Spelling suggestions: "subject:"enteric nervous system"" "subject:"interic nervous system""
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Fonction et interaction entre plusieurs gènes impliqués dans les syndromes de Waardenburg et de Mowat-WilsonStanchina, Laure 05 November 2009 (has links)
Les cellules de la crête neurale se caractérisent par leur capacité de migration dansl’embryon et la variété des types cellulaires qu’elles sont capables de générer (mélanocytes,système nerveux entérique (SNE) et périphérique). Chez l’homme, plusieurs maladiescongénitales affectant des organes et tissus divers, ont pour origine une anomalie demigration, prolifération, survie ou différenciation de ces cellules. Au laboratoire, nousétudions deux d’entre elles, le syndrome de Waardenburg-Hirschsprung (WS4- anomalie depigmentation, surdité et maladie de Hirschsprung (HSCR : anomalie entérique)) et lesyndrome de Mowat et Wilson (MWS – retard mental sévère, dysmorphie faciale avec ousans HSCR). A l’heure actuelle, quatre gènes ont été impliqués : l’endothéline 3 (EDN3) etson récepteur à sept domaines transmembranaires EDNRB et les deux facteurs de transcriptionZEB2 et SOX10. Au cours de ma thèse, nous avons montré que des délétions de SOX10 sontégalement responsables de 15% des cas de WS2 (défauts de pigmentation et surdité sansHSCR), élargissant le spectre des phénotypes liés à une mutation au sein de ce gène(Bondurand, Dastot-Le Moal, Stanchina et al. Am. J Hum. Genet, 2007).Parallèlement à ces études génétiques, nous avons souhaité mieux définir la fonction et lesinteractions entre les différents gènes impliqués dans le WS4 (SOX10, EDN3 et EDNRB).Pour cela, nous avons croisé les modèles murins invalidés pour ces gènes, et comparé lephénotype des simples et doubles mutants. A travers cette analyse phénotypique, nous avonsdémontré qu’une interaction entre ces molécules est nécessaire au développement normal duSNE et des mélanocytes dérivés de la crête neurale. En effet, par rapport aux simples mutants,les doubles mutants Sox10;Edn3 et Sox10;Ednrb présentent une augmentation de ladépigmentation, et une forte aggravation du phénotype entérique. Le suivi du devenir descellules formant le SNE au cours du développement nous a permis de montrer quel’aggravation du phénotype entérique est due à une diminution du pool de cellulesprogénitrices par apoptose (Stanchina et al. 2006).Dans la continuité des travaux déjà réalisés, nous avons voulu améliorer notrecompréhension du rôle joué par le gène du MWS : ZEB2, et étudier ses interactions avec lesgènes du WS4. Dans un premier temps, nous avons analysé l’effet de l’expression constitutiveou l’inhibition de ce facteur sur la survie, prolifération et différenciation des cellulesprogénitrices du SNE à l’aide d’un système de culture de progéniteurs entériques disponibleau laboratoire. Nos résultats suggèrent un effet répresseur de ZEB2 sur la différenciationneuronale. Ce facteur pourrait donc être nécessaire au maintien du pool de cellulesprogénitrices dans un état indifférencié. Nous avons ensuite étudié les interactions entre ZEB2et les gènes du WS4. Nous avons croisé les souris portant une invalidation du gène ZEB2 avecles souris invalidées pour SOX10 ou portant une mutation de EDN3 ou EDNRB, et démontréqu’une interaction entre ZEB2 et SOX10 est nécessaire au développement normal du SNE. Eneffet, par rapport aux simples mutants, les doubles mutants présentent une forte aggravationdu phénotype entérique, due à une diminution de la prolifération des cellules progénitrices et àune augmentation de la différenciation neuronale. L’analyse phénotype des mutantsZeb2;Edn3 et Zeb2;Ednrb suggère également l’existence d’une interaction entre ces troismolécules, mais l’origine du défaut entérique reste inexplorée.Ces études nous ont permis de mieux appréhender les réseaux moléculaires mis en place aucours du développement du SNE, de comprendre l’origine des anomalies entériques observéeschez les patients, améliorant leur prise en charge. / To understand in more details the molecular and cellular bases of hereditary diseases resulting from defects of neural crest (NC) development, we study several neurocristopathies, in particular Waardenburg syndrome (WS – pigmentary abnormalities and hearing loss), and Mowat-Wilson syndrome (MWS, severe mental retardation, facial dysmorphy, with or without HSCR (congenital megacolon)). To date, about ten causative genes have been identified, among which are the seven transmembrane domain receptor EDNRB and its ligand endothelin 3 (EDN3), the two transcription factors SOX10 and ZEB2.We contributed to the research efforts engaged to unravel these disorders. In particular, we identified the first mutations of SOX10 in patients presenting with WS4 (association of WS with HSCR disease) and WS2 (Bondurand, Dastot-Le Moal, Stanchina et al. Am. J Hum. Genet, 2007), and participated to functional studies describing its role during enteric nervous system (ENS) development. More recently, we identified the gene ZEB2 as responsible for MWS. The goal of my thesis was to understand the function of these genes and their interaction during the development of NC and ENS in particular. For this purpose, we combined an in vitro approach (isolation of ENS progenitors) to in vivo experiments (phenotype analysis of simple and double mutant mice). We demonstrated that an interaction between SOX10, EDN3 and EDNRB is necessary for the normal development of the ENS and melanocytes (Stanchina et al. 2006), and then focused our efforts in understanding the function of ZEB2 during the development of the ENS as well as its interactions with WS4 genes. Preliminary results suggest that ZEB2 inhibition