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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hjälte eller översittare? : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Vestiaire Collectives kampanj för att bojkotta fast fashion / Hero or Dominator? : A qualitative content analysis of Vestiaire Collective's campaign to ban Fast Fashion

Ullman, Ellen January 2024 (has links)
The main purpose of the study is to understand how Vestiaire Collective’s campaign film #saynotofastfashion from 2022 visually communicates two different messages. One intentional message about an activistic positioning in the issue of textile waste as well as one unintentional message about white supremacy.   The material is investigated through a qualitative content analysis based on theories about activism in media and documentary narration, the white man’s guilt and postcolonial stereotypes in film. By splitting the material and analyzing text and image separately, markers for both messages are found. In a summarizing analysis the text and images separate communication are put in relation to each other in order to draw conclusions about the two part’s common message and function.   The study concludes that the meaning of the text as well as text and image together is to show Vestiaire Collective as a wholesome, conscious and charitable company. However the images also send the message that westerners are needed in order to solve problems in non-western countries. Vestiaire Collective’s film represents the dark skinned Ghanaians in a diminishing and colonially stereotyped way and themselves as heroes in line with the white-savior-stereotype.  Markers for activism are interpreted to be the way Vestiaire Collective are positioning themselves in the issue of textile waste as well as their suggestions and prompts for solutions. Another marker for activism is under which circumstances the film was published; in connection with Black Friday 2022 on social media.  The media production included below is a documentation of the process of making a short advertising film about a cancer story from a relative’s perspective.

Hållbarhetsstrategier inom den europeiska modeindustrin : Jämförande studie mellan snabb- och lyxmodesektorerna i Europa / Sustainability strategies in the European fashion industry : Comparative study between the fast and luxury fashion sectors in Europe

Ericsson, Josefine, Adriana Gajewska, Maria, Danell, Josefine January 2024 (has links)
Modeindustrin är en betydande del av människors vardag och självuttryck, men den har också en stor inverkan på miljön och naturresurser. Snabbmode och lyxmode har olika affärsmodeller och påverkar miljön på olika sätt. Snabbmode är känt för att ha höga volymer, låga kostnader och korta produktionscykler, vilket ökar dess miljöavtryck. Å andra sidan betonar lyxmode exklusivitet, kvalitet och status, men även det har miljökonsekvenser. Syftet med studien är därmed att identifiera snabb- och lyxmodesektorernas hållbarhetsstrategier och jämföra likheter och skillnader mellan arbetssätten. Detta besvarades genom en granskning av hållbarhetsrapporter från fyra koncerner och ett företag i respektive sektor. En utvecklad version av Seuring och Müllers (2008) Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM)-ramverk kopplad till FNs globala mål för hållbar utveckling utgjorde studiens teoretiska perspektiv. SSCM erbjuder en struktur för att identifiera hållbarhetsstrategier som riktas mot klimatrelaterade utmaningar, medan FN:s mål sätter en gemensam agenda för miljömässig hållbarhet. Resultatet visar flera hållbarhetsstrategier samt likheter och skillnader mellan arbetssätten. Diskussionen presenterar och ställer dessa mot varandra. Slutsatsen är att både snabb- och lyxmodesektorerna implementerar flera hållbarhetsstrategier, men prioriterar dem olika i följd av sina åtskilda affärsmodeller. Studien bidrar med en förståelse för den europeiska modeindustrins hållbarhetsarbete och vilka strategier och prioriteringar respektive sektor åtar. Eftersom denna studie är avgränsad till miljömässig hållbarhet, bör vidare forskning undersöka de sociala och ekonomiska dimensionerna för att bredda förståelsen för sektorernas hållbarhetsarbete. / The fashion industry is a significant part of people's daily lives and self-expression, but it also has a substantial impact on the environment and resources. Fast fashion and luxury fashion have different business models and affect the environment in various ways. Fast fashion is known for high volumes, low costs, and short production cycles, which increase its environmental footprint. On the other hand, luxury fashion emphasises exclusivity, quality, and status, but it also has environmental consequences. The purpose of this study is to identify the sustainability strategies of the fast fashion and luxury fashion sectors and compare the similarities and differences between their approaches. This was addressed through a review of sustainability reports from four groups and one company in each sector. An enhanced version of Seuring and Müller's (2008) Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) framework, connected to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), constituted the study's theoretical perspective. SSCM provides a structure for identifying sustainability strategies that address climate-related challenges, while the UN's goals set a common agenda for environmental sustainability. The results show several sustainability strategies as well as similarities and differences between the approaches. The discussion presents and contrasts these strategies. The conclusion is that both the fast fashion and luxury fashion sectors implement several sustainability strategies, but prioritise them differently due to their distinct business models. The study contributes to an understanding of the European fashion industry's sustainability efforts and the strategies and priorities undertaken by each sector. Since this study is limited to environmental sustainability, further research should investigate the social and economic dimensions to broaden the understanding of the sectors' sustainability efforts.

