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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

On the deformation behavior and cracking of ductile iron; effect of microstructure

Kasvayee, Keivan Amiri January 2017 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the effect of microstructural variation on the mechanical properties and deformation behavior of ductile iron. To research and determine these effects, two grades of ductile iron, (i) GJS-500-7 and (ii) high silicon GJS-500-14, were cast in a geometry containing several plates with different section thicknesses in order to produce microstructural variation. Microstructural investigations as well as tensile and hardness tests were performed on the casting plates. The results revealed higher ferrite fraction, graphite particle count, and yield strength in the high silicon GJS-500-14 grade compared to the GJS-500-7 grade. To study the relationship between the microstructural variation and tensile behavior on macroscale, tensile stress-strain response was characterized using the Ludwigson equation. The obtained tensile properties were modeled, based on the microstructural characteristics, using multiple linear regression and analysis of variance (ANOVA). The models showed that silicon content, graphite particle count, ferrite fraction, and fraction of porosity are the major contributing factors that influence tensile behavior. The models were entered into a casting process simulation software, and the simulated microstructure and tensile properties were validated using the experimental data. This enabled the opportunity to predict tensile properties of cast components with similar microstructural characteristics. To investigate deformation behavior on micro-scale, a method was developed to quantitatively measure strain in the microstructure, utilizing the digital image correlation (DIC) technique together with in-situ tensile testing. In this method, a pit-etching procedure was developed to generate a random speckle pattern, enabling DIC strain measurement to be conducted in the matrix and the area between the graphite particles. The method was validated by benchmarking the measured yield strength with the material’s standard yield strength. The microstructural deformation behavior under tensile loading was characterized. During elastic deformation, strain mapping revealed a heterogeneous strain distribution in the microstructure, as well as shear bands that formed between graphite particles. The crack was initiated at the stress ranges in which a kink occurred in the tensile curve, indicating the dissipation of energy during both plastic deformation and crack initiation. A large amount of strain localization was measured at the onset of the micro-cracks on the strain maps. The micro-cracks were initiated at local strain levels higher than 2%, suggesting a threshold level of strain required for micro-crack initiation. A continuum Finite Element (FE) model containing a physical length scale was developed to predict strain on the microstructure of ductile iron. The material parameters for this model were calculated by optimization, utilizing the Ramberg-Osgood equation. The predicted strain maps were compared to the strain maps measured by DIC, both qualitatively and quantitatively. To a large extent, the strain maps were in agreement, resulting in the validation of the model on micro-scale. In order to perform a micro-scale characterization of dynamic deformation behavior, local strain distribution on the microstructure was studied by performing in-situ cyclic tests using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). A novel method, based on the focused ion beam (FIB) milling, was developed to generate a speckle pattern on the microstructure of the ferritic ductile iron (GJS-500-14 grade) to