Spelling suggestions: "subject:"feelings"" "subject:"peelings""
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Psykoterapeuters erfarenhet av eget arbete med känslor i bildterapi : En kvalitativt deskriptiv studie / Psychotherapists experience of working with own emotions in art therapy : A qualitative descriptive studyHögberg, Therése January 2021 (has links)
Inledning: Känslor spelar en betydande roll i psykisk ohälsa och är ett fokus i terapeutiskt arbete. De kan gömma sig bakom försvar och i förkroppsligade tillstånd och behöva medvetandegöras. Studien syftar till att utforska bildpsykoterapeuters erfarenheter av att uttrycka känslor i bildterapi, för att se om bildinterventioner kan komplettera det verbala uttrycket i terapi. Frågeställningar: Hur har bildpsykoterapeuter använt bildskapande för att uttrycka och bearbeta egna känslor? Hur upplever de att det hjälpt till respektive försvårat det psykiska arbetet med egna känslor? Metod: Studien baseras på intervjuer med fem kvinnliga bildpsykoterapeuter. Materialet analyserades i en induktiv tematisk analys. Resultat: Studien visar att bildskapande hjälper till att synliggöra känslor. Det bidrar även till att väcka nya, lugna och symbolisera känslor. Vidare framkommer att bildarbetets ram i sig har en påverkan på känslor. Exempelvis kan ledaren/gruppen påverka, men även vilken sorts bildmaterial som används och hur rummet är utformat. Diskussion: Resultatet diskuterades i förhållande till att bildinterventioner både kan verka försvårande i arbetet med känslor och vara hjälpsamt. Terapeutens roll i att handskas med detta genom att bedöma patienten och förebilda känslomässigt hållande lyfts fram. Även vikten av att kontrollera variabler som patientens nuläge, typ av bildmaterial och gruppklimat. / Introduction: Feelings play a significant role in mental illness and are a focus in therapeutic work. They may hide behind defenses and in embodied states and may need to be made aware. The study aims to explore art psychotherapists' experiences of expressing emotions in art therapy, to see if art interventions can complement the verbal expression in therapy. Questions: How have art psychotherapists used image creation to express and process their own emotions? How do they feel that it has helped or hindered the mental work with own emotions? Method: The study is based on interviews with five female art psychotherapists. The material was analyzed in an inductive thematic analysis. Result: The study shows that image creation helps to make emotions visible. It also helps to evoke new, calm and symbolize emotions. Furthermore, it appears that the framework of image creation itself has an impact on emotions. For example, the leader/group can influence, but also what kind of art material is used and how the room is designed. Discussion: The result shows that art interventions both can hinder and promote helpful work with feelings. The therapist's role in dealing with this by assessing the patient and to model containing of emotions is highlighted. Also the importance of controlling variables such as the patient's current situation, type of art material and group climate.
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Les modes de production des inégalités, les cultures scolaires et les expériences des élèves : une comparaison des systèmes éducatifs français et chilien / Inequalities Mode of Production, School Cultures and Student Experiences : a Comparison of the French and Chilean Educational SystemsContreras, Johana 13 November 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur les inégalités sociales dans les systèmes éducatifs français et chilien. À la différence de l’abondante littérature sur ce sujet dans la sociologie de l’éducation et dans d’autres disciplines, ce travail ne vise ni à expliquer les inégalités ni à comparer leur ampleur. À partir d’une approche compréhensive basée sur la sociologie de l’expérience, nous étudions le lien entre les modes de production des inégalités au sein de chaque système éducatif et les expériences des élèves. Cette question est appréhendée à partir d’une comparaison qualitative consistant en un examen de la législation, des études empiriques et des statistiques décrivant chaque modèle d’une part, et en une enquête de terrain auprès des enseignants et des élèves d’autre part. Des entretiens semi-directifs ont été effectués dans quatre lycées de chaque pays incluant 119 personnes (79 élèves et 40 professeurs). Ces deux systèmes se rapprochent de deux figures idéal-typiques de production des inégalités : le mode socio-économique au Chili et le mode scolaire-culturel en France. Ces modes de production façonnent les expériences scolaires en termes de leur contenu et de leur distribution. Au Chili, les expériences des lycéens reflètent les inégalités socio-économiques, se traduisant par des sentiments de macro-injustice ; en France les expériences se configurent autour des inégalités proprement scolaires avec une