Är det möjligt att marknadsföra på ett hållbart sätt? : En studie om slow fashionföretags förhållningssätt till marknadsföring / Is it possible to do marketing in a sustainble way? : A study of slow fashion companies approach toward marketing

Robertsson, Ella, Nylander, Jenny January 2021 (has links)
Företag inom slow fashion arbetar mer med hållbarhet, både för konsumenterna och deras anställda. Det är stort fokus på att miljön ska bevaras medan företagen konkurrerar med fast fashionkedjor som massproducerar kläder och säljer till låga priser. Det stora problemet inom industrins produktion handlar om hur man ska försöka minska utsläpp och påverkan på miljön samt hantera överkonsumtionen genom hållbar marknadsföring. Studiens syfte är att utvärdera vilka karaktärsdrag slow fashion företag har gentemot fast fashion företag och hur slow fashion företag inom klädindustrin marknadsför sitt hållbarhetsarbete till konsumenterna. Studien undersöker även hur företagen arbetar med marknadsföring för att nå ut till sina nuvarande och framtida konsumenter. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats och det empiriska materialet samlas in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra slow fashion företag. Vi har även samlat in empiriskt material genom undersökningar av företagens offentliga material så som hemsidor och sociala medier för att komplettera intervjuerna. Resultatet analyseras med hjälp av tidigare forskning och begreppen slow- jämfört med fast fashion och marknadsföring. Vidare analyseras företagens ansvar med hjälp av begrepp och modeller inom triple bottom line, corporate social responsibility, certifieringar och legitimitet. Det sista inom studien som analyseras är konsumentens ansvar i form av politisk konsumtion samt aktiviteterna bojkott och buycott. Resultaten visar att alla fyra företagen är positiva till att arbeta med hållbarhet för att förbättra miljön och deras arbete kommer inte avta men att företagen vill nå ut till fler konsumenter och minska konsumtionen genom att påverka konsumenterna till att göra färre onödiga inköp. / Slow fashion companies work more with sustainability, both for consumers and their employees. There is a strong focus on preserving the environment while companies compete with fast fashion chains that mass-produce clothes and sell at low prices. The big problem in industrial production is about how to try to reduce emissions and impact on the environment and manage overconsumption through sustainable marketing. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the characteristics of slow fashion companies in relation to fast fashion companies and how slow fashion companies in the clothing industry market their sustainability work to consumers. The study also examines how companies work with marketing to reach their current and future consumers. The study has a qualitative approach, and the empirical material is collected through semistructured interviews with four slow fashion companies. We have also collected empirical material through studies of the companies' public material such as websites and social media to supplement the interviews. The results are analyzed with the help of previous research and the concepts of slow- vs. fast fashion and marketing. Furthermore, corporate responsibility is analyzed with the help of concepts and models within triple results, corporate social responsibility, certifications, and legitimacy. The last thing in the study that is analyzed is the consumer's responsibility in the form of political consumption and the activities boycott and buycott. Results show that all four companies are positive about working with sustainability because the environment and their work will decline, but that the companies want to reach more consumers and choose consumption by influencing consumers to make fewer unnecessary purchases.


