Spelling suggestions: "subject:"enteric nervous system"" "subject:"interic nervous system""
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Efeitos da isquemia/reperfusão intestinal sobre o receptor P2X2 e neurônios entéricos do íleo de ratos. / Effects of intestinal ischemia/reperfusion on P2X2 receptor and enteric neurons of the rats ileum.Aline Rosa Marosti Bobna 09 December 2011 (has links)
A isquemia aguda mesentérica é uma condição de grande emergência vascular, que é fatal na população mundial em 60% a 80% dos casos. O objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar, os efeitos da isquemia/reperfusão intestinal sobre o receptor P2X2 e diferentes classes neuronais no plexo mioentérico. Foram analisados o íleo de ratos: controle, Sham e isquemia/reperfusão intestinal (I/R-i) com de 24h e 1 semana de reperfusão. Foram realizadas colocalização do receptor P2X2 com a NOS, ChAT, Calb, Calr, S100 e anti-HuC/D. Os resultados mostraram diminuição de neurônios P2X2-ir colocalizados com a NOS, ChAT e Hu, e um aumento com S100 no grupo I/R-i 1 semana. A densidade apresentou um aumento de células P2X2-ir e S100 e diminuição de ChAT e Hu no grupo I/R-i de 1 semana. O perfil neuronal apresentou um aumento nos neurônios NOS-ir, ChAT, Calb (Dogiel Tipo II) e Calr. Conclui-se que a isquemia levou a alterações diferenciadas no receptor P2X2, células gliais e neurônios entéricos, que podem causar disfunções gastrintestinais, como por exemplo, problemas na motilidade intestinal. / The acute mesenteric ischemia is a vascular condition of extreme emergency, which is fatal in the world population by 60% to 80% of cases. The aim of this work was to study the effects of intestinal ischemia/reperfusion on the P2X2 receptor and different neuronal classes in the myenteric plexus. We analyzed the ileum of rats: control, Sham and ischemia/reperfusion (I/R-i) with 24 hours and 1 week of reperfusion. The colocalization were performed by P2X2 receptor with NOS, ChAT, Calb, Calr, S100 and anti-HUC/D. The results showed a decrease of P2X2-ir neurons colocalizated with ChAT and Hu, and an increase in the group with S100 in the I/R-i 1 week group. The density of cells showed an increase of P2X2-ir and S100 and a decrease of Hu and ChAT in I/R-i 1 week group. The profile area showed an increase in NOS-ir, ChAT-ir, Calb (Dogiel Type II) and Calr-ir neurons. We conclude that ischemia led to different changes in P2X2 receptor, enteric neurons and glial cells, which can cause gastrointestinal disorders, such as intestinal motility disorder.
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Estudo do plexo mioentérico do cólon descendente de cães acometidos pela distrofia muscular (GRMD) / Study of the myenteric plexus of the descending colon of dogs affected by Muscular Dystrophy (GRMD)Bárbara Tavares Schäfer 18 July 2014 (has links)
A distrofia muscular do Golden Retriever é uma doença degenerativa de caráter hereditário com alterações musculares semelhantes às descritas na distrofia muscular de Duchenne, sendo comprovada a existência de alterações na musculatura lisa do trato gastrointestinal destes animais. Alguns autores sugerem que um dos fatores responsáveis por essas alterações possa estar relacionado com a motililidade intestinal. Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar os neurônios nitrérgicos e colinérgicos, além da expressão do receptor P2X7, no plexo mioentérico do cólon descendente de cães afetados e não afetados pela distrofia muscular. Foram utilizadas técnicas de imunohistoquímica para marcação das enzimas Óxido Nítrico Sintase (NOS) e Acetilcolina Transferase (ChAT) e da população neuronal total pelo HuC/D e analisada a presença do receptor P2X7. Também foram utilizadas técnicas de microscopia eletrônica de transmissão e histologia básica. Os resultados indicam que neurônios nitrérgicos tendem a ser maiores em cães distróficos e apresentam morfologia Dogiel tipo I; neurônios que expressam o receptor P2X7 colocalizam com neurônios nitrérgicos e colinérgicos. As análises qualitativas demonstram que cães distróficos apresentam maior quantidade de colágeno entre as fibras musculares, entre as camadas musculares circular e longitudinal e, ainda, no interior dos gânglios mioentéricos. Este estudo fornece base para futuras pesquisas e tratamentos da distrofia muscular do Golden Retriever e mais futuramente da Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne, além de poder auxiliar no entendimento das desordens gastrointestinais que são observadas nesta última. / The golden retriever muscular dystrophy is a hereditary degenerative disease characterized by muscle changes similar to those described in Duchenne muscular dystrophy, as well as by alterations in the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. Some authors suggest that these abnormalities may be associated with intestinal motility. This study evaluated nitrergic