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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La relative en français médiéval : contextes et emplois (approche pragmatico-énonciative) / The relative clause in medieval French : contexts and uses (a pragmatic-enunciative approach)

Velinova, Malinka 12 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet la proposition relative dans les textes littéraires du Moyen Âge français. Partant de l’hypothèse que ses emplois, en particulier dans la chanson de geste où elle apparaît comme formule, sont subordonnés, dans une certaine mesure du moins, au contexte situationnel de l’énonciation in praesentia (ou la profération) des textes au cours de la période médiévale, nous observons ses autres emplois, dans d’autres genres également, pour éprouver l’utilité de l’approche pragmatico-énonciative appliquée à des problèmes d’ordre essentiellement syntaxique. Le résultat principal de cette étude est d’avoir montré que la combinaison de l’approche pragmatico-énonciative avec l’approche sémantico-syntaxique traditionnelle est susceptible d’apporter des éclaircissements importants sur les formes et le fonctionnement de constructions syntaxiques qui n’ont apparemment pas trait à des faits discursifs et qui se situent dans un état de langue ancien. / This thesis has as its subject the relative clause in the literary texts of the French Middle Ages. Setting forth from the hypothesis that the clause’s uses, in particular in the chanson de geste where it appears as formula, are subordinated, at least to a certain degree, to the situational context of enunciation in praesentia (or of vocalisation) of the texts during the medieval period, we examine its other uses, in other genres as well, in order to test the usefulness of the pragmatic-enunciative approach when applied to issues that are essentially syntactic. As main outcome of this investigation we proved that combining the pragmatic-enunciative approach with the semantic-syntactic one could lead to important clarifications regarding form and functioning of syntactic constructions which have no apparent relation to discursive factors and pertain to an older state of language.

Sentidos de comunicativo em dizeres de professores de inglês e teóricos em ensino-aprendizagem de língua inglesa: uma análise semântica-discursiva dos processos de designação sobre a Abordagem/Metodologia Comunicativa (CLT) / Meanings of communicative in sayings of EFL teachers and theorists in the field of ELT: a semantic-discursive study of designation processes about the Communicative Approach/Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)

Falcoski, Maria Cristina Nigro 26 March 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo a análise de sentidos em processos designativos decorrentes da chamada Abordagem/Metodologia Comunicativa, também referida como CLT (Communicative Language Teaching), depreendidos de: a) textos de teóricos em ensino-aprendizagem de língua inglesa e b) de professores de inglês, participantes de um programa de curso para certificação na didática de línguas. Pelo aparato teórico da Semântica Histórica da Enunciação, em confluência com a Análise do Discurso, que contempla a dimensão histórico-social e ideológica na relação do sujeito com a língua, buscamos compreender como se estabelecem processos de produção de sentidos em nomes que circulam em torno da designação CLT, no contexto ensino-aprendizagem de língua inglesa. A aparente estabilidade e univocidade das designações levaram-nos a confrontá-las e, com isso, propusemos um questionamento acerca da transparência da linguagem. Pela análise, percebemos uma tentativa de construção referencial do CLT e, que conflitos constitutivos da relação falante-língua são escamoteados, na cena enunciativa. A busca constante de fixação de um sentido único para essa designação, o bom sentido de comunicativo, levou-nos a buscar compreender, pelo interdiscurso (memória discursiva), como se estabelecem certos movimentos dicotômicos de produção de sentidos nos dizeres de professores e teóricos, na polarização método antigo versus método moderno. Depreendemos, pelos processos designativos analisados, que a idealização do modelo comunicativo remete a um lugar de completude, onde a aprendizagem da língua parece se dar de uma maneira natural, sem conflitos, lugar esse que professores buscam ocupar. No percurso da análise procuramos problematizar o convívio dos professores com o lugar estabelecido pelo CLT, de suposta neutralidade política perante o método, colocando-os fora de sua historicidade. Concluímos que os processos designativos dos nomes analisados buscam promover um efeito de homogeneização nos dizeres de teóricos e professores do corpus, no processo de constituição de sentidos da Abordagem Comunicativa. / This work aims at analysing meanings observed in designation processes derived from the so-called Communicative Language Teaching, also referred to as CLT, in a corpus formed by a) texts of theorists in the field of ELT and b) texts of EFL teachers who participated in a program on ELT for further external exams. From the perspective of both Historical Semantics of Enunciation and Analysis of Discourse which contemplates the historical-social and ideological dimension in the relation of the subject with language, we have sought to investigate how processes of production of meaning are established as far as names related to CLT are concerned. Our analysis enabled us to confront the apparent stabilised meaning of the observed designations in relation to the names of the Communicative Approach/Communicative Language Teaching thus questioning the evidence of language transparency. By means of analysis, we have noticed an attempt towards reference construction of CLT and also, that constitutive conflicts in the relation speaker-language are silenced in the utterance locus. The constant search for fixing a single meaning to this designation, the good meaning for communicative led us to understand, from the interdiscourse (discourse memory), how certain dichotomical movements in the constitution of meaning in the teachers´ and theorists´ sayings are established in the polarization old method versus modern method. From the analysed designation processes we have apprehended that the idealisation of the communicative model alludes to a place of completeness where the learning of the language seems to occur in a natural way, with no conflicts, a place which teachers seek to occupy. Throughout the analysis we have tried to question the experience the teachers have with the place established by the CLT, of apparent political neutrality in relation to the method, placing them out of their historical context. Our analysis has concluded that the designation processes of the analysed names seek to promote an effect of homogeneity in sayings of theorists and teachers of the corpus in the process of constitution of meanings related to the Communicative Approach/Communicative Language Teaching (CLT).

