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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Narrations from the U.S.-Mexico Border: Transfronterizo Student and Parent Experiences with American Schools

Tessman, Darcy January 2016 (has links)
In education today, Latino populations are growing, but Telles and Ortiz (2013) claim they account for the lowest academic levels and the highest levels of dropouts. Latino transfronterizo (literally border crossing) students and their parents in this study have high academic aspirations in spite of challenges of poverty, second language acquisition, and other difficulties which arise from U.S.-Mexico border contexts. Through dissecting the events of the 1990s and early 2000s, the progression of northern migration from Mexico and the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 influenced anti-immigrant sentiment along the border and enactment of laws and policies to limit circumnavigating the international line. Misidentification as illegal immigrants creates borderland perceptions that Latinos are suspects and often results in discriminatory treatment from postcolonial dominant culture. This culture is reflected and perpetuated in schools where home language surveys identify native Spanish speakers to segregate them into Structured English Immersion programs for students with Limited English Proficiency. Ethnographic research from January of 2013 to August of 2015 included over 300 observations and 14 semi-structured interviews with seven transfronterizo students and nine parents revealed language disconnects between school and home. Relationships between teachers and students/parents did not exist and trust was lacking. Latino parents wanted to help students with school, but English only requirements limited their assistance. Through the use of Furman's ethic of community and Yosso's community cultural wealth, educational leaders could create communal process at schools to build the capacity of teachers and parents to create relationships and shared cultural competencies.

Entreprenör eller Byråkrat? : En studie om revisorers agerande vid ett misstänkt ekobrott / Contractor or bureaucrat? : A study of the auditors’ actions at a suspected economic crime

Mohammadi, Aram, Said, Sayyed Mohammad January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: År 1999 infördes lagen om revisorns anmälningsskyldighet och lagen innebär att revisorn ska anmäla vid misstanke av ett ekonomiskt brott, jämfört med tidigare då revisorn endast hade tystnadsplikten att förhålla sig till. Lagen infördes på grund av den höga ekonomiska brottsligheten där de vanligaste ekobrotten i Sverige är bokföringsbrott och skattebrott. Denna lag skulle underlätta revisorers arbete vid brottssituationer. I stort sett står anmälningsskyldigheten i motsatsen mot tystnadsplikten vilket har lett till att intressenternas förväntningar på revisorers arbete har ökat. Revisorerna har anmälningsskyldighet till myndigheterna samtidigt som de har tystnadsplikt gentemot sina klienter. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att öka förståelsen, sett från revisorers perspektiv, för hur revisorer ser på anmälningsskyldigheten samt att undersöka om hur revisorers erfarenheter kan påverka deras agerande, när det gäller ett misstänkt ekobrott. Metod: Vi har genom en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod utfört studien med utgångspunkt från den induktiva forskningsansatsen. Våra primärdata har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer som sedan jämförts med sekundärdata i form av tidigare undersökningar samt litteratur. Slutsats: Studiens slutsats är att de äldre revisorerna har en osäker och mindre klar inställning till anmälningsskyldigheten jämfört med de yngre revisorerna som har en mer positiv och stabil syn på anmälningsskyldigheten. Anledningen är att de äldre revisorer alltid har haft tystnadsplikten i baktanke och ser detta som grundantagandet för revisionsyrket. De yngre revisorerna har alltid haft en klar bild över båda plikterna då dessa har funnits sedan de började sitt arbete som revisorer. Resultatet blir att de äldre revisorerna ser sig själva som entreprenörer. De vill bygga sin verksamhet på välgrundade och pålitliga förhållanden genom att hjälpa och ge råd till sina klienter, istället för att anmäla dem och skada relationen däremellan. De yngre revisorerna ser vi som byråkrater som vill basera sina handlingar endast i enlighet med statens lagar och regler och tar mindre hänsyn till etik och moral gentemot sina klienter. Nyckelord: Anmälningsskyldighet, tystnadsplikt, ekobrott, revisor, revision, svårigheter / Background: In 1999, the legislation on the auditor’s reporting obligation were introduced and the law means that the auditor has to report a suspected economic crime, compared to earlier in which  the auditor had only the confidentiality to relate to. The law was introduced because of the high economic crimes where the most common crimes, in Sweden, are accounting fraud and tax evasion. This law would help the auditors at crime situations. The auditors’ reporting obligation stands, overall, in the opposite of their confidentiality, which has led to increase the expectations of the stakeholders, on auditors’ work.  The auditors have a duty to notify the authorities at the same time as they have confidentiality towards their clients. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding on auditors’ attitude towards the reporting obligation, seen from their own perspective, and to examine how auditors’ experiences can affect their behavior in the case of a suspected economic crime.  Method: We have performed this study through a qualitative method based on an inductive research approach. Our primary data were collected through semi-structured interviews which then were compared with our secondary data, in form of previous studies and literature. Results and conclusion: This study concludes that older auditors have an uncertain and less clear approach to the reporting obligation as compared to the younger auditors, who have a more positive and stable attitude towards the reporting obligation. The reason is that older auditors have always had the confidentiality in ulterior motive, as this is the basic assumption for the audit profession. The younger auditors have always had a clear view of both the reporting obligation and the confidentiality since the duties have existed since the auditors started their carriers. The result is that the older auditors see themselves as entrepreneurs. They want to build their business on well-founded and reliable relationships by helping and advising their clients, instead of reporting them and damage the relationship between them.   We see the younger auditors as bureaucrats who want to base their actions only in accordance with state laws and regulations and they pay less attention to ethics and morality in relation to their clients. Keywords: Reporting obligation, confidentiality, economic crime, auditor, audit, difficulties