enable quantitative DIC strain measurement to be performed. The results showed that the maximum strain concentration occurred in the vicinity of the micro-cracks, particularly ahead of the micro-crack tip. / Denna avhandling fokuserar på effekten av variationer i mikrostrukturen på mekaniska egenskaper och deformationsbeteende hos segjärn. För att undersöka dessa effekter, två olika sorter av segjärn, (i) GJS-500-7 och (ii) högkisellegerad GJS-500-14, gjutits till plattor av olika tjocklekar för att generera mikrostrukturvariationen. Mikrostrukturundersökning, samt drag- och hårdhetsprov gjordes på de gjutna plattorna. Resultaten visade att en högre ferritfraktion, grafitpartikelantal och sträckgräns i den högkisellegerade GJS-500-14-sorten jämfört med GJS-500-7. För att studera förhållandet mellan mikrostrukturell variation och spännings-töjningsbeteendet på makroskala, modellerades detta med hjälp av Ludwigson-ekvationen. De erhållna spännings-töjningsegenskaperna modellerades baserat på mikrostrukturell karaktäristika genom multipel linjärregression och variansanalys (ANOVA). Modellerna visade att kiselhalt, grafitpartikelantal, ferritfraktion och porfraktion var de viktigaste bidragande faktorerna. Modellerna implementerades i ett simuleringsprogram för gjutningsprocessen. Resultatet från simuleringen validerades med hjälp av experimentella data som inte ingick i underlaget för regressionsanalysen. Detta möjliggjorde att prediktera spännings-töjningsbeteendet och dess variation hos gjutna segjärns komponenter med liknande sammansättning och gjutna tjocklekar som användes i denna studie. För att kunna undersöka deformationsbeteendet på mikroskala utvecklades en metod för kvantitativ mätning av töjning i mikrostrukturen, genom DIC-tekniken (digital image correlation) tillsammans med in-situ dragprovning. I denna metod utvecklades en grop-etsningsprocess för att generera ett slumpvis prickmönster, vilket möjliggjorde DIC-töjningsmätning i matrisen och i området mellan grafitpartiklarna med tillräcklig upplösning. Metoden validerades genom benchmarking av den uppmätta sträckgränsen mot materialets makroskopiska sträckgräns mätt med konventionell dragprovning. Det mikrostrukturella deformationsbeteendet under dragbelastning karakteriserades. Under elastisk deformation avslöjade töjningsmönstret en heterogen töjningsfördelning i mikrostrukturen, och bildandet av skjuvband mellan grafitpartiklar. Sprickbildning initierades vid låg spänning och redan vid de spänningsnivåer som ligger vis ”knät” på dragprovningskurvan, vilket indikerar energidissipering genom både begynnande plastisk deformation och sprickbildning. Den lokala töjningen vis sprickinitiering skedde då den lokala töjningen översteg 2%, vilket indikerar att detta skulle kunna vara en tröskelnivå för den töjning som erfordras för initiering av mikro-sprickor. En kontinuum Finita Element (FE) modell utvecklades för att prediktera töjningen hos ett segjärn och dess fördelning i segjärns mikrostruktur. Materialparametrarna för denna modell optimerades genom att anpassa parametrarna i Ramberg-Osgood ekvationen. De predikterade töjningsfördelningarna jämfördes med de experimentell uppmätta töjningsmönstren uppmätta med DIC, både kvalitativt och kvantitativt. Töjningsmönstren överensstämde i stor utsträckning, vilket resulterade i att modellerna kunde anses vara validerade på mikronivå. För att kunna mäta töjningsmönster under dynamiska förlopp på mikronivå utvecklades en metod för att skapa prickmönster och att utföra in-situ CT provning i ett svepeletronmikroskop (SEM). Prickmönstret skapades genom avverkning med en fokuserad jonstråle (FIB), och provades på det ferritiska segjärnet (GJS-500-14 grad). Resultaten visade att maximal töjningskoncentration fanns i närheten av mikrosprickorna, framförallt framför sprickspetsen.

