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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La notion de fait dans la jurisprudence classique : étude sur les principes de la distinction entre fait et droit / The notion of fact in classical jurisprudence : a study on the principles of the distinction between fact and law

Cornu-Thénard, Nicolas 18 March 2011 (has links)
Telle qu’elle est conçue à l’origine par les jurisconsultes romains, la distinction entre fait etdroit a une fonction méthodologique. Elle oppose, pour l’essentiel, deux types d’enquêtes dont peutdépendre la résolution d’un conflit en justice. L’une a une portée générale, la quaestio iuris ; l’autrene regarde que la seule espèce en cause, la quaestio facti. Les juristes apprécient, suivant chaquesituation envisagée, celle des deux approches qui résoudra le litige de la manière la plusconvaincante.Leurs réflexions sont conditionnées, à cet égard, par les difficultés que suscite l’interpretatiofacti. Le risque de dissoudre l’expression du ius dans l’extraordinaire disparité des faits inciteparfois à privilégier des raisonnements de portée générale. La démarche se caractérise alors par soncaractère artificiel : le fait envisagé est, dans cette hypothèse, le fruit d’une construction. Par uneffort de définition, chaque circonstance est réduite en une notion générique, avant d’êtreconfrontée à la règle de droit. La qualification est alors proprement juridique : elle permet derésoudre le conflit dans le cadre d’une quaestio iuris.Cependant, certaines situations concrètes, par leur singularité, rendent de tels raisonnementsinadaptés. Aussi une autre approche est-elle parfois privilégiée. Elle suppose d’étendre les pouvoirsde l’interprète, en lui permettant d’apprécier chaque circonstance en cause dans le cadre d’unexamen d’espèce. La qualification procède alors d’une quaestio facti. Cette démarche caractérise laprotection prétorienne de la possession ; elle inspire surtout, en substance, la concession des actionsin factum. / As originally conceived by Roman jurists, the distinction between fact and law has amethodological purpose. It confronts, essentially, two types of inquiries used to resolve a dispute incourt. One is general in scope, the quaestio iuris ; the other pertains only to a single case, thequaestio facti. According to each situation, jurists assess the approach that will resolve the disputein the most convincing way.Their thoughts are conditioned, in this respect, by the complexity of interpretatio facti. Therisk of dissolving the ius in the extraordinary disparity of facts may at times lead to a reasoning thatis general in scope. The approach is then artificial : the fact is considered, in this case, as a result ofa construction. A definition allows each circumstance to be reduced to a generic concept, beforebeing confronted to the legal rule. In this case, the evaluation is precisely legal : it resolves theconflict in the frame of a quaestio iuris.However, such appreciation may be inadequate for certain singular situations. Thereforeanother approach is sometimes favored. It involves extending the powers of the interpreter in orderto assess a circumstance through the examination of each concrete case. The evaluation is thencarried out within the quaestio facti framework. This characterizes the Praetorian protection ofpossession, and inspires above all, in essence, the concession of actiones in factum.

