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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Essays on hours worked, time allocation and their implications for labour market outcomes / Essais sur la dispersion des heures, la répartition du temps et leurs conséquences sur les résultats du marché du travail

Vivian, Lara 14 December 2018 (has links)
Les inégalités de revenus et la polarisation de l'emploi ont augmenté dans plusieurs pays au cours des dernières décennies, suscitant des préoccupations d'équité ainsi que des interrogations concernant les politiques de redistribution. Cette thèse répond à deux questions primordiales. La première concerne le rôle des heures travaillées et de leur dispersion pour expliquer les inégalités de revenu; la seconde porte sur le rôle de l'offre de travail des femmes dans l'explication de la polarisation de l'emploi. Le premier chapitre utilise des données pour les États-Unis, le Royaume-Uni, l'Allemagne et la France et examine comment les inégalités de revenu sont affectées par la dispersion des heures de travail. Le principal enseignement de cette approche est que la dispersion des heures de travail peut expliquer plus d'un tiers des inégalités de revenu dans certains pays et que la corrélation entre le salaire horaire et les heures travaillées s'est accrue au fil du temps. Le second chapitre s'appuie sur les résultats du précédent et explore les mécanismes qui expliquent la tendance à la hausse de la corrélation entre salaires et heures travaillées. Nous constatons qu'une plus grande volatilité de la production agrégée et une réglementation plus stricte du marché du travail ont tendance à réduire l'élasticité, alors qu'une augmentation du commerce dans un secteur les augmente. Enfin, le troisième chapitre met l'accent sur le rôle des femmes hautement qualifiées dans l'évolution du marché des substituts de la production domestique et montre que, lorsque les femmes hautement qualifiées travaillent plus d'heures, les femmes moins qualifiées sont plus susceptibles d'être employées. / Earnings inequality and job polarization have increased in a number of countries during the last decades, raising concerns of fairness and fostering debates on the implications for redistributive policies. This thesis asks two main questions. The first concerns the relevance of hours worked and their dispersion for earnings inequality, while the second question investigates the role of female labour supply in explaining the increase in job polarization. The first chapter uses data for the USA, the UK, Germany, and France and examines how earnings inequality is affected by the dispersion of working hours. The main result of this exercise is that hours dispersion can account for over a third of earnings inequality in some countries and that the relevance of the correlation between wages and working hours has been growing over time. The second chapter builds on the results of the previous one and explores the forces behind the upward trend of the correlation between wages and working hours. We find that greater aggregate output volatility and stricter labour market regulation tend to reduce the elasticity, while a greater trade share in an industry raises it. Finally, the third chapter investigates the relevance of female employment for job polarization in Germany. The analysis focuses on the role of high-skilled females in the evolution of a market for home production substitutes and finds that when top-employed females work more hours, low-skilled women are more likely to be employed.

Lost in transition : how can emerging economies leverage gender equality for economic transition ? / Perdus dans la transition : comment les pays émergents peuvent-ils s'appuyer sur l'égalité des sexes pour réussir leur transition économique ?

Eliseeva, Anna 13 June 2016 (has links)
La thèse explore les liens entre l'autonomisation des femmes et la transition économique. Elle examine la manière dont l'augmentation du nombre de femmes travaillant dans le secteur public ou privé peut contribuer à résoudre certains problèmes persistants de transition dans les pays émergents, comme un faible niveau de productivité, d'innovation et de développement humain. La thèse est composée de trois chapitres qui s'appuient sur les modèles économiques de l'égalité entre les sexes et de la transition. Le premier chapitre explore la relation entre la composition hommes-­femmes des entreprises et l'implication des entreprises en question dans des activités d'innovation en Europe de l'Est et en Asie centrale. Le deuxième chapitre établit l'analyse des performances des entreprises, et cherche à déterminer si les PME dirigées par des femmes se comportent différemment de celles dirigées par des hommes dans les pays de l'Europe de l'Est, d'Asie centrale et Russie. Ce chapitre examine en particulier les activités qui permettent d'améliorer la compétitivité des entreprises: l'acquisition de services de développement commercial et l'investissement dans la formation sur le terrain. Enfin, dans le dernier chapitre, j'examine les liens entre le nombre de femmes dans les assemblées législatives des États de l'Inde et l'amélioration de la condition des femmes dans leur famille, mesurée par leur âge lors de leur premier mariage et de leur première maternité. Dans ces trois chapitres, je conclus que l'augmentation de la participation des femmes à tous les niveaux des secteurs public et privé a un effet positif sur les résultats obtenus au niveau de l'entreprise et des personnes. / The thesis addresses the links between women's empowerment and economic transition. It examines the ways in which more women working in the public and private sectors could address the persistent problems of transition and emerging economies, such as poor human capital base and low levels of productivity and innovation. The thesis has three chapters which build on the economic models of gender equality and transition. The first chapter explores the relationship between the gender composition of a firm and the firm's involvement in innovation activities in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The second chapter extends the analysis of firm performance, and investigates whether SMEs owned by women perform differently from SMEs owned by men in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Russia. In particular, the chapter examines activities which enhance firm competitiveness: acquisition of business development services and investment in on-the-job training. Finally, in the last chapter, I examine the relationship between the number of women in state legislative assemblies in lndia and better family outcomes for women as measured by age at first marriage and childbearing. Throughout the three chapters, I conclude that an increasing participation of women at all levels in the private and public sectors is positively associated with better firm-level and individual outcomes.