Le primat de l’éthique sur l’ontologie dans l’œuvre d’Emmanuel Levinas

Thibeault, Vincent 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire analysera une des thèses majeures de l’œuvre d’Emmanuel Levinas, à savoir le primat de l’éthique sur l’ontologie. L’argumentation se penchera surtout sur la description phénoménologique de l’approche de l’altérité, incarnée dans la concrétude du visage du prochain et dans laquelle se retrouve l’idée de l’infini, inspirée dans sa formulation de Descartes. Cette idée, n’étant pas qu’un simple concept mais plutôt une réalité phénoménale transcendante, amène Levinas à questionner le rôle de la conscience thématisante dans l’expérience morale, caractérisée par son immédiateté et par la présence d’un Autre. Est-ce que l’essentiel de la conscience se comprend comme liberté et savoir ? Y aurait-il un autre aspect, oublié par la rationalité que Levinas qualifie de grecque, qui serait plus propre à décrire la conscience ? L’ontologie ne repose-t-elle pas sur une conception de l’homme comme un sujet autonome et en contrôle ? Par ses fines analyses plutôt ontologiques dans Totalité et infini, et par sa prose plus déconstructrice d’Autrement qu’être, ou au-delà de l’essence, Levinas ébranle les fondations du sujet moderne tout en ramenant au centre des préoccupations philosophiques une idée que la tradition occidentale a eu tendance à évacuer, c’est-à-dire l’altérité. Et cette altérité, irréductible aux concepts immanents de la conscience d’un sujet, est ce qui justifie le primat de l’éthique, posant devant le je un tu qui appelle et demande une responsabilité absolue. Plusieurs auteurs et commentateurs seront mis à contribution, dont surtout Husserl et Heidegger, ainsi que S. Critchley, B. Bergo, J.-M. Salanskis et Jacques Roland. / This paper will analyze one of the major theses of the work of Emmanuel Levinas, his affirmation of the primacy of ethics over ontology. The argument will concentrate on the phenomenological description of the approach of Otherness, incarnated in the concreteness of the neighbour’s face, in which we could encounter the idea of infinity. This idea would not be a concept, but a transcendent phenomenal reality, leading Levinas to question the role of thematizing consciousness in the moral experience, characterised by the immediacy of the presence of an Other. Does the essential part of consciousness consist of liberty and knowledge ? Is there not another aspect, forgotten by a rationality qualified as Greek, which would be better suited to the nature of consciousness? Does ontology rely on a subject conceived as autonomous and in control of its destiny? Through his analysis in an ontological language in Totality and infinity, and through his deconstructive prose in Otherwise than Being, Levinas compromises the very core of the modern subject, bringing back to the forefront of philosophical inquiries an idea that the western tradition tended to evacuate from its discourse : Otherness. And this Otherness, irreducible to the immanent concepts of a subject’s consciousness, is what justifies the primacy of an ethic, positioning the I in front of a you that demands absolute responsibility. The contribution of several authors and commentators will be taken into account in this paper, mainly Husserl and Heidegger, but also S.Critchley, B. Bergo, J.-M. Salanskis and Jacques Roland.

