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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bending stresses in stay-cables during large-amplitude vibrations a Fred Hartman Bridge case study /

Pebley, Aaron James, January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S. in Engineering)--University of Texas at Austin, 2005. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references.

Pacifism och andra världskriget : En undersökning av en svensk kristen tidnings pacifistiska hållning under andra världskriget

Viberg, Mikael January 2010 (has links)
<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi" /> Uppsatsens syfte var att definiera tidningen Missionsbanerets pacifism problematiserad utifrån andra världskrigets konflikter mellan stormakterna och mellan de totalitära staterna och Sveriges nordiska grannländer. Tidningen har kategoriserats efter sin hållning till pragmatisk respektive radikal pacifism utifrån konflikterna och dess hantering av pacifismens grundproblem, hur man ska handskas med en aggressiv motståndare som inte tar hänsyn till fredsbevarande arbete. Tidningen har även placerats in i ett större svenskt sammanhang. Följande frågor har använts i undersökningen: 1: Vilken syn hade tidningen på andra världskriget och krig i stort? 2: Vad var synen på andra världskrigets orsaker? 3: Hur betraktades stormakternas inbördes konflikter, deras medverkan i kriget och deras ideologier i förhållande till tidningens pacifistiska grundsyn? 4: Hur betraktades Finlands, Norges och (Danmarks) situation, deras krigsåtgärder och deras eventuella rättigheter till sina landområden i förhållande till tidningens pacifistiska grundsyn? Tidningens nummer har bearbetats mellan perioden 17 november 1938 till 27 september 1945 där de artiklar som haft anknytning till kriget och världsläget i stort utvalts till analysen. Resultaten visar att tidningen övervägande var en radikalpacifistisk tidning. Olika omständigheter gjorde emellertid att denna i vissa fall mildrades. Exempel på sådana var att tidningen godkände referat av kristna soldaters berättelser och vittnesbörd. Ett fåtal artiklar visar även på en syn att kriget kunde leda till något positivt till exempel genom att människor i sin nöd började söka Gud. När det gäller behandlingen av pacifismens grundproblem intog tidningen en radikalpacifistisk hållning inför konflikterna mellan stormakterna. I konflikten Finland-Sovjetunionen var hållningen mer åt det pragmatiskt pacifistiska hållet. Denna skillnad berodde förmodligen på en möjlig fruktan inför kommunismens eventuella utbredning, ett broderskapsförhållande till finländarna och en vilja att väcka förståelse hos läsarna för finlands folks nöd och behov. I ett svenskt sammanhang höll tidningen en moralisk linjen då tidningen sällan kompromissade med sin pacifism. Vidare gick tidningen emot normen i den svenska pressen om krigsmaktens betydelser för freden eller för landets intressen.

From Cape to Cardigan: Fred Rogers as a Human Services Superhero

Garris, Bill R., Novotny, Bethany A. 01 January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

”En fullkomligh Frijdh” : En skala av fred under de nordiska krigen / ”En fullkomligh Frijdh” : En skala av fred under de nordiska krigen

Sennström, Elin January 2021 (has links)
Peace as a concept usually ends up taking the back seat in the numerous studies of war and conflict. The definition of peace is often dependant on the definition of war, violence and/or conflict. The purpose of this thesis is to study the concept of peace during the Northern Wars and its Early modern attributes. The chosen time periods, the Second Northern War (1655-1660) and the Great Northern War (1700-1721), offer the possibility to study the change in the conception of peace over time and how the international political situation affects the description of peace. Every year, starting with Gustav I of Sweden, the Swedish monarchy wrote letters that were read by the priests to the general public, explaining the international situation and any predicaments in which the state found itself. The letters are called Böndagsplakat in Swedish, which roughly translate to “prayerday placard”, drawing its name from the prayer days proclaimed at the end of each letter. Previous research has shown that the purpose of these placards was to legitimise the actions of the monarchy and to have a long term effect on the general values of the public. The Swedish army relied heavily on the peasantry both financially and for recruitment which makes the official letters an important tool for the monarchy. Therefore this material is suitable for a hermeneutic inspired text analysis and a comparative study between the different wars. The results in the thesis are based on the descriptions of peace in the placards from the final stages of both wars (1658-1663 and 1717-1723) when the issue of peace is visible both before and after the peace treaties. This study shows that peace isn’t a static concept and that the description of peace is affected by the political situation. It is given different attributes which don’t necessarily rely on the definition of its counterpart war. The descriptions of peace also have different nuances depending on the political need to continue the war or end it, and it can be placed on a scale from a cease-fire to a complete perpetual peace. Peace, just like war, is a complex and historically changeable concept that needs a front row seat together with the studies of war.