Sacré, Éducation et postmodernité : le sacré comme fondement de l'éducation à l'épreuve de la postmodernité / Sacred, education, postmodernity : the sacred as a fundament of education faced with the postmodernity

Arnaldi, Maude 15 May 2018 (has links)
La postmodernité, modifiant les repères essentiels de l'humanité que sont la durée, l'espace, la constitution du sujet, le statut de la mort et de l'absence, a affecté en profondeur le contexte dans lequel s'élabore le concept de sacré. Il en résulte une forme moderne de sacré dévoyé procédant davantage d'une mythologie résiduelle, d'une initiation tronquée ou, selon les mots de Mircea Eliade, de ritualismes dégradés, que d'un sacré systémique ayant une portée décisive, notamment, dans la détermination des valeurs et l'élaboration d'un destin commun. Or, la crise de l'éducation serait entée sur le déclin du sacré,départi de sa dimension structurelle. Le sujet contemporain, qui se cherche entre jouissance immédiate et relativisme désenchanté, ne semble plus pouvoir compter sur le potentiel fédérateur d'une éducation fragilisée, et l'altération de celle-ci paraît inéluctable, à moins que, nous engageant dans un autre temps nous n'admettions l'évidence de notre attachement phénoménologique et que nous ne sachions, en la préservant dans le langage, accepter la négativité du monde. / Postmodernity, modifying humanity's reference points - duration, space, subject's formation, status of death and non-attendance -, deeply affects the context in which the concept of sacred usually develops. The outcome is a kind of modern sacred, proceeding from a residual mythology, a rigged initiation or, in the own words of Mircea Eliade, from degraded ritualisms, and not a systemic sacred that would have any decisive impact on values determination or would draw up any common destiny.The education crisis would be a consequence of the declining sacred, deprived of its structural dimension. The contemporary subject, who is wavering between instantaneous enjoyment and disenchanted relativism, can't trust anymore the federating power of a weaken education, unless we admit the obvious of our phenomenologic statement and we are able to agree, preserving it inside the language, the negativity of the world.

