Spelling suggestions: "subject:"exposed"" "subject:"nexposed""
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Utilization of expanded programme on immunisation and integrated management of childhood illnesses for tracking and management of HIV-exposed babiesMagagula, Anne Rose Nthabiseng 26 October 2015 (has links)
The study sought to determine the meaning and interpretation by facility managers and nurses on utilisation of expanded programme on immunisation and integrated management of childhood illnesses (EPI and IMCI) programmes for follow-up and antibody testing of HIV-exposed infants (HEI) at 18 months. Also to understand the factors within the health systems that influence the follow-up and antibody testing. The study setting selected was six facilities in Steve Tshwete subdistrict in Nkangala district of Mpumalanga province in South Africa.
The study used a hermeneutic phenomenology using in-depth interviews for collecting data from 4 facility managers and 12 nurses. The major themes that emerged from the interviews were referral, defaulting, integration, stigma, and off-site ART initiation within the health system. These were found to influence the utilisation of HEI and IMCI services for follow-up and management of HEI. It was also found that the importance of integrating the management of HEI into the EPI and IMCI cannot be overemphasised. It was concluded that the Health Department needs to be vigilant and use all available resources to manage HEI to meet the MDG 4 of prevention of infant mortality / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)
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Utsatta kvinnors känsla av sammanhang på kvinnojourer / Exposed women’s sense of context at women’s sheltersKorkut, Sara January 2016 (has links)
According to a National Board Report (Hermansson, Lindgren and Tengström 2011) women staying at shelters feel much worse than the general population. These women are also in need of great efforts and support from various social assistance instances. Many women who have previously stayed at the shelters get an opportunity for a fresh start. The women who choose to remain in the process usually goes through a turbulent time during the first period, often with a lot of differnet emotions involved. It is not unusual that a lot of decisions have to be made in order to cut the ties with their old life (aa). This study investigates women’s experience from women's shelters and how that experiencee has contributed to their change of life. Semistructured interviews have been completed with eight different women, all of them with experience from women's shelters. This has been done in order to investigate the questions of the study which is to try to understand and interpret the women's experiences from the time at the women's shelters and how that has helped them to manage their situation. The theoretical point of departure is Aaron Antonovsky´s theory "Sense of Coherence" (SOC). The result from the study has been categorised in three different subjects: Women's background and experiences of women's shelters, the structure of women's shelters and women's expectations and desires from women's shelters. / Enligt Socialstyrelsens rapport (Hermansson, Lindgren och Tengström 2011) mår kvinnor som vistas på kvinnojourer mycket sämre än allmänbefolkningen och dessa kvinnor är i behov av stora insatser och stöd från samhällets olika hjälporgan. Många kvinnor som tidigare har bott på kvinnojourer får en möjlighet till nystart i livet med stöd av en organisation som endast arbetar för kvinnans skull. En del av kvinnorna väljer att gå tillbaka till sina gamla liv men de kvinnorna som väljer att stanna kvar går oftast igenom en turbulent tid den första perioden, ofta är det många olika känslor inblandade, det får också kämpa sig igenom flertalet olika beslut för att kapa banden med sina gamla liv (a.a). Denna studie handlar om kvinnors upplevelser om hur kvinnojourer har bidragit till att deras livssituation har förändrats. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med åtta stycken kvinnor som bott på kvinnojourer tidigare. Detta för att kunna besvara studiens frågeställningar med syftet att försöka förstå samt tolka kvinnornas upplevelser av tiden på kvinnojouren och vad det har inneburit för kvinnorna i den uppbrottsprocess som lett kvinnorna till kvinnojouren. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten i uppsatsen är KASAM (känslan av sammanhang), vilket även används som analysredskap. Studiens resultat har kategoriserats i tre olika teman: Kvinnors bakgrund och upplevelser av kvinnojourer, Strukturen på kvinnojourerna och Kvinnors förväntningar och önskningar av kvinnojourer