社會資本對防貪業務成效之影響:以臺北市政府為例 / The Impact of Social Capital on Effectiveness of Corruption Prevention Practice: A Case Study of Taipei City Government

陳文富, Chen, Wen Fu Unknown Date (has links)
自國際透明組織(Transparency International, TI)1993年創立以來,國內學者積極參與國際相關事務,引入國家廉政體系(National Integrity System)、推動聯合國反貪腐公約(United Nations Convention against Corruption, UNCAC)以及倡導清廉印象指數(Corruption Perception Index, CPI)等,我國於2011年7月20日成立廉政署(Agency Against Corruption, AAC),目標定調為落實國家廉政政策,實務界並論述反貪、防貪及肅貪為「廉政範圍」,其中「防貪」是經常性且不分機關性質均須重視的業務,惟以往政風機構在執行此類業務時忽略「社會資本」(Social Capital)的重要性,造成只統計業務數量及參加人次等數據,而未了解標的團體對防貪業務的主觀感受,流於形式的現象難以讓公務員(包含政風人員)信任政風人員、無意願參加政風舉辦的活動以及不認同政風防貪業務的內容。 本研究之目的為「社會資本(自變項)對16類防貪業務(依變項)的影響」,以標的團體「臺北市政府公務員」為問卷調查對象,了解「公務員分別認為16類防貪業務是否有效」、「社會資本對16類防貪業務的影響力」以及「由社會資本的角度看防貪業務未來的方向」三項問題,在非常不同意(1)、不同意(2)、同意(3)及非常同意(4)四點尺度上的回答,以滾雪球方式發放1,228份結構式問卷,並回收1,071份(回收率87.21%)。 統計量部分,受試者(臺北市政府公務員)認為16項防貪業務的成效在四點尺度上,平均數最高排序前三名為為預警措施(3.16)、受理或調查利益衝突迴避案(3.06)以及清查採購弊端(3.04),最低後三名為增加政風預算(2.35)、廉政指數(2.58)以及增加政風人數(2.64);受試者對政風的社會資本構面的要素在4點尺度上,由高排序為認同政風很重要(3.02)、認同政風對機關有價值(3.00)、認同政風會維護機關的廉潔(2.99)、認同政風工作(2.90)、信任政風維護廉潔的功能(2.88)、信任政風人員是無私的(2.87)、信任政風(2.86)、認同政風(2.85)、知道提供意見給政風的管道(2.81)、認為政風會保護機關公務員(2.77)、認為政風工作是公開透明的(2.74)、知道如何取得政風舉辦活動的訊息(2.72)、認為政風人員容易親近(2.51)、會積極參與政風舉辦的活動(2.48)。 社會資本構面對防貪業務的解釋力部分,由高排序為倡導廉能(39.9%)、訂定廉政法規(38.6%)、增加政風預算(38.2%)、廉政會報(32.2%)、增加政風人數(31.7%)、公開透明措施(29.3%)、清查採購弊端(27.9%)、財產申報及利益衝突說明會(27.5%)、促進民眾參與公共事務(27.1%)、廉政研究(26.6%)、受理或調查利益衝突迴避案(26.1%)、專案稽核(24.2%)、預警措施(22.0%)、協助財產申報(20.9%)、防貪報告(20.9%)、廉政指數(4.7%)。 受試者對政風的社會資本要素對防貪業務的個別影響力部分,分述如下: 1、對倡導廉能(宣導廉政倫理規範、獎勵廉潔事蹟或表揚廉潔楷模)具有正面影響力者為信任政風維護廉潔的功能(.268)、政風讓大家喜歡親近(.224)、政風會保護公務員(.175)及認同政風很重要(.146),負面影響力為認同政風(-.285); 2、對訂定廉政法規具有正面影響力者為信任政風維護廉潔的功能(.284)、積極參加政風活動(.211)及認同政風工作(.166),負面影響力為信任政風(-.152); 3、對增加政風預算具有正面影響力者為積極參與政風活動(.337)、相信政風維護廉潔的功能(.285)及具有政風人員身分(.110),負面影響力為教育程度(-.118); 4、對廉政會報具有正面影響力者為積極參與政風活動(.258)、政風會保護公務員(.193)、對機關很重要(.184)及大家喜歡親近(.136),負面影響力為維護機關廉潔(-.146)、提供政風意見(-.137)及具有政風人員身分(-.112); 5、對增加政風人數具有正面影響力者為積極參與政風活動(218)、信任政風維護廉潔的功能(163)及認同政風工作(150),面影響力為教育程度(-.104); 6、對公開透明措施具有正面影響力者為信任政風維護廉潔的功能(.363)及對機關有價值(.267); 7、對清查採購弊端具有正面影響力者為保護公務員(.215)、對機關有價值(.207)、對機關很重要(.184)及認同政風工作(.163),負面影響力為信任政風(-.170)及具備政風人員身分(-.114); 8、對公職人員利益衝突迴避或財產申報說明會具有正面影響力者為對機關有價值(.184)、認同政風工作(.162)及保護公務員(.161),負面影響力為具有政風人員身分(-.127); 9、對促進民眾參加公共事務具有正面影響力者為認同政風工作(.317)、對機關很重要(.210)、讓大家喜歡親近(.156)及保護公務員(.146),負面影響力是認為政風是無私的(-.164)及認同政風(-.159); 10、對廉政研究具有正面影響力者為積極參加政風活動(.204)、信任政風維護廉潔的功能.192、認同政風工作(.141)及年齡(.107); 11、對受理或調查利益衝突迴避案具有正面影響力者為信任政風維護廉潔的功能(.249)、對機關很重要(.200)、提供意見給政風(.193)及保護公務員(.138),負面影響力為信任政風(-.165)及具備政風人員身分(-.113); 12、對專案稽核具有正面影響力者為認同政風工作(.190)、對機關很重要(.178)及保護公務員(.169); 13、對預警措施(對可能發生違法的事件或人員提早採取防範措施)具有正面影響力者為保護公務員(.193)、信任政風維護廉潔的功能(.190)及認同政風工作(.164); 14、對協助公職人員財產財產具有正面影響力者為對機關有價值(.396)、保護公務員(.214)及積極參與政風活動(.151);負面影響力為信任政風(-.161)、維護機關廉潔(-.159)及政風人員身分(-.131); 15、對防貪報告(就社會矚目案件撰寫檢討報告的防貪成效)具有正面影響力者為認同政風工作(.244)、積極參與政風活動(.184)及年齡(.165); 16、社會資本對廉政指數無具有影響力之要素。 / Since the foundation of Transparency International (TI) in 1993, the scholars in Taiwan have been playing an active role on the international stage, introducing the National Integrity System, promoting the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), and advocating the Corruption Perception Index (CPI). Taiwan founded the Agency Against Corruption (AAC) on 20 July 2011, aiming to implement the national policies of a clean government. In practicum, the dimensions of establishing a clean government include “Anti-Corruption,” “Corruption Prevention,” and “Malpractices Investigation.” Among the three, “Corruption Prevention” is a regular task crucial to all agencies and offices. However, when the Government Employee Ethics Units were executing the tasks, they overlooked the importance of social capital. They focused only on the sheer number of cases and participants without understanding the subjective perceptions of the target groups. Their formalities can hardly earn the trust of public servants, decreasing the willingness to participate in activities and challenging the identification with the tasks. This research aims to investigate the influences of social capital (independent variable) on the 16 tasks of Corruption Prevention. It surveys the public servants of the Taipei City Government to understand three aspects, including “wether the 16 tasks of Corruption Prevention are effective,” “the influence of social capital on the tasks of Corruption Prevention,” and “the future direction of the tasks of Corruption Prevention from the perspective of social capital.” The questionnaires are designed with a 4-level rating scale of “strongly disagree (1),” “disagree (2),” “agree (3),” and “strongly agree (4).” 