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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kostel ve městě / Church in the city

Strnad, Miroslav January 2017 (has links)
The design of the Church “Seslání Ducha Svatého” with the spiritual center in Líšeň, Brno answers the question: "How should the contemporary church look like?" Analysis of the site, awareness of the character and requirements of today's time, historical and cultural continuity and liturgical changes of the last century gave rise to 7 points of the architecture of the new church. This program describes the new liturgy, defines the form of the subordinate community of believers, characterizes the work with the material envelope of the inner space, establishes the relation between the horizontal and the vertical and the curved and rectangular, explains the theme of orientation and work with the interior. The final urban and architectural solution is based on these assumptions. The spiritual center, consisting of a multifunctional hall, a classroom, a club-room, a rectory, a cafeteria with a library, and underground garages with technology, is geometrically rigid, layered and precisely fitted, while church is completely different in its shape and scale, indicating functional and sacral differences. The abstract form of the church refers to the inviolability of God. The interior of the Church is a place of silence, a pure and noble space, formed by higher order principles. Another important way of expression becomes light as the creator of the spiritual space. An important part of the proposal is also the principle of organizing a church with a spiritual center around the inner square opened to the south by a wide entrance staircase.

Architektonická studie sakrálního objektu a komunitního centra Salesiánského Brno - Líšeň / Architectural study of the sacral object Brno - Líšeň

Bortlová, Kateřina January 2021 (has links)
The content of the diploma thesis was an architectural study of a sacral building in Brno - Líšeň. The subject of the study was the elaboration of an ideological design of a sacral complex, which consisted of a church and a parish. The main operator of the whole complex will be the Salesian community, whose background is in close proximity to the area. The basic idea of the design was to design a spiritual place, which in its form conveys clear information about the use of the object and at the same time supports the development of ideas of the Salesian community. It is a structure that conveys the mission itself, not by one element, but by a set of several elements that together create a story, vision, mission. The ideological solution in this case thus becomes an equilateral triangle, which symbolizes the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. With its dominant vertical direction facing the sky, the object symbolically points to the spiritual path and self-realization. The given area is solved as a complex, the elements of which complement each other and thus create a harmonious whole. The design creates a space for both liturgical celebrations in the interior and exterior, which is used by the outdoor presbytery, which is complemented by residential stairs. These elements are intended to encourage residents to meet and establish friendly relations.

Výukové a vzdělávací centrum / Training and Education Centre

Halla, Antonín January 2013 (has links)
This thesis solves design and project of construction of training and education centre, contains library, classrooms and administratice facilities. The building is set into a former allotment gardens on outskirt of Brno. The project reclaimed this land. The shape of the bulding is created by two connected curves, it reminds wide open letter "U". There are two buildings connected with glass vestibule, the object is partially sunk below ground. South side of the building consists of a double transparent facade, which contributes to energy savings, the northern facade is clad with wooden battens. Underground constructions are made of concrete, pillars and horizotal structures are made of laminated wood. Green roof is transferred underground on the west and east side of building. In the interior alternates exposed concrete and laminated wood.

Det räcker inte att bara bo : En kvalitativ studie om barn på skyddat boende och insatserna de erbjuds / Housing is not enough : A qualitative study about children in sheltered housing and the services offered to them