prééminence des sentiments de micro-injustice. Enfin, la culture scolaire nationale agit sur ce rapport entre les modes de production et les expériences ; au Chili elle atténue la critique de l’injustice de l’École alors qu’en France, elle l’exacerbe. / The present research examines social inequalities in French and Chilean education systems. Diverging from the abundant literature on this subject in the sociology of education and other disciplines, the goal of this research was to neither explain the inequalities nor compare their extent. Instead, we took a comprehensive approach based on the sociology of experience, to study the relation between the forms of inequality production in each education system and students’ experience of it. This issue was investigated through a qualitative comparison of the two education systems, in which we examined on the one hand, the legislation, the empirical studies and the statistics of each national model and on the other hand, a field study with teachers and students. The latter consisted of 119 semi-directive interviews (79 students and 40 teachers) in four high schools in each country. The two systems approximate two ideal-types of inequality production: the social-economic mode in Chile and the educational-cultural mode in France. These modes of production shape both the content and the distribution of the schooling experience. In Chile, the students’ experience reflects social-economic inequalities translated into feelings of macro-injustice; in France, experiences are formed by inequalities in the schooling process with a preeminence of feelings of micro-injustice. Finally, national schooling cultures act upon the relationship between the forms of inequality production and the experiences: In Chile, it attenuates the criticism of injustice toward school, while in France it is exacerbated.
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Upplevd trygghet och polisiär närvaroAhmad, Sara, Berg, Alexander, Knutsson, Anabell January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this paper was to explore associations between previous victimization, police legitimacy and feelings of safety, and to also explore how different patrolling strategies were perceived in terms of general feelings of safety and police legitimacy. A questionnaire was created to measure these variables. The tests used were correlations and independent samples t-tests. The participants were 175 individuals living in Sweden, 67 were men and 108 were women, and the average age was 28. The correlation analysis showed that there was no significant relation between police legitimacy and feelings of safety regardless of previous victimization or not. One t-test showed no significant difference in patrolling strategies in terms of feelings of safety. However, a second t-test showed a significant difference in patrolling strategies in the general perception of police legitimacy. Participants with greater confidence in the police, perceived foot patrolling as more vital for their feelings of safety. The theory, Community oriented policing (COP), was used to further analyze results obtained within this study. Through this study, it was concluded that foot patrolling could promote cooperation between the police and the public. This might improve citizens' understanding of police legitimacy, which in turn can increase the overall levels of feelings of safety among the public. / Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka samband mellan tidigare viktimisering, tilltro till polisen och upplevd trygghet, samt skillnader i vilken patrulleringsstrategi som uppfattades som mest trygg vad gäller den generella upplevda tryggheten respektive den generella tilltron till polisen. En webbenkät som mätte dessa variabler skapades och analyserades sedan med hjälp av korrelationsanalyser och oberoende t-test. Antalet deltagare var 175 personer bosatta i Sverige där 67 var män och 108 var kvinnor och deras medelålder var 28. Korrelationsanalyserna visade inget signifikant samband mellan tilltro till polisen och upplevd trygghet även när tidigare viktimisering användes som kontrollvariabel. Det oberoende t-testet visade ingen signifikant skillnad i vilken patrulleringstrategi som deltagarna uppfattade som mest trygg vad gäller den generella upplevda tryggheten. Däremot visade ytterligare ett oberoende t-test att det fanns en signifikant skillnad i vilken patrulleringsstrategi deltagarna uppfattade som mest trygg vad gäller den generella tilltron till polisen, där personer med högre tilltro till polisen uppfattade fotpatrullering som mest tryggt. Teorin om Community oriented policing (COP) användes för att analysera resultaten. Sammanfattningsvis stödjer denna studies resultat uppfattningen om att fotpatrullering kan främja samarbetet mellan invånare och polis. Ökat samarbete mellan parterna kan tänkas leda till ökad tilltro till polisen, som i sin tur kan resultera i ökad upplevd trygghet bland befolkningen.