Characterization of the KASH domain gene unc-83 and the pseudogene F55A3.7

Ofenbauer, Andreas 19 September 2019 (has links)
Mein Ziel war es, genetische Faktoren in C. elegans zu identifizieren, die eine Rolle bei induzierter Transdifferenzierung durch Missexpression des Transkriptionsfaktors (TF) HLH-1, welcher das Wurmhomolog des myogenen bHLH TF MyoD ist, spielen. Ich entwickelte hierzu einen semiautomatischen Hochdurchsatz-Vorwärtsgenetik-Screen, indem ich EMS Mutagenese mit dem Biosorter-System (Union Biometrica) kombinierte. Mit diesem Ansatz ist es mir gelungen, die Mutante bar18 zu isolieren, die eine Anhäufung an Muskelzellkernen um den posterioren Teil des Pharynx zeigt. Ich identifizierte den mutierten Lokus, indem ich das gesamte Genom sequenzierte und charakterisierte den mutanten Phänotyp im Detail. Zusätzlich war ich bei der Charakterisierung von Faktoren, die das Umprogrammieren zu neuronalen Zellen in C. elegans verhindern, beteiligt. Dabei stand der sogenannte FACT-Komplex im Focus, welcher mittels eines genom-weiten RNAi-Screen in unserer Arbeitsgruppe identifiziert wurde. Interessanterweise ist eine der FACT-Komplex-Untereinheiten, spt-16, das parentale Gen zu dem bislang nicht charakterisierten Pseudogen F55A3.7. Eine putative Null-Mutante von F55A3.7, in Kombination mit ubiquitärer Überexpression von CHE-1, zeigte einen Keimzellen-zu-Neuronen Transdifferenzierungsphänotyp ähnlich dem Phänotypen, der nach dem Knock-down der FACT-Komponente hmg-3 beobachtet wird. Unseres Wissens nach ist dies das erste Beispiel einen Pseudogens, dessen Knock-down dazu führt, dass ein bestimmtes Gewebe durch einen terminalen Selektor-TF reprogrammiert werden kann, dessen Expression unter normalen Konditionen dies nicht zur Folge hätte. Aufgrund dieser Einzigartigkeit, habe ich das Pseudogen F55A3.7 charakterisiert und außerdem versucht, einen Mechanismus zu finden, wie F55A3.7 die Keimbahnidentität schützt. / My aim was to identify and characterize genetic factors in C. elegans that play a role in induced transdifferentiation by mis-expressing the transcription factor (TF) HLH-1, which is the worm homolog of the myogenic bHLH TF MyoD. For this, I developed a semi-automated high-throughput forward genetic screen combining EMS mutagenesis with the Biosorter system (Union Biometrica). When mis-expressed, HLH-1 induces muscle fate in early embryonic cells, but terminally differentiated cells are resistant to HLH-1-induced direct reprogramming. In order to identify mechanisms that antagonize HLH-1-induced reprogramming, I used a transgenic line allowing ectopic expression of hlh-1 in combination with a reporter for muscle fate. Using this approach, I isolated the mutant bar18, showing an accumulation of muscle cell nuclei around the posterior pharyngeal bulb. I identified the mutated locus using whole genome sequencing and characterized the identified gene and the mutant phenotype further. Additionally, I was also involved in characterizing the FACT complex, which was identified through a whole-genome RNAi screen conducted by my colleague Ena Kolundžić. This reverse genetic screen aimed at identifying factors that play a role in induced transdifferentiation by mis-expressing the TF CHE-1, a Zn-finger TF essential for terminal differentiation of glutamatergic ASE neurons. Interestingly, one of the FACT complex members, spt-16, is the parental gene of a previously uncharacterized pseudogene named F55A3.7. A putative null mutant of F55A3.7, combined with broad overexpression of CHE-1, showed a germ cells to neurons transdifferentiation phenotype. To our knowledge, this is the first example of a pseudogene whose depletion leads to the permissiveness of a certain tissue to be reprogrammed when challenged by a terminal selector TF. Due to this uniqueness, I characterized the pseudogene F55A3.7 and tried to find a potential mechanism for how F55A3.7 safeguards germline identity.

Stellenwert wasserbezogener Rehabilitationsmaßnahmen bei Stomaträgern: Ergebnisse eines Pilotprojekts und Literaturübersicht

Putz, Juliane, Borkowetz, Angelika, Schlumberger, Gina Benita, Huber, Johannes, Thomas, Christian 19 March 2024 (has links)
Die Anlage eines Hautstomas nach exenterativen Beckeneingriffen stellt für Betroffene einen drastischen Einschnitt in die körperliche Integrität dar. Vielfach führen ästhetische und funktionelle Bedenken dazu, dass wasserbezogene Angebote zur Rehabilitation nicht genutzt werden. Fragestellung: Ziel war es, im Rahmen des Pilotprojekts „UROAquaFIT“ die Möglichkeit einer wasserbezogenen Rehabilitationsmaßnahme für Patienten nach Zystektomie mit inkontinenter Harnableitung zu evaluieren. Methode: Im Rahmen des Pilotkurses „UROAquaFIT“ wurde Patienten nach radikaler Zystektomie mit inkontinenter Harnableitung die Möglichkeit einer wasserbezogenen Rehabilitationsmaßnahme angeboten. Aufgeteilt in Kleingruppen erfolgte ein Wassergymnastikkurs unter Anleitung einer Physiotherapeutin und einer Stomatherapeutin unter ärztlicher Aufsicht. Daten zur Lebensqualität und der persönlichen Beurteilung des Kurses mittels Fragebögen wurden vor Beginn und 6 Monate nach Kursende erhoben und qualitativ ausgewertet. Darüber hinaus erfolgte eine Literaturrecherche (MEDLINE) zum Thema Aquagymnastik in der Onkologie. Ergebnis und Diskussion: Das Kursangebot wurde von allen Teilnehmern als durchweg positiv und bereichernd empfunden. Wohlbefinden und Selbstwertgefühl der Probanden konnten gesteigert werden. Wassergymnastik unter gezielter physio- und stomatherapeutischer Anleitung kann somit eine höchst effektive Rehabilitationsmaßnahme für Patienten nach inkontinenter Harnableitung darstellen. Darüber hinaus stärkt sie die körperliche Integrität der Betroffenen und erweitert somit die Möglichkeiten der sozialen Reintegration. Diese Form der Therapie sollte als fester Baustein in der Rehabilitation nach exenterativen Beckeneingriffen mit Stomaanlage verankert werden.

