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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Röda korset - En idé blev verklighet : En världsomspännande förening grundas

Zimmergren, Josefin January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen var att undersöka hur Röda Korset har utvecklats från en idé till en etablerad hjälporganisation i det moderna samhället.Organisationen fick sitt avstamp i och med Henri Dunants bok Europas blodband - minnen från Solferino som kom att påverka hur vi ser på frivillig hjälp i dag. Uppsatsen drar också paralleller mellan Dunant och Elsa Brändström som fann sitt kall i Dunants idéer.

Simulation numérique des compresseurs et des turbines automobiles

Tartousi, Hadi 17 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
L'augmentation de la puissance spécifique du moteur pour une quantité d'énergie consommée donnée, ainsi que le couple à bas régime a toujours été l'un des plus grands défis pour les constructeurs automobiles. Ce but peut être atteint en utilisant un turbocompresseur. Un turbocompresseur automobile est un petit organe entraîné par les gaz d'échappement du moteur à travers une turbine radiale qui transfère mécaniquement l'énergie cinétique au compresseur centrifuge. Le compresseur centrifuge délivre de l'air comprimé aux cylindres pour assurer une meilleure combustion. La technologie a atteint un haut niveau de raffinement, et de nombreuses améliorations ont été étudiées et dans certains cas mises en production. Une large gamme de moteurs à combustion interne et de turbocompresseurs sont disponibles, mais seulement une bonne adaptation entre ces deux composants peut produire un moteur suralimenté efficace. Pour mener à bien les calculs qui permettent d'adapter le moteur au turbocompresseur, il est nécessaire d'avoir une représentation exacte de chaque composant du turbocompresseur et une capacité à déterminer le comportement de l'ensemble du système avec tous ses composants. Dans le cadre de ce travail le compresseur et la turbine sont étudiés pour différents points de fonctionnement et à faible régime en utilisant le code CFD elsA développé par l'Onera. Le travail est divisé en deux parties. La première partie est consacrée à l'étude du compresseur centrifuge avec tous ces composants (roue, diffuseur lisse et volute). Une étude détaillée sur le développement des écoulements secondaires et de l'écoulement de jeu est présentée. La performance de la volute et son influence sur la performance globale du compresseur est également étudiée. Les performances globales du compresseur sont comparées aux mesures expérimentales effectuées à l'ECN et montrent un bon accord. La deuxième partie est consacrée sur l'étude de la turbine à géométrie variable. Seuls le distributeur et la roue sont pris en compte dans les simulations. Une analyse détaillée de l'écoulement dans la turbine est présentée pour deux positions d'ailettes à l'aide des simulations stationnaires et instationnaires.

Föränderligt och beständigt : En studie av Elsa Beskows berättarspråk

Lundmark, Aili January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is a study of the narrative language of Elsa Beskow, Sweden's most famous children's writer of the early twentieth century. The overall aim of the thesis is to contribute to the understanding of why Beskow's stories are still among the most popular children's books in Sweden, more than a hundred years after her literary debut. My investigation is a quantitative study of word-class distribution, various syntactic features, and readability in four picture-books and four other stories. To begin with, Beskow's language is compared to that of other texts written for young readers, including children's fiction, a contemporary reading-book, and popular comic strips. The results indicate that Beskow has something in common with all of these materials, especially with children's fiction. However, she also has her own style, which is different from the children's fiction I compare with. For example, her sentences are comparatively long and often begin with a conjunction. Moreover, Beskow uses many address phrases and interjectional phrases, and the initial clause-constituent is often some other clause element than the subject. Additionally, Beskow's narrative language is compared to conversational language and to formal prose. The results show that Beskow moves along the whole scale, from conversation to formal writing, depending on what aspect of her language use is considered. In some cases, her style even falls outside of the scale. For example, placing the subject in initial position is less common in Beskow's writing than in both conversation and formal writing. Finally, the variation between Beskow's texts is examined. The analysis shows, among other things, that the oral influences on Beskow's style increased during the five decades she wrote stories.

