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Stability of zinc phthalocyanine and fullerene C60 organic solar cells / Stabilität von organischen Solarzellen mit Zinc-Phthalocyanin und Fulleren-C60Lessmann, Rudolf 27 May 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Organic solar cells promise electricity generation at very low cost, and higher installation flexibility as compared to inorganic solar cells. The lower cost is achieved by cheaper semiconductors and easier manufacturing processes. The flexibility is naturally given by these ultra-thin, amorphous layers. Also the power conversion efficiency can be high enough for many applications. The organic molecules have to withstand the constant excitation by photons, transport of energy in form of excitons and charge. A small but significant amount of these photons has energy over the absorption gap, the excess of energy must be released without breaking the molecular bonds. In consequence, the solar cells can also heat up to temperatures at above 80°C.
The objective of this work is to answer the question if the small molecules organic solar cells can be stable enough to operate under a very long time. The stability of organic doped layers in an organic solar cell is also addressed. This work starts with a general introduction followed by the description of the experimental procedures. The aging experiments of the solar cell were done with a self developed equipment. The fabrication of this equipment (a set of measurement boxes) was necessary to maintain the conditions, under which a solar cell can be aged, as constant as possible. The measurement boxes were used to control the electrical load of the cell, its temperature, the illumination intensity, and its electric connection to the IxV measurement equipment. A software package was also developed to control the equipment and to facilitate the work and visualization of the high volume of collected data. The model solar cells chosen for the aging experiments were donor-acceptor heterojunctions devices formed with the well-known materials C60 and ZnPc. Two basic different structures were analyzed, because they offered reasonable performance and potentially long lifetime: the flat heterojunction (FHJ) and the mixed heterojunction in a Metal-Insulator-p-Semiconductor (m-i-p) configuration. Variations of the FHJ and of the m-i-p structures are also used to verify the limits of the stability of electrically p- and n- doped organic semiconducting layers. The least stable solar cells are the FHJ devices. These devices show a fast initial decrease of all their characteristic conversion parameters but the Voc. After a few hundred hours, the saturation current (current under a reverse bias of 1 V) was almost stable. The saturation current is related to the number of absorbing centers, the decrease indicates that the degradation of the absorbing centers has stopped. With wavelength resolved external quantum efficiency measurements and chemical analysis, it was found that the degradation is related to the oxidation of C60. It was also shown that the use of organic dopants do not significantly affect the lifetime. The results show that the m-i-p solar cells are more stable than the FHJ devices. They are also stable under high temperatures up to 105°C. Outdoor testing also showed that the solar cells remained chemically, electrically and mechanically stable during a 900 h test.
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Carrier Relaxation Dynamics in GrapheneMittendorff, Martin 21 January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Graphene, the two-dimensional lattice of sp2-hybridized carbon atoms, has a great potential for future electronics, in particular for opto-electronic devices. The carrier relaxation dynamics, which is of key importance for such applications, is in the main focus of this thesis. Besides a short introduction into the most prominent material properties of graphene and the experimental techniques, this thesis is divided into three main parts.
The investigation of the carrier relaxation dynamics in the absence of a magnetic field is presented in Chapter 3. In the first experiment, the anisotropy of the carrier excitation and relaxation in momentum space was investigated by pump-probe measurements in the near-infrared range.
While this anisotropy was not considered in all previous experiments, our measurements with a temporal resolution of less than 50 fs revealed the polarization dependence of the carrier excitation and the subsequent relaxation. About 150 fs after the electrons are excited, the carrier distribution in momentum space gets isotropic, caused by electron-phonon scattering. In a second set of two-color pump-probe experiments, the temperature of the hot carrier distribution, which was obtained within the duration of the pump pulse (about 200 fs), could be estimated. Furthermore, a change in sign of the pump-probe signal can be used as an indicator for the Fermi energy of different graphene layers.
