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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hjälp till självhjälp : Marinens systematiska erfarenhetshantering som instrument för att utveckla specialistofficersutbildning i marinen

Holmberg, Anton January 2013 (has links)
Försvarsmakten verkar i en föränderlig miljö. Detta ställer krav på en flexibel organisation som lär av hur omgivningens förändrade karaktär påverkar verksamheten. Detta bör även återspeglas i hur utveckling av utbildning inom Försvarsmakten går till. Erfarenheter kan ses som en del av den speglade förändringen av den miljö som verksamheten bedrivs i. I marinen har man utvecklat Marinens systematiska erfarenhetshantering som beskriver hur dragna erfarenheter skall omsättas i förändrad verksamhet. Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda förekomsten av dokumenterade rutiner för hur erfarenheter från verksamheten tas till vara i utvecklingen av specialistofficersutbildningen. Syftet är också att utreda vilka förutsättningar som finns för att få de som studerar på specialistofficersutbildningen att arbeta med erfarenheter. Detta har utretts genom en kvalitativ dataanalys av de dokument som beskriver specialistofficersutbildningen och marinens systematiska erfarenhetshantering. Empirin i studien har granskats med hjälp av Peter. M Senge organisationsteori om att skapa en lärande organisation genom systemtänkande. Slutsatserna är att ett ramverk för hur erfarenheter skall omsättas i utveckling av utbildningen återfinns. Erfarenhetshantering och utbildning beskrivs i många av dokumenten som enskilda företeelser som kan härledas till bristande systemtänkande. Specialistofficersutbildningen och erfarenhetshanteringen har ett antal kontaktytor som innebär goda förutsättningar att implementera erfarenhetshantering i verksamheten.

Flygvapnets erfarenhetshantering : Hur lär sig vem vad?

Jacobsson, Peter January 2016 (has links)
In the mid 60´s the Swedish Air Force started a disturbance reporting program to improve the flight safety. The reason was the large number of fatal aircraft crashes; of which many was hard to explain due to the lack of relevant data. This reporting program is still running and flight safety is today a natural part of flight operations. High standards in flight safety will improve the operative effect. This type of lessons learned are vital but not enough. Lessons learned from a tactical and operative perspective is needed. In 2013 the Air Force implemented a lessons learned-program to evaluate the yearly Air Force-exercises. The purpose of this study is to describe and compare the two LL-processes from a theoretical perspective to show how they contribute to the common knowledge and complement each other. The result shows that the processes look similar as they both from a theoretical perspective can be called formal with both collecting and connecting parts. On local level the organization are similar with local representatives, namely the Lessons Learned-officer and the Flight Safety-officer who supports local and central commanders. In both cases, the disturbance-program and LL-program, the aim is to manage the observations locally as far as possible. The disparity between the two processes are mainly the HQ-organization, where the flight safety-organization is staffed and have clear instructions and mandates. When it comes to the LL-process the responsibility for the actions is not clear in the HQ. Furthermore, the deviation reports are managed in a IT-system with a database while LL are managed in an Excel-sheet. An obvious disparity is that the disturbance-program runs without an end-date, while the LL-program is more like a sub-project to the Air-Force exercise. A general conclusion is the need for a common nomenclature within the Armed Forces concerning the Lessons Learned-process.

Försvarsmaktens erfarenhetshantering : redo för samverkan?

Strandhag, Isac January 2020 (has links)
Due to advances in the conceptual understanding of organisational learning, armed forces tend to establish more permanent systems of formal learning than earlier, enhancing their ability to undergo military change. Striving towards inter-organisational emulation interoperability, meaning that systems are able to interact with each other, has become a necessity. Yet, such a quality is not embedded in the wide variety of theories on the subject, nor explicitly taken into account in the Swedish armed forces Lessons Learned handbook. By examining doctrines of NATO and the Swedish Armed Forces, comparing their approach towards organisational learning capabilities identified by Max Visser, this study aims to describe how the two can be understood as interoperable in the context of Lessons Learned. Additionally, by combining Visser’s theory with that of John R. Deni, providing degrees of interoperability efficiency, the study also serves to provide an analytical framework suitable for further evaluation of systems alike. The result shows that the Lessons Learned procedure of the Swedish armed forces can be considered as interchangeable with that of NATO in three out of four dimensions, leaving human resource management and development as room for improvement.

