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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En upplysande förstudie om kontrollrumslyssning : Ett förundersökande arbete om högkvalitativa kontrollrums komplexa ljudmiljö / An Enlightening Pre-Study on Control Room Listening : A Preliminary Study on the Complex Sound Environment of High Quality Control Rooms

Carlén, Erik, Bliznac, Filip January 2014 (has links)
Detta examensarbete är en förstudie där väl lyssningsanpassade rum har undersökts både objektivt och subjektivt med syftet att kunna identifiera och tolka allmänna akustiska fenomen som uppstår, och upplevs, samt upplysa läsaren om dessa. Rapporten behandlar ljudfysik så som akustik och våglära, ljudteknikerns roll, psykoakustik, kontrollrum och teknisk utrustning. De mätningar och lyssningstest som utförts har alla utgått ifrån den tänka lyssningspositionen som sedan ställts mot specifika krav och rekommendationer från AMS (Audio Measurement Standards) och EBU (European Brodcasting Union). Lyssningstesten har gjorts efter EBU-standard. Även intervjustudier har genomförts med erfarna ljudtekniker. I Slutsats och Diskussion jämförs objektiva mätdata med lyssningstest, där likheter och slutsatser om lyssningen dras. / This thesis is a preliminary study in which high quality listening environments have been investigated both objectively and subjectively with the purpose to identify and interpret general acoustic phenomenon that occurs, and how they are percieved, as well to enlighten the reader about these. The report deals with sound physics such as acoustics, an audio engineer's role, psychoacoustics, control rooms and technical equipment. The measurements and listening tests performed have all been done from the intended listening position which were then set against specific requirements and recommendations from AMS (Audio Measurement Standards) and EBU (European Broadcasting Union). Listening test have been made according to EBU standards. Also interviews were conducted with experienced audio engineers. In Conclusion and Discussion objectively measured data is compared with the listening tests, where similarities and conclusions about listening are drawn.

Faktorer som påverkade valet : En studie i blivande sjöingenjörers utbildningsval

Larsson, Markus, Persson Waern, Carl January 2014 (has links)
Den svenska handelsflottan har de senaste åren varit utsatt för massiva utflaggningar vilket har lett till att många sjömän har fått gå i land eller sökt arbete under annan flagg. Trots problemen med utflaggning och en potentiell minskad arbetsmarknad har sjöingenjörsprogrammet de senaste åren inte haft några större problem att fylla sina utbildningsplatser. Framtiden är fortsatt oviss och konkurrensen från andra sjöfartsnationer ökar. Syftet med denna undersökning var att undersöka vilka bakomliggande attityder och förväntningar som gjorde att studenter år 2013 valde att börja studera på det fyra åriga sjöingenjörsprogrammet i Kalmar, samt att mäta inställningen till den allt mer krympande svenska handelsflottan. För att genomföra detta arbete användes en enkätundersökning där förstaårsstudenterna på det fyraåriga sjöingenjörsprogrammet utgjorde populationen. Resultatet i undersökningen visar att möjligheten att få utveckla sina praktiska färdigheter var av stor betydelse vid utbildningsvalet. Andra faktorer som värderades högt var ett intressant utbildningsinnehåll och intressanta arbetsuppgifter efter avslutad utbildning. / The Swedish merchant fleet has in the past years been subject to flagging-out which has forced many mariners to go ashore or look for work under a foreign flag. Despite the problems with flagging-out and a potential reduction in the labour market the marine engineering programme has over the previous years not faced any major problems to fill up their training positions. The future remains uncertain as competition from other shipping nations increases significantly. The purpose of this study was to investigate the underlying attitudes and expectations that made students in 2013 choose to study the four -year marine engineering programme at the Kalmar Maritime Academy. Furthermore the study investigates the students attitudes towards the shrinking Swedish merchant fleet. To carry out this investigation, a survey was made among the first year students on the marine engineering programme. The results of the survey show that the opportunity to develop the student’s practical skills was of great importance in educational choice. Other factors that were highly valued were an interesting educational content and interesting job tasks after graduation.