Female employment, gender roles, and attitudes : The Baltic countries in a broader context

Motiejūnaitė, Akvilė January 2008 (has links)
This thesis consists of four constituent studies exploring several common themes: female participation in employment, normative assumptions regarding the proper roles of males and females, and social change. The underlying focus is gendered division of work, which is explored through the concept of family models. These models are conceptualized with reference to the interrelationships between female employment, availability of care services outside the family, and sharing of care work within the family. The empirical analysis is mostly based on the Baltic countries, but also includes Germany, Sweden, and Russia. By examining the variation between the countries, the research aims to highlight some common issues regarding the gendered division of work, issues that bridge the East/West divide. The data come from three sources: 1) available national descriptive statistics, 2) surveys, namely, the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) ‘Family and Changing Gender Roles’ modules and the European Values Survey (EVS), and 3) nineteen problem-centred interviews with women who experienced hardships in the Lithuanian labour market. The analyzed time period starts with the collapse of socialism. The studies call into question the assumption that strong support for the traditional ‘male breadwinner/female carer’ family model in post-socialist societies contributed to the exclusion of women from the labour market. Comparing male and female employment indicators revealed no general pattern of female exclusion from the labour market. Moreover, gender-role attitudes are neither uniform nor traditional in the studied societies. The most valid generalization would be that there is a trend towards less traditional attitudes over time, more precisely, towards greater acceptance of women’s working roles. Summarizing the current situation regarding the gendered division of work, with reference to policies, practices, and attitudes, reveals the presence of ‘adult worker’ family models in Eastern Europe.

La transition de la fécondité en Syrie / Fertility transition in Syria

Youssef, Rana 14 April 2015 (has links)
En 2009, selon les résultats de la dernière enquête sociodémographique représentative au niveau national, le taux de fécondité totale de la Syrie était de 3.5 enfants par femme. Il dépasse d’environ 1.5 enfant le seuil de remplacement des générations, estimé à 2.1 enfants par femme. L’évolution de la fécondité syrienne a connu plusieurs phases ; la première, où la fécondité atteignait des « records mondiaux » et résistait à tout changement, puis la phase d’une baisse rapide amorcée au milieu des années 1980, suivie par une phase d’une lente baisse ou d’une quasi-stagnation de la fécondité dès le début des années 2000 et jusqu’à nos jours. Si la baisse rapide de la fécondité a été déclenchée sous la contrainte économique liée à la crise multifacettes des années 1980, sa stagnation récente est, au moins en partie, liée aux préceptes religieux et à des facteurs culturels qui constituent des obstacles à la baisse de fécondité au-dessous d’un certain niveau. Le « modèle géographique » de la fécondité qui persiste dans le temps en est témoin : les populations des gouvernorats du Nord-Est du pays, Deir-ez-zor, Al-Hassakeh et Al-Rakka, et des deux gouvernorats des frontières sud, Al-Quneitra et Dar’a, enregistrent la fécondité la plus élevée ; tandis que les populations des gouvernorats côtiers, Lattaquié et Tartous, du gouvernorat d’Al-Sweida et de la capitale ont la fécondité la plus basse. / According to the results of the last demographic survey representative at the national level, the total fertility rate of Syria was 3.5 children per woman in 2009. It exceeds about 1.5 children the replacement level, estimated at 2.1 children per woman. The evolution of the Syrian fertility has experienced several phases; the first was when fertility reached "world records" and resisted any change, then a phase of rapid decline in the mid-1980s, followed by a phase of slow decrease or a phase of quasi-stagnation of fertility in the early 2000s until today. If rapid fertility decline was triggered by economic difficulties related to the crisis of the 1980s, its recent stagnation is, at least in part, related to religious precepts and cultural factors that are barriers to fertility decline below a certain level. This is confirmed by the "geographic pattern" of fertility which persists over time, the populations of North East governorates, Deir ez-Zor, Al-Hassakeh and Al-Rakka and the two governorates of southern borders Al-Quneitra and Dar'a, record the highest fertility; while populations of coastal governorates, Latakia and Tartous Governorate of Al-Sweida and the capital have the lowest fertility.