Organisatoriskt lärande i Amfibiebataljonen : Ett vedertaget begrepp eller något som måste förbättras

Brus, Christoffer January 2020 (has links)
There are several studies showing the importance of having a well-functioning learning organization and history is full of examples demonstrating what failures or successes can lead to. Therefore, the emphasis of this thesis is to implement Visser´s theory regarding capability and battlefield performance and apply this and measure to which extension the Swedish 2nd Amphibious Battalion utilized organizational learning. The method used in this thesis is a case study consisting of interviews with officers, ranging from platoon to battalion. Results show that the 2nd Amphibious Battalion had an overall productive learning cycle in higher echelons but with deviation regarding lower echelons. Deviation was most prominent concerning learning capability in lower echelons regarding a systematic procedure towards systems to capture and share learning from as well as communications between individuals and higher echelons concerning development orientation and collaboration. 2nd Amphibious Battalion exhibits a decentralized leadership which enables participative decision making. Furthermore, the battalion shows a comprehensive change towards a higher degree of error openness, but with deviation regarding lower echelons.

The lessons learned process as an instrument for organizational knowledge creation in the JAS39 divisions

Winckler, Gustavo January 2021 (has links)
Since the management of experiences is an essential activity in the military context, this study aimed to conduct an analysis on the lessons learned process carried out by air combat units of the Swedish Air Force, based on the organizational knowledge creation theory. Through an action research approach, a quantitative investigation evaluated and categorized a set of 36 indicators for monitoring modes related to the creation of new knowledge within the air fighter divisions. These indicators were measured in a survey in which the findings, obtained from 87 officers and civilian employees of the six JAS39 divisions, showed an elevated perception of the dimensions based on the individual and the tasks oriented to the sharing of implicit knowledge. Conversely, the dimensions grounded on the exchange of explicit knowledge at the organizational level and on the use of technology disclosed the lower scores in the survey.  In addition, the study found similarities in the perception of the respondents when the empirical material was analyzed in four hypotheses outlined in the investigation. These propositions were designed to provide comparisons among the six JAS39 divisions, as well as seek for correspondences between the length of service in the SwAF of the respondents of the survey and their perception of the lessons learned process.

Den lärande organisationen och Försvarsmakten : En studie rörande teoretisk anknytning / The learning organization and the Swedish armed forces : A study regarding theoretical connection

Sjöström, Marcus January 2010 (has links)
<p>Arbetet syftar till att analysera Förvarsmaktens övergripande process rörande erfarenhetshantering ifallet Kosovo mellan 2007 och nutid samt granska hur denna process tar sin utgångspunkt i organisationsteori och metod. Detta är de ingångsvärden som använts i den intervjustudie som genomförts. I denna studie kan två organisationsmodeller påvisas i tidsspannet som arbetet behandlat, en med början 2007 och en senare som i skrivande stund är under implementering, dessa har i olika grad påvisat kopplingar till modellrapporten från FOI 1998. Metodrapporten i sig baseras på Sarv respektive Garvin´s tankar om lärande organisationer och dess bakomliggande tankar är därför genomskinliga. Det teoretiska materialet ger fyra utgångspunkter för analys, mål, flexibilitet och dynamik samt medinflytande. Under dialog och mål finns få anknytningspunkter till FOI´s modell, flexibilitet och dynamik samt medinflytande å andra sidan påvisar tydligt att tankar mot detta funnit men brister i implementeringeni modellen. För att vidare sammanfoga modellen och dessa tankar anser författaren att tydligare direktiv, styrningar och förklaringar behövs. Författaren påtalar även behovet av vidare forskning på området och specifikt hur processen ser ut efter att den nya organisationsmodellen till fullo implementerats i organisationen.</p> / <p>The study aims to analyse the Swedish Armed Forces process for lessons learned, as it was in Kosovobetween 2007 and present date and examine whether this process is based on organizational theory or not. These were the initial values for the interviews that followed. In answers from the interviews, two organizational models can be found within the given time span, one beginning in 2007 and the later one is as of now being implemented. These models have shown a varying degree of connection to the model developed by FOI in 1998. The model itself is based on the organizational theories of Sarv and Garvin and its ideas can therefore be seen as translucent. The theoretical material gives us four starting points for analysis, dialogue, goal orientation, flexibility and dynamics and finally participation. Under the headings dialogue and goal orientation there are few connecting factors to the FOI model, under the headings flexibility and dynamics and participation on the other hand there are clearly formed thoughts surrounding these issues but the writer found shortcomings in the implementations of these. In order to further merge the model and these bulletpoints the author believes that clearer directives, guidance and explanations are needed. The author also highlights the need for further research within this field to show the outcome of the implementation of the new organizational model.</p>

