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Plan de negocios para la implementación de un aplicativo móvil Invierte Fast / Business plan for the implementation of Invierte Fast appAlvarado Eugenio, Neyssi Xiomara, Otárola Reyes, Marcelo Rodrigo, Rodríguez Ricci, Zarina Alessanda, Velarde Carmelo, Ramsses Moises, Villalva Vargas, Diana Carolina 28 October 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación busca implementar una aplicación perteneciente al rubro de fintech, la cual proporcionará información y análisis financiero a los usuarios que se suscriban y dependiendo del plan que obtengan, tendrán acceso mensual o anual. Estos usuarios son las personas bancarizadas entre los 20 a 45 años con un nivel socioeconómico A y B en Lima Metropolitana.
Invierte Fast busca facilitar a los usuarios la exploración de alternativas de inversión, mostrándoles un resumen del crecimiento del mercado, ya sea de criptomonedas, acciones, bonos, divisas y fondos de inversión. La necesidad que busca suplir la aplicación es la dificultad que tiene el usuario promedio para obtener información sobre opciones de inversión, información a la cual no es tan fácil acceder y en muchos casos, se podría obtener información falsa acerca de estos o peor aún, las personas podrían recurrir a gurús que dicen ser expertos, pero que sólo buscan estafar a personas.
A lo largo del trabajo, se presenta la creación del concepto de la app, hasta llegar a una versión que esté lista para salir al mercado. Para esto, realizamos distintas entrevistas para validar la necesidad que buscábamos suplir, una vez confirmada, realizamos el mock up de la app, la cual también fue testeada con posibles usuarios, de los cuales obtuvimos feedback que finalmente implementamos para la siguiente fase del diseño de la app. Luego de varias entrevistas y opiniones, formamos una idea sólida del rubro y de lo que implica introducirse en este, por lo que, el paso siguiente, era evaluar la viabilidad de este, realizando un análisis financiero, donde obtendremos las ratios necesarias para ver qué tan interesante es nuestra propuesta y cómo podemos financiarla.
Por otro lado, se evaluó el plan de marketing que se podría aplicar para dar a conocer la aplicación, mediante diversas acciones con objetivos específicos, los cuales nos llevarán a lograr objetivos, tanto para obtener nuevos usuarios como para retener a los que ya están suscritos a Invierte Fast. Finalmente, respecto al plan de financiamiento, se determinó que dentro de los gastos preoperativos se encuentran desarrollo del aplicativo, almacenamiento, software, soporte funcional, entre otros. En este sentido, se requiere realizar una gran inversión en campañas publicitarias en Facebook, con la finalidad de atraer y fidelizar a los usuarios. Asimismo, se identificó que el crecimiento de las ventas seria entorno al sector Fintech. / This research work seeks to implement an application belonging to the fintech sector, which will provide information and financial analysis to users who subscribe and depending on the plan they obtain, they will have monthly or annual access. These users are the banked people between 20 to 45 years of age with a socioeconomic level A and B in Metropolitan Lima.
Inverte Fast seeks to make it easier for users to explore investment alternatives, showing them a summary of the growth of the market, be it cryptocurrencies, stocks, bonds, currencies and investment funds. The need that the application seeks to meet is the difficulty that the average user has in obtaining information on investment options, information that is not so easy to access and, in many cases, false information could be obtained about them or worse still, the People could turn to gurus who claim to be experts but are only looking to scam people.
Throughout the work, we are presenting the ideation and creation of the concept of the app, until we reach a version that is ready to go on the market. For this, we carried out different interviews to validate the need we were looking to fill, once confirmed, we made the mockup of the app, which was also tested with possible users, from whom we obtained feedback that we finally implemented for the next phase of the design of the app. the app. After several interviews and opinions, we formed a solid idea of the field and what it means to enter it, so the next step was to evaluate its viability, carrying out a financial analysis, where we will obtain the necessary ratios to see what is so interesting is our proposal and how we can finance it.