Danielsson, Maya, Wiker, Louise January 2020 (has links)
Att uppleva våld mellan föräldrar är en av de värsta formerna av våld ett barn kan utsättas för, och det kan medföra trauman och hälsoproblem ända in i vuxenlivet. När kvinnan tar sig ur relationen och får en placering på skyddat boende får barnen ofta följa med. Barnen får inget eget placeringsbeslut och det finns inga direkta riktlinjer för skyddade boenden. Tas det ett samhälleligt ansvar för dessa barn? Syftet med denna studie var att bidra med kunskap om vilka insatser som finns tillgängliga för barn som lever i skyddat boende tillsammans med sina mammor. Vi ville uppmärksamma barnens behov och vilka rättigheter barnen har enligt lag, samt ta reda på om de insatser barnen erbjuds kan anses tillräckliga för att tillgodose dessa behov. Studien har genomförts genom kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju professionella med erfarenhet av barn på skyddat boende i Stockholms län. Resultatet analyserades med hjälp av en teoretisk referensram bestående av utvecklingsekologi, anknytningsteori och traumamedveten omsorg, samt kompletterades med nationell och internationell forskning. Studiens resultat visar att många barn mår dåligt och har behov av kris- och traumabearbetning, samt att de kan lida av tristess på boendena. Vidare visar resultatet att andra viktiga aspekter som spelade en stor roll för barnens återhämtning var mammans föräldraförmåga samt möjligheten att skapa normalitet i sin vardag med hjälp av rutiner, skola och sysselsättning. Andra vuxna att ty sig till var också betydelsefullt. Det framkommer dock att det finns en problematik runt samarbetet med andra aktörer som bland annat socialtjänsten, barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin och kommunen. Vilka insatser barnen erbjuds och får tillgång till visade sig skifta oerhört mycket beroende på vilket boende de hamnade på. / Intimate partner violence is one of the worst forms of violence a child can experience and it can lead to trauma and health problems all the way into adulthood. When a woman leaves a relationship and is placed in a women's shelter, the children often accompany her. Children are not subject to separate placement decisions and there is no direct regulation of shelters. Does society take responsibility for these children. The aim of this study was to contribute knowledge about the services available for children who live in shelters with their mothers. We wanted to shed light on the needs of these children and their legal rights, and to see if the services offered to these children could be considered sufficient to satisfy their needs. The study was conducted through qualitative, semi-structured interviews with seven professionals who have experience with children in sheltered housing in Stockholm county. Results were analyzed using a theoretical framework composed of developmental ecology, attachment theory, and transforming care, complemented with national and international research. The results show that many children are emotionally distressed and in need of crisis intervention and trauma-focused therapy, and that they suffer from boredom at the shelters. The results also show that other important aspects that played a major role in children's recovery were the mother’s parenting competence and the chance to create normality with the help of routines, school and activities. The presence of other adults also mattered. It appears however, that there are problems in collaboration with other actors such as, among others, social services, child and adolescent psychiatry and the municipality. The services that are available to children differ greatly among shelters.

Brandskydd i byggnader med exponerad stomme av KL-trä : En kartläggning av olika brandtekniska lösningar för flerbostadshus

Öberg, Andreas, Lejdström, Fredrik January 2021 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose with this work has been to investigate and map selected fireprotection methods in a number of projects. The possibilities and limitations with exposedCLT have been investigated. Method: The method consists of a literature study, interviewstudy, construction site visit and survey. The literature study has been carried out with theaim of presenting relevant facts to the subject and creating a basis for the interview study.The interviews were conducted with fire consultants for the work´s investigated projects.Two of the projects also included construction site visit, of which one of the projects belongsto the partner of this work, Peab. During the visits of the construction sites a tour of thebuilding were carried out and shown where the exposed CLT was placed. The results from theinterviews and construction sites visits are the basis for the survey. Results: The resultsshow that analytical dimension of the fire protection is required when constructing multistory residence with internally exposed CLT. Limitations with exposed CLT are due, amongother things, to the fact that untreated wood does not fulfils the requirements set in BBR forthe surface layer. Delamination contributes to increased fire load as the underlaying slats areexposed to fire. The current study contains two projects carried out with exposed CLT,Notuddsparken and ETC apartment buildings. The projects have dimensioned each withanalytical dimension but with different fire protection methods. Notuddsparken has beenconstructed with automatic sprinkler systems and the ETC apartment buildings have beenconstructed with fire protection impregnation of the exposed CLT. Conclusions:Conclusions established in the work shows that when using exposed CLT analyticaldimension of the fire protection is required. Most of the fire consultants in this work haveexpressed that they do not feel comfortable with dimensioning fire protection for buildingswith exposed CLT, based on the current state of knowledge.