accelerates neuronal differentiation in vitro. In the same time, generation of Zeb2;Sox10, Zeb2;Edn3 and Zeb2;Ednrb have been realized. Through phenotype analysis of Sox10;Zeb2 double mutants, we showed that a coordinated and balanced interaction between these two genes is required for normal ENS development. Indeed, double mutants present with more severe ENS defects due to decreased proliferation of enteric progenitors and increased neuronal differentiation from E11.5 onwards. These data revealed that crosstalks between these two transcription factors are crucial for proper ENS development. Analysis of Zeb2;Edn3 and Zeb2;Ednrb double mutant suggest also an interaction between these genes. Future experiments will help us to confirm these results and to determine the cellular and molecular origin of these interactions. These studies will enable us to better apprehend the molecular bases of these diseases, and to understand the origin of the enteric anomalies observed in patients. This knowledge may also help to develop new therapeutic strategies
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Régulation du développement des cellules musculaires lisses de l'estomac chez l'embryon de poulet / Regulation of the development of stomach smooth muscle cells in the chick embryoMcKey, Jennifer 12 December 2014 (has links)
Le tube digestif est un organe vital, conservé chez les vertébrés. Il assure la digestion des aliments, l'absorption des nutriments et l'excrétion des déchets. Une des propriétés essentielles du tube digestif est la motilité digestive, qui est définie comme l'ensemble des contractions nécessaires au transit du bolus alimentaire depuis la bouche jusqu'à l'anus. Ce processus est assuré par la coordination entre trois réseaux de cellules au sein du tube digestif, le système nerveux entérique, les cellules interstitielles de Cajal et les cellules musculaires lisses digestives. Une dysfonction dans n'importe lequel de ces trois systèmes se traduit par un désordre de la motilité digestive. La plupart de ces désordres se mettant en place au cours de la vie fétale, il est essentiel de mieux comprendre les mécanismes qui gouvernent le développement embryonnaire du tube digestif. Ainsi, la problématique globale de mon travail de thèse a été d'étudier les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans le développement et la différenciation des cellules musculaires lisses de l'estomac, en utilisant comme organisme modèle l'embryon de poulet. Dans un premier temps, j'ai participé à la caractérisation d'un nouveau marqueur des cellules musculaires lisses, BAPX1. Par la suite, j'ai participé à une étude sur la régulation extrinsèque du développement précoce de l'estomac par les cellules du système nerveux entérique. Cette étude a mis en évidence un rôle essentiel du système nerveux entérique dans la régulation de la voie de signalisation NOTCH pour permettre la mise en place et le maintien de l'identité de l'estomac. De plus, cette étude suggère que le système nerveux entérique est requis pour le processus de différenciation des cellules musculaires lisses de l'estomac. Enfin, pendant la majorité de mon travail de thèse, j'ai participé à l’identification de nouveaux gènes impliqués dans la régulation intrinsèque de la différenciation des cellules musculaires de l'estomac. Dans cette étude, nous avons caractérisé un nouvel acteur de ce processus et montrons que ce gène définit la population précoce des progéniteurs mésenchymateux de l'estomac et régule leur prolifération. Nous avons identifié ce gène comme un régulateur essentiel des étapes de détermination et de différenciation des cellules musculaire lisses. / The gastro-intestinal tract is a vital organ, conserved throughout the vertebrates. It is responsible for food digestion, absorption of nutrients and waste excretion. One of the most important properties of the gut is digestive motility, which is defined as all the intestinal contractions necessary for bolus transit from the mouth to the anus. This process is regulated by the coordination between three cell networks within the gut: the enteric nervous system, the interstitial cells of Cajal and the visceral smooth muscle cells. Dysfunctions in any one of these three systems result in a gastrointestinal motility disorder. Because onset of most of these diseases occurs in the fetus, a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in gastrointestinal tract development is essential. With this in mind, the main objective of my thesis was to study the molecular mechanisms that are involved in the development and differentiation of the gastric smooth muscle, using the chick embryo as a model organism. First, I participated in a study that led to the characterization of BAPX1 as a new marker of stomach smooth muscle cells. In parallel, I participated in an experimental study on the extrinsic regulation of early stomach development by the enteric nervous system. This study demonstrated that the enteric nervous system is an essential partner in the development and maintenance of the molecular identity of the stomach, through the regulation of the NOTCH pathway. Furthermore, this study suggests that the enteric nervous system is required for correct smooth muscle cell differentiation in the stomach. Finally, during most of my thesis I focused on the identification of molecular mechanisms that drive the intrinsic regulation of stomach smooth muscle differentiation. This study led to the identification of a new gene that we characterized as a new marker of stomach cells, which regulates their proliferation. Thus this gene is essential during the process of stomach smooth muscle cell determination and differentiation.