Polyphonie argumentative : Étude de la négation dans des éditoriaux du Figaro, de Libération et du Monde

Roitman, Malin January 2006 (has links)
This thesis deals with the polyphonic and argumentative functions of the French negation marker, ne, in editorial texts from the daily press. The concept ‘polyphony’ relates to the presence of multiple voices within one and the same utterance. According to this view, negation triggers a subdivision of an utterance in two points of view. Thus the sentence Sweden will not be a part of the monetary union can be divided in two points of view, the underlying ‘Sweden will be a part of the monetary union’, and the explicit ‘Sweden will not be a part of the monetary union’. First, I study the polyphonic structure of negative utterances, notably their division in two points of view, by taking into account their specific linguistic features. This is done so as to identify the relevant linguistic criteria that determine the polyphonic interpretation of the negation. The study demonstrates that contextual elements, including pragmatic connectors, presuppositions contrastive elements, and several other devices constitute the primary source of polyphonic markers. Negation is furthermore approached from a textual perspective. I explore how the two opposite points of view that are associated with negation form polyphonic sequences with other points of view carrying the same semantic content, and how these dynamic points of view are associated to the different discourse beings that are found in the newspaper article. I found that these sequences often embrace the central polemic theme of the article and, also, that the polyphonic function is not restricted to the negative utterance but constitutes an element that ensures textual and argumentative coherence. These two analyses are carried out within Jean-Claude Anscombre’s and Oswald Ducrot’s Theory of Structural Argumentation, which has recently been formalised by Kjersti Fløttum, Coco Norén and Henning Nølke. Finally in this thesis, I analyse the relation between the discourse beings associated with the negative utterance and real beings that exist outside the text, and then consider what rhetorical implications that correspondence or no correspondence has on the polyphonic interpretation of the negation. I also examine whether polyphonic negation can be considered to be a feature of newspaper editorials that identifies these texts as a genre. This study shows that the locuteur, the discourse being responsible for the enunciation of the negative utterance on a textual level, links to the real being, the editorial writer, who then refutes points of view associated to other discourse beings, often by use of nominalizations that refer to community voices. The locuteur also intrudes into an argument or claim, and refutes it in the name of a community or an authority. By defining genre, as does the media researcher Patrick Charaudeau, as a correspondence between the constraints imposed by the discursive situation and the constraints imposed by the discursive features, and by considering that one of the editorial’s constraints is to persuade its readers, this study shows that the phrasal negation ne in its polyphonic function, constitutes a distinguishing feature in the genre of editorials. The refutations that are made by an editor constitute a distinctive argumentative strategy since it permits the editorial writer to present external points of view in order to refute them and thereby impose his or her own, subjective point of view.

A dêixis pessoal nas interações mãe-bebê: a constituição do sujeito no processo de enunciação