and cholinergic neurons in the myenteric plexus of the descending colon of dogs with and without muscular dystrophy, in addition to P2X7 receptor expression. Immunohistochemical techniques were used to label nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and acetylcholine transferase (ChAT), as well as to label total HuC/D-immunoreactive neurons and neurons containing the P2X7 receptor. Transmission electron microscopy and basic histology were used for analysis. Results showed that nitrergic neurons tend to be larger in dystrophic dogs and to be characterized by Dogiel type I morphology, and neurons that express the P2X7 receptor colocalize with nitrergic and cholinergic neurons. Transmission and light microscopy revealed higher collagen density between muscle fibers, between circular and longitudinal muscle layers and within myenteric ganglia of affected dogs. These findings provide support for future research and treatment of the golden retriever muscular dystrophy and hence of the Duchenne muscular dystrophy and contribute to the understanding of the gastrointestinal disorders found in these patients.
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Études des interactions fonctionnelles entre l'endothéline-3, les intégrines beta1 et les propriétés élastiques du tissu embryonnaire au cours du développement du système nerveux entérique / Functional interactions between endotheline-3, beta1 integrines and the elastic properties of the embryonic gut tissu during enteric nervous system developmentGazquez, Elodie 21 September 2016 (has links)
Le système nerveux entérique (SNE) provient des cellules de crête neurale entériques (CCNEs) qui migrent au sein de l'intestin embryonnaire, prolifèrent et se différencient en cellules gliales et neurones formant des ganglions interconnectés. Mon projet de thèse vise à comprendre comment les propriétés biochimiques et mécaniques de l'intestin embryonnaire influencent la colonisation et la différenciation des ccnes. L'absence d'endothéline-3 (EDN3), un facteur biochimique exprimé dans la paroi intestinale, est une des causes de la maladie de hirschsprung, caracterisée par une aganglionose du côlon distal. Nous montrons pour la première fois que l'EDN3 stimule l'adhésivité des CCNEs en augmentant leurs adhérences focales dépendantes des intégrines beta1 ainsi que la dynamique de leurs protrusions membranaires. De plus, nous avons mis en évidence l'existence d'une interaction génétique entre Edn3 et Itgb1 gouvernant le développement du SNE. Par ailleurs, les propriétés mécaniques du microenvironnement influençant la migration et la différenciation cellulaire , nous avons analysé par des approches biophysiques les propriétés élastiques de l'intestin embryonnaire et leurs impacts sur les comportements des ccnes. Nous avons montré que l'intestin embryonnaire se rigidifie au cours de son developpement et que la migration en 3D des CCNEs est inhibée lorsque la rigidité de l'environnement dépasse un certain seuil. Enfin, nous avons démarré l'analyse de l'effet de l'élasticité sur la différenciation des progéniteurs entériques. L'ensemble de nos résultats permettent de mieux comprendre les mécanismes contrôlant le développement du SNE. / The enteric nervous system (ENS) is derived from enteric neural crest cells (ENCC) that migrate along the length of the intestine through the gut mesenchyme. During this process, ENCC proliferate and differentiate into glial cells and neurons, which aggregate into ganglia. The aim of my thesis is to study how biochemical and mechanical properties of the gut tissue influence ENCC colonization and fate during embryogenesis. The absence of endothelin-3 (EDN3), a small peptide trapped in the embryonic gut mesenchyme, is one of the causes leading to hirschsprung disease, characterized by an aganglionosis of the distal colon. We highlighted for the first time that EDN3 increases ENCC adhesion properties throught 1-integrins focal adhesions and modulates their protrusion dynamics. Moreover, we evidenced a genetic interaction between Edn3 and Itgb1 during ENS development. Also, it is now well established that mechanical properties of the microenvironment influence fundamental mechanisms such as cell migration and cell fate determination. Thus, we analysed whether the mechanical properties of the ENCC’s environment influence their behaviours. Using biophysical approaches, we evidenced a physiological stiffening of the embryonic gut during its development and showed that ENCC migration in 3D is inhibited above a certain rigidity threshold. Finally, we begun to analyse the influence of the elastic properties of the environment onto enteric progenitor cells differenciation, taking advantage of the neurosphere culture system. All together, our results contribute to the understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms driving physiological and pathological ENS ontogenesis.
