Spelling suggestions: "subject:"everyday life"" "subject:"everyday wife""
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O bairro da Mooca: traços culturais para projetos de requalificação urbana / The district of the Mooca: cultural aspects for projects of urbane requalificationDias, Adriana Custódio 28 April 2008 (has links)
O trabalho propõe uma leitura dos aspectos urbanos do bairro da Mooca, analisando a necessidade das intervenções que contribuem para o surgimento de novos contextos, através do resgate da memória coletiva e de sua representatividade na identidade paulistana. O reconhecimento do bairro e o suporte das atuações do Poder Público nos habilitam entender e discutir a viabilidade dos processos de intervenção urbana na região, processos esses aliados a um questionamento sobre formas já superadas de modelos sugeridos que não permitem (ou não se comprometem com) uma investigação mais singular da realidade de cada bairro, já que se qualificam como regras que podem ser aplicadas a qualquer cidade. Constatamos que a freqüente transformação urbana equivale a processos cíclicos de permanência e destruição, criando elementos significativos da vida cotidiana, apoios, portanto, dessas requalificações. Portanto, a implantação de projetos de reabilitação, revitalização e de recuperação urbana, enquanto processo requalificatórios, consiste em afastar as comunidades das segregações sócio-espaciais e das degradações urbanas, colaborando na criação de novos questionamentos e discussões no acompanhamento e na avaliação do processo evolutivo urbano. / This work purposes a reading over Moocas urban aspects, analyzing the needs for interventions that contribute for the appearing of new contexts, through bringing the collective memory back and its representation in São Paulos identity. The town recognition and the afford given by the actions from the government give us instruments to understand and discuss the viability of the urban intervention processes in the region. These processes are joined to question overcame models, which have been suggested, but do not permit or with no relation to a more singular investigation on each towns reality, because these past methods present themselves as rules able to be applied to any city. We notice that the continuous urban transformation is similar to cyclical processes of permanence and destruction, creating significant elements for the everyday life, which are basis for urban renovations. So, making urban rehabilitation, revitalization and recovering, as re-qualifying processes, consists in moving communities away from social-spatial segregation and urban degradation, collaborating for the creation of new questions and discussions in the retinue and evaluation of the evolutional urban process.
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La fabrique des "gares du quotidien" : imaginaires et fonctions symboliques d'une nouvelle catégorie du Grand Paris / The fabric of 'everyday life' stations : imaginaries and symbolic functions of a new category of the Greater ParisAvide, Elise 12 March 2018 (has links)
Depuis le début des années 2010, le terme de « quotidien » remplace celui de « banlieue » dans certains discours politiques pour désigner les gares ferroviaires de proximité en Île-de-France. Contrairement aux « quartiers sensibles » ou aux « agglomérations », cette expression des « gares du quotidien » se présente a priori bien plus comme un nouvel élément de langage dans l’air du temps que comme une catégorie politique ou administrative installée. Néanmoins, celle-ci apparaît dans le débat public à un moment particulier, en creux du projet de Grand Paris Express, comme précipitée par un certain nombre d’acteurs aux stratégies et idéaux a priori convergents, et s’accompagne d’une vague de travaux assez inédite dans les gares de ces réseaux. De plus, le « quotidien » ne saurait renvoyer aux mêmes images ni aux mêmes valeurs que la « banlieue ». En cela, cette substitution ne saurait être fortuite. À partir d'une analyse des représentations véhiculées par différentes formes de récits d’acteurs d’une part, et d’une exploration des gares et des projets dont elles font l’objet dans le territoire de la Seine Aval d’autre part, cette thèse entend dévoiler les ruptures qui autorisent l’émergence des « gares du quotidien » comme nouvelle catégorie du Grand Paris, les significations qui la traversent, et les transformations auxquelles elle engage. Son ambition est ainsi de discuter plus largement les fonctions imaginaires de la catégorisation dans la fabrique des espaces urbains. Ce faisant, ce travail propose une relecture de l’histoire contemporaine de l’aménagement francilien à travers la lentille du « quotidien », et révèle sous cet angle certains basculements dans le rapport des acteurs du transport et de l’urbanisme à la « banlieue » et à ses habitants, mais aussi dans les segmentations professionnelles et les rapports de force en présence / The beginning of the years 2010s saw a terminological shift within political discourses: railway stations in the Île-de-France region, previously designated as ‘suburban stations’, increasingly became known as ‘everyday life stations’. Unlike other trending expressions such as ‘sensitive neighbourhoods’ or ‘agglomerations’, this