Ferreira Júnior, Jose Temístocles 16 December 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:43:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1170320 bytes, checksum: e2b9102611133fedb8bfab5546876ff8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-12-16 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The enunciation of personal deixis is a point of tension between language and the subject, highlighting the movements of the emergence of subjectivity in discourse. In language acquisition, deictic designation furthers our understanding of the initial process of subjectivity experienced by the infans, while allowing us to glimpse the different mechanism as to initiate the subject in language. On this assumption, we must consider how perceptive the subject is of the process of subjective constitution that he/she is passing through, by the linguistic marks of their registration statement (personal deixis), when invoking the formal apparatus of enunciation (BENVENISTE, 1989, p. 81-84), makes the use of language and its reversibility proper in a situation of enunciative interaction with others. Our goal is therefore to investigate the relationship between language acquisition and the formation of the subject, as proposed by Benveniste (1988 and 1989), by observing the appearance and operation of personal deixis in enunciative productions of the baby in situation of interaction with the mother. To do so, we will take longitudinal data from three mother-infant dyads (12 to 32 months of age), in naturalistic situation of interaction. The results show that, when considering the different movements of the mechanism of personal deixis in children's language, we can see the various subjective shifts in which the child passes: at first, the child seeks a place for himself in the enunciative structure; then comes to the game of reversible deictic personal, and finally enters the logic of the mechanism of personal deixis. In this sense, the use of personal deictic has as a property to express, in the particular circumstances of living / being of each subject in the language, the regularities of enunciative distinct movements contained in the initial stages of language acquisition. / A enunciação da dêixis pessoal constitui um ponto de tensão entre a linguagem e o sujeito, pois evidencia os movimentos de instalação da subjetividade no discurso. Na aquisição da linguagem, a designação dêitica possibilita a compreensão do processo inicial de subjetivação por que passa o infans, ao mesmo tempo em que nos permite vislumbrar os diferentes mecanismos enunciativos de instauração do sujeito na linguagem. Partindo desta premissa, cabe-nos analisar de que modo o sujeito dá a conhecer o processo de constituição subjetiva por que está passando, por meio das marcas lingüísticas de sua inscrição no enunciado (dêixis pessoal), quando, valendo-se do aparelho formal da enunciação (BENVENISTE, 1989, p. 81-84), torna próprio o uso da língua e sua reversibilidade em situação de interação enunciativa com o outro. Nosso objetivo é, portanto, investigar a relação entre a aquisição da linguagem e o processo de constituição do sujeito, tal como proposto por Benveniste (1988 e 1989), através da observação do aparecimento e do funcionamento da dêixis pessoal nas produções enunciativas do bebê em situação de interação com a mãe. Para isso, iremos nos valer de dados longitudinais de três díades mãe-bebê (de 12 a 32 meses de idade), em situação naturalística de interação. Os resultados mostram que, ao analisar os diferentes movimentos do mecanismo da dêixis pessoal na linguagem infantil, podemos perceber os diversos deslocamentos subjetivos pelos quais a criança passa: a princípio, busca um lugar para si na estrutura enunciativa; em seguida esbarra no jogo reversível dos dêiticos pessoais; por fim, adentra na lógica do mecanismo da dêixis pessoal. Nesse sentido, o uso dos dêiticos pessoais tem a propriedade de explicitar, dentro das singularidades do estar/ser de cada sujeito na língua, as regularidades de movimentos enunciativos distintos e constantes na fase inicial de aquisição da linguagem.

« Laissez-moi entendre la parole d’acier » : enjeux d’énonciation du personnage féminin dans quelques romans africains contemporains

Leclerc-Audet, Stéphanie 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Etude des marqueurs verbaux du Lètèyè [langue bantu parlée au Gabon (B71a)] / Study of verbal markers of Leteye bantu language spoken in Gabon

Tsoue, Pamela Carmelle 23 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse est une description des marqueurs verbaux de lètὲɣὲ (téké) langue bantu parlée au Gabon (B71a). Les marqueurs verbaux étudiés sont : le préfixe verbal (marque d’accord), le marqueur de négation kâ…ŋí, les particules énonciatives mâ et mí et la finale verbale. De nombreux linguistes bantouistes considèrent ce domaine d’étude (marqueurs verbaux) comme étant complexe, c’est le cas de Guarisma (2000). Le nombre de marqueurs verbaux en est une des raisons de cette complexité. Il est difficile d’assigner un rôle à certains morphèmes. Elle s’inscrit dans le cadre Théorique des Opérations Prédicatives et Enonciatives (TOPE), élaboré par Culioli et ses collaborateurs, voir Culioli (1990,1999a). L’étude de ces morphèmes montre que chacun marque une opération linguistique spécifique. / This thesis is a description of verbal markers in lètὲɣὲ (Téké), a Bantu language spoken in Gabon (B 71a). The verbal markers studied are: the verbal prefix (mark of agreement), the negation marker kâ ... ŋí, the enunciating particles mâ and mí and the verbal final. Many Bantuist linguists consider this field of study (verbal markers) to be complex, as is the case with Guarisma (2000). The number of verbal markers is one of the reasons for this complexity. This work is conducted within the framework of the Theory of the Predicative and Enunciative Operations developed by Culioli (1990) and his collaborators. The enunciative study of these elements shows that each of them marks a specific linguistic operation.

