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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aprendizagem e desenvolvimento de competências de gestores na expatriação / Learning and development competencies of expat managers

Alba Estela Sanchez Souza 07 March 2008 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo verificar se, na visão do gestor que vivenciou a expatriação, houve aprendizagem e desenvolvimento de competências como decorrência de esta experiência e se este possível desenvolvimento corresponde às competências desejadas pela organização. Para isto analisou-se a experiência de nove gestores de uma organização de manufatura que vivenciaram a expatriação por um período superior a 18 meses. Paralelamente analisou-se o sistema de competências da organização e suas competências gerenciais do ponto de vista da aprendizagem. O resultado da pesquisa indica que ocorrem processos de aprendizagem, estas aprendizagens desenvolvem competências e as competências desenvolvidas são similares às desejadas pela organização. / This work aimed to verify if, from the manager point of view, who was an expat, there was learning and competencies development as a consequence of the expatriation experience and if this possible development attend the competencies aimed by the organization. To achieve these results nine expats manager\'s experiences, from an manufacturing organization, were analyzed. Also the organization\'s competencies model and the management competencies were analyzed from the learning process point of view. The results of the research show that there are learning processes during the expatriation, these processes develop competencies and the developed competencies are similar to those aimed by the organization.

O processo de expatriação na internacionalização empresarial : estudo de casos múltiplos em uma empresa portuguesa e uma empresa brasileira