1,288 questionnaires have been sent out through snowball sampling and 1,071 have been collected (response rate at 87.21%). According to the means derived from the statistics, the surveyed subjects (public servants of the Taipei City Government) have shown their preferences with regard to the 16 tasks of Corruption Prevention. The top three are “precautionary measures (3.16),” “handling or investigating cases with conflict of interest (3.06),” and “investigating the malpractices in purchases (3.04).” The bottom three are “increasing the budget of ethic units (2.35),” “Corruption Perception Index (2.58),” and “increasing the number of ethics officers (2.64).” On the influences of social capital on the government ethics units, the surveyed subjects have also shown their preference on the 4-level scale. From top to bottom they are “recognizing that government ethics units are important (3.02),” “recognizing that government ethics units are valuable to agencies (3.00),” “believing that government ethics units will protect the honesty of agencies (2.99),” “identifying with the tasks of government ethics units (2.90),” “trusting the functions of government ethics units in keeping the government clean (2.88),” “believing that the officers of the government ethics units are not biased (2.87),” “trusting the government ethics units (2.86),” “identifying with the government ethics units (2.85),” “knowing the means to provide opinions for the government ethics units (2.81),” “thinking that the government ethics units will protect public servants of agencies (2.77),” “believing that the tasks of the government ethics are transparent (2.74),” “knowing how to acquire information about the activities held by the government ethics units (2.72),” “thinking that the officers of the government ethics are approachable (2.51),” “participating actively in the activities held by the government ethics units (2.48).” The coefficients of determination between the aspects of social capital and the tasks of corruption prevention are also ranked. From top to bottom they are “promoting ethics (39.9%),” “making ethical regulations (38.6%),” “increasing the budget for the government ethics units (38.2%),” “reports on ethical governance (32.2%),” “increasing the number of officers of the government ethics units (31/7%),” “making administration transparent (29.3%),” “investigating malpractices of purchases (27.9%),” “briefing on asset declaration and conflicts of interests (27.5%),” “encouraging the public to participate in public affairs (27.1%),” “research on clean governance (26.6%),” “handling or investigating cases that avoid conflicts of interests (26.1%),” “auditing projects (24.2%),” “precautionary measures (22.0%),” “assisting with asset declaration (20.9%),” “reports on anti-corruption (20.9%),” “Corruption Perception Index (4.7%).” The subjects are also asked to evaluate the individual impact of the social capital of government ethics on the tasks of corruption prevention. Their views are surveyed as the following: 1.The positive influences on ethical governance (promoting the regulations of ethical governance, rewarding ethical behaviors, or awarding ethical models) are “trusting the functions of government ethics units in keeping the government clean (.268),” “thinking that the officers of the government ethics units are approachable (.224),” “believing that government ethics units will protect the honesty of agencies (.224),” and “recognizing that government ethics units are important (.146).” The negative influence aspect is “identifying with the government ethics units (-.285).” 2.The positive influences on making ethical regulations are “trusting the functions of government ethics units in keeping the government clean (.284),” “participating actively in the activities held by the government ethics units (.211),” and “identifying with the tasks of government ethics units (.166).” The negative influence is “trusting the government ethics units (-.152).” 3.The positive influences on increasing the budget for ethic units are “participating actively in the activities held by the government ethics units (.337),” “trusting the functions of government ethics units in keeping the government clean (.285),” and “possessing the membership of the government ethics units (.110).” The negative influence is “level of education (-.118).” 