expression does not relate to a well-identified political or administrative category. Nonetheless, it appears in public debate at a peculiar moment, in the context of the Greater Paris (Grand Paris) project, as if it were precipitated by a wide array of actors sharing conveying ideals and strategies. It is also accompanied by important work in the stations of these networks. As a result, this substitution cannot be incidental, and the term ‘everyday life’ indeed refers to imaginaries that differ substantially from the previously used adjective – ‘suburban’. By analysing the representations conveyed by different forms of stakeholders’ narratives, and by exploring stations and the urban projects they are part of in the Seine Aval territory, this dissertation seeks to unravel the fractures and discontinuities that allow for the emergence of ‘everyday life stations’ as a new category of the Greater Paris, its interweaving meanings, and the way in which it renews the materiality of spaces. Its ambition is thus to discuss more broadly the imaginary functions of categorisation in urban fabric. In doing so, the work offers a new reading grid for the contemporary history of planning in the Île-de-France region. By looking through the lens of ‘everyday life’, it uncovers a number of shifts in the relationships between actors in the transportation and urban planning sectors, with suburban areas and their inhabitants. This approach is also insightful for the assessment of professional segmentations and power relations at work
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Servidores, funcionários, terceirizados e empregados: a babel dos vínculos, cotidiano de trabalho e vivências dos trabalhadores em um serviço público / Public Servants, public employees, private employees and outsourced workers: the babel tower of employment contracts and everyday activities in a public serviceBastos, Juliano Almeida 26 April 2019 (has links)
Este estudo se inscreve na tradição que vem sendo construída no Brasil pela Psicologia social do Trabalho. Seu objetivo é compreender o cotidiano e as vivências dos trabalhadores no Hospital Universitário Professor Alberto Antunes (HUPAA) no qual se verifica uma babel de vínculos de trabalho, uma vez que os trabalhadores estão submetidos a diferentes modalidades de vínculo, assim identificadas: servidores, funcionários, terceirizados e empregados. Cada um desses vínculos encerra direitos e obrigações previstas desde a contratação e outras que surgem no cotidiano de trabalho, conformando um contexto de relações desiguais, a partir das quais várias situações problemáticas emergem e se configuram como novas exigências do trabalho. A inserção do pesquisador na condição de trabalhador, na Divisão de Gestão de Pessoas do HUPAA, foi o ponto de partida para o levantamento das primeiras questões, que, posteriormente, assumiram a forma de um problema de pesquisa. Considerando as condições do contexto em que este se deu, adotaram-se como referenciais teórico-metodológicos os estudos do cotidiano, utilizando-se uma abordagem etnográfica, a partir da qual, observação participante, entrevistas e análise de documentos foram os principais procedimentos utilizados para a produção/catalogação de informações. O desenvolvimento de estudos voltados para a compreensão do trabalho no serviço público e a possibilidade de contribuir com a descrição densa das vivências dos trabalhadores, ressaltando as demandas que enfrentam no cotidiano, são as principais justificativas para a realização da pesquisa. Os resultados apontam as seguintes compreensões: a transição pela qual o HUPAA passou, deixando de ser um órgão de apoio acadêmico administrado pela Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL) e passando à condição de filial da Empresa Brasileira de Serviços Hospitalares (EBSERH), correspondeu ao o ápice da babel dos vínculos, pois, além de inserir mais um contingente de trabalhadores com vínculo diferente dos que já existiam, introduziu novos modos de gerenciar o trabalho, desencadeando um processo de empresarialização no interior de um serviço, cuja natureza é pública. No cotidiano de trabalho do HUPAA, apresentam-se situações de preconceito, discriminação e hostilidade. A babel dos vínculos submete os trabalhadores a uma fragmentação crescente, na qual os trabalhadores de vínculos distintos competem entre si e até os de mesmo vínculo também passam a adotar essa postura, posto que estimulados pela competitividade institucionalizada pela empresa, o que fragiliza o reconhecimento enquanto classe e a organização coletiva e, consequentemente, dificulta o enfrentamento às imposições da gerência mercadologicamente orientada que tem sido o modelo de gestão adotado no hospital. Com a EBSERH, evidencia-se também a substituição paulatina dos servidores públicos, com seu regime de regulação contratual específico, pelos os empregados públicos, cujos contratos são regulados pelo mesmo regime que os trabalhadores do setor privado no Brasil. A instabilidade do emprego promove a vulnerabilidade política de todos, pois os trabalhadores ficam submetidos às compreensões adotadas e as decisões tomadas pelos grupos políticos que detêm o poder em cada momento histórico. Mesmo os trabalhadores cujo vínculo lhes garante maior