MELANIE CHRISTINE B N DE M CARVALHO 21 December 2023 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho expõe uma revisão da literatura acadêmica e jornalística sobre a sustentabilidade da moda e um estudo de campo sobre o lixão de roupas do Atacama. O objetivo é ser um compêndio sobre os impactos da indústria da moda e trazer iniciativas que visem minimizá-los. A moda é a segunda indústria mais poluente do mundo. Representa 2 por cento do PIB mundial, mas contribui com 8 por cento do total de emissão do carbono. É a segunda que mais consome água: 10 por cento do abastecimento e 20 por cento da poluição da água industrial global. Mais de 90 milhões de toneladas de resíduos têxteis vão parar nos aterros sanitários ao ano, sendo que um quarto é incinerada com alto impacto pelo uso de fibras sintéticas. O maior desafio da moda é ser circular e sustentável. Um dos exemplos emblemáticos do impacto da moda no meio ambiente é o descarte ilegal de roupas do deserto de Atacama, no Chile. Em 2021 foi noticiado como o maior lixão da moda do mundo com 300 hectares. Em 2023, através de pesquisa de campo foram encontradas 100 áreas de descarte de roupas: 50 dessas áreas com queimadas, 16 com descartes de roupas e 34 de outros tipos de descartes misturados. Foi observado que esse descarte ilegal tem um impacto social grande na região, onde a economia ao redor foca em peças coletadas para o sustento das famílias pobres. O estudo local e de imagens de satélite permitiu constatar mudanças na dinâmica do descarte ilegal. Muitos são os atores na cadeia da moda e cada um pode mudar os hábitos para termos uma moda menos poluente. Os designers podem utilizar modelagem eficiente, economia circular, upcycling, reciclagem, uso de fibras biodegradáveis em prol da sustentabilidade. Já o consumidor pode apoiar a economia circular, ser consciente com compras, lavagem de roupas, suas peças e a rastreabilidade dos materiais e processos utilizados na peça. / [en] This work presents a review of the academic and journalistic literature on the fashion sustainability and a field study on the Atacama clothing dump. The objective is to be a compendium on the impacts of the fashion industry and bring initiatives that aim to minimize them. Fashion is the second most polluting industry in the world. It represents 2 percent of world GDP but contributes 8 percent of total carbon emissions. It is the second largest consumer of water: 10 percent of the supply and 20 percent of the global industrial water pollution. More than 90 million tons of textile waste end up in landfills each year, a quarter of which is incinerated with high impact due to the use of synthetic fibers. Fashion s biggest challenge is to be circular and sustainable. In 2021 the largest illegal fashion dump in the world with 300 hectares was reported in Chile. In 2023, through field research and georeferencing, 100 clothing areas were found: 50 with fires, 16 with discards and 34 with mixed waste. The economy around the dump focuses on pieces collected for the livelihood of poor families. The local study and satellite images allowed us to observe changes in the dynamics of illegal disposal. Designers can use efficient modeling, circular economy, upcycling, recycling, use of biodegradable fibers forsustainability. Consumers, on the other hand, can support the circular economy, be conscious with purchases, washing clothes, their parts and the traceability of the materials and processes used in the part.

Udržitelný rozvoj v mezinárodních firmách. / Sustainable development in multinational companies

Genttnerová, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is an evaluation of activities in multinational companies which lead to sustainable development. Furthermore, an analysis which aims to find out if these activities contribute to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) drawn up and approved by all member states of the United Nations in 2015. The theoretical part of the thesis introduces history starting with the industrial revolution and present situation in a globalized world. It explains specifics of apparel industry and sport apparel industry. It also presents individual SDGs, their meaning and the importance of all subjects being involved in their achieving, including private companies. The thesis evaluates how the three biggest multinational companies from sports apparel industry perceive the topic of sustainable development. These are adidas AG, NIKE, Inc. and Puma SE. In the analytical part, it evaluates their current and planned practices contributing to sustainable development, it compares them with the topics of SDGs and proposes measures that would help to successfully achieve them. The analysis shows that these three companies have already been engaging in the topic of sustainability. They take the SDGs into account but do not fully implement them in their business models yet. The company which has the most activities connected to sustainable development is adidas. Most of the activities these companies have are connected to the following goals: Responsible consumption and production, Clean water and sanitation and Partnership for the goals. There are several specific areas in the sports apparel industry that could be greatly improved. They are presented at the end of the thesis.

Marketing módnych značiek so zameraním na značku Zara / Marketing fashion brands with a focus on ZARA

Droščáková, Jana January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis concerns with the specifics of fashion industry and marketing of fashion brands, with a closer focus and attention on a Spanish clothing brand Zara.The purpose of this work is to offer the reader an overview of marketing methods and tools used by fashion brands to reach, get and keep customers and to specify the actual forms of marketing communication used by the renowned Zara. The goal of the thesis is to find out the awareness of these marketing tools among Czech customers, what they think of the brand itself and then provide suggestions to improve its existing image. The first part gives an overview of available theory on fashion industry and marketing, and it describes and characterises the marketing communication of Zara. The second part is based on own marketing research with the purpose of defining the activity of the brand in Czech environment and unveiling the marketing goals of Zara in the Czech Republic. The aim is to find out the impact of the brand on Czech consumers and whether its idea of own positioning corresponds with the outcome of the consumer reasearch.

Světové trendy v módním průmyslu / Global trends in the Fashion industry

Hubková, Veronika January 2012 (has links)
The Dissertation is providing concise insight into the history of fashion industry, its global evolution and remarkable thresholds leading us into the way we can see it nowadays. Consequent focus is around today's trend of fast fashion being seen as the synonym for affordable and low-cost apparel. Vigorous supply chain analysis delivers valid arguments about negative social and environmental impact on our society as a result of recent fashion trends. Considering all above highlighted issues along with increasingly important sustainability, the theses is trying to outline a future prospect of the industry.