Pump-probe experiments in the far-infrared range in reflection and transmission geometry were performed at high pump power. A strong saturation of the pump-induced transmission was found in previous experiments, which was attributed to the pump-induced change in absorption. Our investigation shows the strong influence of pump-induced reflection at long wavelengths, as well as a lot smaller influence of the saturation of the pump-induced change in absorption. At a high pump power, the increase of the reflection exceeds the change in absorption strongly, which leads to negative pump-probe signals in transmission geometry.
In Chapter 4, investigations of the carrier dynamics of graphene in magnetic fields of up to 7T are presented. Even though the optical properties of Landau-quantized graphene are very interesting, the carrier dynamics were nearly unexplored. A low photon energy of 14meV allows the investigation of the intraband Landau-level (LL) transitions. These experiments revealed two main findings: Firstly, the Landau quantization strongly suppresses the carrier relaxation via optical-phonon scattering, resulting in an increased relaxation time.
Secondly, a change in sign of the pump-probe signal can be observed when the magnetic field is varied. This change in sign indicates a hot carrier distribution shortly after the pump pulse, which means that carrier-carrier scattering remains very strong in magnetic fields. In a second set of pump-probe measurements, carried out at a photon energy of 75meV, the relaxation dynamics of interband LL transitions was investigated. In particular, experiments on the two energetically degenerate LL transitions LL(−1)->LL(0) and LL(0)->LL(1) showed the influence of extremely strong Auger processes.
An ultrafast and extremely broadband terahertz detector, based on a graphene flake, is presented in the last chapter of this thesis. To couple the radiation efficiently to the small flake, the inner part of a logarithmic periodic antenna is connected to it. With a rise time of about 50 ps in a wavelength range of 9 μm to 500 μm, this detector is very interesting to obtain the temporal overlap in two-color pump-probe experiments with the free-electron laser FELBE. Furthermore, the importance of the substrate material, in particular for the high-speed performance, is discussed.
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High performance photonic probes and applications of optical tweezers to molecular motorsJannasch, Anita 23 November 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Optical tweezers are a sensitive position and force transducer widely employed in physics and biology. In a focussed laser, forces due to radiation pressure enable to trap and manipulate small dielectric particles used as probes for various experiments. For sensitive biophysical measurements, microspheres are often used as a handle for the molecule of interest. The force range of optical traps well covers the piconewton forces generated by individual biomolecules such as kinesin molecular motors. However, cellular processes are often driven by ensembles of molecular machines generating forces exceeding a nanonewton and thus the capabilities of optical tweezers. In this thesis I focused, fifirst, on extending the force range of optical tweezers by improving the trapping e fficiency of the probes and, second, on applying the optical tweezers technology to understand the mechanics of molecular motors. I designed and fabricated photonically-structured probes: Anti-reflection-coated, high-refractive-index, core-shell particles composed of titania. With these probes, I significantly increased the maximum optical force beyond a nanonewton. These particles open up new research possibilities in both biology and physics, for example, to measure hydrodynamic resonances associated with the colored nature of the noise of Brownian motion. With respect to biophysical applications, I used the optical tweezers to study the mechanics of single kinesin-8. Kinesin-8 has been shown to be a very processive, plus-end directed microtubule depolymerase. The underlying mechanism for the high processivity and how stepping is affected by force is unclear. Therefore, I tracked the motion of yeast (Kip3) and human (Kif18A) kinesin-8s with high precision under varying loads. We found that kinesin-8 is a low-force motor protein, which stalled at loads of only 1 pN. In addition, we discovered a force-induced stick-slip motion, which may be an adaptation for the high processivity. Further improvement in optical tweezers probes and the instrument will broaden the scope of feasible optical trapping experiments in the future.