4.The positive influences on the reports on ethical governance are “participating actively in the activities held by the government ethics units (.258),” “the government ethics will protect public servants (.193),” “important to the agencies (.184),” and “people enjoy drawing near (.136).” The negative influences are “keeping the agencies ethical (-.146),” “providing opinions for the government ethics units (-.137),” and “possessing the membership of the government ethics units (-.112).” 5.The positive influences on increasing the number of officers of the government ethics units are “participating actively in the activities held by the government ethics units (.218),” “trusting the functions of government ethics units in keeping the government clean (.163),” and “identifying with the tasks of government ethics units (.150).” The negative influence is “level of education (-.104).” 6.The positive influences on administrative transparency are “trusting the functions of government ethics units in keeping the government clean (.363)” and “valuable to agencies (.267). 7.The positive influences on investigating the malpractices in purchases are “protecting public servants (.215),” “valuable to the agencies (.207),” “important to the agencies (.184),” and “identifying with the tasks of government ethics units (.163).” The negative influences are “trusting the government ethics units (-.170)” and “possessing the membership of the government ethics units (-.114).” 8.The positive influences on avoiding conflicts of interests among public servants or the asset declaration of public servants are “valuable to the agencies (.184),” “identifying with the tasks of government ethics units (.162) and “protecting public servants (.161).” The negative influence is “possessing the membership of the government ethics units (.127).” 9.The positive influences on encouraging citizens to participate in public affairs are “identifying with the tasks of government ethics units (.317),” “important to the agencies (.210),” “making everyone like to draw near (.156),” and “protecting public servants (.146).” The negative aspect is “believing the officers of the government ethics units are not biased (-.164)” and “identifying with government ethics units (-.159).” 10.The positive influences on the research on clean governance is “participating actively in the activities held by the government ethics units (.204),” “trusting the functions of government ethics units in keeping the government clean (.192),” “identifying with the tasks of government ethics units (.141),” and “age (.107).” 11.The positive influences on handling or investigating cases that avoid conflicts of interests are “trusting the functions of government ethics units in keeping the government clean (.249,” “important to the agencies (.200),” “providing opinions for the government ethics units (.193),” and “protecting public servants (.138).” The negative influences are “trusting the government ethics units (-.165) and “possessing the membership of the government ethics units (-.113).” 12.The positive influences on auditing projects are “identifying with the tasks of government ethics units (.190), “important to the agencies (.178)” and “protecting public servants. (.169).” 13.The positive influences on precautionary measures are “protecting public servants. (.193),” “trusting the functions of government ethics units in keeping the government clean (.190), and “identifying with the tasks of government ethics units (.164).” 14.The positive influences on assisting with asset declaration are “valuable to the agencies (.396), “protecting public servants (.214)” and “participating actively in the activities held by the government ethics units (.151).” The negative influences are “trusting the government ethics units (-.161), “keeping the agencies clean (-.159),” and “the membership of the government ethics units (-.131).” 15.The positive influences on reports on anti-corruption are “identifying with the tasks of government ethics unit (.244)” “participating actively in the activities held by the government ethics units (.184) and “age (.165).” 16.There is no significance positive influence of social capital on Corruption Perception Index.