The 2-dimensional biomechanical modeling of the loads on the spine (L5-L1) during a “Back Walkover” maneuver in gymnastics

Andersson, Evelina January 2014 (has links)
Injuries in the female gymnast are common and it is important to understand the biomechanical factors responsible for injury. The Back Walkover maneuver requires one of the greatest amounts of lumbar hyperextension compared to other common gymnastic maneuvers. During the Back Walkover large lateral and vertical impact forces follows on the spine. The spine and muscles around the spine have to absorb generally large forces; therefore the loads on the back and certainly on the lower back are of significant interest. Additionally, it takes a lot of strength and a vast range of motion to perform gymnastic maneuvers such as The Back Walkover. It is of interest to study mechanical loads on a female gymnast since they show higher occurrences of stress-related pathologies of the lumbar spine. Therefore the purpose of this project was to examine the loads on the spine during the gymnastic maneuver Back Walkover. Tests on a single female gymnast were made at the sports engineering lab at the University of Adelaide in Australia. Using the 3D-camera system; Optitrack Motion Capture System and Kistler Force Plate, positional data for two dimensions, X-direction (anterior-posterior) and Z-direction (vertical), and ground force were received. Data received were progressed into a graph, diagrams and biomechanical calculations where forces for the vertebrae L1 were calculated in vertical and horizontal direction. The received forces were compared to vertical and horizontal forces in L1 during standing position. Together with developed videos this assisted to model the loads of the spine (L1) during the gymnastic maneuver the “Back Walkover”. The study has led to a deeper knowledge for the community about the risks for female gymnasts and has widened the experience of the project participant, as the project aimed.

Top - Down Design eines universellen Kegelrollenlagermodells in Pro/MECHANICA

Kloninger, Paul 12 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Präsentation wird das universelle FE-Modell eines Kegelrollenlagers vorgestellt. Mittels eines Pro/ENGINEER-Layouts, basierend auf dem Top-Down Designkonzept, kann automatisch innerhalb einer kurzen Bearbeitungszeit ein geprüftes und lauffähiges FE-Modell eines Kegelrollenlagers abgeleitet werden. Dieses Modell kann z.B. in großen Getriebemodellen eingebaut werden, um eine quasistatische Betrachtung mit korrekten Lagersteifigkeiten zu ermöglichen.

Design Animation Option (DAO) Creo1.0

Simmler, Urs 12 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Überblick der Animationsmöglichkeiten in Creo 1.0

An Empirical Study of Design Management Practices in Collaborative Design and Construction Projects The Roles, Activities and Conceptions of Design Management across Project Stages and within the Building, Civil and Process Sectors of a Construction Compa

