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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impact-initiated combustion of aluminum

Breidenich, Jennifer L. 07 January 2016 (has links)
This work focuses on understanding the impact-initiated combustion of aluminum powder compacts. Aluminum is typically one of the components of intermetallic-forming structural energetic materials (SEMs), which have the desirable combination of rapid release of thermal energy and high yield strength. Aluminum powders of various sizes and different levels of mechanical pre-activation are investigated to determine their reactivity under uniaxial stress rod-on-anvil impact conditions, using a 7.62 mm gas gun. The compacts reveal light emission due to combustion upon impact at velocities greater than 170 m/s. Particle size and mechanical pre-activation influence the initiation of aluminum combustion reaction through particle-level processes such as localized friction, strain, and heating, as well as continuum-scale effects controlling the amount of energy required for compaction and deformation of the powder compact during uniaxial stress loading. Compacts composed of larger diameter aluminum particles (~70µm) are more sensitive to impact initiated combustion than those composed of smaller diameter particles. Additionally, mechanical pre-activation by high energy ball milling (HEBM) increases the propensity for reaction initiation. Direct imaging using high-speed framing and IR cameras reveals light emission and temperature rise during the compaction and deformation processes. Correlations of these images to meso-scale CTH simulations reveal that initiation of combustion reactions in aluminum powder compacts is closely tied to mesoscale processes, such as particle-particle interactions, pore collapse, and particle-level deformation. These particle level processes cannot be measured directly because traditional pressure and velocity sensors provide spatially averaged responses. In order to address this issue, quantum dots (QDs) are investigated as possible meso-scale pressure sensors for probing the shock response of heterogeneous materials directly. Impact experiments were conducted on a QD-polymer film using a laser driven flyer setup at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Time-resolved spectroscopy was used to monitor the energy shift and intensity loss as a function of pressure over nanosecond time scales. Shock compression of a QD-PVA film results in an upward shift in energy (or a blueshift in the emission spectra) and a decrease in emission intensity. The magnitude of the shift in energy and the drop in intensity are a function of the shock pressure and can be used to track the particle scale differences in the shock pressure. The encouraging results illustrate the possible use of quantum dots as mesoscale diagnostics to probe the mechanisms involved in the impact initiation of combustion or intermetallic reactions.

Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Antikörpern gegen Triacetontriperoxid (TATP)

Walter, M. Astrid 07 February 2014 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die Herstellung und Charakterisierung der ersten Antikörper gegen Triacetontriperoxid (TATP), einem hoch empfindlichen und unkonventionellen (nicht-kommerziellen) Initialsprengstoff. Entscheidend dafür war die Synthese eines TATP-imitierenden Haptens, welches die typische nonagonale Struktur des TATP mit seinen drei Peroxid- und sechs Methylgruppen nahezu perfekt nachbildet, aber den Vorzug einer zusätzlichen Carboxygruppe zur kovalenten Kopplung an Proteine aufweist. Dadurch konnte das TATP-Hapten an Rinderserumalbumin (BSA) gebunden werden, um ein immunogenes Konjugat zu erzeugen, welches die erfolgreiche Immunisierung zweier Säugetierarten, Maus und Kaninchen, ermöglichte. Der Verlauf der In vivo-Immunisierungen wurde durch die Analyse der Tierseren in regelmäßigen Abständen mittels enzymgekoppeltem Immunoassay (ELISA) verfolgt. Die polyklonalen Antikörper beider Spezies waren ungewöhnlich selektiv gegenüber TATP. Jedoch unterschied sich die Affinität der Antikörper der zwei Spezies um das 5000-fache, wobei die Kaninchenseren den Mausseren überlegen waren. Entsprechend war auch die mit Kaninchenserum erreichbare TATP-Nachweisgrenze von 0.01 µg/L deutlich besser im Vergleich zu 50 µg/L, die mit Mausserum erzielt wurden. Der Messbereich des TATP-ELISA mit Kaninchenserum deckte zudem mehr als vier Zehnerpotenzen ab, wie mittels Präzisionsprofil bestimmt wurde. Die erhaltenen TATP-Antikörper aus Kaninchen stehen damit Anwendungen in Nachweissystemen für die sehr empfindliche Detektion von TATP zur Verfügung, die u. a. in sicherheitsrelevanten Bereichen zum Einsatz kommen könnten. Als erste Anwendung wurde ein TATP-ELISA realisiert, der im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ausführlich optimiert wurde. Außerdem wurden erste Schritte zur Entwicklung eines TATP-Schnelltests (LFA) unternommen. Weitere Biosensoren auf Grundlage der neu entwickelten TATP-Antikörper sind denkbar. / The present work decribes the production and characterization of the first antibodies against triacetone triperoxide (TATP), a highly sensitive and improvised (non-commercial) primary explosive. Crucial to this work was the synthesis of a TATP-related hapten that mimics almost perfectly the typical nonagonal structure of TATP with its three peroxide and six methyl groups. Advantageously, it has an additional carboxylic acid group, which provides a conjugation site for covalent attachment to proteins. Thus, the TATP hapten could be linked to bovine serum albumin (BSA) to produce an immunogenic conjugate, allowing the successful immunization of two different mammalian species, mouse and rabbit. The in vivo immunization progress was followed by periodically analyzing the animals’ sera using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The polyclonal antibodies of both species were remarkably selective to TATP. The affinity of these TATP-antibodies was, however, different between the two species, with the rabbit sera showing an affinity about 5000-fold superior than the murine one. Consequently, the TATP detection limit of 0.01 µg/L was considerably better using the sera from rabbit in contrast to 50 µg/L when mouse serum was used. The working range of the TATP-ELISA with rabbit sera covers more than four decades, calculated from a precision profile. The obtained TATP antibodies from rabbit are now available for applications in highly sensitive detection systems for TATP, which could be employed, among others, in security-relevant areas. The first application was the realization of a TATP-ELISA, which was extensively optimized within the course of this work. Furthermore, the first steps towards the development of a lateral flow assay (LFA) targeting TATP were taken, making conceivable further biosensor platforms based on the newly developed TATP antibodies.

