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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Brilliant radiation sources by laser-plasma accelerators and optical undulators

Debus, Alexander January 2012 (has links)
This thesis investigates the use of high-power lasers for synchrotron radiation sources with high brilliance, from the EUV to the hard X-ray spectral range. Hereby lasers accelerate electrons by laser-wakefield acceleration (LWFA), act as optical undulators, or both. Experimental evidence shows for the first time that LWFA electron bunches are shorter than the driving laser and have a length scale comparable to the plasma wavelength. Furthermore, a first proof of principle experiment demonstrates that LWFA electrons can be exploited to generate undulator radiation. Building upon these experimental findings, as well as extensive numerical simulations of Thomson scattering, the theoretical foundations of a novel interaction geometry for laser-matter interaction are developed. This new method is very general and when tailored towards relativistically moving targets not being limited by the focusability (Rayleigh length) of the laser, while it does not require a waveguide. In a theoretical investigation of Thomson scattering, the optical analogue of undulator radiation, the limits of Thomson sources in scaling towards higher peak brilliances are highlighted. This leads to a novel method for generating brilliant, highly tunable X-ray sources, which is highly energy efficient by circumventing the laser Rayleigh limit through a novel traveling-wave Thomson scattering (TWTS) geometry. This new method suggests increases in X-ray photon yields of 2-3 orders of magnitudes using existing lasers and a way towards efficient, optical undulators to drive a free-electron laser. The results presented here extend far beyond the scope of this work. The possibility to use lasers as particle accelerators, as well as optical undulators, leads to very compact and energy efficient synchrotron sources. The resulting monoenergetic radiation of high brilliance in a range from extreme ultraviolet (EUV) to hard X-ray radiation is of fundamental importance for basic research, medical applications, material and life sciences and is going to significantly contribute to a new generation of radiation sources and free-electron lasers (FELs).

Entrepreneurial Venture Failure Experiences : An analysis into causes, costs, and outcomes of venture failure / Företagande misslyckande erfarenheter : En analys i orsaker, kostnader och resultat av företagets misslyckande

Piadehbasmenj, Amirali January 2016 (has links)
Research on entrepreneurship focuses on success which ignores the high failure rate of new ventures. Many new ventures fail so how entrepreneurs deal with it when their venture fails? Successful entrepreneurs praising the advantages of failure as a valuable teacher. The result of failure is regularly filled with economic, social, psychological, and physical health disorder. The aim of this research is to assessment venture failure experiences for entrepreneurs, from the instant result through to recovery for coping with entrepreneurial failure and exit for impact of the closed venture. In this research, aspects of life affected by entrepreneurial failure examine economically, socially and psychologically in highlighting factors that may influence the amount of costs of failure. Next, the research describes how entrepreneurs learn from failure. It presents on the outcomes of venture failure, including coping with failure and recovery together with cognitive and behavioral outcomes. The main objective of the research study is to understand the failure from entrepreneurs who have experienced it and also to make a theoretical framework of failure based on entrepreneurial venture failure experiences. Every entrepreneur starts up a venture with high expectations of achieving success. Failure can be emotionally disturbing, devastating, painful, distressing and costly for the entrepreneur who may have to aspect the stigma of failure and the loss of reputation. The entrepreneur can get involved in grief, heartache, anxiety, depression, shame, rejection and discouragement (Politis & Gabrielsson, 2009). The purpose of the research is to investigate how entrepreneurs realize and react to venture failure. Moreover, entrepreneurs are looking for positive aspects of failure as enhancing experiences that help their coping with entrepreneurial failure, learning from failure, the willingness to begin a new venture and also trigger changes in upcoming decision-making. The purpose of the research is to take a view of the existed experience of failure, taking into consideration impact from the entrepreneurship. / Forskning om entreprenörskap fokuserar på framgång som ignorerar den höga felfrekvensen av nya företag. Många nya företag misslyckas så hur entreprenörer hantera det när deras företag misslyckas? Framgångsrika entreprenörer prisar fördelarna med misslyckande som en värdefull lärare. Resultatet av misslyckande regelbundet fylld med ekonomiska, sociala, psykologiska och fysiska hälsoproblem. Syftet med denna forskning är att bedöma företagets misslyckande upplevelser för företagare, från det ögonblick resultatet genom att återhämtningen för att hantera företagande fel och avsluta för påverkan av den slutna företag. I denna forskning aspekter av livet som påverkas av entreprenörs fel undersöka ekonomiskt, socialt och psykologiskt att belysa faktorer som kan påverka mängden av kostnaderna för ett misslyckande. Därefter beskriver forskningen hur entreprenörer lära av misslyckanden. Den presenterar på resultaten av företagets misslyckande, inklusive hantera fel och återhämtning tillsammans med kognitiva och beteendemässiga utfall.