Únavová odolnost a mechanizmy únavového poškození v materiálech pro vysoké teploty / Fatigue resistance and mechanisms of the fatigue damage in materials for high temperatures

Petráš, Roman January 2021 (has links)
Superaustenitická korozivzdorná ocel typu 22Cr25NiWCoCu určená pro vysokoteplotní aplikace v energetickém průmyslu byla studována za podmínek nízkocyklové únavy při pokojové a zvýšené teplotě. Jednotlivé vzorky byly podrobeny různým zátěžným procedurám, což umožnilo studium materiálové odezvy spolu s mechanismem poškození. Křivky cyklického zpevnění/změkčení, cyklického napětí a Coffin-Mansonovy křivky byly vyhodnoceny. Únavová životnost materiálu byla diskutována s ohledem na uplatňované mechanismy poškození, které se vyvinuly za specifických zátěžných podmínek. Standardní izotermální únavové experimenty byly provedeny při pokojové a zvýšené teplotě. Hysterezní smyčky zaznamenané během cyklického zatěžování byly analyzovány pomocí zobecněné statistické teorie hysterezní smyčky. Pro různé amplitudy napětí byla určena jak distribuce hustoty pravděpodobnosti interních kritických napětí (dále PDF), tak rovněž zjištěn její vývoj během cyklického namáhání. Zjištěné průběhy PDF byly korelovány s vývojem povrchového reliéfu a vnitřního dislokačního uspořádání zdokumentované pro obě teploty pomocí rastrovací elektronové mikroskopie (SEM) vybavené technikou fokusovaného iontového svazku (FIB), která umožnila rovněž efektivní studium nukleace povrchových únavových trhlin. Při cyklickém zatížení při pokojové teplotě byla pozorována lokalizace cyklické plastické deformace do perzistentních skluzových pásů (PSP). V místech, kde tyto PSP vystupují na povrch materiálu byly pozorovány perzistentní skluzové stopy (PSS) tvořené extruzemi a intruzemi. Postupné prohlubování intruzí, zejména na čele nejhlubší intruze, vede k iniciaci únavové trhliny. Odlišný mechanismus tvorby trhlin byl zjištěn při únavové zkoušce při zvýšené teplotě, kde zásadní roli hrál vliv prostředí. Rychlá oxidace hranic zrn a jejich následné popraskání představuje dominantní mechanismus v I. stádiu nukleace trhlin. Aplikace desetiminutové prodlevy v tahové části zátěžného cyklu vedlo k vývoji vnitřního (kavitačního) poškozování. Mechanismy vnitřního poškozování byly studovány na podélných řezech rovnoběžných s napěťovou osou zkušebních vzorků. Trhliny a jejich vztah k hranicím zrn a dvojčat byly studovány pomocí difrakce zpětně odražených elektronů (EBSD). Vliv prodlevy na únavovou životnost byl korelován s vývojem povrchového reliéfu a vnitřního poškození. Vzorky z uvedené oceli byly rovněž podrobeny zkouškám termomechanické únavy (TMF), při nichž se v čase mění jak zátěžná síla tak i teplota. Termomechanické únavové zkoušky v režimu soufázném (in-phase) a protifázném (out-of-phase) byly provedeny jak s prodlevou, tak i bez ní. Ve všech případech bylo pozorováno rychlé cyklické zpevnění bez ohledu na použitou amplitudu deformace, u vzorků testovaných v out-of-phase režimu byla zjištěna tendence k saturaci. Zkoumáním povrchového reliéfu za pomocí technik SEM a FIB byla odhalena přednostní oxidace hranic zrn a následné praskání těchto hranic kolmo k ose zatížení. Prodlevy v cyklech při maximálním napětí vedly ke zvýšení amplitudy plastické deformace a následně ke creepovému poškození ve formě vnitřních kavit a trhlin. Interkrystalické šíření trhlin bylo pozorováno na vzorcích testovaných v režimu in-phase. Vývoj poškození v režimu out-of-phase nebyl principiálně ovlivněn zařazením prodlevy do zátěžného cyklu. Charakteristickým znakem namáhání v režimu out-of-phase je nukleace několika trhlin v homogenní oxidické vrstvě jdoucích napříč zrny kolmo k ose zatěžování.

