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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A contact analysis of Caldecott medal and honor books from 2001-2011 examining gender issues and equity in 21st century children's picture books

Yello, Nicole 01 May 2012 (has links)
An abundance of research has been conducted about the importance of including books and literature as part of a young child's developmental process. Much of this research suggests that picture books are vital to a young child's healthy development and "are important influences that shape us by reflecting the politics and values of our society" (Fox, 1993, p. 656). This study was completed to analyze character roles and gender representation of male and female characters exclusively in children's picture books. The entire population of Caldecott Award and Honor Medal books published between 2001 and 2011 was utilized for a frequency analysis. Each Caldecott Award and Honor Medal book meeting this study's criteria was examined, read and analyzed. Books included only works of fiction and were delimited to exclude biographies, autobiographies, informational books, concept books and poetry. A total of 24 books were used in the data analysis. This research attempted to answer the following question: Are males and females equitably represented in recently published children's literature? From a content-analysis approach, within a historical perspective, this research aimed at examining if gender bias still dominates the literature, and if so, to what extent. The intellectual interest of this project is in discovering male and female presence and imagery in children's picture books.

African American Women Leaders in the Civil Rights Movement: A Narrative Inquiry

Bell, Janet Dewart 23 July 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Back to Africa in the 21st Century: The Cultural Reconnection Experiences of African American Women

Arunga, Marcia Tate 25 April 2017 (has links)
No description available.

The Enigmatic "Cross-Over" Leadership Life of Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune (1875-1955)

Stanford-Randle, Greer Charlotte, PhD 22 November 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Habitat use and distribution of the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) in the Mediterranean Sea: Implications for marine planning strategies