estabilidade do emprego, mostram-se fragilizados frente às transformações que assistem no cotidiano de trabalho. A competitividade e a instabilidade aliadas à adoção de novas práticas gerenciais produzem novas exigências a serem enfrentadas pelos trabalhadores no cotidiano. O sofrimento no trabalho passa ser compreendido como um atributo do trabalho no HUPAA filial da EBSERH, restando aos trabalhadores resistir ou se adaptar a ele. Defende-se que o trabalhador do serviço público deve estar protegido das alternâncias de governo, características do Estado democrático, pois só assim terá condições de manter a continuidade das ações e a qualidade dos serviços, uma vez que poderá desenvolver suas atividades tendo como referência os princípios éticos e técnicos da atuação profissional. É com essa condição que terá a possibilidade de organização coletiva fortalecida e assim favorecer a defesa de seus direitos trabalhistas e também a defesa dos serviços públicos enquanto bem comum, necessários a sobrevivência de todos. Defende-se ainda que o sofrimento que se tem instaurado tem sua gênese política e é nessa arena que deve ser enfrentado. Nessa direção, a compreensão de que as dificuldades de funcionamento enfrentadas pelo HUPAA não se restringem a problemas de gestão e sim a uma problemática política mais ampla que diz respeito à própria concepção de serviço público e do papel do Estado na promoção destes, também constitui um resultado alcançado. Ademais, para além dos objetivos perseguidos, o de inscrever (registrar / documentar) as vivências cotidianas dos trabalhadores, emergiu como uma necessidade por eles apontada durante o processo de pesquisa / This study relies on the Social Psychology of Work that has been developed in Brazil. It aims at understanding the daily life of workers at the University Hospital Professor Alberto Antunes (HUPAA) in which the different employment contracts - identified here as public servants, public employees, private employees and outsourced workers -, lead to different contract terms. Each employment contract has its rights and duties established since hiring, and others conditions that arise informally in the daily work, conforming a context of unequal relations, from which several problematic situations emerge and are configured as new demands of work. The starting point of this investigation was the employment contract the author himself previously had as a private employee in the Human Resources sector of the University Hospital Professor Alberto Antunes. As a result of his own experience as a worker, and considering the complexity of the context, the author chose the studies of everyday life as the main theoretical framework. With regards to methodology, an ethnographic approach was conducted in which interviews and document analysis were also used in order to access other sources of information. In that sense, this research represents an important contribution to the understanding of work in public services with a thick description of the workers experiences, highlighting the demands they face in their daily routine. The emerging results indicate that workers are experiencing prejudice, discrimination, hostility and suffering within their everyday life at work. Since the Hospital Professor Alberto Antunes is no longer managed by the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL) and has became part of the Brazilian Company of Hospital Services (EBSERH), it has been restructured as a corporation especially when it comes to organizing work. That is, the shift in the manage of workers and work conditions brought a different kind of privatization to the public service. This is what we have called the babel of the bonds that subjects the workers to an increasing fragmentation, in which the workers of different employment contracts compete with each other (even the ones with the same type of contract adopt this competition attitude), and are stimulated by the company to act as competitors. This competitiveness weakens the workers organizing and, consequently, makes it difficult to face the demands of the market-oriented management that has been adopted at the hospital. With EBSERH, there is also evidence of the gradual replacement of public servants, with their specific contractual regulation regime, by public employees, whose contracts are regulated by the same regime as the private sector workers in Brazil. The instability of employment promotes the political vulnerability of all, since the workers are subjected to the decisions taken by the political groups that hold the power in each historical moment. Even the workers whose employment contracts guarantees stability, show fragility in the face of the changes they see in their daily work. Competitiveness and instability coupled with the adoption of new managerial practices produce new demands to be faced by everyday workers. Suffering at work is understood here as an attribute of work in the HUPAA, branch of EBSERH, in which individuals face the decision to resist or to engage. We argue that the public service workers must be protected from alternations of government, characteristics of the democratic State, since only then they will be able to maintain the continuity of actions and the quality of services, since they