A peace project in change? : An idea analysis of what kind of peace that was intended to be promoted with the  ECSC and the ENP. / Ett fredsprojekt i förändring? : En idéanalys av vilken typ av fred EKSG och ENP avsåg att främja

Michal, Yves January 2015 (has links)
Bachelor thesis in political Science by Yves Michal, autumn semester 2014. Supervisor: Malin Stegmann McCallion “A peace project in change” The purpose of this essay is that through idea analysis and ideal types examines if the EU changed the kind of peace they seek to promote to confirm or falsify Magnus Jernecks thesis that the meaning of peace change depend on the context. I will be making two comparison points, the first at the peace projects start in the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and the second in the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). My ideal types that I have chosen are the idealistic perspective of peace, the justice peace perspective and the perspective of balance of power which has constituted a main line when it comes to issues of war and peace. My research question is linked to my ideal types and reads - is the peace that ECSC and ENP promote: 1) a peace of the idealistic perspective, 2) a peace of the justice perspective, 3) a peace of the balance of power perspective. I seek the answer of these questions in two types of documents. The Schuman declaration which is directed to answer the question ECSC and the report Wider Europe – Neighbourhood: a new framework for relations with our Eastern and Southern neighbors which is directed to answer the question ENP. The results of the study shows that the EU was intended to promote a different kind of peace within the ECSC than the ENP. The ECSC seek to promote a peace of justice and a peace of the balance of power perspective. With ENP they seek to promote a peace of justice and the idealistic peace perspective. This can give a result that EU loses its trustworthiness as a peace-builder if one is not clear when this change occurs. Keywords: EU, European neighbourhood policy, ENP, European Coal and Steel Community, ECSC, peace, idea anlysis, ideal types.

Svenska fredsorganisationer : Nordiska föreningen mellanfolkligt samarbete för fred &amp; världssamling för fred 1918–1939

Widing, Nicklas January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Eritrea : En studie om sanktionerna mot Eritrea / A study on the sanctions against Eritrea

Rezene, Helen January 2020 (has links)
This thesis aims to increase understanding of the sanctions imposed on Eritrea by the United Nations Security Council. The question this thesis asks is “why the security council imposed the sanctions”, and “how did these sanctions affect the country and its population?”. In this study, I have used text analysis, a content analysis method to analyze the resolution the protocol, in order to gain understanding of the motive for sanctions. The resolution and the protocol are the primary source of information. As a secondary source of information, I have used several research analyses. These selected materials have been helpful to answer the questions this thesis raised.      The results reveal that sanctions imposed on a country appear to never reach their targets, they rather hurt the common people. It is also observed that sanction have negative consequences for a country. They can lead to political turmoil, economic hardship, and they can worsen the standard of living for people within a country. When people do not see a bright future in their own country, they will leave in hope of finding a better life elsewhere. Sanctions also have a negative impact on democracy. To stay in power, the rulers in a country will take undemocratic measures such as being more restrictive on opposition groups, journalists, and introduce changes in many areas that may be perceived as undemocratic.        Ultimately international organization has failed to reach its goals. If the organization choose to impose sanctions against a country, the sanctions have to be well thought out and should be based on facts. The UN’s treatment of Eritrea can be called into question.   Due to the sanctions, four million people in Eritrea live under critical condition and many of the country’s young population flee the country for better life elsewhere. One should remember that the UN’s sanctions have negative consequences for Eritrea.

UNSCR 1325 i idé och praktik - en analys av säkerhetsrådsresolution 1325:s potential

Golnar, Bahar January 2008 (has links)
I oktober år 2000 antog FN:s säkerhetsråd resolution 1325 (UNSCR 1325) som behandlar kvinnor, fred och säkerhet. Detta var första gången kvinnors status i säkerhetspolitik behandlades på högsta internationella nivå, och resolutionen är delvis en produkt av lobbyarbete gjort av kvinnors NGO:s. Denna studie ämnar undersöka vilka potential UNSCR 1325 har för uppluckrandet av ojämlika mönster i könspositioner som finns inom fältet för fred och säkerhet. Studien består av en idéanalys och en praktisk analys som görs utifrån tre dimensioner ur feministisk teori. Analysen visar att de idéer resolutionen vilar på inte utmanar de rådande snäva mönster i könspositioner som finns i dagens säkerhetspolitik och har därför heller inte potential att göra det praktiskt. Emellertid visar analysen att resolutionen har potential att bidra till jämställdhet mellan kvinnor och män genom att uppmuntra till kvantitativ jämställdhet på maktpositioner. Nyckelord: UNSCR 1325, feminism, könspositioner, kvinnor, fred, säkerhet Antal ord: 22564 Abstract / In October 2000, the UN Security Council adopted resolution 1325 (UNSCR 1325) that discusses women, peace and security. This was the first time that women’s status in security issues is treated on this level of international politics, and the resolution is partly a product of the lobbying of women’s NGO:s. This study aims to examine what the potentials of UNSCR 1325 are in loosening the unequal patterns of gender roles in the area of peace and security. The study consists of an analysis of ideas and an analysis of the practical aspects of the resolution, on the basis of the dimensions of feminist theory. The analysis shows that the ideas upon which the resolution is based do not challenge the existing patterns of gender roles in today’s politics of security, and the resolution has therefore not the potential to do so in practice either. However, the analysis shows that the resolution does have the potential to contribute to equality between men and women through its encouragement of quantitative equality between the sexes in positions of power. Keywords: UNSCR 1325, feminism, gender roles, women, peace, security Word count: 22564