Gallon, Shalimar January 2015 (has links)
A expatriação é um processo corrente na condução dos negócios internacionais, auxiliando na interface e no alinhamento de políticas e práticas da Gestão de Recursos Humanos (GRH) com a estratégia empresarial, tendo, pois, importância na sua expansão global. A principal contribuição do presente estudo é explorar o processo de expatriação na perspectiva estratégica, destacando a importância de seu planejamento, a fim de contribuir para a consecução dos objetivos globais da organização. Defende-se que a internacionalização de uma empresa requer a presença de expatriados, sobretudo no início deste processo; estando a expatriação, portanto, relacionada com a maturidade da internacionalização da organização. Objetiva-se, portanto, analisar a influência da expatriação na estratégia de internacionalização de empresas portuguesas e brasileiras, por meio de um estudo de casos múltiplos. Ela se constitui em estudo qualitativo, no qual a coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de um roteiro semiestruturado, contemplando 30 entrevistas. Na análise de dados, foi utilizado o software Max-Qda (2007) para auxiliar a organização das categorias de análise, baseada na técnica de análise de conteúdo. As entrevistas e o referencial teórico foram a base para entender o desenvolvimento da GRH, possibilitando discorrer sobre cada etapa de amadurecimento da GRH, bem como identificar as principais políticas e práticas que fazem parte do processo de expatriação, o que também foi mapeado na concepção de três etapas relacionadas. Verificouse existirem diferenças no amadurecimento internacional e na gestão de expatriados das duas empresas investigadas, em função dos objetivos propostos para esse processo, sendo possível afirmar que, de modo geral, as empresas portuguesas pesquisadas estão mais internacionalizadas que as brasileiras estudadas. A empresa portuguesa Plástico entende que a expatriação já está incorporada em seu cotidiano, não sendo um processo glamouroso, fato presente na empresa brasileira Elétrica, na qual os expatriados são tratados como pessoas ‘escolhidas’ para representá-la. As configurações de empregados levantados no contexto internacional foram de temporário, expatriado, repatriado e impatriado, na empresa brasileira; e temporários/ equipe de apoio, expatriado e cidadão do mundo, na empresa portuguesa. Em ambas as empresas, a expatriação está atrelada ao amadurecimento internacional, mesmo que seja no início da internacionalização. Conforme houve o amadurecimento internacional da empresa portuguesa, os expatriados assumiram a configuração de expatriado permanente e de equipe de apoio, pois são expatriados prontos para iniciar uma operação de uma nova unidade. Para a empresa brasileira, o amadurecimento internacional ocorreu no aprendizado dos repatriados (de melhorar as políticas e práticas para reter esses empregados) e de receber impatriados. Em relação à internacionalização, a empresa Plástico tem uma perspectiva global com uma perspectiva metanacional, enquanto a empresa Elétrica apresenta uma estrutura de multinacional, almejando ser uma corporação global, com algumas áreas estruturadas globalmente. A expatriação tem caráter dinâmico, inclusive pela movimentação internacional que muda rapidamente, influenciando as empresas de maneira tão fluída que, por vezes, nem as próprias empresas percebem as próprias mudanças. A quantidade de expatriação, no conceito corrente – empregado enviado por uma empresa para viver e trabalhar em outro país por dois ou mais anos (CALIGIURI, 2000) –, diminui conforme a empresa amadurece internacionalmente. A literatura existente sobre esse tema é limitada e não contempla a dinamicidade do processo. No atual cenário global, aumenta o número de pessoas que nascem em determinado país e são criadas e alfabetizadas em outro, configurando uma nova geração de empregados: aqueles que já são formados por diversas culturas e não pertencem a um único país ou a uma única cultura; são cidadãos do mundo, antes mesmo de entrarem nas organizações, cabendo, pois, a essas organizações repensarem a concepção de expatriado. / Expatriation is a common process in the conduct of international business, assisting in the interface and alignment of policies and practices of Human Resource Management (HRM) with the business strategy, and therefore important in its global expansion. The main contribution of this study is to explore the expatriation process in a strategic perspective, emphasizing the importance of its planning in order to contribute to achieving the overall objectives of the organization. It is argued that the internationalization of a company requires the presence of expatriates, especially at the beginning of this process; hence, expatriation is related to the maturity of the organization's internationalization. The objective, therefore, is to analyze the influence of expatriation in the strategy of internationalization of Portuguese and Brazilian companies, from a comparative case study point of view. It is constituted by a qualitative study, in which data was collected through semi-structured interviews, totaling 30 people interviewed. Also, we used the software Max- Qda (2007) in the data analysis to assist in the organization of categories of analysis based on the content analysis technique. Finally, the interviews and the theoretical framework were the basis for understanding the development of HRM, being possible to explain each maturation stage of HRM and to raise the main policies and practices that are part of the expatriation process, which is also mapped in the design of three related steps. In few words, there are differences in the international maturity and the management of expatriates of both companies analyzed, largely because of the objectives of the latter process, being possible to say that, in general, the Portuguese companies analyzed are more internationalized than the Brazilian ones. The Portuguese company Plástico understands that expatriation is already incorporated into their daily lives and it is not a glamorous process. In other perspective, this process is glamorized in the Brazilian company Elétrica, in which expatriates are treated as 'chosen' people to represent it. The settings of employees raised in the international context were temporary employee, expatriate, repatriate and impatriate, concerning the Brazilian company; and temporary/support staff, expatriate and citizen of the world, concerning the Portuguese company. In both cases, expatriation is strongly linked to international maturation, even if it is in the beginning of the process. According to the progress of international maturation, expatriates took the configuration of permanent expatriate and support staff, since they were ready to start an operation of a new unit. For the Brazilian company, the international maturation occurred in the learning of returnees (to improve policies and practices to retain these employees) and receiving impatriates. Regarding the internationalization, Plástico has a global approach with meta-national perspective while, on the other hand, Elétrica has a multinational structure, aiming to be a global corporation with some areas globally structured. The expatriation has a dynamic character, partially because of the international movement rapidly changing, influencing companies in a fluid way that sometimes even the companies do not perceive their changes. The amount of expatriation, in the current concept - employee sent by a company to live and work in another country for two or more years (CALIGIURI, 2000) - decreases as the company internationally matures. The existing literature on this topic is limited and do not consider the dynamics of the process. In the current global scenario, the number of people born in a particular country and created or literate in another increases, setting a new generation of employees: those who are already formed by different cultures and do not belong to a single country or a single culture. These employees are citizens of the world even before entering the organizations, leaving these organizations to rethink the concept of expatriate.