La prise en compte du refus de services des personnes aînées par les travailleuses sociales en contexte de soutien à domicile.

Moreau, Olivier. January 2016 (has links)
Au Québec, comme partout dans les pays développés, le vieillissement de la population oblige à repenser les méthodes d’intervention (Couturier et al., 2013). De plus, vieillir chez soi en conservant la meilleure qualité de vie possible est un souhait cher à la majorité des personnes aînées (Mauriat et al., 2009). Pour prendre en considération ce souhait, malgré la complexité de la situation biopsychosociale de plusieurs, le système de santé et de services sociaux offre un service de soutien à domicile dans lequel des coordonnateurs dédiés (ex. : gestionnaires de cas, travailleuses sociales pivots) coordonnent les différents services requis afin de répondre aux besoins des personnes vivant à domicile avec une autonomie fonctionnelle diminuée (Couturier et al., 2013). Plusieurs personnes aînées en situation biopsychosociale complexe refusent les services offerts (Corvol et al., 2012). Ce refus peut aller de la simple décision de ne pas prendre sa médication ou de ne pas accepter l’aide à la toilette à celle de refuser l’aide alimentaire ou des soins et services essentiels, et, ce faisant, d’encourir d’importants risques quant à leur sécurité, voire leur survie (Balard et Somme, 2011). Au Québec, sauf dans les cas d’exception prévus par la loi, la liberté de consentir ou non à des soins est un droit reconnu à chaque personne, consacrant ainsi les principes d’intégrité et d’inviolabilité de la personne (gouvernement du Québec, n.d.). Le cadre professionnel des travailleuses sociales, via leur formation et les lignes directrices de l’Ordre des travailleurs sociaux et des thérapeutes conjugaux et familiaux du Québec (OTSTCFQ), favorise également l’autonomie de la personne à travers des approches visant l’empowerment. Cependant, les mêmes cadres leur donnent également un rôle central à jouer lorsqu’il est question de reconnaître l’inaptitude des personnes à décider pour elles-mêmes, notamment à travers l’acte d’évaluation psychosociale dans un tel contexte. Plus largement, la société donne plus ou moins formellement un mandat de protection des personnes vulnérables aux travailleuses sociales. Ce mandat de protection est au cœur de leur métier, mais il ne fait pas l’objet d’une reconnaissance légale forte, comme c’est le cas pour l’objet aptitude/inaptitude. Pour la réalisation de ce mémoire, 10 entretiens semi-directifs furent menés auprès de travailleuses sociales en soutien à domicile afin de nous permettre de comprendre comment les travailleuses sociales prennent en compte le refus de services des personnes aînées. Pour ce faire, nous répondons à quatre objectifs. Premièrement, nous dégageons le sens qu’accordent les travailleuses sociales au refus de services et la façon dont elles le reçoivent. Deuxièmement, nous décrivons les stratégies d’adaptation au refus des travailleuses sociales. Troisièmement, nous tentons de comprendre les liens entre le sens donné au refus de services et les stratégies d’adaptation des travailleuses sociales. Finalement, nous explorons comment les relations de pouvoir expliquent en partie ces adaptations. Cette recherche nous a permis de montrer que dans de nombreux cas, les stratégies impliquant une prise de pouvoir lors de situations de refus n’étaient pas légitimées par une volonté de faire vivre la personne le plus longtemps possible en la protégeant, mais plutôt par le discours valorisant son autonomie. Nous croyons que ce discours, en constante évolution, pourrait prendre de plus en plus de place dans les prochaines années et qu’en conséquence, si nous souhaitons que les modèles de prise de décision partagée (par exemple l’usager-partenaire) soient appliqués de la bonne façon, il est essentiel d’outiller les travailleuses sociales pour éviter que les personnes résistant au discours de l’autonomie soient perçues comme de mauvais usagers.