Le pronom on entre hypothèse psychomécanique et point de vue contrastif (français-arabe) / The pronoun on between psychomechanical hypothesis and contrastive point of view (French-Arabic)

El Kak, Manar 23 November 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie la polysémie du pronom on dans une perspective contrastive français-arabe. L’objectif de cette étude consiste à résoudre le problème de l’irrégularité dans la traduction arabe de on. Ce problème provient d’une variété d’emplois contradictoires de on en français, d’où sa polysémie. La polysémie de on a été examinée d’après le modèle interprétatif de la psychomécanique du langage de Gustave Guillaume complété par une approche énonciative. Ce cadre théorique a révélé comment, par une remontée vers l’ontogénèse de on, ce dernier est devenu un pronom intra-verbal malgré son origine substantivale. Par ailleurs, il est fait usage du Tenseur Binaire Radical (TBR) qui représente le signifié de puissance de on en langue. Ce signifié de puissance est illustré par un double mouvement qui va d’une pluralité indéfinie à une pluralité indéterminée, le point de transition étant moi-locuteur. Ainsi, le signifié de puissance de on a permis d’identifier et d’ordonner 13 signifiés d’effet, en tenant compte de la catégorie du nombre et de la notion de personne. Ces critères permettent de distinguer entre les valeurs de la 3e personne, celles de la personne 4 et les valeurs discursives d’un côté, et les effets de sens de l’autre. Mais pour traduire on, l’analyse contrastive du corpus bilingue a révélé que les traducteurs privilégient plutôt les effets de sens véhiculés par ce pronom. L’étude se termine donc par une proposition d’un ensemble de correspondants arabes pour chacun des 13 signifiés d’effet de on. Enfin, pour que la traduction de ce pronom soit adéquate, il faut que le groupe on + verbe soit considéré comme une unité de traduction. / This dissertation examines the polysemy of the pronoun on from a contrastive, French-Arabic perspective. The objective of the study is to resolve a problem of irregularity in most Arabic translations of on. This problem seems to be rooted in the variety of contradictory usage of on in French which reflects its polysemy. The polysemy of on was examined through Gustave Guillaume’s interpretative model of psychomechanics of language. Then, an enunciative approach was employed to complement the theoretical framework. As a result, the ontogenesis of on revealed how the pronoun became intra-verbal, despite its substantive etymology. Moreover, the study employed the Radical Binary Tensor that represents the potential meaning of on in tongue. This potential meaning is illustrated by a double movement: from an indefinite plurality to an indeterminate plurality, where the point of transition is moi-locuteur. Further, the obtained potential meaning facilitated the identification, and ordination, of 13 effective meanings for on by taking into consideration the notion of person and the category of number. Those criteria distinguish between the values of the 3rd person, person 4, and the discursive values on one hand, and the expressive effects on the other. The contrastive analysis of a bilingual corpus revealed a preference on the part of translators to deal with on based on its expressive effects. Finally, the study proposed a set of Arabic correspondents to each of on’s 13 effective meanings. Ultimately, the research concluded that an accurate translation of on can only be possible by considering the group on + verb as a unit of translation.

Représenter la découverte en sciences naturelles : étude sémiotique sur la médiation scientifique : le cas des publications scientifiques du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle / The representation of discovery in the natural sciences : Semiotic study on scientific mediation : the case of scientific publications of the National Museum of Natural History

