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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Is it possible to create an indistinguishable or equal frequency response between a digital equalizer and an analog emulating equalizer plug-in?

Sigfridsson, Simon January 2018 (has links)
This research examines if an indistinguishable, or equal, frequency response of a software plug-in that is emulating an analog equalizer can be reconstructed using a more standard digital equalizer  such as one incorporated with a digital audio workstation (DAW). It is narrowed down to solely involve high frequency bands by analyzing the emulating plug-ins hi-shelving filters. A two-comparison forced choice ABX-test was conducted to verify the hypotheses and the results show that the difference between the original and the reconstructed hi-shelving filter was inaudible to the listening test participants. Further research and application for these findings is discussed

Patient reported outcomes in elderly patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 in Slovenia

Turk, E. (Eva) 08 December 2013 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this thesis was to measure patient reported outcomes, such as health related quality of life and general diabetes knowledge of elderly diabetes mellitus type 2 (DMT2) patients in Slovenia. Patient reported outcomes demonstrate patient perspectives when evaluating the delivery of care. In Slovenia, a new, multidisciplinary model of chronic care was introduced in 2011, which yet needs to demonstrate the efficiency, care improvement and cost reduction. Thus, another aim of the study was to research if multidisciplinary teams in diabetes care are economically viable. To achieve the above, the study was divided into 4 subprojects. Firstly, the general level of diabetes knowledge of elderly DMT2 patients (n=179) was measured. Secondly, the reliability and validity of generic, European Quality of Life- 5 Dimensions (EQ-5D), and disease specific, Audit on Diabetes Dependent Quality of Life (ADDQoL ) instruments were examined. Thirdly, health related quality of life of elderly diabetic patients (n=285) was assessed. Fourthly, the systematic literature review on the cost-effectiveness of multidisciplinary teams was conducted. The data were collected during the period 2011–2012. The main contributions of the current thesis can be summarised as follows: This was the first study to measure general diabetes knowledge of elderly DMT2 patients in Slovenia. The results showed that the place of living does not have an impact neither on diabetes knowledge nor the health related quality of life of these patients. Secondly, a pioneering example of measuring health related quality of life (HRQoL) in elderly diabetic patients in Slovenia, using a validated and reliable instrument (ADDQoL) was provided. A study to evaluate the relationships between diabetic and other co-existing chronic medical conditions on health related quality of life was performed. As part of that study, the reliability and validity of the instruments (EQ-5D and ADDQoL) were measured, and the analysis showed that both instruments are reliable. Thirdly, a systematic way of finding evidence for understanding the cost-effectiveness of multidisciplinary teams was applied. The results of the literature review show weak improvements in the economic outcomes. In general, the thesis contributes to the improved understanding of patient reported outcomes in elderly diabetic patients, which can be a measure in assessing diabetes care program in Slovenia, and offers a basis for a national evaluation of the Model Practices. Furthermore, patient reported outcomes of elderly diabetic patients is important to Slovenian decision makers to identify and implement appropriate interventions for achieving better management of diabetes and ultimately improving the quality of life of diabetes patients. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli mitata iäkkäiden tyypin 2 diabetespotilaiden itse ilmoittamia tuloksia, kuten terveyteen liittyvä elämänlaatu ja yleinen diabetekseen liittyvä tietämys Sloveniassa. Tulokset valottavat potilaiden näkökulmaa hoidon arvioinnissa. Sloveniassa otettiin 2011 käyttöön monitieteellinen hoitomalli, jonka tehoa sekä kykyä parantaa hoitoa ja vähentää hoitokustannuksia ei ole osoitettu. Toisena tavoitteena oli selvittää, onko moniammatillisten tiimien käyttö diabeteshoidossa taloudellisesti järkevää. Tutkimus jaettiin neljään osaprojektiin. Ensin mitattiin iäkkäiden tyypin 2 diabetespotilaiden (n=179) yleistä diabetestietämystä. Toiseksi selvitettiin geneerisen European Quality of Life- 5 Dimensions- (EQ-5D) ja diabeteskohtaisen ADDQoL -mittarin luotettavuus ja validiteetti. Kolmanneksi arvioitiin iäkkäiden diabetespotilaiden (n=285) terveyteen liittyvää elämänlaatua. Neljänneksi tehtiin moniammatillisten tiimien kustannus¬tehokkuutta koskeva systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus. Tiedot kerättiin vuosina 2011–2012. Tulokset voidaan tiivistää seuraavasti: Kyseessä oli ensimmäinen tutkimus, jossa mitattiin iäkkäiden tyypin 2 diabetespotilaiden yleistä diabetestietämystä Sloveniassa. Tulosten mukaan asuinpaikka ei vaikuta potilaiden diabetestietämykseen tai terveyteen liittyvään elämänlaatuun. Toiseksi, Sloveniassa toteutettiin pioneerihanke, jossa mitattiin iäkkäiden potilaiden terveyteen liittyvää elämänlaatua (HRQoL) validoidun ja luotettavan instrumentin (ADDQoL) avulla. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin diabeteksen ja muiden pitkäaikaissairauksien yhteisvaikutusta terveyteen liittyvään elämänlaatuun. Osana tutkimusta selvitettiin instrumenttien (EQ-5D ja ADDQoL) luotettavuus ja validiteetti. Molemmat osoittautuivat luotettaviksi. Kolmanneksi, tutkimuksessa etsittiin systemaattisesti näyttöä moniammatillisten tiimien kustannustehokkuuden arvioimiseksi. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen mukaan taloudellinen tulos paranee vain vähän. Tutkimus lisää tietoa potilaiden ilmoittamista tuloksista iäkkäiden diabetespotilaiden kohdalla, mitä voidaan käyttää diabeteshoito-ohjelman arvioinnissa Sloveniassa sekä mallikäytäntöjen kansallisen arvioinnin perustana. Diabetespotilaiden itse ilmoittava terveystieto on Slovenian päätöksentekijöille tärkeää sopivien interventioiden löytämisessä ja toteuttamisessa, kun halutaan parantaa diabeteshoitoa ja potilaiden elämänlaatua.