can carry out their activities with reference to the ethical and technical aspects of their professional practice. This protection of public servants strengthened workers organizing and thus defending their labor rights and also the of public services as a common good, essential to the survival of all. We also argue that the suffering that has been established has a political genesis and it is in this arena that it must be faced. In this sense, we understand that the operational difficulties faced by HUPAA are not restricted to management problems, but rather to a broader political problem related to the very conception of what public service is and the role of the State in promoting these services. In addition to these results, we highlight the importance of documenting the daily experiences of the workers, something that emerged as a necessity that the participants themselves pointed out during the research process
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En aha-upplevelse mellan städ och disk : kvinnors upplevelser av att få en AD/HD diagnos i vuxen ålder / A aha-experience between clean and dish : womens experiences of receiving a diagnosis of AD/HD as an adultNilsson, Laila, Kvist, Charlotte January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka kvinnors upplevelser av att få en AD/HD diagnos i vuxen ålder och vilka sociala konsekvenser det ger. Då många studier inriktar sig på AD/HD ur ett neuropsykiatriskt perspektiv, anser vi det intressant att i stället ha ett socialt fokus. Den teori vi huvudsakligen använder oss av är social konstruktionism då vi tycker den är relevant i detta sammanhang. Vi undersöker i studien om, och i så fall hur kvinnorna upplever att diagnosen har förändrat deras vardag, bemötandet från myndigheter och arbetskamrater, självkänsla/självuppfattning och relationen till vänner och nära anhöriga. För att göra detta möjligt formulerade vi fyra frågeställningar som passade studiens syfte. I studien använde vi oss av kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer med fyra kvinnor, detta för att få fram deras upplevelser på bästa sätt. Det resultat vi funnit visar att diagnosen haft stor betydelse för kvinnorna i den meningen att den gjort dem mer medvetna om sina brister och som en frigörande förklaring på sin känsla av att vara annorlunda. För att kunna analysera texten använde vi oss av de teman som formades utifrån frågeställningarna för att kunna hitta mönster i kvinnornas berättelser. Därefter tolkade vi materialet med hjälp av tidigare forskning och relevanta teorier. Den slutsats vi kommit fram till är att diagnosen stärker kvinnornas självkänsla/självuppfattning vilket gör att de kan hantera sina liv och sin vardag på ett bättre sätt, men också att diagnosen i sig inte förändrar de faktiska bristerna i någon större utsträckning.</p> / <p>The aim of our studie is to examine womens experiences of recieving a diagnosis of AD/HD as an adult and what social consequences this brings. As many studies focus on AD/HD from a neuropsychiatric perspective, we regard it interesting to look at it from a social perspective rather then psychiatric. The theory we mainly used is social constructionism as we think it relevant in this coherece. In the study we examine if and in that case how these women feel that the diagnosis has changed there everyday life, treatment by authority and colleagues, self-esteem/self-perception and relation to friends and close relatives. To make this possible we worded four questions at issue that was suitable for the purpose of the study. In the study we used qualitative research interviews whit four women, this as to bring forward there experiences in the best possible way. The result we found show that diagnosis has had great importance for the women as it has made them more aware of there scarcity and as a liberating explanation of there feeling of being different. To be able to analyze the text we used the theme as shaped from the questions to be able to find a pattern in the womens story. We then interpreted the material with the help of prior and relevant theories. Our conclusion is that the diagnosis strengthens the womens self-esteem/self-perception which means that they can handle there everyday life in a better way, but also that the diagnosis in it self does not change the real lack in extent any greater.</p>
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Inklusion en illusion? : Om delaktighet i samhället för vuxna personer med utvecklingsstörningBlomberg, Barbro January 2006 (has links)