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T cell responses in Kenyan infants : impact on HIV-1 evolution during infection and an assessment of vaccine-induced memory responses in HIV-exposed uninfected infantsGarcia Knight, Miguel Antonio January 2014 (has links)
The past 10 years has seen mother to child transmission (MTCT) of HIV-1 shift from being one of the predominant forces in the global epidemic to a phenomenon that is largely preventable and envisioned as being on the path to elimination. This thesis is based on two cohorts of Kenyan infants recruited before and after the development of effective antiretroviral interventions to prevent MTCT. Two main lines of enquiry are pursued with the aim to contribute to improved health outcomes of infants affected by HIV-1. The first seeks to further our understanding of the capacity of the infant cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response to influence viral evolutionary dynamics in early infection. Chapter 3 presents a modern phylogenetic analysis of longitudinal viral sequences derived from infants following in utero or peripartum infection. The results indicate that despite high levels of viral replication, infant CTL selection pressure plays a significant role in shaping early viral evolution. The second stems from an accumulating body of evidence that suggests that infants born to HIV-1 infected mothers who themselves are free from infection, termed HIV-1 exposed uninfected (HEU) infants, nevertheless face significantly higher rates of infectious disease- associated morbidity and mortality than HIV-1 unexposed infants. This study therefore sought to characterise the immunological status of HEU infants with particular emphasis on the phenotypic and functional properties of the T cell compartment. Chapter 4 presents the immunological characterisation of a cohort of healthy Kenyan infants recruited as a control population at two time points in early life. Chapter 5 present a cross-sectional comparison of HEU and control infant cohorts. The results suggest a level of altered immunological reactivity with respect to the T helper type 1 (Th1) response to polyclonal stimulation. In addition a compromised memory Th1 response was observed following polyclonal stimulation and following stimulation with Bacillus Calmette-Guerin and tetanus toxoid vaccine antigens.
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Islamistisk radikalisering : En studie av särskilt utsatta områdenFredriksson, Tobias, Torstensson, Magnus January 2019 (has links)
Abstract - Islamist radicalization – A study of particular exposed areas Islamist radicalization has emerged in Sweden over the past decade, mainly because of the terrorist attacks in Stockholm in 2010 and 2017, but also because of a strife of individuals who have been radicalized in Sweden and joined various terror networks around the world. It is only in recent years that Swedish authorities have seriously addressed the problems that radicalization entails. Sweden has since then developed a national strategy with the aim of preventing and counteracting increasing radicalization, especially in vulnerable suburban areas. The authorities concerned have subsequently published a number of different writs with the aim of preventing and counteracting Islamist radicalization in exclusion areas. Since the phenomenon may be considered relatively new from a Swedish perspective, research in the area is limited. It is above all the Swedish National Defense College with its Center for Asymmetric Threats and Terrorism Studies that has driven Swedish research in the field. This study aims to investigate the radicalization that takes place in particularly exposed areas with a focus on structural factors and their impact, which contributes to the need that Swedish authorities and expertise in the field demanded. By conducting a qualitative analysis of previous theories in the field of Islamist radicalization, an analysis tool has been designed to indicate whether a specific area is at risk of suffering from islamist radicalization. This analysis tool consists of four structural factors and two criteria. The analysis tool has subsequently been applied through a multiple-case study on four districts in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. The result of the multiple-case study confirms the importance of the structural factors for individuals in these areas to be more susceptible to the influence of radical elements. In this investigation, these elements are the criteria’s stated in the analysis tool. The analysis tool designed can probably be further developed by adding qualitative research methods to capture individual factors, which also affect the conditions for radicalization in an area. / Sammanfattning – Islamistisk radikalisering – En studie av särskilt utsatta områden Islamistisk radikalisering har aktualiserats i Sverige under