Det ensamma ledarskapet : En kvalitativ studie om upplevelser av ledning i det mindre företaget utan HR / The solitary leadership : A qualitative study on experiences of leadership in the smaller business without HR

Karlsson, Jörgen January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att genom en kvalitativ forskningsmetod söka förståelse för och försöka fånga upplevelser av hur det är att leda det mindre företaget utan HR-avdelning. Studien har haft för avsikt att undersöka hur bland annat bristen på HR-stöd kan upplevas för den relativt ensamma ledaren. Utgångspunkt har tagits utifrån ledarrollen. Runt denna har teorier inhämtats som på något sätt kan knytas till upplevelser i ledningspositionen, från ledningsmodeller till grundläggande socialpsykologiska aspekter. Sex intervjuer har genomförts med fyra män och två kvinnor på högsta chefsnivå inom respektive företag. Varje respondent har olika erfarenheter och utbildningar och representerar vitt skilda branscher. Intervjuerna har spelats in och sedan noggrant transkriberats till text för bearbetning och analys. Analys har genomförts inledningsvis utifrån Grundad teori, där all teori och förförståelse bortsetts ifrån i möjligaste mån för att kategorisera texterna i två steg, i en typ av tematisering. Därefter har intervjusvar kopplats ihop med det teoretiska ramverket och befintlig forskning, och sedan tolkats utifrån detta. Studiens slutsatser pekar på många likheter i upplevelser på de olika företagen. Många utmaningar delas av samtliga och detsamma gäller belöningar. I enstaka fall skiljer de sig åt av olika skäl. Resultaten indikerar att arbetet med människor upplevs som det mest utmanande och krävande, men även som något av det mest positiva. Men det finns orosmoln av lite olika slag beroende på verksamhetssektor. Det finns också stöd utifrån att inhämta för ledaren genom lite olika strategier, enligt respondenterna i studien. Ledarskapet i det mindre företaget utan HR, kan tidvis som studiens titel indikerar upplevas som ensamt. Men behöver inte vara det hela tiden. / The purpose of this study is to, through a qualitative research method, seek an understanding of and try to capture experiences of what it is like to lead the smaller business without an HR department. The study intended to investigate how, among other things, the lack of HR support can be experienced for the relatively solitary leader. The starting point has been taken based on the leadership role. Around this, theories have been gathered that can in some way be linked to experiences in the management position, from management models to basic social psychological aspects. Six interviews have been conducted with four men and two women at the highest management level within each company. Each respondent has different experiences and educations and represents widely different industries. The interviews have been recorded and then carefully transcribed into text for processing and analysis. Analysis has initially been carried out on the basis of Grounded theory, where all theory and pre-understanding is set aside as much as possible in order to categorize the texts in two steps, in a type of thematization. Interview responses have then been connected with the theoretical framework and existing research, and then interpreted based on this. The study's conclusions point to many similarities in experiences at the various businesses. Many challenges are shared by all and the same goes for rewards. In some cases, they differ for various reasons. The results indicate that working with people is experienced as the most challenging and demanding, but also as one of the most positive. But there are clouds of concern of slightly different kinds depending on the business sector. There is also support based on obtaining for the leader through slightly different strategies, according to the respondents in the study. Leadership in the smaller company without HR, as the title of the study indicates, can sometimes be experienced as lonely. But it doesn't have to be all the time.


