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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Entre abas : processos de enunciação em rede

Garcia, Rosangela Silveira January 2018 (has links)
A aba de navegação é um universo de enunciação e constituição discursiva, cenário do agir e estar do sujeito em distintos espaços sociais no mundo digital. A territorialização nas abas constitui o universo das relações éticas e políticas emergentes das interações sociais. Partindo desta propositura, trazemos um estudo que tem como meta investigar os processos de enunciação que se estabelecem no mundo digital, visando analisar as formas como educadores enunciam e assumem posições sócio-enunciativas nas abas que territorializam. Metodologicamente, embora, essencialmente, centre-se no dialogismo como posição filosófica-enunciativa, esta pesquisa faz, durante seu percurso, certas aproximações dos pressupostos da área de estudos da Comunicação Mediada pelo Computador; de pressupostos da ciência das redes e da ARS (Análise de Redes Sociais). Os dados analisados são resultantes dos enunciados emergentes do discurso de educadores, advindos de comunidades virtuais no site de rede social Facebook. Os enunciados são considerados relacionados às suas conexões responsivas com outros enunciados que os antecedem e /ou os seguem, e na correlação com os espaços onde se produzem. Como forma de constituir a rede representativa destas relações, e analisá-las a partir do seu grau de conexão, adotou-se o software Pajek - software de código aberto - que possibilita visualização e análise de grandes redes, e como métrica analisou-se a centralidade dos constituintes da rede enunciativa A rede enunciativa formada foi analisada em duas perspectivas: da ARS, e de pressupostos bakhtinianos. Em nosso trajetar as principais descobertas nos levaram a perceber que o processo discursivo, em sua configuração, ou seja, na materialização por meio de enunciados, sofre efeitos da interface, assim como também lhe causa impacto. Que o enunciado produzido pelos educadores tem caráter autobiográfico acentuado e as relações dialógicas se estabelecem e circulam por distintos espaços, sendo seu encadeamento decorrente das ações de comentar e curtir. No âmbito das posições sócio-enunciativas, identificou-se que são múltiplas e não se apresentam de modo alternado, tampouco se configuram como partes isoladas e independentes de um todo. As posições sócio-enunciativas, neste caso, vão instituindo acabamentos provisórios ao si discursivo. Este estudo compreende que pode trazer contribuições ao campo das pesquisas em ciências humanas, e aos estudos dos processos de enunciação no contexto digital; contemplando um dos direcionamentos da linha de pesquisa Interfaces Digitais em Educação, Arte, Linguagem e Cognição do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática na Educação da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) que tem como objetivo investigar os efeitos das interfaces digitais em diferentes campos empíricos. / The navigation tab is a universe of enunciation and discursive constitution, scenery of the subject's acting and being in different social spaces in the digital world. Territorialisation in the tabs constitutes the universe of ethical and political relations emerging from social interactions. Starting from this proposition, we present a study that aims to investigate the processes of enunciation that are established in the digital world, aiming to analyze the ways in which educators enunciate and assume socio-enunciative positions in the tabs that territorialize. Methodologically, while essentially focusing on dialogism as a philosophical-enunciative position, this research makes, during its course, certain approximations of the assumptions of the area of study of Computer-Mediated Communication; of assumptions of the science of the networks and of the SNA (Social Networks Analysis). The data analyzed are the result of the emergent statements of the educators' discourse, coming from virtual communities on the social networking site Facebook. The statements are considered to be related to their responsive connections with other statements that precede and / or follow them, and in the correlation with the spaces where they are produced. As a way to form the representative network of these relations, and to analyze them from their degree of connection, Pajek software - open source software that allows visualization and analysis of large