Modelo de moda : trabalho imaterial e estratégia existencial consumista na expatriação

Prestes, Vanessa Amaral January 2015 (has links)
A temática da presente dissertação relaciona-se, especialmente, à atual conjuntura do trabalho e suas implicações à vida (BAUMAN, 2007, 2008a, 2008b; DELEUZE, 1998; GAULEJAC, 2007; GORZ, 2005; GUATTARI; ROLNIK, 1996; LAZZARATO; NEGRI, 2001; SENNETT, 2009), à especificidade do trabalho de modelos de moda (LIBARDI, 2004; LIPOVESTKY, 2007, 2009; PEREIRA, 2008; WISSINGER, 2007, 2009), e à expatriação (CERDIN, 2011; FREITAS, 2000, 2001, 2006, 2009; FREITAS; DANTAS, 2011; DAVOINE; RAVASI; CUDRÉ-MAUROUX, 2011; GONZÁLEZ; OLIVEIRA, 2011; REGO; CUNHA, 2009). Este estudo objetivou verificar e analisar como a estratégia existencial consumista se apresenta e se modula na perspectiva de uma estratégia de viver a vida de modelo de moda na expatriação. Para tanto, caracterizou-se como uma pesquisa exploratória qualitativa e contou com a participação de treze modelos de moda brasileiros que trabalham ou já trabalharam em situação de expatriação. Além disso, participaram como informantes-chave dois bookers que trabalham agenciando modelos. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de entrevista semiestruturada. Ademais, solicitou-se que cada modelo selecionasse uma fotografia sua que significasse algo de seu trabalho realizado durante a expatriação e falasse sobre ela. A apresentação e análise dos resultados comportaram três partes permeáveis entre si. Elas dizem respeito à inserção na profissão, aos incentivos e aos discursos que fomentam a vida anunciada de modelo de moda; à incorporação de um modelo de modelo de moda através da vida modelada; e, por fim, tendo em vista as categorias anteriores buscou-se o que, de modo articulado, permitisse dizer algo da estratégia de viver a vida de modelo de moda na expatriação. Esta dissertação possibilitou perceber que a expatriação se constitui como uma forma de legitimação na carreira de modelo de moda e mostrou-se como o acontecimento em que o nome próprio é chancelado como uma marca. / The theme of this present dissertation relates especially to the current labor conjuncture and its implication to life (BAUMAN, 2007, 2008a, 2008b; DELEUZE, 1998; GORZ, 2005; GUATTARI; ROLNIK, 1996; LAZZARATO; NEGRI, 2001; SENNETT, 2009), to the specificity of fashion models labor (LIBARDI, 2004; LIPOVESTKY, 2007, 2009; PEREIRA, 2008; WISSINGER, 2007, 2009) and to expatriation (CERDIN, 2011; FREITAS, 2000, 2001, 2006, 2009; FREITAS; DANTAS, 2011; DAVOINE; RAVASI; CUDRÉ-MAUROUX, 2011; GONZÁLEZ; OLIVEIRA, 2011; REGO; CUNHA, 2009). The objective of this study was to verify and analyze how the existential consumerist strategy presents itself and how it is modulated in a perspective of living the fashion model live on expatriation. This way, it was characterized as an exploratory quality research and was attended by thirteen Brazilian fashion models who worked or have worked in an expatriation situation. In addition, two bookers that work handling models participated as key informants. The data collection occurred through semi-structured interview. Furthermore, it was requested that each model selected a picture of yours that meant something to the job done during the expatriation and that they talked about it. The presentation and analysis of the results supported three permeable parts among themselves. They discuss about the insertion in the profession, the incentives and speeches that foment the announced fashion models life; to the fashion model incorporation through modeled life; and, finally, considering the previous categories sought what, in an articled way, allowed to say something about the strategy of living the fashion model life on expatriation. This dissertation enabled to realize that expatriation constitutes as a form of legitimation in a fashion model career and as the event in which the own name is set as a trademark.