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Effects of Orexins, Guanylins and Feeding on Duodenal Bicarbonate Secretion and Enterocyte Intracellular SignalingBengtsson, Magnus Wilhelm January 2008 (has links)
<p>The duodenal epithelium secretes bicarbonate ions and this is regarded as the primary defence mechanism against the acid discharged from the stomach. For an efficient protection, the duodenum must also function as a sensory organ identifying luminal factors. Enteroendocrine cells are well-established intestinal “taste” cells that express signaling peptides such as orexins and guanylins. Luminal factors affect the release of these peptides, which may modulate the activity of nearby epithelial and neural cells.</p><p>The present thesis considers the effects of orexins and guanylins on duodenal bicarbonate secretion. The duodenal secretory response to the peptides was examined in anaesthetised rats <i>in situ</i> and the effects of orexin-A on intracellular calcium signaling by human as well as rat duodenal enterocytes were studied <i>in vitro</i>.</p><p>Orexin-A, guanylin and uroguanylin were all stimulants of bicarbonate secretion. The stimulatory effect of orexin-A was inhibited by the OX<sub>1</sub>-receptor selective antagonist SB-334867. The muscarinic antagonist atropine on the other hand, did not affect the orexin-A-induced secretion, excluding involvement of muscarinic receptors. Orexin-A induced calcium signaling in isolated duodenocytes suggesting a direct effect at these cells. Interestingly, orexin-induced secretion and calcium signaling as well as mucosal orexin-receptor mRNA and OX<sub>1</sub>-receptor protein levels were all substantially downregulated in overnight fasted rats compared with animals with continuous access to food. Further, secretion induced by Orexin-A was shown to be dependent on an extended period of glucose priming.</p><p>The uroguanylin-induced bicarbonate secretion was reduced by atropine suggesting involvement of muscarinic receptors. The melatonin receptor antagonist luzindole attenuated the secretory response to intra-arterially administered guanylins but had no effect on secretion when the guanylins were given luminally. </p><p>In conclusion, the results suggest that orexin-A as well as guanylins may participate in the regulation of duodenal bicarbonate secretion. Further, the duodenal orexin system is dependent on the feeding status of the animals.</p>
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Análises morfoquantitativa e do código químico do receptor purinérgico P2X2 no plexo mioentérico do íleo de camundongos obesos fêmeas e machos (ob/ob). / Morfoquantitative and chemical coding analyses of the purinergic P2X2 receptor in myenteric plexus of female and male obese mice (ob/ob).Mizuno, Márcia Sanae 22 June 2010 (has links)
As atividades intestinais são coordenadas pelo sistema nervoso entérico e, disfunções na motilidade intestinal são observadas em indivíduos obesos. O ATP é um co-transmissor e seus receptores estão distribuídos nos neurônios entéricos constituindo a família P2X e P2Y. O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar a expressão do receptor P2X2 e o código químico nos neurônios mioentéricos na obesidade. Foram utilizados íleo de camundongos obesos machos (OBM) e fêmeas (OBF) (C57BL/6J ob/ob), e controles (CF; CM) (+/+), que foram submetidos à técnica imuno-histoquímica de duplas marcações em neurônios imunomarcados ao receptor P2X2 com NOS (inibitórios), ChAT (excitatórios) ou Calr (excitatórios e sensoriais). Resultados dos grupos CF e OBF: Foi verificado a imunomarcação ao receptor P2X2, NOS, ChAT e Calr no citoplasma e nas membranas celular e nuclear dos neurônios mioentéricos de ambos os grupos. As duplas marcações dos neurônios imunorreativos (-ir) ao receptor P2X2 com NOS, ChAT ou Calr em CF foram 24±4%, 24±2% e 24±4%, e em OBF foram 19±4%, 25±4% e 22±1%, respectivamente. As duplas marcações dos neurônios NOS-ir, ChAT-ir ou Calr-ir com os neurônios receptor P2X2-ir foram 100% nos dois grupos. A densidade dos neurônios P2X2-ir aumentou em 62%, enquanto que a dos neurônios NOS-ir e ChAT-ir reduziram em 49% e 57%. A morfometria demonstrou aumento na área dos neurônios NOS-ir (CF 234±63, OBF 312±67); ChAT-ir (CF 210±24, OBF 253±14) e Calr-ir (CF 203±41, OBF 315±47), no entanto, neurônios P2X2-ir não apresentaram alterações (CF 325±23, OBF 336±67). A histoquímica demonstrou não haver diferença estatística entre os grupos quanto á densidade e a morfometria dos neurônios NADH-diaforase positivos. Resultados dos grupos CM e OBM: A expressão do receptor P2X2 foi identificada somente em CM e a imunomarcação a NOS, ChAT e Calr nos dois grupos. Em CM as duplas marcações dos neurônios P2X2-ir com NOS-ir, ChAT-ir ou Calr-ir foram 23±3%, 34±5% e 32±6%, respectivamente, e nos neurônios NOS-ir, ChAT-ir e Calr-ir com o receptor P2X2 foram 100%. A densidade dos neurônios NOS-ir e Calr-ir reduziram em 31% e 16%, enquanto que a densidade da população ChAT-ir aumentou 31%. A morfometria demonstrou que neurônios NOS-ir (CM 390±49, OBM 350±22); ChAT-ir (289±18, OBM 312±44), Calr-ir (CM 375±49, OBM 360±38) e P2X2-ir (CM 437±190) não apresentaram diferenças entre os grupos. A expressão protéica pela técnica do