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Entwicklung einer hochauflösenden Kamera für die Mikroskopie mit harter Röntgenstrahlung / Development of a high-resolution x-ray camera for tomography with hard x raysPatommel, Jens 20 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Seit mit den Synchrotronstrahlungsquellen dritter Generation hochbrillante Röntgenquellen zur Verfügung stehen, haben sich Vollfeldmikroskopie und Rastersondenmikroskopie mit harter Röntgenstrahlung als besonders nützliche Untersuchungsmethoden etabliert. Insbesondere bei der vergrößernden Mikroskopie mit harter Röntgenstrahlung werden Röntgenkameras mit hoher Anforderung bezüglich der Ortsauflösung benötigt. Im Rahmen dieser Diplomarbeit wurde ein zweidimensionaler Röntgendetektor für die Mikroskopie mit harter Röntgenstrahlung entworfen, gebaut und im Experiment getestet und charakterisiert. Hauptaugenmerk war dabei ein möglichst hohes Ortsauflösungsvermögen des Detektors verbunden mit einem großen effektiven dynamischen Bereich. Als vielversprechendes Konzept erwies sich dabei die Verwendung eines einkristallinen Szintillators, der mittels einer Mikroskopoptik auf einen CCD-Chip abgebildet wird. Im Experiment stellte sich heraus, dass der im Zuge dieser Diplomarbeit konzipierte Flächendetektor sämtliche an ihn gestellten Anforderungen hervorragend erfüllt. Obwohl ursprünglich für die vergrößernde Tomographie mit harter Röntgenstrahlung entwickelt, findet die Röntgenkamera darüber hinaus beim Justieren nanofokussierender refraktiver Röntgenlinsen in Rastersondenmikroskopen Verwendung. / With the advent of highly-brilliant third generation synchrotron radiation sources, hard x-ray full-field microscopy and hard x-ray scanning microscopy were developed and have been shown to be excellent methods for scientific investigations. Especially for magnified hard x-ray full-field microscopy, there is the need for two-dimensional x-ray detectors with highest demands on spatial resolution and effective dynamic range. In the course of this diploma thesis, such an area x-ray detector with high spatial resolution and large dynamic range was designed and built and then tested and characterized in experiment. The high-resolution x-ray camera consists of a visible light microscope which images the sensitive layer of a single-crystal scintillator on the CCD chip of a CCD camera. A test experiment gave evidence that the x-ray camera actually fulfills all the requirements with regard to spatial resolution, sensitivity and effective dynamic range. Originally, the detector was developed for magnified hard x-ray tomography, but in addition, it is applied for alignment purposes of nanofocusing refractive x-ray lenses in a hard x-ray scanning microscope.
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THz Near-Field Microscopy and Spectroscopy / THz Nahfeld Mikroskopie und Spektroskopievon Ribbeck, Hans-Georg 02 April 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Imaging with THz radiation at nanoscale resolution is highly desirable for specific material investigations that cannot be obtained in other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. Nevertheless, classical free-space focusing of THz waves is limited to a >100 μm spatial resolution, due to the diffraction limit. However, the scattering- type scanning near-field optical microscopy (s-SNOM) promises to break this diffraction barrier. In this work, the realization of s-SNOM and spectroscopy for the THz spectral region from 30–300 μm (1–10 THz) is presented.
This has been accomplished by using two inherently different radiation sources at distinct experimental setups: A femtosecond laser driven photoconductive antenna, emitting pulsed broadband THz radiation from 0.2–2 THz and a free-electron laser (FEL) as narrow-band high-intensity source, tunable from 1.3–10 THz.
With the photoconductive antenna system, it was demonstrated for the first time that near-field spectroscopy using broadband THz-pulses, is achievable. Hereby, Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy with a mechanical delay stage (THz-TDS) was realized to obtain spectroscopic s-SNOM information, with an additional asynchronous optical sampling (ASOPS) option for rapid far-field measurements. The near-field spectral capabilities of the microscope are demonstrated with measurements on gold and on variably doped silicon samples. Here it was shown that the spectral response follows the theoretical prediction according to the Drude and the dipole model. While the broadband THz-TDS based s-SNOM in principle allows for the parallel recording of the full spectral response, the weak average power of the THz source ultimately limits the technique to optically investigate selected sample locations only.