networks - was adopted, and, as a metric, centrality of the constituents of the enunciative network was analyzed The enunciative network formed was analyzed in two perspectives: SNA, and Bakhtinian assumptions. In our trajectory the main discoveries led us to realize that the discursive process, in its configuration, that is, in materialization through statements, has effects of the interface, as well as its impact. That the statement produced by the educators has an accentuated autobiographical character and the dialogic relations are established and circulate through different spaces and its linkage derives from the actions of comment and enjoyment. In the context of socio-enunciative positions, it has been identified that they are multiple and do not present themselves in an alternate way, nor do they form as isolated and independent parts of a whole. The socio-enunciative positions, in this case, are instituting provisional finishes for the yourself discursive. This study understands that it can contribute to the field of research in human sciences, and to the study of the processes of enunciation in the digital context, contemplating one of the directives of the research line Digital Interfaces in Education, Art, Language and Cognition of the Graduate Program in Computer Science in Education of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), whose objective is to investigate the effects of digital interfaces in different empirical fields. / La solapa de navegación es un universo de enunciación y constitución discursiva, escenario del actuar y estar del sujeto en distintos espacios sociales en el mundo digital. La territorialización en las alas constituye el universo de las relaciones éticas y políticas emergentes de las interacciones sociales. A partir de esta proposición, traemos un estudio que tiene como meta investigar los procesos de enunciación que se establecen en el mundo digital, buscando analizar las formas como educadores enuncian y asumen posiciones socio-enunciativas en las abas que territorializan. Metodológicamente, aunque, esencialmente, se centra en el dialogismo como posición filosófica-enunciativa, esta investigación hace, durante su recorrido, ciertas aproximaciones de los presupuestos del área de estudios de la Comunicación Mediada por el Ordenador; de los supuestos de la ciencia de las redes y de la ARS (Análisis de Redes Sociales). Los datos analizados son resultado de los enunciados emergentes del discurso de educadores, provenientes de comunidades virtuales en el sitio de la red social Facebook. Los enunciados se consideran relacionados con sus conexiones responsivas con otros enunciados que los anteceden y / o los siguen, y en la correlación con los espacios donde se producen. Como forma de constituir la red representativa de estas relaciones, y analizarlas a partir de su grado de conexión, se adoptó el software Pajek - software de código abierto - que posibilita visualización y análisis de grandes redes, y cómo métrica se analizó centralidad de los constituyentes de la red enunciativa La red enunciativa formada fue analizada en dos perspectivas: de la ARS, y de supuestos bakhtinianos. En nuestro trayecto los principales descubrimientos nos llevaron a percibir que el proceso discursivo, en su configuración, o sea, en la materialización por medio de enunciados, sufre efectos de la interfaz, así como también le causa impacto. Que el enunciado producido por los educadores tiene carácter autobiográfico acentuado y las relaciones dialógicas se establecen y circulan por distintos espacios, siendo su encadenamiento resultante de las acciones de comentar y de disfrutar. En el ámbito de las posiciones socio-enunciativas, se identificó que son múltiples y no se presentan de modo alternado, tampoco se configuran como partes aisladas e independientes de un todo. Las posiciones socio-enunciativas, en este caso, van instituyendo acabados provisionales al mismo discursivo. Este estudio comprende que puede aportar contribuciones al campo de las investigaciones en ciencias humanas, ya los estudios de los procesos de enunciación en el contexto digital; que contempla uno de los direccionamientos de la línea de investigación Interfaces Digitales en Educación, Arte, Lenguaje y Cognición del Programa de Postgrado en Informática en la Educación de la Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) que tiene como objetivo investigar los efectos de las interfaces digitales en diferentes campos empíricos.