Pojem lásky v Janových epištolách: Srovnání s pojetím apoštola Pavla / The Concept of Love in the Epistles of John: Comparison with the Concept of Apostle Paul

Žižka, Filip January 2013 (has links)
The Concept of Love in the Epistles of John : Comparison with the Concept of Apostle Paul This thesis concerns the concept of love in John's Epistles. It tries to compare this concept with the way Paul uses the notion of love in his Epistles. It is primarily based on the biblical text, and it gives voice to commentaries in the second plan. Initially, the thesis summarises the development, the situation and the form of the community in John's concept. Subsequently it analyses John's Epistles' language with regard to the Gospel of John and Paul's Epistles. Another part of the thesis studies what were the sources of the author of John's Epistles and how he understood the theology of love which is examined in several points. At first the identity of God is described as the starting point. It is followed by the changed human identity, which puts man into a new situation. Subsequently it is described how does the author understand his own notion of love and what practical conclusions does he draw. The same outline is followed in the description of Paul's understanding of the notion of love. Finally, both concepts are compared and summarised in several points. The goal of the thesis is to cover both authors' basis, opinions and conclusions of understanding the notion of love to show the differences and the...

Chudoba, pauperismus a sociální otázka jako veřejné diskurzy v habsburské monarchii doby předbřeznové a revoluce 1848/1849 / Poverty, Pauperism and Social Question as Public Discourses in the Habsbburg Monarchy in the Era "Vormärz" and Revolution of 1848/1849

Raška, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
(in English): This paper deals with early views on industrial pauperism in texts intended for a public reading in the western part of the Habsburg monarchy during the pre-March period (here 1830-1848) and at the time of the revolution in 1848-1849. The main observed phenomenon is the dynamics of social and political imagination of the Austrian society in a relation to structural processes of European modernization. On two basic areas, journalism and literature, it explores development of views on the mass poverty from the general romantic rejection of modernization process to the proposals for solutions of the social question, which were formulated on the basis of affiliation to any political camp, for example, education by liberalism or the welfare state by socialism. The work does not deal so much with a thinking of big personalities of social theory, but rather focuses on the everyday negotiations dichotomy of "old" and "new", which was led by nowadays more or less forgotten authors.

Vliv existencialismu na výchovu / Influence of existencialism on education

Sál, Petr January 2015 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is to describe the development of the philosophical basis for the emergence of existentialism by Jean-Paul Sartre and subsequently explore this philosophical model. Then the work proceeds to the thought experiment and creates an outline of the teacher's competence, which would include the philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre. The basic question, which this thesis should answer, is whether it is possible to apply a philosophical approach of existentialism, especially early philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre, as it was presented in the lecture (called) Existentialism is a Humanism, into the school environment with the aim to improve the possibilities of education and thus uplift the teacher's working outside the official curriculum standard. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Commerce équitable, développement durable : approche juridique / Fair trade, sustainable development : juridical approach

Matringe, Bovy 23 March 2013 (has links)
Face aux effets néfastes de la croissance économique mondiale, la société civile réclame un autre développement, qui a été dénommé "développement durable" et défini dans le rapport Brundtland de 1987. Engagée dans l'Agenda 21, la France s'efforce d'adopter des textes législatifs et réglementaires pour promouvoir le développement durable. La charte de l'environnement de 2004 a été intégrée dans le préambule de la Constitution de 1958, conférant au développement durable un statut d'objectif à valeur constitutionnelle. Par l'article 60 de la loi du 2 août 2005, le commerce équitable s'inscrit dans la stratégie nationale de développement durable. Mais, aucune définition du commerce équitable ne figure dans cet article. Actuellement, les acteurs économiques pratiquent leur propre équité pour mettre en œuvre les conditions du commerce équitable. Celles-ci sont notamment le commerce avec les petits producteurs des pays du Sud, une production respectant l'environnement, le paiement d'un juste prix, ainsi que l'attribution de bénéfices sociaux aux producteurs et à leur famille. Les acteurs économiques établissent des attestations de qualité pour garantir aux consommateurs le respect de ces principes. D'un point de vue juridique, des questions se posent du fait que ces attestations ne sont ni initiées ni validées par les pouvoirs publics en France ou à l'étranger. La fiabilité de ces pratiques menace l'ordre juridique lorsque leur véracité ne peut pas être vérifiée. L'intervention de l'État est indispensable pour légiférer sur l'équité en question. Néanmoins, un État ne représente que l'intérêt de son peuple sans pouvoir faire d'ingérence dans les affaires d'un autre État souverain, alors que la législation du commerce équitable implique une gouvernance des relations commerciales entre les acteurs économiques des pays du Nord avec les petits producteurs des pays du Sud. En conséquence, il va falloir trouver un nouveau mode de gouvernance pour réguler le commerce équitable. M. Pascal LAMY appelle cette nouvelle gouvernance "gouvernance alternationale". Pour la réaliser, la participation de la société civile à côté de celle des pouvoirs publics est nécessaire. / Social society claims for the sustainable development against the nefas effect of the world economic growth. In 1987, the sustainable development is, officially, announced in the Brundtland report. Engaged by the Agenda 21, France gets to promote the sustainable development by creating laws and government acts. Indeed, the environmental Charter year 2004 is integrated into the preamble of the French Constitution year 1958. The sustainable development is considered as a goal within constitutional value. With article 60 of the law released on 2nd of august 2005, fair trade is registered as the national strategy for the sustainable development. Without any legal definition on fair trade, the economic actors introduce their own equity to run the fair trade conditions. They are for example practice of fair trade with the disadvantage farmers or producers in South, payment of fair price, social welfare respect and environmental respect. Some main economic actors run the quality acknowledgement as the proof of compliance with the fair trade conditions. Actually the quality acknowledgement doesn't get approved by France or any governments in the world. Lack of the juridical instruments to verify the reality of fair trade quality becomes a danger for the juridical order. The government intervention is required to set up the order for fair trade practices. But, an independent government represents, legally and only, their own citizens. Or, the legislation on fair trade needs the management of the trade operated between the economic actors in North and the small producers in South. That's a reason of seeking a new model of governance to regulate fair trade. Mr. Pascal LAMY calls for the alternational governance which needs the participation of the social society among the governments.