det senaste decenniet, framförallt på grund av terrordåden i Stockholm 2010 och 2017, men också på grund av en strid ström av individer som radikaliserats i Sverige och anslutit sig till olika terrornätverk världen över. Det är först under de senaste åren som svenska myndigheter på allvar adresserat den problematik som radikaliseringen innebär. Sverige har sedan dess utvecklat en nationell strategi i syfte att förebygga och motverka en ökande radikalisering, framförallt i utsatta förortsområden. Berörda myndigheter har därefter utkommit med en rad olika skrivelser med målsättning att förebygga och motverka islamistisk radikalisering i utanförskapsområden. Då fenomenet får anses vara relativt nytt ur ett svenskt perspektiv är forskningen på området begränsad. Det är framförallt Försvarshögskolan med sitt Centrum för asymmetriska hot och terrorismstudier som drivit den svenska forskningen på området. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka den radikalisering som sker i särskilt utsatta områden med fokus på strukturella faktorer och deras inverkan, vilket bidrar till det behov som svenska myndigheter och expertis på området efterfrågat. Genom att genomföra en kvalitativ analys av tidigare teorier på området islamistisk radikalisering, har ett analysverktyg utformats för att indikera huruvida ett specifikt område löper risk att drabbas av islamistisk radikalisering. Detta analysverktyg består av fyra strukturella faktorer och två kriterier. Analysverktyget har därefter tillämpats genom en flerfallstudie på fyra stadsdelar i Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmö. Resultatet av flerfallstudien bekräftar de strukturella faktorernas betydelse för att individer i dessa områden skall vara mer mottagliga för påverkan av radikala element. Dessa element utgörs i undersökningen av de kriterier som anges i analysverktyget. Det analysverktyg som utformats kan sannolikt utvecklas ytterligare genom att addera kvalitativa undersökningsmetoder för att fånga individuella faktorer, som också påverkar förutsättningarna till radikalisering i ett område.
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Minskar stöket i utsatta områden omhyresgästerna bor kvar längre?Björing, Gunnar January 2019 (has links)
Hallunda/Norsborg is considered to be an unsafe residential area. Most likely, young people cause adisproportionate high amount of the portion of the insecurity that is related to crime. Therefore it is hereassumed that the insecurity would decrease more with time if society succeeded in motivating more ofthe tenants stay until old age, compared to other possible measures that society can do to improve thesituation. Because the amount of teenager would decline, since we only have teenage children during aperiod of our lives.In this study, longitudinal data regarding the turnover of lease contracts and a number of other factors,have been collected and compared with data regarding the amount of reported crimes committed in thearea.The results show that, measured in the turnover of lease contracts, the tenants stay longer. But despitethis, the amount teenagers and reported crimes has not diminished. However, data from the court forrental issues indicates that the illegal second hand rental of the apartment has increased during theperiod. Thus the conclusion is that the assumption can neither be rejected nor substantiated. Moreoverthe socio-economic status of the residents and the number of police in the area has increased. But thepupils' performance in elementary school has not improved. / Hallunda/Norsborg anses vara ett otryggt bostadsområde. Sannolikt orsakar ungdomar oproportionelltmycket av den del av otryggheten som är relaterad till brott. Om så verkligen är fallet antas här attotryggheten skulle minska mer med tiden om samhället lyckades motivera fler av hyresgästerna till attbo kvar till ålderdomen, jämfört med andra möjliga åtgärder som samhället kan göra för att förbättrasituationen. Eftersom ungdomarna i så fall skulle bli färre, då vi bara har tonårsbarn under en period avvåra liv.I denna studie har data mellan år 2000-2018 rörande ut-/inflyttningen samt ett antal andra faktorer pågruppnivå, som kan ha betydelse för ungdomarnas benägenhet att begå brott studerats och jämförts meddata för antalet brott begångna i området.Resultaten visar att, mätt i omsättningen av hyreskontrakt, bor hyresgästerna kvar längre. Men trots dethar varken antalet ungdomar eller mängden brott minskat. Data från hyresnämnden tyder dock på att denolovliga andra hands uthyrningen av bostäderna har ökat under perioden. Slutsatsen av jämförelsen äratt antagandet varken kan förkastas eller beläggas. Vidare har den socioekonomiska statusen för deboende och antalet poliser i området ökat. Däremot har elevernas prestationer i grundskolan inteförbättrats.