Kyle N Mclaughlin (7043081) 15 August 2019 (has links)
<div>Biosolids-based fertilizers are sold to the public to provide beneficial nutrients and organic matter for plant production. They are commonly applied to community gardens, municipal lands, reclamation projects, and golf courses. These fertilizers, however, may also contain a variety of trace organic contaminants, which can be persistent in the environment. Our work sought to quantify the persistence of biosolids contaminants in community garden soils. The commercial biosolids-based fertilizer, OCEANGRO®, was amended to two community garden soils to determine the first-order half-lives of four model contaminants: carbamazepine, miconazole, triclocarban, and triclosan. The criteria for their selection included biosolids occurrence, ecotoxicity, antimicrobial function, and knowledge gaps. Aerobic biosolids-amended soil microcosms were incubated at 22 ± 1 °C and approximately 80% field capacity. Sacrificial sampling occurred seven times over 180 days through multi-step solvent extractions. Detection and quantification were done on a high-performance liquid chromatograph tandem triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer. Results indicated that biosolids contaminants persist in soils with some having modeled half-lives in the hundreds of days. Additional analyses of solvent-spiked contaminant degradation and porewater desorption were performed to provide greater insight into possible limitations on resident biosolids contaminant degradation and to form a better comparative basis to previous literature. Solvent-spiked contaminants degraded more quickly than those resident within biosolids, which indicate that data using the former may underestimate persistence in real-world environments. The porewater analysis allowed for the desorption coefficient to be calculated for all four model resident contaminants. Disparities in the trends of these desorption coefficients and solvent-spiked degradation rates showed that desorption from the biosolids matrix may have been a limiting factor to resident degradation for only some of our four model contaminants. Nonetheless, the demonstrated persistence of these contaminants necessitates long-term thinking in relation to biosolids application. More work is needed on the potential hazards associated with biosolids use in public lands regarding ecotoxicity and antimicrobial resistance.</div>

Avaliação de performance computacional de simplificações da Equação de Saint-Venant aplicadas na operação da UHE Três Marias, MG / CPU performance evaluation of Saint-Venant Equations simplifications applied to the Três Marias dam operation