Gestão de pessoas internacional no contexto esportivo brasileiro : uma análise dos processos de expatriação e repatriação de jogadores em um clube de futebol gaúcho

Machado, Felipe Santos January 2013 (has links)
O fato de megaeventos esportivos serem realizados no Brasil reflete o novo posicionamento brasileiro no cenário mundial; e as problemáticas envolvendo a necessidade de profissionalização das práticas de gestão no esporte tornam-se emergentes. Somando-se este fato a crescente internacionalização do futebol brasileiro e o aumento da circulação de nossos talentos esportivos para os mais diversos países emerge a demanda de estudos que contribuam para a compreensão dos modelos de gestão dos clubes e das problemáticas envolvendo os jogadores cada vez mais inseridos em um cenário global. Torna-se ao mesmo tempo fundamental compreender os processos de empresarização e sua importância para o crescimento das instituições esportivas, contudo deve-se pensar na profissionalização e no desenvolvimento de políticas e práticas de gestão que levem em consideração os aspectos culturais e sociais do esporte. Este trabalho situa-se no campo da gestão de pessoas internacional e gestão do esporte, trata do tema da expatriação e repatriação de jogadores de futebol brasileiros. O objetivo desta pesquisa é identificar e analisar como os processos de expatriação e repatriação de jogadores são estruturados em um clube de futebol gaúcho e como esses processos são percebidos e conduzidos frente à atual realidade da gestão esportiva brasileira. O método utilizado foi estudo de caso sob abordagem qualitativa, em que 22 entrevistas com roteiro semiestruturado foram realizadas, mais especificamente, dez com profissionais de futebol, seis com empresários de futebol e seis com gestores de um clube de futebol gaúcho. A análise categorial temática foi utilizada como método de análise de conteúdo para interpretação das entrevistas realizadas. Os principais resultados encontrados na pesquisa foram: (i) A partir da compreensão sobre as mudanças na gestão dos clubes e do cenário de saída e retorno de jogadores de maneira sistêmica e longitudinal, abre a possibilidade para o surgimento de novas formas de condução dos processos de transferências internacionais de jogadores, e das próprias formas de se pensar a participação dos clubes na gestão dos seus talentos esportivos; (ii) a gestão das organizações esportivas pode estar alinhada ao planejamento e gestão da carreira do jogador, mesmo em uma lógica de lucro, desde que se leve em consideração uma visão estratégica da gestão de pessoas no esporte e se realize a gestão de um talento esportivo e não de um simples produto a ser comercializado. (iii) Parece haver grandes possibilidades de se pensar as políticas e práticas de gestão estratégica de pessoas no esporte levando em consideração o novo cenário constituído, mesmo com os desafios evidentes. Acredita-se em um ganho substancial para clubes e jogadores, ampliando as possibilidades de retorno financeiro e atuação, amenizando a possibilidade de insucessos na condução dos processos de expatriação e repatriação. / The fact that mega sporting events are held in Brazil reflects the new Brazilian position in the world scene; and the problems regarding the need of professionalization of management practices in sports became emergent. Summing this fact to the growing internationalization of Brazilian soccer and the increase in circulation of our sports talents for different countries emerges the demand of studies contributing to the understanding of management models of clubs and problems involving players increasingly inserted in a global scene. It becomes at the same time fundamental understanding the enterprisation processes and their importance to the growth of sports institutions, nevertheless it should be thought in the professionalization and development of management policies and practices that consider the cultural aspects of sports. This study lies in the fields of international people management and sports management, deals the expatriation and repatriation of Brazilian soccer players. The aim of this research is to identify and analyse how the expatriation and repatriation processes of players are structured in a soccer club from Rio Grande do Sul and how these processes are perceived and conducted in front of the current reality of Brazilian sports management. Methodology used consisted of a qualitative case of study, in which 22 semi-structured interviews were conducted, specifically, ten with soccer professionals, six with soccer entrepreneurs and six with managers of a soccer club from Rio Grande do Sul. The thematic categorical analysis was used as a content analysis method to interpret the interviews conducted. The main results in this research were: (i) From the understanding of the changes in the clubs management and the leaving and returning of players scene in a systematic and longitudinal manner, there is a possibility of arising new conducting ways of international transference of players processes and the own ways of thinking the clubs participation in the management of their sports talents; (ii) Sports organization management may be aligned to the player‟s career planning and management, even in a profit logic, if it takes in consideration a strategic view of human resource management in sports and performs the management of a sports talent and not of a simple product to be commercialized; (iii) There seems to be great opportunities to think policies and practices of people strategic management in sports taking into consideration the new scene made, even with the evident challenges. It is believed in a substantial gain for clubs and players, enhancing the possibilities of financial and performance return, mitigating the possibilities of failure in the conduct of expatriation and repatriation processes.

