crucial part of the thesis is the chapter four that analyses above mentioned requirements of procedural Directive 2013/32/EU and transposition of these requirements by the amendment of Asylum Act....
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Förordnandet av offentliga biträden i migrationsprocessen : En analys i fråga om ändamålsenlighet, rätt till effektivt rättsmedel och rättsstatsvärdenKarlsson, Ellinor January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Postavení obětí porušování lidských práv v mezinárodním právu se zaměřením na oběti vážných porušení lidských práv a mezinárodního humanitárního práva / The position of victims of human rights violation in international law with a special regard to victims of serious violation of human rights and humanitarian international lawKristková, Veronika January 2013 (has links)
Ph.D. Thesis ABSTRACT Mgr. Veronika Kristková, LL.M., 2013 Position of victims of human rights violations in international law with focus on victims of serious violations of human rights and international humantiarian law This work focuses within the broad theme of " Position of the victims of the human rights violations in international law" on victims of serious human rights violations and serious violations of international humanitarian law (hereinafter only serious violations). The author decided to focus on the victims of serious violations because the research revealed that while the rights of victims of human rights violations are in general relatively settled in theory as well in practice of international law, the rights of the victims of serious violations is an area, which raises several doctrinal questions, encountered rapid development in recent years and continues to develop. Analysis of the rights of the victims of serious violations necessary must be based on the rights of the victims of human rights violations in general, which serves as a baseline for the analysis of the rights of the victims of serious violations. Only in comparison with the general rights of the victims of human rights violations the specificities of the rights of the victims of serious violations stand up. First the work...
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La condition juridique des personnes privées de liberté du fait d'une décision administrative / The legal status of persons deprived of liberty by an administrative decisionBoutouila, Nawal 09 July 2014 (has links)
En empruntant une démarche prospective, l’objectif de cette contribution est de mettre en lumière l’existence d’une évolution de la condition juridique des personnes privées de liberté du fait d’une décision administrative. Si pendant longtemps l’obligation de préserver l’ordre public a été présentée comme conférant de nombreuses prérogatives à l’administration, elle doit désormais être décrite comme une mission de service public devant s’accomplir conformément à un modèle de comportement, sans toutefois que l’on puisse aujourd’hui évoquer l’existence de véritables sujétions à la charge de l’administration. Si cette évolution a été rendue possible, c’est en grande partie grâce à de «nouveaux contre-pouvoirs» qui ont contribué au renforcement de leur protection en participant plus ou moins directement à l’identification des obligations que toute administration qui prend en charge une personne privée de liberté devrait respecter et en concourant à leur défense. / By taking a prospective approach, the main of this work is to highlight the existence of an evolution of the legal status of persons deprived of their liberty for an administrative decision. Though the obligation to preserve public order has long been introduced as granting the administration many prerogatives, it must from now on to be equally described as a public-service mission that should be accomplished in accordance with a particular behavior model, without however, always mentioning the presence of actual constraints at the expense of the administration because of the numerous shortcomings currently affecting the protection system. Presumably, if this improvement has been made possible, it is in mainly due to “this new opposing-force concept” that has contributed to strengthening theirs protection especially by participating in the identification of the obligations that should be respected by all administrations which have to take care of a person deprived of liberty.
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