Spelling suggestions: "subject:"familj."" "subject:"enfamilj.""
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Postpartum depression hos fäder -Bakomliggande orsaker samt påverkan på familjen och barnetGrahn, Malin, Ljungdahl, Mona January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Postpartum depression har länge förknippats med moderskap, men drygt 10 % av papporna drabbas också av depression efter barnets födelse. Syfte. Belysa begreppet postpartum depression hos fäder. Metod: Systematisk litteraturstudie som bearbetat och analyserat kvantitativ samt kvalitativ forskning genom en innehållsanalys. Resultat: Orsakerna till postpartum depression hos fäder var främst psykologiska och sociala faktorer där mammans eventuella depression, pappans arbetslöshet och en ansträngd ekonomi samt pappans upplevelse av bristande socialt stöd utgjorde de viktigaste orsakerna. Depressionen påverkade pappans anknytning till barnet, hela familjen och föräldraskapet samt barnets emotionella, kognitiva och sociala utveckling negativt. Slutsats: Postpartum depression hos pappan orsakas av sociodemografiska, psykiska och sociala faktorer. Depressionen påverkar familjen, parrelationen, föräldraskapet samt barnets kognitiva och sociala utveckling negativt. Den kunskap litteraturstudien bidrar till ger ökade möjligheter att uppmärksamma postpartum depression hos pappan, stödja familjen samt bidra till en fördelaktig utveckling för barnet. Framtida forskning bör ske med syfte att hitta lämpliga metoder och bedömningsinstrument utformade för att identifiera pappor med risk att utveckla en depression. / Background: Postpartum depression have for a long time been associated with motherhood, but more than 10 % of fathers also get a depression after their child's birth. Aim: Elucidate the concept of paternal postpartum depression. Method: A systematic literature study who processed both quantitative and qualitative research, analyzed with a content analysis. Results: The causes of paternal postpartum depression where mostly psychological and social factors were the mother´s depression, the father’s unemployment and a strained economy together with the father´s experience of lack of social support seemed to be the most important risk factors. Paternal postpartum depression affected the father’s attachment to his child, family, parenthood and the child's emotional, cognitive and social development negatively. Conclusion: Paternal postpartum depressions are caused of socio-demographic, psychological and social factors. The depression affects the whole family, partners, parenting and the child's cognitive and social development negatively. The literature study increases the knowledge and opportunities to identify postpartum depression in fathers, support the family and to contribute to a favorable development for the child. Future research should be done in order to find appropriate methods and assessment instruments designed to find the fathers at risk for developing depression.
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"Man kan säga att båda sänder signaler men på olika frekvenser" : en kvalitativ studie om partners upplevelse av att vara i ett parförhållande där den andra partnern har Aspergers syndrom / "You could say that both are sending signals but on different frequencies"Oredsson, Susanna January 2013 (has links)
Being in a relationship where the partner has Asperger's syndrome makes you indirectly affected by their disability as it affects not only the disabled but also the partner. The partner may be faced with a lack of understanding from their partner with Asperger's syndrome and from its surroundings, where the syndrome including causes, limits ability in social interaction and communication. The study is a qualitative study based on six asynchronous interviews conducted via email with partners who are in a relationship with a partner who has Asperger's syndrome. The aim of the study was to increase understanding and to highlight partners experience to be in a relationship where the other partner has Asperger's syndrome and how outside support from the environment is perceived. Results of the study showed that all six partners felt that everyday life was structured around the partner with Asperger's syndrome. There was a perceived feeling of loneliness because of the partner with Asperger's syndrome not caring about the partner and of being the one taking the greatest responsibility in everyday life for it to work. There was a feeling of stress, anxiety, lost confidence and frustration but there was also a strong desire and commitment to their partner with Asperger's syndrome. There was a strong love for the partner with Asperger's syndrome and a willingness to get the couple relationship to work. The results show that partners need and want support from the environment. It is important that they receive the support they need. The type of support needed varies but the important thing is that it is flexible, tailored and personalized for the couple or the individual partner's needs. The results indicate that there is a benefit for the couple relationship when the partner with Asperger's syndrome has a diagnosis. Both parties can thus get a better understanding of why certain things are the way they are and then work from there.