Integration and Fabrication Techniques for 3D Micro- and Nanodevices

Fischer, Andreas C. January 2012 (has links)
The development of micro and nano-electromechanical systems (MEMS and NEMS) with entirely new or improved functionalities is typically based on novel or improved designs, materials and fabrication methods. However, today’s micro- and nano-fabrication is restrained by manufacturing paradigms that have been established by the integrated circuit (IC) industry over the past few decades. The exclusive use of IC manufacturing technologies leads to limited material choices, limited design flexibility and consequently to sub-optimal MEMS and NEMS devices. The work presented in this thesis breaks new ground with a multitude of novel approaches for the integration of non-standard materials that enable the fabrication of 3D micro and nanoelectromechanical systems. The objective of this thesis is to highlight methods that make use of non-standard materials with superior characteristics or methods that use standard materials and fabrication techniques in a novel context. The overall goal is to propose suitable and cost-efficient fabrication and integration methods, which can easily be made available to the industry. The first part of the thesis deals with the integration of bulk wire materials. A novel approach for the integration of at least partly ferromagnetic bulk wire materials has been implemented for the fabrication of high aspect ratio through silicon vias. Standard wire bonding technology, a very mature back-end technology, has been adapted for yet another through silicon via fabrication method and applications including liquid and vacuum packaging as well as microactuators based on shape memory alloy wires. As this thesis reveals, wire bonding, as a versatile and highly efficient technology, can be utilized for applications far beyond traditional interconnections in electronics packaging. The second part presents two approaches for the 3D heterogeneous integration based on layer transfer. Highly efficient monocrystalline silicon/ germanium is integrated on wafer-level for the fabrication of uncooled thermal image sensors and monolayer-graphene is integrated on chip-level for the use in diaphragm-based pressure sensors. The last part introduces a novel additive fabrication method for layer-bylayer printing of 3D silicon micro- and nano-structures. This method combines existing technologies, including focused ion beam implantation and chemical vapor deposition of silicon, in order to establish a high-resolution fabrication process that is related to popular 3D printing techniques. / <p>QC 20121207</p>

Développement et applications de la tomographie chimique par spectroscopie EDX / Development and applications of chemical tomography by EDX spectroscopy

Lepinay, Kevin 27 November 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’évaluation des techniques pour la tomographie chimique par STEM EDX : mise au point des procédures expérimentales, traitement des données, reconstruction des volumes, analyse de la qualité des résultats obtenus et évaluation de la complexité globale. Les performances très limitées de l’analyse STEM EDX font que peu d’études, jusqu’à aujourd’hui, se sont portées sur cette technique. Cependant, les avancées très notables procurées par les nouveaux détecteurs ‘SDD’ ainsi que les sources électroniques X-FEG haute brillance, rendant l’analyse STEM EDX 2D très rapide, ont relancé la possibilité de la tomographie chimique ; la technique demande toutefois à être mise au point et évaluée (performances et complexité). Nous avons travaillé sur un microscope Tecnai Osiris permettant d’acquérir des cartographies chimiques EDX de centaines de milliers de pixels avec une résolution de l’ordre du nanomètre en quelques minutes. Nous avons choisi de préparer par FIB des échantillons en forme de pointe et d’utiliser un porte-objet permettant une exploration angulaire de 180° sans ombrage. Puis, à l’aide d’échantillons modèles (billes de SiO2 dans une résine), nous avons évalué les déformations d’échantillon par l’irradiation du faisceau électronique. Ceci nous a permis de proposer une méthode pour limiter cet effet par déposition d’une couche de 20 nm de chrome. Des simulations d’images ont permis d’évaluer les logiciels et méthodes de reconstruction. La méthodologie de chaque étape d’une analyse de tomographie STEM EDX a ensuite été expliquée, et l’intérêt de la technique démontré grâce à la comparaison de l’analyse 2D et 3D d’un transistor FDSOI 28 nm. La qualité des reconstructions (rapport signal-sur-bruit, résolution spatiale) a été évaluée en fonction des paramètres expérimentaux à l’aide de simulations et d’expériences. Une résolution de 4 nm est démontrée grâce à l’analyse d’une mire et d’un transistor « gate all around ». Pour ce même transistor, la possibilité et l’intérêt d’analyse de défaillance à l’échelle nanométrique est prouvée. Une analyse d’un défaut de grille d’une SRAM ou de trous dans un pilier en cuivre permettent d’expliquer l’intérêt d’une combinaison d’un volume HAADF (morphologie et résolution < 4 nm) et du volume EDX (information chimique). La conclusion est que cette technique, qui reste encore à améliorer du point de vue de sa simplicité, montre déjà son utilité pour l’analyse et la mise au point des technologies avancées (nœud 20 nm et après). / This thesis focuses on the evaluation of the STEM EDX chemical tomography technique: development of experimental procedures, data processing and volumes reconstruction, quality analysis of the results and evaluation of the overall complexity. Until now, STEM EDX analysis performances were very limited, so only few studies about this technique have been realized. However, very significant progress procured by the new SDD detectors as well as by the high brightness electronic sources (X-FEG), making the STEM EDX 2D analysis very fast, have revived the possibility of the chemical tomography, although the technique has to be developed and evaluated (performance and complexity). We have worked on a Tecnai Osiris which acquires EDX chemical mapping of hundreds of thousands of pixels with resolution of one nanometer and in a few minutes. We chose to prepare the rod-shaped samples by FIB and use a sample holder allowing an angle of exploration of 180° without shadowing effects. Then, using model samples (SiO2 balls in resin), we evaluated the sample deformation due to the electron beam irradiation. This allowed us to propose a method to reduce this effect by depositing a 20 nm chromium layer. Images simulations were used to evaluate the software and the reconstruction methods. The methodology of each step of the STEM EDX tomography analysis is then explained and the technique interest is demonstrated by comparing the 2D and the 3D analysis of a transistor 28 nm FDSOI. The quality of the reconstructions (signal-to-noise ratio, spatial resolution) was evaluated, in function of experimental parameters, using simulations and experiments. A resolution of 4 nm is demonstrated through the analysis of a test pattern and a "gate all around” transistor. For the same transistor, the possibility and the interest of a failure analysis at the nanoscale is proven. Analyses of a SRAM gate fail or of the holes in a copper pillar explain the benefits of a combination between a HAADF volume (morphology and resolution < 4 nm) and an EDX volume (chemical information). To conclude, this technique, which still needs to be improved in terms of simplicity, is already showing its usefulness for the analysis and the development of advanced technologies (20nm node and beyond).