Contact at all costs? : domestic violence child contact and the practices of the family courts and professionals

Barnett, Adrienne Elise January 2014 (has links)
This thesis explores the practices and perceptions of the courts and professionals in child contact proceedings where domestic violence is an issue and the implications of this for mothers, with particular reference to Practice Direction 12J which establishes the framework for best practice to be followed in such proceedings. In-depth interviews were undertaken with 29 family lawyers and Cafcass officers covering a broad geographic and demographic area, and the reported cases to which the Practice Direction applies were reviewed. The resulting data were analysed utilising discourse analytic and qualitative approaches, drawing on a feminist poststructuralist approach and also insights from autopoietic theory. It was found that the ‘presumption of contact’ and an acontextual, legalistic approach to domestic violence reinforce each other and have a powerful normative influence on professional and judicial perceptions and practices. Dominant parental subjectivities of ‘implacably hostile mothers’ and ‘safe family men’ continue to resonate with many courts and professionals, who focus on promoting contact rather than safeguarding mothers and children. Despite more judges and professionals gaining a broader understanding of the coercively controlling nature of domestic violence, only recent, very severe physical violence warrants the holding of fact-finding hearings on disputed allegations and provides sufficiently ‘cogent’ reasons for family lawyers to support mothers in opposing contact and for courts to refuse contact. The notion that domestic violence is morally reprehensible and a significant failure in parenting, and that women’s desires for safety, wellbeing and autonomy are morally legitimate, finds very little expression. This study concludes that in order to regain a valid and authoritative voice for women in current family law we need to expose and disrupt law’s construction of the ‘scientific truth’ about children’s welfare, the dominant parental subjectivities to which it gives rise, and the ‘safe haven’ of law’s ideal post-separation family.

Computational Journalism: from Answering Question to Questioning Answers and Raising Good Questions

Wu, You January 2015 (has links)
<p>Our media is saturated with claims of ``facts'' made from data. Database research has in the past focused on how to answer queries, but has not devoted much attention to discerning more subtle qualities of the resulting claims, e.g., is a claim ``cherry-picking''? This paper proposes a Query Response Surface (QRS) based framework that models claims based on structured data as parameterized queries. A key insight is that we can learn a lot about a claim by perturbing its parameters and seeing how its conclusion changes. This framework lets us formulate and tackle practical fact-checking tasks --- reverse-engineering vague claims, and countering questionable claims --- as computational problems. Within the QRS based framework, we take one step further, and propose a problem along with efficient algorithms for finding high-quality claims of a given form from data, i.e. raising good questions, in the first place. This is achieved to using a limited number of high-valued claims to represent high-valued regions of the QRS. Besides the general purpose high-quality claim finding problem, lead-finding can be tailored towards specific claim quality measures, also defined within the QRS framework. An example of uniqueness-based lead-finding is presented for ``one-of-the-few'' claims, landing in interpretable high-quality claims, and an adjustable mechanism for ranking objects, e.g. NBA players, based on what claims can be made for them. Finally, we study the use of visualization as a powerful way of conveying results of a large number of claims. An efficient two stage sampling algorithm is proposed for generating input of 2d scatter plot with heatmap, evalutaing a limited amount of data, while preserving the two essential visual features, namely outliers and clusters. For all the problems, we present real-world examples and experiments that demonstrate the power of our model, efficiency of our algorithms, and usefulness of their results.</p> / Dissertation

Rôles distincts des différentes formes de méthylation de H3K4 dans deux mécanismes de répression transcriptionnelle et mise en évidence d'une nouvelle voie de surveillance moléculaire liée à l'excès d'histones libres / Disctincts roles for different formes of H3K4 methylation in two transcriptional repression mechanisms and discovery of a new molecular surveillance pathway linked to an excess of free histones