Oral Feedback in the English Classroom : Teachers' Thoughts and Awareness

Rydahl, Susanna January 2006 (has links)
<p>The main aim of this paper was to find out if and how teachers in upper secondary school use oral feedback when they correct their students' oral mistakes. I also wanted to find out which approach the teachers find most useful and if they use different approaches depending on the error made by the student.</p><p>I have found that the majority of the teachers find oral feedback as an important tool to help students achieve a higher proficiency in a second and foreign language. My results also show that feedback is most often used when the student makes errors regarding content and pronunciation. Most of my respondents are aware of the necessity of applying different feedback approaches to different errors made by the students. My investigation shows that teachers chose to give feedback on different occasions, both directly, but more commonly, indirectly, to a single student or later on to a full class. Most teachers also prefer a mix of feedback approaches depending on the specific student and situation.</p><p>My intention with this study has also been to determine what factors influence the students' uptake. My respondents have, among several factors, stressed the importance of comfortable learning situations, students' personal interest and size of group.</p>

Marknadseffektivitet och det systematiska felet : Finansanalytikers och Ekonomijournalisters marknadspåverkan / Market Efficiency and the Systematical Error

Wiman, Robin, Persson, Alexander January 2015 (has links)
Forskningen kring effektiva marknader är uppdelad; ena sidan påstår att marknaden är fullständigt effektiv och det inte går att skapa någon form av överavkastning. Andra sidan hävdar tvärtemot att endast historisk information reflekteras i dagens priser. På kort sikt kan det finns en viss ineffektivitet och de flesta erkänner att marknaden innehåller anomalier Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om det existerar systematiska fel beträffande informationsflöden som pekar mot att den svenska aktiemarknaden inte är av semi-stark form eller stark form av effektivitet Vi utgår från tre metodologiska ställningstaganden; utgångspunkt, forskningsansats samt kunskapssyn. En deduktivt kvantitativ metod tillämpas och vi applicerar metoden för event study. Vi finner stöd för att det finns systematiska fel i marknaden beträffande informationsflöden i form av aktierekommendationer. Resultaten antyder att den svenska aktiemarknaden inte är av starkt effektiv form och i ett fall av fyra finner vi att den inte heller besitter semi-stark form. / Research concerning efficient markets are divided into two camps; the one hand, claims that the market is fully efficient and it is not possible to create any kind of excess returns. The other side argues the contrary that only historical information are reflected in today’s prices. Short term, there is some inefficiency and most recognize that the market contain anomalies The purpose is to investigate whether there exist indications regarding flows of information to the Swedish stock market suggesting a semi-strong form or strong form of efficiency. We start from three methodological statements; starting point, the research approach and epistemological beliefs. A deductive quantitative methodology is used, and we apply the method of event study. We find evidence for the existence of systematic errors in the market in terms of flows of information in the form of stock recommendations. The results suggest that the Swedish stock market is not of the strong efficient form and in one case out of four, we find that it does not possess the semi-strong form.