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"Pff, man kan se de två gånger per dag" : En kvalitativ studie om hur ungdomar påverkas av polisens arbete och närvaroTanoyan, Murat, Coelho Pimenta, Leonard January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to investigate how the police presence in a district located in central Sweden affects youths and what their general perception is about the police in the area. We have conducted semi-structured interviews with seven young people, aged 18 to 21, and a police officer from the city's police force. The results showed that the majority of youths initially had positive opinions about the police, however, the majority also felt that the ability of the police to communicate with the general public could be improved. Almost all participants felt that police presence in the area was high. Half of the participants felt that the presence increased their feelings of security, while the rest felt that police presence either decreased or did not affect their feelings of security.
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Att genomgå en magnetkameraundersökning - ur ett patientperspektiv. : En litteraturstudie. / Undergoing Magnetic Resonance Imaging - from a Patient’s perspective. : A literary study.Fritzson, Linnéa, Svedin, Alva January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Magnetresonanstomografi (MRT) innebär stora diagnostiska och medicinska möjligheter, men ofta ett obehag för patienterna som kan bero på en rad olika anledningar. Patienternas upplevelser i samband med en magnetkameraundersökning är viktigt för att röntgensjuksköterskan ska få patienterna att känna en trygghet och kunna etablera kontakt. Syfte: Litteraturstudiens syfte var att belysa patienters erfarenheter i samband med en magnetkameraundersökning. Metod: En litteraturstudie med resultat från åtta kvalitativa studier. Artiklarna kvalitetgranskades samt analyserades. Sökningar har genomförts i PubMed och CINAHL. Resultat: Utifrån analysen formades tre kategorier och åtta subkategorier. Kategorierna var: Att ligga i mr-kamera, att genomgå undersökningsproceduren samt känslor. Patienter upplever någon form av smärta och obehag i samband med MR-undersökningen. En del patienter upplever någon form av negativa känslor vid undersökningen, medan andra inte. Konklusion: Kommunikation, trygghet och informationsanpassning är en viktig del för patienternas upplevelser i samband med en magnetkameraundersökning och möjligheten för att reducera dess negativa känslor som uppstår. / Background: Magnetic resonance imaging imply great diagnostical and medical opportunities, but entails often a discomfort for the patient, due to several different reasons. The patients’ experiences regarding the magnetic resonance imaging examination are important for the feeling of safeness and establish a contact with the x-ray nurse. Aim: The literature study’s aim was to illustrate the experiences of patients regarding examination with magnetic resonance imaging. Method: A literature study with results from eight qualitative studies. Articles that were reviewed with quality and were also analyzed. Searches have been carried out in PubMed and CINAHL. Result: From the analysis, three categories were formed and also eight subcategories. The categories were: To lie in an MRI-scan, to undertake the examination procedure and also feelings. Patients experiences some kind of pain and discomfort during the MRI-scan. Some patients experience some negative feelings during the examination, whereas others do not experience that. Conclusion: Communication, safeness and adaptation of the information are crucial parts for the experiences for the patients, regarding an examination within a magnetic resonance imaging, and the possibilities to reduce the negative feelings that occur during this kind of examination. Keywords:
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"Det är det jag brukar säga, vi jobbar ju med ständig kriskommunikation" : En receptionsstudie av hur känslor används av kommunikatörer samt tolkas av mottagare i hållbarhetskommunikation / “It’s what I usually say, we work with constant crisis communication” : A reception study of how emotions are used by communicators and interpreted by recipients in sustainability communicationForssell, Linnea January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this reception study is to increase the understanding of how perceptions correspond between communicators and recipients regarding which feeling is perceived to engage the most in the context of sustainability communication. The theoretical frame stretches from Sara Ahmed's theory about how actions are reactions of feelings, the green gap, living in denial, Tim Jensen’s theory about environmental guilt and theories in politics that include subactivism and Chantal Mouffe's theory about the importance of an “us and them” in opposition political movements. The study also includes theories within semiotic analysis, reception analysis and Stuart Hall's encoding/decoding model. The reception study is divided into two methods. The first method is a visual semiotic analysis that made it possible to find the preferred reading of the commercials. The second method is qualitative interviews which made it possible to analyse the way recipients interpret the message of the commercials. Analysing tools within reception analysis were applied to the material from the interviews with the recipients. The study also utilized a comparative analysis of interview responses between the communicators and recipients to locate possible differences in perceptions of sustainability communication. The study's results show that positive emotions encourage recipients to maintain the already sustainable lifestyle they consider themselves to have but it also make them feel skeptical to the message. The negative emotions encourage them to make a behavior change but it also makes the recipients feel hopeless. The analysis however shows that the target group do not believe that they will make any further changes as they already believe that they are acting sustainably. The study has also identified some of the challenges that communicators face when it comes to sustainability communication. One is that the recipients respond best to the communication that they tend to avoid and another challenge is to find the balance between positive and negative emotions so that the recipient feels that the message is trustworthy. The study has also shown the importance of giving the recipients sustainable tools they feel they can act on. Dissonance between recipients and communicators regarding the sense of community has been located.