The South African anti-money laundering regulatory framework relevant to politically exposed persons

Ahlers, Christelle January 2013 (has links)
Politically exposed persons have become a specific risk factor in money laundering. The Financial Action Task Force has formulated clear and specific requirements for dealing with these individuals. Internationally, various jurisdictions such as the United Kingdom and the European Union have adopted effective legislation encompassing the 2003 Financial Action Task Force Recommendations. In South Africa the requirement to apply appropriate, risk based procedures to politically exposed persons has been limited to banks. The aim of this research study was to identify whether the South African anti-money laundering regulatory framework, adequately addresses managing the risks of politically exposed persons. The regulatory frameworks of the United Kingdom and the European Union, as well as the requirements of the Financial Action Task Force, were used to determine whether best practice is followed in South Africa with regard to politically exposed persons. The process of how money is laundered has been examined as well as the methods that corrupt politically exposed persons use in order to launder money. The study has shown that politically exposed persons are not regulated in South Africa in accordance with the Financial Action Task Force Recommendations issued in 2003, while the South African Anti-Money Laundering Regulatory Framework does not adequately address the risk posed by corrupt, politically exposed persons. Both international best practice and the recommendations of the World Bank were considered in terms of the way in which to address the risks posed by these persons effectively. / Dissertation (MPhil)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Auditing / unrestricted

Svenska hedersutsatta kvinnors gestaltningar av familjekollektivet och offentliga kontexter : En kvalitativ studie om hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck baserad på självbiografier / Swedish honour exposed women's configuration of the family collective and public contexts : A qualitative study of honour-related violence and oppression based on autobiographies

Andrén, Hanna, Lindqvist, Norma January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this qualitative study is to analyse, based on Erving Goffman's theory the dramaturgical perspective and with a narrative analysis of autobiographies, the configuration of roles by honour exposed women. In order to illuminate and increase the understanding of honour-related violence and oppression from the perspective of honour exposed women. There is a requirement of increased knowledge of honour-related violence and oppression, especially among social workers who need to know how to encounter honour exposed women. In the field of research increased knowledge is needed on an individual level, mainly to make the honour exposed women's perspective visible in social work. The results and analysis of the study shows that the honour exposed women perform with several roles in their family collective and in different public contexts. Moreover, numerous aspects in the roles of the honour exposed women emerge. In addition, the women struggle to seek help from the authorities, perform in roles backstage and the boundaries between front and backstage are ambiguous. Furthermore, the study also clarifies that the phenomenon of honour-related violence and oppression is complex with variative expressions.

The Effect on Mechanical Properties in Biochar Replaced Cement & Aggregate in Concrete Before and After Fire Exposure

Hansen, Felix, Berglund, Mathias January 2023 (has links)
Concrete is good as a construction material regarding fire and its properties regarding strength. However, the concrete expands and cracks due to fire resulting in structural damage. According to the literature the concrete usually loses its strength during and after fire exposure due to themechanical and physical changes.Concrete consists of cement, water, aggregates of different sizes, and usually some sort of plasticiser depending on its final use. Globally the concrete production releases about 4.5 billionmetric tons of carbon dioxide, which is about 8% of all the emissions of carbon dioxide in the world (Naturskyddsföreningen, 2022).The main components in cement are limestone and marlstone which are melted and turned to clinker. The clinker is mixed with sand and gypsum to make cement. Due to the high releases of carbon dioxide from the production of cement and the destruction of the environment mining of the raw materials, Sweden had a concrete-crisis in the summer of 2021, this was due to the government denied the main cement company Cementa AB to continue to mine limestone on the island of Gotland. Due to this decision new sustainable components to replace the components to produce concrete is critical. An alternative material called biochar may be suitable as a component in concrete. Biochar is a renewable product from pyrolysis of biomass. The favorable properties of biochar such as low density, high specific area and low thermal conductivity has the potential to lower the carbon footprint of concrete. This thesis evaluates the properties and performance for different biochar ratios mixed within concrete before and after exposure to fire in a furnace that followed the standard ISO 834 curve up to 650 ℃. In particular, experiments were conducted to observe how the mechanical properties (e.g., tensile and compressive strengths) are affected by exposure to fire that caused a temperature rise of up to 650 ℃. By analyzing the results from the experiments, it is seen that the workability of the concrete decreases with higher ratios of biochar due to the biochar’s water absorption properties. The compressive and tensile strength tests before fire exposure, for both aggregate and cement replaced samples, resulted in the average strength decreasing with higher ratios of biochar. Interestingly, iiithe results after fire exposure represented higher compressive strengths for both cement and aggregate replaced samples for all ratios of biochar. However, the tensile strength after fire exposure generally decreased with higher ratios of biochar. Differential scanning calorimetry and infrared spectroscopy were performed to gain an insight into the reason for the increase in compressive strength after fire exposure. Most probably, when the silica, present in the cement, was exposed to 650 °C under fire, it softened and fused the other components, which led to stronger compressive strengths.