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Variable Expression of GFP in Different Populations of Peripheral Cholinergic Neurons of ChAT<sup>BAC</sup>-eGFP Transgenic MiceBrown, T. Christopher, Bond, Cherie E., Hoover, Donald B. 01 March 2018 (has links)
Immunohistochemistry is used widely to identify cholinergic neurons, but this approach has some limitations. To address these problems, investigators developed transgenic mice that express enhanced green fluorescent protein (GFP) directed by the promoter for choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), the acetylcholine synthetic enzyme. Although, it was reported that these mice express GFP in all cholinergic neurons and non-neuronal cholinergic cells, we could not detect GFP in cardiac cholinergic nerves in preliminary experiments. Our goals for this study were to confirm our initial observation and perform a qualitative screen of other representative autonomic structures for the presences of GFP in cholinergic innervation of effector tissues. We evaluated GFP fluorescence of intact, unfixed tissues and the cellular localization of GFP and vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT), a specific cholinergic marker, in tissue sections and intestinal whole mounts. Our experiments identified two major tissues where cholinergic neurons and/or nerve fibers lacked GFP: 1) most cholinergic neurons of the intrinsic cardiac ganglia and all cholinergic nerve fibers in the heart and 2) most cholinergic nerve fibers innervating airway smooth muscle. Most cholinergic neurons in airway ganglia stained for GFP. Cholinergic systems in the bladder and intestines were fully delineated by GFP staining. GFP labeling of input to ganglia with long preganglionic projections (vagal) was sparse or weak, while that to ganglia with short preganglionic projections (spinal) was strong. Total absence of GFP might be due to splicing out of the GFP gene. Lack of GFP in nerve projections from GFP-positive cell bodies might reflect a transport deficiency.
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Influence of intestinal microbiota on the postnatal development of enterochromaffin cells and the enteric nervous systemMungovan, Kal A. 01 September 2014 (has links)
<p>At birth the gastrointestinal (GI) tract is rapidly colonized by microbial organisms which exhibit considerable fluctuations in composition across the first two years of life. During this period, the enteric nervous system (ENS) continues to undergo significant structural and functional changes. In the present study, we investigated whether exposure to intestinal microbiota influences the postnatal development of the ENS. We focused our investigations on dopaminergic neurons as they are among the latest populations of neurons to differentiate during enteric development. The myenteric plexus of specific pathogen-free (SPF) and germ-free (GF) mice were examined in whole-mount preparations of the small and large intestine at three time-points: postnatal day 1 (P1), P7, and P28. The density of dopaminergic neurons did not differ significantly between SPF and GF mice in any region of the intestine examined at P1. However, at P7, GF mice had significantly fewer myenteric dopaminergic neurons in the ileum than did SPF mice, and this difference was maintained at P28.</p> <p>The proportion of enteric dopaminergic neurons has been shown to be dependent upon the availability of serotonin. In the GI tract, serotonin can be of neuronal or enterochromaffin (EC) cell origin. We therefore tested the hypothesis that reductions in myenteric dopaminergic neuron densities in the ileum of GF mice were secondary to changes in enteric serotonergic neuron densities or EC cell frequencies. Neither serotonergic neurons nor EC cell numbers were affected by GF status during the postnatal period. The reduction in dopaminergic neurons seen in GF mice must therefore be attributable to a mechanism that has yet to be determined.</p> <p>These findings are consistent with the notion that enteric microbiota can influence the development of late-born neuronal populations. The reduced proportion of dopaminergic neurons in the ileum of GF mice at P7 and P28 may contribute to the previously described altered motility patterns in postnatal GF mice.</p> / Master of Science (MSc)