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Närståendes upplevelser att närvara under hjärt-lungräddning på sjukhus / Relatives experiences of being present during cardiopulmonary resuscitation in hospitalsAntonsson, Marie-Louise, Engvall, Marie, Malmberg, Carina January 2011 (has links)
Det råder delade meningar angående närståendes närvaro under hjärt-lungräddning på sjukhus. Trots internationella riktlinjer från Emergency Nursing Association som säger att närstående bör erbjudas möjlighet att närvara under hjärt- lungräddning så följs ej dessa generellt på sjukhusen. Syftet: Var att beskriva närståendes upplevelser att närvara under hjärt-lungräddning på sjukhus. Metod: En litteraturstudie har gjorts där 13 vetenskapliga artiklar har granskats. Resultat: Närstående ville ha en valmöjlighet om de skulle närvara eller ej. De flesta närstående var nöjda med sitt beslut att närvara och skulle göra det igen trots att situationen upplevdes som svår. Närstående kände samhörighet med patienten och upplevde att de hanterade situationen bättre om de fick kontinuerlig information om händelseförloppet samt hade en stödperson vid sin sida. Sorgen underlättades då de delat den sista stunden med sin närstående. Slutsats: Närståendes närvaro under hjärt-lungräddning är fortfarande ett relativt outforskat område. Valmöjligheten att närvara är viktig, likaså kontinuerlig information och att ha en stödperson hos sig under hjärt-lungräddningen anses väsentligt. Närstående som varit närvarande under hjärt- lungräddning uppvisar lägre tendens till negativa psykologiska effekter och upplever även att sorgeprocessen underlättas. / A difference of opinion exists regarding the issue of relatives being present during cardiopulmonary resuscitation in hospital. Despite international guidelines from the Emergency Nursing Association stating that relatives should be offered the opportunity to be present during cardiopulmonary resuscitation, this is generally not the case. The aim: of this study was to describe relatives' experiences of being present during cardiopulmonary resuscitation in hospital. Method: A literature review in which 13 scientific papers have been reviewed. Results: Relatives preferred to be given the option to attend the cardiopulmonary resuscitation or not. Most relatives were satisfied with their decision to attend and would do it again even though the situation was perceived as difficult. Relatives experienced an emotional connection with the patient and felt that they handled the situation better if they were given continuous information on the events and had a support person at their side. Relatives also felt it easier to cope with the grieving process when they had shared their loved ones last moment. Conclusion: The attendance of relatives during cardiopulmonary resuscitation is still a relatively unexplored area. To be given the option to attend or not is important, as is continuous information during the resuscitation as well as a support person throughout the process. Relatives who were present during resuscitation showed lower tendency to experience negative psychological effects, and that the grieving process felt easier to go through.