The growing American health penalty: International trends in the employment of older workers with poor health

Baumberg Geiger, Ben, Böheim, René, Leoni, Thomas 09 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Many countries have reduced the generosity of disability benefits while making them more activating - yet few studies have examined how employment rates have subsequently changed. We present estimates of how the employment rates of older workers with poor health in 13 high-income countries changed between 2004-7 and 2012-15 using HRS/SHARE/ELSA data. We find that those in poor health in the USA have experienced a unique deterioration: they have not only seen a widening gap to the employment rates of those with good health, but their employment rates fell per se. We find only for Sweden (and possibly England) signs that the health employment gap shrank. We then examine possible explanations for the development in the USA: we find no evidence it links to labour market trends, but possible links to the USA's lack of disability benefit reform - which should be considered alongside the wider challenges of our findings for policymakers. / Series: Department of Economics Working Paper Series

Alteridade em imagens a partir das hipotiposes em A História de Elsa Morante

Doneda, Luciana Cabral Teixeira 17 January 2012 (has links)
Resumo: Esta dissertação é um estudo sobre o romance A História, da escritora italiana Elsa Morante. Será investigada a expressão da alteridade dos personagens, em especial a da Mater dolorosa Ida Ramundo e sua relação com os filhos Nino e Useppe durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Os personagens são apresentados através de imagens criadas pela figura de linguagem identificada como hipotipose. O poder da palavra e o efeito estético que ela exerce no leitor são os instrumentos de reflexão sobre a violência e submissão entre indivíduos marginalizados na história. Assim como seus personagens, Elsa Morante esteve à margem do panorama literário do século XX, e essa pesquisa tem como objetivo também contribuir para um resgate desta escritora nos estudos literários brasileiros.

Van Poulin tot Poppie : 'n ondersoek van fokalisasie en vertelwyse in Moeder Poulin (G.H. Franz) en Die swerfjare van Poppie Nongena (Elsa Joubert)

Van Aswegen, Berendien Susan 23 September 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Afrikaans) / In comparing these two novels the perceptual, psychological and ideological facets of focalization are discussed. Perceptual focalization comprises two main aspects namely the focalizer's spacial orientation as regards himself and the focalized object and secondly the focalizer's position regarding the past, present and future in the text. The psychological facet of focalization comprises the cognitive background and development of the narrator-focalizer as well as his emotional orientation towards the focalized. The life world and value system of the focalizer determines the ideological perspective against which the characters and events in the novel are evaluated...

Analýza letových výkonů letounu VUT 081 KONDOR / Flight performance analysis of the airplane VUT 081 KONDOR

Kerndl, Jindřich January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyse flight performance of airplane VUT-081 Kondor. The first part focuses on determination and estimation of aerodynamic characteristics of the airplane. Based on this data flight performance was calculated and evaluated according to CS-ELSA. The last part is dedicated to comparison of flight performance of VUT-081 Kondor with other similar airplanes.

»Ein Laut so klagevoll«. Lohengrin zwischen Richard Wagner und Salvatore Sciarrino

Fosco Bertola, Mauro 29 October 2020 (has links)
The article reflects the presence of the dream motif in Richard Wagner’s romantic opera Lohengrin (1850) and in Salvatore Sciarrino’s own operatic version of the Lohengrin legend from 1983. By reading both works against the grain of Elsa’s dream the article highlights a) the philosophical premises of Wagner’s dream-theoretical reflections and their sociopolitical implications in Lohengrin, and b) how Sciarrino in his opera directly engages with both aspects, undoing at the dramaturgical as well as at the musical level, the metaphysical assumptions and the societal vision sustaining Wagner’s work.