Oréal, Vincent 01 July 2010 (has links)
Les relations entre les histones qui composent les nucléosomes et le processus de transcription des gènes codants, sont à la fois multiples et extrêmement complexes. Au cours de ma thèse, je me suis intéressé à deux de ces relations. Tout d’abord, une première étude a été réalisée en collaboration avec les laboratoires de Franck Holstege et de Catherine Dargemont. Ce travail permet de préciser clairement l’effet des différentes formes de méthylation de la lysine 4 de l’histone H3 sur l’activité transcriptionnelle. Dans cette étude nous démontrons que la méthylation de H3K4 n’influence la transcription que d’un nombre très limité de gènes. Concernant ces gènes, un profil non conventionnel de distribution des formes de méthylation de H3K4 a été identifié par la présence inhabituelle d’un enrichissement en 3’ de ces gène des formes di- et triméthylées de H3K4.L’effet majoritaire de cette marque est d’induire une répression transcriptionnelle selon au moins deux mécanismes distincts. L’enrichissement atypique de la triméthylation de H3K4 influence négativement l’expression des gènes via la production d’ARN non codant anti-sens. Concernant l’effet répressif associé à la diméthylation de H3K4, la quantité d’ARN anti-sens ainsi que sa production ne sont pas impliquées.Dans une seconde étude réalisée en collaboration avec les laboratoires de Sebastian Chavez etd’Akash Gunjan, nous nous sommes intéressés au complexe FACT qui est impliqué dans l’assemblage et le désassemblage des nucléosomes lors du passage de l’ARN polymérase II. Jusqu’alors, un défaut de croissance chez les mutants thermosensibles du complexe FACT avait pu être observé. Dans notre étude, nous montrons que l’altération de FACT conduit, lors de la transcription, à l’éviction d’histones normalement incorporées à la chromatine. L’accumulation de ces histones libres à fort potentiel toxique, induit une répression spécifique de CLN3 qui code pour la première cycline dephase G1. Pour la première fois, nous mettons en évidence dans cette étude l’existence d’un mécanisme de surveillance moléculaire du cycle cellulaire induit par l’excès d’histones non incorporées à la chromatine / Relationships between histones, components of nucleosomes, and the transcription process of coding genes are both multiple and extremely complex. During my Thesis, I looked at twoof these relationships. First, we performed a study in collaboration with the Franck Holstedge and Catherine Dargemont labs. This work has allowed us to clearly define the effect of various methylation forms of the lysine 4 of the histone 3 on gene transcription. In this study we have shownthat H3K4 methylation influences the transcription of only a very limited number of genes. For these genes, a non conventional distribution profile of H3K4 methylation forms has been identified by the presence of an unusual enrichment in di- and trimethylated H3K4 in the 3’ of these genes. The principal effect of this mark is to promote transcriptional repression by at least two distinct mechanisms. The atypical enrichment of H3K4 trimethylation negatively influences gene expressionvia the production of non coding antisense RNA. For the repressive effect associated with dimethylH3K4, the quantity of antisense RNA as well as its production are not involved. We propose severalh ypotheses that link our results to the data known on this subject. In a second study performed incollaboration with the Sebastian Chavez and Akash Gunjan labs, we concentrated on the FACT complex that is involved in the assembly and disassembly of nucleosomes as RNA polymerase IImoves past. Previously, a growth defect in thermosensitive mutants of the FACT complex had been observed. In our study, we show that FACT deterioration leads to the eviction of histones that arenormally incorporated into chromatin during transcription. The accumulation of these free histones,which have a high toxic potential, induces the specific repression of CLN3 which encodes for the firstcyclin of G1 phase. For the first time, we show in this study the existence of a cell cycle molecular surveillance mechanism that is induced by an excess of free histones

Faktický koncern (vybrané otázky) / Holding company as matter of fact (selected issues)

Zvolánek, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
Holding company as matter of fact In the 19th century the concept of artificial legal persons as independent legal entities separate from their shareholders was created. The joining of companies into corporate groups is in contradiction with the abovementioned concept. Nevertheless, corporate groups are a reality and every legislator had to deal with this issue and create sufficient legislation, considering the protection of minority shareholders on the one hand and the possibilities of the evolution of corporate groups on the other hand. Current Czech legislation regarding corporate groups is more than 10 years old and yet there are still contradictions in the interpretation of the basic provisions of the law of corporate groups amongst experts. My thesis is divided into two parts: the first part consists of the interpretation of the basic provisions of the Commercial Code regarding corporate groups. I used all the basic methods of interpretation, especially the comparison of different expert opinions to provide complex and clear interpretation. The goal of the first part was to point out the abovementioned contradictions and offer my own point of view to readers. In the second part of the thesis, I focused on the option of the holding company to force the controlled company to enter into an...

Language-Switching Costs in Bilingual Mathematics Learning

Hahn, Christian 19 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

"Princesa do Madeira": Os festejos entre as populações ribeirinhas de Humaitá/AM. / "Princess of the Madeira" - the festivities of the peasant populations wich live on the shores of the Madeira River in Humaitá, State of Amazonas.