Therefore, for true THz near-field imaging, a FEL as a high-intensity narrow- band but highly-tunable THz source in combination with the s-SNOM technique, has been explored. Here, the characteristic near-field signatures at wavelengths from 35–230 μm are shown. Moreover, the realization of material sensitive THz near-field imaging is demonstrated by optically resolving, a structured gold rod with a reso- lution of up to 60 nm at 98 μm wavelength. Not only can the gold be distinguished from the silica substrate but moreover parts of the structure have been identified to be residual resin from the fabrication process. Furthermore, in order to explore the resolution capabilities of the technique, the near-fields of patterned gold nano- structures (Fischer pattern) were imaged with a 50 nm resolution at wavelengths up to 230 μm (1.2 THz). Finally, the imaging of a topography-independent optical material contrast of embedded organic structures, at exemplary 150 μm wavelength is shown, thereby demonstrating that the recorded near-field signal alone allows us to identify materials on the nanometer scale.
The ability to measure spectroscopic images by THz-s-SNOM, will be of benefit to fundamental research into nanoscale composites, nano-structured conductivity phenomena and metamaterials, and furthermore will enable applications in the chemical and electronics industries. / Die Bildgebung mit THz Strahlung im Nanobereich ist höchst wünschenswert für genaue Materialuntersuchungen, welche nicht in anderen Spektralbereichen durchgeführt werden kann. Aufgrund des Beugungslimits ist kann jedoch mit klassischen Methoden keine bessere Auflösung als etwa 100 μm für THz-Strahlung erreicht werden. Die Methode der Streulicht-Nahfeldmikroskopie (s-SNOM) verspricht jedoch dieses Beugungslimit zu durchbrechen.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Realisierung der Nahfeld-Mikroskopie und Spektroskopie im THz-Spektralbereich von 30–1500 μm (0.2–10 THz) präsentiert. Dies wurde mittels zweier grundsätzlich unterschiedlichen Strahlungsquellen an separaten Experimentaufbauten erreicht: Einer photoleitenden Antenne welche gepulste breitbandige THz-Strahlung von 0.2–2 THz emittiert, sowie einem Freie- Elektronen Laser (FEL) als schmalbandige hochleistungs Quelle, durchstimmbar von 1.3–10 THz.
Mit dem photoleitenden Antennensystem konnte zum ersten mal demonstriert werden, dass mit breitbandigen THz-Pulsen Nahfeldspektroskopie möglich ist. Dazu wurde die übliche THz-Time-Domain-Spektroskopie (THz-TDS) zur Erhaltung der spektroskopischen s-SNOM Informationen, sowie asynchrones optisches Abtasten (ASOPS) für schnelle Fernfeld Spektroskopie eingesetzt. Die nahfeldspektroskopischen Fähigkeiten des Mikroskops wurden anhand von Messungen an Gold sowie unterschiedlich dotierten Siliziumproben demonstriert. Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, dass die spektrale Antwort den theoretischen Voraussagen des Drude- sowie Dipol Modells folgt. Während das breitband THz-TDS basierte s-SNOM spektroskopische Nahfelduntersuchungen zulässt, limitiert jedoch die schwache Ausgangsleistung der THz-quelle diese Technik insofern, dass praktisch nur Punktspektroskopie an ausgesuchten Probenstellen möglich ist.