<p>The background to this thesis lies in the great changes that have occurred in the disability field during the last threes decades. The purpose of this thesis is to describe, analyze and try to understand how these changes impact on life conditions for adult persons with mild intellectual disabilities. The main focus in this study is to listen to the experiences of people with intellectual disabilities themselves. The questions addressed in the study are; how do people with intellectual disabilities experience participation, citizen-ship, social exclusion and social inclusion in society? Where are their daily arenas and what characterizes those arenas in terms of citizenship, exclusion and inclusion? What type of experiences do they have from encountering people in the community, from encountering the organisations and staff that provide support and service and from the consequences of disability policies in practise? How do staff close to them work to reach the goals of participation? What role can professionals play in supporting participation? Which possibilities and barriers do the staff experience?</p><p>Empirical data for the study has been gathered by qualitative methods, mainly participant observations and interviews but also from document analysis of local authority documents, official guidelines, laws and national and international disability policy documents.</p><p>The theoretical framework is based on theories about citizenship and participation. Social exclusion and social inclusion are the sensitizing concepts in this study. For the interpretation and analysis theories about citizenship, participation and categorization were used.</p><p>In the light of the empirical findings the results of the study show that three main themes were promi-nent. The first theme concerned the daily arenas, were there were both excluded arenas and included are-nas with various forms of interaction with the society. The arenas for support and service in housing and daily activities are described as excluded arenas with mainly internal social interaction. On the other hand the new arenas such as daily activity centres, located in the community, such as cafés, shops run by peo-ple with intellectual disabilities together with staff had frequent interaction with other people in the soci-ety. The second theme concerned the content in the encounters between respondents with intellectual disabilities and different actors in the community. The informants had both positive and negative experi-ences of these encounters. The encounter with the disability policy was, according to this dissertation, that the user informants hade many experiences of lacking social citizenship but also that they experienced structural inclusion when politicians listen to them and answered their questions. The third theme con-cerned how the staff works to reach the goals of participation where both possibilities and barriers exist on structural and individual levels. This study illustrates the user informants’ many experiences of citi-zenship and social exclusion but also examples of social inclusion.</p><p>In the concluding chapter the results are discussed and analyzed in relation to the theoretical frame-work, where the concept of categorisation was very important. Finally, the description of the process clearly illustrates the difficulties for disability service organisations to develop support and services that are adapted to the actual disability policy. The results shed light on the gap between theory and practise.</p><p>Some of the most positive changes towards inclusion in society for people with intellectual disabilities come from services run by users and staff close to them. Final conclusions and reflections of the results in the study are that support and service also can be discussed in terms of universalism in order to reduce the process of categorisation.</p>
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Everyday Life among Next of Kin of Haemodialysis PatientsZiegert, Kristina January 2005 (has links)
Everyday life can be complex when next of kin of haemodialysis patients are preoccupied with taking care of the patient and his/her health, which implies the difficulties and requirements needed. The general aim of this thesis was to explore and describe everyday life among next of kin of haemodialysis patients with focus on the life situation, health, time and professional support. Two perspectives of the thesis was applied: a holistic perspective on the everyday life of next of haemodialysis patient and a social perspective with focus on human communication and understanding of next of kin’s experience of everyday life. A qualitative descriptive and explorative design, comprising a phenomenographic and content analysis was used in Studies I-IV. The data collected in the studies consisted of interviews with next of kin to haemodialysis patient and analysis of professional support for next of kin to chronic haemodialysis patients in nursing documentation from two hospitals in Sweden. The experience of time in everyday life among next of kin of haemodialysis patients demonstrated that time for them is minimised and life space contracted. Next of kin experienced ambivalence towards their own health, especially in cases of patients’ spouses When next of kin of haemodialysis patient’s became involved in the patients’ care, they experienced arduousness in relation to their own health as well as less uninterrupted time for themselves in everyday life, and their life situation was characterised by confinement and social isolation. They were aware of the prognosis of renal disease and the fact that haemodialysis is a life-sustaining treatment, which forced them to live for the moment. The everyday life among the next of kin changed when the family became involved in the care, which in turn lead to a changed life situation and restrictions in everyday life. Lack of knowledge in nursing documentation of professional support revealed necessity of the readiness of next of kin. It is therefore important to be familiar with this in the nursing process, especially when the patient and their next of kin need support and attention in everyday life. Original papers not included. / <p>Linköping University Medical Dissertation, 926, I. Ziegert K. & Fridlund B. Conceptions of life situation among next of kin of haemodialysis patients. Journal of Nursing Management 2001; (9) 231-239. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2834.2001.00233.x, II. Ziegert K., Fridlund B. & Lidell E. Health in everyday life among spouses of patients on haemodialysis; a content analysis. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, Volume 20, Number 2, June 2006, pp. 223-228(6). DOI: 10.1111/j.1471-6712.2006.00400.x, III. Ziegert K., Fridlund B. & Lidell E. Time in everyday life as experienced by next of kin of haemodialysis patients (Submitted for publication)., IV. Ziegert K., Fridlund B. & Lidell E. Professional support for next of kin of patients receiving chronic haemodialysis treatment. A content analysis study of nursing documentation. Journal of Clinical Nursing, Volume 16, Number 2, February 2007, pp. 353-361(9). DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2006.01597.x,</p>
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Inklusion en illusion? : Om delaktighet i samhället för vuxna personer med utvecklingsstörningBlomberg, Barbro January 2006 (has links)
The background to this thesis lies in the great changes that have occurred in the disability field during the last threes decades. The purpose of this thesis is to describe, analyze and try to understand how these changes impact on life conditions for adult persons with mild intellectual disabilities. The main focus in this study is to listen to the experiences of people with intellectual disabilities themselves. The questions addressed in the study are; how do people with intellectual disabilities experience participation, citizen-ship, social exclusion and social inclusion in society? Where are their daily arenas and what characterizes those arenas in terms of citizenship, exclusion and inclusion? What type of experiences do they have from encountering people in the community, from encountering the organisations and staff that provide support and service and from the consequences of disability policies in practise? How do staff close to them work to reach the goals of participation? What role can professionals play in supporting participation? Which possibilities and barriers do the staff experience? Empirical data for the study has been gathered by qualitative methods, mainly participant observations and interviews but also from document analysis of local authority documents, official guidelines, laws and national and international disability policy documents. The theoretical framework is based on theories about citizenship and participation. Social exclusion and social inclusion are the sensitizing concepts in this study. For the interpretation and analysis theories about citizenship, participation and categorization were used. In the light of the empirical findings the results of the study show that three main themes were promi-nent. The first theme concerned the daily arenas, were there were both excluded arenas and included are-nas with various forms of interaction with the society. The arenas for support and service in housing and daily activities are described as excluded arenas with mainly internal social interaction. On the other hand the new arenas such as daily activity centres, located in the community, such as cafés, shops run by peo-ple with intellectual disabilities together with staff had frequent interaction with other people in the soci-ety. The second theme concerned the content in the encounters between respondents with intellectual disabilities and different actors in the community. The informants had both positive and negative experi-ences of these encounters. The encounter with the disability policy was, according to this dissertation, that the user informants hade many experiences of lacking social citizenship but also that they experienced structural inclusion when politicians listen to them and answered their questions. The third theme con-cerned how the staff works to reach the goals of participation where both possibilities and barriers exist on structural and individual levels. This study illustrates the user informants’ many experiences of citi-zenship and social exclusion but also examples of social inclusion. In the concluding chapter the results are discussed and analyzed in relation to the theoretical frame-work, where the concept of categorisation was very important. Finally, the description of the process clearly illustrates the difficulties for disability service organisations to develop support and services that are adapted to the actual disability policy. The results shed light on the gap between theory and practise. Some of the most positive changes towards inclusion in society for people with intellectual disabilities come from services run by users and staff close to them. Final conclusions and reflections of the results in the study are that support and service also can be discussed in terms of universalism in order to reduce the process of categorisation.