Janthea Andersen Unknown Date (has links)
Abstract The construction industry is at a critical point in time where the construction and design of the majority of projects is now done simultaneously. If historical trends persist, then there will be an increase in the number of construction projects done concurrently with design. This empirical study describes the management of design in collaborative design and construction projects in a construction company that is dealing with an increasing number of collaboration type projects. The different roles of managers of design, the activities they undertook and conceptions that could describe the practice were researched. A major outcome of the research was the identification of seven major activities that were undertaken by the design managers. These were: 1. Coordinating Stakeholder Input 2. Coordinating Design Work with Other Work 3. Managing Design 4. Project Development Management 5. Managing Design Work 6. Selecting and Managing the Design Team 7. Managing Design Management It was found that design management went through three distinct stages in the collaborative projects: 1. An early stage comprising of mostly design development and planning activities 2. A mid stage consisting of collaborative design and construction activities 3. A latter stage, which comprised of completing the construction work Design managers also undertook activities outside of the project stages, which were considered as company based activities. In the early stages activities were orientated towards developing the project, dealing with different design solutions and setting up the project. In the mid stages activities were orientated towards obtaining design for construction, producing one design solution and keeping up with the schedule. In the latter stages activities were orientated towards dealing with design issues and maintaining design intent. Activities outside of any project were orientated towards developing personnel and company systems. The goals of each stage and the activities required to reach those goals changed the nature of design management in each stage and ultimately resulted in a change in the person required to manage the design. Design managers with the ability to establish client relationships and develop the design were required in the early stages and design managers with the ability to manage the production of design documents and deal with construction issues were required in the mid stages. Different design managers were utilised for the early and mid project stages. During the latter stages of a project, when design was practically completed, design managers had a part time or consultant type role in the projects. In order to examine design management, seven conceptions that could describe the practice of design management were explored. The conceptions consisted of, ‘brand management’, ‘design and construction integration’, ‘a division of project management’, ‘meta-design’, ‘master builder’, ‘task, flow and value management’ and ‘management of the design process’. No one single conception was observed to adequately describe everything that the design managers did. Rather each conception provided a useful perspective that adequately described design management in particular situations. For example ‘a division of project management’ more readily described situations where design managers undertook planning, cost and design production related activities. Similarly ‘meta-design’ more readily described situations where design managers were involved in design discussions. The trends of the conceptions across project stages revealed where the conceptions more readily applied. For example, ‘brand management’, ‘task, flow and value management’ and ‘master builder’ applied more in the early stages of the projects, when the design managers had to promote the company and design, determine the flow of information and had more control over the direction of the project. In the mid stages the conceptions ‘design and construction integration’ and ‘management of the design process’ more readily applied, as design process activity was increased and as construction activities required coordination with design. ‘Design and construction integration’, ‘brand management’ and ‘master builder’ conceptions applied in the later stages where construction activities were checked against the design, the construction required promotion and where the design manager dealt with quality and economic issues with the design. This research explores design management in the Civil and Process sectors of the construction company, in addition to the Building sector. Differences were found between the Building, Civil and Process sectors. In the Building sector, design managers took more ownership of a project; in the Civil sector, design managers carefully took into account stakeholder issues; and in the Process sector, design managers were more technically orientated. These insights into the management of design in integrated design and construction projects can be incorporated into management structures, personnel selection and training programs. For example, the results of this research can be used for the training and selection of design managers for the early, mid and latter stages of design and construction projects. The research can also be used as a basis for making improvements to design management. For example, current practices can be compared to the results of this research to determine which activities might need greater prioritisation. This research provides practitioners and academics with renewed ways of thinking about the management of design, based on the actual practices of design managers.

The Plateau Pika: A Keystone Engineer on the Tibetan Plateau

January 2010 (has links)
abstract: The highly-social plateau pika (Lagomorpha: Ochotona curzoniae) excavates vast burrow complexes in alpine meadows on the Tibetan Plateau. Colonies of over 300 individuals/ha have been reported. As an ecosystem engineer, their burrowing may positively impact ecosystem health by increasing plant species diversity, enhancing soil mixing, and boosting water infiltration. However, pikas are commonly regarded as pests, and are heavily poisoned throughout their range. The underlying assumption of eradication programs is that eliminating pikas will improve rangeland quality and decrease soil erosion. This dissertation explores the link between plateau pikas and the alpine meadow ecosystem in Qinghai Province, PRC. This research uses both comparative field studies and theoretical modeling to clarify the role of pika disturbance. Specifically, these studies quantify the impact of pikas on nutrient cycling (via nutrient concentrations of vegetation and soil), hydrology (via water infiltration), local landscape properties (via spatial pattern description), and vascular plant communities (via species richness and composition). The competitive relationship between livestock and pikas is examined with a mathematical model. Results of this research indicate that pika colonies have both local and community level effects on water infiltration and plant species richness. A major contribution of pika disturbance is increased spatial heterogeneity, which likely underlies differences in the plant community. These findings suggest that the positive impact of plateau pikas on rangeland resources has been undervalued. In concurrence with other studies, this work concludes that plateau pikas provide valuable ecosystem services on the Tibetan Plateau. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Biology 2010

A quelles conditions les groupes échappent-ils aux biais dans le raisonnement ? Le rôle des méta-informations / Under what conditions do groups escape biases in reasoning? The role of meta-information