Linguagem, transferência, clínica: as relações entre o saber e o fazer na clínica dos distúrbios de linguagem

Dalpiaz, Sonia Luzia January 2018 (has links)
Nesta tese, são colocadas em pauta as relações entre o saber e o fazer, com base em interrogantes da atuação no campo da clínica dos distúrbios de linguagem. Como a transferência e a linguagem se articulam nas relações que acontecem no interior dessa clínica, elas constituem sua questão norteadora. A partir desta, são problematizadas as relações entre o terapeuta e seu paciente, o terapeuta e os pais (no caso da infância), o terapeuta e outros profissionais, o terapeuta e seu fazer. Inicia-se a discussão com o estudo da História da clínica, para situar-se, nos dias de hoje, como se configuram noções como normal/patológico e sintoma na clínica fonoaudiológica e contextualizar a clínica dos distúrbios de linguagem. Parte-se, em seguida, em direção a dois referenciais teóricos que sustentam a tese: o primeiro tem origem na psicanálise freudo-lacaniana, abordada a partir, principalmente, da noção de transferência, a qual, juntamente com suas derivações, é “traduzida” para o campo da clínica dos distúrbios de linguagem com a função de inaugurar, constituir e sustentar as relações que se constroem nessa clínica. Prossegue-se apoiando-se na Linguística, em especial nos estudos sobre a enunciação de Émile Benveniste, como forma de compreender os movimentos entre eu, tu e ele que se dão a cada ato de enunciação. Tendo à disposição o conjunto dessas reflexões, passa-se a fazer os cruzamentos entre o que a prática clínica interroga e o que faz eco, a partir das leituras realizadas. Ao final da tese, conclui-se que as relações entre o saber e o fazer na clínica dos distúrbios de linguagem são pautadas, o tempo todo, pelos movimentos que acontecem entre linguagem, transferência e clínica, a cada ato de enunciação que ali se apresenta. / In this thesis, the issue in question is the relation between knowledge and doing, which are based on questions from the practice in the clinical field of language disorders. Since transference and language are articulated in the relationships that take place within this clinic, they are the leading question. Stemming from the leading question, the following relations are speculated: the relations between the therapist and his patient, the therapist and the parents (in the case of childhood), the therapist and other professionals, and the therapist and his work. The discussion begins with the study of the History of the Clinic, in order to understand nowadays how to configure notions such as normal/pathological symptom in the Speech-Language Pathology Clinic and how best to contextualize them in the clinic of language disorders. The first part is based on the Freud-Lacanian Psychoanalysis, which is based mainly on the notion of Transference, which, together with its derivations, is “translated” into the field of the clinic of language disorders with the function of inaugurating, constituting and sustaining the relationships that are built in this clinic. The next moment is based on Linguistics, especially in Studies on the Enunciation of Émile Benveniste, as a way of understanding the movements between I”, you” and he that occur to each act of enunciation. Having all these reflections at hand, the intersections between what clinical practice interrogates and what echoes are made from the readings made. Finally, we found out that the relationships between the knowledge and the performance in the clinic of language disorders are always based on the movements that happen among language, transference and clinic in each act of enunciation that occurs there.

I <3 Sorel ; suivi de Monologue et échec de la communication dans Billy [les jours de hurlement] de Fabien Cloutier

Santerre Baillargeon, Camille 08 1900 (has links)
Les nouvelles modalités d’énonciation explorées par le théâtre contemporain remettent en question la notion traditionnelle de dialogue. L’usage plus extensif du monologue, souvent considéré à tort comme s’inscrivant à l’opposé du dialogue et utilisé avec parcimonie dans le théâtre classique, conquiert la scène autant au Québec qu’à l’international et instaure un nouveau rapport entre la scène et la salle. Le volet création, I Sorel, explore comment trois solitudes se rencontrent sans se parler à travers un lieu partagé et par le jeu des croisements entre les monologues. Inspirée par l’art japonais du kintsugi, la pièce cherche à dévoiler la beauté des fissures et des imperfections de la langue, des lieux et des gens. L’essai porte sur l’usage singulier qui est fait des monologues au sein de Billy [les jours de hurlement] et en interroge les modalités et les effets sur l’élaboration de l’action dramatique et sur la construction du rapport au spectateur. / The new modalities of enunciation explored by contemporary theater challenge the traditional notion of dialogue. A more extensive use of the monologue, often mistakenly considered to be the opposite of dialogue and used sparingly in classical theater, is conquering the stage both in Quebec and internationally, establishing a new relationship between the stage and the audience. The creation, I Sorel, explores how, through a shared space and by the way their lonely voices intertwine, three solitudes meet without speaking. Inspired by the Japanese art of kintsugi, the play aims to reveal the beauty in the cracks and imperfections of language, places and people. The essay examines the singular use of monologues in Billy [les jours de hurlement] and questions their modalities and effects on the elaboration of the dramatic action and on the relationship the play establishes with its spectator.