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Mapeamento pedológico digital via regressão geograficamente ponderada e lógica booleana: uma estratégia integrada entre dados espectrais terrestres e de satélite / Digital pedological mapping by geographically weighted regression and boolean logic: an integrated strategy between terrestrial and satellite spectral dataMedeiros Neto, Luiz Gonzaga 10 February 2017 (has links)
Mapas pedológicos são importantes fontes de informação necessárias à agricultura, mas praticamente inexistentes em escalas adequadas para o Brasil, e seu levantamento pelo método convencional para a demanda brasileira é inviável. Como alternativa ao problema, mapeamento pedológico digital apresenta-se como uma área do conhecimento que envolve as relações das informações de campo, laboratório e pontuais de solos com métodos quantitativos via imagens de satélite e atributos do relevo para inferir atributos e classes. A literatura destaca, portanto, a importância do estudo da posição espacial de pontos amostrais na estimativa de atributos do solo a partir dos valores espectrais de imagens de satélite, aliado a isso, faz-se importante o cruzamento dos atributos do solo estimados e espacializados para chegar a classes de solo. Face ao exposto, o objetiva-se o desenvolvimento de uma técnica via imagem de satélite, dados espectrais e atributos do relevo, integrados por lógica booleana, para determinar mapas pedológicos. O trabalho foi realizado no município de Rio das Pedras, SP e entornos, numa área total de 47.882 ha. Onde, realizou-se processamento de imagens de satélites multitemporais, para obtenção da informação espectral da superfície de solo exposto. Esta informação foi correlacionada com espectro de laboratório de pontos amostrais em subsuperfície (profundidade 80-100 cm) e estimou-se os espectros simulando bandas de satélite para locais desconhecidos. Elaborou-se uma chave de classificação de solos por cruzamento de mapas de atributos via lógica booleana, onde definiu os seguintes atributos a serem mapeados: argila, V% e matéria orgânica (M.O) na profundidade 0-20 cm e argila, CTC, V%, m%, Al, ferro total, matiz, valor e croma na profundidade 80-100 cm. As estimativas de espectros em subsuperfície e dos atributos dos solos nas duas profundidades foram realizadas pela técnica multivariada regressão geograficamente ponderada (GWR), que teve seu desempenho preditivo avaliado pela comparação com desempenho preditivo da técnica de regressão linear múltipla (MRL). Os resultados mostraram correlação entre os espectros das duas profundidades, com R2 de validação acima 0.6. Argila (0-20 e 80-100 cm), matiz, valor e croma foram os atributos do solo que obtiveram as melhores estimativas com R2 acima 0.6. A técnica multivariada GWR obteve-se desempenho superior ao MRL. O mapa pedológico digital comparado aos mapas de solos detalhados de levantamentos convencionais obteve índice kappa de 34.65% e acurácia global de 54,46%. Tal resultado representa um nível regular de classificação. Por outro lado, deve se considerar que se trata de uma região de alta complexidade geológica e compreendendo heterogeneidade de solos. A técnica desenvolvida mostra-se com potencial de evolução no mapeamento digital de solos à medida que forem evoluindo as estimativas de atributos de solos e ajustes nos critérios da chave de classificação. / Soil maps are important sources of information necessary for agriculture, but practically absent in appropriate scales for Brazil, and its mapping by the conventional method for the brazilian demand is impracticable. How an alternative to the problem, digital pedological mapping appears as an area of knowledge that involves the relationship of field information, laboratory and point of soils with quantitative methods by satellite images and relief attributes to predict attributes and classes. The literature highlights therefore the importance of studying the spatial position of sampling points in the estimation of soil attributes from spectral values of satellite images, combined to this, is an important the crossing of the estimated and spatialized soil attributes to get the soil classes. In view of exposed, the objective is the development of a technique satellite image, spectral data and attributes of relief, integrated by boolean logic to determine soil maps. The work was carried out in Rio das Pedras county, SP, and surroundings, in a total area of 47,882 ha. Which was held processing multitemporal satellite images, to obtain spectral information of exposed soil surface. This information was correlated with laboratory spectra of sample points in the subsurface (depth 80-100 cm) and was estimated spectra simulating satellite bands to unknown locations. Produced is a soil classification key for cross attribute maps by boolean logic, which defines the following attributes to be mapped: clay, cation saturation and organic matter (OM) in the 0-20 cm depth and clay, CEC, cation saturation, aluminiu saturation, Al, total iron, hue, value and chroma in depth 80-100 cm. The estimates spectra subsurface and soil attributes in two depths were performed by multivariate technique geographically weighted regression (GWR), which had its predictive performance is evaluated by comparison with predictive performance of multiple linear regression (MRL). The results showed a correlation between the spectra of the two depths, with validation R2 above 0.6. Clay (0-20 and 80-100 cm), hue, value and chroma were the soil attributes obtained the best estimates R2 above 0.6. The GWR multivariate technique yielded better performance than MRL. The digital soil map compared to the detailed soil maps of conventional surveys obtained kappa index of 34.65% and overall accuracy of 54.46%. This result is a regular level of classification. On the other hand, it must be considered that it is a highly complex geological region and comprising heterogeneity of soils. The technique developed shows with potential developments in digital soil mapping as they evolve estimates of soil attributes and adjustments to the classification key criteria.