Percepción de los universitarios sobre el sector fast fashion en Instagram: El caso de Forever 21

Guzmán Cruz, Yoselin Marielli 02 July 2020 (has links)
Instagram es una de las redes sociales más influyentes a nivel mundial, ante ello, las marcas de moda se han visto obligadas a comunicarse con su público a través de esta plataforma. Sin embargo, uno de los retos para estas marcas es mantener la interacción y atención de sus consumidores. Por esa razón, es importante que se publique contenido relevante y creativo para generar mejores relaciones entre las marcas y el consumidor, pues estos factores influyen en la creación de la imagen de marca. En este estudio se encontraron diversas líneas de investigación sobre moda, red social Instagram e imagen de marca. No obstante, para esta investigación se plantea una nueva línea que abarque estas categorías en conjunto. Este análisis se enfoca en conocer la percepción de los estudiantes universitarios de pregrado sobre las publicaciones de Forever 21 Perú en la red social Instagram. Los participantes para esta investigación son estudiantes universitarios de pregrado de 17 a 25 años que usan la red social Instagram en Lima Metropolitana. Para recolectar la información se emplea entrevistas a profundidad con el fin de profundizar el tema a tratar y el enfoque del estudio es cualitativo. / Instagram is one of the most influential social networks worldwide, given that, fashion brands have been forced to communicate with their public through this platform. However, one of the challenges for these brands is to maintain the interaction and attention of their consumers. For this reason, it is important that relevant and creative content is published to generate better relationships between brands and the consumer, as these factors influence the creation of the brand image. In this study, various lines of research on fashion, Instagram social network and brand image were found. However, for this research a new line is proposed that covers these categories. This analysis is focused on knowing the perception of undergraduate university students about the publications of Forever 21 Peru on the social network Instagram. The participants for this research are undergraduate university students from 17 to 25 years old who use the social network Instagram in Lima Metropolitan. To collect the information, in-depth interviews are used to deepen the topic to be discussed and the focus of the study is qualitative. / Trabajo de investigación

Motivy spotřebitelů k nákupu upcyklované módy / Consumers' Motives for Buying Upcycled Clothes

Bourová, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
The focus of this diploma thesis is on the consumers' motives for purchasing upcycled clothing. Based on the research of available resources, this thesis firstly describes the most expanded model of clothing production, fast fashion, with special focus on the negative environmental impacts it has during different stages of a product life cycle. It later moves on to describe the traditional and more environmentally friendly model, slow fashion, and puts both these concepts (fast fashion and slow fashion) in connection with the hierarchy of waste management and the concept of circular economy. This theoretical base helps to fully understand the concept of upcycled fashion, which is thoroughly described in a separate chapter that also includes various examples of designers who focus on fashion upcycling. The last section of the theoretical part deals with motivation and motives for purchasing clothes. The empirical part of this diploma thesis focuses on how consumers perceive upcycled fashion in order to answer the main research question: What are the consumers' motives for purchasing upcycled clothes? To answer the question, qualitative research was used, specifically semi- structured interviews. The interviews were conducted with a total of twelve shoppers who have had previous personal experience...

Unveiling Sustainability Reports : A multi-method research of sustainable issues raised in sustainability reports in the fast fashion industry.

Johnsson, Josefin, Dyring-Bro, Rebecca, Sten, Ronja January 2023 (has links)
Sustainability has over the years been of interest and not least to the fast fashion industry. The phenomenon of sustainability reports has therefore occurred by small and large companies produced for society today. Companies present a list of past, present and future sustainable activities to suppliers, competitors, shareholders and customers. Furthermore, the fast fashion industry has grown and consumption tends to be higher than ten years ago. The information shared is therefore important to see how these activities are communicated to society, not at least to customers. Sustainability awareness is today a valuable tool for sustainable trust in companies. Thus, the purpose of this thesis was to investigate which sustainability issues are presented  in sustainability reports by companies and by customers. Empirical results were obtained using a qualitative multi-method, where Critical Discourse Analysis was adopted by the authors to interpret sustainability reports from seven Swedish companies interpreted as fast fashion. The authors then analysed the results of CDA of sustainability reports with the aim to find out how the sustainable issues are presented to society in variants, differences, images and language. In addition, semi-structured interviews with questions based on CDA and literature review were conducted to gain perspectives and a deeper understanding of the customers.The conclusion of this thesis showed that customers can be involved in companies' sustainable activities, although it tends to differ. Customers perceived sustainability reports in today's situation as low transparency and the trust is not as high as it could be. The GIOIA method was therefore conducted to see how these first concepts from customer interviews relate to the second theme of CDA. Furthermore, four dimensions could be constructed with further suggestions for companies that produce sustainability reports to customers on the issues of trust, transparency, customer awareness and important sustainable issues. The thesis further identified both general factors and problems within sustainability reports that can be used for future guidance and implementation of sustainable awareness for customers in the fast fashion industry.

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