Desenvolvimento de pessoas com vistas à expatriação : um estudo em três multinacionais atuantes no RS

Corsetti, Rafael Pauletti January 2013 (has links)
Este estudo visa analisar a associação entre o processo de desenvolvimento de pessoas e o processo de expatriação, tomando como referência três organizações multinacionais atuantes no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Para atender a esse propósito, a dissertação procura definir o que é, como ocorre e qual a relevância do processo de desenvolvimento de profissionais, enfocando a importância estratégica da capacitação continuada. Visa, ainda, detalhar o processo de expatriação, evidenciando suas etapas desde o surgimento da demanda até a preparação e o envio do empregado para a missão internacional. Finalmente, busca observar a existência de iniciativas de desenvolvimento de pessoas direcionadas para suportar e minimizar o risco de insucesso da expatriação. O método adotado é o estudo de casos múltiplos, de cunho qualitativo e de natureza exploratório-descritiva. A análise de dados ocorre a partir de informações coletadas com 12 profissionais, sendo três empregados das áreas de Recursos Humanos destas companhias responsáveis pelas expatriações e nove funcionários expatriados. Além disso, levantou-se informações internas e externas sobre as empresas de forma a contextualizar seu posicionamento de mercado e suas áreas de atuação. Os resultados obtidos permitem verificar desalinhamento entre os processos estudados que, apesar de coexistirem nestas empresas, são tratados de forma independente e pouco integrada. Observou-se falta de direcionamento por parte das ações de desenvolvimento em relação à expatriação, impactando o desempenho dos profissionais. Também verificou-se a falta de estruturação no processo de expatriação, fazendo com que este ocorra de maneira reativa à demanda e desorganizada. Concluiu-se que há falta de abordagens de capacitação e acompanhamento dos expatriados antes, durante e ao término de suas missões, além de falta de planejamento e de preparação para enviar profissionais para projetos internacionais desta natureza. Recomenda-se procedimentação e melhoria da estruturação dos processos de desenvolvimento de pessoas e de expatriação, bem como mudança na postura dos expatriados. / This research analyzes the association between the People Development process and the expatriation process with reference to three multinational organizations operating in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. To serve this purpose, the dissertation seeks to define what is, how it happens and what is the relevance of the people development process, focusing on the strategic importance of continuous qualification. It also aims to detail the expatriation process, showing its stages since the emergence of demand to the preparation and submission of the employee for the international mission. Finally, this study emphasizes the existence of people development initiatives aimed to support and minimize the risk of failure of expatriation. The method adopted here is a multiple-case study, presenting a qualitative approach and an exploratory-descriptive nature. The data analysis is based on information collected from 12 employees of these companies (three of them are Human Resources representatives responsible for the expatriation process and nine of them are expatriated associates). The next step was the study of internal and external information about the companies in order to contextualize their market positioning and their areas of expertise. The results show the existence of misalignment between the studied processes that, despite coexisting in these companies, are treated independently and without integration. It was observed a lack of direction on the part of development actions in relation to expatriation, impacting on the performance of the expatriated. Also a lack of structure in the expatriation process was identified, providing a reactive and disorganized approach facing its demands. Conclusions are there are insufficient approaches for qualification and monitoring of expatriates before, during and at the end of their missions, as well as lack of planning and preparation to send professionals to international projects of this nature. It is recommended proceduralisation and structuring improvement on people development and expatriation processes, as well as change in posture of expatriates.