In other hand, the marketing plan that could be applied to publicize our application was evaluated, through various actions with specific objectives, which will lead us to achieve objectives, both to obtain new users and to retain those who are already subscribed to Invierte Fast. Finally, regarding the financing plan, it is determined that the pre-operating expenses include application development, storage, software, functional support, among others. In this sense, a large investment is required in advertising campaigns on Facebook, in order to attract and retain users. Likewise, it was identified that sales growth would be around the Fintech sector / Trabajo de investigación
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Relationen mellan traditionella storbanker och fintechföretag : Konkurrens eller samarbete?Svensson, Angelica, Årzén, Fredrika January 2023 (has links)
Titel: Relationen mellan traditionella storbanker och fintechföretag - Konkurrens eller samarbete? Ämne: Självständigt uppsatsarbete inom företagsekonomi, 30 hp Författare: Angelica Svensson & Fredrika Årzén Forskningsfråga: Hur ser relationen ut mellan traditionella storbanker och fintechföretag inom kreditgivning till företag? Syfte: Studiens syfte är att beskriva relationen mellan traditionella storbanker och fintechföretag på kreditgivningsmarknaden för företag i Sverige idag. Vidare ska studien analysera och skapa en förståelse för den här relationen, samt utveckla teoretiska begrepp avseende konkurrens och samarbete. Metod: En kvalitativ metod med en abduktiv forskningsansats har varit utgångspunkten för studiens genomförande. Litteraturgenomgången och den teoretiska referensramen bygger på inhämtad information från litteratur samt tidigare forskning. Intervjuer har genomförts med 9 respondenter från både traditionella storbanker och fintechföretag. Slutsats: Resultatet som studien kommer fram till visar på att traditionella storbanker och fintechföretag har olika utlåningstekniker de utgår ifrån, med bakgrund i att det finns olika motiv och drivkrafter som driver dem. Motiven och drivkrafterna påverkar möjligheten till konkurrens och samarbete, då deras respektive utgångslägen ser olika ut inför en samverkan. En paradoxal strategisk process kan ses uppstå utifrån deras olika motiv och drivkrafter att beakta i ett sammanhang där de är verksamma på samma marknad. / Title: The relationship between traditional large banks and fintech companies – Competition or collaboration? Topic: Independent Project in Business Administration 30 credits Author: Angelica Svensson & Fredrika Årzén Research question: What is the relationship like between traditional commercial banks and fintech companies in corporate lending? Purpose: The purpose of the study is to describe the relationship between traditional commercial banks and fintech companies in the corporate lending market for business in Sweden today. Furthermore, the study aims to analyze and develop an understanding of this relationship, as well as develop theoretical concepts regarding competition and collaboration. Method: A qualitative method with an abductive research approach has been the basis for conducting the study. The literature review and the theoretical framework are based on gathered information from literature and previous research. Interviews have been conducted with 9 respondents from both traditional commercial banks and fintech companies. Conclusion: The findings of the study indicate that traditional commercial banks and fintech companies employ different lending techniques driven by their distinct motivations and incentives. The diverse driving factors influence the possibilities of competition and collaboration, as their historical backgrounds vary when considering cooperation. A paradoxical strategic process can be observed due to their differing perspectives and the different factors they need to consider when operating in the same market.