Den lärande organisationen och Försvarsmakten : En studie rörande teoretisk anknytning / The learning organization and the Swedish armed forces : A study regarding theoretical connection

Sjöström, Marcus January 2010 (has links)
Arbetet syftar till att analysera Förvarsmaktens övergripande process rörande erfarenhetshantering ifallet Kosovo mellan 2007 och nutid samt granska hur denna process tar sin utgångspunkt i organisationsteori och metod. Detta är de ingångsvärden som använts i den intervjustudie som genomförts. I denna studie kan två organisationsmodeller påvisas i tidsspannet som arbetet behandlat, en med början 2007 och en senare som i skrivande stund är under implementering, dessa har i olika grad påvisat kopplingar till modellrapporten från FOI 1998. Metodrapporten i sig baseras på Sarv respektive Garvin´s tankar om lärande organisationer och dess bakomliggande tankar är därför genomskinliga. Det teoretiska materialet ger fyra utgångspunkter för analys, mål, flexibilitet och dynamik samt medinflytande. Under dialog och mål finns få anknytningspunkter till FOI´s modell, flexibilitet och dynamik samt medinflytande å andra sidan påvisar tydligt att tankar mot detta funnit men brister i implementeringeni modellen. För att vidare sammanfoga modellen och dessa tankar anser författaren att tydligare direktiv, styrningar och förklaringar behövs. Författaren påtalar även behovet av vidare forskning på området och specifikt hur processen ser ut efter att den nya organisationsmodellen till fullo implementerats i organisationen. / The study aims to analyse the Swedish Armed Forces process for lessons learned, as it was in Kosovobetween 2007 and present date and examine whether this process is based on organizational theory or not. These were the initial values for the interviews that followed. In answers from the interviews, two organizational models can be found within the given time span, one beginning in 2007 and the later one is as of now being implemented. These models have shown a varying degree of connection to the model developed by FOI in 1998. The model itself is based on the organizational theories of Sarv and Garvin and its ideas can therefore be seen as translucent. The theoretical material gives us four starting points for analysis, dialogue, goal orientation, flexibility and dynamics and finally participation. Under the headings dialogue and goal orientation there are few connecting factors to the FOI model, under the headings flexibility and dynamics and participation on the other hand there are clearly formed thoughts surrounding these issues but the writer found shortcomings in the implementations of these. In order to further merge the model and these bulletpoints the author believes that clearer directives, guidance and explanations are needed. The author also highlights the need for further research within this field to show the outcome of the implementation of the new organizational model.

Erfarenhetshantering i ett värnpliktssystem / Knowledge management in a conscript system

Björkman, Joel January 2020 (has links)
Det här arbetet har undersökt hur övergången till ett värnpliktssystem påverkar det organisatoriska lärandet. Syfte har varit att undersöka om den värnpliktiges erfarenheter, främst vad gäller tekniska system, omhändertas i övergången till ett värnpliktssystem. Teorin som använts till det här arbetet är en modell som beskriver hur individens kunskap blir till organisatorisk kunskap och bygger på fem olika lärcykler framtagen av Sanchez. Metoden har varit att använda befintlig forskning inom området organisatoriskt lärande och ta fram faktorer som bör finnas med i en ideal process för att omhänderta värnpliktigas erfarenheter. Den ideala processen har sedan jämförts med hur processen för att omhänderta den värnpliktiges erfarenheter ser ut i Försvarsmakten. Resultatet av det här arbetet är att en övergång till ett värnpliktssystem bedöms ha en liten påverkan om den metod som Försvarsmakten har för att omhänderta erfarenheter används. De faktorer som bör finnas med för att omhänderta värnpliktigas erfarenheter finns med i metoden samt att Försvarsmakten som en hierarkisk organisation minskar effekten av den personalomsättning ett värnpliktssystem innebär. I vilken omfattning Försvarsmaktens metod de facto används under de värnpliktigas utbildning har däremot inte undersökts och lämnas som förslag till vidare forskning. / This thesis has researched how a transition to a conscript system will impact on the organisationallearning. The purpose was to examine if the conscript soldiers experience, primarily on theexperience regarding technical systems, is taken care of by the organisation. The theory that wasused was The Five Learning Cycles of the Organizational Learning developed by Sanchez. Themethod was to use previous research on organisational learning and use it to develop an idealprocess for organisational learning for conscript soldiers. This ideal process was later used toanalyse the process in the Swedish Armed Forces. The result of this thesis is that a transition to aconscript system will have a small impact if the existing method in the Swedish Armed Forces isused. The factors that should be in the process is in large found, and the fact that it is a hierarchicorganisation will reduce the effect of personnel turnover with a conscript system. In what extentthe Swedish Armed Forces is using its method in the training of the conscripts hasn´t beenresearched and is a suggestion to future research.