Caractérisation physico-chimique et optique de miroirs multicouches pour le domaine EUV

Hu, Minhui 12 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Le domaine du rayonnement extrême ultraviolet (EUV) offre de grandes possibilités scientifiques et technologiques en photolithographie, en astrophysique, en spectrométrie de photoélectron, etc. Ainsi, de nombreux miroirs multicouches sont développés pour fonctionner dans ce domaine spectral, qui joue un rôle important pour les applications optiques. L'objectif de ce travail est de concevoir, réaliser, caractériser et proposer des multicouches (Mg/Co, Al/SiC, ...). Puis le but est d'appliquer une méthode capable de distinguer entre interdiffusion et rugosité géométrique afin de corréler les performances optiques de la multicouche à sa qualité structurale. Nous proposons de caractériser les miroirs multicouches en employant une méthodologie combinant plusieurs techniques (Spectroscopie d'émission X, Réflectométrie EUV, ...). La combinaison de ces méthodes permet d'obtenir une description chimique et structurale de l'empilement multicouche et de comprendre les phénomènes prenant place aux interfaces. Il est en effet important de connaître les phénomènes interfaciaux, comme la formation de composés ou le développement de la rugosité, car ils gouvernent les propriétés optiques des multicouches.

The effect of radiation damage by fission fragments on the structural stability and dissolution of the UO2 fuel matrix