Für echte nanoskopische Nahfeldbildgebung wurde daher ein FEL als durchstimmbare hochleistungs THz-Quelle in Kombination mit der s-SNOM-Technik erforscht. Hierzu wurden die charakteristischen Nahfeld-Signaturen bei Wellenlängen von 35–230 μm untersucht, gefolgt von die Verwirklichung materialsensitiver THz Nahfeldbildgebung gezeigt an Goldstreifen mit bis zu 60 nm Auflösung. Dabei kann nicht nur das Gold von dem Glassubstrat unterschieden werden, sondern auch Ablagerungen als Überreste des Fabrikationsprozesses identifiziert werden. Um die Grenzen der Auflösungsmöglichkeiten dieser Technik zu sondieren, wurden weiterhin die Nahfelder von gemusterten Gold-Nanostrukturen (Fischer-Pattern) bei Wellenlängen bis zu 230 μm (1.2 THz) abgebildet. Hierbei wurde eine Auflösung von 50 nm festgestellt. Schliesslich konnte der topographieunabhängige Materialkontrast von eingebetteten organischen Strukturen, exemplarisch bei 150 μm Wellenlänge, gezeigt werden.
Die Fähigkeit, spektroskopische Aufnahmen mittels der THZ-s-SNOM Technik zu erzeugen, wird der Grundlagenforschung und in der Nanotechnologie zu Gute kommen, und weiterhin Anwendungen in der Chemischen- und Halbleiterindustrie ermöglichen.
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Hard X-Ray Scanning Microscope Using Nanofocusing Parabolic Refractive Lenses / Rastersondenmikroskopie mit harter RöntgenstrahlungPatommel, Jens 08 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Hard x rays come along with a variety of extraordinary properties which make them an excellent probe for investigation in science, technology and medicine. Their large attenuation length in matter opens up the possibility to use hard x-rays for non-destructive investigation of the inner structure of specimens. Medical radiography is one important example of exploiting this feature. Since their discovery by W. C. Röntgen in 1895, a large variety of x-ray analytical techniques have been developed and successfully applied, such as x-ray crystallography, reflectometry, fluorescence spectroscopy, x-ray absorption spectroscopy, small angle x-ray scattering, and many more. Each of those methods reveals information about certain physical properties, but usually, these properties are an average over the complete sample region illuminated by the x rays. In order to obtain the spatial distribution of those properties in inhomogeneous samples, scanning microscopy techniques have to be applied, screening the sample with a small x-ray beam. The spatial resolution is limited by the finite size of the beam. The availability of highly brilliant x-ray sources at third generation synchrotron radiation facilities together with the development of enhanced focusing x-ray optics made it possible to generate increasingly small high intense x-ray beams, pushing the spatial resolution down to the sub-100 nm range.
During this thesis the prototype of a hard x-ray scanning microscope utilizing microstructured nanofocusing lenses was designed, built, and successfully tested. The nanofocusing x-ray lenses were developed by our research group of the Institute of Structural Physics at the Technische Universität Dresden. The prototype instrument was installed at the ESRF beamline ID 13. A wide range of experiments like fluorescence element mapping, fluorescence tomography, x-ray nano-diffraction, coherent x-ray diffraction imaging, and x-ray ptychography were performed as part of this thesis. The hard x-ray scanning microscope provides a stable x-ray beam with a full width at half maximum size of 50-100 nm near the focal plane. The nanoprobe was also used for characterization of nanofocusing lenses, crucial to further improve them. Based on the experiences with the prototype, an advanced version of a hard x-ray scanning microscope is under development and will be installed at the PETRA III beamline P06 dedicated as a user instrument for scanning microscopy.