Western Blotting mostrou que houve uma redução de 36,5% no grupo OBM. Concluímos que neste modelo experimental tanto a obesidade (C57BL/6J ob/ob) como os gêneros podem contribuir com alterações: na expressão do receptor P2X2, na densidade e na morfologia dos neurônios NOS-ir, ChAT-ir e Calr-ir, promovendo mudanças nas atividades intestinais. / The intestinal activities are coordinated by enteric nervous system, and dysfunctions in intestinal motility were observed in obese individuals. The enteric neurons have been demonstrated to express different purinergics receptors. This study aims to analyze the expression of P2X2 receptor and the chemical code in the myenteric neurons in obesity. Sample from ileum of obese male (OBM) and females (OBF) (C57BL/6J ob/ob) and controls mice (CF, CM) (+/+) were used. Immunohistochemistry for double labelling in neurons P2X2 receptor immunostained with NOS (inhibitory), ChAT (excitatory) or Calr (excitatory and sensory) was performed. Results of CF and OBF groups: immunostaining was verified for P2X2 receptor, NOS, ChAT and Calr in the cytoplasm and in cell and nuclear membranes of myenteric neurons of both groups. The double-labelling for P2X2 receptor/NOS, ChAT or Calr in CF were 24 ±4%, 24 ±2% and 24 ±4%, respectively, and in OBF were 19 ±4%, 25 ±4% and 22±1%. Inversely, NOS, ChAT or Calr/P2X2 receptor immunoreactives neurons were 100% in both groups. The density of P2X2 neurons showed an increase of 62%, whereas NOS and ChAT neurons decreased by 49% and 57%. In morphometric analysis showed an increase in NOS (CF 234 ± 63, 312 ± 67 OBF), ChAT (CF 210 ± 24, 253 ± 14 OBF) and Calr (CF 203 ± 41, 315 ± 47 OBF) neuronal area, however, P2X2 neurons no changed in this feature (FC 325 ± 23, 336 ± 67 OBF). The histochemistry for NADH-diaphorase showed no statistical difference to density and morphometry of neurons between the groups. Results of CM and OBM groups: The P2X2 receptor expression was identified only in CM. Immunostaining for NOS, ChAT and Calr were observed in both groups. The double-labelling observed in CM for P2X2 receptor and NOS, ChAT or Calr were 23±3%, 34 ±5% and 32 ±6%, and inversely, NOS, ChAT or Calr/P2X2 receptor immunoreactives neurons were 100%. The NOS and Calr neuronal density were reduced about 31% and 16%, while population ChAT neuronal density increased about 31%. The morphometry showed that NOS (CM 390 ± 49, 350 ± 22 OBM), ChAT (289 ± 18, 312 ± 44 OBM), Calr (CM 375 ± 49, 360 ± 38 OBM) and P2X2 (CM 437 ± 190) neurons no differ between groups. The P2X2 receptor protein expression by Western blotting showed that there was a reduction in 36.5% in OBM. We concluded that in this experimental model, both obesity (C57BL/6J ob/ob) and genders may contribute to changes in P2X2 receptor expression, density and morphology of neurons NOS, ChAT and Calr, promoting alterations in intestinal activities.
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Estudo do receptor P2X7 nas classes neuronais do íleo de ratos submetidos à isquemia intestinal com reperfusão. / Study of the P2X7 receptor in neurons of the ileum of rats subjected to intestinal ischemia with reperfusion.Palombit, Kelly 28 June 2010 (has links)
Dor abdominal pode ser consequente a inúmeras causas, entre as várias possibilidades precisamos ficar atentos aos quadros de isquemia intestinal. No trato digestório a isquemia/reperfusão intestinal (I/R-i) acarreta alterações morfológicas nos neurônios entéricos. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o comportamento das diferentes classes neuronais e do receptor P2X7 no plexo mioentérico do íleo de ratos Wistar submetidos à I/R-i. A isquemia intestinal foi obtida pela obstrução do fluxo sanguíneo das artérias ileais no período de 35 minutos, seguida pelos períodos de reperfusão de 6, 24, 72 horas e 1 semana. No grupo sham não houve a oclusão das artérias ileais. Os tecidos foram preparados por métodos imunohistoquímicos de duplas marcações do receptor P2X7 com a Óxido Nítrico Sintase neuronal (NOSn), calbindina (Calb), calretinina (Calr) e Acetilcolina Transferase (ChAT) e do receptor P2X7, da NOSn e da ChAT com o pan-neuronal anti-HuC/D. As análises qualitativas e quantitativas das contagens das duplas marcações, das densidades neuronais e da área dos perfis foram obtidas dos microscópios de fluorescência e de Confocal de Varredura à Laser. Os resultados qualitativos demonstraram diminuição da expressão do receptor P2X7 no grupo I/R-i de 24 horas e retorno da expressão nos grupos I/R-i de 72 horas e 1 semana. Os dados quantitativos demonstraram: a) os neurônios do plexo mioentérico foram imunorreativos ao receptor P2X7; b) não houve alterações significativas nas duplas marcações do receptor P2X7 com os neurônios NOSn-ir, Calr-ir, Calb-ir e ChAT-ir nos grupos sham e I/R-i; c) não houve alterações significativas nas duplas marcações do receptor P2X7, e dos neurônios NOSn-ir e ChAT-ir com o pan-neuronal anti-HuC/D nos grupos sham e I/R-i; d) houve diminuição nas densidades nos grupos I/R-i com 6, 24, 72 horas e 1 semana dos neurônios P2X7-ir, NOSn-ir, Calr-ir, Calb-ir, ChAT-ir e anti-HuC/D-ir quando comparados aos grupos sham; e) houve um aumento na área do perfil dos neurônios NOSn-ir nos grupos I/R-i de 6 e 24 