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Verifikace modelu průběhu procesu při vyhledávání informací podle C.C. Kuhlthau v českém prostředí / Verification of the Kuhlthau's Information Search Process Model in the Environment of the Czech RepublicPřibylová, Ludmila January 2013 (has links)
The thesis focuses on Kuhlthau's Information Search Process Model. Firstly, the author explains Kuhlthau's model of information retrieval and seeking meaning of information from user's perspective. Results of the model are the uncertainty principle and mediation - findings which change our view of library services. In the second part of the thesis, the author introduces other research texts and manuals about writing a scientific text. She pays special attention to Jadwiga Šanderová's comprehensive manual which is called How to read and write a scientific text in social sciences, and to stylistics research text by Světla Čmejrková et al. called How to write down a scientific text. Thirdly, the author evaluates the survey which verifies Kuhlthau's model in the environment of the Czech Republic. The survey has taken place among postgraduate students, teachers and scientists from chosen universities in the Czech Republic
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Parrelationens betydelse för förstföderskors och partners förlossningsupplevelse sex månader efter förlossning – en longitudinell kohortstudie / The importance of the couple relationship for first-time mothers and partner´s childbirth experience six months after childbirth- a longitudinal cohort studyDelfechresh, Marija, Melin, Sanna January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Förlossningen kan upplevas som en positiv livshändelse och har betydelse för framtida hälsa, välbefinnande och relation till partner. Förlossningsupplevelsen påverkas av de blivande föräldrarnas förberedelser inför förlossningen och föräldraskapet. Parrelationen är central under förlossningen där stöd från partnern är viktigt. I nuläget finns dock begränsad forskning kring hur förlossningsupplevelsen påverkas av kvinnors och partners kvalitet i parrelation samt deras tankar och känslor inför förlossningen och föräldraskapet i ett longitudinellt perspektiv, varför det finns behov av att studera detta. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka faktorer relaterade till förstföderskor och partners förlossningsupplevelse sex månader efter förlossning. Metod: Studien är en kvantitativ longitudinell kohortstudie. Datainsamlingen genomfördes via webbaserade enkäter vid tre tillfällen under graviditet och de första sex månaderna efter förlossning. Enkäterna innehöll frågor kring studiedeltagarnas bakgrund, förlossningsupplevelse (QPP), kvalitet i parrelation (QDR36) och känslor inför förlossning och föräldraskap. Analys av data har skett i SPSS där deskriptiv statistik och multipel logistisk regressionsanalys har genomförts. Resultat: Följande faktorer hade ett samband med en mer positivt skattad förlossningsupplevelse sex månader efter förlossning; Upplevelse av normal förlossning (QPP 5), förstföderska (p=0.001), partner (p=0.003); Upplevelse av kontroll vid förlossning (QPP9), förstföderska (p=0.024); Högre uppfattad kvalitet i parrelation (QDR36-index), partner (p=<0.001). Konklusion: Förlossningsupplevelsen påverkas av upplevelsen av förlossningen som normal, upplevelsen av kontroll under förlossningen samt högre uppfattad kvalitet i parrelation. / Background: Childbirth can be perceived as a positive life event and has a significance for future health, well-being, and relationship with partner. The childbirth experience is influenced by the prospective parent´s preparations for childbirth and parenthood. The couple relationship is central during childbirth where support from the partner is important. At present, however, there is limited research on how the childbirth experience is affected by the quality of couple relationship, as well as thoughts and feelings about childbirth and parenthood, in a longitudinal perspective, why there is a need to study this further. Purpose: The aim of the study is to examine factors related to first-time mothers and partners' childbirth experience six months after childbirth. Method: The study is a quantitative longitudinal cohort study. Data collection was conducted via web-based surveys on three occasions during pregnancy and the first six months after childbirth. The questionnaires contained questions about the study participants' background, childbirth experience (QPP), quality of couple relationship (QDR36) and feelings about childbirth and parenting. Data has been analyzed in SPSS where descriptive statistics and multiple logistic regression analysis have been performed. Results: Following factors were associated with a more positive childbirth experience six months after childbirth; Experience of normal childbirth (QPP 5), first-time mother (p=0.001), partner (p=0.003); Experience of control during childbirth (QPP 9), first-time mother (p=0.024); Higher perceived quality of couple relationship (QDR36 index), partner (p=<0.001). Conclusion: The childbirth experience is affected by the experience of a normal childbirth, feeling of control during childbirth and higher perceived quality of couple relationship.