Abalo Morla, Sara 06 November 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Las tortugas bobas son organismos de gran movilidad que ocupan hábitats extensos y diversos, lo que las expone a varias amenazas que pueden afectar negativamente a la persistencia de sus poblaciones. Delinear medidas prioritarias de conservación para esta especie es todo un reto debido a la escasez del conocimiento integrado sobre su supervivencia, uso de hábitat y exposición relativa a amenazas, especialmente durante las primeras etapas de su ciclo vital. En la cuenca occidental del mar Mediterráneo esto adquiere mayor relevancia si se contextualiza en el proceso de colonización que está teniendo lugar en la zona durante la última década. Se ha registrado un aumento en el número de nidos y hembras nidificantes, para cuya protección se han tomado medidas de gestión como la reubicación de nidos y la inclusión de neonatos en programas de "head-starting". Esta coyuntura ha ofrecido una oportunidad única para incrementar el conocimiento sobre la supervivencia, dispersión y uso de hábitat de hembras nidificantes y post-neonatos de tortuga boba. Ninguna investigación previa ha realizado un seguimiento por satélite de hembras nidificantes en el Mediterráneo occidental, ni de post-neonatos mediterráneos con tamaño inferior a 35 cm. La finalidad de esta tesis es abordar las lagunas de conocimiento mencionadas y aportar herramientas para mejorar las estrategias de planificación marina dirigidas a la conservación de la tortuga boba en el Mediterráneo. Los principales objetivos fueron: i) proporcionar las primeras estimaciones empíricas de supervivencia de post-neonatos, ii) dilucidar las rutas de dispersión y el uso de hábitat en las diferentes etapas del ciclo vital, iii) identificar áreas relevantes para su protección, iv) evaluar la eficacia de las actuales áreas marinas protegidas (AMPs) para la conservación de la tortuga boba, y v) proponer medidas de conservación basadas en el análisis espacial. Para ello, se analizaron las trayectorias de 117 tortugas seguidas vía satélite entre 2003 y 2022. Estos datos incluyen las primeras trayectorias de hembras nidificantes en España y de post-neonatos mediterráneos, que se han publicado en un repositorio. Además, se realizó la primera evaluación del uso de hábitat y de AMPs por tortugas bobas marcadas en el Mediterráneo occidental, a lo largo de su ciclo vital. Los resultados de esta tesis muestran, por primera vez, la capacidad de supervivencia y dispersión, así como uso de hábitat de post-neonatos de tortuga boba en el Mediterráneo. Los mares Jónico y de Levante se identificaron como zonas potenciales de desarrollo de post-neonatos. Por otro lado, las hembras mostraron dos comportamientos diferentes durante el periodo de inter-anidación: i) fidelidad a la zona de nidificación, o ii) comportamiento exploratorio de nidificación. Durante la etapa no reproductora, la mayoría de las hembras permanecieron alimentándose en aguas oceánicas de la cuenca argelina. Además, se registró por primera vez la reemigración de esta especie para nidificar de nuevo en España, lo que confirma que las hembras pueden mostrar un cierto grado de fidelidad al lugar de nidificación entre ciclos reproductores. La presente tesis confirma la importancia de la cuenca argelina para las tortugas bobas del Mediterráneo occidental, en particular para los juveniles y adultos. Otras zonas identificadas como importantes son el sur del mar Balear, el mar de Alborán, el canal de Sicilia, el noreste de Túnez, las aguas de Malta, el mar Tirreno y el mar Jónico, según la etapa vital. El análisis de la distribución espacial de la tortuga boba también ha revelado que la distribución y cobertura actuales de las AMPs mediterráneas no contribuyen a alcanzar los objetivos de conservación para esta especie. Los resultados obtenidos en esta tesis contribuyen al conocimiento de la supervivencia y uso espacial de la tortuga boba a lo largo de su ciclo vital en el mar Mediterráneo. / [CA] Les tortugues babaues són organismes de gran mobilitat que ocupen hàbitats extensos i diversos, la qual cosa les exposa a diverses amenaces que poden afectar negativament la persistència de les seues poblacions. Delinear mesures prioritàries de conservació per a aquesta espècie és tot un repte degut a l'escassetat del coneixement integrat sobre la seua supervivència, ús d'hàbitat i exposició relativa a amenaces, especialment durant les primeres etapes del seu cicle vital. En la conca occidental de la mar Mediterrània això adquireix major rellevància si es contextualitza en el procés de colonització que està tenint lloc en la zona durant l'última dècada. S'ha registrat un augment en el nombre de nius i femelles nidificants, per a la protecció de les quals s'han pres mesures de gestió com la reubicació de nius i la inclusió de nounats en programes de "*head-*starting". Aquesta conjuntura ha oferit una oportunitat única per a incrementar el coneixement sobre la supervivència, dispersió i ús d'hàbitat de femelles nidificants i post-nounats de tortuga babaua. Cap investigació prèvia ha realitzat un seguiment per satèl·lit de femelles nidificants en el Mediterrani occidental, ni de post-nounats mediterranis amb grandària inferior a 35 cm. La finalitat d'aquesta tesi és abordar les llacunes de coneixement esmentades i aportar eines per a millorar les estratègies de planificació marina dirigides a la conservació de la tortuga babaua al Mediterrani. Els principals objectius van ser: i) proporcionar les primeres estimacions empíriques de supervivència de post-nounats, *ii) dilucidar les rutes de dispersió i l'ús d'hàbitat en les diferents etapes del cicle vital, *iii) identificar àrees rellevants per a la seua protecció, *iv) avaluar l'eficàcia de les actuals àrees marines protegides (*AMPs) per a la conservació de la tortuga babaua, i *v) proposar mesures de conservació basades en l'anàlisi espacial. Per a això, es van analitzar les trajectòries de 117 tortugues seguides via satèl·lit entre 2003 i 2022. Aquestes dades inclouen les primeres trajectòries de femelles nidificants a Espanya i de post-nounats mediterranis, que s'han publicat en un repositori. A més, es va realitzar la primera avaluació de l'ús d'hàbitat i de *AMPs per tortugues babaues marcades en el Mediterrani occidental, al llarg del seu cicle vital. Els resultats d'aquesta tesi mostren, per primera vegada, la capacitat de supervivència i dispersió, així com ús d'hàbitat de post-nounats de tortuga babaua al Mediterrani. Les mars Jònic i de Llevant es van identificar com a zones potencials de desenvolupament de post-nounats. D'altra banda, les femelles van mostrar dos comportaments diferents durant el període de *inter-implantació: i) fidelitat a la zona de nidificació, o *ii) comportament exploratori de nidificació. Durant l'etapa no reproductora, la majoria de les femelles van romandre alimentant-se en aigües oceàniques de la conca algeriana. A més, es va registrar per primera vegada la reemigració d'aquesta espècie per a nidificar de nou a Espanya, la qual cosa confirma que les femelles poden mostrar un cert grau de fidelitat al lloc de nidificació entre cicles reproductors. La present tesi confirma la importància de la conca algeriana per a les tortugues babaues del Mediterrani occidental, en particular per als juvenils i adults. Altres zones identificades com a importants són el sud de la mar Balear, la mar d'Alborán, el canal de Sicília, el nord-est de Tunísia, les aigües de Malta, la mar Tirrena i la mar Jònica, segons l'etapa vital. L'anàlisi de la distribució espacial de la tortuga babaua també ha revelat que la distribució i cobertura actuals de les *AMPs mediterrànies no contribueixen a aconseguir els objectius de conservació per a aquesta espècie. Els resultats obtinguts en aquesta tesi contribueixen al coneixement de la supervivència i ús espacial de la tortuga babaua al llarg del seu cicle vital en la mar Mediterrània. / [EN] Loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) are highly mobile organisms, which occupy diverse habitats that often span large distances, exposing them to threats that can negatively impact the ability of their populations to persist. Delineating conservation priority measures for this species is challenging since integrated knowledge on survival, habitat use and the relative exposure to threats remains scarce, especially during the early life stages. In the western Mediterranean basin this is particularly relevant when considering the current colonization process taking place in the area within the last decade. During recent years, records on nesting females and clutches have increased and, when possible, management measures such as nest relocation and head-starting programs have been undertaken. This offers a unique opportunity to fill in the knowledge gaps on survival, dispersal routes and habitat use of loggerhead nesting females and post-hatchlings. No research prior to this thesis has satellite-tracked nesting and post-nesting females in the western Mediterranean, nor Mediterranean post-hatchlings smaller than 35 cm. The present thesis aims to address the aforementioned knowledge gaps and enhance marine planning strategies for loggerhead conservation in the Mediterranean Sea. The main objectives were: i) to provide the first empirical survival estimates for head-started post-hatchlings, ii) to elucidate the dispersal routes and habitat use at different life stages, iii) to identify areas that should be considered for protection, iv) to assess the effectiveness of current marine protected areas (MPAs) and other protection measures for loggerhead conservation, and v) to propose spatial conservation measures based on research findings. To achieve these objectives, trajectories of 117 turtles satellite-tracked between 2003 and 2022 were analyzed. This dataset includes the first tracking data of nesting and post-nesting females in Spain and Mediterranean post-hatchlings, which have been made publicly available in a data repository. Moreover, the first assessment of habitat use and the use of MPAs for loggerhead sea turtles tracked from western Mediterranean thorough their life cycle was conducted. The outcomes of this thesis revealed, for the first time, the capability of survival and dispersal, as well as the habitat use of post-hatchlings in the Mediterranean Sea. The Ionian and Levant Seas were identified as potential developmental areas for post-hatchlings. Nesting females exhibited three different behaviours during the inter-nesting period: i) some degree of fidelity to a nesting area, ii) an exploratory nesting behavior, or iii) movement towards oceanic waters after tagging. In addition, the first-time remigration of this species to nest in Spain was recorded, confirming that females show some degree of nest site fidelity between breeding cycles. During the non-breeding stage, females remained in most cases foraging in oceanic waters of the Algerian basin. The present thesis has validated the significance of the Algerian basin for loggerhead sea turtles satellite-tracked from the western Mediterranean, particularly for juveniles and adults. In addition, other important areas inhabited by the loggerhead turtles were identified in the southern Balearic Sea, the Alboran Sea, the Sicilian Channel, the Northeast Tunisia, Maltese waters, the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Ionian Sea, depending on the life stage. The analysis of the spatial distribution of the loggerhead sea turtle has also revealed that the current distribution and coverage of Mediterranean MPAs are not effective in achieving this species' conservation goals. Outcomes from the present thesis significantly enhance our understanding of the survival and spatial use of the loggerhead sea turtle throughout its life cycle in the Mediterranean Sea. / I would like to express my gratitude to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of Spain for the opportunity to develop this thesis under the predoctoral training grant [FPU15/01823], MEC, Spain. Satellite tagging conducted in the Valencia region was supported by the “Servicio de Vida Silvestre de la Generalitat Valenciana”. Additionally, I am thankful for the support received from the contracts: “Seguimiento mediante marcaje satelital de 10 crías de tortuga boba (Caretta caretta) nacidas en 2016 en el litoral valenciano" and "Marcaje satelital y seguimiento de hembras reproductoras de tortuga boba (Caretta caretta) ante episodios de anidación en las playas del Mediterráneo peninsular y Baleares en 2019", both contracts in the framework of the project "LIFE IP-PAF INTEMARES [LIFE15 IPE ES 012] "Gestión integrada, innovadora y participativa de la Red Natura 2000 en el medio marino español”, coordinated by the Biodiversity Foundation. Similarly, I would like to mention and thank the support received from the contract "Marcaje satelital y seguimiento de hembras reproductoras de tortuga boba (Caretta caretta) ante eventos de anidación en el litoral español" funded by the "Ministerio de Transición Ecológica y Reto Demográfico", Spain. The results of Chapter 6 "Marine protected areas and loggerhead turtles in the Mediterranean Sea" are also part of action C2.2 of the project LIFE IP INTEMARES. / Abalo Morla, S. (2023). Habitat use and distribution of the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) in the Mediterranean Sea: Implications for marine planning strategies [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/199233 / Compendio