Il corpo nella lettera. Le tracce del femminile nella poesia italiana contemporanea : le voci di Anedda, Cavalli e Gualtieri / Le corps dans la lettre. Les traces du féminin dans la poésie italienne contemporaine : les voix de Anedda, Cavalli, Gualtieri / The body in letter. Traces of the feminine in contemporary Italian poetry : the voices of Anedda, Cavalli and Gualtieri

Bergamin, Maddalena 24 November 2017 (has links)
Le travail de recherche ici présenté porte sur l’analyse de l’écriture poétique de trois femmes écrivains italiennes contemporaines : Antonella Anedda (1955), Patrizia Cavalli (1947) et Mariangela Gualtieri (1951). Nous avons décidé d’aborder ce corpus sur la base de certains acquis théoriques de la psychanalyse lacanienne. L’hypothèse de départ repose sur l’idée que le texte poétique, en raison de son statut particulier au sein du langage, nécessite d’être interrogé à partir d’une réflexion scrupuleuse à propos de la relation entre inconscient et langage. Nous avons développé une conception du texte poétique qui prend appui sur deux élaborations majeures de Jacques Lacan, à savoir l’inconscient comme espace du sujet manque-à-être et l’inconscient parlêtre. À partir de là, nous avons défini le texte comme lieu de coexistence de deux univers distincts : celui du Symbolique, qui relève du glissement incessant du sujet sur la chaîne signifiante ; celui du Réel, qui relève de la langue singulière, opaque et indéchiffrable qui habite tout être parlant. Il s’est par conséquent avéré nécessaire de questionner en profondeur les problématiques de l’énonciation et de l’interprétation. Le concept lacanien de pas-tout, étroitement lié à la question féminine, nous a guidé dans l’élaboration d’une éthique de la lecture du texte qui vise à ne pas négliger sa dimension réelle, corporelle et irréductible. Nous avons ensuite testé notre approche à travers l’analyse du corpus poétique choisi. Interroger le mode d’énonciation spécifique de chacune des trois poétesses convoquées, nous a permis de donner la parole à trois voix majeures de la poésie italienne contemporaine. Les écritures de Anedda, Cavalli et Gualtieri se sont ainsi imposées non seulement comme trois expériences tout à fait originales dans le panorama de la poésie italienne de ces dernières années, mais surtout comme trois réponses complexes et différentes par rapport à la problématique de la subjectivité contemporaine / The research presented here concerns the analysis of the poetic writing of three contemporary Italian women writers: Antonella Anedda (1955), Patrizia Cavalli (1947) and Mariangela Gualtieri (1951). We decided to approach this corpus on the basis of certain theories of Lacanian psychoanalysis. The starting hypothesis rests on the idea that poetic text, because of its particular status within language, needs to be examined on the basis of scrupulous reflection on the relation between the unconscious and language. We have developed a notion of poetic text that is based on two major approaches by Jacques Lacan, namely the unconscious as the space of the subject manque-à-être and the unconscious parlêtre. From this point on, we have defined the text as the place of coexistence of two distinct universes: that of the Symbolic, which refers to the incessant sliding of the subject on the chain of signifiers, and that of the Real, which is singular, opaque and indecipherable lalangue, which inhabits every speaking being. It has therefore proved necessary to question the issues of enunciation and interpretation in depth. The Lacanian concept of pas-tout, closely linked to the feminine question, has guided us in the formulation of an ethic of reading the text that aims not to neglect its real, corporeal and irreducible dimension. We then tested our approach through the analysis of the chosen poetic corpus. Examining the specific mode of enunciation of each of the three poets referred to has allowed us to give a voice to three major exemples of contemporary Italian poetry. The writings of Anedda, Cavalli and Gualtieri have thus established themselves not only as three completely original experiments in the panorama of Italian poetry of recent years, but above all as three complex and different answers in relation to the issues of contemporary subjectivity.

Polyphonie argumentative : Étude de la négation dans des éditoriaux du Figaro, de Libération et du Monde