Vasiljevic, Dimitri 10 December 2010 (has links)
Dans le cadre de ma thèse, je me demande à quelles conditions le travail en groupe peut être le catalyseur susceptible de réduire les biais de raisonnement prégnants au niveau individuel. Particulièrement, je m’intéresse à l’heuristique de représentativité.Je réponds à cette question en m’inspirant du paradigme du partage des informations. Selon celui-ci, les membres des groupes ne partagent pas leurs informations uniques. Je postule qu’amener les groupes à discuter les informations pertinentes à la résolution du problème est le critère minimum, et peut-être suffisant pour garantir des performances de raisonnement optimales. J’ai pensé que ça pourrait être le cas si les participants disposaient de méta-informations les informant sur la distribution des informations au sein du groupe. Six études examinent le rôle des méta-informations sur la réduction des biais dans le raisonnement en groupe. Les résultats des 3 premières études mettent en évidence l’effet positif des méta-informations sur le travail en groupe.Dans les 3 études suivantes, je nuance le degré de généralité des conclusions antérieures. Mes résultats indiquent que les estimations individuelles préalables au travail en groupe peuvent elles aussi être affectées par la présence de méta-informations. De plus, celles-ci colorent la perception des membres du groupe quant à la pertinence des données uniques qu’elles désignent, les amenant à des raisonnements biaisés si ces données ne sont pas pertinentes. Enfin, l’effet des méta-informations sur le partage n’est pas positif à tous les coups : Si la coopération maximise leur effet, celui-ci est délétère lorsque la compétition règne parmi les membres du groupe. / Within my thesis’ framework, I asked myself under what conditions group-work could constitute a catalyst likely to reduce biases in individual reasoning. Particularly, my attention was drawn to the heuristic of representativeness. I answered this question through the lens of the information sharing paradigm. These authors showed that group members do not pool unshared information. Such statement led me to an unseemly question. If group members do not share information that is indispensable to solve a problem, by what means would they succeed avoiding reasoning pitfalls? Also, I stated that to bring groups over “discussing all information that is pertinent to the problem’s resolution” was the bare minimum criteria to succeed and it was maybe enough to guarantee satisfying reasoning performances. I predicted that it might be the case if participants had available meta-information. A total of six studies examine the role of meta-information on reducing biases within group thinking. The results from the first 3 studies underline the positive effect of meta-information.In the subsequent 3 studies, I scrutinize the generalities previously stated. Results also point to individual and previous-to-work estimations being affected by meta-information. Furthermore, meta-information colors group members’ perception regarding the pertinence of the unshared data it assigns, leading them to biased reasoning, when such data is not relevant. Finally, meta-information’s effect on information sharing is not always positive : it becomes deleterious once competition takes over group members.

The Pika and the Watershed

January 2012 (has links)
abstract: As much as 40% of the world's human population relies on rivers which originate on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) (Xu et al. 2009, Immerzeel et al. 2010). However, the high alpine grasslands where these rivers emanate are at a crossroads. Fed by seasonal monsoon rains and glacial runoff, these rivers' frequent flooding contributes to massive losses of life and property downstream (Varis et al. 2012). Additionally, upstream grasslands, which regulate the flow of these rivers, are considered to be deteriorating (Harris 2010). This thesis examines the regional vulnerability of these rivers and highlights the impacts of several policy responses, finding that both climate change and grassland degradation pose significant challenges to Asia's water security. Additionally, I suggest that many of the responses elicited by policy makers to meet these challenges have failed. One of these policies has been the poisoning of a small, endemic, burrowing mammal and keystone species, the plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) (Smith and Foggin 1999). Contrary to their putative classification as a pest (Fan et al. 1999), I show that the plateau pika is instead an ecosystem engineer that actively increases the infiltration rate of water on the QTP with concomitant benefits to both local ecosystems and downstream hydrological processes. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Biology 2012

Structural mechanics and resistance of concrete structures in the event of a hydrogen explosion in nuclear powerplants

Bjälke, Victor January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the problem of hydrogen explosions in nuclear power plants, and evaluates if the reactor hall is to be seen as a safety barrier for such events. Today, the reactor hall is not seen as a safety barrier that is able to withstand an internal explosion. In the analysis Abaqus was used for the FEM calculations, where a main scenario of a wall subjected to a hydrogen explosion was used. In conclusion, the results showed that a reactor hall with the assumed dimensions cannot be seen as a safety barrier, since the deformation after a hydrogen explosion near the LEL was too great. However, it is also concluded that with increased wall and rebar dimensions it is possible to construct a wall of this kind that fulfills the requirements of a safety barrier.

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