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Språket är inte oskyldigt : En diskursanalys av Adoptionscentrums medlemstidningLundin, Ulrica, Åberg, Lena January 2007 (has links)
Sammanfattning Vi har gjort en kritisk diskursanalys av AC:s (Adoptionscentrum) medlemstidning under perioderna; 1975-1985, 1986-1996, 1997-2006. Frågeställningen lyder: Hur konstitueras diskursen om ”det goda adoptivföräldraskapet” genom AC:s medlemstidning? Vilka är möjlighetsvillkoren och vilka konsekvenser innebär diskursen? Vårt syfte har varit att förstå diskursen om ”det goda adoptivföräldraskapet”. Vi har utgått ifrån socialkonstruktioniskt, poststrukturalistiskt perspektiv och språkfilosofi. Vårt huvudsakliga resultat har visat sig vara att AC konstituerar diskurser som producerar och reproducerar ett antal normativa föreställningar om föräldraskap, familj och individer som bygger på socialt konstruerade föreställningar om vad som är en ”riktig” familj, bra föräldraegenskaper och barnets bästa. Diskursen ”det goda adoptivföräldraskapet” uppnås genom aktivt medlemskap i adoptionsorganisationen AC. Begreppet ”barnets bästa” har visat sig vara en flytande signifikant för att konstituera olika diskurser som alla handlar om att etablera eller upprätthålla AC som organisation. Genom barnets bästa har AC fått möjlighet att legitimera sina egna verksamhetsområden, styra över vem som är lämplig förälder, vem som får bilda familj och vika barn som är tillgängliga för adoption. Ytterligare resultat har visat på att AC under perioden fått ökad makt genom att förmedlingen av adoptivbarn har övergått till adoptivorganisationerna. Således har statens makt och inflytande fördelats över ytterligare en instans. / Abstract This essay is a critical discourse analysis on AC’s (Adoption Centre Organisation, Sweden) magazine for members during three periods; 1975-1985, 1986-1996, 1997-2006. Our main question is how discursive statements are made on “the good adoptive parenthood” in this magazine? What possible changeable meanings and truths are given by the discourses? Our aim is to understand the discourse “the good adoptive parenthood”. The theoretical framework consists of knowledge of social constructivism, post structural perspective and philosophy of language. Our main results are that AC constitutes discourses that produce and reproduce a number of assumptions about parenthood, family and individuals as normative and influenced by social constructed assumptions about what is; a “real” family, a good parenthood or “the child’s best interest”. The discourse of “the good adoptive parenthood” is gained through membership in the adoption organisation AC. The claim of “the child’s best interest” has in this essay being found as a fluent significant to constitute a variety of discourses, which all aim to establish and maintain the organisation. Through the principle of “the child’s best interest”, AC has found a way to legitimate their own fields, to decide who is a suitable parent, who shall form a family, and which child will be available for adoption. Further result shows that AC during the studied period has gained increased legal and governmental power in the field of adoption. As a result, the governmental power and influence in the adoption field has been divided through additional authorities.
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Bry er om oss : En litteraturstudie om hur familjer i vård i livets slutskede vill bli bemötta av vårdpersonal / Care about us : A literature review about how families in the end-of-life care would like to be treated by the healthcarersJohnsson, Frida, Mäki, Sofie January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det finns brister i sjukvårdsystemet inom palliativ vård. En anledning är att vårdpersonalen saknar tillräcklig utbildning. Den palliativa vården kan ses som ett lotteri – där nitlotten är att få vårdas i slutet av sitt liv av någon som endast har några timmars utbildning. Familjer kan uppleva livets slut som den mest smärtsamma fasen. Det är av betydelse att vårdpersonalen identifierar när patienten går in i fasen, vård i livets slut. Familjerna är i en utsatt situation, är sårbara och upplever brist på stöd och förståelse från vårdpersonalen. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva hur familjer i vård i livets slutskede vill bli bemötta av vårdpersonal. Metod: Studien är en litteraturstudie baserad på aktuell kvalitativ forskning inom ämnet. Resultat: Data genomsyrades av att vårdpersonalen skulle bry sig om familjerna. Familjer ville att vårdpersonalen skulle se dem som unika individer och inte bli lämnade utanför. Det var viktigt att de blev tagna på allvar och blev förberedda på slutet. Familjer ville att vårdpersonalen skulle kunna visa känslor och skapa en personlig relation med dem. Slutsats: Trots att familjer i vård i livets slut inte förväntar sig mycket av vårdpersonalen så är det betydelsefullt för dem om vårdpersonalen bryr sig om dem. / Background: There are deficiencies in the healthcare system regarding palliative care. A reason is that healthcarers lack of education. The palliative care can be seen as a lottery - the blank is to be treated by someone with only a few hours education. Families can experience end of life as the most distressing stage. It is therefore important that healthcarers identify when the patient enter the end of life stage. These families are exposed, vulnerable and other experience lack of support and understanding from the healthcarers. Aim: The aim was to describe how the families would like to be treated by the healthcarers. Methods: The study is a literature review based on qualitative articles from current research. Results: The major finding was that healthcarers should care for the families. The families needed to be seen as unique individuals and not to be left behind. It was important to be taken seriously and to be prepared for the end of life. The families wanted that the healthcarers were able to show emotions and create a personal relation to them. Conclusion: Despite that the families in the end of life stage does not expect much from the heatlhcarers it is significant for the families if the healthcarers care about them.