Roitman, Malin January 2006 (has links)
<p>This thesis deals with the polyphonic and argumentative functions of the French negation marker, ne, in editorial texts from the daily press. The concept ‘polyphony’ relates to the presence of multiple voices within one and the same utterance. According to this view, negation triggers a subdivision of an utterance in two points of view. Thus the sentence Sweden will not be a part of the monetary union can be divided in two points of view, the underlying ‘Sweden will be a part of the monetary union’, and the explicit ‘Sweden will not be a part of the monetary union’.</p><p>First, I study the polyphonic structure of negative utterances, notably their division in two points of view, by taking into account their specific linguistic features. This is done so as to identify the relevant linguistic criteria that determine the polyphonic interpretation of the negation. The study demonstrates that contextual elements, including pragmatic connectors, presuppositions contrastive elements, and several other devices constitute the primary source of polyphonic markers.</p><p>Negation is furthermore approached from a textual perspective. I explore how the two opposite points of view that are associated with negation form polyphonic sequences with other points of view carrying the same semantic content, and how these dynamic points of view are associated to the different discourse beings that are found in the newspaper article. I found that these sequences often embrace the central polemic theme of the article and, also, that the polyphonic function is not restricted to the negative utterance but constitutes an element that ensures textual and argumentative coherence. These two analyses are carried out within Jean-Claude Anscombre’s and Oswald Ducrot’s Theory of Structural Argumentation, which has recently been formalised by Kjersti Fløttum, Coco Norén and Henning Nølke.</p><p>Finally in this thesis, I analyse the relation between the discourse beings associated with the negative utterance and real beings that exist outside the text, and then consider what rhetorical implications that correspondence or no correspondence has on the polyphonic interpretation of the negation. I also examine whether polyphonic negation can be considered to be a feature of newspaper editorials that identifies these texts as a genre. This study shows that the locuteur, the discourse being responsible for the enunciation of the negative utterance on a textual level, links to the real being, the editorial writer, who then refutes points of view associated to other discourse beings, often by use of nominalizations that refer to community voices. The locuteur also intrudes into an argument or claim, and refutes it in the name of a community or an authority.</p><p>By defining genre, as does the media researcher Patrick Charaudeau, as a correspondence between the constraints imposed by the discursive situation and the constraints imposed by the discursive features, and by considering that one of the editorial’s constraints is to persuade its readers, this study shows that the phrasal negation ne in its polyphonic function, constitutes a distinguishing feature in the genre of editorials. The refutations that are made by an editor constitute a distinctive argumentative strategy since it permits the editorial writer to present external points of view in order to refute them and thereby impose his or her own, subjective point of view.</p>

Metodika výuky techniky řeči pro vybranou třídu I.stupně ZŠ / Methodology of voice education of particular class in the Primary School

Olšinová, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to build up a methodology of speech techniques for a specific class which is covered in the topic "Prehistory". In the theoretical part I am engaged in particular teaching stages of speech technique such as attitude, respiration, vibration, effort of muscles in solar plexus area and enunciation. I mention its teaching problems and differences of teaching of individual speech techniques lectors. In the practical part of the theses I introduce my own methodology of particular lessons which concur and I cap it with a phonetic (voice) warm-up. I have taught these lessons at grade 3 of a primary school and I have reflected them.

Le rôle des inscriptions documentaires dans la transmission des savoirs. Le cas de la psychologie comme discipline / The role of material inscriptions in knowledge transmission : a case study of the use of documents in the academic discipline of psychology

Temperville, Véronique 24 June 2014 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur l’évolution des pratiques info-documentaires des étudiants de psychologie en troisième année de licence. Nous nous intéressons aux modifications engendrées par le numérique sur la culture informationnelle des étudiants. Nous défendons l’idée que le web transforme les valeurs, les représentations et les pratiques attachées à la culture académique. Nous abordons cette hypothèse à partir des matérialités documentaires et notamment des aspects éditoriaux. Ce travail croise des données issues d’entretiens réalisés auprès des étudiants et des enseignants, des analyses des discussions et des dépôts sur la plateforme Moodle, et des analyses sémiotiques de documents et de sites. Il développe particulièrement les phénomènes de circulation et d’hybridation dans les pratiques. / This study is about the evolution of third-year undergraduate psychology students' information practices. We look at the changes the digital world has brought about in students' information culture. We defend the idea that the web transforms values, representations, and practices within academic culture. We discuss this hypothesis through consideration of the document as a material form and through analysis of the editorial dimension of the document. This work confronts data obtained from interviews, with students and university professors as well as contributions to the Moodle learning Platform, and semiotic analyses of documents and websites. This research explores the notions of circulation and hybridation as applied to information practice.