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HIV, antiretroviral therapy, pregnancy, lactation and bone health in UgandaNabwire, Florence January 2018 (has links)
Globally, ~17 million women and ~2.1 million children are living with HIV. Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for 70% of HIV-infected (HIV+) persons. Mother-To-Child Transmission of HIV (MTCT) during pregnancy, delivery and breastfeeding, is the main route of HIV infection in children. The World Health Organisation recommends lifelong antiretroviral therapy (ART) for all HIV+ pregnant and breastfeeding mothers to prevent MTCT, and breastfeeding for ≥24 months for optimal child health in resource limited settings (Option B+ strategy). Initiation of ART in HIV+ adults is associated with a 2-6% decrease in areal bone mineral density (aBMD) regardless of ART regimen, but data are limited in pregnant and lactating women. Tenofovir, a preferred first-line drug in Option B+ ART regimen, is associated with 1-2% greater decreases in aBMD. Pregnancy and lactation are associated with physiological changes in maternal bone mineral density, but most evidence shows that this is recovered after cessation of breastfeeding. The hypothesis of this thesis is that ART may accentuate the normal process of bone mobilisation during pregnancy and lactation, leading to bone loss that is not recovered in the mother and/or compromised infant growth and bone mineral accretion. The primary objective of this research was to investigate if HIV+ women experience greater reductions in bone mineral compared to HIV-uninfected (HIV-) counterparts. Two groups of pregnant women, 95 HIV+ on ART (Tenofovir-Lamivudine-Efavirenz, previously ART naïve) and 96 HIV- were followed prospectively in Kampala, Uganda. Data were collected at 36 wks gestation (PG36), 2 (PP2) and 14 wks postpartum (PP14). Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry was used to measure bone phenotype (aBMD, bone mineral content (BMC), bone area (BA), and size-adjusted BMC (SA-BMC, adjusted for height or length, weight and BA) of the whole body (WB) and lumbar spine (LS) in mother-baby pairs, and total hip (TH) in mothers. The primary outcome was the difference between groups in % change (± SE) in maternal LS aBMD between PP2 and PP14. Secondary outcomes included changes in maternal markers of bone formation (P1NP and BAP) and resorption (CTX), serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25(OH)D), parathyroid hormone (PTH), plasma and urine concentrations of creatinine (Cr), calcium (Ca), phosphate (PO4) and magnesium (Mg), urine mineral:creatinine ratios, TmCa/GFR and TMP/GFR, respectively), breastmilk mineral composition (Ca, P, Na, K and Na/K ratio); and infant growth Z-scores and bone mineral. Statistical models were adjusted for potential confounders. Median maternal age was 24.5 (IQR 21.1, 26.9) yrs. Mean gestation was 40.9±1.8 wks and not significantly different between groups. All women were breastfeeding at PP2 and PP14. More HIV+ women reported exclusive breastfeeding (PP2: 82.9% v 58.7%, p=0.0008; PP14: 86.7% v 66.2%, p=0.002). Body weight was 4-5% lower in HIV+ women. By PP14, mean duration of ART was 29.3±5.1 wks, adherence was > 95%, and the median CD4 count was 403 (IQR 290-528) cells/mm3. Maternal aBMD decreased between PP2 and PP14 at all skeletal sites in both groups as expected in lactation. Reductions in LS aBMD were not significantly different between groups (-1.8±0.4% vs -2.5±0.4%, p=0.3). However, HIV+ women had a significantly greater reduction in TH aBMD which persisted after adjustment for body size (-3.7±0.3% vs -2.7±0.3%, p=0.04). Median serum 25(OH)D was 67.4 nmol/L (IQR 54.8, 83.7) at PG36 and 57.6 nmol/L (48.7, 70.1) at PP14 with no significant difference between groups. Changes in 25(OH)D and PTH from PG36 to PP14 were not significantly different between groups (25(OH)D: -13.9±4.1% vs -11.1±3.1%; PTH: +60.0±6.4% vs +57.6±6.4%; both p > 0.05). However, HIV+ women had 33-35% greater plasma PTH concentrations at both PG36 and PP14. Bone formation and resorption markers increased in both groups between PG36 and PP14. HIV+ women had greater increases (CTX: +74.6±5.9% vs +56.2±5.9%; P1NP: +100.3±5.0% vs +72.6±5.0%; BAP: +67.2±3.6% vs +57.1±3.6%, all p < 0.05). They also had a greater decrease in plasma Ca (-6.6±0.5% vs-3.8±0.5%, p≤0.0001) and greater increase in plasma phosphate (+14.4±2.0% vs +7.7±2.0%, p=0.02). Changes in plasma Cr and Mg, TmP/GFR and urine mineral:creatinine ratios were not significantly different between the groups. However, at both PG36 and PP14, HIV+ had significantly lower mean plasma Ca (PG36: -1.0±0.5%; PP14: -4.1±0.6%) and TmP/GFR (PG36: -11.4±3.1%; PP14: -7.2±3.0%) but higher PTH (PG36: +33.0±7.0%; PP14: +35.3±7.6%) compared to HIV- women (all p < 0.05). Mean breastmilk Ca decreased between PP2 and PP14, and the changes were not different between the groups (-19.9±3.0% vs -24.2±3.1%, p=0.3). There were no significant changes in breastmilk phosphorus (P) in both groups, but HIV+ women had significantly higher concentrations (PP2: +9.7±3.8%, p=0.01; PP14:+9.6±3.5 %, p=0.007). Breastmilk P was significantly correlated with maternal plasma [CTX] in a separate ANCOVA model (β = +0.13±0.04% per 1% increase in CTX, p=0.0003). Mean breastmilk Na, K concentrations and Na/K decreased between PP2 and PP14 in both groups. However, HIV+ women had a smaller decrease in breastmilk Na (-44.3±8.9% vs -72.6±9.0%, p=0.03). They also had a trend towards smaller reduction in Na/K ratio (-22.2±9.3% vs -46.6.6±9.5%, p=0.07). Babies born to HIV+ mothers (HIV-exposed infants, HEI) had significantly lower gains in weight +53.0±1.4% vs +57.5±1.4%, p=0.02) compared to HIV-unexposed infants (HUI), and also lower weight-for-age (-0.47±0.16, p=0.003) and length-for-age (-0.53±0.18, p=0.005) Z-scores at PP14. HEI had a slower gain in WB BMC (+51.2±1.9% vs +57.3±1.9%, p=0.02), but the difference was not significant after adjustment for body size (-6.0±3.5% vs -7.6±3.8%, p=0.2); showing that the bone mineral accretion was appropriate for achieved infant size. In contrast, HEI had a greater increase in LS BMC (+29.5±1.7% vs +24.4±1.7%, p=0.03), a difference which remained after size-adjustment (+9.4±5.8% vs +4.3±6.2%, p=0.02). This is the first study to compare changes in maternal aBMD and bone metabolism between HIV+ mothers on Option B+ ART and HIV- counterparts. The results show a greater reduction in TH aBMD in Ugandan HIV+ women on Option-B+ ART compared to HIV- in the first three months of lactation, consistent with their greater increases in bone turnover markers, lower TmP/GFR and plasma phosphate, and higher breastmilk phosphorus concentration. Also, HEI have slower growth and whole body bone mineral accretion compared to HUI. It is important to determine if these changes are temporary or have long-term consequences for the bone health of the mother and child.