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Peer-to-Peer lending and the Traditional banking industry : The relationship in the Swedish market from a managerial perspectiveSkoog, Karl Johan August, Tollnerius, Carl William Simon January 2022 (has links)
Is the collapse of the traditional banking industry imminent? Although this is a thoughtprovoking statement and numerous arguments could be made for its inevitable demise in the faceof the fast moving and highly innovative Fintech industry, the fact remains that the traditionalbanking industry still serves as the primary financial intermediary when it comes to almost all ofour financial needs. But what if this wasn't the case? The rise of the Fintech industry has broughtwith it a tidal wave of new innovations and technologies that have in more recent yearschallenged the traditional banking industries' unassailable position in the credit market. Onerelatively new phenomena in the Fintech industry is Peer-to-Peer lending (P2P). Is this newphenomena here to stay and can it possibly cause tremendous damage to the existing incumbent’sposition in the industry? For this study we decided to investigate the relationship between peer to peer lending and thetraditional banking industry in Sweden for a variety of reasons. Firstly, P2P lending challengesthe banks dominance in their most profitable sector which is lending. This is because P2Plending bypasses the banks role in this financial transaction, cutting them out as middlemen inthe lending process by connecting the lender and borrower directly. Furthermore, P2P lending isable to provide better interest rates due to lower operational costs as well as a faster loanapproval process as well as being able to target isolated and underserved customer segmentsthought to be outside of the banks risk parameters. These factors put together present a unique challenge to the banks in terms of competition anddisruption. Our research investigated whether or not the P2P lending platforms in Sweden did infact cause disruption to the traditional banking industry or if they were creating a separate marketindependent from the traditional banking industry. The purpose of our study was to illuminatethe relationship between P2P lending and the traditional banking industry in a developedeconomy in order to contribute to the ongoing debate about the impacts that P2P lending has onthe banking industry. In our research and through our empirical findings we arrived at some very interestingconclusions. The banking industry is indeed being challenged and slowly pushed out of theconsumer lending sector, although to attribute this solely to P2P lending would be incorrect.Furthermore, although all of the banks we interviewed agreed that P2P lending was not a threatfrom a strategic viewpoint, the argument could also be made that disruption is occurring asincumbent firms ignore the needs of those downmarket and as a result new entrants thentargeting these customer segments gain traction and eventually target incumbent firms mostprofitable customer segment. Our findings conclude that P2P lending has indeed causeddisruption in the traditional banking industry although the level of disruption caused by P2Plending specifically is still up to debate.
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Prediction of securities' behavior using a multi-level artificial neural network with extra inputs between layers / Förutsägelse av värdepapperens beteende med hjälp av ett artificiellt neuralt nätverk med flera nivåer med extra ingångar mellan skiktenTörnqvist, Eric, Guan, Xing January 2017 (has links)
This paper discusses the possibilities of predicting changes in stock pricing at a high frequency applying a multi-level neural network without the use of recurrent neurons or any other time series analysis, as suggested in a paper byChen et al. [2017]. The paper tries to adapt the model presented in a paper by Chen et al. [2017] by making the network deeper, feeding it data of higher resolution and changing the activation functions. While the resulting accuracy is not as high as other models, this paper might prove useful for those interested in further developing neural networks using data with high resolution and to the fintech business as a whole.
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The adoption of distributed ledger technology in trade and export finance operations of Swedish banksBlidholm, Gustaf, Johnson, Mathias January 2018 (has links)
Centralized data storage and reconciliation by trusted intermediaries has historically put financial systems in the hands of a single central parties. The emergence of bitcoin and blockchain, combined with the 2008 financial crisis, has shifted the Swedish financial sector’s traditional perspectives on democratization, centralization, transparency and automation. Trade and export finance is one of many sectors investigating how blockchain and distributed ledger technology can be used other than as a digital currency system. Swedish trade and export finance connects importers, exporters, banks, credit providers, customs, and transporters into a fragmented and complex process with many stakeholders. Sweden further has a history of quickly adopting technological innovations. Banks therefore face a dynamic environment and an inconsistent, manual operative process that removes profitability incentives in providing small enterprises with credit. The adoption of DLT could provide efficiency gains and cost savings in administration, communication, reconciliation and accounting. In this thesis, the costs, benefits, and remaining barriers of implementing distributed ledger technology in Swedish trade finance are identified. Further, Swedish contextual factors’ effect on the rate of adoption is addressed. The chosen methodology of deep interviews