Éthique des soins aux personnes âgées : la capacité à consentir et traitement involontaire / Ethical questions in Gerontology : capacity to consent and Involuntary Treatment

Lhermite, Astrid 13 May 2014 (has links)
Notre recherche concerne l’éthique des soins prodigués aux personnes âgées institutionnalisées, spécialement les questions de la capacité à consentir et du traitement involontaire. Notre travail est basé sur la Théorie Fonctionnelle de l'Intégration de l'information de N.H. Anderson (1981). En ce qui concerne l'étude portant sur la capacité à consentir : 98 Hommes de la rue, 21 psychologues, 37 infirmières et 14 médecins ont jugé de la capacité de la personne âgée à faire des choix dans chacun des 50 scénarios proposés, résultants de la combinaison de trois facteurs: "type de Décision", "type de Trouble", et "Soutien social". Pour l'étude portant sur le traitement involontaire : 101 personnes du grand public, 20 psychologues, 20 infirmières et 10 médecins ont jugé de l'acceptabilité du traitement involontaire des 48 scénarios proposés, combinaison de quatre facteurs: "type de Trouble", "Décision du médecin", "Explications données au résident ", "état Cognitif". Les résultats montrent que pour les deux études, le grand public et les professionnels de santé ont intégré les facteurs de la même manière. Pour la première étude, le facteur « type de Trouble » a le plus de poids, suivi par le facteur « Soutien social ». Quatre groupes de répondants se distinguent par les poids qu'ils donnent aux différents facteurs. Concernant l'étude portant sur le traitement involontaire, le facteur le plus influent est « Explications», suivi par « Décision du médecin ». Trois groupes de répondants se distinguent en fonction des patterns de réponse. Les variables individuelles telles que l’âge, le sexe, le niveau d’éducation et l’expérience n’ont pas d’effet. L'évaluation de la capacité à consentir et l’acceptabilité du traitement involontaire sont influencées par les facteurs proposés et il apparaît qu’il existe des positions différentes face à ces questions éthiques. / Our research deals with ethical questions in gerontology, especially the capacity to consent and involuntary treatment. Our research is based on the Integration Information Theory of N.H. Anderson (1981). 98 lay people, 21 psychologists, 37 nurses and 14 physicians judged a nursing home resident’s capacity to consent on 50 scenarios combining 3 factors : “type of Decision”, “type of Problem”, “social Support”. 101 lay people, 20 psychologists, 20 nurses and 10 physicians judged the acceptability of involuntary treatment on 48 scenarios combining 4 factors : “type of Disease”, “physician’s Decision”, “Explanations”, and “Cognitive status”. Results don’t show differences between lay people and health professionals in the way they integrate the factors presented. In the first study, the factor “type of Problem” is the most significant, followed by “social Support”. 4 groups of participants distinguish themselves by the way the weigh the factors. In the second study, the factor “Explanations” is the most significant, followed by “physician’s Decision”. 3 groups of participants distinguish themselves. Individual variables like age, gender, educational level or experience have no effect. Assessment of the capacity to consent and acceptability of involuntary are influenced by the factors presented and it appears that there are different positions among the participants.

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