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Livet med synnedsättning : Upplevelser av att leva med nedsatt syn / Living with visual impairment : The experience of individuals living with impaired visionNergård, Amanda, Nguyen, Josefin January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ögonsjukdomar och nedsatt syn är ett folkhälsoproblem som förväntas att öka runt om i världen. Den främsta orsaken till synnedsättning och blindhet är ögonsjukdomar där några av de vanligaste är katarakt, åldersrelaterad makuladegeneration, glaukom och retinopati. Synnedsättning kan skapa fysiska och psykiska följder i det dagliga livet, exempelvis isolering, ökad risk för skador och minskad självständighet. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa personers upplevelser av att leva med synnedsättning och hur detta påverkar utförandet av aktiviteter i det dagliga livet. Metod: En litteraturstudie har genomförts med induktiv ansats. Sökningar gjordes i databaserna CINAHL och PubMed där 12 artiklar valdes ut som utgör grunden för uppsatsens resultat. Bearbetningen av den insamlade datan genomfördes med stöd av en innehållsanalys. Resultat: Det framkom att personer med nedsatt syn upplevde att synnedsättningen hade en betydande inverkan på de dagliga aktiviteterna. Detta visade sig genom att svårigheter uppstod vid vissa aktiviteter, såsom matlagning och mobilisering. Detta medförde att strategier skapades för att underlätta aktiviteterna. Situationen medförde även olika känslor, både positiva och negativa. Konklusion: Resultatet kan bidra med betydande kunskap kring hur personer med synnedsättning upplever aktiviteter i det dagliga livet, vilket är användbart för sjuksköterskan för att kunna tillämpa god omvårdnad och personcentrerad vård. / Background: Eye diseases and impaired vision are a public health problem that is expected to increase around the world. The main causes of visual impairment and blindness are eye diseases where some of the most common are cataract, age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma and retinopathy. Visual impairment can create physical and mental consequences in daily life, such as isolation, increased risk of injury and reduced independence. Purpose: The purpose was to highlight people's experience of living with visual impairment and how this affects the performance of activities in daily living. Method: A literature study has been conducted with an inductive approach. Searches were made in the databases CINAHL and PubMed where 12 articles were selected which formed the basis for this essays result. Results: It was found that people with impaired vision experienced that visual impairment had a significant impact on daily activities. This was evidenced by the fact that difficulties arose for example with cooking and mobilisation. This resulted in strategies that were created to facilitate activities. The situation also led to different emotions, both positive and negative. Conclusion: The results can contribute knowledge about how people with visual impairment experience activities in daily living, which is useful for better nursing and person-centered care.
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Promoting students’ creativity by creating a platform for self-expressionSaley, Hanis, Albabily, Ali January 2023 (has links)
Today students all over the world use different types of social media to express their thoughts, feelings and ideas. It can either be expressed in a close environment, such as group chats or to a more open environment such as a feed for example on facebook, which could be seen by anyone and not only students. The purpose of this thesis is to research how to develop a prototype platform where the students have the choice to express themselves in other ways than writing and share their thoughts, feelings and ideas with other students around the world. For inspiration for design, existing tools and technologies have been researched on how they can attract and engage students into using them for different activities in educational settings. Furthermore research has been made on how to maximize the students’ creativity and keep them engaged with the prototype for them to be able to express themselves freely and creatively. After that the prototype was tested to measure its impact on the students in regards to the engagement and fun and also if they could see this as a new potential way of connecting and sharing thoughts, ideas and feelings with students worldwide. After analyzing and receiving feedback from the students, it was discovered that the final prototype platform needs further work and improvement in order to increase the engagement and fun in the prototype platform. Furthermore future development ideas were discovered, both when the results were analyzed and during the development of the prototype platform.
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