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Role of Melatonin, Neuropeptide S and Short Chain Fatty Acids in Regulation of Duodenal Mucosal Barrier Function and MotilityWan Saudi, Wan Salman January 2015 (has links)
The duodenal epithelium is regularly exposed to HCl, digestive enzymes, bacteria and toxins, and sometimes also to ethanol and drugs. The imbalance of aggressive factors in the intestinal lumen and mucosal barrier function increases the risk of tissue injury and inflammation. The key components of the duodenal barrier function include mucosal permeability, bicarbonate transport and the secretion or absorption of fluids. This thesis aims to elucidate the role of melatonin, neuropeptide S (NPS) and short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) in the regulation of intestinal mucosal barrier function and motility in the anesthetized rat in vivo and in tissues of human origin in vitro. Melatonin was found to reduce ethanol-induced increases in paracellular permeability and motility by a neural pathway within the enteric nervous system involving nicotinic receptors. In response to luminal exposure of ethanol, signs of mild mucosal edema and beginning of desquamation were observed in a few villi only, an effect that was not influenced by melatonin. Melatonin did not modify increases in paracellular permeability in response to luminal acid. NPS decreased basal and ethanol-induced increases in duodenal motility as well as bethanechol stimulated colonic motility in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, NPS was shown to inhibit basal duodenal bicarbonate secretion, stimulate mucosal fluid absorption and increase mucosal paracellular permeability. In response to luminal exposure of acid, NPS increased bicarbonate secretion and mucosal paracellular permeability. All effects induced by the administration of NPS were dependent on nitrergic pathways. In rats, administration of NPS increased the tissue protein levels of the inflammatory biomarkers IL-1β and CXCL1. Immunohistochemistry showed that NPS was localized at myenteric nerve cell bodies and fibers, while NPSR1 and nNOS were only confined to the myenteric nerve cell bodies. Perfusing the duodenal segment with the SCFAs acetate or propionate reduced the duodenal mucosal paracellular permeability, decreased transepithelial net fluid secretion and increased bicarbonate secretion. An i.v. infusion of SCFAs reduces mucosal paracellular permeability without any effects on mucosal net fluid flux. However, it significantly decreased bicarbonate secretion. Luminal SCFAs changed the duodenal motility pattern from fasting to feeding motility while i.v. SCFAs was without effect on motility. The systemic administration of glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) induced increases in mucosal bicarbonate secretion and fluid absorption. An i.v. GLP-2 infusion during a luminal perfusion of SCFAs significantly reduced the duodenal motility. In conclusion, the results in the present thesis show that melatonin, NPS and SCFAs influence the neurohumoral regulation of intestinal mucosal barrier function and motility. Aberrant signaling in response to melatonin, NPS and to luminal fatty acids might be involved in the symptom or the onset of disease related to intestinal dysfunction in humans. / <p>Research funders and strategic development areas:</p><p>- Bengt Ihre Foundation (grant SLS-177521)</p><p>- Socialstyrelsen(grant SLS-176671)</p><p>- Erik, Karin, and Gösta Selanders Foundation</p><p>- Emil and Ragna Börjesson Foundation</p><p>- Uppsala University </p><p>- Ministry of Education of Malaysia</p><p>- Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia</p>
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La perturbation du locus Nr2f1-K12 entraine une différenciation gliale précoce dans un nouveau modèle murin de mégacôlon aganglionnaireNguyen, Chloé My Anh 08 1900 (has links)