THz Near-Field Microscopy and Spectroscopy / THz Nahfeld Mikroskopie und Spektroskopie

von Ribbeck, Hans-Georg 02 April 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Imaging with THz radiation at nanoscale resolution is highly desirable for specific material investigations that cannot be obtained in other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. Nevertheless, classical free-space focusing of THz waves is limited to a >100 μm spatial resolution, due to the diffraction limit. However, the scattering- type scanning near-field optical microscopy (s-SNOM) promises to break this diffraction barrier. In this work, the realization of s-SNOM and spectroscopy for the THz spectral region from 30–300 μm (1–10 THz) is presented. This has been accomplished by using two inherently different radiation sources at distinct experimental setups: A femtosecond laser driven photoconductive antenna, emitting pulsed broadband THz radiation from 0.2–2 THz and a free-electron laser (FEL) as narrow-band high-intensity source, tunable from 1.3–10 THz. With the photoconductive antenna system, it was demonstrated for the first time that near-field spectroscopy using broadband THz-pulses, is achievable. Hereby, Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy with a mechanical delay stage (THz-TDS) was realized to obtain spectroscopic s-SNOM information, with an additional asynchronous optical sampling (ASOPS) option for rapid far-field measurements. The near-field spectral capabilities of the microscope are demonstrated with measurements on gold and on variably doped silicon samples. Here it was shown that the spectral response follows the theoretical prediction according to the Drude and the dipole model. While the broadband THz-TDS based s-SNOM in principle allows for the parallel recording of the full spectral response, the weak average power of the THz source ultimately limits the technique to optically investigate selected sample locations only. Therefore, for true THz near-field imaging, a FEL as a high-intensity narrow- band but highly-tunable THz source in combination with the s-SNOM technique, has been explored. Here, the characteristic near-field signatures at wavelengths from 35–230 μm are shown. Moreover, the realization of material sensitive THz near-field imaging is demonstrated by optically resolving, a structured gold rod with a reso- lution of up to 60 nm at 98 μm wavelength. Not only can the gold be distinguished from the silica substrate but moreover parts of the structure have been identified to be residual resin from the fabrication process. Furthermore, in order to explore the resolution capabilities of the technique, the near-fields of patterned gold nano- structures (Fischer pattern) were imaged with a 50 nm resolution at wavelengths up to 230 μm (1.2 THz). Finally, the imaging of a topography-independent optical material contrast of embedded organic structures, at exemplary 150 μm wavelength is shown, thereby demonstrating that the recorded near-field signal alone allows us to identify materials on the nanometer scale. The ability to measure spectroscopic images by THz-s-SNOM, will be of benefit to fundamental research into nanoscale composites, nano-structured conductivity phenomena and metamaterials, and furthermore will enable applications in the chemical and electronics industries. / Die Bildgebung mit THz Strahlung im Nanobereich ist höchst wünschenswert für genaue Materialuntersuchungen, welche nicht in anderen Spektralbereichen durchgeführt werden kann. Aufgrund des Beugungslimits ist kann jedoch mit klassischen Methoden keine bessere Auflösung als etwa 100 μm für THz-Strahlung erreicht werden. Die Methode der Streulicht-Nahfeldmikroskopie (s-SNOM) verspricht jedoch dieses Beugungslimit zu durchbrechen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Realisierung der Nahfeld-Mikroskopie und Spektroskopie im THz-Spektralbereich von 30–1500 μm (0.2–10 THz) präsentiert. Dies wurde mittels zweier grundsätzlich unterschiedlichen Strahlungsquellen an separaten Experimentaufbauten erreicht: Einer photoleitenden Antenne welche gepulste breitbandige THz-Strahlung von 0.2–2 THz emittiert, sowie einem Freie- Elektronen Laser (FEL) als schmalbandige hochleistungs Quelle, durchstimmbar von 1.3–10 THz. Mit dem photoleitenden Antennensystem konnte zum ersten mal demonstriert werden, dass mit breitbandigen THz-Pulsen Nahfeldspektroskopie möglich ist. Dazu wurde die übliche THz-Time-Domain-Spektroskopie (THz-TDS) zur Erhaltung der spektroskopischen s-SNOM Informationen, sowie asynchrones optisches Abtasten (ASOPS) für schnelle Fernfeld Spektroskopie eingesetzt. Die nahfeldspektroskopischen Fähigkeiten des Mikroskops wurden anhand von Messungen an Gold sowie unterschiedlich dotierten Siliziumproben demonstriert. Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, dass die spektrale Antwort den theoretischen Voraussagen des Drude- sowie Dipol Modells folgt. Während das breitband THz-TDS basierte s-SNOM spektroskopische Nahfelduntersuchungen zulässt, limitiert jedoch die schwache Ausgangsleistung der THz-quelle diese Technik insofern, dass praktisch nur Punktspektroskopie an ausgesuchten Probenstellen möglich ist. Für echte nanoskopische Nahfeldbildgebung wurde daher ein FEL als durchstimmbare hochleistungs THz-Quelle in Kombination mit der s-SNOM-Technik erforscht. Hierzu wurden die charakteristischen Nahfeld-Signaturen bei Wellenlängen von 35–230 μm untersucht, gefolgt von die Verwirklichung materialsensitiver THz Nahfeldbildgebung gezeigt an Goldstreifen mit bis zu 60 nm Auflösung. Dabei kann nicht nur das Gold von dem Glassubstrat unterschieden werden, sondern auch Ablagerungen als Überreste des Fabrikationsprozesses identifiziert werden. Um die Grenzen der Auflösungsmöglichkeiten dieser Technik zu sondieren, wurden weiterhin die Nahfelder von gemusterten Gold-Nanostrukturen (Fischer-Pattern) bei Wellenlängen bis zu 230 μm (1.2 THz) abgebildet. Hierbei wurde eine Auflösung von 50 nm festgestellt. Schliesslich konnte der topographieunabhängige Materialkontrast von eingebetteten organischen Strukturen, exemplarisch bei 150 μm Wellenlänge, gezeigt werden. Die Fähigkeit, spektroskopische Aufnahmen mittels der THZ-s-SNOM Technik zu erzeugen, wird der Grundlagenforschung und in der Nanotechnologie zu Gute kommen, und weiterhin Anwendungen in der Chemischen- und Halbleiterindustrie ermöglichen.