Gestão internacional de pessoas: políticas de recompensas para executivos expatriados por empresas brasileiras / International resource management: compensation police for executive expatriate by Brazilian companies

Ademar Orsi 17 August 2010 (has links)
Expostas à concorrência externa intensa com a abertura da economia e a criação do Mercosul, as empresas brasileiras começam a se movimentar mais efetivamente no sentido da internacionalização na década de 1990, culminando, na década seguinte, com uma explosão de iniciativas dessas empresas em busca de novos mercados. Nasce com essa nova realidade, a necessidade de constituir quadros de gestores e especialistas para implantar e gerenciar o empreendimento. É fundamental, portanto, que essas empresas estabeleçam um novo modelo de gestão de pessoas que seja abrangente a esses novos desafios organizacionais. O interesse da pesquisa está no processo que essas empresas empreenderam ou vêm empreendendo, para atingir estágios de satisfação com as políticas de recompensas tanto da empresa como de seus empregados. Conhecer os caminhos percorridos pelas empresas que já consolidaram sua inserção internacional, com seus acertos e erros, significa a possibilidade de pavimentar um terreno para facilitar a adoção de políticas mais adequadas às contingências dos novos empreendimentos. Foi adotado o método de estudo de casos múltiplos, com a participação das empresas Camargo Corrêa e Votorantim, sendo aplicada análise de conteúdo e de acontecimentos cronológicos, coerente com uma concepção longitudinal de estudo. Entre as principais contribuições deste trabalho está a consolidação de uma literatura internacional sobre gestão internacional de recompensas, ressaltada a identificação dos diversos modelos de remuneração adotados e o resgate histórico da sua adoção; a verificação, em uma perspectiva longitudinal, das alterações introduzidas nos modelos de recompensas em designações internacionais pelas empresas brasileiras e a criação de um modelo teórico de referência para gestão das recompensas para expatriados que considera as variáveis interferentes e os pressupostos que fundamentam as decisões. O estudo pode colaborar com as empresas que passam pelo processo de internacionalização na adoção do modelo aplicado mais apropriado ao seu momento. / Exposed to intense external competition, due to the economy opening and the creation of MERCOSUR, the Brazilian companies begun to move more effectively towards internationalization in the 1990s. Therefore, culminating with an explosion of initiatives in the next decade leading businesses to search for new markets. Taking into account this new reality, rises the need to establish frameworks for managers and specialists to deploy and manage the venture. In this regard is crucial that those companies establish a new model of human resources management that is capable to deal with these new organizational challenges. Research interests is based on the process that these companies have undertaken, or comes after, to achieve stages of satisfaction of both, companies and respective employees, related to the policies of rewarding. Knowing the ways the companies went through with has already consolidated its international insertion, considering hits and constraints, means the possibility to pave a plot of land to facilitate the adoption of policies that are more appropriate to the contingencies of new ventures. In this sense, was adopted the method of multiple cases study, with the involvement of companies such as Camargo Corrêa and Votorantim, being applied analyses of content and timing events consistent with a longitudinal study. Among the main contributions of this work is the consolidation of international literature on international management rewards, underlining the identification of various models of compensation adopted as of their history; nonetheless, the verification, in a longitudinal perspective, of changes in models of employees rewards in international assignment and the creation of a theoretical model of management for rewards within expatriates, considering the assumptions and variables interfering and/or underlying such decisions. The study intends to collaborate with companies that pass through these processes of internationalization to adopt more appropriatemodel to their context.