Kuwajima, Julio Issao 09 December 2016 (has links)
O gerenciamento integrado de recursos hídricos envolve partes com usos conflitantes entre si. Portanto o gerenciamento eficiente dos reservatórios é importante para atender múltiplos objetivos operacionais: abastecimento hídrico, navegação, geração hidroelétrica, requisitos ambientais e controle de cheias. Recentemente desenvolvimentos na previsão numérica climática, dados de radares meteorológicos e aquisição de dados hidrológicos e meteorológicos on-line resultaram em um crescente interesse em processamento de importação de dados. Implementando controle preditivo com horizonte de previsão de curto prazo, é possível prever condições de estresse ou de pico de vazão, que auxilia os tomadores de decisão a agir antecipadamente, assim minimizando os impactos negativos destes eventos. Para eventos de cheia, os operadores podem verter previamente água do reservatório alocando volume de reservação adicional para mitigar os danos de inundação nas margens à jusante do corpo d\'água. Neste cenário, para obter estimativas do escoamento a jusante referentes às mudanças de vertimento do reservatório, é necessário um modelo de escoamento robusto e rápido. Avaliou-se neste contexto cinco modelos diferentes quanto suas potencialidades de implementação em um modelo de controle preditivo para o reservatório de Três Marias, localizado na bacia do Alto São Francisco, Brasil. Estes modelos são: i) SOBEK que utiliza a equação hidrodinâmica de Saint-Venant; ii) SPRNT que utiliza a equação hidrodinâmica de Saint-Venant utilizando técnicas de aceleração para cálculo; iii) MGB-IPH (Modelo Hidrológico de Grandes Bacias - Instituto de Pesquisas Hidráulicas), modelo chuva-vazão semi-distribuído que utiliza o método de Muskingum-Cunge para determinar o escoamento nos canais de interesse; iv) um modelo de onda difusiva; e v) um modelo simplificado de propagação de ondas em reservatório, equivalente à onda cinemática. Os dois últimos modelos estão implementados no pacote de ferramentas do RTC-Tools, a ferramenta de cálculo de controle em tempo real. Em geral os resultados entre os modelos simplificados do RTC-Tools e o modelo mais sofisticado SOBEK são comparáveis, no entanto os dois métodos com abordagem hidráulica, SOBEK e o modelo difusivo do RTC-Tools, apresentam difusão numérica por causa da baixa resolução espacial. No modelo de propagação de vazão por reservatórios simples a adoção de advecção pura através de um retardamento temporal mostrou-se uma correção eficiente para a difusão numérica excessiva apesar da baixa resolução espacial. Do ponto de vista de controle preditivo, esta abordagem possui melhor \"custo-benefício\" entre robustez, eficiência computacional e precisão. / Integrated Water Resources Management involves parties with conflicting interests. Therefore an effective reservoir management is important to meet multiple operating objectives such as water supply, navigation, hydroelectricity generation, environmental obligations and flood protection. Recent upcomings in numerical weather forecast, radar data and online data acquisition resulted in an interest for data import processes. By implementing a predictive control approach over a short-term forecast horizon, it is possible to foresee stress conditions or peak flow events and support decision-makers to take actions before these events happen to minimize their negative impacts. In the case of flood events, this technique enables the operators to pre-release water from a reservoir for allocating additional storage before the flood event occurs in order to mitigate flood damage along downstream river reaches. In this scenario, a robust and fast routing model is required to obtain quick and reliable estimates of downstream flow conditions related to release changes of the reservoir. In this context, five different models are assessed concerning their implementation in a predictive control of the Três Marias reservoir located at the Upper River São Francisco in Brazil: i) a fully dynamic model using the software package SOBEK; ii)SPRNT a fully dynamic model using acceleration calculation techniques; iii) a semi-distributed rainfall-runoff model with Muskingum-Cunge routing for the flow reaches of interest, known as MGB-IPH (Modelo Hidrológico de Grandes Bacias - Instituto de Pesquisas Hidráulicas); iv) a diffusive wave model and v) Kinematic Wave equivalent simplified reservoir routing. The last two models are implemented in the RTC-Tool toolbox, a software for real-time control applications. In general, we find comparable results between the simplified models in RTC-Tools and the more sophisticated SOBEK model and a lower performance of the MGB model. However, both hydraulic modelling approaches, i.e. the SOBEK model as well as the diffusive wave model in RTC-Tools, suffer from too much numerical diffusion in case of course grids. In the reservoir routing approach, the introduction of pure advection by time lags offers an efficient solution for excessive numerical diffusion even on courser grids. From the predictive control point of view, this approach shows the best compromise in terms of robustness, computational efficiency and accuracy.