O corpo por fazer: Sade e a equivocidade enunciativa nas três versões de Justine / The body to be made: Sade and the enunciative equivocity in the three versions of Justine

Gomes, Livia Cristina 07 July 2017 (has links)
Estuda-se aqui a escrita do marquês de Sade, sobretudo as três versões de sua personagem virtuosa: Os infortúnios da virtude [Les infortunes de la vertu] (1787), Justine ou as infelicidades da virtude [Justine ou les malheurs de la vertu] (1791) e A Nova Justine ou as infelicidades da virtude [La Nouvelle Justine ou les malheurs de la vertu] (1799). Nelas, investiga-se o modo pelo qual a escrita produz equívocos, campos de ressonância e compossibilidades entre os pares conceituais com os quais trabalha (a saber, virtude/vício; infelicidade/prosperidade; etc). A dramatização dos conceitos e das normas simbólicas que os orientam configura, assim, uma cenografia equívoca, cujo funcionamento consiste em sabotar a univocidade de sentido dos termos que aciona. Essa equivocidade constitutiva da escrita sadiana deixa então em suspenso o próprio posicionamento enunciativo, não se subsumindo à particularização das intenções do Autor e, tampouco a uma determinação unívoca do contexto. Propõe-se, entretanto, singularizar sua indeterminação, ou melhor, a sobredeterminação das torções perspectivas que efetua e os seus equívocos, bem como os reenvios que fabrica e encena em uma rede de enunciações. Para tanto, dramatizam-se aqui dois eixos de análise, nos quais a virtude se faz fundamental: a discussão setecentista sobre a função moralizadora das artes e a política jacobina de Robespierre. Na passagem de uma a outra, é a equivocidade enunciativa de Sade que entrelaça a performatividade do texto literário e a instituição da lei. / This thesis aims to study the writing of Marquis de Sade, especially the three versions of his virtuous character: Les infortunes de la vertu (1787), Justine ou les malheurs de la vertu (1791) and La Nouvelle Justine ou les malheurs de la vertu (1799). In them, the object of inquiry is the way that writing produces equivoques, fields of resonance and compossibilities between conceptual pairs in which it works upon (namely, virtue/vice; infelicity/prosperity, etc). The dramatization of the concepts and symbolic norms that guide them sets an equivocal cenography, whose operation consists in sabotage the univocity of the terms\' meanings that it triggers. This constitutive equivocity of the sadian writing leaves suspended the whole enunciative positioning, not subsuming itself to the particularizations of the author\'s intentions, neither to a univocal determination of the context. However, it is proposed to singularize its indetermination, or better put, the overdetermination of the perspective torsions that it performs and its equivoques, as well as the resends that it fabricates and stages in a network of enunciations. Therefore, this thesis dramatizes two axes of analysis, in which the virtue is fundamental: the discussion in the Eighteenth century about the moralizing function of the arts and Robespierre\'s jacobin politics. In the passage from one to another, it is Sade\'s enunciative equivocity that tangles the literary texts\'s performativity and the institution of the law.

Jogos de (se) mostrar/dizer: o sujeito e os discursos sobre a língua inglesa na rede social orkut / Games of (self) displaying / saying: the subject and the discourse about the English language in the social network orkut