Bullying: Out Of The School Halls And Into The Workplace

Cooney, Lucretia 01 January 2010 (has links)
The primary purpose of this study is to identify those people at most risk of being bullied at work. While much research is being conducted on school bullying, little has been conducted on workplace bullying. Using data gathered from a 2004 study conducted by the National Opinion Research Center for the General Social Survey, which included a Quality of Work Life (QWL) module for the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), linear regressions indicated significant findings. As predicted, workers in lower level occupations, as ranked by prestige scoring developed at National Opinion Research, are more likely to be victimized. Data also suggest that being young, Black, and relatively uneducated may contribute to being bullied in certain situations. Future research is needed to examine influences of socio-economic, legal, and other demographic factors that may predict the chance of being bullied.

Fair governance and Islamoexploria: the interaction of government administrators and the marginalized

Khorramipour, Masoumeh 15 December 2021 (has links)
This study addresses the concept of fair governance based on an empirical study with marginalized groups, primarily Muslims, and their interaction with government agencies as its salient locus of investigation. Employing the research method of in-depth interviewing, I present a qualitative analysis of 35 semi-structured interviews with Muslims and government administrators. The methodological framework based on which these interviews are interpreted is rooted in the tradition of social constructivism as manifested in the grounded theory perspective of Charmaz. My examination of the hitherto unspoken political visions of the study participants and their shared perspectives offers pragmatic solutions to create greater equity and fairer inclusion of the marginalized in civic and political dialogues and in the administrative practice of government. Remarkably, the cultural changes towards justice and inclusion in the Government of British Columbia manifest that fair government is committed to creating a fundamental transformation in favour of marginalized groups. I find the most promising approach for such transformation occurs where bottom up and dynamic approaches of civil society are aligned with top down approaches of government to justice. The findings suggest that fair governance enhances its functionality and capacity through reflecting universal universalism in its policies and practices, heartening public spirituality and moving towards a more humane modernity rather than the extant western model of modernity. Thus, fair governance calls for diversity in expression of religious identity and challenges the mistaken images of Muslim women. Subsequently, fair government welcomes female religious actors, who act upon religious values, to its administration and respects their choice of clothing encompassing the scarf. Fair government, at all levels, ameliorates the ethical standards of its employees and employs authentic leaders, who act in a virtuous manner, care about employees’ deeply held values, and implement direct communication with staff. Such government supports legislative and constitutional reforms to consider a different outlook of the marginalized on political and social concerns, respects religious practices, honours Muslims’ identity and interpretation of life, and supports individuals who aim to improve humanity in Canada and its occupational settings. Rethinking Islamophobia in the context of the distinct need of government administrators for the institutional education about Islam, as a key finding of the study, depicts the emergence of “Islamoexploria”, as a new expression, which I coin. In my study, there is ample evidence to suggest that a sample of government administrators in British Columbia is in the age of post Islamophobia since they, as pioneers, have passed the stage of Islamophobia and entered a new era of “Islamoexploria”. Thus, they have produced the profound socio-cultural changes towards understanding Islam by shifting from fear of, ostensibly, the unknown to knowledge about the unknown and to approaches that are more sympathetic to Muslims. This finding suggests that fair government facilitates the journey from western Islamophobia, a demonstration of old racism, to “Islamoexploria”, a contemporary thirst for knowledge about Islam. Concurrently, Muslims remain responsible to contribute to fairness at large by role modeling their religious values, which greatly promote justice, compassionate attitudes, and humanitarian actions. / Graduate / 2022-12-07

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