Aspectos epidemiol?gicos da Babesiose equina na Regi?o Norte do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. / Aspects epidemiologic of equine babesiosis from the northern region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul

Golynski, Anselmo Afonso 27 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:16:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2007- Anselmo Afonso Golynski.pdf: 441467 bytes, checksum: 4be0e7906cd49bbe4d5b13b8a892680b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-02-27 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The present study aimed to determine the prevalence of Babesia equi and B. caballi in horses from the northern region of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, examining the maintenance practices and identifying the principal factors involved in transmission and infection rates. There were collected 380 blood samples and tested with ELISA and Indirect immunofluorescence (RIFI) for B. equi and for B. caballi was used competitive ELISA. The sample number was statistically representative for the equine population of the state. Testing positive for B. equi by ELISA and RIFI were 31,6% and 35,8%, respectively, of the samples examined. The prevalence of B. caballi was 0,86%. The concordance between tests was considered high as shown by the Kappa index of 0,86%. There was not observed a statistically significant difference (p<0,05) between the sex, age and breed of the horses. According to the present study the northern region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul can be characterized as an area of enzootic instability for B. equi and B. caballi, offering risks of economic losses due to babesiosis outbreaks, especially in sensible animals introduced from indene areas, horse trade and participating in events (as rodeos, auction sales, and others) or even in animals born in the region. Analyzing the questionnaires, the maintaining systems and the purposes of the equine use were the factors that had influence on the prevalence of equine babesiosis. / O trabalho teve por objetivo determinar a preval?ncia da Babesia equi e B. caballi em eq?inos da regi?o Norte do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul bem como conhecer as pr?ticas de manejo adotadas e identificar os principais fatores que est?o envolvidos na sua transmiss?o e preval?ncia. Coletaram-se 380 amostras de sangue, n?mero estatisticamente representativo para a popula??o de eq?inos em estudo, as quais foram analisadas por meio do teste de ELISA e pela rea??o de imunofluoresc?ncia indireta (RIFI) e para a B. caballi foi utilizado o Elisa competitivo. Do total das amostras, 31,6% e 35,8% foram positivas para B. equi ao teste de ELISA e RIFI respectivamente, sendo que, a preval?ncia de B. caballi foi de apenas 0,86%. A concord?ncia entre os testes foi considerada ?tima, atrav?s do ?ndice Kappa de 0,87. N?o foi constatada nenhuma diferen?a significativa estatisticamente (p<0,05) entre o sexo, ra?as e faixas et?rias dos eq?inos. De acordo com o presente estudo a regi?o Norte do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul ?, portanto caracterizada como uma ?rea de instabilidade enzo?tica para B. equi e B. caballi oferecendo riscos reais de ocorr?ncia e perdas econ?micas causadas por surtos de babesiose causada por B. equi e B. caballi especialmente em animais sens?veis, procedentes de ?reas indenes, com?rcio de animais, participa??o em eventos (esportivos ou recreativos dentro ou fora da Regi?o ou Estado) ou mesmo entre animais nascidos naquela regi?o. Ap?s a an?lise dos question?rios, os sistemas e as finalidades da cria??o foram os ?nicos fatores que influenciaram na preval?ncia das babesioses equinas.

Avaliação de performance computacional de simplificações da Equação de Saint-Venant aplicadas na operação da UHE Três Marias, MG / CPU performance evaluation of Saint-Venant Equations simplifications applied to the Três Marias dam operation