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Det dolda arbetet för utsatta kvinnor : De professionellas upplevelser av arbete med utsatta kvinnor / The hidden work with exposed women : The professionals working experience in organizations for exposed women.Markowicz, Naomi, Möller, Ellinor January 2012 (has links)
Assignments and organizations working with exposed women are more and more common in the Swedish society. Both authorities and nonprofit organizations are working actively to strengthen women’s position in the labor market through incentives and other measures. The study shows that the work with exposed women takes place in cooperation between the parties involved. The purpose of this qualitative study was to look into how the professionals were working with exposed women, in different types of organizations. The study focuses on highlighting techniques, qualifications, approaches and cooperation partners within organizations working with exposed women. The study has been related to the Swedish Social law, related reports, Motivational Interviewing (MI) and Constructivist counseling. The study shows that the professionals working with exposed women are using the Motivational Interviewing method and have a Constructivist approach. The study also shows that response when meeting exposed women, education, experience, knowledge of exposed women's vulnerability, and knowledge of women's options in the society are important qualifications. Finally the relevance between the conclusions of the study and the profession of educational counseling and career counseling are discussed. / Uppdrag och verksamheter som arbetar med utsatta kvinnor är alltmer vanligt i det svenska samhället. Både myndigheter och ideella organisationer arbetar aktivt för att öka de utsatta kvinnornas ställning på arbetsmarknaden. Arbetet är utformat genom varierande insatser och åtgärder. Studien visar att arbetet med de utsatta kvinnorna sker i samverkan mellan de inblandade parterna. Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att undersöka de professionella som arbetar med utsatta kvinnor i verksamheter, angående deras arbetsätt. Studien fokuserar på att lyfta fram metoder, kompetenser, förhållningssätt och samarbetspartners inom verksamheter för utsatta kvinnor. Undersökningen har relaterats till Socialtjänstlagen, anknytande rapporter, Motiverande samtal (MI) och den konstruktivistiska vägledningen. Studien visar att intervjupersonerna som arbetar med utsatta kvinnor arbetar utifrån samtalsmetoden MI och har ett konstruktivistiskt förhållningssätt. Vidare visar studien att bemötande, utbildning, erfarenheter, kunskap om kvinnors utsatthet samt kunskap om kvinnors valmöjligheter är viktiga kompetenser. Avslutningsvis diskuteras slutsatsernas relevans för studie- och yrkesvägledarprofessionen.