horas, nos neurônios ChAT-ir houve um aumento no grupo I/R-i de 1 semana e nos neurônios Calr-ir houve uma diminuição no grupo I/R-i de 6 horas e um aumento no grupo I/R-i de 24 horas quando comparados aos grupos sham. O presente estudo demonstrou que a I/R-i está associada com a perda significativa de diferentes subpopulações de neurônios do plexo mioentérico acompanhada por diversas alterações morfológicas, o que pode acarretar problemas na motilidade intestinal. / Abdominal pain may be consequent to numerous causes, among the various possibilities need to be attentive to intestinal ischemia. In the digestive tract the intestinal ischemia-reperfusion (I/R-i) causes morphological changes in enteric neurons. The aim of the work was to analyze the behavior of different neurons and P2X7 receptor in the myenteric plexus of the ileum of rats subjected to I/R-i. Intestinal ischemia was obtained by the obstruction of blood flow in the ileal arteries period of 35 minutes followed by reperfusion periods of 6, 24, 72 hours and 1 week. In the sham group there was no occlusion of the ileal arteries. The tissues were prepared by immunohistochemical methods for double staining of P2X7 receptor with neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), calbindin, calretinin and acetylcholine transferase (ChAT) and P2X7 receptor, the nNOS and ChAT with pan-neuronal marker anti-HuC/D The qualitative and quantitative analysis of the counting of double staining, the neuronal density and the area of the cell body profile were obtained from fluorescence microscopy and confocal scanning laser. The qualitative results showed decreased expression of the P2X7 receptor in I/R-i for 24 hours group and return the expression in I/R-i for 72 hours and 1 week groups. The quantitative data showed: a) neurons in the myenteric plexus were immunoreactive for P2X7 receptor; b) no significant changes in the double staining of P2X7 receptor with nNOS, calretinin, calbindin and ChAT neurons in the sham and I/R-i groups; c) does not significant changes in the double staining of the P2X7 receptor, the nNOS and ChAT neurons with the pan-neuronal marker anti-HuC/D in sham and I/R-i groups; d) the densities of the P2X7 receptor, nNOS-IR, calretinin-IR, calbindin-IR, ChAT-IR and anti-HuC/D-IR neurons were decreased in I/R-i 6, 24, 72 hours and 1 week groups, when compared to sham group; e) the profile area was increased in nNOS-IR neurons in the I/R-i for 6 and 24 hours groups, ChAT-IR neurons in I/R-i 1 week group and in the calretinin-IR neurons there was a decrease in I/R-i 6 hours group and an increase in I/R-i for 24 hours group when compared to sham group. The present study demonstrated that I/R-i is associated with significant loss of different subpopulations of neurons in the myenteric plexus accompanied by several morphological changes, which can cause intestinal motility disorder.
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Effects of Orexins, Guanylins and Feeding on Duodenal Bicarbonate Secretion and Enterocyte Intracellular SignalingBengtsson, Magnus Wilhelm January 2008 (has links)
The duodenal epithelium secretes bicarbonate ions and this is regarded as the primary defence mechanism against the acid discharged from the stomach. For an efficient protection, the duodenum must also function as a sensory organ identifying luminal factors. Enteroendocrine cells are well-established intestinal “taste” cells that express signaling peptides such as orexins and guanylins. Luminal factors affect the release of these peptides, which may modulate the activity of nearby epithelial and neural cells. The present thesis considers the effects of orexins and guanylins on duodenal bicarbonate secretion. The duodenal secretory response to the peptides was examined in anaesthetised rats in situ and the effects of orexin-A on intracellular calcium signaling by human as well as rat duodenal enterocytes were studied in vitro. Orexin-A, guanylin and uroguanylin were all stimulants of bicarbonate secretion. The stimulatory effect of orexin-A was inhibited by the OX1-receptor selective antagonist SB-334867. The muscarinic antagonist atropine on the other hand, did not affect the orexin-A-induced secretion, excluding involvement of muscarinic receptors. Orexin-A induced calcium signaling in isolated duodenocytes suggesting a direct effect at these cells. Interestingly, orexin-induced secretion and calcium signaling as well as mucosal orexin-receptor mRNA and OX1-receptor protein levels were all substantially downregulated in overnight fasted rats compared with animals with continuous access to food. Further, secretion induced by Orexin-A was shown to be dependent on an extended period of glucose priming. The uroguanylin-induced bicarbonate secretion was reduced by atropine suggesting involvement of muscarinic receptors. The melatonin receptor antagonist luzindole attenuated the secretory response to intra-arterially administered guanylins but had no effect on secretion when the guanylins were given luminally. In conclusion, the results suggest that orexin-A as well as guanylins may participate in the regulation of duodenal bicarbonate secretion. Further, the duodenal orexin system is dependent on the feeding status of the animals.