Julio Issao Kuwajima 09 December 2016 (has links)
O gerenciamento integrado de recursos hídricos envolve partes com usos conflitantes entre si. Portanto o gerenciamento eficiente dos reservatórios é importante para atender múltiplos objetivos operacionais: abastecimento hídrico, navegação, geração hidroelétrica, requisitos ambientais e controle de cheias. Recentemente desenvolvimentos na previsão numérica climática, dados de radares meteorológicos e aquisição de dados hidrológicos e meteorológicos on-line resultaram em um crescente interesse em processamento de importação de dados. Implementando controle preditivo com horizonte de previsão de curto prazo, é possível prever condições de estresse ou de pico de vazão, que auxilia os tomadores de decisão a agir antecipadamente, assim minimizando os impactos negativos destes eventos. Para eventos de cheia, os operadores podem verter previamente água do reservatório alocando volume de reservação adicional para mitigar os danos de inundação nas margens à jusante do corpo d\'água. Neste cenário, para obter estimativas do escoamento a jusante referentes às mudanças de vertimento do reservatório, é necessário um modelo de escoamento robusto e rápido. Avaliou-se neste contexto cinco modelos diferentes quanto suas potencialidades de implementação em um modelo de controle preditivo para o reservatório de Três Marias, localizado na bacia do Alto São Francisco, Brasil. Estes modelos são: i) SOBEK que utiliza a equação hidrodinâmica de Saint-Venant; ii) SPRNT que utiliza a equação hidrodinâmica de Saint-Venant utilizando técnicas de aceleração para cálculo; iii) MGB-IPH (Modelo Hidrológico de Grandes Bacias - Instituto de Pesquisas Hidráulicas), modelo chuva-vazão semi-distribuído que utiliza o método de Muskingum-Cunge para determinar o escoamento nos canais de interesse; iv) um modelo de onda difusiva; e v) um modelo simplificado de propagação de ondas em reservatório, equivalente à onda cinemática. Os dois últimos modelos estão implementados no pacote de ferramentas do RTC-Tools, a ferramenta de cálculo de controle em tempo real. Em geral os resultados entre os modelos simplificados do RTC-Tools e o modelo mais sofisticado SOBEK são comparáveis, no entanto os dois métodos com abordagem hidráulica, SOBEK e o modelo difusivo do RTC-Tools, apresentam difusão numérica por causa da baixa resolução espacial. No modelo de propagação de vazão por reservatórios simples a adoção de advecção pura através de um retardamento temporal mostrou-se uma correção eficiente para a difusão numérica excessiva apesar da baixa resolução espacial. Do ponto de vista de controle preditivo, esta abordagem possui melhor \"custo-benefício\" entre robustez, eficiência computacional e precisão. / Integrated Water Resources Management involves parties with conflicting interests. Therefore an effective reservoir management is important to meet multiple operating objectives such as water supply, navigation, hydroelectricity generation, environmental obligations and flood protection. Recent upcomings in numerical weather forecast, radar data and online data acquisition resulted in an interest for data import processes. By implementing a predictive control approach over a short-term forecast horizon, it is possible to foresee stress conditions or peak flow events and support decision-makers to take actions before these events happen to minimize their negative impacts. In the case of flood events, this technique enables the operators to pre-release water from a reservoir for allocating additional storage before the flood event occurs in order to mitigate flood damage along downstream river reaches. In this scenario, a robust and fast routing model is required to obtain quick and reliable estimates of downstream flow conditions related to release changes of the reservoir. In this context, five different models are assessed concerning their implementation in a predictive control of the Três Marias reservoir located at the Upper River São Francisco in Brazil: i) a fully dynamic model using the software package SOBEK; ii)SPRNT a fully dynamic model using acceleration calculation techniques; iii) a semi-distributed rainfall-runoff model with Muskingum-Cunge routing for the flow reaches of interest, known as MGB-IPH (Modelo Hidrológico de Grandes Bacias - Instituto de Pesquisas Hidráulicas); iv) a diffusive wave model and v) Kinematic Wave equivalent simplified reservoir routing. The last two models are implemented in the RTC-Tool toolbox, a software for real-time control applications. In general, we find comparable results between the simplified models in RTC-Tools and the more sophisticated SOBEK model and a lower performance of the MGB model. However, both hydraulic modelling approaches, i.e. the SOBEK model as well as the diffusive wave model in RTC-Tools, suffer from too much numerical diffusion in case of course grids. In the reservoir routing approach, the introduction of pure advection by time lags offers an efficient solution for excessive numerical diffusion even on courser grids. From the predictive control point of view, this approach shows the best compromise in terms of robustness, computational efficiency and accuracy.