Vem är tanten i sju bilderböcker av Elsa Beskow

Jönsson, Carita January 2008 (has links)
Examensarbetet handlar om hur tanten framställs I text och på bild i sju bilderböcker skrivna av Elsa Beskow. Böckerna är utgivna mellan 1918 och 1945. I böckerna figurerar fem olika tanter i texten och dessa finns också på bild. Syftet med arbetet är att kunna svara på hur tanten framställs som litterär gestalt. Jag har använt följande frågor för att kunna svara på detta. Hur är hon och hur ser hon ut? Vad gör hon och i vilken miljö finns hon? Vilken är hennes sociala bakgrund? Hur ser hennes relation ut till barn? De metoder som använts för att besvara frågeställningarna har varit att studera bilderböckerna från pärm till pärm och i de fall det funnits tillgång till förstautgåvor har dessa använts. Ikanotextmetoden har använts som innebär att både text och bild vägs in i analysen. Inledningsvis finns en presentation av författaren Elsa Beskow. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna har varit persongestaltning, olika gängse bilderboksperspektiv, genusstrukturer i bilderboken och själva begreppet bilderbok. Den teoretiska modell som tillämpats är intersektionell teoribildning med ståndpunkter kring ålder, genus, kön, etnicitet och social bakgrund. Resultatet pekar på att olika typer identifierats som benämnts tant. En tant kan således se olika ut i Elsa Beskows böcker. Från att ha varit huvudrollsinnehavare i böckerna tar de steget bakåt i bilderböckerna och barnen blir huvudrollsinnehavare. Tant Nanna, som finns med i den sist utgivna boken av de sju, ska föreställa en människa till skillnad från de andra tantgestalterna som är sagofigurer. / This work deals with how the aunt is presented in the text and in the illustration in seven picturebooks written by Elsa Beskow. The books where edited between 1918 and 1945. In these books you can find five different aunts in the text and they´re also illustrated. The meaning of this work is to answer how the aunt i discribed as a litterary person. I used the following questions to be able to answer that. How is she and what does she look like? What is she doing and where kan you find her? Which is her social background? How is the relationship towards children? The mhetods I used was studying the picturebooks frpm beginning to the end and when i found firsteditions these has been studied. The ikanotextmethod has been used which means that both text and pictures are counted in the analys. At first there is a presentation of the author Elsa Beskow. In the theory there is points as caracter, different aspekts om the picturebook and the word picturebook. The model of theory has been the intersektionell theory with parts as age, gender, sex, ethnicity and social background. The result is different types of aunts are identified. An aunt can be pf several kinds in the books of Elsa Beskow. From being maincaracther the aunt steps bakwards an lets the children play the mainroles in the picturebooks.Aunt Nanna who you can find in the last edited book of the examined seven books are supposed to be a real person in the contrary to the other aunts who are fairys.

En jämförelse av genusnormer i Tomtebobarnen och Ska vi va?

Granberg, Agnes, Kuru, Michelle January 2023 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka vilka genusnormer som synliggörs i bilderböckerna Tomtebobarnen (1910) av Elsa Beskow och Ska vi va? (2013) av Pija Lindenbaum. De valda bilderböckerna analyseras med hjälp av kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod samt begreppen ikonotext och Maria Nikolajevas tabell över kvinnliga och manliga egenskaper. Analysen stöds också med hjälp av tidigare forskning och ett antal centrala begrepp. Av analysen framgår det att Tomtebobarnen framställer genusnormer mer entydigt i både bild och text än Ska vi va?. Ska vi va? innehåller karaktärer som både bryter och förstärker genusnormerna genom sina illustrationer och text. Genusnormerna framkommer i båda böckerna via kläder, egenskaper och handlingar. Diskussionen belyser hur bilderböckerna kan användas i undervisningen och vilka pedagogiska utmaningar läraren kan stöta på i arbetet med böckerna. Studien konstaterar att det behövs vidare forskning om hur de aktuella bilderböckerna används i undervisningen idag och hur nya didaktiska metoder skulle kunna implementeras.

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