and thorough studying of literature provides an assessment of the potential transition dynamics, forming a foundation for future investment decisions. The conclusions drawn suggest that the main costs related to adoption lie in research and development and implementation. R&D costs for distributed ledgers in the Swedish financial sector during 2019 were approximated to USD 40 million. The main benefits of automation, efficiency and reduced level of complexity were concluded to likely outweigh the costs within approximately ten to twenty years. Experience will allow companies to optimize governance structures and consensus mechanisms, while learning to expose parts of networks into public space. The innovative, adaptive Swedish market environment presumably enables faster than average diffusion of innovation, while remaining barriers in cooperation, trust, interoperability and regulation may extend the adoption process
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Riskperception och kundupplevelse: Potentiella kunders syn på automatiserade finansiella robotrådgivare : En kvantitativ studie om unga småsparares möjliga övergång till robotrådgivning och dess påverkan av beslutetIbrahim, Gabriel, Shemoun, Carolin January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bakgrunden presenterar digitaliseringens utveckling och jämför det med media som tidigare varit analogt. Därefter redogörs för utvecklingen av automatiserade finansiella rådgivare och de utvecklingsstadier det genomgått. I samband med utvecklingen påträffas olika aspekter hos unga småsparare som påverkar förtroendet som övergången från att använda mänskliga finansiella rådgivare till robotrådgivare. Syftet: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur företag inom fondförsäljning och aktiemäklarbanker kan nyttja robotrådgivningstjänster bland unga småsparare. Undersökningen fokuserar främst på aspekterna informationsspridning och riskupplevelse. Teoretisk referensram: Denna studie utgår från tre olika teorier, vilka omfattar Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology, Theory of perceived risk och Innovation Diffusion Theory. Metod: Studien utför en kvantitativ ansats genom en tvärsnittsdesign. Urvalsramen inkluderar unga vuxna som är 18 till 30 år. Datainsamlingen genomfördes via sociala medier och skolplattformar, och totalt deltog 151 unga högskolestudenter i enkätundersökningen. Slutsats: Utifrån resultaten förekommer det en positiv korrelation mellan användningen och riskupplevelsen, vilket gör att robotrådgivare har en möjlighet att attrahera unga vuxna till segmentet.
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Vad leder till vinst inom Fintech? : En kvantitativ studie av relationen mellan företagsspecifika nyckeltal och dess inverkan på svenska Fintech-bolags lönsamhetLesser Hermansson, Johan, Lindegren, Niklas January 2023 (has links)
Background Traditional banks monopolized financial services, but the 2008 crisis spurred Fintech's emergence as an alternative. Fintech challenges banks with innovative solutions, while Sweden thrives as a Fintech hub. Profitability is vital due to the recent shift in focus from growth. Modern Fintech research is lacking, thus creating gaps in both knowledge and studies among the Swedish Fintech-sphere. Purpose The study analyzes leverage, return on equity, and bank size ratios in Swedish Fintech companies. It examines their impact on profit margin and aims to identify correlations. The results aim to enhance understanding and provide guidance for optimizing key figures to increase profitability among Swedish Fintech-companies. Methodology The study utilized a quantitative approach with a deductive method and cross-sectional design. Data consisted of secondary data and was collected through the database Retriever Business. A total of 1198 observations were analyzed using correlation matrix, bivariate, and multivariate regression analyses. Results The quantitative analysis revealed that both debt to equity ratio and return on equity has a significant relationship, while bank size has only a partially significant relationship with profit margin. Conclusion Swedish Fintech-companies reveals a positive relationship between return on equity (ROE) and profitability. Furthermore, the leverage ratio also positively affects profitability. Moreover, Bank size shows a slight negative impact.
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Critical competencies required by cybersecurity leaders in small fintech companiesHassan, Syed Muhammad Waqar Ul January 2024 (has links)
Small fintech companies face significant cybersecurity challenges that require specialized leadership competencies. This study identifies the critical competencies needed by cybersecurity leaders in small Fintech companies, guided by the ISO 27021:2017 standard. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, the research includes semi-structured interviews and surveys with participants from eleven Fintech companies in Pakistan. Key findings highlight the importance of strategic leadership, particularly in aligning cybersecurity strategies with business objectives, ensuring regulatory compliance, and managing resources effectively. Incident response management is also crucial, emphasizing the need for developing and implementing response playbooks, leading teams effectively, and conducting thorough root cause analyses. Technological proficiency, including familiarity with emerging cybersecurity technologies and strong encryption standards, is essential for maintaining robust defenses. The study concludes with recommendations for training and development programs aimed at enhancing the competencies of cybersecurity leaders in the fintech sector, thereby improving the overall security posture and resilience of small fintech companies.