El empleo femenino y la violencia doméstica: desde una perspectiva económica / Female employment and domestic violence: from an economic perspective

Romero Montes, Mariana Paola 25 June 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo identificar la existencia de una relación entre la violencia doméstica o intrafamiliar y el acceso al mercado de trabajo de la mujer en Perú. Para ello, se utilizó la base de datos de la Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Familiar (ENDES) del año 2019 donde se adquirió información de las características individuales de la mujer peruana violentada, los tipos de violencia doméstica, las características del hogar y las características de la pareja. Se empleó la metodología Probit binomial, en donde se cuantificó el impacto de las variables y se halló la relación que tienen estas variables entre sí. El resultado que se obtuvo fue que, para una mujer peruana, el hecho de sufrir violencia doméstica aumenta la probabilidad de que obtenga empleo, debido al deseo de obtener independencia y estabilidad financiera para seguir adelante, yendo de la mano con el empoderamiento, por ello, la relación que se obtuvo fue positiva. De igual manera, se encontraron otras variables que afectan el empleo femenino: dominio (departamentos) y características de la pareja (edad, años de educación). / The aim of this research is to identify the existence of a relationship between the domestic or intrafamilial violence and women's access to the labor market in Peru. To achieve this, we used the database of the Demographic and Family Health Survey of the year 2019 where information was acquired on the individual characteristics of the Peruvian woman abused, the types of domestic violence, the characteristics of the home and the characteristics of the couple. For this case study, the binomial Probit methodology was used, where the impact of the variables was quantified and the relationship that these variables have with each other was found. The result that was obtained was that for a Peruvian woman, the fact of suffering domestic violence increases the probability that she will obtain employment, due to the desire to obtain independence and financial stability to move forward, going hand in hand with empowerment, therefore, the relationship that was obtained was positive. Also, this investigation found other variables that affect the female employment such as domain (city) and characteristics of the couple (age, years of education). / Trabajo de investigación

Career patterns of female librarians in public university libraries in Ghana

Adjah, Olive Akpebu 07 1900 (has links)
The growing interest in gender issues and female employment has generated a number of studies and the library and information profession has not been excluded from this interest in promoting female equity in employment. This study investigates the career patterns of female librarians in six public university libraries in Ghana in order to establish the enhancers and inhibitors they experience in their career progression. The study adopted the multi-method approach, which entailed the use of two self-administered questionnaires for 128 professional and paraprofessional library staff respectively, which formed one group of the population studied and a semi-structured interview schedule developed for three female University library Heads, who formed the second group of the study population to address research questions in this study. Each of the professional and paraprofessional librarians completed the questionnaire on their own and their responses were then used to form essential components of one research project. Quantitative data gathered was analysed to report on descriptive characteristics of respondents, while qualitative data, from open ended questions, in the questionnaires, and responses from interviews with the female University Library Heads were analysed using the narrative analysis technique to present profile of respondents and their career histories. The findings reveal females in the study were unable to meet requirements for promotion in their various public university libraries, which has resulted in very slow progress in their careers and even in some cases stagnated careers. The few successful female librarians who made it to top positions did so relatively late in their careers. The study established that societal expectations of females, age, family responsibilities-career conflict, failure to publish, not being able to pursue higher academic programmes, inability to participate in professional enhancement and professional activities are some inhibitors to the progress of female librarians. The study concludes by recommending that the pioneer female University Librarians should serve as role models and mentors to colleague female librarians, and that there should be career development support, for females, from the Ghana Library Association and African Library and Information Association to help overcome barriers to advancement in university libraries. / Information Science / D.Litt. et. Phil (Information Science) / 020.82