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Relação do hábito alimentar e polimorfismos da MTHFR C677T com a instabilidade genômica em fumicultores gaúchosFernandes, Simone Pereira January 2012 (has links)
O dano genético pode ocorrer espontaneamente sob circunstâncias metabólicas normais e pode ser potencializado em situações de deficiência dietética e exposição excessiva a mutagênicos e carcinogênicos ambientais. As deficiências de ácido fólico, vitamina B6 e vitamina B12 podem levar a um aumento nos níveis e alterações na metilação do DNA. MTHFR é a enzima chave na via de metabolização do folato e o polimorfismo MTHFR C677T conduz à redução na atividade da enzima. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar influências da ingestão dos micronutrientes B12, B6 e folato (B9), do polimorfismo MTHFR C677T na instabilidade genômica de indivíduos expostos ocupacionalmente a pesticidas. O estudo envolveu 69 homens e 41 mulheres (n= 110) com uma idade média 42,3 ± 13,32 anos no qual 42 (38,2%) deles apresentaram peso normal, 51 (46,4%) sobrepeso e 15 (13,6%) obesidade grau I, todos os indivíduos da amostra são fumicultores de Venâncio Aires e Santa Cruz do Sul (estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil). A genotipagem do polimorfismo MTHFR C677T foi realizada pelo método PCR-RFLP. Os dados de dano de DNA foram avaliados pelos biomarcadores de exposição ocupacional ensaio cometa e micronúcleo. O status nutricional foi avaliado com base na média de 3 recordatórios de 24 horas (coletados em 3 dias não consecutivos , incluindo um final de semana em um intervalo de 4 meses). A ingestão dos micronutrientes foi estimada usando o programa nutricional Food Processor SQL 10.9. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre idade e tempo de exposição a pesticidas para os parâmetros analisados. Encontramos aumento na frequência de micronúcleo de linfócitos em indivíduos com ingestão inadequada de folato e vitamina B12, apresentando diferença significativa (P = 0,030) e (P = 0,014) respectivamente quando comparados com os indivíduos com ingestão adequada. Dano de DNA não mostrou resultados significativos quando relacionados com tabagismo, anos de exposição, IMC e polimorfismo MTHFR C677T. A correlação entre dano do DNA, ingestão de folato, B6 e B12 e o polimorfismo MTHFR não apresentou significância. Em conclusão, nossos resultados indicaram que a adequação de folato para valores ≥ 320 μg /dia e vitamina B12 ≥ 2,0 μg /dia, nesta amostra exposta, estaria protegendo da ação mutagênica dos pesticidas. A dieta adequada, tanto em folato quanto em vitamina B12 poderia estar auxiliando em um reparo de DNA adequado sugerindo um fator de proteção nesses indivíduos. / Genetic damage can occur spontaneously under normal metabolic circumstances and can also be present in situations of dietary deficiency or inadequate intake of nutrients and excessive exposure to environmental mutagens. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of the intake of micronutrients B12, B6 and folate and of polymorphism MTHFR C677T in the induction of DNA damage in individuals exposed to pesticides. The study involved 69 men and 41 women who were tobacco farmers in the region of Venâncio Aires (State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil). DNA damage was analyzed by the Comet Test and Micronucleus Test (MN); dietary intake was evaluated based on the mean of three 24-hour Diet Recall questionnaires. The nutrient intake data were computerized and estimated in the Food Processor SQL 10.9 program. The DNA damage results showed a significant increase in MN frequency in the lymphocytes of individuals who had an inadequate intake of folate and B12 (P = 0.030 and P = 0.014, respectively). No significant association was found between DNA damage and polymorphism MTHFR C677T. Correlations between DNA damage and polymorphism MTHFR C677T and nutrient intake were not significant. In conclusion, our results indicated that the adequate intake of folate (≥ 320 μg /day) and vitamin B12 (≥ 2,0 μg /day) can provide protection from the mutagenic action of pesticides. A dietary adaptation of folate and B12 can ensure adequate repair, showing that diet is a protective factor in this population.
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Utilization of expanded programme on immunisation and integrated management of childhood illnesses for tracking and management of HIV-exposed babiesMagagula, Anne Rose Nthabiseng 26 October 2015 (has links)
The study sought to determine the meaning and interpretation by facility managers and nurses on utilisation of expanded programme on immunisation and integrated management of childhood illnesses (EPI and IMCI) programmes for follow-up and antibody testing of HIV-exposed infants (HEI) at 18 months. Also to understand the factors within the health systems that influence the follow-up and antibody testing. The study setting selected was six facilities in Steve Tshwete subdistrict in Nkangala district of Mpumalanga province in South Africa.
The study used a hermeneutic phenomenology using in-depth interviews for collecting data from 4 facility managers and 12 nurses. The major themes that emerged from the interviews were referral, defaulting, integration, stigma, and off-site ART initiation within the health system. These were found to influence the utilisation of HEI and IMCI services for follow-up and management of HEI. It was also found that the importance of integrating the management of HEI into the EPI and IMCI cannot be overemphasised. It was concluded that the Health Department needs to be vigilant and use all available resources to manage HEI to meet the MDG 4 of prevention of infant mortality / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)
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