Corrêa, Maria Terezinha 25 November 2002 (has links)
Este trabalho pretende analisar os dois principais festejos celebrados pelas populações ribeirinhas de Humaitá, situada no sul do estado do Amazonas. Trata-se dos festejos de Nossa Senhora da Imaculada Conceição e de Santo Antônio que ocorrem no local a respeito do qual há duas versões: uma oficial e outra de origem indígena. A primeira versão marca o lugar da fundação do município, conhecido como “Princesa do Madeira". A rua onde acontecem os eventos leva o nome do fundador, Monteiro. A Segunda, refere-se a um tempo preexistente à fundação e ao lugar conhecido pelos Parintintin como “Porto da Anta". A partir dessas duas versões, a investigação dos festejos como fatos sociais totais permitiu tratar de elementos liminares submersos e que remetem a regimes de troca diferenciados dessas populações. Procura-se interpretar teias de significados que se configuram nos festejos, discutindo, ao mesmo tempo, tensões sociais que ali se revelam. Os festejos de Santo Antônio e da Imaculada Conceição são homenagens aos padroeiros do município. Todos os anos, esses santos recebem formas de agradecimento pelos benefícios atendidos e pela renovação dos laços de parentesco e de compadrio. Esses dois festejos coincidem com a entrada das estações amazônicas, relacionando-se, portanto, ao modo de vida do campesinato amazônida. / This work intends to analize the two principal festivities of the peasant populations which live on the shores of the Madeira River in Humaitá, State of Amazonas. It concerns the festivities of Nossa Senhora da Imaculada Conceição and of Santo Antônio. Two versions deal with the origins of the location on which the festivities occur: one official, another indigenous. The first version is an account of the foundation of the municipality, the "Princess of the Madeira". The second refers to a time prior to the foundation, when the location was known as the "Porto da Anta" by the indigenous Parintintin. Assuming these two versions as starting points, this research investigates the festivities as total social facts. Liminal elements, which are detected in the festivities, permit us to discuss different regimes of exchange which are significant to the populations which take part in the festivities. The attempt is made to interpret webs of meaning which emerge during the festivities, as well as the social tensions which are there revealed. By means of these festivities, homage every year these saints become the recipients of expressions of gratitude for the benefits bestowed on the population and for the renewal of blood and spiritual kinship relations. These two festivities coincide with the beginnings of seasonal cycles of the Amazon, and are deeply related to the daily lives of peasants populations of the region.

La révision en matère pénale / the procédure of retrial

Goetz, Dorothée 08 September 2015 (has links)
La cohabitation entre la révision en matière pénale et l’autorité de la chose jugée constitue la pierre angulaire de notre réflexion. En effet, en autorisant la remise en cause d’une décision définitive, la révision déroge au principe cardinal de l’immutabilité des décisions de justice une fois celles-ci revêtues de l’autorité de la chose jugée. Dès lors, en matière de révision, la difficulté consiste, pour le législateur et les juges, à trouver le bon équilibre entre ces deux impératifs afin d’organiser une révision qui concilie le respect dû à la chose jugée et l’exigence de justice liée à la réparation des erreurs de fait commises par les juridictions répressives. L’étude démontre qu’antérieurement à la réforme de la révision par la loi n° 2014-640 du 20 juin 2014, le choix de la logique oppositionnelle entre le pourvoi en révision et l’autorité de la chose jugée l’avait emporté. C’est ainsi qu’il était fait droit à une conception plutôt restrictive et fermée de la révision, orientation préjudiciable à l’éclosion des aspects pourtant libéraux de la loi n° 89-431 du 23 juin 1989. L’antagonisme entre le pourvoi en révision et l’autorité de la chose jugée est toujours perceptible dans le nouveau texte. Cette retenue n’est pas sans conséquences sur la qualité du texte et sur ses nouvelles prétentions. / The coexistence between the procedure of retrial in criminal matters and the authority of res judicata is the cornerstone of this analysis. Understood as an authorization to question a final decision, the procedure of retrial reflects an exception to the fundamental principle of immutability of the judgments which have gained the authority of res judicata. Therefore, the challenge for legislators and judges in matters of revision is to find the right balance between those two imperatives and to organize a review procedure which reconciles the respect of res judicata and the related necessity to repair justice errors made by the criminal courts. The study shows that prior to the reform of the retrial procedure by Act No. 2014-640 of June 20, 2014, the choice of understanding the retrial as opposed to the authority of res judicata had prevailed. Consequently it had granted a rather restrictive design to the review procedure, and had damaged by the same, the rather liberal aspects of Law No. 89-431 of June 23, 1989. However, the antagonism between retrial and the authority of res judicata is still noticeable in the new text. This restraint is not without consequences to the quality of that text and to any new claims referring to the latter.

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