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"Gammfolket" : Om livserfarenheter och vardagens ålderismSnellman, Fredrik January 2009 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis is to describe and analyse the age-related life experiences of elderly retired people and in relation to this to problematise ageism as an analytical concept in order to present a more dynamic understanding of the phenomenon of ageism in everyday life. Related to the overall objective three overarching research questions are addressed. How do elderly individuals relate to “age” in life and how do they express this in contexts in which standpoints are made in relation to age-codes? What can be generally said to represent the foundation of elderly people’s experiences of ageism? What all-embracing picture of ageism and age-coding is made visible when the phenomenon is examined using different kinds of methods for collecting and analysing empirical material? Research within the field of ageism is presented in terms of how it has been examined: as an ideology, as an “ideology” that is possible to deconstruct and as manifestations in everyday life. The hegemonic way of defining ageism is to associate it with prejudice, stereotyping and discriminationbased on age. This is viewed to be insufficient in order to understand ageism in everyday life. The positioning of the thesis in relation to the research field is therefore seen as problematising ageism as an analytical concept. The thesis consists of three different studies that are based on three different empirical materials. Life-stories, a questionnaire and focus group interviews are used to collect empirical material on the subject of elderly people’s age-related life experiences. The empirical materials and the studies connected to them are distinct ways of investigating ageism. Tentatively, methodtriangulation is applied in order to analyse the topic of ageism in everyday life from differenttheoretical perspectives. The most important conclusion is that ageism can be understood more dynamically as a practise that is exceptionally close to us individuals in everyday life. It is suggested that ageism is not only associated to age. Informants use alternative age-markers or time-markers in relation to which theyascribe meaning. When individuals tell their life-story the experiences are for example not tied to age. Age is hardly ever mentioned. In its place meaning is constructed around and ascribed to timemarkers such as for example “young”, “old”, “year”, “month”, “elderly” and so on. The use of and ascription of meaning to time-markers is also applicable in the other studies in the thesis. These alternative time-markers are suggested as something that also indicate ageism. Experiences and meaning are not solely focused on age. However, the meaning constructed in relation to the alternative markers is not unanimous, even if it sometimes appears to be. The experienced meaning takes many different forms and can by no means be fixated once and for all. An important conclusion is also that we cannot disregard gender in the understanding of ageism. It seems imperative to practice intersectional reasoning in order to understand the dynamics of ageism. Gendered ageism or gendered time-coding is essential in comprehending what people experience in everyday life.
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Os valores orientadores das práticas desportivas em grupos emergentes da terceira idade-um estudo sobre as suas construções simbólicasSantiago, Leonéa Vitoria January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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MÅSTE VARA STARK! : Hur mödrar med minderåriga barn upplever livet med bröstcancerPaulsson, Susanne, Segersten, Marielle January 2013 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Bröstcancer är något som kvinnor i alla åldrar kan drabbas av. År 2011 insjuknade 8382 personer i hela Sverige. Bakgrunden: Det är männen som finns där för att stötta kvinnorna men även finnas där för barnen och ge trygghet. Barnen upplever en oro över att mista deras moder. Problem: Det är av största vikt att beskriva hur det är att drabbas av bröstcancer och samtidigt vara mor till minderåriga barn då detta kan medföra en komplex livssituation. Syfte: syftet var att beskriva mödrars upplevelser av att leva med bröstcancer samtidigt som de har minderåriga barn. Metod: Utifrån inklusionskriterierna söktes självbiografierna fram på respektive biblioteks katalog. En manifest innehållsanalys användes vid analysprocessen av de fyra självbiografierna för att besvara syftet. Resultat: Resultatet resulterade i sex kategorier. Dessa beskriver hur mödrarna upplever hur de ska klara av vardagen med minderåriga barn samtidigt som de kämpar mot bröstcancern. Slutsats: Att ha bröstcancer och samtidigt vara moder till minderåriga barn upplevs jobbigt då denna sjukdom medför en utmattning samt en känsla av otillräcklighet gentemot barnen. Mödrarnas största oro är inte bröstcancern utan hur barnen kommer klara sig om deras moder avlider.
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