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Neuron-glial Interaction in the Developing Peripheral Nervous SystemCorell, Mikael January 2011 (has links)
The nervous system, including the brain, is the most sophisticated organ in the mammalian body. In such a complex network, neuron-glial interaction is essential and controls most developmental processes, such as stem cell fate determination, migration, differentiation, synapse formation, ensheathment and myelination. Many of these events are critical for the developmental process and small errors can lead to growth retardation, malformation or disease. The understanding of the normal progress of nervous system development is fundamental and will help the discovery of new treatments for disease. This thesis discusses three types of neuron-glia interactions at different developmental stages; neural stem/progenitor cell (NSPC) differentiation, building and maintaining the structure of the sciatic nerve, and myelin formation. In Paper I we show that NSPCs, based upon their morphology and expression of specific protein markers, have the capacity to differentiate into cells of either the peripheral nervous system (PNS) or enteric nervous system (ENS) when grown with PNS or ENS primary cell cultures, or fed with conditioned medium from these. This indicates that soluble factors secreted from the PNS or ENS cultures are important for stem cell differentiation and fate determination. The adhesion protein neuronal cadherin (N-cadherin) is implicated in migration, differentiation and nerve outgrowth in the developing PNS. In Paper II N-cadherin was exclusively found in ensheathing glia (nonmyelinating Schwann cells, satellite cells and enteric glia) in contact with each other or with axons. Functional blocking of N-cadherin in dissociated fetal dorsal root ganglia (DRG) cultures led to a decrease in attachment between Schwann cells. N-cadherin-mediated adhesion of nonmyelinating Schwann cells may be important in encapsulating thin calibre axons and provide support to myelinating Schwann cells. In Paper III the inhibitory gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) and GABAB receptors were studied in the Schwann cell of the adult sciatic nerve and DRG cultures. GABAB receptors were primarily expressed in nonmyelinating Schwann cells and protein levels decreased during development and myelination. Blocking the GABAB receptor in long-term DRG cultures led to decreased levels of mRNA markers for myelin. These results indicate that the GABA and GABAB receptors may be involved in Schwann cell myelination.
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Axe cerveau-intestin et contrôle de la prise alimentaire : exemple d'altérations chez un modèle animal de schizophrénie / Brain-gut axis and control of foodintake : example of alterations in an animal model of schizophreniaVoinot, Florian 09 October 2012 (has links)
L’axe cerveau-intestin désigne l’interaction bidirectionnelle entre le cerveau et le tube digestif. Bien que la leptine, hormone produite par le tissu adipeux, participe à la régulation de cet axe, son mode d’action dans le système nerveux entérique a été peu étudié. A l’heure actuelle, une relation étroite entre une perturbation de l’axe cerveau-intestin et la schizophrénie est supposée. Par conséquent, les objectifs de ce travail étaient d’évaluer 1) les effets ex vivo de la leptine dans la neurotransmission entérique chez le rat et 2) les altérations périphériques dans un modèle neurodéveloppemental de la schizophrénie (NVHL) chez le rat. Nous avons montré que la leptine module l’activité des neurones entériques inhibiteurs et excitateurs dans le jéjunum et le côlon proximal. L’implication des neurones afférents primaires intrinsèques a été discutée. Chez les rats NVHL, nous avons mis en évidence une réduction de la masse corporelle, des variations hormonales, une inflammation du jéjunum et des altérations motrices digestives. La relation entre les troubles périphériques, notamment vagaux, et la physiopathologie de la schizophrénie a été discutée. / The brain-gut axis refers to the bidirectional interaction between the gut and the brain. Although leptin, a hormone released from fat tissue, is involved in the brain-gut axis control, its mechanism of action in the enteric nervous system has not been studied so far. Nowadays, brain-gut axis dysfunctions are supposed to be in close connection with schizophrenia. Therefore, the goals of this work were to determine 1) the effects of leptin on rat enteric nervous system neurotransmission and 2) peripheral alterations in the NVHL neurodevelopmental rat model of schizophrenia. We showed that leptin modulates inhibitory and excitatory enteric motor neurons activity in jejunum and proximal colon. Implication of intrinsic primary afferent neurons was discussed. In NVHL rats, we showed a decrease in body mass, some hormonal variations, jejunal inflammation and gastro-intestinal mechanical activities alterations. The relation peripheral alterations, like vagus nerve dysfunction, and the physiopathology of schizophrenia was discussed.