La maladie de Hirschsprung est une affection congénitale de la motilité intestinale caractérisée par un segment aganglionnaire dans le côlon terminal. Un criblage génétique par mutation insertionnelle aléatoire chez la souris nous a permis d’identifier la lignée transgénique Spot dont les homozygotes souffrent de mégacôlon aganglionnaire. L’analyse d’intestins d’embryons mutants a révélé une baisse de prolifération et un délai de migration des cellules de la crête neurale entériques (CCNe) progénitrices dus à leur différenciation gliale précoce, entrainant un défaut de colonisation de l’intestin et une aganglionose du côlon. Le séquençage du génome Spot indique que le transgène s’est inséré à l’intérieur du locus K12-Nr2f1 sur le chromosome 13, une région dépourvue de gènes préalablement associés à la maladie, perturbant également une séquence non-codante très conservée dans l’évolution. K12 est un gène d’ARN long non codant (ARNlnc) et antisens du gène Nr2f1, lui-même impliqué dans la gliogénèse du système nerveux central. Le séquençage du transcriptome des CCN a montré une surexpression de Nr2f1 et des formes courtes de K12 chez Spot et des essais luciférase ont révélé l’activité répressive de l’élément conservé. Nous avons observé l’expression de K12 dans les CCNe et sa localisation subcellulaire dans des zones transcriptionnellement actives du noyau. Avec l’émergence des ARNlnc régulateurs, ces données nous permettent de pointer deux nouveaux gènes candidats associés à une différenciation gliale prématurée du SNE menant au mégacôlon aganglionnaire, en supposant que la régulation de Nr2f1 se fait par son antisens, K12. / Hirschsprung disease is a congenital intestinal motility disorder characterized by an aganglionic segment in the distal colon. A genetic screen performed via random insertional mutagenesis in mice allowed identifying the Spot line, whose homozygotes suffer from an aganglionic megacolon. The analysis of mutant embryonic intestines revealed a decreased proliferation rate and a delay in migration of the enteric neural crest cell (eNCC) progenitors, secondary to their early glial differentiation, resulting in failure to properly colonize the intestine. Sequencing of the Spot genome indicated that the transgene was inserted into the K12-Nr2f1 locus on chromosome 13, a region devoid of genes associated with the disease, and disrupted in addition a highly conserved non-coding sequence. K12 is an uncharacterized long non-coding RNA (LncRNA) gene antisense to the Nr2f1 gene, which is involved in gliogenesis in the central nervous system. Sequencing of the eNCC transcriptome revealed an overexpression of Nr2f1 and short forms of K12 in Spot, and luciferase assays showed repressive activity of the conserved element. We observed the expression of K12 in the eNCC and its subcellular localization in transcriptionally active zones of the nucleus. With the recent emergence of LncRNA regulators and supposing that the regulation of Nr2f1 is done by its antisense K12, these data allowed us identifying two new candidate genes associated with a premature glial differentiation leading to aganglionic megacolon.
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Estudo morfoquantitativo de neurônios entéricos imunorreativos ao receptor P2X2, a calbindina, a calretinina, a colina acetil transferase e ao óxido nítrico sintase do íleo de animais submetidos à desnutrição e a renutrição protéica. / Morphoquantitative study of the ileum enteric nervous system immunoreactives neurons to P2X2 receptor, calbindin, calretinin, choline acetyltransferase and nitric oxide sintase of the animals submitted to undernutrition and refeeding.Misawa, Rubia 15 October 2007 (has links)
Foi descrita a presença do receptor P2X2 no sistema nervoso entérico e foi constatado que a desnutrição afeta os neurônios mioentéricos. Este projeto analisou os neurônios dos plexos mioentérico (PM) e submucoso (PS) imunorreativos ao receptor P2X2(ir), calbindina (Calb-ir), calretinina (Calr-ir), colina acetil transferase (ChAT-ir) e ao óxido nítrico sintase (NOS-ir) do íleo de ratos submetidos à desnutrição protéica pré e pós-natal e a renutrição pós-natal. Foram utilizados íleos de animais nutridos (N42), desnutridos (D42) e renutridos (RN42). Os resultados do PM e PS demonstraram 100% de neurônios Calb-ir, Calr-ir, ChAt-ir e NOS-ir expressavam o receptor P2X2-ir nos grupos. As densidades neuronais do PM e PS demonstraram aumento de 30% e 25% respectivamente, dos