Intimate Partner and/or Sexual Gender-based Violence and Smoking in Ohio Appalachia

Nemeth, Julianna Maria 09 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Barns relationer i våldets närhet : Respons, positioner och möjligheten till barns röst

Åkerlund, Nina January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna avhandling är att utforska barns perspektiv på respons i samband med att de upplever våld i nära relation. Särskild betoning ligger på barnens egna, deras syskons, mor- och farföräldrars och andra vuxnas handlingar och reaktioner. På så sätt är målet att undersöka det relationella sammanhangets betydelse för våldsutsatta barn. Avhandlingens teoretiska ansats utgörs av barndomssociologi, sociologin om detpersonliga livet och positioneringsteori. Avhandlingen består av fyra delarbeten. Artikel I analyserar hur barns röst används i kvalitativ forskning om barn som upplever våld. De följande empiriska artiklarna, som bygger på analyser av kvalitativa intervjuer med 20 barn (11–19 år), undersöker barns erfarenhet av respons i samband med våld. Barnens berättelser visar att det ofta finns personer som känner till våldet och undersöker hur barnen själva, deras syskon (artikel II), mor- och farföräldrar (artikelIV) samt andra vuxna (artikel III) positionernas i barnens berättelser. Resultaten visar att barn upplever och responderar på våld på en rad olika sätt. Även personer i det relationella sammanhanget reagerar olika gentemot det utsatta barnet, vilket kan förstås utifrån att relationer omges av olika förväntningar och att respons är ett interaktionellt fenomen – individer i barnens närhet anpassar sin respons efter hur barnen responderar.Omgivningens respons beskrivs av barnen som hjälpsamma eller ohjälpsamma beroende på hur lyhörd, tillgänglig och nära individen upplevs. Avhandlingen visar vidare på att barnen har ett begränsat handlingsutrymme och endast ett fåtal positioner finns tillgängliga när de upplever våld. De primära positioner de våldsutsatta barnen erbjuds är de som ”sårbart offer”, ”sårbar men kompetent aktör” samt ”vuxenlik och omsorgsgivande aktör”. En nyckelfaktor för att barnen ska få hjälpsam respons är att de positioneras som både sårbara offer och som kompetenta aktörer. / The aim with this thesis is to explore children’s perspectives on responses when experiencing intimate partner violence (IPV). Special focus is on the children’s own responses, as well as the actions and reactions of their siblings, grandparents and other adults in their proximity. Through this, the objective is to explore the significance of the relational setting for children exposed to IPV. This thesis is inspired by the sociology of childhood and the sociology of personal life. It has also employed positioning theory. The thesis consists of four papers. In article I, the use of children’s voices in qualitative research with children exposed to IPV is discussed. The following empirical papers, who are based on analyses of interviews with 20 children (11–19 years of age), explore children’s experiences of responses when exposed to violence. The children’s stories suggest that there often are people who know about the violence and the articles analyse how children position themselves in their stories, but also how they are positioned by their siblings (article II), their grandparents (article IV) and other adults (article III). Children exposed to IPV may experience the violence differently and respond to the abuse in a variety of ways. Similarly, individuals in the children’s relational setting may respond to the abused children differently, which can be understood on the basis that relationships are surrounded by different expectations and that responses are interactional phenomenon – individuals close to the children partly adapt their response to how the children react to the abuse. Children describe responses from individuals in their relational setting as either helpful or unhelpful, depending on how responsive, accessible and intimate the individual is perceived. The thesis also suggests that the children have a limited room for maneuverer and only a few positions available for them in the aftermath of violence. The primary attainable positions to the children experiencing IPV are the ones as ‘vulnerable victim’, ‘vulnerable but competent actor’, and ‘adult-like and caregiving actor’. A key factor for children to receive helpful responses is being positioned as vulnerable victims and as competent actors simultaneously.

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