Profiling the French community in the Western Cape, South Africa : evidences from an innovative survey

Ogujiuba, Chinelo January 2016 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / In South Africa, demographics consequently play a prominent role in public policy and the country (rainbow nation) or often called a World in One Country, provide interesting interactions between the whites, coloured and blacks. South Africa remains the highest-ranked country in sub-Saharan Africa and the second-placed among the BRICS economies. Furthermore, the country benefits from the large size of its economy, particularly by regional standards, but the profile of various immigrant groups is poorly understood, thereby creating ambivalence in policy frameworks. A, major weakness of research in this area has been the tendency to study causes and impacts of migration separately, which constitute largely separate strands of migration literature. More in general, the scholarly debate has tended to separate the determinants and impacts of migration artificially from more general processes of socioeconomic contexts. Thus, there is a clear need to study migrant profiles in their wider societal context, which makes this study contemporaneous. Our research profiles both the demographics and socioeconomic dynamics of the French immigrants in South Africa on one hand and highlights the differences between French emigrants in Western Cape, South Africa and their counterparts residing in France vis-à-vis South Africans in Western Cape. In determining, the effect of socioeconomic and demographic profiles of the French immigrants in the Western Cape, a Google web design was used. Prior to this, a pilot study using samples of French and Anglophones persons was done to validate the instrument. Two questionnaires were used for the study; one in English and the other in French. Likert scales, multiple choice, open ended and close ended questions were contained in our instrument. Only registered households with French Consulate were included in the population sample. The population of South Africans is much younger than that of the French in Western Cape or French in France. The latter group is ageing but lives longer than the South Africans because of advancement in health infrastructure. Thus, the French community in the Western Cape are better placed economically, socially, and health-wise compared to the South Africans (WC) and the French in France. However, in few areas like education, rent and medical insurance coverage, the French in France are better placed than the French and South Africans in the Western Cape, because of structural issues peculiar in a country like South Africa. These social issues in France have more optimality than in South Africa. Our results further confirm the validity of the New Economics of Labour Migration Theory, which recognises the role of households as against individuals in jointly making the decision to migrate. Migration of a household member is a way to spread the risk of insufficient household income. Nonetheless, the survey indicates that the Western Cape is a city of choice for French migrants. However, a comparative analysis of the influx of the French to other regions would further show the real reasons for French deciding to pitch tent in a particular region. Analysis suggests an imbalance in the labour supply of the French immigrants which could be a structural phenomenon akin to also to the South Africans themselves. Enlightenment programmes for the target population and host population could help in this regard to balance the labour mix. There is no doubt that the socioeconomic impact of migration has been intensively studied by scholars, but it is still often driven by ill-informed opinions, which, in turn, can lead to public resentment towards migration. This is exactly the case for South Africa that has witnessed rounds of xenophobic attacks on migrants. These negative assessments risk on-going efforts to adapt migration policies to the new economic and demographic challenges facing many countries. Results confirm that labour supply becomes the pull factor for the French immigrants. Furthermore, it is likely that the bureaucratic set up at the Home Affairs is still inhibiting the French Immigrants from processing their documentation. On the average, it takes about 2 to 3 years to process legal permit documents for foreigners in South Africa. This process could be discouraging others from migrating to South Africa. Also, the xenophobic syndrome and inconsistent policy framework could also be a deterrent to foreigners who genuinely want to reside on a permanent basis in the country. The development potential of migrants is not expressed to its fullest extent, partly because of the lack of migration-supporting policies, which pushes many migrants to illegality despite the demand for their labour in certain sectors. Being undocumented not only encourages exploitation in the workplace but also prevents migrants from contributing to the development of the host country by paying taxes. A step in the right direction would be to encourage government service providers to mainstream migration into policies and programmes. This would set the framework for greater respect for migrants' rights, as well as facilitate the integration of migrants and acknowledge their contribution to the development of host and home countries.