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ATT VARA NÄRSTÅENDE TILL PERSONER MED CANCER : En litteraturöversikt / To be related to persons with cancer : A literature reviewSundqvist, Robert, Khan, Fahima January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p>Var tredje person i Sverige kan under sin livstid drabbas av en cancersjukdom. När en familjmedlem får diagnosen cancer påverkar detta oftast livet för dem som är närstående. Forskning visar att de närstående upplever olika förändringar i livet. Det uppstår oftast känslor som ångest, hjälplöshet och maktlöshet. Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt var att beskriva hur närstående till personer med cancer upplever sin förändrade livssituation. Informationskällor använda i analysen är 13 artiklar som beskriver närståendes upplevelser. Resultatet presenteras i fyra olika huvudteman med tillhörande underteman. Dessa fyra teman är <em>Förändrad livssituation</em>, <em>Maktlöshet och hjälplöshet, Stöd är betydelsefullt</em> och <em>Behov av information</em>. I resultatet framgår att relationer mellan familjmedlemmar antingen fördjupas eller försämras. Behovet av information och stöd visar sig vara stort hos den närstående. Det är av betydelse att resultatet används i vården så att sjuksköterskor samt annan vårdpersonal blir uppmärksamma på närståendes upplevelse. Dessa kunskaper kan hjälpa sjuksköterskor och annan vårdpersonal att erbjuda bättre stöd till dessa närstående.</p> / <p> </p><p>Every third person in Sweden can be afflicted by cancer during a life course. When a family member gets the cancer diagnosis this most often influences the lives of those who are closest to them. Research shows that family caregivers experience various changes through life. These changes are often accompanied by feelings of anxiety, helplessness, and powerlessness. The purpose with this literature review was to describe how caregivers of persons with cancer experience their changed situation of life. The sources of information used in analysis are 13 articles who describe the experiences of caregivers. The result is presented in four main themes with sub themes. These four themes are Changed <em>life situation, Powerlessness and helplessness, Support is important</em> and <em>Need for information</em>. In the presented result it is clear that relations between family members is either deepened or worsen. The need for information and support has showed itself to be of great value for family members. It is of importance to implement the result in healthcare so that registered nurses and other staff can be attentive to the experiences of the relatives. This knowledge can help nurses and other personnel to offer better opportunities to give support to these relatives.</p>
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Autismspektrumtillstånds inverkan på livet i familjen : Föräldrar berättar / The effect of Autism Spectrum Disorder on family life : Stories from parentsJulin, Marie January 2015 (has links)
Inledning: Svårigheterna som förekommer vid autismspektrumtillstånd påverkar individer och familjer i stor omfattning. Denna studie fokuserar på att förstå hur föräldrar uppfattar sin situation och hur de beskriver familjens behov av stöd och hjälp. Frågeställningar: Hur upplever föräldrar att relationerna och livet i familjen påverkas när en individ i familjen har funktionsnedsättningar inom autismspektrum? Hur beskriver föräldrar familjens behov av stöd och hjälp? Metod: I arbetet har kvalitativ metod använts. I studien har åtta föräldrar intervjuats. Intervjuerna analyserades enligt tematisk analys. Resultat: Tre teman framkom i analysen: diagnos - en sorg och en lättnad, energikrävande vardag samt ett kämpande för rätt hjälp och stöd. Diskussion: Föräldrarna beskriver att diagnosen, även om det också finns en sorg, medverkat till att öka förståelsen för barnet och barnets beteende. Det framkommer att funktionsnedsättningarna tar energi och tid, att skapandet av ett vardagligt liv blir som en omfattande och tidskrävande arbetsuppgift. Föräldrarna rapporterar i intervjuerna att de får kämpa hårt för att barnet ska få rätt stöd och hjälp. / Introduction: Autism-related disabilities have large effects on both individuals and families. This study focuses on how parents experience their situation and how they describe the family’s need for support and counceling. Research questions: How do the families experience the impact of autism on their relationships and their family life? How do the families describe their need of counceling and support? Method: In this study a qualitative methodology was used. Parents of five children/ young adults were interviewed. The interviews were analysed using thematic analysis. Results: Three themes emerged from the analysis: diagnosis – both a sadness and relief, energy consuming daily life and struggling to get the right counceling and support. Discussion: Parents describe that the diagnosis, although considered a sadness, also contributed to increase the understanding of the child and its behaviour. The disabilities of the child impact the family’s daily life and the daily life becomes an energy and time consuming task for the parents. Parents report that they have to struggle to get the right counceling and support.