This document is organized as follows. A short introduction motivating the necessity for building a hard x-ray scanning microscope is followed by a brief review of the fundamentals of hard x-ray physics with an emphasis on free-space propagation and interaction with matter. After a discussion of the requirements on the x-ray source for the nanoprobe, the main features of synchrotron radiation from an undulator source are shown. The properties of the nanobeam generated by refractive x-ray lenses are treated as well as a two-stage focusing scheme for tailoring size, flux and the lateral coherence properties of the x-ray focus. The design and realization of the microscope setup is addressed, and a selection of experiments performed with the prototype version is presented, before this thesis is finished with a conclusion and an outlook on prospective plans for an improved microscope setup to be installed at PETRA III. / Aufgrund ihrer hervorragenden Eigenschaften kommt harte Röntgenstrahlung in vielfältiger Weise in der Wissenschaft, Industrie und Medizin zum Einsatz. Vor allem die Fähigkeit, makroskopische Gegenstände zu durchdringen, eröffnet die Möglichkeit, im Innern ausgedehnter Objekte verborgene Strukturen zum Vorschein zu bringen, ohne den Gegenstand zerstören zu müssen. Eine Vielzahl röntgenanalytischer Verfahren wie zum Beispiel Kristallographie, Reflektometrie, Fluoreszenzspektroskopie, Absorptionsspektroskopie oder Kleinwinkelstreuung sind entwickelt und erfolgreich angewendet worden. Jede dieser Methoden liefert gewisse strukturelle, chemische oder physikalische Eigenschaften der Probe zutage, allerdings gemittelt über den von der Röntgenstrahlung beleuchteten Bereich. Um eine ortsaufgelöste Verteilung der durch die Röntgenanalyse gewonnenen Information zu erhalten, bedarf es eines sogenannten Mikrostrahls, durch den die Probe lokal abgetastet werden kann. Die dadurch erreichbare räumliche Auflösung ist durch die Größe des Mikrostrahls begrenzt. Aufgrund der Verfügbarkeit hinreichend brillanter Röntgenquellen in Form von Undulatoren an Synchrotronstrahlungseinrichtungen und des Vorhandenseins verbesserter Röntgenoptiken ist es in den vergangen Jahren gelungen, immer kleinere intensive Röntgenfokusse zu erzeugen und somit das räumliche Auflösungsvermögen der Röntgenrastermikroskope auf unter 100 nm zu verbessern.
Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist der Prototyp eines Rastersondenmikroskops für harte Röntgenstrahlung unter Verwendung refraktiver nanofokussierender Röntgenlinsen, die von unserer Arbeitsgruppe am Institut für Strukturphysik entwickelt und hergestellt werden. Das Rastersondenmikroskop wurde im Rahmen dieser Promotion in Dresden konzipiert und gebaut sowie am Strahlrohr ID 13 des ESRF installiert und erfolgreich getestet. Das Gerät stellt einen hochintensiven Röntgenfokus der Größe 50-100 nm zur Verfügung, mit dem im Verlaufe dieser Doktorarbeit zahlreiche Experimente wie Fluoreszenztomographie, Röntgennanobeugung, Abbildung mittels kohärenter Röntgenbeugung sowie Röntgenptychographie erfolgreich durchgeführt wurden. Das Rastermikroskop dient unter anderem auch dem Charakterisieren der nanofokussierenden Linsen, wobei die dadurch gewonnenen Erkenntnisse in die Herstellung verbesserten Linsen einfließen.
Diese Arbeit ist wie folgt strukturiert. Ein kurzes einleitendes Kapitel dient als Motivation für den Bau eines Rastersondenmikroskops für harte Röntgenstrahlung. Es folgt eine Einführung in die Grundlagen der Röntgenphysik mit Hauptaugenmerk auf die Ausbreitung von Röntgenstrahlung im Raum und die Wechselwirkungsmechanismen von Röntgenstrahlung mit Materie. Anschließend werden die Anforderungen an die Röntgenquelle besprochen und die Vorzüge eines Undulators herausgestellt. Wichtige Eigenschaften eines mittels refraktiver Röntgenlinsen erzeugten Röntgenfokus werden behandelt, und das Konzept einer Vorfokussierung zur gezielten Anpassung der transversalen Kohärenzeigenschaften an die Erfordernisse des Experiments wird besprochen. Das Design und die technische Realisierung des Rastermikroskops werden ebenso dargestellt wie eine Auswahl erfolgreicher Experimente, die am Gerät vollzogen wurden. Die Arbeit endet mit einem Ausblick, der mögliche Weiterentwicklungen in Aussicht stellt, unter anderem den Aufbau eines verbesserten Rastermikroskops am PETRA III-Strahlrohr P06.
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