Oberholster, Abraham Johannes 01 January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation explores the underresearched topic of the motivation of non-profit organizational (NPO) workers for accepting international assignments (IAs). In the literature review, the motivation and reasons for working and living outside the home country by multinational corporate expatriates, international migrants, and long-term international volunteers are summarized. With the reasons for expatriation distilled from the literature, a self-determination theory (SDT) approach, and open-ended questions, the motivations for NPO workers to accept IAs are factor analyzed and triangulated using data from a sample of more than 140 Christian mission and humanitarian workers originating from 25 countries and representing 48 sending organizations. Four NPO worker motivation profiles are tentatively identified and described using cluster analysis of the SDT motivations and Kruskal-Wallis analysis of the reasons of accepting an IA, individual cultural values, organizational commitment, and demographic variables. The NPO worker cluster groups include the Caring Internationalist, the Self-Directed Careerist, the Obedient Soldier, and the Movement-Immersed Worker. The findings hold implications for international human resource managers toward the effective recruitment, selection, training and development, career management, and support and encouragement of NPO expatriates with the goal of an increase in the incidence of expatriation assignment success.

Expatriates - vergleichende Analyse von Rückführungsmodellen der öffentlichen und privaten Hand: Expatriates - vergleichende Analyse von Rückführungsmodellen der öffentlichen und privaten Hand

Döppler, Peter, Zühlke, Birger 20 January 2014 (has links)
Die Arbeit von Herrn Döppler und Herrn Zühlke thematisiert die Wiedereingliederung von Rückkehrern aus dem Ausland. Dabei wurden Wiedereingliederungssysteme für "Repatriats" sowohl privatwirtschaftlicher Unternehmen als auch des öffentlichen Dienstes (hier am Beispiel der Bundeswehr) betrachtet. Sowohl in der Literatur als auch in der Praxis wird dem "Entsenden" von Mitarbeitern sehr viel Bedeutung beigemessen. Hingegen ist der Rückführung und Wiedereingliederung ein stiefmütterliches Dasein beschert. Ziel dieser Publikation ist es in diesem Themenbereich Abhilfe zu leisten. Dazu werden die theoretischen Grundlagen von Rückführungsmodellen dargelegt. Darauf aufbauend die in der Praxis vorhandenen Anwendungen gezeigt. Dies geschieht am Beispiel eines mittelständischen Untenehmens, eines multinationalen Großkonzerns und der Bundeswehr. Der Erfolg oder Misserfolg dieser Maßnahmen wurde durch teilstrukturierte, narrative Interviews ermittelt. Aus den Interviewergebnissen und den daraus ermittelten Schwachstellen, leiteten die beiden Autoren Maßnahmen, jeweils für die öffentliche und private Hand, ab.

Overseas effectiveness of American expatriates in Germany

Zirner, Ulrike C. 30 June 2009 (has links)
As organizations are becoming more and more global, the number of employees on overseas assignments who must adjust to the cultural differences and other aspects of working and living overseas is growing. The high premature rate of return to the home country has increased the already high cost of overseas assignments. The cost of failure includes lost effectiveness on the job, time to find a replacement, discontinuity of work activities, damage to the company's reputation, and discontent on the part of the employee. As the result, it is very important that individuals on overseas assignments also be effective. The aim of this research is to identify how managers can select expatriates based on their personal characteristics and can intervene in the adjustment process to reduce the effects of adjustment difficulties on overseas effectiveness. The personal characteristics studied in this research effort are age, marital status, number of children, previous overseas assignment, and language proficiency. Adjustment difficulties are investigated in the areas of banking, housing, health care, shopping, and schooling. With help of a questionnaire, data was gathered from sixty-two Americans currently working and living in Germany. The results from a backward regression analysis indicate that respondents’ difficulty of dealing with the aforementioned adjustment areas in the first three months has a significant negative effect on their effectiveness in Germany. Although it appears that respondents’ language proficiency has a positive effect on overseas effectiveness, it may actually be a subset of their sense of preparedness at the time of arrival. The results from the regression analysis also indicate that the personal characteristics studied here cannot be used to develop a profile of expatriates who will be most effective in Germany or who will have the greatest difficulties while adjusting to life in Germany. Specific recommendations for how managers may improve the overseas effectiveness of American expatriates in Germany, as well as recommendations for future research, are discussed. / Master of Science

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