Organizational Learning Capability in a Modern Army

Rigtorp, Johan January 2020 (has links)
Studies of organizational learning have found that military organisations can benefit from developing organizational learning. Successful implementation of organizational learning exists in the Israeli army. This study analyses the organizational learning capability of the Swedish army. By adopting the organizational learning capability theory by Visser and applying it to data collected through both documents and interviews, this study investigates the possible harmony and dissonance between the data. The findings discovered that while there is compatibility in two out of four dimensions, which is interpreted as the Swedish army having a good baseline to build their organizational learning; it also ascertained that there is a large dissonance regarding knowledge conversion. This is seen as a probable inhibitor for the implementation of organizational learning in the Swedish army. Specifically, is the lack of education in knowledge conversion seen as a large threat to the organization successfully implementing organizational learning. The study contributes to the research field with a comparison of the normative level and reality; in this it contributes with an understanding of which parts can be considered to facilitate and inhibit organizational learning. Furthermore, it gives the Swedish Army several recommendations to accelerate their capabilities in organizational learning.

Erfarenhetsöverföring inom markarenan med stöd av simulatorteknik : En studie av StriSimPC

Lindh, Jens January 2012 (has links)
One of the main tasks of the Swedish Armed Forces over the past few years has been International assignments, which increased the importance of the Lessons Learned process. Methods of simulator training with computers have become more frequent and the technical ability to collect digital data from sensors has been developed as well. This work demonstrates how the experience of Lessons Learned can be communicated with the computer simulator StriSimPC and how modern technology in future support experiences from the Lessons Learned process at the tactical level in the Army. Currently knowledge sharing consists of several processes and strategies in the Swedish Armed Forces. This is done by written reports, oral presentations and different practical exercises. This case study shows the functions of the simulator StriSimPC, methods of training and how it is used today. The study also describes the future opportunities, where digital metadata acquired from the modern combat vehicles could contribute sharing of experience in the Lessons Learned process. The summarized conclusions indicate that StriSimPC can combine the two strategies for personalization and codification of knowledge transfer to reach a higher level of learning. Account must be taken to the training officers’ role and his impact when using serious gaming, especially if StriSimPC will be used for distance learning in the future. StriSimPC can also be a simulation instrument for experiment and development activities based on resource efficient methods with low risk factors. In the future Simulators using serious gaming as StriSimPC may be used to create reconstructions of situations based on models or on the collected digital data from the field. This can be used for visualization and increase knowledge in several ways. / Internationella insatser har varit en av huvuduppgifterna i Försvarsmakten under de senaste åren, vilket ökat vikten av erfarenhetshanteringen. Samtidigt har utbildningsmetoder med datorsimulatorer blivit vanligare och den tekniska förmågan att samla in digitalt underlag från sensorer har utvecklats. Detta arbete visar på hur erfarenheter kan förmedlas med datorsimulatorn StriSimPC inom markarenan, samt hur modern teknik i framtiden kan stödja erfarenhetshanteringen i Armén på taktisk nivå. Dagens hantering av erfarenheter i Försvarsmakten består av flera processer och strategier där kunskapsspridningen sker via skriftliga rapporter, muntliga föredrag samt praktiska övningar i olika miljöer. Denna fallstudie av StriSimPC visar dels på systemets funktioner och dess utbildningsmetoder idag, men även på framtida möjligheter där inhämtad digital metadata från moderna stridsfordon kan bidra till erfarenhetsöverföringen. De sammanfattande slutsatserna och resultatet visar att StriSimPC kan sammanföra personifierings- och kodifieringsstrategin i Försvarsmakten för att nå en hög lärande nivå vid erfarenhetsöverföring. Hänsyn måste dock tas till vikten av övningsledarens roll, framförallt om systemet i framtiden ska användas för distansutbildning. StriSimPC kan också vara ett verktyg för studie- och försöksverksamheten som resurseffektivt och med låg risktagning kan får fram resultat som bygger på simuleringar. Datorsimulatorer som StriSimPC kan i framtiden användas för att skapa rekonstruktioner av situationer, som bygger på modeller eller på insamlad digital data från fältet och som kan användas för visualisering och kunskapsbyggande på flera sätt.

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