Cholet, Céline 11 July 2018 (has links)
Dans le cadre de cette recherche, nous posons la problématique suivante : comment représente-t-on la découverte botanique en sciences naturelles ? Notre démarche sera sémiotique et particulièrement fondée sur la théorie greimassienne. Nous la lierons à une recherche sémantique qui s’appuiera notamment sur les travaux de François Rastier. Et parce que la représentation scientifique articule étroitement le texte linguistique au texte visuel, nous engagerons notre étude dans une perspective qui rendra compte du système visuel. Ce dernier sera interrogé à partir des écrits de Maria Giulia Dondero et Jacques Fontanillle, d’Anne Beyaert-Geslin ou encore de Jean-Marie Klinkenberg. A partir de ces fondements théoriques, cet objectif de recherche nous permettra de comprendre les mécanismes à l’œuvre lorsqu’il s’agit de représenter le vivant « non humain ». Le texte sera au cœur de notre recherche. Il supposera que nous l’abordions du point de vue de l’énoncé, mais aussi de l’énonciation. Pour envisager ce second volet, la théorie de l’énonciation d’Emile Benveniste sera convoquée. Parce que nous voulons mettre à l’épreuve la théorie, notre recherche intégrera une dimension empirique à partir d’un projet expérimental de lecture fondé sur la technique de l’eye-tracking (ou oculométrie). Celle-ci se montrera pertinente pour interroger la signification à partir de nos modes d’expression systématisés qui construisent le discours scientifique de la découverte depuis au moins deux siècles. A partir d’un corpus circonscrit issu des publications scientifiques du Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, nous définirons et expliquerons le parcours de la découverte et ses stratégies monstratives. Cela nous mènera à questionner nos modes de pensée. Pensons en effet que la médiation de nos représentations (le paraître) est le reflet d’une dimension ontologique (l’être). Elle fait de nous des instances connaissantes, conscientes et capables d’agir en conséquence. / As part of this research, we ask the following question: how do we represent the botanical discovery in natural sciences? Our approach will be semiotic and particularly based on Greimassian theory, which we will also link to a semantic analysis derived from the works of François Rastier. As scientific representation closely articulates linguistic text and visual text, this study will engage our object with a perspective that takes into account the visual system. The latter will be questioned in particular through the writings of Maria Giulia Dondero, Jacques Fontanillle, Anne Beyaert-Geslin and Jean-Marie Klinkenberg. With this theoretical foundation, our research objective will allow us to understand the mechanisms at work regarding the representation of non-human life-forms. Text will be at the heart of our research. He will suppose that we approach him from the point of view of the utterance, but also of the enunciation. This second part of our research will rely on the theory of the enunciation developped by Emile Benveniste. As our study aims to test the theory, therefore our research will integrate an empirical dimension based on an experimental reading project that uses eye-tracking. This will allow us to question meaning in the systematized modes of expression that have constructed scientific discourse in discovery for at least two centuries. Within a circumscribed corpus from the scientific publications of the National Museum of Natural History, we will define and explain the course of discovery and its monstrative strategies. This will lead us to question our ways of thinking. Let us think that the mediation of our representations (the appearance) is the reflection of an ontological dimension (being). It makes us knowledgeable, conscious and able to act accordingly.

La Relación de Santa Cruz Pachacuti Yamqui: un reflejo de la ética andina

Beauclair, Nicolas 25 September 2017 (has links)
La Relación de Joan de Santa Cruz Pachacuti Yamqui Salcamaygua es un texto colonial singular y uno de los pocos en contarnos episodios andinos prehispánicos de la mano de un miembro de una comunidad indígena. Sin embargo, aunque haya dado lugar a un número bastante grande de estudios y críticas, todavía no se ha llegado a un consenso completo a saber si sus contenidos son auténticamente andinos o el resultado de un proceso de aculturación. En este artículo, queremos reexaminar esta obra monumental desde un punto de vista poco trabajado, es decir, la posible postura que adoptó Pachacuti Yamqui al escribir su relación y que deja aparecer a través de su utilización de las tradiciones discursivas y el sujeto dicente de la obra. / The Relación of Joan de Santa Cruz Pachacuti Yamqui Salcamaygua is a unique colonial text and one of the few to tell Andean pre-Hispanic history by the hand of a member of an indigenous community. However, while giving rise to a fairly large number of studies and reviews, it has not yet reached a full consensus whether its contents are authentically Andean or the result of a process of acculturation. In this article, we re-examine this monumental work from a less studied viewpoint, that is, the possible posture adopted by Pachacuti Yamqui to write is Relación and that he let appear through the use of discursive traditions and the subject of enunciation of the work.

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