Begreppet väsentlig betydelse – särskilt i förhållande till köparens undersökningsplikt och säljarens upplysningsplikt / The concept of significant importance - especially in relation to the buyer's duty to investigate and the seller's liability to in-form

Rehn, Patrik January 2012 (has links)
I samband med fastighetsaffärer har ansvaret mellan parterna delats upp så att köparen ansvarar för faktiska fel medan säljaren svarar för andra typer av fel. Köparen har dessutom en långtgående undersökningsplikt för fel som denne inte har möjlighet att senare påkalla mot säljaren. Säljaren har å sin sida en upplysningsplikt som dock inte är generell utan omfattar endast vissa fall. I samband med domen i NJA 2007 s 86 kom frågan om felets väsentliga betydelse för köparen och själva köpet som sådant upp. Tyvärr gjorde HD ingen utförligare utredning av vad som skulle bedömas eller omfattas av begreppet. Till följd av att rättpraxis saknar en utförlig förklaring kring vad som ska omfattas av begreppet väsentlig betydelse trots att det vid flera tillfällen använts i både rättspraxis och doktrinen har detta utgjort grunden för den här uppsatsen. Uppsatsen är framförallt baserad på uppgifter från aktuella rättsfall och doktrin för att genomföra en utredning kring begreppet, dess omfång och kriterier för att begreppet ska kunna vara tillämpligt. Efter den genomförda utredningen står det klart att det finns vissa kriterier som omfattas i bedömningen om felet är av väsentlig betydelse för köparen. Inget av kriterierna som kommit fram kan på egen hand användas för att bedöma begreppet utan dem är beroende av varandra. Dessa kriterier är inte absoluta utan varierar beroende av köparens och fastighetens unika karaktärer. Några av kriterierna är av mer objektiv karaktär och kan bedömas utifrån fastigheten medan andra kriterier är ytterst beroende av den specifika köparen och dennes krav gällande standarden på fastigheten och blir därav av en mer subjektiv karaktär / In connection with a property transaction there are some responsibilities that have been split up between the parties. The buyer of the property has a responsibility to investigate the property before to find out factual errors in the property. On the other side the seller has a kind of responsibility to inform the buyer and the seller is also responsible for other kinds of errors in the property. The buyer of the property do by law not have the right to refer a factual error against the seller that the buyer is supposed to find during the examination of the property at hand. Due to the ruling by the Swedish supreme court in the case NJA 2007 s 86 have the question about an errors essential reason for the transaction and the specific buyer occurred. The Swedish Supreme Court does not investigate further into this why this is the subject of this thesis. The investigation in this thesis have been done by looking into case law from the Swedish courts since there is not much information about the subject to find in the Swedish legislation. The investigations finds out that there are some criteria that need to be evaluated in connection to if a factual error is of essential reason for the buyer and the transaction. There are some criteria that are of a more objective level close to the actual property. On the other side there are also some criteria that are of a more subject material and closely linked to the actual buyer of the property. According to the investigation it is not possible to give an exact ruling about the subject due to the fact that every property and potential buyer is unique.