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Análises morfoquantitativa e do código químico do receptor purinérgico P2X2 no plexo mioentérico do íleo de camundongos obesos fêmeas e machos (ob/ob). / Morfoquantitative and chemical coding analyses of the purinergic P2X2 receptor in myenteric plexus of female and male obese mice (ob/ob).Márcia Sanae Mizuno 22 June 2010 (has links)
As atividades intestinais são coordenadas pelo sistema nervoso entérico e, disfunções na motilidade intestinal são observadas em indivíduos obesos. O ATP é um co-transmissor e seus receptores estão distribuídos nos neurônios entéricos constituindo a família P2X e P2Y. O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar a expressão do receptor P2X2 e o código químico nos neurônios mioentéricos na obesidade. Foram utilizados íleo de camundongos obesos machos (OBM) e fêmeas (OBF) (C57BL/6J ob/ob), e controles (CF; CM) (+/+), que foram submetidos à técnica imuno-histoquímica de duplas marcações em neurônios imunomarcados ao receptor P2X2 com NOS (inibitórios), ChAT (excitatórios) ou Calr (excitatórios e sensoriais). Resultados dos grupos CF e OBF: Foi verificado a imunomarcação ao receptor P2X2, NOS, ChAT e Calr no citoplasma e nas membranas celular e nuclear dos neurônios mioentéricos de ambos os grupos. As duplas marcações dos neurônios imunorreativos (-ir) ao receptor P2X2 com NOS, ChAT ou Calr em CF foram 24±4%, 24±2% e 24±4%, e em OBF foram 19±4%, 25±4% e 22±1%, respectivamente. As duplas marcações dos neurônios NOS-ir, ChAT-ir ou Calr-ir com os neurônios receptor P2X2-ir foram 100% nos dois grupos. A densidade dos neurônios P2X2-ir aumentou em 62%, enquanto que a dos neurônios NOS-ir e ChAT-ir reduziram em 49% e 57%. A morfometria demonstrou aumento na área dos neurônios NOS-ir (CF 234±63, OBF 312±67); ChAT-ir (CF 210±24, OBF 253±14) e Calr-ir (CF 203±41, OBF 315±47), no entanto, neurônios P2X2-ir não apresentaram alterações (CF 325±23, OBF 336±67). A histoquímica demonstrou não haver diferença estatística entre os grupos quanto á densidade e a morfometria dos neurônios NADH-diaforase positivos. Resultados dos grupos CM e OBM: A expressão do receptor P2X2 foi identificada somente em CM e a imunomarcação a NOS, ChAT e Calr nos dois grupos. Em CM as duplas marcações dos neurônios P2X2-ir com NOS-ir, ChAT-ir ou Calr-ir foram 23±3%, 34±5% e 32±6%, respectivamente, e nos neurônios NOS-ir, ChAT-ir e Calr-ir com o receptor P2X2 foram 100%. A densidade dos neurônios NOS-ir e Calr-ir reduziram em 31% e 16%, enquanto que a densidade da população ChAT-ir aumentou 31%. A morfometria demonstrou que neurônios NOS-ir (CM 390±49, OBM 350±22); ChAT-ir (289±18, OBM 312±44), Calr-ir (CM 375±49, OBM 360±38) e P2X2-ir (CM 437±190) não apresentaram diferenças entre os grupos. A expressão protéica pela técnica do Western Blotting mostrou que houve uma redução de 36,5% no grupo OBM. Concluímos que neste modelo experimental tanto a obesidade (C57BL/6J ob/ob) como os gêneros podem contribuir com alterações: na expressão do receptor P2X2, na densidade e na morfologia dos neurônios NOS-ir, ChAT-ir e Calr-ir, promovendo mudanças nas atividades intestinais. / The intestinal activities are coordinated by enteric nervous system, and dysfunctions in intestinal motility were observed in obese individuals. The enteric neurons have been demonstrated to express different purinergics receptors. This study aims to analyze the expression of P2X2 receptor and the chemical code in the myenteric neurons in obesity. Sample from ileum of obese male (OBM) and females (OBF) (C57BL/6J ob/ob) and controls mice (CF, CM) (+/+) were used. Immunohistochemistry for double labelling in neurons P2X2 receptor immunostained with NOS (inhibitory), ChAT (excitatory) or Calr (excitatory and sensory) was performed. Results of CF and OBF groups: immunostaining was verified for P2X2 receptor, NOS, ChAT and Calr in the cytoplasm and in cell and nuclear membranes of myenteric neurons of both groups. The double-labelling for P2X2 receptor/NOS, ChAT or Calr in CF were 24 ±4%, 24 ±2% and 24 ±4%, respectively, and in OBF were 19 ±4%, 25 ±4% and 22±1%. Inversely, NOS, ChAT or Calr/P2X2 receptor immunoreactives neurons were 100% in both groups. The density of P2X2 neurons showed an increase of 62%, whereas NOS and ChAT neurons decreased by 49% and 57%. In morphometric analysis showed an increase in NOS (CF 234 ± 63, 312 ± 67 OBF), ChAT (CF 210 ± 24, 253 ± 14 OBF) and Calr (CF 203 ± 41, 315 ± 47 OBF) neuronal area, however, P2X2 neurons no changed in this feature (FC 325 ± 23, 336 ± 67 OBF). The histochemistry for NADH-diaphorase showed no statistical difference to density and morphometry of neurons between the groups. Results of CM and OBM groups: The P2X2 receptor expression was identified only in CM. Immunostaining for NOS, ChAT and Calr were observed in both groups. The double-labelling observed in CM for P2X2 receptor and NOS, ChAT or Calr were 23±3%, 34 ±5% and 32 ±6%, and inversely, NOS, ChAT or Calr/P2X2 receptor immunoreactives neurons were 100%. The NOS and Calr neuronal density were reduced about 31% and 16%, while population ChAT neuronal density increased about 31%. The morphometry showed that NOS (CM 390 ± 49, 350 ± 22 OBM), ChAT (289 ± 18, 312 ± 44 OBM), Calr (CM 375 ± 49, 360 ± 38 OBM) and P2X2 (CM 437 ± 190) neurons no differ between groups. The P2X2 receptor protein expression by Western blotting showed that there was a reduction in 36.5% in OBM. We concluded that in this experimental model, both obesity (C57BL/6J ob/ob) and genders may contribute to changes in P2X2 receptor expression, density and morphology of neurons NOS, ChAT and Calr, promoting alterations in intestinal activities.