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Barn, familj och klass : en jämförande studie av läseböcker i svenskämnet för årskurs 3, från 1950 till 2009Andreasson Nielsen, Karin January 2011 (has links)
In primary school reading-books in Swedish language is something that students come across early in school and have done ever since the 1800s. After World War II there have been major changes in society. 1962 there was a school reform where the school turned into a nine-year system of compulsory education. That is why it is interesting to see what reading books contain with regard to notions of children, family and class and how the developments have been from the 1950s until the present time. This study aims to analyze and compare the different aspects of how notions of children, family and class are produced in the reading books for primary school for pupils in third grade, between 1950 and 2009. The research questions were: What are the notions of children, family and class in the reading-books? What differences/similarities exist in the reading books from the 1950s to the recent decades? What could be the reason? I have chosen to apply qualitative text analysis originating in idea analysis. Because my focus was based on an attempt to track, analyse and compare the concepts, perceptions and representations of the reading books for third grade. My results shows that the children portrayed in the books from 1950-1965 are well mannered. And their relationships with the adults are strong and they learn from their parents, grandparents and relatives. The study also shows that the children portrayed in the reading books from 1976 and forward, make their own choices and play more major roles in the stories. The results show that the nuclear family is seen as an ideal. The study also shows that there are children in the book from 2009 who are experiencing economic inequalities in the form of clothes and other belongings. Overall, in the books i think that the middle class shows strongest but the markers seen in the stories are relatively vague to be seen in the stories.
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Familjen är den enda vägen tillbaka hem. : En kvalitativ studie om personalens syn på familjens delaktighet i behandling av ungdomar.Claesson, Sandra, Cakici, Nahrin January 2013 (has links)
ÖREBRO UNIVERSITY Department of Behavioural, Social and Legal Sciences Program of social work Social Work C C-essay in Social Work, 15 credits Autumn term 2013 The family is the only way back home – A qualitative study on staff’s view on family involvement in the treatment of adolescents Authors: Cakici, Nahrin and Claesson, Sandra Abstract The aim of this study is to investigate how the staff at residential treatment centers works to involve the family and the social network in youth’s treatment and how they experience that the involvement affects the young person. The aim is also to study the difficulties the staff experience in their work to involve the family and the social network. In this study, staff from two residential treatment centers in Sweden participated. The study is conducted based in on qualitative method in which four semi-structured telephone interviews and one group interview have been conducted. The result was analyzed using general system theory, attachment theory and social representations. The result shows that family involvement in treatment will have a positive impact on the young person and the treatment. This may facilitate a positive way to move home. The social network has also an impact on the young person, and then as a support during and after treatment. One difficulty for staff to involve the social network is that they must relate to confidentiality laws which may limit the social network’s participation in the treatment. Keywords: residential treatment center, youth, family, social network, involvement, difficulties.
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Flexibilitetens gränser : förändring och friktion i arbetsliv och familj /Grönlund, Anne, January 2004 (has links)
Diss. Umeå : Univ., 2004. / S. 239-253: Bibliografi.
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