The effects of formative feedback : A quantitative study of the effects of formative feedback on written proficiency in the Swedish upper secondary school L2 writing classroom

Skarp, Eddie January 2018 (has links)
This independent degree project investigates how formative feedback on written assignments affect Swedish upper secondary school pupils’ writing skills regarding form, what the effects are, and if the effects are the same for pupils in different ability bands. This was done by a time series analysis of tests where a collection of texts from pupils in different ability bands (E, C, and A) in two different classes was collected. All errors in the texts were counted and categorised, as well with the teachers’ highlighted errors on the pupils’ texts. The errors were further calculated into number of errors per 100 words due to different lengths of the texts. The results showed that there was a somewhat positive effect of the teachers’ feedback overall, and that pupils in lower ability bands processed feedback more effectively than pupils in higher ability bands. However, the results also suggested that in order to fully draw conclusions such as these, a statistical study is necessary to strengthen the results due to the low numbers in the results. The pedagogical implications found showed that teachers need to work differently with feedback for high-grade pupils. In order to do so, teacher education programs must emphasise this and address to teachers how to do this.

Oral Feedback in the English Classroom : Teachers' Thoughts and Awareness

Rydahl, Susanna January 2006 (has links)
The main aim of this paper was to find out if and how teachers in upper secondary school use oral feedback when they correct their students' oral mistakes. I also wanted to find out which approach the teachers find most useful and if they use different approaches depending on the error made by the student. I have found that the majority of the teachers find oral feedback as an important tool to help students achieve a higher proficiency in a second and foreign language. My results also show that feedback is most often used when the student makes errors regarding content and pronunciation. Most of my respondents are aware of the necessity of applying different feedback approaches to different errors made by the students. My investigation shows that teachers chose to give feedback on different occasions, both directly, but more commonly, indirectly, to a single student or later on to a full class. Most teachers also prefer a mix of feedback approaches depending on the specific student and situation. My intention with this study has also been to determine what factors influence the students' uptake. My respondents have, among several factors, stressed the importance of comfortable learning situations, students' personal interest and size of group.