neurônios receptor P2X2-ir, Calr-ir, ChAT-ir e NOS-ir no grupo D42 e, recuperação no grupo RN42, os neurônios Calb-ir aumentaram 60% no PS. O perfil neuronal do PM mostrou diminuição de 26% nos neurônios receptor P2X2-ir e Calr-ir no grupo D42 e, no PS houve diminuição nos neurônios receptor P2X2-ir. Concluiu que a desnutrição afetou os neurônios entéricos e houve recuperação na renutrição, isto pode influenciar as funções do trato gastrintestinal. / It is showed the expression of the P2X2 receptor in the enteric nervous system; it was observed that undernutrition affect the myenteric neurons. This project analyzed the ileum myenteric (MN) and submucous (SN) neurons immunoreactive to P2X2 receptor, calbindin (Calb-ir), calretinin (Calr-ir), coline acetil transferase (ChAT) and nitric oxide sintase (NOS) of the animals submitted to pre- and postnatal protein deprivation and postnatal refeeding. Ileum was used from nourished (N42), undernourished (D42) and Refeeding (RN42) animals. The results showed 100% coexpression myenteric and submucous Calb-ir, Calr-ir, ChAt-ir e NOS-ir neurons with P2X2-ir receptor. The myenteric and submucos neuronal density showed increase of the 30% and 25% respectively, of the P2X2-ir, Calr-ir, ChAT-ir e NOS-ir neurons of the D42 group, the Calb-ir neurons increase 60% in the SN. It was observed in the MN neuronal profile decrease of the 26% of the P2X2-ir and Calr-ir in the RN42 group and recover in the RN42, there was decrease of the P2X2-ir receptor neurons in the submucous plexus. The conclusion demonstrated that undernutrition affects the enteric neurons and there was recuperation in the refeeding, this can influence the gastrointestinal functions.
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Avaliação da inervação entérica e análise proteômica do intestino delgado de ratos expostos à dose aguda ou crônica de fluoreto / Evaluation of enteric innervation and proteomic analysis of the small intestine of rats exposed to acute or chronic fluoride doseMelo, Carina Guimarães de Souza 03 December 2015 (has links)
O trato gastrointestinal (TGI) é a principal rota de exposição ao fluoreto (F) e o seu mais importante sítio de absorção. Acredita-se que a toxicidade do F comprometa a fisiologia do intestino, devido à relevante sintomatologia gastrointestinal relatada em consequência da exposição excessiva ao F. A função intestinal é controlada por uma complexa rede neuronal interligada e incorporada à parede deste órgão, denominada Sistema Nervoso Entérico (SNE). Embora os efeitos tóxicos do F sobre o Sistema Nervoso Central sejam descritos na literatura, não há estudos relacionados à sua toxicidade sobre o SNE. Neste estudo realizado em ratos, foi avaliado o efeito da exposição aguda ou crônica ao F, sobre a população geral de neurônios entéricos e sobre as subpopulações que expressam os principais neurotransmissores entéricos: Acetilcolina (ACh), Óxido Nítrico (NO), Peptídeo Vasoativo Intestinal (VIP), Peptídeo Relacionado ao Gene da Calcitonina (CGRP) e Substância P (SP). Os animais foram divididos em 5 grupos: 3 destinados à exposição crônica (0 ppm, 10 ppm ou 50 ppm de F na água de beber) e 2 à exposição aguda (0 ou 25 mgF/Kg por gavagem gástrica). Foram coletados os 3 segmentos do intestino delgado (duodeno, jejuno e íleo) e processados para a detecção da HuC/D, ChAT, nNOS, VIP, CGRP e SP, através de técnicas de imunofluorescência, no plexo mioentérico. Foram obtidas imagens para a realização da análise quantitativa dos neurônios da população geral (HuC/D) e nitrérgicos (imunorreativos à nNOS); e morfométrica dos neurônios imunorreativos à HuC/D ou nNOS; e das varicosidades imunorreativas à ChAT, VIP, CGRP ou SP. Amostras dos 3 segmentos intestinais foram preparadas e coradas em Hematoxilina e Eosina para análise histológica da morfologia básica. O segmento intestinal considerado mais afetado na análise morfométrica da população geral de neurônios, o duodeno, foi selecionado para a realização da análise proteômica, com o objetivo de oferecer o seu perfil proteico e determinar diferenças na expressão proteica em decorrência da exposição crônica ou aguda ao F. A análise da concentração de F no plasma sanguíneo foi realizada para a confirmação