EQ i skolan- Känslors inverkan på inlärning / EQ in school : Emotions effect on learning

Castell, Linda January 2002 (has links)
Jag har alltid intresserat mig för social kompetens och dess vikt i barn och ungdomars personliga utveckling. Min målsättning är att få grepp om hur viktigt EQ är. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att försöka tydliggöra känslornas inverkan på inlärningen. Samhällssituationen har ändrats markant sen jag själv gick i skolan och därmed även hur dagens elever mår. Många av dagens elever mår inte bra. De är ofta arga och deprimerade. Kan EQ på schemat hjälpa till att förändra och förbättra denna situation? Jag kommer att utgå ifrån dessa problemformuleringar: -Vad är EQ?-Hur påverkar känslor elevernas inlärning? -Behövs EQ i skolan? -Hur kan man arbeta med EQ i skolan? Examensarbetet innehåller en litteraturgenomgång som återger, för syftet och frågeställningarna, relevant fakta. Arbetet innehåller även en undersökningsdel, som består av en intervju med tre olika pedagoger, som alla arbetar strukturerat med EQ. Undersökningsdelens syfte är att ytterligare belysa mitt syfte med arbetet. Resultatet av examensarbetet är att EQ behöver få en mer central roll i undervisningen. Eleverna behöver arbeta med den sociala kompetensen kontinuerligt och strukturerat. Eleverna behöver en socialt fungerande miljö runt dem för att känna trygghet och harmoni. Inte förrän detta är uppnått kan de prestera i skolan.

EQ i skolan- Känslors inverkan på inlärning / EQ in school : Emotions effect on learning

Castell, Linda January 2002 (has links)
<p>Jag har alltid intresserat mig för social kompetens och dess vikt i barn och ungdomars personliga utveckling. Min målsättning är att få grepp om hur viktigt EQ är. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att försöka tydliggöra känslornas inverkan på inlärningen. Samhällssituationen har ändrats markant sen jag själv gick i skolan och därmed även hur dagens elever mår. Många av dagens elever mår inte bra. De är ofta arga och deprimerade. Kan EQ på schemat hjälpa till att förändra och förbättra denna situation? Jag kommer att utgå ifrån dessa problemformuleringar:</p><p>-Vad är EQ?-Hur påverkar känslor elevernas inlärning?</p><p>-Behövs EQ i skolan?</p><p>-Hur kan man arbeta med EQ i skolan?</p><p>Examensarbetet innehåller en litteraturgenomgång som återger, för syftet och frågeställningarna, relevant fakta. Arbetet innehåller även en undersökningsdel, som består av en intervju med tre olika pedagoger, som alla arbetar strukturerat med EQ. Undersökningsdelens syfte är att ytterligare belysa mitt syfte med arbetet. Resultatet av examensarbetet är att EQ behöver få en mer central roll i undervisningen. Eleverna behöver arbeta med den sociala kompetensen kontinuerligt och strukturerat. Eleverna behöver en socialt fungerande miljö runt dem för att känna trygghet och harmoni. Inte förrän detta är uppnått kan de prestera i skolan.</p>

Displaced Colombians Living in Ciudad Bolívar, Bogotá: Perceptions of Health and Access to Health Services

Walsh, Janée Lorraine January 2013 (has links)
Background: In the last two decades Bogota, Colombia has seen a massive influx of internally displaced people (IDP) settling in its periphery where residents face the worst living, social, and economic conditions despite the 2011 passing of The Victims Law entitling IDP victims access to free shelter, food, education, and healthcare. Objective: To understand the circumstances and health care needs of Colombian IDPs, determine trends of health perceptions among IDPs and assess and quality of health services among IDPs in Bogota. Methods: Semi-structured, in-depth interviews were conducted with 12 professionals who work with IDPs and 36 IDPs. Interviews explored opinions of common health conditions and barriers to access health services in IDP communities. The EQ-5D survey about perceptions of health was administered measuring mobility, self-care, daily activities, pain, and depression/anxiety. All interviews were recorded, transcribed, coded for analysis. Results: Most IDPs did not indicate suffering with mobility, self-care, and ability to conduct daily activities. Seventy-five percent of participants indicated moderate to severe pain and 86.85% expressed feeling some form of depression or anxiety. Environmental factors are common contributors to poor health conditions. Individual and societal factors surfaced as detriments to accessing health services. The process to be included in The Victims Law registry is arduous. Although the Victims Law allows IDPs to access health services, many missing links in the system thwart quality health care delivery and discourage IDPs to utilize the health care system. Conclusion: Despite efforts to mitigate the struggles IPDs suffer there remain much needed health services and organizational improvements for the IDP community in Bogota.

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