Popel, Aleksej January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this work was to study the separate effect of fission fragment damage on the structural integrity and matrix dissolution of uranium dioxide in water. Radiation damage similar to fission damage was created by irradiating bulk undoped and doped ‘SIMFUEL’ disks of UO2, undoped bulk CeO2 and thin films of UO2 and CeO2 with high energy Xe and U ions. The UO2 thin films, with thicknesses in the range of 90 – 150 nm, were deposited onto (001), (110) and (111) orientations of single crystal LSAT (Al10La3O51Sr14Ta7) and YSZ (Yttria-Stabilised Zirconia) substrates. The CeO2 thin films were deposited onto single crystal silicon (001) substrates. Part of the bulk UO2 and CeO2 samples, the thin films of UO2 on the LSAT substrates and the thin films of CeO2 were irradiated with 92 MeV 129Xe23+ ions to a fluence of 4.8 × 1015 ions/cm2 to simulate the damage produced by fission fragments in uranium dioxide nuclear fuel. Part of the bulk UO2 and CeO2 samples and the thin films of UO2 on the YSZ substrates were irradiated with 110 MeV 238U31+ ions to a fluence of 5 × 1010, 5 × 1011 and 5 × 1012 ions/cm2 to study the accumulation of the damage induced. The irradiated and unirradiated samples were studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), focused ion beam (FIB), atomic force microscopy (AFM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy, electron probe microanalysis (EPMA), X-ray diffraction (XRD), electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) techniques to characterise the as-produced samples and assess the effects of the ion irradiations. Dissolution experiments were conducted to assess the effect of the Xe ion irradiation on the dissolution of the thin film UO2 samples on the LSAT substrates and the bulk and thin film CeO2 samples. The solutions obtained from the leaching of the irradiated and unirradiated samples were analysed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). XRD studies of the bulk UO2 samples showed that the ion irradiations resulted in an increased lattice parameter, microstrain and decreased crystallite size, as expected. The irradiated UO2 thin films on the LSAT substrates underwent significant microstructural and crystallographic rearrangements. It was shown that by irradiating thin films of UO2 with high energy, high fluence ions, it is possible to produce a structure that is similar to a thin slice through the high burn-up structure. It is expected that the ion irradiation induced chemical mixing of the UO2 films with the substrate elements (La, Sr, Al, Ta). As a result, a material similar to a doped SIMFUEL with induced radiation damage was produced.

Croissance de couches minces et de nanostructures piézoélectriques A2WO6 (A=lanthanide) par ablation laser et caractérisation nanométrique par microscopie à force atomique / Growth of A2WO6 (A = lanthanide) thin films and piezoelectric nanostructures by pulsed laser deposition and nanometric characterization by atomic force microscopy

Carlier, Thomas 09 December 2016 (has links)
Afin de répondre à l’essor des nanotechnologies dans le domaine des capteurs et du stockage de l’information, la recherche de nouveaux matériaux éco-acceptables, sous forme de films minces et possédant de hautes performances s’inscrit dans une politique environnementale toujours plus présente.Le but de ce travail est donc double : (i) synthétiser des films minces d’oxydes de A2WO6 (A = lanthanide) et d’en démontrer le caractère piézo-/ferroélectrique à l’échelle locale ; (ii) nanostructurer ce type de matériau par une approche « bottom-up ».Cette thèse a débuté par l’étude de ces oxydes sous forme massive et notamment de leur comportement en température. À la suite de cette étude, des films minces de La2WO6 ont été synthétisés par ablation laser pulsé sur des substrats de SrTiO3 et de LaAlO3 orientés (100). La caractérisation structurale par diffraction de rayons X haute résolution et par microscopie électronique en transmission a permis de déterminer les paramètres de maille ainsi que les relations d’épitaxie de ces films. Par la suite, le caractère piézo-/ferroélectrique des films de α-La2WO6 haute température a été confirmé à l’échelle locale par microscopie à force piézoélectrique ainsi que par TEM-STM in situ. Le composé Nd2WO6 présente également toutes les caractéristiques d’un matériau piézoélectrique. Enfin, la nanostructuration via un masque en nitrure de silicium et l’ablation laser pulsé a permis la fabrication d’îlots piézoélectriques de La2WO6 de diamètres de 1,2 μm et 450 nm. Ces résultats prometteurs font des oxydes A2WO6 des candidats de choix pour la conception de nano-dispositifs piézo-/ferroélectriques. / With the development of nanotechnology in the field of sensors and information storage, the research for new eco-friendly materials in the form of thin films with high performances is part of an ever present environmental policy. The purpose of this work is twofold. It is (i) to synthesize oxide thin films of A2WO6 (A = lanthanide) and to demonstrate the local piezo / ferroelectric behavior; (ii) to nanostructure this type of material by using a "bottom-up" approach. Thus this thesis has began by studying the behavior of these oxides in bulk form, considering particularly the temperature and pressure effects. As a result, La2WO6 thin films were grown by pulsed laser deposition on (100)-oriented SrTiO3 and LaAlO3 substrates. The structural characterization by X-ray diffraction high resolution and transmission electron microscopy was used to determine the lattice parameters and the epitaxial relationships of these films. Thereafter, the piezo / ferroelectric behavior of high temperature α-La2WO6 film was locally confirmed by piezoelectric force microscopy and transmission electronic microscopy combined with the scanning tunneling microscopy. The Nd2WO6 compound has also the characteristics of a piezoelectric material. Finally, the nanostructuration by combining a silicon nitride mask and the pulsed laser deposition technique has enabled the fabrication of La2WO6 piezoelectric islands with diameters of 1.2 μm and 450 nm. These promising results make A2WO6 oxides ideal candidates for the design of piezo / ferroelectric nanodevices.