da exposição. Na análise quantitativa, o grupo de 50 ppm F, apresentou uma diminuição significativa na densidade da população geral de neurônios do jejuno e do íleo e na densidade dos neurônios imunorreativos à nNOS no duodeno e no jejuno. Quanto à análise morfométrica, a população geral e as subpopulações neuronais entéricas avaliadas apresentaram alterações morfológicas significativas, tanto após a exposição crônica quanto a aguda. Para a análise proteômica do duodeno, verificou-se que da associação de seus genes a um termo, e assim classificadas de acordo com diferentes processos biológicos. No caso do grupo da dose aguda, o processo biológico com a maior porcentagem de genes associados foi a geração de metabólitos precursores e energia (27% das proteínas); enquanto para os grupos de 10 e 50 ppm F foram o processo metabólico da piridina (41%) e a polimerização proteica (33%), respectivamente. / The gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is the main route of fluoride (F) exposure, and the most important site of its absorption. It is believed that F toxicity compromises the intestine physiology, due to the relevant gastrointestinal symptomatology reported in consequence to excessive exposure. The intestinal function is controlled by a complex neuronal net, which is interconnected and embedded in the wall of this organ, named Enteric Nervous System (ENS). Although the toxic effects of F on the Central Nervous system are described in the literature, there are no studies related to its toxicity on the ENS. Therefore, in this study performed in rats, the effects of chronic and acute F exposure were evaluated, on the general population of enteric neurons and on the subpopulations that express the main enteric neurotransmitters: Acetylcholine (Ach), Nitric Oxide (NO), Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP), Calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP), and Substance P (SP). The animals were divided into 5 groups: 3 designed to the chronic exposure (0 ppm, 10 ppm ou 50 ppm de F in the drinking water) and 2 to the acute exposure (0 ou 25 mgF/Kg - gastric gavage). Three intestinal segments were collected (duodenum, jejunum, and ileum) and processed for the immunofluorescence techniques to detect HuC/D, ChAT, nNOS, VIP, CGRP and SP, on the myenteric plexus. Images were obtained for the quantitative analysis of the general population of neurons (HuC/D immunoreactive) and the nitrergic neurons (nNOS immunoreactive), for the morphometric analysis of the general population and nitrergic neurons and also for the immunoreactive varicosities to ChAT, VIP, CGRP or SP. Samples of the 3 intestinal segments were prepared and stained with hematoxylin and eosin for histological analysis of the basic morphology. Duodenum, the intestinal segment considered the most affected in the morphological analysis of the general population of neurons, was selected for the proteomic analysis, with the objective to offer the entire protein profile and to determine differences in the protein expression due to chronic or acute F exposure. Plasma F concentration was analyzed to confirm the exposure. In the quantitative analysis, the 50 ppm F group presented a significant decrease in the density of the general population of neurons in the jejunum and ileum, and in the density of the nitrergic neurons in the duodenum and jejunum. Regarding the morphometric analysis, the general population of neurons and all the neuronal subpopulations evaluated presented significant morphological alterations, for both exposures, chronic and acute. In the proteomic analysis of the duodenum, it was verified that both exposures caused alterations in the expression of intestinal proteins. These proteins identified with differential expression were distributed according the association of their genes to a specific term, and by this term classified in different biological process. In the group that received the acute dose the biological process with the highest percentage of associated genes was the generation of precursor metabolites and energy (27% of proteins), and for the 10 and 50 ppm F groups, they were pyridine nucleotide metabolic process (41%) and protein polymerization (33%), respectively.