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Understanding Factors Facilitating the Diffusion of Financial Technology (FinTech) A Case Study of the Gulf Cooperation CouncilHamadien, Ammar M. January 2022 (has links)
This study focuses on the factors influencing the diffusion of FinTech in the Gulf
Cooperation Council countries, analysing both financial institutions and technology
companies. The research acknowledges the challenges associated with the spread
of FinTech and aims to address these issues. The research employs Institutional
To achieve comprehensive insights, a qualitative technique is employed. The initial
phase involves an extensive literature review to understand FinTech and identify
gaps in academic research. Subsequently, the impact of PESTEL factors is
highlighted based on the literature. In the third stage, semi-structured interviews are
conducted with 25 participants, representing three to four individuals per country.
The Thematic Analysis approach is employed to analyse the interview data.
The study's findings reveal that several factors significantly influence the adoption
of FinTech services as a preferred transaction method. Perceived utility, security,
and social impact concerns are identified as drivers of behavioural intentions.
Additionally, the technical attributes and ease of use of digital tools impact
behavioural patterns. Furthermore, the innovation and technical features embedded
within FinTech products and services contribute to their diffusion and acceptance.
The research has practical implications for both academia and practitioners in the
FinTech industry. It assists financial service providers and institutions in designing
user-centric FinTech products and services. Enhancing security and usability is
crucial to improving the user experience and consumer confidence. By considering
technological and behavioural characteristics and analysing the impact of PESTEL
elements, this study contributes to the existing literature on technology diffusion,
providing valuable insights to academics and practitioners.
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En vetenskaplig studie om kryptovaluta i ljuset av svensk sakrätt : Bitcoin – sakrättens kryptonit? / A scientific study on cryptocurrency in the light of Swedish property law : Bitcoin - the kryptonite of property law?Champari, Amir January 2023 (has links)
Access to finance is often a vital tool for a company to make investments which in turn leads to increased generation of income. In 2022, the amount of lending to non-financial companies increased by around 13 %. Banks' traditional lending channels have recently been challenged by DeFi. Within DeFi, no central intermediary is used, the security provided is cryptocurrencies and the transaction history is public. The most common cryptocurrency used in DeFi is bitcoin. At the time of writing, bitcoin has a market capitalization of approximately $521 million. The use of DeFi has grown rapidly in 2022 as cryptocurrencies worth just under $110 billion were pledged in DeFi as collateral for credit. The EBA has previously warned about the risks of cryptocurrencies. Despite warnings, neither case law nor any clear legislation regarding cryptocurrencies and creditors protection has thus been created. Though, there is a proposal from EU that will create a uniform regulation for cryptocurrencies that are not currently covered by the EU's existing regulatory framework for financial services, the so-called MiCA regulation. In Swedish legislation, there is an ongoing investigation on how to handle cryptocurrencies. However, neither the proposals at EU-level nor national level deal with substantive legal aspects such as creditors protection. The purpose of the thesis is to present a proposal for what bitcoin as property is classified as according to Swedish law and to identify the most appropriate legal aspect when bitcoins are used within DeFi. Based on the purpose, the following questions arise (i) What type of property should the cryptocurrency bitcoin be legally classified as? (ii) How can creditor protection be achieved when a transaction with bitcoin is made? (iii) How can creditor protection be achieved when bitcoin is used as collateral? In this thesis, the legal dogmatic method and law analogies will be used to answer the questions. The conclusions are that bitcoin should first be seen as a financial instrument according to MiFID II and creditor protection in the case of acquired ownership of bitcoins can basically never be achieved. Creditor protection in case of retained ownership can be achieved with analogous application of RVL and using registration as an element of property rights. When bitcoin is used as collateral, creditor protection can be achieved through the property right element of registration or tradition. In the case of three-party escrow, notification of transfer of claim must be made to the person who holds the pledged property in accordance with the 1936 Pawn Law.
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