Lifestyle and Biological Risk Factors for Liver Fibrosis in the Miami Adult Studies on HIV (MASH) Cohort: An HIV Infected and HIV/HCV Co-infected Population

Stewart, Tiffanie S. 15 April 2016 (has links)
Liver disease is now a leading cause of non-AIDS related morbidity and mortality in people living with HIV (PLWH). The present study investigated the interplay between adverse lifestyle factors that are prevalent in PLWH, biological mediators of liver pathogenesis, and a non-invasive measure of liver fibrosis (FIB-4 index) in HIV mono- and HIV/HCV co-infected individuals. The results of this investigation in the Miami Adult Studies of HIV (MASH) cohort show that the odds of liver fibrosis progression significantly increased over two years for HIV mono-infected participants who drank alcohol hazardously (OR 3.038, P=0.048), and had BMI ≥ 28kg/m2 (OR 2.934, P=0.027). Cocaine use reduced the odds of advancing one stage of liver fibrosis (OR 0.228, P=0.038), but an interaction between high BMI and cocaine use slightly raised the odds by 4.8% of liver fibrosis progression (P=0.072). HIV/HCV co-infected participants showed interactions between cocaine use and high BMI with increased FIB-4 stage (OR 4.985, P= 0.034), however no lifestyle factors could independently predict FIB-4 stage in this group. Biological mediators previously associated with liver pathogenesis were associated with higher FIB-4 index over 2 years in a subset of (n=65) HIV mono-infected participants. Plasma measures of oxidative stress (% oxidized glutathione: OR 4.342, P= 0.046), hepatocyte-specific apoptosis (Cytokeratin-18 (CK-18): OR 1.008, P=0.021), and microbial endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide (LPS): OR 1.098, P= 0.097) were associated with having higher odds of progressing at least one stage of FIB-4 over 2 years. The same biological mediators were also associated with liver fibrosis within HIV infected people who also had a harmful lifestyle characteristic. FIB-4 index was significantly associated with % oxidized glutathione in obese subjects (β=0.563, P=0.018), TGF-β1 in cocaine users (β=0.858, P=0.027), and CK-18 in HIV infected individuals without any adverse lifestyle factors (β=0.435, P=0.015). Taken together, the findings of these studies describe interrelationships between HIV disease status, lifestyle, and biological mediators of liver fibrosis. The results show interactions between lifestyle conditions and the mediators of liver fibrosis may account for higher rates of liver disease in HIV infection. Research is warranted to develop personalized therapeutics for PLWH to curb the burden of liver disease.

Whiskers: The Role of Electric Fields in the Formation Mechanism and Methods for Whisker Growth Mitigation

Borra, Venkata Shesha Vamsi January 2017 (has links)
No description available.


Pei-En Chou (19691614) 19 September 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">This thesis explores the thermodynamics and mechanics of reaction-diffusion interfaces in solid materials, focusing on configurational forces for bulks and surfaces, which are essential in understanding phenomena like electromigration, phase separation, and void evolution. The work is divided into four themes: bulk and surface configurational mechanics, electromigration in solder joints, and solid mixture theory. The thesis develops theories based on continuum mechanics and configurational forces, deriving Eshelby stress tensors and balance laws for interfaces. Experimental work on electromigration in SnBi solder joints is used to validate the theory. The research contributes to advancing the understanding of solid-state diffusion and phase evolution in engineering materials.</p>

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