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Etude de la paroi intestinale dans un modèle murin d'interruption intestinale : rôles des cellules du SNE et des cellules neuroendocrines / Disorders of the intestinal wall in a rat model of intestinal obstruction : implication of the enteric nervous system and neuroendocrine systemBallouhey, Quentin 29 May 2018 (has links)
But de l’étudeL’atrésie intestinale est une anomalie congénitale définie par une perte de la continuité digestive. Malgré une restauration chirurgicale précoce de cette continuité, surviennent durant les premiers mois de vie des troubles de la motilité digestive et des surinfections bactériennes chez un tiers des patients. Ces troubles fonctionnels étaient attribués jusque là principalement à des altérations du système nerveux entérique. Le but de cette étude était de confirmer cette hypothèse mais également d’élargir le champ des explorations aux autres composants du tube digestif.Matériel et méthodesLe modèle animal de l’atrésie chez le rat initialement décrit dans notre équipe a été utilisé pour caractériser les anomalies d’expression génique par transcriptomique. L’étude portait également sur la maturation digestive chez des fœtus de rat contrôle entre un stade de développement embryonnaire E15 et E21. Des modifications en amont et en aval de l’obstruction ont été étudiées en prélevant deux segments successifs de 1 cm par cette approche globale transcriptomique puis précisées par RT-PCRq et confirmées par des techniques immunohistochimiques et de microscopie électronique. RésultatsChez les fœtus témoins, l’expression génique montre une décroissance physiologique pour le SNE et une augmentation pour les systèmes neuroendocrine et épithélial de E15 à E21. Concernant les fœtus avec atrésie, les modifications concernent quasi exclusivement le segment d’amont avec une augmentation du calibre intestinal, de l’épaisseur musculaire et une accélération globale de la maturation. Une redistribution des sous types neuronaux est constatée dans le segment d’amont ainsi qu’une augmentation de l’expression du système neuro endocrine. Pour ces deux systèmes, le segment d’aval est peu modifié. Des modifications importantes du système épithélial sont observées en amont comme en aval avec pour conséquence probable une altération de la barrière intestinale et du système anti infectieux.ConclusionCes résultats montrent que les changements prédominent dans le segment en amont de l’atrésie alors que le segment d’aval était parfois considéré comme le plus pathologique. De plus, il a été retrouvé des changements inattendus du système neuroendocrine et épithélial qui sous tendent une implication non exclusive du SNE. D’autres recherches sont nécessaires pour confirmer ces données et les exploiter dans une démarche thérapeutique. / Aim of the studyIntestinal atresia is a rare congenital affection with postoperative motility disorders, leading sometimes to death. Previous related studies mainly focused on enteric nervous system (ENS) alterations as it was identified to cause abnormal peristalsis. The aim of the study was to expertise the underlying pathological conditions of intestinal atresia using a global approach, before focusing on ENS and neuroendocrine cells in order to precise the presumptive involvement of the different layers of the intestinal wall.MethodsPreliminary transcriptomic approach was elected to screen global gene expression involved in intestinal development and atresia-linked disorders in the rat model previously described by our team. Rat embryos were assigned to atretic group and controls embryos at different stages of development ED15, ED17, ED19 and ED21. Two successive intestine samples of 1 cm were harvested in the proximal segment and in the distal one. The pattern of gene expression was further assessed by immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy and RT-qPCR. Main resultsA physiological decrease in gene expression for enteric nervous system markers and an increase for neuroendocrine and epithelial system was observed on controls from stages ED15 to ED21. Regarding affected embryos, structural modifications concerned the proximal segment with increased muscular layer and a significant disruption including global accelerated maturation was observed in the proximal segment with increased gene expression of neuroendocrine system. Distal segment was comparable to controls for the two systems. Important modifications were noted concerning the epithelial system with consequent abnormalities of the gut barrier and anti infectious functions.ConclusionsFetal intestinal obstruction results in a disrupted gut development predominant in the proximal segment. The distal segment and the ENS were poorly concerned by theses changes. Neuroendocrine and epithelial cells underwent significant unexpected changes, supporting the evidence that ENS do not play an exclusive role in the pathways of intestinal motility disorders.
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