La figure de l’espéreur dans l’œuvre de Fred Pellerin : transmission de l’équation caxtonienne

Morneau, Louis 19 April 2018 (has links)
Fred Pellerin exerce presque tous les arts : conteur, chanteur-compositeur-interprète, scénariste, créateur, idéateur, etc. On pourrait également lui ajouter le titre d'espéreur. Ce mémoire répond à la question suivante : en quoi la vision d'espéreur de Fred Pellerin oriente-t-elle son oeuvre ? Pour commencer, nous faisons un tour d'horizon de sa carrière, puis parcourons les différents courants de pensée et influences qui sous-tendent sa création. Ensuite, nous étudions les rapports de transmission intergénérationnelle de la mémoire chez Pellerin. Nous continuons cette étude en analysant l'éthique chez Pellerin et les valeurs qu'il véhicule. Puis, nous définissons le concept d'espéreur grâce à une équation : Malheur + Espoir (Volonté + Rêve) = Liberté + Bonheur. Pour ce faire, nous analysons différents portraits d'espéreurs et voyons comment ce concept peut s'appliquer à une communauté. Cette étude nous amène finalement à définir en quoi ce concept d'espéreur chez Fred Pellerin nourrit son implication sociale.

O design de Fred Jordan / The design of Fred Jordan

Bastos, Helena Rugai 08 May 2012 (has links)
O desenvolvimento da obra do designer gráfico Fred Jordan e de sua experiência profissional é o objeto deste trabalho. Considerando que nas duas primeiras décadas de sua atividade não existe no Brasil um projeto acadêmico sistematizado e metodologia estabelecida para o conhecimento e para a prática na área do design gráfico, a análise aponta as diversas etapas de sua produção, que se estende de 1940 a 1990. Nesse processo, a pesquisa busca articular as diferentes fases dessa produção e os momentos históricos em que se realizam. Mostra a singularidade do trabalho de Jordan apontando­ a partir do uso da tecnologia, das técnicas, da temática, da adequação à evolução industrial e da diversificação do público consumidor - como seus projetos permitem perceber as transformações do campo de trabalho e do mercado. Dando ênfase ao cenário paulistano no qual atuou, ressalta-se seu papel no campo das artes gráficas, levando em conta o perfil dos grupos de profissionais de design no Brasil. Nesse quadro verificam-se elementos de sua formação, o círculo de amigos, o diálogo estabelecido com intelectuais, artistas e profissionais das artes visuais e do design,bem como suas áreas de interesse e de estudo. Para alcançar esse objetivo a pesquisa buscou reconstituir o itinerário do artista e de sua obra, por meio de ampla consulta bibliográfica e do levantamento e da organização do acervo da família. Parte desse material, constituído de textos que discutem seus trabalhos, permitiu apontar sua participação e influência no cenário cultural brasileiro e internacional. O estudo abriu espaço para a compreensão de vários aspectos da obra de Jordan: sua visão sobre o significado da arte e do artista; a articulação que estabeleceu entre o trabalho contemporâneo e a temática abordada por autores e artistas da primeira metade do século XIX na Alemanha;seus experimentos baseados, sobretudo na teoria das cores de Goethe e do pensamento naturalista do escritor alemão. Apresenta, ainda, um catálogo da obra de Fred Jordan e da documentação relacionada com sua produção / This thesis examines the development of graphic designer Fred Jordan\'s work and professional experience. No standard academic program or established approach for learning and practicing graphic design existed in Brazil during the first two decades of his career,and this analysis points out the distinct stages of Jordan\'s work between1940 and 1990. In the process, this research endeavors to describe the different phases of the designer\'s creative output against the historical background. lt demonstrates the significance of Jordan\'s work and how his projects allow us to understand the transformation of the graphic design discipline and industry, from his use of technology, techniques and themes, meeting the needs of the industrial revolution and the diversified consuming public. Focusing upon the Sao Paulo environment where he worked, the paper examines his influence on the field of visual arts,taking into account the profile of the professional design groups in Brazil at that time. Within this broader picture, it is possible to confirm the factors that influenced him, his circle of friends, his dialogue with intellectuals, artists and professionals in the visual arts and design community, as well as his areas of interest and study. To achieve this goal, the approach taken here was a recreation of the artist\'s life journey through extensive bibliographic research and a survey and organization of the Jordan family\'s collection of his work. Some of the sources, primarily the texts that discuss his work, bring to light Jordan\'s participation and influence on the Brazilian and international cultural scene. The study helps the reader understand several aspects of Jordan\'s work: his view of the meaning of art and the artist; the connection he made between contemporary design and themes employed by German authors and artists in the first half of the 19th Century;and his experiments based upon Goethe\'s Theory of Colours and the naturalistic thought of that German writer. Finally, it also presents a catalogue of Fred Jordan\'s designs and ofthe documentation related to his work.

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