俄國女性就業問題之研究 / The Research of Russian Women'' s Employment Situation

韓政燕, Han, Cheng-Yen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要目的是想探討蘇聯解體前後女性就業情形的轉變,以及政治經濟上的變化對於俄羅斯女性就業產生的影響。因此,在第二章中,首先回顧蘇聯時期,在各領導人所宣揚的意識型態下,女性在就業市場中的情形。本章主要根據共黨領導人的交替來劃分時期,主要可以分為1917年革命後至1930年代初,史達林統治時期(1930-1953),赫魯雪夫時期(1957-1964)及布里茲涅夫時期(1964-1982),以及戈巴契夫時期(1985-1991)。內容著重於不同時期女性就業的實際情形,並試圖分析影響蘇聯女性就業的背後因素。儘管在蘇聯時期針對女性就業做過不少的統計調查及研究,然而,政府為了宣揚男女平權的成就,往往報喜不報憂。因此在本章中會注重官方說法與實際情形間的差異,輔以西方學者所做的調查加以整理。 在第三章中,鑑於經濟制度改變對於就業市場影響甚鉅,因此有必要瞭解蘇聯解體前後政府所採取的經濟改革。此外,蘇聯時期的勞動市場情形及法令規定也為不可忽略的部分。因此在此章中將針對經濟改革內容、蘇聯時期的勞動市場及法令規定做概略性的介紹,以便接下來與解體後做比較。 在對於經濟改革及蘇聯勞動市場、相關法令有了基本的認知之後,接下來則在第四章中探討俄羅斯女性在新的市場經濟制度的就業市場中的地位,尤其是經濟轉型所帶來的失業問題。 第五章為結論,將前述內容作一整合總結。 / The goal of this thesis is to discuss the transformation from the Soviet Union to the new Russia, and analyze how the changes on the politics and economics influence women employment. In the first chapter, it displays the framework of the thesis. In the chapter two, we try to understand the women’s employment situation in the Soviet Union. It includes five periods: from 1917 revolution to the beginning of 1930s, the Stalin period (1930-1953), the Khrushev period (1964-1982), the Breznev period, and the Gorbachev period (1985-1991). It stresses the real employment situation of the Soviet women, and finds out the background reason. We’re specially cautious of the differences between the official statement and the fact. In the chapter three, it includes the economic reform and the impact on people. The law of the Soviet Union’s labor is also in this chapter. In the chapter four, it is about the status of Russia women in the new labor market, and analyzes what’s the reason influence their work situation.

俄國女性就業問題之研究 / The Research of Russian Women' s Employment Situation

韓政燕, Han, Cheng-Yen Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

Career patterns of female librarians in public university libraries in Ghana

Adjah, Olive Akpebu 07 1900 (has links)
The growing interest in gender issues and female employment has generated a number of studies and the library and information profession has not been excluded from this interest in promoting female equity in employment. This study investigates the career patterns of female librarians in six public university libraries in Ghana in order to establish the enhancers and inhibitors they experience in their career progression. The study adopted the multi-method approach, which entailed the use of two self-administered questionnaires for 128 professional and paraprofessional library staff respectively, which formed one group of the population studied and a semi-structured interview schedule developed for three female University library Heads, who formed the second group of the study population to address research questions in this study. Each of the professional and paraprofessional librarians completed the questionnaire on their own and their responses were then used to form essential components of one research project. Quantitative data gathered was analysed to report on descriptive characteristics of respondents, while qualitative data, from open ended questions, in the questionnaires, and responses from interviews with the female University Library Heads were analysed using the narrative analysis technique to present profile of respondents and their career histories. The findings reveal females in the study were unable to meet requirements for promotion in their various public university libraries, which has resulted in very slow progress in their careers and even in some cases stagnated careers. The few successful female librarians who made it to top positions did so relatively late in their careers. The study established that societal expectations of females, age, family responsibilities-career conflict, failure to publish, not being able to pursue higher academic programmes, inability to participate in professional enhancement and professional activities are some inhibitors to the progress of female librarians. The study concludes by recommending that the pioneer female University Librarians should serve as role models and mentors to colleague female librarians, and that there should be career development support, for females, from the Ghana Library Association and African Library and Information Association to help overcome barriers to advancement in university libraries. / Information Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Information Science)

Vliv rodinné politiky na efektivitu trhu práce / The impact of family policy on labour market efficiency

Schneider, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The thesis called "The impact of family policy on labour market efficiency" deals with the relation between family policy and the labour market, specifically with the economic gender inequality and the impact of parenthood on the economic status of families. While analyzing this relation it describes the historical development and the current situation of the labour market in the Czech Republic, with specific attention dedicated to the position of women and the possibilities of harmonizing work and motherhood. The situation in the Czech Republic is not only compared to the Visegrad countries and Germany, but general trends in other EU and OECD countries as well. The thesis clarifies the development of family policy in the Czech Republic and describes the current family-specific policy measures. It looks closely at the area of childcare services, which has strong impact on the position of parents, specifically mothers, in the labour market. In the last part of the thesis, the author evaluates the currently proposed and discussed family policy changes based on the acquired information, and analyses them as far as their impact and relation to the labour market are concerned. The author then provides additional suggestions stemming from both the acquired information and his own experience.

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