Algorithms for Coherent Diffractive Imaging with X-ray Lasers

Daurer, Benedikt J. January 2017 (has links)
Coherent diffractive imaging (CDI) has become a very popular technique over the past two decades. CDI is a "lensless" imaging method which replaces the objective lens of a conventional microscope by a computational image reconstruction procedure. Its increase in popularity came together with the development of X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs) which produce extremely bright and coherent X-rays. By facilitating these unique properties, CDI enables structure determination of non-crystalline samples at nanometre resolution and has many applications in structural biology, material science and X-ray optics among others. This work focuses on two specific CDI techniques, flash X-ray diffractive imaging (FXI) on biological samples and X-ray ptychography. While the first FXI demonstrations using soft X-rays have been quite promising, they also revealed remaining technical challenges. FXI becomes even more demanding when approaching shorter wavelengths to allow subnanometre resolution imaging. We described one of the first FXI experiments using hard X-rays and characterized the most critical components of such an experiment, namely the properties of X-ray focus, sample delivery and detectors. Based on our findings, we discussed experimental and computational strategies for FXI to overcome its current difficulties and reach its full potential. We deposited the data in the Coherent X-ray Database (CXIDB) and made our data analysis code available in a public repository. We developed algorithms targeted towards the needs of FXI experiments and implemented a software package which enables the analysis of diffraction data in real time. X-ray ptychography has developed into a very useful tool for quantitative imaging of complex materials and has found applications in many areas. However, it involves a computational reconstruction step which can be slow. Therefore, we developed a fast GPU-based ptychographic solver and combined it with a framework for real-time data processing which already starts the ptychographic reconstruction process while data is still being collected. This provides immediate feedback to the user and allows high-throughput ptychographic imaging. Finally, we have used ptychographic imaging as a method to study the wavefront of a focused XFEL beam under typical FXI conditions.  We are convinced that this work on developing strategies and algorithms for FXI and ptychography is a valuable contribution to the development of coherent diffractive imaging.

Faktorer inom den sociala dimensionen och dess inverkan på strategisk linjering i IT-projekt : En fallstudie inom svensk industri / Factors within the social dimension and its impact on strategic alignment in IT projects : A case study on Swedish industry

Berkowicz, David, Bröderman, Robin January 2020 (has links)
This study aims to investigate and identify factors within the social dimension of strategic alignment that can create mis-alignment within the organization and its IT projects. Identified factors are seen as risks and obstacles that organizations should work with to prevent strategic misalignment in future projects. The study examines the implementation of a common CRM-system (Customer relationship management) for a global organization based in Sweden. The study is anonymized to protect the organization and its respondents. Data collection has been performed using a triangulation based on semi-structured interviews with project members from both the IT and business department, documentation about the CRM project, the case organization's IT strategy and results from related research. The study took place during the COVID-19 pandemic and was thus carried out remotely using digital tools. A total of 17 factors were identified, of which 8 are unique to this study that has a direct impact on the case organization's strategic alignment within the CRM project. These factors have also been the basis for placing the case organization in a maturity pyramid for strategic alignment. Communication and knowledge sharing between IT and business, remnants of old legacy from silo operations and previously unsuccessful CRM projects, shortcomings in time planning and resource allocation, weak preparation, lack of training and low commitment are examples of what the results of this research identify affect strategic alignment for large Swedish organizations in projects. / Denna studie syftar att undersöka och identifiera faktorer inom den sociala dimensionen av strategisk linjering som kan skapa strategisk fel-linjering inom organisationer och dess IT-projekt. Identifierade faktorer ses som risker och hinder som organisationer bör arbeta med för att förhindra strategisk fel-linjering inom framtida projekt.  Studien undersöker implementeringen av ett gemensamt CRM-system (Customer relationship management) för en global organisation med säte i Sverige. Studien är anonymiserad för att skydda organisationen och dess respondenter. Datainsamling har utförts med hjälp av en triangulering som grundar sig i  semistrukturerade intervjuer med projektmedlemmar från både IT- och affärsverksamheten, dokumentation om CRM-projektet och fallorganisationens IT-strategi samt resultat från relaterad forskning. Studien ägde rum under COVID-19 pandemin och utfördes därmed på distans med hjälp av digitala verktyg. Totalt identifierades 17 faktorer varav 8 unika för denna studien som har en direkt inverkan på fallorganisationens strategisk linjering inom CRM-projektet. Dessa har faktorer har även legat till grunden för att placera fallorganasitonen i en mognads pyramid för strategisk linjering. Kommunikation och kunskapsdelning mellan IT- och affärsverksamheten, kvarlevor av gammalt arv från siloverksamheter och tidigare misslyckade CRM-projekt, brister i tidsplanering och resursallokering, svagt förarbete, brist på utbildning och lågt engagemang är exempel på vad resultatet från denna forskning identifierar påverka strategisk linjering för stora svenska organisationer i projekt.

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