Equations aux dérivées fractionnaires : propriétés et applications / Fractional differential equations : properties and applications

Hnaien, Dorsaf 21 September 2015 (has links)
Notre objectif dans cette thèse est l'étude des équations différentielles non linéaires comportant des dérivées fractionnaires en temps et/ou en espace. Nous nous sommes intéressés dans un premier temps à l'étude de deux systèmes non linéaires d'équations différentielles fractionnaires en temps et/ou en espace, puis à l'étude d'une équation différentielle fractionnaire en temps. Plus exactement pour la première partie, les questions concernant l'existence globale et le comportement asymptotique des solutions d'un système non linéaire d'équations différentielles comportant des dérivées fractionnaires en temps et en espace sont élucidées. Les techniques utilisées reposent sur des estimations obtenues pour les solutions fondamentales et la comparaison de certaines inégalités fractionnaires. Toujours dans la première partie, l'étude d'un système non linéaire d'équations de réaction-diffusion avec des dérivées fractionnaires en espace est abordée. L'existence locale et l'unicité des solutions sont prouvées à l'aide du théorème du point fixe de Banach. Nous montrons que les solutions sont bornées et analysons leur comportement à l'infini. La deuxième partie est consacrée à l'étude d'une équation différentielle fractionnaire non linéaire. Sous certaines conditions sur la donnée initiale, nous montrons que la solution est globale alors que sous d'autres, elle explose en temps fini. Dans ce dernier cas, nous donnons son profil ainsi que des estimations bilatérales du temps d'explosion. Alors que pour la solution globale nous étudions son comportement asymptotique. / Our objective in this thesis is the study of nonlinear differential equations involving fractional derivatives in time and/or in space. First, we are interested in the study of two nonlinear time and/or space fractional systems. Our second interest is devoted to the analysis of a time fractional differential equation. More exactly for the first part, the question concerning the global existence and the asymptotic behavior of a nonlinear system of differential equations involving time and space fractional derivatives is addressed. The used techniques rest on estimates obtained for the fundamental solutions and the comparison of some fractional inequalities. In addition, we study a nonlinear system of reaction-diffusion equations with space fractional derivatives. The local existence and the uniqueness of the solutions are proved using the Banach fixed point theorem. We show that the solutions are bounded and analyze their large time behavior. The second part is dedicated to the study of a nonlinear time fractional differential equation. Under some conditions on the initial data, we show that the solution is global while under others, it blows-up in a finite time. In this case, we give its profile as well as bilateral estimates of the blow-up time. While for the global solution we study its asymptotic behavior.

Nanolithography on thin films using heated atomic force microscope cantilevers

Saxena, Shubham 01 November 2006 (has links)
Nanotechnology is expected to play a major role in many technology areas including electronics, materials, and defense. One of the most popular tools for nanoscale surface analysis is the atomic force microscope (AFM). AFM can be used for surface manipulation along with surface imaging. The primary motivation for this research is to demonstrate AFM-based lithography on thin films using cantilevers with integrated heaters. These thermal cantilevers can control the temperature at the end of the tip, and hence they can be used for local in-situ thermal analysis. This research directly addresses applications like nanoscale electrical circuit fabrication/repair and thermal analysis of thin-films. In this study, an investigation was performed on two thin-film materials. One of them is co-polycarbonate, a variant of a polymer named polycarbonate, and the other is an energetic material called pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN). Experimental methods involved in the lithography process are discussed, and the results of lithographic experiments performed on co-polycarbonate and PETN are reported. Effects of dominant parameters during lithography experiments like time, temperature, and force are investigated. Results of simulation of the interface temperature between thermal cantilever tip and thin film surface, at the beginning of the lithography process, are also reported.

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