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Estudo do receptor P2X7 nas classes neuronais do íleo de ratos submetidos à isquemia intestinal com reperfusão. / Study of the P2X7 receptor in neurons of the ileum of rats subjected to intestinal ischemia with reperfusion.Kelly Palombit 28 June 2010 (has links)
Dor abdominal pode ser consequente a inúmeras causas, entre as várias possibilidades precisamos ficar atentos aos quadros de isquemia intestinal. No trato digestório a isquemia/reperfusão intestinal (I/R-i) acarreta alterações morfológicas nos neurônios entéricos. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o comportamento das diferentes classes neuronais e do receptor P2X7 no plexo mioentérico do íleo de ratos Wistar submetidos à I/R-i. A isquemia intestinal foi obtida pela obstrução do fluxo sanguíneo das artérias ileais no período de 35 minutos, seguida pelos períodos de reperfusão de 6, 24, 72 horas e 1 semana. No grupo sham não houve a oclusão das artérias ileais. Os tecidos foram preparados por métodos imunohistoquímicos de duplas marcações do receptor P2X7 com a Óxido Nítrico Sintase neuronal (NOSn), calbindina (Calb), calretinina (Calr) e Acetilcolina Transferase (ChAT) e do receptor P2X7, da NOSn e da ChAT com o pan-neuronal anti-HuC/D. As análises qualitativas e quantitativas das contagens das duplas marcações, das densidades neuronais e da área dos perfis foram obtidas dos microscópios de fluorescência e de Confocal de Varredura à Laser. Os resultados qualitativos demonstraram diminuição da expressão do receptor P2X7 no grupo I/R-i de 24 horas e retorno da expressão nos grupos I/R-i de 72 horas e 1 semana. Os dados quantitativos demonstraram: a) os neurônios do plexo mioentérico foram imunorreativos ao receptor P2X7; b) não houve alterações significativas nas duplas marcações do receptor P2X7 com os neurônios NOSn-ir, Calr-ir, Calb-ir e ChAT-ir nos grupos sham e I/R-i; c) não houve alterações significativas nas duplas marcações do receptor P2X7, e dos neurônios NOSn-ir e ChAT-ir com o pan-neuronal anti-HuC/D nos grupos sham e I/R-i; d) houve diminuição nas densidades nos grupos I/R-i com 6, 24, 72 horas e 1 semana dos neurônios P2X7-ir, NOSn-ir, Calr-ir, Calb-ir, ChAT-ir e anti-HuC/D-ir quando comparados aos grupos sham; e) houve um aumento na área do perfil dos neurônios NOSn-ir nos grupos I/R-i de 6 e 24 horas, nos neurônios ChAT-ir houve um aumento no grupo I/R-i de 1 semana e nos neurônios Calr-ir houve uma diminuição no grupo I/R-i de 6 horas e um aumento no grupo I/R-i de 24 horas quando comparados aos grupos sham. O presente estudo demonstrou que a I/R-i está associada com a perda significativa de diferentes subpopulações de neurônios do plexo mioentérico acompanhada por diversas alterações morfológicas, o que pode acarretar problemas na motilidade intestinal. / Abdominal pain may be consequent to numerous causes, among the various possibilities need to be attentive to intestinal ischemia. In the digestive tract the intestinal ischemia-reperfusion (I/R-i) causes morphological changes in enteric neurons. The aim of the work was to analyze the behavior of different neurons and P2X7 receptor in the myenteric plexus of the ileum of rats subjected to I/R-i. Intestinal ischemia was obtained by the obstruction of blood flow in the ileal arteries period of 35 minutes followed by reperfusion periods of 6, 24, 72 hours and 1 week. In the sham group there was no occlusion of the ileal arteries. The tissues were prepared by immunohistochemical methods for double staining of P2X7 receptor with neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), calbindin, calretinin and acetylcholine transferase (ChAT) and P2X7 receptor, the nNOS and ChAT with pan-neuronal marker anti-HuC/D The qualitative and quantitative analysis of the counting of double staining, the neuronal density and the area of the cell body profile were obtained from fluorescence microscopy and confocal scanning laser. The qualitative results showed decreased expression of the P2X7 receptor in I/R-i for 24 hours group and return the expression in I/R-i for 72 hours and 1 week groups. The quantitative data showed: a) neurons in the myenteric plexus were immunoreactive for P2X7 receptor; b) no significant changes in the double staining of P2X7 receptor with nNOS, calretinin, calbindin and ChAT neurons in the sham and I/R-i groups; c) does not significant changes in the double staining of the P2X7 receptor, the nNOS and ChAT neurons with the pan-neuronal marker anti-HuC/D in sham and I/R-i groups; d) the densities of the P2X7 receptor, nNOS-IR, calretinin-IR, calbindin-IR, ChAT-IR and anti-HuC/D-IR neurons were decreased in I/R-i 6, 24, 72 hours and 1 week groups, when compared to sham group; e) the profile area was increased in nNOS-IR neurons in the I/R-i for 6 and 24 hours groups, ChAT-IR neurons in I/R-i 1 week group and in the calretinin-IR neurons there was a decrease in I/R-i 6 hours group and an increase in I/R-i for 24 hours group when compared to sham group. The present study demonstrated that I/R-i is associated with significant loss of different subpopulations of neurons in the myenteric plexus accompanied by several morphological changes, which can cause intestinal motility disorder.
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