Fernandes, José Adjailson Uchôa 14 November 2008 (has links)
As redes sociais têm-se tornado muito populares. No caso específico do Brasil, essa popularidade se tornou notória após o advento do orkut. Essas redes constituem um importante espaço para a produção de textos a respeito de temas diversos. A navegação por esta rede social nos chamou a atenção para a vasta presença de comunidades cuja nomenclatura remetia a posições extremas, principalmente, as de amor e ódio por algo ou alguém. Com base nessa tendência, delimitamos o corpus a partir de duas comunidades com temas iguais e antagônicas quanto à nomenclatura. São elas: eu amo Inglês e eu ODEIO Inglês. Os enunciados coletados foram produzidos entre os dias 30/07/2006 e 28/11/2006. Por ser uma rede na qual está colocada a possibilidade do anonimato e/ou a criação de perfis de usuários fictícios (fakes), nossa hipótese foi a de que estas características poderiam causar certo efeito de liberdade no tocante aos modos de dizer nesse contexto. Apoiados nas teorias sobre o discurso, o sujeito e sua relação com a linguagem, bem como, na Semântica Histórica da Enunciação (Guimarães, 2002) e em estudiosos do ciberespaço, buscamos analisar os enunciados produzidos no interior dessas comunidades em busca de pistas a respeito do sujeito e dos modos de dizer inerentes a esta mídia, mais especificamente, os dizeres sobre a língua inglesa, seu processo de ensino-aprendizagem e da relação do sujeito que enuncia, tanto com a língua inglesa quanto com sua língua materna. A análise nos permitiu a observação de modos de dizer com forte tendência hiperbólica, tal qual a própria nomenclatura das comunidades analisadas. Foi ainda possível estabelecer considerações a respeito do sujeito desta rede, que parece se apresentar sob um caráter hedônico, bastante análogo ao sujeito do sujeito do consumo, ou seja, aquele que desconhece a falta, acredita tudo poder (CORACINI, 2006, p.149). Finalmente, pudemos estabelecer analogias entre o processo de ensino-aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira e o processo de construção de um avatar, as quais nos permitiram analisar tanto os investimentos identitários quanto formas de resistência ao discurso hegemônico sobre a língua inglesa e seu papel na sociedade contemporânea. / Social networks have become very popular. In the specific case of Brazil, this popularity has become more evident after the advent of orkut. Such networks constitute an important setting for textual production regarding diverse themes. Surfing through this social network has drawn our attention to the vast proliferation of communities whose nomenclature makes reference to extreme positioning, mainly the ones named love and hate for something or someone. Based on this tendency, we decided to delimit the corpus by choosing two communities of equal themes and antagonistic positioning, namely: I love English and I HATE English. The utterances that constitute the corpus were produced from 07/30/2006 to 11/28/2006. Due to the possibility of anonymity and/or the creation of fictitious user profiles (fakes) in the network, our hypothesis is that these features could cause a certain effect of freedom regarding the modes of uttering in this context. Relying on theories regarding discourse, and the relations between the subject and language, as well as in Historic Semantics of Enunciation (Guimarães, 2002) and on thinkers about cyberspace, we analyze the utterances produced in the context of those communities in search of clues concerning the subject and the modes of uttering inherent to this media, specifically, those utterances related to the English language, its process of teaching-learning and the relationship of the subject that utters with the English language, as well as with its mother tongue. The analysis has enabled us to observe modes of uttering with a strong hyperbolic tendency, following the pattern of the names given to the communities. It was also possible to establish considerations regarding the subject of this network, which seems to be of a hedonic character, considerably analogous to the subject of the market, that is, that one that is unaware of the lack, and believes to be almighty (CORACINI, 2006, p.149). Finally, we could identify analogies between the processes of teaching-learning a foreign language and the construction of an avatar, which allowed us to analyze not only the identity investments, but also the forms of resistance to the hegemonic discourses concerning the English language and its role in contemporary society.

Le discours coranique : énonciation et énonciateurs / Quranic discourse : enunciation and enunciators

Mazguidi, Mostapha 26 June 2018 (has links)
Le Coran, discours omniprésent via différents supports, ne cesse de faire couler beaucoup d’encre depuis le début de l’écriture au sein de la sphère arabe ; l’écriture en tant que composition d’ouvrages car la culture était, avant le Coran, orale. Depuis lors jusqu’à nos jours, il demeure un objet inépuisable d’études et de spéculations. Les sciences du langage ne sont pas suffisamment exploitées pour en explorer les arcanes en tant que discours religieux unique en son genre. Les études linguistiques se sont limitées aux domaines linguistiques de l’arabe tels que la syntaxe et la rhétorique lesquels tentaient de faire resurgir ce qui fait du Coran un discours inimitable tel qu’il se présente lui-même et tel qu’il est présenté par la Tradition islamique. Ce travail vise une analyse qui puise des théories modernes des sciences du langage pour une compréhension du discours coranique. / The Qur'an, an omnipresent discourse via different media, has been a constant source of attention since the beginning of writing in the Arab sphere; writing as a composition of works because culture was, before the Koran, oral. From then until today, he remains an inexhaustible object of study and speculation. The language sciences are not sufficiently exploited to explore its mysteries as a unique religious discourse. Linguistic studies were limited to the linguistic domains of Arabic such as syntax and rhetoric which attempted to resurrect what makes the Koran an inimitable discourse as it presents itself and as presented by Islamic Tradition. This work aims at an analysis that draws modern theories of language sciences for an understanding of Koranic discourse.

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